' ' ' V" '' "r..;:: TTTT HTTTT TT L l;' . . . PEOFEssioKAL casi"'! ,,, , iAttBUKU'. N. (J. THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 18!UJ lit ttt Tnvncj Mb'y and Councelor at law i . TArtBOao, N. C, J J. MARTIN, I Attobnet AT JiAW, rractioes in the , Courts of E'dge oombe, Martin apd Pitt, j l Office rear of Doodle Pender'a Store. TAbbobo, N. C yY G. EDWARDS. SISN AND HOUSE- PAINTEB, j Paper hanging a epeckltyJ 40tf. TARBORO. N4C. JOHN L. BHIDQEIW & dON,; At ioeys-atLai TARBORO, ;- HIT ! o 11, i- OlLLIAM. UoHxsia. Gilliam "t ir.r.Ti r b. SON Attorn6ys-at-L,2rwf TARBORO', N. C. ij - Tiu practice in the CountieMf Edgecdmbe. halifax and Pitt, and In the Courta txt the riiot juuiciai uievnet, ana in the Circuit and T. P. H. i. 11 4 PHYSIIIAN & SURGEON, L Tarboro NJO utnce next door to Hotel Bow 1 H THE PUBLIC. I am Prepared to do all work in "Undertaker's Business at tne ahortest notice. Ha Ting con neoted with my shop the repairina businesa. All work Left at my phop uhyb rrompt attention. ; PRICES KODEBATK, Aiso a nrst-eiasa UJSARSE fori! hire ' Thanking my friends for their former patronage, J hope o merir the same, should tKey need anythinc . n the: :r -.i B Undertalclng Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three icora ire - tt e Corner of Mainj- ; E. ,Jf. Simmons. J. i. WALLS Fashionable ;-: Tailcr Titt'St , one door below L. WVWpII f .. Tartaorb, 10" O.j Fine Full Dreta and EveniDir bailor. Made Suits The term well dressed tends from subject. the neck to the foot &i ex the WCutting, repairing md cleaning at short noting: . . - nc THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD -For 1894- "ivL" BiS WITHOUT QUESTION . v AMERICA'S ! Leading f , Family Paper- Tha repuiation that the Weekly Uerald his enjoyed for ; many years of beieg the best home newspaper in the land will be materially added to during th yjeir of xoa. jxo pains or expeose will be spared vu ui.c ii in every aepartment the most reliable, interesting and instructive; ) of all wceaiy newspaper publications. j j. It will be improved in many ways; j number of new features and departs uieaiH wiu.oe aaaei.The latest develon- ment in all fields of contemporaneous hu- uiaa inieresi wii be ably discussed from THE NEWS OF THE WORLD wm be given iu a concise but complete form. Every, important or interesting event, either at home or abroad, will be d ily described in the columns of the vy-eefciy Uerald. i . JLa pontics ths Herald is absolutely inn dependent ahd s.mod. It tells the jrjghta uui nuua oi an siaes without learj c armers and stock raisers cannot afford w oe without the Weekly Herald during . the earning year; It willcontain a regular uep&nmeni ecn week. devoted exclesiye- y to aanjeets of timely interest to them ana giving ma ay valuable suggestiuijs and new lusas. - ' ' I ine women and children of the J land win nod in the Weekly Herald a welcome visitor. The houoahold and children's pages win bebjth instructive apd ener- iuiuB. mev wm abound in hints! and receipts which women so much value' -a. oruuant array of novels and ;sh n stories by the best writers in Ameiick and England has been secured, so tht finti..n will be one of the mast attrajtiye features I intiie Weekly Herald during 1894. 4in iact, the Weekly Herald will! be : magazine of the highest order, combined wim a complete newspaper. NOW 13 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, Only $1.00 a Year Sjcnd foe Sample Copy. . Address , i xnm WEEKLY HERALD,! Hebald Square, NEW YORK. KEY and OoInTtl TTuVilf a cured at hums with. ou t pain. Book of par ticnlaniant FRrr. BJf.WOOLL5Y,M.Dt, -AJTAKF-SIS "irivMftwtarr relief and to an infalUble t Care for Piles. Price $1. By : Urutf ?ist 3or mail. Samples Box 8Ufi.Kew Ycck 'Ofa ! ifHIS U If WILES , i i uijji. .a i .iiia uiivii uiirrnn -tit-, i . a. a. -m. j a t fi i JTi Aiu.vAw 0JUUUUliUUb ? WORK RIGHT.. I j BAJl HOUSTON.- 1 , i ; .1 I. V I .- HBH. " Strn lk wi.. . . .. I " I '. . nrv . 