JOSSEY BATTLE, Attorney and Councilor at Law, Offiom- I, N. cj ! - FI0M- Rocky Mount, N. C. "fa?" Adjustment 5t cl- ims a specialty- plUL JONESr tt'yand Councelor'at law ' TAhBORO, N T J. MARTIN, l! . J , Attoknei at Law, .2 " Practices in the Courts of Edge- -t: combe, Martin and PjU. - Office rear of Doodle PeuderV Store. TABBOtO, N. C. ' :- JO UN L. BHIDQEK"? & SON,. A ttorneys-at-Law , f'A rboso: :llr ., a. A, GnajAM. a1 ULLIAM & SON f Attorneys-at-lJaw, TA.RBORG Vii i practice in the Cottatiea oi Edtrm'nmhH' Halifai.aad Pitt, and' in the Oourta of the first judicial .District, and io the Circuit and .Ml . n ItTaTajai r ! it v., . PHYSlUAll&SURGEOi, ard. . : . 1 "i 30 Jv vV. G. JEDWABDS. SIGN AND HOUSE "PAINTEE, Paper hanging a epecialfcv. epecialty. :.40tf TARBORQ. N. C. T O THE PUBLIC I am Prepared to do alt work in the .. . j i ' Undertaker's Business at the shortest nctiea. Itf a'vino m aected with my shop the repairing ousmesa. All work .belt at my shop hall hae Prompt attention. PRICES SfODE&ATE, Also a.fir8t-claBB HEARSE for hire Thanking my .friends for their 'Jormer patronage,-1 hope o merit the same, should they nted anything n r r a. t Undertaking i OR ':' .-;. Repairing Business M Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors frc t tVe Corner of Main. Til. J . immonH. 4 3. i; WALLS. Fashionable :-: Tailor Pitt St., one door below L Weldell&C. Tartaoro, ISO, O. Fine Pull Drees and Evening Tailor Made Suits. The term well dressed ex tends f rorrp the neck to the foot of the subject. . ( :- . i -Gutting, repairing ind cleaning .i ne at short notice. j;, -dM THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD aoac 1894- WILL BE WITHOUT QUESTION AMERICA'S ; Leading Family Paper. The reputation fiat the Weekly Herald H8 enjnyea lor many yeaifs of iog the uvai nume newspaper in ine land will iu materially added to dnricfv the vacn 1894. No pjios or ezpeosejwlll be spared kj mate u if every aepariment ine most reliable, interesting and mstrnctive of all weekJy newspaper puplicatidns. ; It will be improved in many wave. . A number of new features and departs ments will he added. The latest develop ment in all fields of contemppraneou hu man interest : win oe apiy piacussca from week to week bv accomDJsbed writers. THE XEWS OF THE WORLD Will hp rivn iit " a nnrioa ' hnr: Anmn'Ai iorm. .jfivery important jr, isteretting erent, either at home or abroad, will be duly described in the columns -f the WfUlr RonM i - - ' Iq politics the Herald . is absolutely in dependent and sound. It tell the . rights auu wrongs oi an Bicei without rear. Farmera and stock raisers cannot fcfford to be without the Weekly Herald, during me coming year, it will contain a regular department each week devoted exclusive y tf sal'jecis of timel interest to thera -uvl 6"us many vainaoie suggesuons ana The women and children of the land Will fin. I in Iha WoobW tTormlA m vifitor. The ; household and children's Fa?eswili be both mstrnctive and enter- ijining. They will abound in hinta and receipts which women so much value. . brilliant array of novels and short juries uy the best writers in Ametica and England has been secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attra jtiye features i' Yveeiciy Herald during 1894. ji" fct, the Weekly . Herald will be a ?f Iln'-of the highest order, combined "'iu a complete newspaper. s . ' KW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. $1.00aiear Sksd fob Sample Copt. Add. THE WEEKLY HERALD, ' Hebald Sqdabe . NEW. YORK. Havirjg opened the Bakery at the old stand, opposite the Bryan House, I am now prepared to furnish Fresn Breafl, Pies anfl Gaies every day to all those who favor me .... - xpakrunage. ,au on me for Die. rah, v. j j your huaband will have no excuse to compaam or tbe bakiag; H. C. HELD. Tarboro, Mar29, 1894. FOR PALLING HAIR, : USE CDLLEY'S B4ild t Head. Preparation X. desire- to dies especially that