1 . i . r hJlhrft:.;;- . : .:."". a a aa a, a a. .akaaa.a-anas, - r n. ( Published Every Tittrecby, . . .. i " ' J. 6. CHARLES, : ; : Lessee uiMuager - RATES OF ONB TEAR. . SUBSCRIPTION .... . f$lM BIX MONTHS. ...,.. ; Advertisements among local batter loeenta a ne for each Insertion to regular advertisers, Transient adrertlsements in local columns ' . parties having no regular acjver-tlsementaj 15 ennta a Una and lione inserted for 1688 wan 00 .ents. ' ' I .. i i Advertisements, discontinued; before the time ! : contracted for has expired, will be charged trail- ' Blent rates for time actually published. . Notices of marriages or deaths, not to exceed : ten lines, will be inserted free.! All additional matter will be charged 10 cents per line. Payment for ! transient advertisements moat : be made In - advance, Eegular; advertisements will be collected promptly; at the end of eve -y month, Communications containing news or a discussion of local matters, soneited. lie com munications will be Published that contains ob jectionable personalities, thatf withholds the name ot the author, or that: will make more than one column ln.thls paper, i . The editor is not responsible for .views ex pressed by correspondents. . i '. 49-All business with this office. In Order tO msure prompt attention, should be addressed te THE SOUTHERNER, ! ':'' ' : TAJtBOKO, N. C. Entered at Postofflce as second class matter. Thttbstay. ....... .... May 17, 1894 'DEMOCRACY 13 IMMORTAL.' 'THE WORD DEMOCRAT STANDS FOR HUMAN LIBERTY AND HUMAN FREEDOM, AND II CANNOT DIE' SXKATOB VaxcB. ' We wonder if D. B. fltil can say in the Fall campaign, 'I am a Demo crat." The W, N. uaroiina Kailroad is to be Bold Salisbury. by Mr. Chas. Price, of President Cleveland has gone down the Potomac for a ; few days salt wa ter fishing and re creatioq. - Chairman Wilson, who has been South for his health has 1 so far re- covered as to; be 1 able to return to Washington He says he will take part in the coming campaign. No appointments, except those of foremanships, are , to be! made by Public Printer Benedict until he has reduced the force which' he found nearly twice be. as large as it 'ought to r Washington City is going through an old fashioned small pox scare. It has been on for nearly a jweek - and the arrival of a negro from Chicago, on Saturday, with the disease fully developed has aggravated U, and the doctors are reaping a harvest. Ev erybody and his wife and children are getting vaccinated, j Mt. Airy News says: Printing of fices are not run for the fun of the thingV They are business enterpri ses, pure and simple. It; is just as logical A to ask a donate a certain amount oil cash to a private enterprise as to giye the use of his type without even an! acknowl edginent. How many there are who fAaMBt illjj'f a.! i il . ' Jorget this fact when tney nave concert, lecture or Other entertain ment, that may; come in the list just when " . they want from j 50 cents to $5 worth of gratuitous'- advertu sing. . 1 xae sad news comes from Vene aeia that the cities of Mefida, La- UunUlas, Chiguara, j and San Juan, situated m the northwest of the Be-, public in the region of the Andes, are reported as having . beei totally acssroyea oy a fierce shock at 11 o'clock on the night of the 28th. Many' villages are said to be iwrecksd but details axe not yet to tba ha The convulsion extended to Wts of vuc ujaceni isepublic ot Columbia. The full details i0f the catastrophe will be learned slowly, but it is prob able that 10,000 people have tier- ished, and it is certain that the great est Buttering prevails in tbe places i r : visited by the eatthquake." lThe Chief Justice l and Justices Arery and