1 had a scab form on her face. Tf TlilCU III V urn CTtrl wa . i . ril5 completely coreWfrom v v ?en 8ne nad boils. She had vad ' De nd "ore on ner body, when sir nnnfti u .k. j: j wegh seven pounds, a pound and a hall less than at birth. Then her skin started to dry up and got so bad she could not shut her eyes tt Ume, at the earnest request of feiends, I started using the Cuticuka Remedies, ud i? "" month sJu- was completely cured. .".j), ? ofng.DUls were over one km- me uuncura bill was not more den M h ow two years old, strong, healthy and large as any child of v- puutu.; ana it is aU owing to CrmcuEA. . Yours with a Mother's BlessiSe. MKb. UtXJ. H. TUCKER, Ir, 33S Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. , oo throughout die world. Potto Vva k i Baby Blemlahea, falling hir, and red. hands prevented and cumibfCU JUL?0 I AM DOING A jfll I BUSINESS as cneaD as anv. I do repairing in iiD, Iron and er promptly. J. T. WARD, . , Austin Building. make the moat suDerior (IotTa Pot ever offered to the public. 13tf Nathan Williams, Only a few doors below Hotel rarrar, TABBQRO, N. C. JACKSON ITURB l j Jackson, Tenn., Mantjfactxjbibs OP . School, Chuich and Office Furniture. School and Churches Seated In tie Best Manner. Offices Furnished Send for Catalogne. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 113 and 115 Bank Street, NORFOLK, VA. LARGE STOCK Or FINISHED Monuments, and Gravestones. Keadj for Inmedlate Delivery. March SI. 1 1'rof. J. W. SMITH, riMcioal fih COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY &XEXJ.A.X. AND DIZX.OBaTA. LEXINGTON. KY.. AWARDED THE Bt tke WeTM" Celeaklae KiMtUm, fcr tyrtra er BMk.keeeiec mm4 Bulmi MmMh, rta. Cm . ompiM Bmirw Cwm ftb.al SM, inoladia, ibIUm, wamkm mud bomi. PkMMTtpbf, t Writing mat Tfrmpmj ttukt. Address. W. B. SMITU. IMtmgtM, TUf. CROC -KeDts' profit per month. Will eDOaCO prove it or pay forfeit. New art.cle just oat. A $1.50 sample sod terms free. Try as. Cbidester & Son, 28 Bond 8t N, Y. . .r . -' ; ; ; Slats OFFICE FURN xutfezuooa uetnoaa Used for De ceiving custom House OfflelaJa. 17. 1 w . "w w.m, nun trrcioaa umm mf T. Dwotloo-A Wife Who Aided -Be, rnedoleat Has bead. t yjue or tne simplest devices f3r smuling diamonds Is that of the muiow-neeiea sboe. It is asserted thftt rmnto nn . V . . v ouura constructed Bo "f . leave a small vacant space In the heels are , easily obtained In Europe, and-, they are especially reuiur ine purpose of sup plylnff smugrers with a means for Taymft: aeieouon. .. The porous plaster has. often served w a means ol secretin o rHam tTT ... - WUUJ. wnen it is understood that ten thou- "unugi aiamonas or more can easily be inclosed In yauL Piircei aOOUt 0JI vriAo. u 4Vt column, one and a half Inches Mat, on4 V i . . quarter or an Inch thick. It 1Q nf&ew 4 n ..... ' " ujiuurenenfl That cnA utfB can oe kept securely in . "J "fcaas oi an innocent but uigaijr serviceable porous plaster uneoi the most inwnlmi. wis ever employed was the use of cake of soap, wherein a number O 1UO WIA- tofShly probable that thla umuiuuua naa oeen lmruwlw4 t i. would have proved successful had It uui oeen mat the officers of th c ernment nad received information that the sup sted .Tjeraon r i-. monds with himand searched his enecw so thoroughly that they ex aminea even the arem Btudflwl kiv oi soap. The Wife Of this Kmilo-rrlo,. l,1a her spouse, and her plan was not less Ingenious than that of her hus band. Her hat with bunches of flraDes. whinK'nnrlo ordinary circumstances would only have awakened the envy of other wearers of bonnets. Within the grapes were diamond and stones of great value. Another smuircrlpi mi ewvi.ii- provlded by providence with a smug ghng device In the share of a covering of thick, bushy hair, which he arranged so that it stood up from his forehead like an Inpenetrabre bush. Within this rnana nf dun hair he deposited a goodly stock of diamonds, and succeeded for a time in escaping the vigilance of the cus tom house officials. As these schemes' h&v Krvv. known to the custom house authori ties the Ingenuity of smugglers has been more severely taxed. A discovery disclosed the "following elaborate plan! which succeeded covered: great many times before it was dis- I T i . . . . i .BuouiugKiw, operated In rt&rt- nership. The first crossed the ocean, and before leaving the; wharf reserved a return berth for a cer tain date. The, date and the num ber of the berth were at once cabled to his accomplice in America. Hav- ng purchased his diamonds. In du time he returned to this count rv in accordance with the instructions previously cabled. No amount of examination resulted in finding any diamonds upon his person. Mean while, however, his partner had se cured the same berth. . , When the day for Bailing came. partner number two, accompanied by his family, entered the cabin and extracted from, a secure hiding place several parcels of diamonds left there by his accomplice. These he handed to his' tearful family, who, after bidding him good-by, left the steamer unsuspected and brought the diamonds into the market. It took a long time to discover this scheme. Jeweler's Weekly. Von Bulow and the Younir 'Cdkim A younir comnosef c&llai on Vnn Bulow one day to get his opinion of a pianoforte concerto. Von Bulow declared he was too busy at that mo men t,but promised to look at It at bis leisure. That same evening, at a party, Von Bulow was asked to play, and to the amaxement of the young composer, who happened to be pres ent, he sat down and played . the en ure concerto from memory. When he was director of the famous Melnincen orchestra, not content with conduct ing without a score, he endeavored, though without success, to Induce the members I of his band to learn their music by heart. Both In thvs- lque and in temperament Von Bulow was much more like a Frenchman than a German, and many of his wit ticisms were full of true Gallic esprit. . i . ' The Late Ida Van Etten. Of Miss Ida Van Etten, the Amer ican who was found dead In the Con tinental hotel In Paris the Other day, the New York Herald says there has never been a woman so well known and liked by the working women of New York city and the wealthy per sons who wish to do well by these workers. She was a born organizer, her talent in that direction amount ing almost to genius. She was a direct, forcible talker, and with her' entire ' sympathies enlisted In. her work' she could not only control the working women but could Interest rich men and women in their Uvea. Very Sensational. Merriman There's another sensa- A . . 1 w w. .... I on in tne uauy mnaoo tins morn ing. . ! ! ' . Sorriman What's tthat? Merriman It announces that it stands for ! honest 'journalism. 1 Fuck. . uiDN'T WORK RIGHT. Strang, Lack of the 8mM of Humor in Some Folks, Some people have a poo apprecia tion of humor. This must be an aw iui load to carry through life. On one oi our recent crisp, cold days a xjuuemuui ana ms friend stood la xroni oi tne bturtevant bouse hold ing flown the sidewalk while they UWUU1 wu wnat vney should do next. One of the two was mokinc i he other held an unlighted cLjar betweea his teeth. A cable ar came aiong, then a horse car with the front platform crowded . with smokers. The sight of It revived la the mind of the Bohemian the faint shadow of an ancient joke. He smiled and suddenly beckoned ener getically to a man on the front plat form. As soon as the man saw that he was the one wanted, he jumped off and came back to where the Bo hemian was standings 1 "Give me a light,? pleaae?" said the latter gravely. "Thanks." I "Why. confound Toudidnt call me off that car to have me give you a lightT 'JNow. don't get red-headed about it, replied the joker calmly: "there's a cable car right behind." out the victim was one of tLvu curious' fellows who have no imm. ciation of humor. He hauled off with his rixrht hand and a blr and down fell the joker either hit by the oath or the fist, he did not know which. "Now, don't jret red-hjuW aVwwtt it," aid the other fellow: "vo .n catch an ambulance around the cor ner." And, he broke for the cars again. j . "That joke looked when I read it in the newspapers, said the Bohemian as hi. frni dusted him off and led him into the oturtevant; bar, "but the thlnff doesn t seem to work ltr-N. Y: Herald, t right, does THE CANOr-HABIT. Fruitful Source of Much Indlgjsa- tlorj