I. BE YOXJ AEE3IGHT ; THEN GO 'AHEAD.-D Crockett. 'CvlylJU liullili IJk'.jUll ii i ii ii & a i L " VOL! 72. NO. 15. TARBORO N. 0. THURSDAY APRIL 12, 1894. I ! PRICE FIVE CENTS I PROFESSIONAL CABDS. j JJOSSEY BATTLE, jf- Attorney and Cotmcallor at. Law, I Offices- i Tarboro, N. C. I urFIClts-.J Rocky Mount, N. C. f Adjustment ot claims a specialty. What Causes Pimples? THE YOKON OOtJUlSt. J HAUL JONES, -. Xtb'y and Cquncelor at Law : j TARBORO, N. C, . 13. MARTIN, jj , . j Attorsey. at Law, ; . i Practices ia the - Courts of Edge combe, Martin and Fitt. Office rear of Doodle Pender' Store. ,: Tabboro, N. C. : yy G. EDWARDS. SIGN AND HOUSE FAINTEB, '! Paper hanging a specialty. 40tf. -, ' TARBORO. N.O. - Woodward & Lothrop, 10 th, tlth and F Sis. N.TF. i Washington, D. 0. JOHN L. BHIDQERS & SON, Invite the attention of .patrons in Virginia and the Caroli j nas to the I Freshes j Brighest; Cleanest and A t torney s-at-ta w , Handsomest TA RBQRO 14 It' a 1 stock of Goods they have ever shown. ,H. A. Uiijja.1i. j 1 1LLIAM IT f DOSHBIJ. GILLIAM Clogging of th. pore, or month. f to seba ceous glands wits sebom or oily mattes'. Th. plug of aebam In the eentre of th. pimpto 1 called a blackhead, grab, or corned ooe. Nature will not allow the clogging of tb pore. to continue wag, Miioa, inflammation, ; pain, welling and redness, fcter pus or matter forma, break, or it opened. th plug cornea oat and th. por ia one mor. fros.- : There an thousands of Ums. pore. In th. face Hone, any on. of which ia liable to booed togged by negtoc or disease . -I . What Cure Pimples? A. Only reliable prereotlr. and eox vhM aBMto.MBtttaUonailMmor,Bi ti ;: Cuticura Soap. . It contaJna a mild prupoitlon of iiiituhua, tt. gnat Ska Cora, which enable. It to diaaotr the Mhaeaoo. or oily matter a. It forma Make mouth, of th. pore.. . , It itlmalatea th. aluggiah glanda and tube to healthy activity, rod ace. Inflammation, aoothe. and beala irritate and rongbeoed Bnrfaoaa and reatoree th. akin to Ita original parity. Thla ia the aecret of ita wonderful aueoeaa. Tor had complexion, red, rough handa and ahapeleaa naito, dry, thin and falling hair, acaly mid irritated acalpa and aimpl. baby Mumlahti It t wonderrul.i . , - It ia preferring, purifying and beautifying to a degree hitherto unknown among remedies for the akin and complexion. Bale grwuw than tb. combined aalea of an other akin and complexion aoana. Bold throughout the wwrtd. FOTTKm Zttue Ajd CBzx. Coar9 Bol. XYo- prietocs, Boston. Ufa In the Blah Forty Mae, PlonMr ht th. Oeli Dttgtng. f ah. Wm Mtun mgn Knrainca ams oov rVM.tBa-ly Bli rit.e rh he. & SON Attorneys-a-i-aw, i- f- TAKBORO', N. C. i i practice in the Couutie. of Edgecombe, tiaiifax and Pitt, and ia the Courts of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at ilaleiyh. 1anl!-lT. T. ip, wYm n. d. PHYSIL1AN& SURGEON Tarteorb HT. O. Office next door to Hotel Bow ard. 30 ly 1 lOTHE PUBLIO. I am the ! Prepared to do all work in Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice. Having eon neoted with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop Shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, L hire their merit Also a first-class HEARSE for ' Thanking my friends for former patronage. I hope .0 the same, should they need anything n the1 Undertaking Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street three DcorB frc i fct e Corner" of Main; -i . ' it E3- . . Simmons. ON MONDAT; APRIL 2D,' they offer 100 pieoes of silk striped French FlannelB at 38 eta, per yard, value 75 Cta. One hundred pieces of Orepe de Chfene, 15 eta. the yard, in all the newFBt and delicate shades. J . OUR HOUSEKEEPING DEPTS. contain ever comfort, luxury and necessity with which to - - tempt the taste of the arjtistic ! as well as the thrifty house- . wife. J " HJX3KP DAMASK AND1 BIRD3- with knotted fringe and hem-1 1 131 uivucu ......u a uuzbo. Iribh Linen Pillow Slips. SI a pair. OUli SUMMER DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENTS' Teem with novelties, beauties , and exqaiaite fabrics of the most celebrated maofactarers. OUR INDIA LINENS I ' Sheer and cool for hot days. OUR CHINA SILKS - Elegant and comfortable for clling or evening wear. OUR MULLS AND LAWN3 DAINTY and incomparable. DUR PRICES ARE IN keeping with the time lower than ever before. Write to us for samples and j prices. Women full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength' and renewed vitality la Cuticura Plaster, the first and only pain-kUimn nerve-streasthenlns; plaster when all else falls. TIN SHOP. I AM DOING A BUSINESS as cheap as any. Tr 1 1 1 do repairing in Tin, Iron and Copper promptly. vJ.T.VJARD, I Austin BuQding. I make the moat superior Coffee Pot ever offered to the public. 