Bur well, whose opinion was asked by the Governor j as to whether .'certain - of the Judges ap pointed to vacancies held for the term or only till kuccessors j should be elected at the approaching elec tion, have given an opinion that they ao not noia for tbe term and that . successors are to be elected i at the approaemng election. In reaching wns conclusion tney say that they are governed largely by the cons struction which the Legislature has put on the Constitution. ;This opin ionsetties the matter, and'-the peo. pie -win nominate and will elect t, in Noyember. News-Observer. : The knot has at last been cut, and Mr. F. M. Simmons' appointment naa been confirmed by the Senate. xnejsew Berne Journal says: ! jsnei as it is it tells a very; satis- lactory piece of news. We are glad o anow me matter is decidediNev- er didja man work more faithfully or mure enereetiealhr in & camnaiim than one; did Mr. Simmona in ft Via 1a.A J u -1 " aW uaaa tt uou . me camnaiirn nn eiouos 01 tnreatened defeat huntr jr over ine etate by reason of deiection to Third party ranks, but election day showed the connsels of tne enemy were brought to naught, and the resultlwaa ih no smali de gree attributable to the watchful skiUand generalship with which he as Chairman of the State Democratic , Executive Comniittee managed tha 'SSfl - T5e offi hich has been bestowed upon him is small enough recognition of his faithful d successful services - f THE COUNTY SCPEBLYTKXDE(T. It seems to us that the office tf County Superintendent of Public In struetion is zrerj impoitant, one, and he who holds Jt should be ft man well qualified in many respects. In the first pltvoe, : be should have the interest of education at heart, and especially the education of the peo. pie by the means allowed by the present system of public schools, in vogue i all over our State. In the next place, he should be a man, who "has the time to attend to this office as it should be attended to," not carelessly or indifferently as is so of ten the case in a good many counties in this State. In the third place, he should be a man of a good education himself, who knows what he is do- ing, and understands his business. A great responsibility rests upon a County Superintendent,- of Public Instruction. Teachers are to be examined, and certificates given fairly and impar tially, , i based - not upon personal grounds, but upon true merit Corns petent teachers of oar public schools can be obtained Only by fair, but rigid examinations. In - connection with the work of the Superintendent should be a first class Board of eds ucation, to manage the fi nancies and exercise general management of the whole system - Edgecombe has, for the last few years, had the moat competent pub- lie school scholars both white and colored, of any county in the State. We make this assertion without the least fear of contradiction, and it has come to pass that a first grade certificate, and even the second and third grades means something. . In competent persons cannot teach pub lic school in this county. In the last place we would urge he election of a first class Superin tendent, because it is a fact just at this time, that a great many people are not able to send their children to private schools. Times are hard and money is scarce. Give our peo ple tne very best the money can af wan uibi men so manage our public schools. Make our public schools I Btrictly first class in every respect. The magistrates have this matter in charge and will make the selection next month, on the first Monday. They will do their duty. . ; I How's This! ' i. We offer One Hundred DoUam "Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's nn.h