and Low Spirits. Does the term surprise an von.? He only needs to loot about in on cities and villaires. and nAie.si t. Brooklyn, where women and chil dren so preponderate in numbers until nightfall brings the male ele ment back in thousands from th metropolis; I will ask the reader to observe for himself, amomr the ac tive ptrons of -ths cauvdv itm. how many are subject to Irregulari ties of appetite at meals. Indigestion, headaches,! lack of habitually exu berant spirits, tendency to colds and uneasy sleep. It Is true that a moderate amount of sugar can be digested dally, not without some difficulty, but entirely wimou narm. this amount, and usually much more, we Americans take regularly at our meals, In our sweetened! drinks, in our desserts, and on our fruit and our oatmeal. The unmerciful addition, between meals, of half a pound, less or more, of sugar diluted only, with strong flavoring oils and extracts here, indeed, comes the rub. . Digestion is Inevitably disordered, the liver' overwhelmed with work, and every structure in the body bathed for hours with blood contain ing either this irritating sugas In solution, or the still more Irritating products of Indigestion. Are low spirits, restlessness, headache, a cold in the head, and a sour stom ach matters of surprise to our candy eater? Is a visit to the drug store next in order for little liver pills, pr to the learned but expensive doctor? Dr. C. W. Lvman. In N. Y Old London BrWfrsw New London bridge was opened tn 1831. Old London bridge was a mon strosity. , It dated back to the year 1176 A. D. , and at least three wooden j the same site prior to that date. The old bridge was slightly over nine hundred feet in length, accord ing to the: St. Louis Republic, and nad eighteen solid stone piers, vary ing in thickness from twenty-five to thirty-ifour feet, thus confining me now or tne river its natural channel. TWBI. r Tne entire but- ! ' onage was occupied by Wockof brick and stone building, (erected on arches, with the road- - . it v i ... 1 occupied by running tunnei-llke beneath), of these bridge buildings were dense- j nJ I SiraaMia time estimated at one thousand ' seven hundred), carrying on ell the iraaes ana otner vocations of life. Spanning the two center piers was nuge cnurcn buUdlng, dedicated St. Thomas, ct fl&nlArKnw usually styled I AST A W- A A . w - aw i "2L Meters of the Bridge. -i In very early time the arch vp' . Ing from the bridge toward the city ' - w M ewa ... y 1 was caiiea "rrai tor's gate, and It was no ; unusual thing to see the heads of a dozen executed criminal hanging over iL i About National Airs. The national airs of great coun tries are short, while those of little countries are long. "God Save the Queen" Is fourteen bars, the Russian hymn is. sixteen bars, and "Hail Columbia" has twenty-eight bars. Siam's national hymn has seventy- six oars, ana mat oi Uruguay sev I enty, Chili's forty-six, and so on. : San Marino has the longest national S sm sk A ATa I e si m ujriuu, except vvoioa a, wnicn l so lonffthat Deoole take halt m. rle j to listen to IL the Btorlse Be Tell on TTirw; Ueeel to committee rooms at the capital, says the Washington Poet, touchW the senatorial career is Washington of Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas. r??v?TV, Tfxa ttended.bv a !k 2,bICfP0,a Vftfaia bearing the distinguished name ot Richard Henry Lee. Richard braved frr,..i - m vuv US wa story was ma t . good body servant la al things ex- v one. xie attended faithfully to every want of hl eccentric master, who was keying .bachelor's- quar ters, but no innifflfat wee cienUy persuasive to Induce Richard Henry Lee to keep the rooms In or oer. A general air. of slothful n. lect marked the npmimi... their domestic esUblUhment, and time and again Houston threatened to have Richard Aav Ua m. ki.u hide huARover the back varti t muvi . af rightful example to ai evil doers. Things ran on In this way untU one day. Houston returned to his rooms iron, tne senate and trmnA tx dltlon of affairs at home so bad that ue oeMrnuned . then and there to1 teach his flunky a