I; now have my Hair Preparation so that I can arrest the falling out of the hair within 12 to 15 days and this you will readilv p if vnn iri ..: . Hair also thickens from its use It Jim no unpleasant odor and Ipovm nn a Coot.Hclinu neuralgia,; cold, &c. Mua- lacnes easily thickened up by its use. Young men will rjlrane milk m rutm t this. N:tbirir asked to thnv th. t k fulness of the ab ve excpt a fair trial of Ctjixxy's Bald Hun pg,piln, v n i references given to st-ow that the hair is thick it not thicker than ever. ALFRED CULL.EY, 3tf ! Tarboro. N. a FRESH MJ)Y r-AT THE CANDY STAND AT 10 Cents Per Ponnfl, ALL KINDS. IT PHYSi THE BEST is the irr INVtbTMEN iii a vni saw EVER MADE - - j wwi Mum m uur tarn dBe. which Mil 2,000 pain of aboea a dar, makinf anetpro6tof ao.Ootfa year. We aeU aboea low. , . . , ' J VUVW WW. Tlllt Wall A ln. n. t A L 1 . n . ohr.ladiea', muaea' and chiUrena ahoea la at leaat K"11 ma on u, c .im ana boyi ahoea 15 rent, a pair. We ahail e-taoUsh ahoe atorea In each of tha fifty largeet dUa of the U. and If they aell only 800 pair of aboea a day they would earn $525,000 a year. We should be able to pay a yearly dividend of $5.25 a share, or over 60 per cent, a year on the investment. We sell the stock at S4S i ne price must incviiaDry be much more than 10 a share. No stock has ever been sold at "mu pnoe, wmco is in ipar ralac. etoek . non.assesaahlo.- InmrmnitMi rrnni.i i ma wv. Wa have overl.OOO stockholders, and thennmber "s Dome oi ue principal stock- K.T.nnrh. Little Rjci.Ark.tL ltRleh. ChiSso, J. F. Turner, PlriU.: B. Harding, N. v., E. J. I'mrne. iutti. Cieck,kich.r.P.Hullt"Arcad! nTt. xmyDe Write for a prospectus containing the names of our stockholders, etc., or frgrf a order or stoct. rniKwiny t.c, ft or mOnty OTafT. Orders taken for. one or more shares. Price, $10 a share. . BBf Baft tall WRIWsnal VWf BSaaj J aoaTos, MAIM, Administrator's ftolice. Havine Qualified as adminiat-aior nt Qracy 0. StaUirgs, deceased, late of Edge- comDsaranre. nnrth f :n rn I in a this Ji in notify all persons having 'Claims against tU. .4 . , . - . . . . . .1 ,. uio estate tu sauu ufceaseu to ezniDii inem to the linrleraicnerl nn nr tiotnra tha 10tK day of April, 1895, or tbis notice will be 1 JM t 1 . 11 . . ,, V picau u unr vi wen recovery, ah per eofla indebted to mA earata will nlraae mase immeaiaie payment. This 12th dav of Anril. 1894. HENRY JOHNSTON. 7t - A-lmV of Gracy 0. S'allinsjs. Administrator's Notice, The uDdersitmed havtoe Qualified as ftml rt T Raplnv Hitfeaar1 .trila ta notify all persons owing toe said deceased, . 1 1 1 ! . . .1 .11 w inaae jinmeuiaie paymcai, suu ati per. sons having claims against the said T. B. liarlow, . to present them for payment within one jear from date, or urns notice win ns nipin in nir in Liipir rr"i:iiTrrrv. ... r j -- - This 3rd day or May, it4. -v . ' W. h. BAKLOYT, Adm'r. J. I. Crkhrers ifc 8oo, AU'vs, . 6t i'MpllfiiajSls mm, M 'sis i ilK ! V; $L About aiz ii moatha ago my lUtla aon. aced twt moch trouble! wltb a SaSnc cafp and bahind his ear. TbSpuSa iSLrf Li 1ruPVon memed to t spraadinir I ooocladd Mid a hottte Of COTIOTRA IlKSOL V JDrV TwSa1mC thV-l l" cnanga IOT Uie better in uiypeaxairc? of the emptiona In twentv-fonr 5i-Pl ieS ! !2iP-i in ' a perfect cnTiiT hT seen inv mnwafimia , . , - . out ini I Kve the ehikl only a few dam W Ul Jul' nr..-. eooswer your tun i imnra i - . . . v A. AKJMSTKONO. ! - 8wUtIaland,N.C. ClfTlaJllUA Mli.iaa a . external nH i 7-r. ,7rr " Tten, by .vwub moaern timet. M TT . 