VOL. 72. NO; ? I PROFESSIONAL CAMS I - "TtOSSEY BATTLE, Attorney and CcraTtealW kt ... MM If f Offioks: Tarboro, N. C. i Rocky Mount, N. a teg Adjastment ot cltims a specialty. pAUL JONES, ; tb'yand Coancelor at Law ' f j. TAB BO a O, N. C, . Tf J. MARTIN, j J Attobnet at Law, Practices in the Courts of Edge- l ooiuoe, juartin and 1'itt, Office rear of Doodle Pender's Store. I t ,. TAbbobo, N. C: v , ' TOHN J Attorneys-at-Law, TARBQRO, ! 14 ly . H. A. (i TULA AM. QILLIAM & SON -i Attorneys-at-Iiaw, TARBORO. N. C. H 11 1 practice in the Conntioa nf iun.w haUTM and Pitt, and In-the -Courts of the uuiciu uibd-ici, ana in tbe Circnit and Sanreme Conrta at Ralpio-h - ..m i T. P. -WISH, SI. D.i I PHYSIUAN & SURGEOK, x-aroro KT. o. i umoe next door to Hotel How rav- ;1 I-- v.-- :;, j 30 Jy UlVa. EDWARDS. KtX SIGN,; AND HOUSE PAlNTEB, - Paper hanging a, specialty. 40lf. . i TARBORO, N. a THE PUBLIC. j I am Prepared to do all work in me Undertaker's Business at the shortesi notice. R ttino Ann nected with my shop theJrepairing business. All work Left at my shop Shall have PromDt atteniinn. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-claBs HEARSE for in i Thanking my friends ior their iormer patronage, l nope .o merit Vthe ' 8 - j J tnev anything Undertaking Repairing Business Mv Place i'a on Pitt Street Three JJcors Ixc -u l e Corner of Main, IS. I- Simmons. J. i. it Put St , one door below L. Wldell & Vo Pine Full Dreta and Evening Tailor Made Suits. The term well dressed ex tends from the neck to the loot of the subject, 1 WCutting, repairing and cleaning .j . ne at short notice. V J , i du ' - - . , THE NEW YORK WEEKLVvlIEB ALD 3F"ox 1894- W1L.L. jut WITHOUT QUESTION AMERICA'S - Leading FamiIyPapei The repuiatioo that the Weekly Herald nas enjoyed ior man years o being the best home newspaper in the landNwill be materiallif added to during th year of tans xt t . - aoct. pams or expense will be spared w maw ii, in every aeparuneni the most reliable, iaierestins: and instructive of all weesiy newspaper publications'. f It will Ibe improved in many -wa vs. As number of new features and departs menu win oe aaaei. The latest deveion- ment in all fields of contemporaneous hn mao interest will be ablyvdiscusstd from weex 10 wee by accompJsbed writers. THE NEWS OP THE JWORLD will be given iu a concise " but complete form. Every important .or interesting event, either at home or abroad, will be duly described in the columns of the Weekly Herald. la politics the Herald is absolutely in- uepeoaeni ana sound. It tells the rights and wr mgs of all sides without fear. farmers and stock raisers cannot afford to be without the Weekly Herald during the earning year; It will contain a regular ucan.ujcuw.ecn ween aevotea exclusiye y in s abjects of timel y interest to them and giving many valuable suggestions and new ideas. r j The women and children j of the land will find in the Weekly Herald a welcome visitor. The household and: children's pages will be b jth instructive and enter taining, inev win abound In hints and receipts wbich women so much value. a. Druiiant array of novels and short stories by .the best writers in Ameiica and England has been secured, so that fiction ! will be one of the most attractive features i mane weeKiy Herald during 1894. In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a magazine of the . h ighest order; combined with a complete newspaper, i I ! NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Only $l.OO aS ear Send fob Sample Copt. Address THE WEEKLY HERALD, , Hbbald Squabe, NEW TORE. IS. , - w r-i h: a i -t rwAfr nt - , , Woodward & lothrop, 10lh. llih and F Sts. J. W. . Washington, D. 0. Invite the attention of patrons