13tf Nathan Williams, J. j. WALLS ? Fashionable :-: Tailcr. Vl'4 St, , one door below L. WV1dell& Uj Tartobro. N" O. Fine Full Drew und veniue j Tailor- Made Suits. The term well dressed ex teuh from tbe neck to the foot oi Mae jsubject. , r I i ; wCuttine, renairin -nd cleaning . ne at short notice. j : Goods sent by Express O. O. to any part of the South. rrPHYS TIE BEST RIO 1 EVER MADE. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY DEKALD -or 18944! WILL BE WlfHOUT QUESTION - AMERICA'S Leading Family Paper- 1 1 Tut repaiatlon that the Weekly; ;Hera!d h8 enjiyed for man years cf ' being the best home newspaper io the laDd will be maieriali" added to during tho fjear ot 1894. No paias or expense will be spared t make it in every department the most reliable, intereatint; and instructive of all weekly newspaper publications, ii .; It will be improved in many wayg. A number of new features and' departs; ments w ill be addo ). The latest develop ment in all fields of contemporaneous hu mvj interest will be ably discussed, fron; week to week by accomplished writers, THE MW$ OF THE WORLD j 1 .-. . . . - ? will be given ia a concise but Complete form. Every important or interesting: event,. either at home or abroad, will be duly described in the columns! of the Weeuly Herald. . . " 'i i Ia politics tht) Herald ia absolutely tnK dependent and sound. It tells the rightsn and wrings of all sides without Itar. , I Farmers and stock raisers canpot afford to be without the Weekly Herald during the csming year.. It will contain a regular department ech week devoted exclusive y to subjects of timely interest ! to them and giving many valuable suggestions andj new ideas. 1 H' I The women and children of the land! Will find in tbe Weekly Herald awelcome Visitor. The household and Children's pages will bs both instructive afid enter taining. Thev will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value, j f tA brilliant array of novels and shor stories by the' best writers in America and England has been, secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attractive; leatures in the Weekly Herald during 1891. j I In fact, the Weekly Herald iwiJl be a miigazun of the highest order, combined with a complete newspaper. . . j " NOW.I3 THE TIME TO 8TJBSCRIBEJ ! A MM 1 -i rs Only a few doors below Hctsl Farm, TARBORO, N. C. This cam fl of Forty Sniewae 51- covered last summer and Is the est yet , struck in Alaska, pajinjf $300 a day to the Vtmu mrt tbe Montanlan.- The nature ef theTtt- kon country is such that It le a ioV erably hard place to get tow Tht honorable class ot old-time -mSamt have possession and tough okarao trrs, when found, are at onoe ordered to leave; lev era! having oome Mi recently. ; . ' ' ,J - I will give you VttctM of a fnr ar ticles In Forty Mile: Flow, tU fir lOOi bacon, S3 ' oeota .per poOMt beans, 22 cents, and canned fnirt, W cents. A Mackinaw shirf costs fSL and a pair of gum boots one ovnee of gold dust.. Now comes tbe root of all evil whisky. This sails for 60 cents a drink and 13 per bottle. Tou can buy everything that a miner needs for less than you can take It In for, as the natives will oliarffe 18 cents a pdund to carry It over the mountains', a distance of thirty miles, and no one should take any thing with Mm except oiovrln, The town ot Forty Mile n at the mouth ot Forty-Mile creek on the xuKon. it has two general mer chandise stores. One belongs te the Northwest Trading company and the other to our old-time Montana tflsnd. Capt. John Healy. There are saloon! and one cigar