deliberately locked the door. and. without saying a word, crossed over o a laoie wnere he kept his tUtol case, removed two pistol, loaded them,: handed one to RLchArd eii wx tne other himself. i v- ; ow, Kicnard Henry Lee," he ueRan, in a low voice, that foreboded IU, 70U Stand Is tHe.t Ann,.. VP. I Uk.my poaltion la this, opposite vu, ice vo iaoe, man to man, pis km . in nana. You have betrayed my . confidence and trampled open ungn nntu patience has - Tiriue. i nave rea- onea and pleaded, with you to main tain my rooms In that state of clean "n w which, as a free-born Texan, I am accustomed, and you have basely Ignored my wishes In the premises, and have gone 'on In your slothful, shiftless ways with out regard either to my feelings or taj, comiort. row, you Infernal camp, I have made up my mind to kUl you. I could do so without giv lng you a show for your life, but ab solute fairness shall distinguish the method of ytw taking off. Get In. o your puce and -whsn I drop this red bandanna, handkerchief, shoot! If you kill me, so be !L I forgive yon now. If I kill you. It won't make any difference anyhow. You are good for nothing, and your re moval will be a blessing to society. Remember, however, . that no man ever faced me with a pistol in. his hand and lived to tell lu" 4 With ashen face Richard Henry, who, despite his negligence, loved his master most devotedly, took hi taad la the. corner assigned him ,nd mechanically followed Houston's moTAons. The Texan took a hand kerchief out of hi pocket, which he held ' aloft as' a signal, and then raised hi pistol with the other hand to a level with his lackey's heart. As he did so an involuntary smCe flitted across hls,face,-and Inntantly Richard dropped his pistol, while his face spread out Into a huge smile. ' 1 say, Mars Sam,? he shouted. In a transport of rejoicing, "1 thought yo raly meant It, but yo just pokla' fun at me. Goramlty," he added, wit a sigh of relief, "it makes me shiver to think how near yo' was to death. Dat smile was all dat saved jo'Ufe." Houston told the StOTV AS A cmnrl Joke on himself, assuring his hearers thathe was positive Richard would have killed nlmJL ha had carried the jokea haOreUfiirll-uw.; j; . rwtofspWeg CrtmlAals; U Ifrance. The system ol yhotograpb v in use Is peculiar to the SnQe and. If the result of lU experiment., It Is free from all ecentiooAlepeMUoaa, foe th photograph Is mad simply. to be rwcogmaeo. & poses CDosen . are: sort or anatomical cut of the face; ' wws iui ikv THV. luoa UlrtflM fcM ft, habitual axcresaioB Ad Is- of leade4e ' 11 tT rWS-" . iqoIsi and soots are such Ini alllMa i meaa. of tdsntlficetloev. . Absolite ! ii it ' . . . t . wr.raffs,; .e t- i .v. oe 1 tnt . TVi A en1 la V . mJt IV. ..W p r- a. , -..ri hi Judicial phoVrapb-:.trut for. tU purpose they are adinlrablr. brutal. ly exeLMcCl ore's Msgasiae., - A Fatal BlvmdeV." 1 J K. . - - -n . I Blunders that sum literally I than : crimes are 'not ' uncommon. Such a one was' 'committed In :19Sa i by a .New- York druggist, who,' by; , puvMu juje, wrong, jescripuon, causea, WvedaaUurf .two. firUaxned Holt bTCaorphln pelsooUff-. - But the c4aedncei of the Verrible mlv" tAks did t 'v-i' rv . st Athal ..1.: .!' a SaSS J ll-VBl WWWSSb. - ZTZIIC VttZl J ttCtoXjGZ -Zr.aZL abroad where he - retired,- broken- j retired,, broken- ZTiZrZH??. f0? . One of FviHiU Jmkm Urn Tfen Bla S1t Jy Steven "in! Jee le Ttaee Se ' BOa Ova Ltf, A 1 Mmr mA v. e .e tators wife. Evallne. the IncacnA of . there is-a rjerf art irit f e;,,.. . one-tblrd of the property durlnaber to . rnriL ! HrrVt . t .v. 1 lifetime. I A son Edward, of Barton. . v w i mi i mtm v n .... . . MACMAHOK. " BrtUUnt ) Soldiaf But Lacking Orsl CrteM. MacMsvhon was a specimen of a rises of warriors who, la every age, nve appeared in France, and oi whom the highest by far may per Upa.be found In VeTt4gtorlx, the Hui oi laeser. .The oalii uc use soldiers possessed la mon are; quick.; In tellUrenee. ""w oourage, admirable skia la naoaung .troops .tn the. field,, bat withal Uttle wisdom lb the greatest erises; a somewhat overstrained sense of honor, and a