inVirginia and the Caroli : nas to the ? FRESHES. BRIRHKT. : ' " . AND stock of Goods they hare ever shown. ON MONDAY, APKIL 2D. they offer 100 pieces of siDr striped French : FUnnels at 38 neh : Fl..l. .. oo cts. per yard, value 75 cts. One hundred pieces of Crepe de Chene, lfi cts. the yard in all the newest and delicate shades. - PUR HOUSEKEEPING DEPTS. contain aver comfort, laznry and neceasity with which to tempt the taste of the artistic as well as the thrifty house wife. J BUCK DAMASK AND BIRDS EYE TOWELS with knotted fringe and hem atitfihr) tc j Ineh Linen PUlow Sl.ps.fl a pair. PUR SUMMER DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENTS i i Teem with norolties, beauties I ana exqauite fabrics - of the j most celebrated manfacturers. i OUR INDIA LINENS ' Sheer and cool for hot days. ' PUR CHINA SILKS f Elegant and comfortable for I Calling or eyeoing wear. OUR MULLS AND LAWNS DAINTY and incomparable. OUR PRICES ARE IN t - keeping with the time lower ; tnaa e?er before. write to ns for samples and prices. ; Gcoda sent bv Emr. n r D. to any part of the South. , THE BEST MO IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. Tbera are !ngU retail abos iorea In oar Um eiUe wbich sell 2,000 pain of aboe a dr. maklnc iMiifnHtnfiwinnAaH.a ur...n .1 1 bat we setl s great many paiia, th clear profit oa oar ladies1, dW and children.' shoe ii at least ten cents B pair, and on o rris and boys' shoe ',vuv m jo i eeau a patr. We sbaU -aolUli shos atoras in each of ths flftyv Urrest Uls- of tba U. 8., and if -they aell only 300 dsIts af shos a H. thJ earn S525,CO0 a year. We shoo Id be able to pay a yearly dividend of SsJ.5aahare,ororerMpereent. a year on the investment. We sell the stock at $10 a share. The price mast inevitably be maeaaiore than $1 a share. Ko stock has ever been sold at less than this prfcei whieh Is its par valee. Stock nonassessable. Incorporated, Capital $1,000,000. We have over 1,000 stockholders, and the number Is increasing daily. Betas of the principal stock- K. A. Rent, Jr.. Chico, J. B. Campbell, Ckicecs W. til Creek, Miehvt T. P. BiUletteVArcsde. N. T. Writ for a prospeetua containing the samee of our stockholders, eta, or tend an order for ttoct. enclotinaajtkUr't aeca,aaA or money order. Orders taken far one or nsare shares. Price. $10 a share. - - - - - -! DEXTER 8H0E CO., Vtii: Agtntt WatUtd. VeSfret AKK PENNYROYAL PILLS the celebrated Female Begula tor are perfectly safe and always reliable. For all irregularities, pamini enwua-.ions, Harppe. lod,etc, they never fail to afford a , wuj buu ixiuiu rciici. o JiiZPKBI. mbnt, but a fclentiflc and - positive relief, adopted only arter years of experience. All orders supplied direct frf.m our office. Price per package, $1.00. or six packasea for $5.00.. by mail postpaid. Svxbt Package Qua easts. Particulars (seal edj 4c. All cormoondence strictly con fidential. PARK REMEDY CO., 10m6 Boa-row Msss Administrator's Rotlce. Having qualified as administrator i,t tha estate of the late Sarah N. Bass, all per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, to me on or before April 1, 1895, or this no tice will be pie d in bar of same. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt payment to me or my aU torneys. J. W. BASS, Adm'r, Whitakers. N. C. UMNEST HANDSOMEST PAYS I Jno. L. Beid6ie8 & Son, Att'ys. jaarcQ vd, ioV4. lsts ItlltKlUR 15 YEARS " And Scalp. PnraJeiaaa Pre. scrlptians aad Beaaedle Fail, jjort . AD Hop of Core. Thought Hboaelf DISFIGURED FOR LIFE f Af w. vuuvim nenom crusts at Once. DlaeaM Entirely Gone In OmHohUu w p9 ATace. son smooth. ' .! . - Phyrtcl-o, and an to no araiL IhadSTM Vai rw Mine eared, and wael-wTr? wjtafT?y: kiDg the cxAcil Brr two taaspooaf nla atta, aosi boa, and appu.4 th. Cvtkvkx fwi A;V,v.tt luncwe pini u vim awtth rrr i.ihi num, j). p i i , ' CobTj,sm TETTER ON SCALP. AND H1NT1 . B. BUBJiHAKT, Enthtoo, Tena. without relief f SSS'?!S???i . , , JT. B. WALKEB, OakJandTGlr THE TORTURED. DISFIfiilRFh 5? 