factory hert and 150 miners' cabins, wUh A&ai 850 mines. These make to tie town of Forty MUe. All the northern part of Ataelsa Is more or less a level country, and It Is duBoult vo get sufaclent graas for sluice boxes, and in many places they are compelled to use rockers or wheel the dirt to water. Timber It very scarce, and In many places tttey are compelled to haul It forty or itty miles with dog-trains. A dog wf3 draw about 300 pounds orr the seerw. Game Is scarce, excyt rabbits n4 grouse. Tou may kill a Qsrfben r moose, and again you may sot see one for weeks or not at aA. Two steamers play; up and down the Yu kon, one belonging to John Healy and the. other to the trading company at Forty .Mile. .The ground never thaws out In that country, no over five or six feet at most, and they have never been able k dig through it. They work down as far as the fros t is out the first year cad then wait for the '"never-setting ran ! the next summer to thaw It deepeK The miner can run his sluloe-MiaM but three and a half or four monffc of the year'. The rest ot the time le can whlpsaw timber' for boxes and such sawfcd stuff as be may reoutre. Some spend the winter trapping furs, but they must be on hand by June 15 or their claims will be tump- able, according to the Yekoncoda of laws. There Is one thing 1 almost forest to mention. . It Is the moss, whrofc covers all the ground, exoept whsi the water runs over, suA as tbe shallow bars along the eredbk This moss Is from six to eighteen motes thick and must be removed in order that the ground may thaw out. The boys generally make a winter Job of stripping off this mces. . ..7 QUUK: THmoa. , . fW UeM.wtevAi, tSiimi e Be Qaeer things terpen la tills locaH- ty. Hen are some of them which I nave heard lately, says a writer, In the Buffalo Express. , A North Collins farmer teCs a tory around the Washington street market fa? tea effect that one of his bent lafi aa eg the othtr day which eontalnsd five snake. He thinks the bird must have been eufferUff with dllrfum tremens at the time. A truck gardsner in IloUand has cultivated a tew, variety of onion and has named It the -."James G Elaine Onion." ilt ;oan-s -loafer, be said that - the arrest , man from , Maine ta without a Bcnameat to his memory. A man ta. l Wroraiag oomnty has a oow witk all which Is shaped ex ctly lflOarthage saak& - The oew send Can by a rattler. De- fora that tfaM kec tall was Kke any other eow's tali, z But the wound Is supposed ta have had such aa effect en her mind that It chaacred tbe shape of her caudal appendage. . A Lockport man has S long beard which be wear In astrange fashion. He braids rt carefully and eolk It around his neck like a scarf. A merchant la Rochester dis charged his clerk the other day be cause the youth would Insist on wearing a boutonnlere on tbe back of his eoat between his shoulder-blades. J The young -man offered no excuse for hie eccentricity, but It Is sup- posed he', wanted to Impress on his' employer the fact that a free Ameri can citUen , had the right te wear flowers wberevsr he wanted. ' CUECKJlATEk t ' Highest of aS la Lsvtning Power. Littit U. S. Gov't Rrport Cnaerta of s TnWvtnsj a Barter Bbop. 1 I I - Ta Ain rH iaai.e t r 1 rr - Fty-ra. avats qi r.o T . Ha law isv. TwtfUtmrmt aa. :.( ' TVr Is a gang of thieves la this city who steal hats and 'coats from barber shop, say the New York Herald. They do act visit the well shop la the fashionable loeeU ilea, but confine themselw te tbe streets. In the vicinity of Third av enue, where the barber are not nat-wrally- suspicions of a stranger. Their mode of operation ta lever and tbe theft is never discovered tUl the miscreant has made good - his es cape. ! " . . ' One of these thieves usually en ters tbe barber shop when all the chairs are occupied. While oaten slbly waiting to be shaved, he makes an Inventory of the hats and coats en the rack and keeps his wye oa the article he desires to purlobx. when the barber has finished shaving him Le cleverly dons the brsi coat and hat In the shop and leaves his own tattered clothing Instead-f I entered a barber shop In Yorkvllls the other day, and had removed my hat