Cure. I " . - V F, J. CHENEY & CO., Proprie tors Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known . J. Cheney for thn leak ir and believe him perfectly honorable I ty BUI OUSineSS tTS.naaifina . ..1 nanciallyi able to carry out any obli- gatftm ma.de by their firm. I gists Toledo, O. Welding Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tole- i ess a. max, wnolesale Drug-1 ""y-"V-L HaUs Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous , surfaces of the ?y"eahj "icef 75- Pr bottle. Sold by au Druggists. Testimonials free, LJ? "v1- h Cexey Breaks Caap. Aaa I HGT02". U. LL Mm T r--.T I .Browne WOka (ha riwt : I ' J - Mil IT j v u I " . aujj up u i oay break: this morning and as soon aa tney could get breakfast all hands were Mt to worfl,r..K j I into tne wagons, which lf fn- tm. I densburg J with an advance guard ot twenty-five men at 6 o'clock. For the next two hours the entire force was busily enmeed in .l,.... tne Old Site, burning tfi. uj (ung and lea vine th mnt i. u better 'condition than fhA tA .1 Just before leavino- rangued hU followers and told them be had to renort m.t Sfansf f mm- - : I . wiu uiaui I ; uouui report at court to receive sentence 1 and that young Jessie Cox- ey would be in commanr! mm , I ji.o cuuia not mw that wonld be as he might be sent to I jau, but he begered them to ob- I Jessie implicitly and throat- I dismissal in disgraoe would immedi ately follow any insubordinaUon against aTessies commands. He said he did tniS; because he and .Toa.;. had . . i , a7t .i o-i uo ww suuiH Limn im nui k .v, niuir uie men mat all was I klBlc -reior now harmonions. Than n..lnf mntw CapitoLlesa tVtwnTirr' ahaltof five tuiwle. wa.-Ska f KtLv - 10 V16 c"b stone for two blocks m the shade trees and Ustened to some dukej Unjo play. 1?'"? The people m the suburbs of Washmgton adjoining the proposed nS'n P- Fo Ifevet whST f Mary,ftnd vSeiae? -?hai f?1 "out Sf?.r With M l . . " -Mataarw BlUU I vaU. irL "!e l P.re- -y,rtm ; iiiuiues tney ev P16" t0 tt tbe Cox ey mobs to descend noon th- m.i;- I - wpiwi, out aeoune to save them in their own neighborhood. In the httle town of-Hyattsville, (celebrated for its adoption of the Henry Georire HlDgle tax svatem. now 5 . " vinuuMfll by the courts,) the citizens rang the fir a Kali :.:.vi i uo TMaaaV.j ai. J , aUOWBI mtHr - muiKi mucus wnen tn the Coxey camn in thir-"lV"X hood. 1 i "Bwor- i ?ts?a, a body to the residanna ;n ti. I densburg; of J. H. Eoderl HahiT had tendered the :7 ground. They receive -w uiping I auofcurj aaa aiajor leaves is eonduo- . .. . " mwibii XaGLlon frnm aaah tV..Uu n . cant satis- wng , . -eiucr AOdfirera or bis son J. Harrv Ttod.iH. ru. ' 1 r,o.T . T" UOSC 6""' wm do remembered . r-v coming into national pronunenee some six. or seven -years aim in section with the cn elari .ai" wot has phone inyestisration hv . Both of them announced themselves as Coxey sympathizers Without ap. proving his methods. Then the cit izens left in anindiamank fnm..i gape mind, and later OoL Wright Biver a retired officer Of the United Stat. son 1 uy Army, who lives near by, telegraphed to Governor Brown, ox Mary Had, at follows: I have written you Coxey will ar - at Bladenburf to-morrow Dca't nve i allow his horde to put our .. prcperty and lives in peril.