't rrerrwhere, MB find in th. wKzunua,iromintaa7toaf. Ho o Car BMn Dimu," maOtd (tm. I fl VrW. ""K Ctoar ekm ai soft- ' Q proaoced by Oonoun Soat. SHORT BREATH. , Chest Pains, BoNoeas, Weakness. ArtAma,Plri,y , tod InflunsutUoa Tlr aslant toy to TIN SHOP. I AM DOING A . ani Rcofiag BUSINESS as cheap as any. I do - repairing ID lin, Iron and Copper promptly. j. t. wflflb, 4 j- Austin BuildiDg. I make the most superior Coffee Pot erer offered to the public 13 tf Nathan . Williams, m Only a few doors telow Ectel Parrar. XAliiJUKO, N. C. JACKSON Jackson, Tenn , MANUTActtTBiBa OF School, Church and Office Furniture. School and Churches Seated In tie Best Manner. Offices Furnished ; Send for Catalogue. s y, wt,-. 1"" LUUlLa MafiLfi W UJlAo, 111, 118 and 115 Bank Street, NORFOLK, VA. LARQJt 8TOCK OF FINIS HIP Uonnmsnts,' and QnvestoresJ Ready for Immediate Delivery. March SI. 1 frvf.H. W.SMllU.Prineipmioftko COIMEtCUl COLLEGE of KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY '9nTEZ3A.Xs LCXINOTOM, OIOTHt v ahe WW. Oelessblaa tnMHni Sjr a. sasfwiti I 0Ml4WHaf ... neaissM mwun SS4 bwi F.IIIT, Ttj. .am Adarsea. W. . aa. sua. A I SB. C C C Agents' profits per month? Will JUetJ prove It or pay forfeit. New art.cie just oat. A $1.60 sample and terms tree. Try us. Ch, Jester 4 Bon, 33 3ond8t,,N,Y. , I i i rti TTi rn OFFICE Fill TUBE ft TARBORQv N. O. THURSDAY. MAYi.frf. HE .COULDVT BE5I8T. "Bob, old my tether." man, I'm at the end of ))Very well, pull up " ' "Opposite a workhouse? Lively prospect. " J . "Well, Ted, you've certainly gdae J5. What' with horses, cards OhJ IklTowall tht." "Howmany hundred hare you pent In getting a pal but of a mess? -oney-lendcrs?" V I T .1 . - ' there's no hope frht them. J shall 'hvu. uve to leave the country. " "Obi nonsense." . "It'fl a fact, all the aarr - "Why not tnarrv that Uttlo T7-.ir giri, oi JUayswatetT" "I don t eare for' tke TTajiii. r-i a- a a m ndIhateBayswater.". . "btllL she.awf ullv sweet n w and she "has loads of coin." V Thus these two chatted m. P-i.wi SUndlsb was a "man of the world," and the world had got tbebetter of tho man. . DlssiDation haA Wt ! . ou his' handsoms (ace which- yet re trained much Clf Its fr"nlr Vlnfl!.... He was Ihlnslna now Qf many tbinffs and among others of Ethel. Ethel Was the Ristr of Jalr TTai-el Jack, was airieud of his. TTaI, 8 potto ed" with her durinir hU m visits to Harvard's DeorJe. weD she bad taken it rather acrf ously.. And even these rare visits were caused as much bv the bar. some barmaid round the corner as by fondness for Jack'n mU. Tf Ethel j bad known that she might have guarded her heart more care- iuiiy. ao that Ted disliked the pretty, trustful . girlbe . tboogbt ucr rtttaer nice, in fact hut hM by no means in. love with her, "and mwy wt-re no at an well off. All the same. Ted determine! go and say jjood-by to Jack are !.. weni to rusticate In Wiltshire. Bus- ncaung in WUtshire was a Urmr oianaisn, but an old servant down there owned an inn and erv him uuiimitea credit. it . . ... - Iir i Mr. jack Harvard In?