7 " TIN shop: I AM DOING A ail a 'I. itt - i BUSINESS V . as cheaD as an v. a " . T J3 i uo reDainnsr in Tin, Iron and Copper . A. t V promptly. J. T. WARD. " Austin-Buildipg. make the- most snnWinr ' Onfra trot ever offered to the public 13tf Nathan Williams, 111 Only a few doors below Hotel Tarrar, TARBORO, N. C. JACKS ON Jsckson, Tenn MAHCFACTUBKBa OF School, Church and Office . Fill n i til r A , X UimiUltJ' School and Churches Seated In tf.e Kest Manner. Offices Furnished W Send for Catalogue. THE COOPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 113 and 115 Bank Street, N0BF0LK, VA. ' LARGE STOCK OF F1KI8HXD Monuments, and Gravestones. Ready for I-nmedlate Delivery. March 51. i lAaut V XV JUlf TT II baaiaiasa..! ka COMMERCIAL COLLEGE af KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY MEDAL AX7i) DIPLOM- darcaa. C C 0 C Agents' profits per month D3aJ Drove it or nav forfaiL Will New article 1uat out. A tl.KO aamnla " anrl terms free. Try as. Cbidester St Bon, 23 nana fit,, xi, y. . I ' TvTT3)TJVn)y office mmm co., Hi &x Uy tha waria's vaiaaiaia UMMOta, sar ajmaa af B k-kaaalaa aaa Baalaaaa Eaaaarta- raa. it ta snpuu a IkUm Uirat itnl Iks, UMiadt.f talOM. Mt aa kMra. PkaaMrapkT, Tm Wrldaf ul TtW,lMJ laufkb OUreaa, W. U. aMlTal. LrxlairtM, aiy. Kfty Thousand. Dollars Waa Figure Put Upon It A Freaeh Dreasaaaker's DUkoaty Fart Fe of Tralaj RnlrtaK 8rxtaa MaMa of Hosor-SoM at Aaetloa for FIto j Tlionaaod lollara. Io oncof the rooms cm km mv ovwuu floor of the Alaska Commercial com pany's .buildinflr thw-A la n dress which waa made to sell far two hundred and fiftv t, a francs.- - ( rrv . The robe is a xnacmlfirnt m.rt,. of the dmnmAVtM1 lustrous white aatin Koon. oroiaerea wun gold. . The bodice Is OUt deCOlletO witlinn B1,... a uueainwun rare TxMnt-l -rZ yw. is luily .ten feet in lonth aad Js lined Inside with point d' Alencoa i-cc ana oow Knots of white satin. Around the edce of lh oir? .s. train is a border of gold bullion, and the entire dress Is embroidered at intervals with an imrurUl A..: The manteau A la. tuing marfniricent. at Is of piffeon- Diood rubr velours rl Dearlv fnrtv f a i. i. iv i . -"ruuKuoui watn wtite ermine. is connned to the neck by a huire Droocb of diamonds. All around th m t a ' ooraer is an exceedingly heavy em broidery In cold. rl!an1Wlr.rr o or horns of plenty from which clus ters rtf UnTrara l. m . . . --v ioouc. j.uis emoroiu ery is fully a foot wM anrt i. - work of hlch art - Roof Aawi awom.. " " -"arw4 toe body of the mnntAm, ka Bame imperial designs In gold env uroiaery. i&ere are eight straps of white satin at each tU rt tea for the convenience of the six teen ; lames of honor when holdina the train. I Stretched unon a. fmm . show it well, the robin fll!a fan A atiA of a large room. ! Looking at it from the front. thrr r,y i .v- . ' -v u fcv tua triking contrast of rnlnr- in tiw. i... trous white satin, the bright gold and the ruby red overlying the er mine. The effect is . . , . uuv indeed. ro susTjlclfwi hm , .uo mind of the genuineness of the ma terial. "JimbroWerT" does not car ry the idea of the rmfrt Mmmi. r. t is nearly an inch high and wrought witn great skill and delrcacy. The eiffht a A tin sln -U o w vu mu side may be useful, but are not alto gether ornamental. They are ! for the convenience of those ladies of honor who hold up the train for no woman, aueen ' 01 TtMLatAnt srtsttilA walk naturally, with he heavy bur- ucu ui gom irauing Detund her. : costly dress was t years ago by -Mm. Marie ApparutL a rn n rMmilr. v A . , w mj waul aoao directress of a fashion lnai ru. seiller des Dames ' ' vaaavaVUC9. one gave, out the Information that aoe naa received an order from the empress oi Kussia for a murt rira w cost two hundred and fifty thou bauu imncs. Upon the strenirth of havina n i , . imperial majesty as a customer mine, Apparuti i succeeded In bor rowing considerable sums from trades peoDle and nmfMalnnal m.r. one asuea tne loans as advances un in the dress could be finished and sent to St. Petersburg. Tn thu she secured In cash something over mree munon irancs. Meanwhile she sat at work on th garment by "subcontract. " nun dreds from the fahinnaH St. Germain, called to see the robe aunng its period of conatructinn a . and its fame extpndMl oi the beau tnonde. Thev alsrt" B4W aVWUU9 tributed lanrelv to the dressmakers' brilliant, but dishonest ocneme. one actually, contracted for and there was delivered tnw v robe i labor and . material tn t h amount of one hundred and twontv. five thousand francs. The embroid ery cost fifty thousand francs and the ermine five thousand. When It was finished Mme. 