- j x The Governor's reply is anxiously looted for bv the citizens. j A J try Ceapesed ef Wsaea ' x Such an announcement may seem Btrarge, but it is a fact. The jury was an immense one too, and the trial has lasted for many years. We refer to the 4rial - of Dr. PiercVs Fa vorite Prescription. As to its mer its, there has been a unanimous ver. diet rendered in its favor. Indeed it would be impossible to get togeth er any number of ladies who had given it a trial who could come to any other conclusion. It cures ul cerations, displacements, removes the tendency to eancerous affections and corrects all unnatural discharges. To those about to become mothers, it is a real boon, for it lessens the pains and perils of childbirth, promotes the Eecretion , of an abundance of nourishment for the child and short ens the period of confinement. WAsmeTox letter. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Wabbinqtoh, May 12, 1894. The nomination of Hon. F. M. Simmons to be Collector of the Fat tern' "North Carolina District was confirmed by the Senate late We nesday afternoon. The many friends of this gentleman throughout the en tire State will feel that at last a wor thy Democrat has received a part of I nis just deserts. I senator xtansom s Uommittee room is just now the scene of some very busy work. He has three men fixing the River and Harbor bill so as to in nr TUn aiViTa for r7e K Carolina. The House aoDroorlatian. I will be increased by our Senator, the Cape Fear river and Harbor being scheduled for a double amount. Sen ator Ransom will do his best as usual by all our Rivers and Harbors and Harbors and Lighthouses. Bepresentative Crawfotd and Mr. George H. S ma then have prepared an amendment to an appropriation measure to be submitted to the Com mittee, paying the heirs of Thomas, etc, $68,000. Representative Crawford and Mr. Eugene Waugb; of Surry, saw the President Wednesday. Mr. Clever North Carolina proposed to go aeain. Be exriresied hrtl7 interest in the speckled trout of the mountain streams. T . IsdDrMCntatlVA Knnn maIIa -4 Ik. I Whit. Hook in lb, intoe.! of W.I. rremdent had gone to Fredericks ourg, did not see him. Mr. Bona also called at the Postof&cs and War Departments, i ; Bepresentative Henderson and Postmaster Sherrill are trying to in duce the department to change the site of the Concord office to Gibson's drug store. Bepresentative Grady called up, and . the public building Committee authorized him to report favorably, Bepresentative Bower'a Winston public building bill for S 75.000. Representative AlflTanrtar before the same Committee with a aiagram and description of the Char lotte mint grounds, and urged action on hi. bOl to lease a pordonforpark purposes, as tne Committea ha.1 not heard from the Treasury Depart ment the matter was postponed, Bepresentative Branch was at the War Department and learned from tbe chief of engineers that aa sooa f the engineer's final report on the Ocracoke Inlet was receivVd that LI POTtanS imDrOVemnt nnntr.At.,1 bv the tut rnnm..- i j . I - , WMuawfeOU lur - - "6o, wuuw oegin. i danger u in cross currents. representative Woodard has se- cured Ih. .niv.inR ..t . n. I Treasury Department. Treaaurv DntrtmAn( I Marion Butler is hnra ttenA;n the meeting of the National Alliance. He appeared befor Commit tec. of which Mr Hand frann is Chairman and I the Government ownership nf th. I miegrspn. Ine .new schema for saving the Ppl dollars, by cuttinn off lean tmnlw... . MiiUOB gu UflC- 1689 employees in some of the de-1 Prtments has not yet been formally incorDorated Tt ni v, i uitu ciiect m a raw reufc-a : tu. ttt. Pepartment In the Treasury there s to be under the Doctor-. nmm; ' i.