and coat, when a young maaj who bad laKHig Tfc fcaf w Munchausen. Sou they wjole to Sir Walter Boott: Of Baron JXunchauseo I can tell you something. Some years ago la London I was a Uttls startled at hearing a fereiamer ushered under this title . tato a musical party. As this naturally led to inquiries on my part, I was referred to the gentle man himself, who very good-hum-oredry toll me he was the nephew of the celebrated Daroa Munchausen, wh was a minister under Fredsrick etf Frnssia. - It seems the old baron was a humorist wh, after dinner, espe cially If he happened to, have any guests who were likely to be taken In by his marvels, used to amuse himself by inventing or. retailing such marvelous adventures . a are contained in the volume which bear la name. ' He added,- his unci was in other respects a sensible eers ckus man, aad that his ad m Cure were enry told by the way m quis ling or amusing society. ; A starving- German liter rus, whose nam I have forgotten, who knew the baron and thought he had been neglected - by him, compiled the book in revenge, partly from the stories of the baron, partly from other soorcea and partly from his mother wH. It proved a good bit for the bookseller, as the baron's name and humor were well known, and by degree made Its way Soto other countries" as a book of enter tainment, Familiar Letters of Wal ter Scott. Tajmr at Her Word. To bo taken too ntsraQy at one's word Is often snore annoying than tot to have proper attention paid to , one's esprfcaed wishes. This has JACKSON Like Her Elders. fill Til Ther. are atngl. retail abo. store la our Urge ettiea which sell X,Q00pin oi shoes a day.nwklnc . ... nmflt of .2&0.000 a vemr. W sell sbom low. bat w sell a arat many pairs, the clear profit oa our ladies', nW and ciildrD' tbovm U t leaat , tea cents a pair, ana o ot- 15 cent a pair, w nM nuam wturwm in rach of the fifty larger ett&i of th C. S.,nd If ther sell only 800 pain of shoe a day they would earn S525.C00 a year. Wa shonld be able to pay a yearly dividend of S&.23 aahare, or over S. per cent, a year onto, investment. We ell the tok at $10 a snare. iHpncpninrMif n.Rm. than $10 a share. K. atock ha ever bee sold at lea than tht price, wnica i liapar vaia. we non-assessable. Incorporated, Capital $1,000,000. . We have over 1.000 stockholder, and the number 1 Increasing daily. Borne of th principal stock. holders are : T. a. wsiime. b.t.ii t. rer. Bai N. A. Rl, Jr.. CUcsfo; J. B. Csnplxll, ChKet W. M. S;, littlBoEk! Ark., L. Rii. ChieroiJ.r TrrTpiul.i B. Bsrdlnc, K. Y. E. J. Paas, Baal Writ lor a proapcciua containuig mm m our stocknoMera, etc r km as oraer jar noes, enelotutff caihitr'l cAect, caA or money order. ; Order taken for one or aos aharea. Price, $10 ; a share. ' , . - , ' . uta i tn onub vui w AgetU WamlmL S Only SLOO at ear tiBKD FOB BAUPLX C0Pt Address ! - THE WEEKLY HERALD, Hebald SquabS, ' . NEW YORK. Jackson, Tenn,, Manutactttrxbs or School, Church and Office Sclioo Furniture. und ChurchfS Seated ARK VEYE0YAL PILLS the celebrated Female Regula tor are perfectly safe and always reliable. '- For all irregularities, painful MeDrtrna ions, Surppea. ion. . etc.. thev never fail to afford a st-.eedv and Fcertain relief. No Expiri- m int, but a (cientific and positive relief, adopted onlv after years or experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price per package, 91-00. or six. package, for $5.00. by mail postpaid. Xvxbt Pacaqk GnABASTKKO. Particulars (seU e1; 4c. All coiTHsnondence strictly con fidential. PARK REMEDY CO-, . 