'An. paruti sent the dress tn t f,A r-r's wife, naming a price of two hundred ftnd fifty thousand francs. It was refused and returned. fiftA Ml avx. Count of Its quality and style, but - " ""icreu, , one 111611 idlsaPPeared suddenly, having made aVrangemente for the, circula- tionof a report that she had been uecause was not ordered. Sr.. severely burned by the explosion of o petroleum tamo and imna t . hospital. i M. Tonny. iudlcial mafriatratii seized the dress, her oaoera anrl rnf. respondence, and In due time the robe went to the Hotel Druout. th government auction ' house, to be sold for the benefit of creditors. ID ere Was a larcre attenr1anA fashionable people and modistes f"! wtrmmmi v JA A short time sin by John Malowansky, of Kamschat- 1.. iL - . f f ' a , me principal dealer la ermine and beaver In tha wrtfld TT close friendly and business relatione with the Alaska Commercial com pany, and as a personal '.favor they allowed him to store his pos. session in their w&rertnnaA r Malowausky will ship the dress to Russia in a few weeks. . What hie intentions are has not developed. can b ran Cisco au. - . Johnny's Idsa." 1 guess-them folks nevt door must be regular 'rlstocrats." xommy-Whv7 " 'Cause thev never a toon tn hr5n rr. In' home anvthinxr thev hrrrrnw I InifiiLOceaa. 'a. : - ' WEARY WASTE OF "TEAS" One Soclaty Woman Owns a Sam. ' var with a Chimney. l have been to seven at homea tnis aitcrnoon. ' anl.l j - , uuurs woman the other day, "and life seems to me nAtMnr k.. . uu-tryvi Waste Of wafora i steaming oceans of hot teal If I had w seventy times even of them I QOn't tunnrKa T ..M 1 . . any variety," quotes the New York Sun I am always reading about soma commodity being called lung.' Co ton Is king and Iron Lb king aad corq l king; It all depends on tha locality. There seoms to be a great difference of opinion on the matter But I doh-'t think any one will dis Iuto me when I aaj that no matter woai u mug tea U queen. And i yettea doean t exactly harmonl. with some notions about women in wnat IS June, tea la mun a.J Is a miniate ring angel just as much in our houra of ease as It Is when pain and anguish ring the brow. In fact, it seems to me that nur of ease are signals for a perfect tidal wave of tea to gather and break over us. "Have vou read Thn tta.i. Twinat Tf vni, rl " I juu nave not, wui you : oblige me by reading the number of times tea is monttoned? Tea seems.'! to do me life blood of English socles'1 ty and it Is coursing through Amer- can veins at almost the -same rate Why cannot we iret an occ&ainnaJ rnri or conee or chocolate or rorvi? rT . . m by the way and theyes of the dis-,' pamger ox tea suddenly shone wiih joy instead of despair, "since we must all submit ourselves to the, rule of queen five o'clock tea. should see the table I have prepared - vast WMWa . "A friend of mine, a newspaper woman by the way, was poking around among the east side tene ments for some reason or other. I iJever do pretend to keep track of the motives for her extraordinary wanderinirs. But in tlu her investirationa iha ;atfw . certain family of Russian Jews, liv ing on the top floor of a rear tene ment. As soon as mv friend the room her evee fell on a Ruaatan mantelpiece. Ob, my dear, it U a leautyl Its shape b classic, its or namentation artlal! If i.i - w uiaicriai solidbrass. It is a rem! M frUr, re allied It all at once-and well, la hort, the samovar is now mine it gives a charm to my tea table J Wbloh Isn't to be found at anAtr.1 iew York five cplock. But la a rash moment I confided the hlatr of my treasure to numerous callers mo now tne