-j.., of work so as to make tbe servico moro effective at smaller cost. -That gwat department has never rei-a nnder any stan nni;i ipams and aches tronhlino. ti.Am un I jux. uariiaiA arama h i i i - - vu,. uau,eu liU.uu-l. vwusie seems disposed to ini-1 reform, that entire overhauling ethods and elimination of bar 00 111 nHHrPn -Uf Tll.D HU IMS Someot Secretary Carlisle's orm9 are not praised bv civil seA ice reformere, although I do not kDW ?,My tiong ofihe rvice law. la all the departments and inde- nd6nl hat therei.?4nX "f ministrative reforrT-not only in the number and pay of the employe,, but in the .yeigSant 15 J " "ef W vrork. At w jpisoi, mis leform ouarht to bo introduced also. - There are at leas? en hnn by the Senate and the House, soma u waom nave to ia me what a tire-' some business it was to have to "hold a chair dawn for' hours at a time with nothing to do. These useless places pay good salaries too. , i i ... iva vmuHLU 1-saTcl IS ID Wlflh- loogfg on"1 na 'woution- j aiuiauijr. jae epenas most of his 5SiL 'alSTaS S n. . T . , J. 1 , w v kJtM tne Washington end. A. n uuiera naa . who nave once started aeivms m to tbe miaea of ih. ..t.l Aeparsmeni, ne discovers that he does not like to stop, although his . . . - - is nearly rounded out. He secured a large quantity of orie- taiaj iuu wui mi in .several in the history of revolutionary Bnvij vzcnerai Y LUiam David and tne defeat at On wan 'a fTnA wt n. " V1U vKnwaius. at r HnlfM.M . , waa yesterday ap- I pointed postmaster at Hickory, N. I The Tariff debate in the Senate is 1 dragging alone. , s J Coxey and h is army have been or dered out of Wasbicgtoa' by the Health Officer. They . will camp In Maryland if the cliiiens 'of that State will permU it One soldier died yesterday. Typhoid fever de veloped in the camp several days, ago. The President and his Cabinet with other distinguished guests went to Frederick borg, Wednesday to assist at the unveiling of toe canna-snt to the: mother of George Washington. Mr. Caldwell, of the MObeorver,w in my opinion, one of the foremost editors in the South, spent several days in this city, last week. He spent a delightful evening at the home of Vice President AJlai E. Ste venson, of whom he is a warm admi rer. He is for Adlaifor President. aa-aa - i Tired, Weak, Xerveu, Means impure blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. . The only way to core is to feed the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of people certify that the best blood purifier, the beet nerve toaio and strength builder is Hood's Sarsaparilla. What it has dene for others it will also da for you Hood's Cures. Nervousness, lose of I sleep, loes of appetite and sreneral debility all disappear when Hood's Sarsaparilla is persistently ' taken, and,- strong nerves, sweet sleep, strong body, sharp appetite, and in a word, health and . happiness folloi the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The strong point 'about Hood's Sarsapa rilla is that they are permanent, be- cause they start from the solid foun dation of . purified, vitalized and en riched blood. j ' STATS ITEMS. Mr. Geo. JN. Ives received a UIm gram yesterday statin that mam. bers of the United States Fish Com mission would be down to-night with w,wu young an ad to put in Neute jiver new lierne JournaL Superior Court Qerk Wilksns has received a list of lands in Texas that belong to old soldiers or their heirs. Some of these lands are sow very valuable and those interested would do well to see him. . . .An eight year old boy by the name of Tucker, while fishing Monday on a raft near Short's mill, with two other boys. af 1t al a me river ana was drowned. One of the boys was almost drowned in attempting to save him. Wash uazette. A private letter received here a v CTVa UUQ ssVU nnnnAAa va A.iW A ir. t-i . en. which .7ml rZT.Tt . auw oriei uinese.... Pursuant to adjournment a meeting of the eiti rena of the county wdl be held at uamax. Monday tne 4tn day of June. -uu stoij wuiie voier in tne county is most earnestly reauesUd in hi preeent, Matters of importance wfll be discussed, and every one should I auena wnetner in favor of ox asaiost I tne meeting. Weldon News.