-v 1 asicea the servant on his arrival. iso, sir, but I think h will v nere soon." Standish beard a rustle of aldrta as of some one running rapidly up stairs: He smiled. How KtranrrA It wai a Kin win spend an hour in decorating herself for. a very mo mentary appreciation. "Very well; IU wait." . He went Into the drawlnc-room. and was not left long in solitude. Ethel came in, held out her hand and flushed. Really, she was rather pretty. A girl who IsNf rr fond of one always looks better to Mm than to anybody else. It is a sop to his self-conceit; there Is no "kudos" la fascinating an ujily woman. . . . . . He knew well how to use his voice and his eyes he had bad so much practice in this sort of .thing. "I have come to say good-by," he said, abruptly. "Good-by" oh, so faintly, i "Yes; I must go away" he looked earnestly into her eyes. "For long?" "Perhaps forever; I am ruined" "ruined" is an effective word 'and I must ko away." He sat beside her, and took her hand. He did not really mean anything wrong; it was mere force of habit. As she made no reply and turned her bead away he thourht he miht as well go a lit tle further. So he said,, bitterly: "After all, no one will miss me." "Oh! Mr. Standish. I I shall miss, you very much, for Jack's sake you were suchfriends." The lat ter part of this was weak, and Ted knew it. "I thank yen," n ld. "Of course I could not hope that you would miss me for your own sake." But she was an English girl and her spirit was high. I say .English because It is well known that our na tional preeminence extends to spirit tJ1- o, . iu iris. - oo sne gave mm her Hand, wished him a courteous good-by and rushed upstairs and cried her eyes out. We are now in Wiltshire and Ted has spent a month of misery. He misses his London, and it will be adi mltted that this is a big thing to miss. He missed the club, the han soms and the Empire. However, ha is a , little livelier now, for Bob Trenchard has wired that he is com ing from "Saturday to Monday" with him. "Great news," he tele graphed. "Great news," pondered Standish, "what ever does he mean?" ."Here I am. Great Scott, what a hole!" said Bob, when he arrived. "Bob, old man, you are an angeL Have a whisky and a soda The spirit's fiery, and the 'soda's Cat. However . Now, what's ." your news?" . , ' "MaKniflcent, my boy.' Your flame, Ethel, Is coming into a pot of money. She went on a visit to some friends. Staying there was a crusty old bachelor, of whom no one took any notice. - He fell ill, she nursed him. The dad U his solicitor; he has made a will in her fa r she will have two thousand .... , a year. Well, but I don't see' "Bot! go back to town propose to her, marry her- at onca,J And be refused as a fortune hunting' skunk." "Nonsense, she doesn't know her lock." . ' "My dear boy. this Is aU very well; I and Its verv kind of tnu hnt ir. I out of the question. Supposing the 1 oid cnap should alter hi wiu V . ti always do; auppofeoasj of .tU bun. aoa one thing 5 that always tiff? i" "4dM --v.auie existence of. genteel pov- xotrre an, i Th old chap's : VY! thew old ;mo go' on -'-. ..... a J . wa oere, va sbow you bow srure lam the thlnrs all right," III lend. . toousana on the strength 'of w witih .- nna ttia37 money, fpx Mtry. 1 can : blow' BB bnk. ,.. o ou ro wix oo that under any clr- On the morrow thrv lofa L The same eveaing StaadLA called 6a AArrru. aia wa lotky en ouch .vuij sicnc. oe was verr -yw mn maa 10a toought be m-m suwajs uDaerrateU her. "Mr. Standish!" . t TT H.1"1 brZ7ir Pardon, Mlaa "You have'eorxre back?" t 9 knew thaht - l ar-V. with a rush "i iuZZuVl: trong. I am V and I ArA r.r.t k. . ; knew I should speak and fclltL I felt But I kn- it w.eJ-. . is . - " asaasi u u Ajar- rnjs - .a asv WWII I ask you to share my poverty? So I Went awaV. hOTjlOiT tfll fnrrwrr t u.tou carea ror m h. Arnvrj naa a nara struggle, and 1 have uwn Dcaten. i could nnt it V . -'-J- A a to come back and uirvmi . v . - j-wm a caa to icarn my fata. And If von Kave me the answer I longed for, we t,uua ukos me world together. ! I know It Is wrong., I know I am a But, EtheL fortrfve m a ?jwara. ell me that thera is n wnl will leave you., Etheir . ; ' . 