10m6 . , BosToa, Mass. Administrator's Notice., Kavinr. qualified as administrator rt the estate of the late ISarab N Bast, all per sods having claims against the said estate are herebv notified to present the same to me on or before April 1, 1895, or this no tice will be pie d lo bar or same. All perftODS indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt paymeat to me or my at torneys. J. W. BA88, Adm'r, j Whitakers, N. " Jho. L. BsmosBS & Soh, Att'ys. ; March 29, 1894. ' aw In the Best Manner. Offices Furnished i r Send for Catalogue. . THE COOPER MARBLE WORKS, lit, tlS and 115 Bank Street, NORFOLK, VA. . LAJtQC STOCK OF FINI8HCP i Uonusidnts, and Gravestones, - Read for I-nmedlate Delivery. ' - March 51.1 . v Edith, who Is eight years old, was Invited to a children's party. Her blonde hair Is perfectly straight, but was becomingly arranged, and she started off evidently well pleased with her personal appearance. - Oa her return her mother asked: 'Wd you have a nice time, Edith? There was a moment s hesitation. and then the little girl responded! "Yes, 1 had a good time, but I should have had a better ene If It hadn't been for my hair." t "Why, Edith, what was wrong with your hair?" " j "Well, It don't curl, and all the other girls' hair was kinky. I shan't go to another party without my hale can be fixed In kinks." .' - The next week, when another lnvt tation came for the little girl, her hair was curled and duffed out la the most approved style. Then her mother led her up to the mirror and said:. "There, Edith,-what do you think of It?" ' : . ! Edith regarded herself soberly for a moment and then, turning slowly around, she said: "It's vain, but 1 like it. Youth s Companion. . -1 been tha-wrj-yja' of a young: WaahtfrlteJteT V -aepire--V-a' a. w . at m fT f pjarx ta sua iuerar7woxvv axotuk m -ewrtrjarialaVtoa iuewtiaryf sbe decided to go io tbe-botmtry for $w er weeks, durli: the. throes el lit erary ccmpoellfoiv; ' To' this end she wrote aad-ec raga room'ltt 4 ijulet farmhouse" ting at her purpose la seoorlngeeornmodatlOHS. n At the same Ume the stated thai sba wished to be let so. .absolutely -alotre that not only was she to have- the privacy of her mm $adbturbed bat she pref srrei, pot to. hare her thsWghU lnteLTupWd; byeou fersatico while at table. Tawtr proving sattifao tory. she went down ta -the country forartleuiafort&lghtr's sUyi alter the. -maimer of a beloved Uterary; modeL. .The family at the. farm house so ralthrully carried out their; part of the bargain that meals were carried oa ta the most profound si ienee.. Att-jr the first greeUag upon the aa-rtvaj otr: the' Uterary young woman she migbt have been housed) with deal mutes for avny outward Just been shaved walked over to the sat rack and took from It a hat that had turned green from age. He stood, apparently dumfou&ded. gas lag at the hat la his hand, without uttering a word. Believing the young man had been made a victim el. these thieves, I Inquired If the Wl wasn't his own, and, be muca bUogly replied he didn't; think so' aod, to my utter surprise, he made M boisterous tTriamatkm of being robbed, as Is usually the ease with oaa who has been victimised, but sauntered out of the shop, mutter-, tag something that wasn't audible to anyone la the shop. ) .'- Mean while the proprietor aad his asetatanu, who were at work oa their customers, ,aad who had ap-; peared to be oblivious el the young saaa's presence, gave vent to loud aad continued laughter. It was a few minutes before I ceroid ascertain from the proprietor the cause of all this , merriment. Tie said: "That young man Is one of those thieves, and the week before he entered my shop to get shaved, aad left with' a new hat belonging to one Cf my cue tornere, leaving behind aa old hat. TrThen my customer saw; what had happened he was angry, avod would aot take the old hat that 'the young thief left, and swore be would never eater my place again. Idetermlned to save the old hat la hopes that tht thief would return, soqmi day,' and nj ' hopes were gratified to-day by the same young man walking la with the new hat oa that be had takaa a week ago He removed J the hat, pUced It oa the rack, aad proceeded to the chair to be shaved, T&U az forded toe, aa opportunity ef catch ing him; at his owa game, I went tato the. back room where X .had stored the old hat be had left, and brought It out, aad placing It on the rack removed the new hat aad placed It la the back room where 1 had kept the old one, . Hence his rurprUa oa seeing his old hat that he had left with us a week ago. I shall bow re gala my lost customer by restoring ;: SILVER DOLLAR'S HISTORf. Vsrtsjsj.Dsatgiwiaisd tcrtpies Used ;.. . , . . a te Cesn, Since 1703. . 