certain weak- wnen DroegHt .to test by Cl- tortu&e. It Is the character of ta uaOL through, all his history; It was seen In Bayard, In Francis L, even In the Grand Conde, and very clearly In It ey; and It contrast most strlk lngly with the less brilliant, bet more soup, ana rer.more useful gifts ol the men like the heroes rV Ku,n Turenne and. Wellington. . Ane tralaTiur of the marAhal had direct tendeney to brinir Aat wket was most attract! Kt 1. .t.M. la t deposition of the kind, and to exaggerate, not to eorre-t. ils a. lecta. ue was aa Algef&n soldier nnl he had reached mature age: and U til SChOOl Of WAP fell t 4tk Vt. f mature, made him excel In uanngieau of arms and fashioned him to herata .mUt, nnfl,tted him for the duties of swprem eonimand In ths great scientific war fre of Europe, requiring as thedo y.uuuu wieuience, comprehen siveness of Judgment and real strength of character. MacMahon's checkered career is an llltutratlon of this; he was aa ornament of the -Algerian army of Trance;' his capture of the Halako9 shows energy and skill; ,hi march a Magenta, If not very brilliant, was well conceived and cotaplstsly 'successful. But when brought tj the test of war on a great scale, and opposed to a man ef the power of Moltke,the marshal proved acoo- srpicuou .laUure, and .hi coodaot was a series of disastrous error. Hs fought ably a gallant fight at Worth; ut he ought not to have fought at all, and his subsequent retreat show want Of jnslgnL Scottish Review. 'CHINCSC . PUNISHMENTS. : Dcerrt of tHe Lew Upoet TweOritw InaJ CelcsttAla In December, 1881, I was. la Can ton. 4 On afternoon r visited the principal Uw court. Two prisoners la chains were introduced one aa old, man too Infirm. to. walk, the other, a youth, tolerably . vigorous, bnt abject and forlorn In dsmeaoov. The b residing mandaria appeared, sat down and sipped kis tea, while an official pattered out a long ora tion, presumably aa Indictment, for the prisoners proceeded, as I aader s toed, to plead "not guilty." What followed was thl: The old man wa held p not held dow-whlle two stolid Chinamen flogged hkn with long.-pliaat canes above the 'knees. The yoJlh was divested of hi ehalns, which were then plied up In front of him. 1 Upon these he was com pelled to kneel, while his feet, hand and pigtail were all attached by a cord to a post behind him and tight ly secured. . The cries of the victim" "aod the complete composure of the specta tors were alike disgusting.' I said a much to my guide, whom I gen. erauy refrerded a aa amlabt beinAr. I Hi reply wa: Thl very Inter eating. I never seen this Wore, thouh I hsve no doubi hs had.'- The explanation of the dreadful aceoe ' excuse there could be bm-mi I that, by the Uw of Ctbia, no man I cm oe executea until hs has oOo feesed his guilt These two indlvid- haa been convicted barand doubt of heinous crimes, but they refused to confess. The alternative before them was execution or death by torture, and apparently they pre ferred ths Utter. The, ceremony 1 witnessed was to be revested da AU In diem until either life or nsohitioa gave way. liow the end came I of course never knew. Spectator. ' ' t. o. i Heir Ott a Quarter Keck awSMewSBA v jrour Mgacles of tweaty-flveosnta result from the win of Matthew Stanley UU of W.tervlait, prohwtd before feurroiraU Conwan. recertly. each result from the win of Maxthei a4 P consUU of real estate Vr.! " thorn and five hoa- Urma ; ArtllevM eteHnsM f. .iz hundred dollara artwia el mmm -Uts. .'The will devi.: Vt, is bequeathed one dollar. The rest of the esUte Is devised to Wil liam L. Stanley and' James Oscar BtAnley. Edward 8taaley U dead, and) his .bequest goes to his chil dren,! Susie C. Btaadiah, Xlixa A. Chapman, 8pringfleld, Mass.; 8am uel 'StandUh, Barton, VL, and rrecman C. StandUh, San rrancl oo, Cel., who win receive twenty flv&ceat each. Albany Argus. Blsmsrxk's Uttle eJoks.' ? : While Prince BUmarck - H'ruiruawnedrtcaruh 4 ti b-w f em m rS i T? Iff a wa . Vs-..s. l e .e m. .iruon stared as to ths P" BUmarck . replied Journey r. -y "Youaav. aW JI:.,si.i- - obaerved some on. La ths wd. MARSHAL 1 nirVst eall la Leartnia, IWLart U. S. GcVt RaoiV Hia ' Net. . JLeeiJ-' 11- a saa sssaav aw - QIRLS AND QIRLS. FaJe Oe.es WK Omm( Ks4ur TVeAf -7-T- w ,sr Oww avea." " 3lawen't ron aesa a latdsotaa girt who was aa animation If there w.r. any fcisa, abo.t, but who became a iisuees, annappj creatore If she happened to be thrown Into the so- i.