'A Khebad clasoed. hi. arm. .w., ner and was boldlnrr un hr t i . . we auseu. now could ha have been . . . r w osiuyr ' tie might have known. ao; were was' no tnbtake. Td now swears tba the would have mar ried ncru she hadn't bad What Is more be rneans it TV.J1 . Mnn T . . J uxjjonoon 5im. ' Hsre's a Hi a New Malady.. A -14 1 ... jiiwcr waa ncard to say mat wnen sae first irbt a rtrv,.i.s. letter to do she thought she had a soft thlniT. It was a eommltta rh. flcatlon, the only difference la the let ters ocmot the names and swre. -,wuw; aKiuoo. i cere , were nve nundred of these letter Lv rw. typewritten. ' She beimn hr v-ir ia nign glee. After having finished u a ootea or more she had tho txt by heart, and rattld on .1 a nign rata of speed. After havW - . . w w done thirty or more her speed begun to fall off. i Shortly it begaV Z" Becesaary to rest a few mlautea be- twecn each letter. 'Then her -v-. reiused to . distinguish the letters,' uer nngrs worked, automatically. The mind failed to understand th. meaning r of" the. worda. Then. the eyes closed with wearlneea-aad the fingers groped their; way unaided by light. After a Urn the text baraina so confused, the letters o mixed up that the work had to be turned over to .another person. . The leartimMiV va . vhici iruewnien 'Mantmi. nervous txcltament and hrviu haustlou that reaulu from rsti. tlon. Wopven who conduct oficea of typewriting report that not lnfr quentlv glPig have "beenj' laid vp- at their homes and In hospitals from making excessive copies of - circular etters. in well-conducted nffl. these are now given' In rotation; al ternating with other work. 0,10- go Post. . : A Famous VVUa. ACDperor. niiUlfflV TtrstaAnt - a sa.. IHIHt a Arnnce. iJUmarek oonalatd rJ a doxen , bottlea'of tha famous Stain, berg ."cabjnet" oif tha;. great comet yeavr, wuicn is.vna nneat and rarest wine in the imperial cellars, and re markable both fdr Ife fragrance and for Its strtagth" ' The-gift f worthy of theoooaslohi fo all such wine is absolutely pHealeas, and It :U prob ably only to b found In thi eTlar. of the emperor and of the duke of itrrhifivWirv-aa.' 1 old - lDeror WIUW ant "VaTf dozen bot UeatrfthfTsamewln as a present to the queen- !a'1837, 'and it was brought over by Emperor Frederick,- then-crown- priDoe, tlmjelf. Fina Rhnlsh rlaea get mere and more -acaroe evfry 7eaf for there haaiiot bana;faalljLrairata ria Uge slnoeJ8Ca. London World. aa . .' t "I". A''. J." ' -Whtlra towa;board meeting of west Indianapolis was In Session last BS3?lkl tha P'ADea, who wasxveaerri w-a8EH0fld to perforTrra-aargir Tba coatraaUli WUw wara Mr. 1 Joha Perry 5 aaMUsrsrary McOraevy. reaidencaol, thai bride.. enBridge treat. , SfrtX&XHZ. AEAt eitered m Aooh iV.natttM"lait It dMirMlrtC'PArtarS that tha eronrrba rt Ihdri,. oaa7 :Mr; AUea rjrotnptjy tt-d -tW ktrot,'- Mr. Wynnes -wbxfna3ica'J watch from hJa rjeoket fota Jh4 Cmseoni ymed In the !5ertmoarrstarUed" them an.by. Wrnmolng lhat tha world's record had fust Ws hrr,Vs ".!r"m!hava - iakan only two and l is . - oHo-sau aecomda U ' the ceremonv , Indlaaapolla Journal " . . - 7Rw LIQUID FUEL. stoonoiny oT th'TJa of on foi ; " , ' Balsnng fiUasx I SlMrVs m aaatssi a -msrty rae :. An mUrfatlnff rtrmrt rJ ..l(VIKr. Aiut. statemrai vera that the use nf v.. been tatirtir- aatlafaet- in SSl-i-VW tti waiaj rnumaa opsio. tie tnali boiler plan. - cuaoad Ut, 614.401 gallons, or 7400,805 pounds of ol tor generating .'ateavm, Lvelopln iZZT " T ,rocrJ I,315,PC4I mills per horaa-TMa,. v.-. t - -vwrwiww own.