indications are that I have started a fad. for to mv Certain knowledge several of my acquaint ance are ransacicing the tenements for old Russian samovars. But at any rate I have the glory of inaug urating the fashion," and she turned to go, probably to an eighth "at home. But at the door she paused and, with an air of supreme triumph, called back: . , . "Mine has a chimney." Whare Labor la Wan tad. For some reason which is not ap parent, in a country where distress is extreme and the number of unem ployed enormous, the demand for labor In the coal mines of South Russia la greatly in excess of the supply. It Is impossible to procure ufflclent labor to work the mines for the supplying of the barest needs, and railways, factories, and many other industrial Interests are suffering seriously for lack of coah Indeed, the people of the Don dis trict are greatly Inconvenienced by lack of coal for'domestic uses. The owners have orders on hand f. great quantities of coal which they are entirely unable to supply. A conference under government aus pices was held a few days ago, and it was decided to trv "and sttt labor to the mines by making grants of public landi to the miners. A Peculiar Plant There Is a plant in Jamais e&iieri the life plant, because it is almost impossible to kill it or anv Tvutbsn or iL .When a leaf is cut bS and hung up by a string it sends out white, thread-like ronta. rrathe moisture from the air and begins .to - - , B - grow new leaves. Even when pressed and packed away In a bot- ! . a . 1 1 a . . . uuv a ueruanura it has been known to outgrow the leaves of the -hook la which it was rtlaerl The way to kill it is bv the a nf a nAt Iron or of boiling water. Whare Snow Is Ra4. Snow Is sometimes found In Pnlae and Alpine regions, where it Lies un melted frogi year to year, and the annual fall is small, colored red by the presence of Innumerable small ted plants. In its native state the plant con sists of brilliant red globules oa a gelatinous mass.' Red snow was observed by the ancienta, a passage la Aristotle re ferring to it, but it attracted little or no attention until 1760, when $anssure observed It In 4he Alps, and concluded that It was due to the pollen of a plant. It was also noticed bjr the arctlo expedition ' under CapL Roes on Baffin's bay shore on a range of cliffs, the red color penetrating to a depth of twelve feet. Less frequent It a green growth on mow. Ladles' Home Journal. English football : players are de bating changing the rules . with a a a. ... view to xewer lulling. - MILITARY BALLOONS. 'I . . HandJIna; f Air Machlna In thAa(J i Has Baan Much Imorovorl! Balloon" actLwagon have formed a ! .. I..V1IMSV junciion andaro rwuw tn. ata w IT. . V "iiu : 1lrooPl- Awaygoea the wagon, l with the balloon )ian(Ha A it. .n While the attendant utimh -.1. 1 kceP U li7 The train moves . Kooa round pace," casUy keeTJlH DTi with nr m v ..!. iL I nffcQtr makes for the partial- lar SPOt at Which It lia.a Kn mined to commence baHooning opera tlons, which is usually on the top of a good high hill. . . An aaoeat is an easy enough mat ter and la soon' ceomptished. The pauooaii aecuralj fixed to tha end Of the wir repe, aad the two mea who are to Tt. At-iba i 1 a a -v. Aa 1BO Word Of COCOmafidthanVB XL,??1'1 mca U00 the car lft fi0 aai P ehooU the balloon. f nwlaB the rope aa it rises, and . .T11 ometimee to ascend to a 1 nejn o one thousand feet. And suppose the officer receives instruc tions TO move thai noaKlna k.W.t loon. La it necessary tobaul it down? ISot a bit of it. : A man U placed at the end of the wagon who careful! v il w-tviiuj rpp souat . ?anot t entangled or run the bein th u wunKimj rope so that aVTr omume trot across IvY' nd od do,ra bill, untU Boon It,eI long distance from IU original station, :Kext SUTV vwa 4V.A f . a tr i ir1 that it la r,MMun. - - rt wwer tns haliAmi la ta t . . . - i uuui to wind la all the wire rope that has been paid M aryuj uie reeiar no Such thing The balloon is brought to earth in a tnuch more exreditioua !,, fOl MM. mm aa at T a a..uuK, atou poie, iatae middle Which is a Duller wheel ta 1aL across the rope. Half a doaen .men seixoe pole and run it aloft the rope, and their wefaht mnn , wuua uowu uj ue ground, fas- scuKm can men ne rai-H nn then the map run the pole back, and up booou tne Dauooa again many Vaaaai Jtau.9 a a .a a . .a . liuuurau ot ieet into the air, with out havinc been awav frvim I. alted position more thaa a few min utes. . 