3 sllw dollar la always being discussed la the journals. Some of the facts ooBcer&lcg It are of Inter est. Here Is Its chronological his tory: Authorised to.be coined, act fcf AprllS. U2Zi steight, 126 grains; fineness, 892.4. Weight changed, act of January, .13, 1S37, to 412. grains," Fineness - charged, act of January. 18, 1837, to 900. Oota- aen discontinued, act of February, lo73t . Coinage reauthoriMd, act of February, 1ST3. Amount coined from March, 18T3, to December 31, 1S8?; t2S3.29o.S7. Total amount coined to December 31. 1SS3, t3iT,- i Th first stiver dollar was put la clrrclailoa la 1733. 'It was a crude deolga," says a historian. "Oa the obverse or face of the coin was im printed the head- of a youag lady whose hair was Sowing to such extent tnat she looted as II over- taka fca a fierce gale of wind." Ia STMcougress stepped la to the aM of the typical damWl aad tied her hair op with a bit of ribbon. Tbe fifteen stars were after this reduced to the origjial thirteen, la rrxxgnl- tloo of the number of states. - la 1S36 the design was agala changed, aad the sllvar dollar bore the figure of a woman la a Cowing garment. The designer neglected to put on the thirteen stars aad the ooia was called la. Anyone now la possession Of one of those dollars has a valuable sou re air. The new design had the lady surrounded by the stars. The dollar of 163 was the f rat sr. tUlio piece of silver oolaed by the TJaited State, la April. 1S&4, the first dollar having the legend, "In God We Trust," was eot&ed. la 7873 the era of what was railed the trade dollar, of 900 fineness, began. Taat tfowblceome coin ran Its er ratic course la five years, la 1373 the liberty - dollar tnade ita appear ance. MiM Anna W. Williams, m teacher in a school s4 Philadelphia, set for her portrait, ber profile be ing then considered the moat perfect obtainable. Her classic features sUU decorate the silver dollar, Chi cago PoaL' , Peanut Sevp. . It you would ttke to try a new soup, aays s 71 York eutaenry. that has a fine Savor aad a great deal of nutriment, shell a 'pint of peanuts, remove the red, pa per 1 Lire covering, and roast the aula, or yon may roast them la their shells. Grind the nuts to a fiae Sour or powder la a mortar, or by rolHag : them on a board. Use the powdered nuts la a cream soup, made from a plat of milk aad a plat of water, a small tablcspooalul ox tour aad a large one of butter rubbed together, and season with salt and, Lite pep per to taste. The soup may also be made without milk, using a quart of water, aad serving with a thla sitae or two of lemon la each' dish. Add the sliced lemon to the soup just as It goes to the table and serve hot. The value of the peanut as a food has been suggested by Dr. Fur b lager In a German medical Journal. He finds by aaalrsl tha It con tains forty-seven per cent, albumen aad nineteen per cent, of fataad ni trogenous extractive. Oa that ao count, he believes. It would be a' good food for the corpulent diabetic aad those subject to disease of the kidneys, who have to avoid food con taining much animal albemea. THOUGHTLESS CRUELTY. denes w the contrary. .-. Overtures j rjn-' herj:part'oirr cooversetlOTs t were ; wholr;JtguoredT.. aru. .arie three day? of the most srppalUng si- i Isoon theloaiayi girl, realising that ene naa-oecn: twwn wrr game, jjffierad; Bp .her. belougtnga j aim his own baL" ' X learned from other barbers thai hats and coats had been stolen from their shops la a similar manner, aad their eyes are - wide open to catch the miscreants. . - - ' A PamowS Mwalcal Name. Bach Is tbe moat famous musical name la the history of ark Musical archives oootala .the names of 247 Dacha, who In-one way or another, but generally as organists, dlstta guished themselves both by com posi tion and performance.. ' Jean Bach's last, aad la soma respects greatest work, 'The Art of Fugue," was left unfinished by the failure of his eyes. His friends urged him 14 his old age to 'write a treatise oaf fugue - and fugue making. He started to do so, but, alter writing. a Jew pages, threw away the work-in disgust, ex claiming: "I cannot teach by pre ccdL only by exampls.,, then re- cemmenoed the work c4 .a different plan. He took oae simple subject, aad on It wrote sixteen; fugues and four canoos In every style of compo altion. . It Is considered to be tbe most splendid legacy of .his genius. A Chsrvntfts; 13- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE KENTUCKY UKIVEaSITt MEDAL ANt DIPLOMA By ta Vwui umhm r-"V .?.?"