- Postoffice i ",; u iota aay or Mav. Inspeclor. Mr. Wm.l1994- ED. PENMNQTON. r a t vAJucoru. cas eansAri th ..i - caused the arrest of I Hezekiah Cook. Utter known a. n.. Hezekiah Cook, the Mstmuu. ttZSZSS-JXS I a-Aar k a . X!h1TT!Sn7 tl". Kb? , Ull,ed SUtr ad ,0.r - - kva tj w ine l-OSlOmce Dnartmani n 1. jf w aj XaUsaV was yesterday bound over to court m the sum ot $300 and committed to jail in default of bond N. O. Chronicle. . . . We hear reports from Stantons berg township, that great swarms of tinn TV,:. : . ... . pw mat our ooun- trT has heretofore been trettv wall c,ear of and it U to be hoid that th 0...1..J fT tinctian n ik. itik - r. . I i?caon Oa the 17lh of May the -,TT uni" atoc Association wm uuia a snow on their ground, just ouUideof town.... Sam Allen, wwiou, cunpiorea at me r lan tare' warehouse, had his rTvtthai. m..ka It Friday Wilson Mirm BoUM Peas Exeelleat, A.n aneiant At . ... . . . - j i wu ui iitu una r1 n"es wbo were condemned to ao ,ng pilgrimage with peae in """" i ne zeet oi one of them - sue, una ox tne jonrneywere ter nbly sore and awnlln rr;- Pnons were not hurt in th ha. JBeinir asked tha wjd 7 Pm." Wiseman. Why ino.u,d nd women and children maa th.e pUgrimage of life with ; . TO lces DU aji ove f ""PV Mmdy will effect Vr .Fltce OoWn Medical vv.., w auvir icbl. nut i. , . ' --'- l "UU a cure. Dieoovo J 3 a a a i siaaai w BaVUVA aV&U dred troubles ana ing from ttd avwec. Alex. Rose, the Alleghany county ynoher, who has been confined in tne Forsyth eounty prison for severe ai mOnthS TjasL haslaan mmi .4 l.l. i7. aS win oe remembered that he recently turntfd SUte'a evident i-'t. arDer. Notice foi his liberation was received Sunday morn- iB 'Lf.The 7Po. sion' with tha B JSfiSSS'i" !'a: siou vviin tne nennbliAana. h i who were here Monday were quea tioned on the subject. Without ex oeption they spoke adversely to join ing hands with the Bepublicen or any other party Winston Sentinel. Heals Ru w nning -ores., Cures the Serpent's & v jnn i n laiMTinTnTre ar ss,n i r-! r aa una .zrTTT'" gYITCCOAUaa The House Committee oa Labor has made a favorable report on Chairman McGann's resolution for the appointment of a select commit' tee- to be composed of four Bepre- senUUvet and three Senators, to in- vesliglte the industrial depression ana make a report to Congress with in 30 days, if roesiUe ffivinir the cause and suggesting legislative remedy. Best '" World The Jujgmnt on Heed's Pre nounced by Squire Fe-ggv lae feOetrtas Ustli lit saeais treasT.X. Van In. ae U w0-kaw UrjaetXes oaky as eoort JuitUe aa4 JuaSoe efaepee be la eoeatr. Els wards sae14 laveke It isbIIism el a& wao rea4 kis lettert I "O. L IUe4 a C, LeweU, Mass.. 'a wa hj aar ntri aarsapartOa I aaUer fttstoSa avast saeAsUe ta U verU. lath WhrtsreC "ae I a4 t4 eaee e a trl wU& snstrsrttaaUveryaasaspe. Itruetvery. CUiix I a04 Sa4 a4 ct se raQat Za the tan yaax I twagbt Vettet Hoo4 s EarsaparUlav Tke Srst eee I took nasa a uwrate wning f sev um teaer. wiea I tesjaa takls tM ftrst Wttts ssyvelcu vss ur a4s.tae BUsi ataee SMcheoS. By Uae Una th saeoad betUe aaa aeea as ssy wt!bt was US peaada. X ewe an t&ls to Ee4's SaraasarlEa aad I (latfiy Nessaaad it t aO tuflsrers.