-.u.e er ' . . " v rvwB kx ior asoouror -wjb iTae world la fullef such as siSe.l.lTirdphU Time. 7 y7 very pretty and young. In the coxapany of mea the are bright andla teres ting, though thry ire sever heard to ut asACgoodrworif aboat another rtri -Ta4r regard It as an awful bora to even be polite to women, and Jow their contempt so openly that they, are 'not sought for by their own set, and-when the' day comes wba Vtmf sre wining to make th ad rant is they osually sneet with a ary.eold orptlon, "At a, summer reeiort where men sreo thy would rather sit and filr with a caaow youth tea years UMJualocthaa JMa a JoDy party cgirbwhofind life wa worth llr. mg erasi .though the-aoaecuUae ele j aea-l oa-y .ecrtsrs -Into their exlst- no on. . bs turds y nlhU. Ha is top mslgalflcsnt for such a rtH tA praotioe her -eoquetry-' upon. She will (W beioret ttr aat M toiira country bey ot totxrUen as frr. saan of-th world with jeafi and.-fortune at hi back, but fTaV-001 .." uncombed aal , sUppers down at the heel, and dec dedly wattdy gown If she does aot expect to see a maaj -.t low, such jrlrls hs.ee. aw idea of the mistake they are n&tog. Man's admiration.! all very lovely, but worjaaa s frieadshlp la equally valo ablf -The fllrtaUoo of to-day may b pt. to-focrrow, but the alacers JtrardDf a worn' heart will out live th. VtdAitud eJ av.r.. CI I besides, a man likes a woman oetter wbd Ua favorite of her own aex than ewe who -openly avow her contempt or a. womea aad whom aU jwoeaea stedioualy avoid.. She may beU belle of the ballroom. tf thz being the man may be pVoud to be known a oos of' th folrers of so popular a gtrt, but he la aot golag to marry on who tussa'tsosne women friends. Depend apon this, and when voa tkrnV it paly worth vouevwhlle to U sweet anapaAani to men, remember that r P xeajy admired by themenyou ttust.be uJU popular with your is, . I - . II " t. HULTH.A DUTY. JaieVI Aee Net at Usertr to Lie u J TKsy -- "ernsps nothing wH. to much kastem U time when body aad mind wlweitU adsouately cared for, a adsuaiaa of the - balW that the Ta'eaeewaUon of health Is a dntv. ooasclous that there Is m&t as physical morality, If' aAbituai word and acts Ira- P1 t they are at liberty to treat Oodles as they please. Dis- crosr, sntaced oy dlAobedleiies la MW'B tflctatas, they regard a irneyanoee, not a the electa of a "otmtfjek. more or. las fiAgitlou. Thowh the evil consequences Ln ficted on thsir descendants, and on t atwre. reosratlooa, are often a rTvt as. those caused by crime, yet they; do 'not think- thecnsslrss U any deffrsa crhnlaaL It. la true that la the case of druakaaaesa the viciousaes of a bodily traaarressioa U recognized; bt tveeee appear to infer that If this bodily transgression U vicious, so too is every bodlfy transgression. The fact is. that all breaches of ths Uws of health are physical sins. ' WbnthU U generally aeea, then, aaa peril ps aot till then, will thel pftysloal training of the young re ceive aU the attention it deserves. Ilerbert 8peaor. - , v ' ! Aieet"tSs Sams. Homer Smith was a - man whom meet; of bU welrhbora cslled laiv. Some of the chartubls of them apt of hire as Wy-sjolag "or per- aps . aa "a mue" alack. As often asppeat Is each cases, he had mar ried a -bestHag tittee womao, who did her beet; to make her has bead "Y-eptrp with fbe proeession.