-. atMtftf fii f?rVl oQ aU.ulOBiMam TZi cea tj rdgallooa. : .. ..i t Tlve boUer-house force and soufw wont comprised 210 burners, atom WbkoU beatj, M boilen, with s tAadard ratlanr of ahrvn i fwv aoartj horse-powrr, and attends bv a .'t V av a VVi I f -. divided into tti I DOUr,nir- ThesaviniTn coat i111 .d for the'oH fueL i wrnrmrrci -with mt .t II7 v ?tUx 'Pricw for larga quantl- vvw v isirauAi. M ppnrrna.- An enulvajeni consumption or from BOO to C00 tdai of coal per- day would havW ?BW7. that for the duration W.000toa "of coal w" ;l r 3J; and ilr. simn:r remans inat "it e..,l uiuicuu w imairtne ho Kt- jtm . . - . .. .. : -wws bv vaai eunountoi coal OuldTln tha Rmlui t .. - . . . , - S,?WW " -J a wjtaout wdanrrr. ttZ'JK" " "taf . v "u,oa J wa use oi bill i upi araa arw 9? . iu was aoout sri mf mi k. Prea WIU the MtimAlail m.i 1 ... -.. . ' wiM- UBJJ, , u5-c"1 ,T,bcr '- lnthaua.nl' ltnt.ti n t IIranTvtr4svN T a . '" via ap-1 utua Deautr." It wan a Aa Peared to be in ara. r -ti ..Iv.! VJL waa a cay or two countries. Durinx? th W! ..-ii.. . : , 4 owirr many Manchester firm h bad rtxoune w ueuweunMsiurJ. hut tv IwuIsm n. , - . bodera, railway engines and similar! purpoaea. AalaVki on ramSioiu. Produced 11.000 .l i .IT, " about B 000 t e.t. class steam m.1 Tt . JI.3".r frt i .v7 "riwvrt- forcthat In thUmpHl slsty-two Dnd. of VrLU1 bgtha ono with coal, thi- MJk " talk I, it was found that one pound evaporated 'eight ter and one pound of Mtitkl four, Jea pound, of water.. The rvJatloo between the volume of .!rv..;-1 -- .iv . - , s nto tba furnace and the: ouantitv waUr .rra- tant: anUw.r .aT. - r .T' ' a-ve sivu Wf ataB " ssVJsasTl I m VWa vi- ... . i -ivwi w SM IUUUU LaUsaK IlTF I IS SI " , m ha k. i . aro pounds or water. Coniunt? sides a smaHer weight r f UL also about 40 per cent.' less gating Iut. face was reoulred for" atafvi f . TbU was apart from the cost of tba juci, an item or considerable Impor 4 SMAa .t.a .la L H tanr. rV m a 4 a wn . , . . . - wucra, as it would I fcSOW tO reduO Ih- r I cooalderably without leianln,, u-a,T- : , r7 I -ui-prwiucing capacity. - . wt- - a ai J' . eSJL- - 10 n1 nd Moscow IalSSO used about 100, ftOO ton of aaUUi'at a saving of about -"VI ns v-ua. sa rgmnarea wiui ri tv. prtco of tharesldua at Moscow is twenty-five dollars per ton; at Bakn no mora than two dollars and rrt. CCnU. SriantlrU A i . m. a an, - " THEY MCKT AQAIN. ) rormar SUves UrUW U aJ.i " "AfW"al8sUritla. I Two ex -slaves, who had not'aH.'l wu ovuer ior twentv.fls aM V .a ... . t wera married recently, a priad f" were rfooa 'Ahornpsoa, sd eighty-flva years, aad Klttv v-. gad seventy. Before tha lata war both were slaves In the fmn r Mr n. Otji, Ta - . W1 NVLrUATAB-. VOO SBIial a. I targe plantation Iq torgaa county, 7. , . w iiAVonpaon was upon aa an old man, whEa tha woman waa called "mammv" bv that .VIM.. v s... - 3 3 ims iu vusj inniuy. After the two slaws wara made free by tha war they went out In dif ferent directions to folks a liveli hood. The maa decided to follow the river, and he secured, a place In the dining room of a steamboat. He con tinued at this untU several months A when ha retired. Thompson had saved enough money to keep him In comfort for tha rest of hie Jaya. ne looked up some of his chU drea, now living la LouUville, but found that they did aot lake any la-i terest In their old father, nolseem MaT to care whether ha waa fllT or dead. It waa while vlaiv lag his children that the Id man met ' Kitty . Oweaal They did oot know each other at first, and It waa only after they had compared notes that tha two reeog other. A marriage was hortly arranged between tha two. They went to the county clerk's of floa together, where a license was ie wd. ..Tha old couple wr accom panied to .Magistral Camp's oCca v7Curloua crowdU Thera the ee. lmfny J0- I J ' - - i a a a. . Tbompaon