- T. U. To, jssnee or ime raaee. saaryesgrg. Xaetnaly. l Heod'e same ur aw r&s. eoasapaa, Viaaaaaaaa. )oaUc. tlca Saalacbe, tadvaOoak NOTICE OF ACTI0.1 IS COURT. Qodwin a Moore, Marsbsll Shirt. Aoaie Wiuer Cherry and Addie May Cherry, will take boUce, that la the 8aperior vounoi &cjrecomM CJUnty, that tbe 10 now ine action has beea Irr.i oted and enuuea Is Bcrieioa Corar, ) Edgecombe County. John W. Moore eU aL, ) Petltloo for Par vs. V titkw, W. B. Jordan et al. Ta the Court. . e It. m . - AUfc Wf PUfDOM OK ftsllsi suflnn " U IaI .".aLw, H Wiatrey died seized ssmsj beias? aUnit i m Diaie oi nana t5arolu, mtnoog hi a law. 1 Dai iLe above aaoied God win C Moore. MtrshaU bbort, Aaale vuuor woerry aaa Addle May Cherry, banns; heirs ai law of the said Weatray. are named as defeo-laou la tbe above entitled 26th day of June. 189. at tis cOos of tt Gt,k of id Ooort is tbe town ef sacairyfl- stnri skrwa etisnaMv..awi a Brooro u "a aaser or demur to 1, compiLni Dl1 in tbU actloe. As . . . CleTk Boperlor Coatx. EridCers i Son. Attv-s for AA. Sammons .t rablltatlon. liorni Caaouxa, J Edgecombe Ceuoty, lo lb Superior Coort, Caroline Bryaa ) ummoes for Belief. irrw orjao, j aoejoeieacant la this sction, DorrUl Bryan, will take notice that as actios for vinculo marrnnonia has beea begno axainst him in tbe Snnri ..M otEittc mba county, and tbat be Is re-1 H"u hi aoiwcr aoa piead at tbe next term ef tkis coort to be beld la said coun ty of Edgecombe on tbe sixth Moodsy af. u um aiDooay in September, 1S9. " una sas neea flled k 7. 01 ollc If " till U mm nul coninl.i I plalat, and tbe coeu by Ibis actloo to be" t.i, .. ,v . . 10 J O0a-1 vavvt uj utm act.. m . yiven noaer my band and efflcial seal tMa Utr. A.m Af i ii c ' ED. PKNNINOrON Clerk Superior Court. Edgecombe Co. A. &. Brtdjrera, AU'y for Flaintig. SOtO VITAL TO MAfiHDOD. J?- o. wra-paj mrr a - - - " aw a a a Bsa wsE awn m Tat a - . Aiwiji-.! . a nMv UV a . . Satf. wnitao -r - - ". anta wuaaaJITaXa kvaad aol fa " lOOlT faV W. H. alacnair. Druggist, Tarboro, N. C rJi-001" & McClellan, of p Union St, Norfolk, Va. will have - ..ai oomoination aale of fine .i.ui.ucaj uorses on - c - , auu extra nne naira. o . ,na "oadstere, from Fox HaU Stock Farm. Also weekly salea TTueaday. ekly sale. MtCrearr McCIellan. McCIellan. j OBFOLK. VA. I A rfc sira-k r saHuica do xou rsow - UX Lt BRUM'S SMp PEPYBOYIIL PIUS are theorialDal ad only FRENCH. YJTT uableeiua on tba mark Vv(. 7? aad W. H. Macnalr. Dmatist. Tarboro, N.C curad ai bum. hkI tlTilaniapii fSlr n.ai w-i .i t V. a i i r r- "-wb - B ta . f If SMawahMataatB Auaat, VEAK wrca IU oat , aaivrnl ataa, aakaova it mm laaaaa omaa aej t - -' 'i - - -1 - a - -i -1 - - - i i - - i i ii - - - , I for Infants and Children. " CatoHa Ua4 va aJd lodJUraat Ual I rwn-i ! U a-;rV-r W mmf ittmcr.plkm til Saw OxtaX B., EAJutlr. S.T. "Tie vt CWeorU la ao auUvefml mad lu aoertte so vcUlmi " u u wrvk of mufmrrroftkm la raOanm M. Fr uf Otm Imtmaiemt (aaCh ho kj mat kap (Wte ' , , X YerfcCky. I Tn ffevrar t HOWARD & CO., aih0(Jlwano(j3 Xl II Water Coolers, Refrigerators, t ;. L. F Fans and Traps, wieuuif r reezers. IScreen Doors and Windows, Tarboro, Aprn -20,1894. HcILHEirS - I ! : 1 HDEB HOTEL FABEiB. i . Mm mi Medicines A full stock of st erything on hand, or wUl order anything wanted by j customers. f ' Physioians Precnptions A Socially. Pilled by experienced Pharmacists any boor cf DAT or NIQHT Call and tee us when in seed of anything in our lini j Bespectiolly, JOHN K. McILHENNT & COM 9i i Something, ITew Every Day in the . Year ! Our business is alwav's booming nnil m,r cfnrno 11 ji 1 winWneaa1- YISSTSS D?rtnQl iMl 01au. i . ' a yam or goods in our immense vaHai iSnt m We are Unpacking To-Day, TBffeSi? 