-. ,, Cam .mwM. InM'M taW. ,i ri i t r' wfut h rifji- SrawTwrat. aTas. l.l-a. s. Agents' profits per month. Will prove It or pay forfelL Ne' S555 art ol. just out. A $1.60 sample and terms free. Try ns. ChiJester fc Sod, S8 Bond Bt,. . Y. :. RwssUw I i . One llkea to read bow the csariaa ;nod rstiJTnsMi walsyewdto3yaAh- rxstaatly srxxMspanies her husband Te WaarlMK e the LltrJ. CKavnsJ.ow Whn. AJrVw. There La a loud protest In Boston agsiast the advertisement of deal ers offering for sale live chameleons, with chala and -pta attached, to be worn on the center clonk lapel as aa ornameaL The S. P. C A. has been appealed to, and will take action In the matter, If possible. One dllxeu says through the Transcript: "Will you kindly allow me a little space la your column i to eater my protest against tbe wholesale transportation of chameleons from the south- to serve as advertisements for certain Korea In our city. The delicate lit tle creatures, of so much ase la their owa climate, are brought here to be confined by a cbmla and pia to some thoughtless purchaser's coat or dress, and live but a few days or weeks at the mosL It Is impoasiblri to give them the Insects which form their sole food' CEncTcloped Bri tan nics) aad this, combined with-tbe cold climate, makes their life here one of suffering, finally ending la starvation. To add to this, the chain placed about their throats or bodies prevents the exercise of the func tions peculiar - to the epeclee ten power of very largely Inflating their lungs and throats with air. 1 YTo one who has seen them run ning about oa the plants sad shrub Of the gardens of the south and do ing their little best to preserve the balance of nature In destroying un welcome insects, it Is most pitiful to see tb beautiful little creature chained lik e prisoners aad be! pies! y starving to death. To those who have looked upoo them merely as curiosities, a moment 's thought will ausce to turn their curiosity to pity and male them long, dtb the TH JwwnaJl New Yaar. Boah nasbooeh Is the Jewish Xsw Tear. Two days are celebrated, la accordance with the custom of the old Jews, who were uncertain as to the exact date of the New Year k-e-cause of the conluaioa la whkh they found the calendar. They cele brated two days so as to be sure not to miss the right one. The Reformed Jews celebrate but one day, the first, whkh fell on September 11 la the year 1833. Roah Ilasbooih means the feasts of trumpets. According to the Jewish chronology this Is the beginning of the year &C4.- The head woman La every Jewish house hold lights three candles at th first sppearaaoe of the three stars. On New Year the ram's horn Is sounded la the Jewish synagogues, the sig nificance of which Is to remind th people that the new year Is being ushered In, that asw resolutions may he formed aad preparations made to live better daring the year. The ceremonies are also preparatory to the more solemn day of atonement the tenth day of the month. Tubal. Had No Ev.a. Bwl He "SaW 1 should like to have the key of the unoccupied house, ' Wharton street," requested a well-dressed man, as b enured the oflk of a down-town real estate agroL Yes, sir," aad the key was banded over. As the caller departed It was noticed that he kept prodding the floor with his cane as he walked. But his gait was almost as brisk aad as straight as though be had no al- tictlon whatever. This wa re marked as he left tbe o Sce ne returned a half -hour later with a step as quick as ever, and with . buslaess la every motion. "I like the bouse," he said, as b banded over the key. "but there Is considerable repairing to be dona, The paint ahould b renewed. Tb front bedroom aad dining-room are sadly la ned of repairing." and so. he went on until be had enumerated a baif-doxen things that weirece aary to be done. It afterward transpired that b had acquired