had' been married three timea, and his companion aly one tima las. As tha old coonla wara .Hlghert of an la Lt.Ttaiag I V lfy. Camp rtxamOsd them. that hls.fe-had been overlook ed. . "Lot I. To hoaah, I haa't got wy mo money." said tba old man. "Z expression of the old A xaciai exDrtMlaa rsf Atl u irr Doanran t a NtrrrJ.fa .i. . .l as aafiimKlsiiMi..t.... vtTv Z??0"10? man amount of ou ot nis manT Dockets. .u-wmtjo orrr to the marfj -watA'WBO found tUt It amrwmta to a total of ninety centa. Th. am man sxnlalnod tLat . Tv mj . - ' WW Ui I UjOU Bis savings so that they would last vunu ne was one hcnflrA aM t Ha took mlr ooe of thrl lzlt - - j - waw. U. W tc ti. rtlU. aaxtweek. ThebrUrrrv ..i. .v.. k enouKb out of tie titra.Ll..n.i . . balance of one dollar aad tencenta i v- m.uLiiirnr ri nsv f. . AfA I Bmasristrata. BAD MISTAKE. afTlah art Embarras s- s a- tinr Linruin wr vJOOO-LOOkinr FArala-nae-a. . -ava Aauianapoas gui .who spent Ut winter abroad atudvlntr m.. S T- at J. .. ' .. ralatea an amusing Incident of her a-- fimi vob oi Prvenoa with one of the teachcra. a youa Ital Italian xnusVciaa who also riavad In t the crcheatra. th whAia charms aU twTrC affected to ha tarM. .u. I nA.'-ni . - huiiks. I - I mm VI. K-V ... a. t . .T -- a I - J wyMv t" -r. I ti... : . " iwiecs towto ua LOrUtoAi KrsJm ..1 jwng iaay nau just fiaLahed leaaon with him. Their oonversa-; I i . w.j.i . . little EngUah aad 9 saw?ave s a . ... - uoor ana said: wiab you a marrv Chrfafcrr,. - I lr- . v. '1 I : r: noment, aa u da I wj oa voen, Dowln "T: . . " great booor w oo, out I cannot raarry von Christmas: no- ao. v7Ta7v Tf2 The poor gVl waa dreadfambar. Z7tZ "Trt"" "I- edXlnr!? lilZr Lt mas C! f7Z.J Ct" hi. now thoVUghly Indignant rS . t ,w .T?J wonaai ptipu i w un aunt understxnd that I ah. rut -v , . . J 7 voosunas, ba I : . wrea Bl lUa-mla. BS bsb1 liana t V as I a I lAsTsl aVaae A saw M V . - smms stm proiuM in ma )n ami. HavarQrows Lass. Talk about a woman's Tjeraonal nityl I oonakler It comas to an end some tlma before aba dw aa on her sixty-fifth or aeventieth 1 n ,i . . oinDcay, out ure are men who WmM .... .a a ... . r. wuncei.oeDeiiei icat they am eminent! v faartnatfnt- rt tf thCT lived tO a hnisdrea art . Judga by tha following trua story Maria was at a very heavy coaver iona tha other evening and was sitting down auletlv n-avr a Mm. of most' venerahl.Lnlc?v' a.- She thought they were discoursing on rocks and tatRM - an. troubled to listen, till suddenly ths word marrlaee" attract! tw a. tentlon, and she caught tha follow luff sentence from an old obVeet who must have aeea hi eightieth, birth day. - . "However much Ilorada and however much that young giri loved me, I don't think I should xnarrf again If mvrrrrat Hfta 1 might have to leave that vouna- irtri a widow before manv veani anri very hard on her that would bef And Maria cannot recover fmm that speech ''however much that young girl loved ma" considering tha man. Thera are manv of him. hbj Mali. HI3 SONNET. Savare Shock to a Pora First Au - taevapt for tha Public It b said that for a long tima af ter a certain poet began to write he auraed his genius In secret, aot caring to let hi productions MttbapubUovye. ' At last, however, ha oom'poaed a aonnet ta tha moon. wttS t,t,k a,. w-t Mdallgbted that ha sect It to a popular Journal, and In Imagination aa w hirnaeir well On Us way up the Udder that leads to fame. ' For soma weeks ha searched tba columns of tba paper for his sonnet In vain; it did not appear. At last, when reduced almost to despair, he ooaday. ha glancing over "Notice to pon as pon dents," waa electriSad by tha foCowing paragraph: ' "W bars received from soma oca sn effort at poetry. eaUUed, 'Sonnet to tha Moon.' Tha first two Hn-. run thu: -TaassaAuII! 