- Hoaner wa food of hU wlf after way of hU own, and was aot ua mUdfol of the tact that aha, rather than .he, .was the mainstay of th family; but be sometimes found fault with W, ttotwnhstaadiog. He was always fer'pottiflg things off, aad Lucy was always for harlog thlers done -right now.? - It was tbli i incompatibility of tem trwrameat wJch gav point to aa an swer of Hoeur's one evrnlng at Be Slajrsr's grocery. The subject of marriage we'uadr dUcaA5oo,iu ad vaatage and dlaadvaataxrs, and at last some one turned to Homer Smith wilh tU.questloa: -"Do you think. Homer. tW e. en e. urn any too looffer for being maArledr BO," SAld Homer. I doet T'Well, suppose fcw does; but It seeta locur lotwr fcl lei. " ma'm-iMmL, , ' -.ntM.I A nOHTTNa ROOSTER. - r sw- '-War CKicarA. r no would think, that a rooster ' -aould become a great pet on board '1 ship?. Bat on the flagship Clcao: -the mao-of war which last sprtag traveled almost six thousand mes " to get home for the ColcsihiAa naval parade, there wa a rooster that was - the pet of an ths men onboard ahln.- lis was bought la the West UtJi' " ' en the way to MooUvidso, aad wa ' 1 tn tended for the Christmas dinner-' but hi great cbeerfuUesa, a shows! . -by hU hearty crowing u the most . ' cnseasocable weather, woo Llm hU ' Ufa. ' " Aftllbertyhadbeairlvento : un, ana ne nad become fairly he noticed one day another roosMr in a polished bras venuutor which stand on the quarterdeck: He linmedUtelf owt oo Li rroadest ain th-n mm.. that the other rooster did tX um. be stepped closer to- Inquire, aad " soon fquad himself gUrtsg pugna doualy at that other fallow, who quite as defiant as time-elf JTom looks It. came to blows, and aoom our. rooster was indignantly fighting his. own reSecUon. Oooa skmally he would strike the vea ICator a vert bard blow with hU bin aad be thrown back much as tonished, only to return to the 'at tack .when he noticed that his enemy apparently retreated. TtU wakeptcpat Interval for ttxiX week, says a writer In Bt. Nicholas, until the rooster learned that more hard. knocks than glory were 'to be got by keeping up the feud- Even now, after many months on board, he occasionally renews the attack but la a half hearted way, as If he knew he was doing something adv. - ' HJs name ta'Dick," aad when there U food ahead he answers to It like genUeman. At lUsexiada, la taeArgeatlasRepttbUo, theChlcso Uy alongside the dock in the Grand canal, and Dick was aZowed to ran . on shore and pick up what ha could' find, He never strayed far from the ffaagway, and would come proudly truftiag back when oaSsd on board by one of the men. s HU a very pugnacious bird, and fa Enter. ada started a fight between a dog aad himself. The combat, witnessed by. the whole ship's com pany, wills productive of no harm to either side, wa a most am us is g sight, and consisted of dashe at the 6o with occaslocal real blows oa ths -part of th rooster, and much bark lag and run sing about on the part ' of the doc. rVa. tieort Martt .The resignation of the pope pro fessor of Latin at Harvard, Georg Martin Lass, after a service to the college covering forty-three years, U aa event out of the cocamoc The admirable tral ts which ha ve endeared thV scholar to two generation of alumni wm naturally cause turret that Lis activs teaching 1 to terml aats, by hi, own choice, with the' present eoOeffe year, asrs the Near York EvenUg -PosL This secti meat win, . however, be agreeably modifled by the announcement iS the corporation have voted Pni. Lane aa allowance of three thoueaal dollars per annum as professor smeritiu, with liberty to teach as the spirit moves him This is, era believe, the first U stance la which the corporation ha mad fitting. provision tor a retired professor. aad the precedent is therefore ssost important and ArraUrrin?. not only tor HArvard. Vat foe- a the adLlr leges arreted by ber dally The Old Friend . Antl lis best friend", t?it never tails yoa, is Eizassons Iiyer Eecn Uior, (tL Bed Z tiai's wLU . joq heir at & xaeatioa cf this exoelWsi Urtr - nicria, and . people ahoold cot be persuaded that anythin g else yflrea- ItistieKk5efXirr.ire cinea ;. i bMUr thaa .piUs, aai taxes) th pUc of Qsinia aai , . CsiomeLItac directly oa tie ' Lirer .KidieT axid Bowel aad " gives aw tf to tba wbol rye tea, This b tio medicine to ' want. BoUkrall Prrrs'jt la t Iaqnid, or & Powder b)-e,tia cxampi, . Y:icjiti . H -i. i .... f- k.,t , . i . xJismartA.- -- , - , erm r acs , J. Um mm I m7 r. xouth,' Companion. i.. I

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