'trass. Iloeiery in tan. and fast black, IavSaLial. Vatm T7rr,V-n.. j . aauaj 1 oont fall to call this bargains of the season. I : . iA0106 kbre'led STAND Alt D ubeenbe for tbe Monthly Magazine for one year E. W.RAWL3. La-L 1.1 ?r tVo 7T,i v. 1 o"C5S0rS lO Chamberlain HawlS, have mOVed their JflWAlmr cT. next 1q pQst meir jewelry lOr0 keep a full stock ofeooda S fhil. 1 BEPAIEHG WATCnEi CL0CES TAcuaVETtoJissEs.0' " ; the IUPiinvpn KMGKERBOCKER . SHOULDER ! . a No IlarnesaimBla-JTTnTa .11 ..v Promotes Free Respiration of the Physicians all reoommaad tham A gentle or powerful Brace obtained. Easily adjusted and worn with comfort. Sixes for Men, Women. Bdva an A n;.i. Cheapdy Beliabl. Combined - . .. f STATON & ZOELLER, Druggists. Powr Fliaiaa h. rtantx Eftetaaay KU T.' WHkoeat karioue anttartkaa. Toe aa-xoral tan I a TMnrta, aa4 aaaaa alware Uaw I aanaai BirttMy twfaira4 UawaVaal Zxrwrt T. raJtaeca. X. fx, IXU EtMrt aaal na Awa, ww Tmk CSry. Oaaivaxv. TT Xraavav tmn. 5rw Tom Crrt. ' PHARMACY, QTJABTEES FOR Druggists arid Apothecaries 7. . week and secure the 1 ATTERKS. Call and nice only 25 eenta. J. FRANK HJUITIN I 1 Aiil ASU JEWELS A SPe'cULTT ,tw "r SPEC. i lOtf nn inn ! Lcnra. Brace end Suspend er ia the upncians, m m at New - Bakery! Hariog opened the BaVery t n. old sund, opposite the Bryan HQ-J I am now prepared to famish Frsa Broafl,PiES aiflc&s every diy to aH thote who favor c. with their patronage. C; roe for pie, cakes and breed, your boabend will have no exrci, te' complain of the takicg. II. C. IIKl. Tarboro, Mar. 20, 13. -I. FOR FALLING III -USE CULLEY'S- Bald Head Preparation I desire to say u the pcKte aad tu U. Aim eepcclaSy taat I sow Late try Hair lVopnrntlon ao that I caa arrest the faTltc out cf u hstr vitaia 12 to 13 car. atJ n . ill readily see If you U1 ifvt it a liLi also tbictrtj (rota tu ee ti aer4eaaaat oJor and leaves o d.,, OoeUarUsc Deure'rle, ctl4. Ar. acbea eaai!y ihickceed ao bv ha Yoaof mesj wUl rimi suae s t Ula. jtoUitf aaked to show U irui foles of I be abr r eiorpt a fair trl if Crust's TUlo Usad Pasraaartrs. reftTtaof gim to sow thl ik aair a Ukk If ao akker Uti tvrr. AITKEII CCLLXY. M Tartwro. C i-? 4 -Zil M ; l 1 Cos Bntterick's Patterns. At ZocQev Bor.k Store yos mil l,i . a larye stock ot Botterkk's Pettere. Ui Cr Use any stock ever kept ta Tubort, or aay Easura city. Tbe Uorrj Cotr; mf have gtvea vp tbe areecy aad Bottet. ricks Paiurae, caa oalr be fonad at ZC let's Book Biore. We ha. wt ... rtooe Psiteme caa kaad. aUcnptiaes to tb Deiiaeauor. fetrraoiiian a-... Plates wUl also be taxes. Administrator's Soilee. Oavtag cmaTigad aa aamifi-.t. Crej C Stall rs. da.sed. Uia rl T eocabe eouaty, Hon Caroliaa. ttis Is it aotify an fcrsoas asvjB elaims araicsl JU.veUU.' deeed o exk.bii tbrta to U baderaJroed on hf7 tv Uy cf 'aprtl, ik3, or Ula sotic wia U plead la Ur of Ur rtmix-r in.. oae ladebted to said estate wUl rJcase aoske haaMdlate payiaaot. inie 1XLB clay of April, jgj.,. UENRT JOHNSTON, t ldar ef Urar P 8i.i... ' j - - w.nfi. NOTICE. SprUf Ten., ijyi, of aald coort. Is a, jaoila Norfieet. ciecaton of Jofca No. fleet. Court Doaa door la Tarboro. osk. asscribad la tae eonrjUhit i. i - or m mock ibereof aa aaa t Judrmcat, to wit, tbe tract of lasd Sui t 7, mmtm vaa rjbls9 road laaJles; from Tartjoro to KaUirb. aMa. late WlUiaea Peai died aaiaad mA wasd. Refsreaca is hmrtrj aaade to tba p-eadler. Bled 1a said eaaa. for a prtic lardescrilna cf said Uad. Sal-0e-aird caab, ike pur. chaser Jo execute kia boad forui readoe. utereat i at etjtt per ceat frora tbedsy of ale. Mare Bib, 1KR. oayoc nZNUY JOICfSTOX, JIE BEST MJ .is tie sircsf INVESTMENT i an Mi:t. UrMI raw JI7LTi" " aa - - : 7 r iaa w-, a ef taTafa. ZzZT T' aWW. air va.liil'--w. Ti m.i i n """' 1 . '-IM.a;Ull ? kar ami., fcw. "r-4. taaatai i.aoa aaa. (an.. 1 naa, S as NOTICE. Waralor as krK .. . ITPflVS sate sot paki ihir toa l. . !v. ewifasaeadar. Job 1st. lrt rV..Vll eame U paid ataa arf. Property will hm mi . m ' - OcdOemo. a- J. U. SPIUGI.S, TAX tXaXJSCTOB.

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