9. ,l ta Bot Bowy to lower the balloon la this or any other .way -utwTw i is requirea that mee eagea'should be exchanged between those below aad those above. There are various coatrivancae for qolng thla. , Sometimes, tor . instance, a wire -is attached, through which 4sagee can be sent to a teIephoe. Anouer piaa is to send mrages " wire caoie. A little wire book is fastened around the mKU nd the letter or paper, weighted wm m amau sana bag, is sent flut tering cown. The human voice, It may also be added, can be heard both ivm a considerable height and orptn, so that verbal eommunlca- 4lik. I. A JBM ' a . . . u out ouacuit li there is no wind. w. i. Times. ) A NERVY COASTER. TobotxanleC Dawn rha Sraap Incline . A short, compactly built man with a -heavy blonde muataha svir toboggan slide down lookout A V a a aw iin recently, lie went via the in ciine and made the trip from the Point hotel to the encrtna U... . aisunce of forty-five hundred feet. - - e wm- m in uree ana one-half mlmtf.. w,;.v Isust one-third the tlnw It takea a tnm B 4 av eaa. J a . . v uewcau. imuj one hundred pwj saw aim make the llghtnintr llite descent, and all were creatlv "w oo nervy coaster, bow ever, was as cool as the proverbial cucumber, and upon reaching the foot of the mountain wallr as, coolly a3 though it had taken hixa u nour to oescead. About four o'clock the coaster appeared at the Point hotel with what appeared to oe a Dioca- or wood about elcht Inches square under his arm. On one side ot uie oiock .was a steel horseshoe, in. the curve of winch was a small nangea wbeeL The, other side of the black was slLrhtlvanae tv. block waa put oa the outside rail of a jucime. tne wrieei rutin. and the hofhs of tha nnna. oaelther side. Then the nx&Q put t a .... giove on us right band, and sitting down, on the block started down the mountain without more ado. He held hla rt .a.l straight and before him and rested Sa. a a a ... vua on tne, iron rail, j For a few feet the, little one-wheeled car moved slowly, and then the speed Increased until it and its human freight were ffoing down the mountain at a rate that made the spectators hold their ur&aiua. acn a curve was reached the coaster slowed up slightly by pressing his heels against the rail end steadied himself by teaching the cable With his gloved hand. Finally, when ; he reached the very heavy grade-just aboe the eagiae house he took off all brakes and came down' . !v akot out K Arrlviig at the bottori ho put oa the ioeeT brakes ' and dintlv just fn the depot Coollv from his queer vehicle, he pLaoed It under ' his arm and walked quietly way before anr of tha aatftnUha-i spectators had a than- a... their breath or ask, any questlona. ChattannAM T!,- 7 . - AUUCS. J J Worry. Worry retards, rather than for. wards work, j It tries, the mind be fore the work Is begun, It makes one fretful atur .v. tm .i lUs.t.uVl,te, Pce" of! the house- noia. ' tne who worrke Is never free from oare. There: are certain eril wjikh canaot be overcome. We should. make the best of them; and Lot add the burden of worry, i -1 Highest of all b Leivtaln u A WHIMSICAL MISANTHROPE. pa Swtr anJ tha UnieeitahU Aa. taraarua BLaTka. ivean &wut was a whlmiWl - . .1 . . . - Trr .:DOf01 morbid dellght i U uuau.nuDg his social Inferior be- ranta V I, t . . k himself, when rocng had been tnrtrageoutly aJrontbrhU aUr-rW, 3 7 superiors. r