'r1" tae aWl i "Ttxxa tha figura of this couplet sad tha aejqecl, U is evidsnt that or aalhcrisataiaor; -whoaa gooaa win Barar waft turn to tha s axnmlt of Par. &ATa." YoutVs Coopanioo. PRICE FIVE CENTS Power - Littrt U. S CoVt 'n&tb vwicrsfiJ A GREAT DISCOVERY: it Brtmre Oaaa Btura Afar MsotattOa Hew a staelsjeej tAaT-tAr raskasai Tfc BjraaaA aaas AppOmd. vP1? editor auiotaf'tbr fresh bit of stuff aad when tha querSook lag maa carae la ha turned to Urn eagerly and was almost effusive U his greeting, says tha Detroit TVea Press. ... 7 a'ioae.-s!d tha visitor, seat, log himself, that vou fn-,. . Jways ready for a aaw Me?" - l e, that's what wsarsberslor. Have you got one?" . "I think it 1st taehh. , s thU wsy: You know freight ehargaa are an Item of hoeJn.ri "lea, Tva heard aa" v ffot to aHaviata that condition." . "What U it, a paasr ' ' VNo, aomtthlng easier to gat: It's hydrogen gaa." . . 'hydrogen rxsP .Tcla'ms-i' .v- editor. "What's that got to do with "Bust freight rbirm .!! smash, that's what." -How?" ' - "Easiest thing la tha world"'. my plan. The way I dovlt ls-thia. I pack tha freight la my patect air tight receiver, with snaoa left .1 round tha edfe. th. T . Into the receiver all t-a v It WUI hold. Cork It irrl -!rrV ... thera you are with a on hwarad or two hundred pound rjackaa wV9w log half as much or lea,- In soma iMtaaora, sir, th package is so light i. caa to oa held down on tha acaJra to make it weie-h at a!l - The editor sat vb Lra!w a. vi. chair. " "Ia tha matter of cos La e-.' .i. m resumed tba visitor, 'it .iZ. - charm; and a ten-pound weigU wi3 l?o through tha mall In r, charged receivers with a'c&et postage stamp. If. tv. r--a-. thing ia tha world for aritaes end their maauscripu la andthv caa aava t went v-flvarf, .v. prioa they gtt for tha articia ia cms. ga alone. Ia UcTclea. too. Uhi prove aa Immense aucceaa." TTou can check a tlrrcie a W. euggeated tha edrtor. "Come off: I dno't You know the object of bicycie tsak ersU to reduce tha weight of ttstr machine. Ttev've LrW4 aluminum aad vTULng, ht aoth- g quit coea IL m plan afelta the busineaa. I mer!v ua. . a., what larger tire and 1 ln.t. v crogen Instead of common air and I reduce the weight on th mti t. nsakiag the tlra largtr 1 ca Cy raduoa tha weight of a tairty-paaad bicycle to aa manv oujmm aaw4 tha tire large enourV I u t a Eying rr.afMrta. Sa7" Tha editor want down laL. ti. pocket aad out with a quarter. -"Here ." h said. In a rsii.a4 v. v.V. . I. ..a .'7. . avat ro wan IA kWi outof your bead," aad tha visitor eat down talr walstnnaf softly. - A Lf4hiuc Wmir : Thera 1 one man who should h enrolled In the revenue serrios of tha -mica niaxts wiust rrgard topci tics, religion, or any of tha caste- " ary objections. Ha is a fsnrn t. ' Marshall county who foUowd tha smen of aa licit still for thrae mllea to Its soure. A n." that should ac.ba lost to tha gov ernment. If ha cannot - ba tha sleuthhouad of tha treasury, ha caa ba iU pot n te r. KajOt yS tar. "" 'i'V.'. The Old Friehd: Aci tha beat fricyj, tLainarsr ' vlU yorj, uliiinma-s livtf EasrV : lator. (tLa Bad Z) ttat'a VSat jou hear at tha raeatkw c.'this excellent Iirer aadiczie,; ui . pocpla saooll not ba TTaadai ' tLst aoythin alsa anil do. ' , It Is tia Kicg cf Lhrer ifeu dnes; is better than pels, taJ takes tha plaoa cf Oiinba and Calomel. It acts directly on tha Liver, Kiiaeyi asd Bowels aad . gives tew Lie to tLa whoa ara texn. This is tha medicine yoa wact. Sold by all DrrUta ia liquid, or in irowder,to ba takca (. dij cr maJ into a tea, IW n Nsas I Mmm II 1 ! rr-I l a. t ----- . - . B K rjkri 2sa taw auiui a c4X,i i i

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