all his knowledge sim ply by tbe sens of touch. His ex axaloatloo had been as thorough as though h had had. th us el two good eyes. 1 1 was really a naarkaU perlortaacl?UlilelpU Call ' ' . An Old Legend. - t There Is a legend as old as tbb Bl ble Itself in fact, It bas a Biblical basis (although It Is doubtful If the translations concerning that re markable occurrence are true to the, ancient text) that "Lot's txkgtan: Xe nlw Washisgton. (fleeing from Sodom) looked back from behind him and became a pillar, of salt." Prof. Metzger of tbe order of St. Benedict, who wrote at about the beginning of the eighteenth cen tury, tells us that "that wonderful salt statue still stands on the shores of tbe Dead sea und must ever so stand as a perpetual memorial oi disobedience' Ghleard, the tacmk who visiteu the Holy Land la 1T23L also mentions seeing Lot's wife, aad adds that her dog, also a statue 61 rock salt, still crouches at ber feeL' That this Is all myth aad legead! there Is not the shadow of a doubt, modern travelers only mentioning it ia order to get an excuse for quoting froru old-time authors. .. ;; y fj ; .... ... .. ' r-. a 3 : v.Ttaslr frmrt AwtWa, --Every great man has had nfavor- iter author.. ,t DKoslaraea - studied "arydrdef : Brwtu opted Polybres that ; he- might always have the wife, L manuscript - at head; Voltaire was constant, re) far oi-. Kaeiae---err -MaeellaMw-'sermeasi;-- Order, read the -.BihkvHeeier nd 1 Rlchirfsoti ; ZTeafaoo.Vas, lost witiiQUta.'Bocv-, MontesQUlcntnvooUedTsxituPV Dour- dak read evary ryoais: UUe- . & ... . i , i i vmu: ; ana -ava .wosti i wuwv, earrted. a ropy J L-acaa 4a- faU -ttorket' TJebhitx -alwafs J had - a 1 . - . -. . yirril f rtocb: Lsv-FaaUU read, ftabeTals; VQueVedcO sdrceedJiJOtna kQutzoW: Bosseau- read i'latarca,1 Moatalgu ,a:.Loclre ; the- earl Charles T- amvi ysrpbTeon"iJ Boaapart -'both thought stachlavelll !thd 'grtate4t author that ever lived. In his. rides aad drive, hot only does It Indicate wifely dsrrottoo; but It rovs an latrepldlty too of tea deoled as aa attribute, to woman. It Is said that she thinks Ver presence la a defense from nihilist. Certainly she knows that a shot aimed at him might reach her, that 4 bomb under the carriage would not be discrimi nating. Yet she hopes that ber presence may prevent th bomb- throwing, and she equally hopes that th bullet may reach her. If ao It be that she saves his HleJ Sh Is very small, aad the contrast between her figure and that of the exar, who Is almost gigantic. Is vary remarkable. Her oldest boy Is ilk hr la sis, a fact' that somewhat ! troubles th . . Russian people, accustomed to great ; sue 'in roters. trai ; ats noutr . training -has. developed la . him a J strong, ;. rasoiuts character, eonsd- j aatlou and fftudkms, and. apaol ox standing by a eotrrlcOon. writer, to be . able to atop this thoughtless, uaelcas and cruel traf fic" . A raiaaity. Utile. Ho ah Oh, lllas MlaoUt You ain't gwtne to hang up a stock- la' wid vbdia ta It, Is you? 'M,nale-Yes( I am. And Tm a-dola'-yt a-purpose, too. 1 want Santa CUus to see that 1 don't want any little, bits o' things. Anything that'll stay la my stocking 11 have to have some sis to 1L Little Dinah Well, ef you gwltvs to do fiat, Mlas Minnie, won't you please, ma'am, lemm hang on o' mln under yours, so 's I can ketch ds drippla's? Harpers Youag reo- tua. " H CWdnl Say. . 1 Willis W hired a new cook yes terday. r Wallace What's her name? WClls-saller name? Oh, I don't know. She dlda't Uy long eaouga for oa to loarn thaL Truth. The Old Friend KxA the best riea3, Ihaicrrer tails jou, is Eimmons liver Eego lator. (Lh Bd Z) thals whsi you bear al the ceatloa of this excellent LiTer . icediciiie, aad people ehonLi not bo persuaded .that asytiin else will do. j ;It.is th King of LiTer lfii cLbos; is UtW thaa pUU. and takea th plaoo of. Quiaiao and . Calomel . It acta cUrsctlj oa th Liver, Kiiaert aad Bowels and give ne-si life to th whole rys tesa. This is the median you want. Boll tr all rreggists la liquid, or in Pot Jer to.be talea dry or ciaJe into a .lea.' . .. arrrxarrsrciiiru J. S4. U1US S) i ! r - - j t AfCzJL... u--i I . -If.. . ! 1 f