When Swift was & mim rr mat. he acted as Sir William Trv private secretary. Once, while Sir ttiuiam was confined tn hla with gout, William UL visited him, and Swift officiated nsl - hla miUs through the beautiful iloorpark. The king Uught fhe sec retary how to cut asparagus In Cb Dutch war. and Swift also u htm eat the vegetable. Tears after, when Swift waa of SL Patrick's cathedral, Dublin. . aaa a sh I ma Duouaner. auivner o&Tiw . , , . the deacerv 'on buslneaa rrmnetnrl with some proof-sheeta. Having been detained until near dinner-time he was pressed by the dean to dine with 'him. Asparagus was one of the vegetables, and fhe rmeat aav for a second helping. . TilT. said the hrvtt vfn;n the publisher's plate, "first finish wnat you have upon your plate." "What. sir. eat mv. atala-a .cVi the surprised guest. i Are. sir: eat vtur ataiv. vn will have no more. Klrig William al ways ate his stalks" i-amlTer! v dean la bis most Imperious manner. Whereupon the publisher, yielding to the dean's will, ate his stalks sub missively. ShOrtl V after the rlaaa'a A.t. Faulkner told the Incident as an U lustration of Swift's Insolence. And were tou blockhead to Obev him?" e-rrlalma T!n v. historian, who was liaten1na "Yea," Faulkner replied, brtdliaa? p; "and doctor, if yon had dined wifca iraa awtrt rns mu oeea obliged to eat your stalks, tooP n orn crown in the nM ra.u. the slender oreen ata'Va MM iiing William were a little Inf.. la texture but superior la flavor ue oeaas oi the vecta.KiA vk, v. lore Swift became deanof SL Pat rs - u a -.a- rick s the De horticulture hoA m as-pararus stalks oneatahle -nA v. urciDg a pive or them down his ob- aequious puwuher s throat the mis antnrope had the satisfaction of goading him inlo ael f -hum illation. x outh s companion. THE WANDERING MINSTREL, Hie Ufa Is Most Certainly a Pleasant Ona. Ha has been traveling aln 4h. roaa aaoay among a company of . .. . " goodleilows, who have insisted 'on nu turning in with them ateverr wawem uy m- waysKie to taste their 1 a . a at irwnanaea nosTritalitv. In m- "v,wiaw mj b niiage. it Is a summers even in c - The at . . " . . M uruuevai nouses, with thatched roofs and overhanrrlnir c&h1 old-fashioned windows abutting on and nearly orerspreadlng the pare. uicaa ueiow, are ail gUded with the light of the aettin? aun The women are knitting at tK.i. doors. . the men In little Vn ing the street or lounging on rustle kea.t.. at a . . -a oquias tnelr hnuux mttw the labor-of the dav la nn T.l. the midst of this scene of simple and - - la a . rura tranquuitr our friend arith h peacocKs feather and the fraud r uwuiv. u auaaeniy precipitated. He scans the Viermte imfm.1. r. v. " , ATr asm passes ana tney as narrowly scan him. At last be make a aaletLr.n of a happy -look Lag family party bear the end of the little, villa and. Without ((nra'.A . I - wv, a tjya la front of them, slings his lute round. ana, azier tempering a string or two with his tuning kev anrl a lltll. wartUnsr on the atHn o-a k. Af prelude, he begna. Amid the aOTuanaa that the termination of bia aon hn tal advantage of the rw.n;'. doff his hat and hand it round for maravedis. Perhana he enough to pay for his night's lodg ing at the hostelry; if not he Is fully prepared to sleep under a haystack ' Perhaps he may be stUl more forV unate and those particular cottagers whom he has chosen aa his patrons may be. kind enough to acoommo- oato nun, wim a shelter. From the "gat oi their fire and the bustle tnat is goiag oo within he can judge thither is no long time be Is Invited. Good Words. va - Influenza. Contagious. The English government report of an Investigation iqto the influenza epidemlo of the last four years, re gards the proof of .the contagioua n,eas of the disease from person to person aa overwhelming, aad denies that It Is transported through the alw-rVei si another wemmg of the Ie3i l Wtaar.asmy contact with at . a 1 . . . . t7 contact frithowt Moasv Ta eminent lary)vgoacgUt at tCS Ca esatuVrananaa, u the Vy 1 ( J PRICE FIVE CENTS Powav Laiot U. a CoWUport Tha fnttamant ManoofL "Maud," ha aaid, brokenly, "w9 have been engaged three years, and aowyou throw me over. WeU,aobe It. I would not wlah for a wlft who Jld not car foe to. Ya have re turned to me the ring; you haraj KFeo me back the books and brace lets and pins and photographs I cave you. but" "Ah! Sir. Puddifoot,- ui the girl, with a sneer, "I know what you are going to say. You are gSTug to tell me that vou have srn t siii uvu. me to the opera, t23 on the theater, 1140 oa afternoon dr!v m,l c flow era. Iu short, rou nrini - t,,. for these Tt ilus Bfnkaeton " he r-f proudly, 'you wrong me. I was amplyi repaid for all the h k pleasure I derived In wlUee.Ing your dellghL No, JiUs Binkleton, I desire no dross; but one thing ere we part yon must return to me, acd I must return to you." Here bd took a mexnoranr! from his pockeL I find,r he said, a quaver in hla Foicr, "taat la four years I hare given you 4,6T7.C21 klssea, and yon have gtreh me 12,46o,K Theae must be returned ere I leave you mine to me, yours to you as I shall need mine1 at least In an engagameat ' I propose to Initiate befare a week has passed. Nay, I shall not take no for an answer. Are you prepared for a return of theae?" "Yea, George," she faltered. And then, before the restoratloa was a quarter) made, the broken en- gafrement was mended, and all w as It should be. Harper's Baxar. Tha Cowracsoba FUa. Courage la reclstaoce to fear, mas tery of fear not abacoce of fair. apt a ereatore be part coward It Is not a compliment to say It la" brave; It Is merely a loose mlssppli-' cation of the word. Consider the flea! Incomparably the bravest of aU the creatures of God. If ignorance of . fear were courage. Whether. 70a are asleep or awake be wUl attack you, carina nothing tor the fact that in bulk and strength you aro lo him as arc the massed armies of the earth to a sucking child: he lives both day and night and all days and nights Ja the very lap of peril and the Immediate presence of death, and yet Is no more afraid than is the roan who walks the streets of a cjty that was threatened with an av. quake ten centuries before. When we speak of Cllte, Nelson and Put nam as men who "didn't know what fear was," we ought always to add theCea and put him at the bead of the procession. Mark Twain, ta Century. A Qooar Jackal . A iacket has t,L-i k ... -- a - -.a uaug all Washington that wrirha thirty-eight thousand oounda. Th!a ayi--t -. intended for a gun, and so, of course. - uiaue 01 iron, it was heated far three days so that it would e to a size that would allow It tn ha passed over the tuLe of the mm a great crane lifted It Into position over ine gun, and when everything was In readiness It ly around. If, In dropping the jacket around the bod v of the ran It V not been kept perfectly atralght it wuuia nave occn ruined. It will take some time for this great jacket of thirty-eight thousand pounds to' grow cool, and as It grows cool It will grow smaller, and when cold It will fit t!f htlv and ImfBAvahlve the tube or bod v Afi tha n.n m.t. was so Important aa operation that the cadets came up from Annapolis to Washington to see It, and the board of oaval officer and h. were present. Outlook. BILIOUSNESS a Who has not suffered this misery caused by bile in the etomaca, which an inactive or sluggish liver failed to carry off. tnc rxmimoi am a cum is a liquid or powder, which giTea quick, action to the liver and carries 0 J the bile by a mild move ment of the bowels. It is no pur- 4 gativeor griping medicine, bui purely vegetable. Many people" take pills more take Bimraooa Liver Hcgulator t aaTa beaa a vtelta to ysara. aaaanar trytay to raliSva 1 ainaa eot c lar-'i .bait alilsasallr" SL i!Ae var-toua j iss iiis mwmm-m t1 r"S Jt

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