(I 1 A t 'At i I. : lir t ! mm mr. i lily i Ml : tit. el". di if:! 'a i 5 -Ml it it t,4 ym f-:.! i tea ft fublislied Eyery Thursday. ; J 6. CHARLES, V I'c Lessee aid Manager RATES OISU&SCRIPTION.; ONE TEAR. .......... . . .11.00 BIX MONTHS...... .'...,.... 60 Advertlsemeftts among local matter 10 cents a ce for each insertion t6 regular advertisers. Transient advertisements In local columns parties baring no regular, advertisements, IS ; cents a line and ' none inserted for less than SO -ents. :'. i f "' ,i r . AdTertisemenis, discontinued before the time contracted for has expired, will be charged tran-, slent rates for time actually published. ' j Notices of marriages or deaths, not to exceed ten lines, will be inserted Ire. All additional matter will be charged 10 cents per line. Payment for bunalent advertisements most be made In advance, Regular advertisements will be collected promptly at the end of every month. CommnnicaUODB containing news or a discussion of local matters, solicited. No com I municatlOBS wlli be published Eat contains ob jectionable personalities, that withholds the name at the author, or that will make more than one column in.this paper. - ( i ,tlie editor is not responsible for vlewBex pressed by correspondents. L ' r. ! J7A11 business with this office, In order to ' prompt attention, should be addressed to , THESOUTHERNER, TAKBOEO, N.C. Entered at Fostoffice as second class matter. Thtospat : . June 28, 1894 JARVIS' FIRST SPEECH The dispatches give the following account of Mr. Jar vis' ; first speech in the "United States Senate, it is very flattseriDg. f . I '."'' ; I lr. Jarvis, the : successor of the late senator Vance, made his firet speech , in the Senate,; and it was in advocacy of the income tax. Pos sessing a commanding presence, . u fine voice, and a splendid delivery, .his debut was quite triumphant. He commenced by saying that since the days of Horace it bad been sang m poetry and told in prose that it is sweet to die for one's country. Pan egyrics naa Deem pronounced on those who died for their . country; monuments had beens erected ' to them, and their memory held sacred; but he bad never yet heard it said or sung by anybody that it wts sweet to be taxed fori one's country, (Laughter.) It eeemed to be a duty which men and seconds felt at liber- - to evade if possible, j Men would go to War r at their country's .call and , risk and sacrifice s their lives, but when it came to meet their duty and obligations of taxation they and the r property were ready to hide away. The question was purely a question of taxation. Tiere was a certain amount of money to bo raised for the Bupport of the National Government, and the question was' where and how that money was to be raised: The Senator from Ohio (Sherman) said: "Put jl the burden on sugar." The senators from New , England said xut jit on manufactured goods," and i the Senators from New York -said: ij "Pot it on the 'collars and cuffs that poor people wear." (Laugh. ter.) : i His idea was that ; in imposing ; .tne burdens of taxation the heaviest portions should be put Win those best fable to bear Ihevdf LnA the lightest on those least able to btar .- them; l J - Mr. Hill has often referred to the income tax as a movement that wo.uld sound, the deathknell of Ibje Demo cratic party. Eenlvinff in ha at uarvts eaiai 4 Referring to Hill's jprediclion that the paBS9ge of an income tai would Bound the death knell of )he Demo cratic party, Mr. Jaryis said 11 the democratic naVty has no higher mission than to tjowi at the foot stool and worship at the thrine 'it.. : 1 . . t !.. V! . , i mo eccumuiated weajth of the 'i bwuoi ik uiea ine Detter. (Applause in the galleries.f iAs I un derstand Democracy, ivl maintain. simply with the struggling people of 1 iie country. It means, while it pro tects property, to go intoitbe hiehv v ways and byways to take in its great i arms the laboring peop! -and to lift them up into a higher and .better life. 1, lor one, thank God thatj the Dem ocratic party is to-day in the hands of. those who have the courage io iKe some or the burdens frcm -the people and put them on thle accumu lated wealth of the country. Instead of this bill sounding the death kneil, I believe that it is the first step on-' ward to a higher prosperity and a more glorious career for-the Utmo- cratic paUy; and it it will only have tie courage to move forward on the lines mat nave been selected, I be lieve that, instead of our Republican President inaugurated the' Republi can friends in 1897 seeing a restau dard Of Democracy will be advanced still higher, and pur banner will again float over the Senate, .' the House of Representativee; and the yV'hite House. (Applause in the gal leries.) ' k j Mr. Jarviu' advocacy of this ins come tax bill was an able ! one, and P spoken of by the press. J I 1 A Good Appetite ' Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is au indica tion of something wrong, i The loss of a rational desire for food is socn followed by lack of strength, for when the supply of fuel isut off the lire burns low. The system gets in to a tow state, and la liable to severe attacks of disease. The universal ! testimony .-giTen by those who haye , used Hood s SarsaparUla, j as to its great merits in 1 estoring and sharp, emng the appetite, in Dromotw healthy action of the digestive or gans, and as a purifier . of the blood constitutes the strongest rcommeh dotion . that can be urgedHfor any . , . uiBUicms. xnose who. have never i usecfHood'sSarsaparilirBhbriia -JL. Jy do so this seaeon. 1 I; , , ASSASSINATED. Pres ident Carnot, of France, was stabbed last Sunday night, at half past nine o'clock, as he was coming from the Exposition Banquet in the city of Lyons. He had taken his seat in the carriage, when a man pretend ing to waive a'petitioi in bis hand, jumped on thej steps of the vehiole, and dealt a deathly stab in the stom ach.; The President fell back un conscious. The dagger passed through the right . end of the stom ach into the liver, . to such an extent that in less than forty minutes the President was dead. ! j The; assassin is an Italian Anar chist named Cesar e Giovanni Santo. He was captured on the spot and came ; very near being lynched, but was extricated from the infuriated crowd by the police, fie is now confined. President Carnot was very popular among his people, and his death -is a great blow to the French people, Mr. Zola, in speak ing of the President sayB: He is a model man, and exactly fitted for the place he occupies. He treats se riously the social duties of the Pres idency and sees ; the importance of Beemmg trifles. He goes to every fete,, to every inaugural j ceremony, and is by nature correct. He gets in nobody s way, and excites no jeal ousy ana tneugb a little solemn is affable. Of all the mud that has been thrown, notfe has been flung at him His neat frock coat are just as clean, metiphoncally speaking, as his hands As for Mme. Carnot, she' is simply periect in ner spnere. j The Heetie Flash! iiiiri i ji ueu 111s una cnees assumed a ! deadly hue, . i And ail tne rose to one small spot i witnarew; ldey call'd it hectic; 'twas a fiery ' i ' uubu . . More fixed and deeper than the nuai I den blush." ! That terrible sign of consumption comes like a warning signal. Let no one disregard it. IfttiAv tn day by day consnmnfinn n firmer hold, until its victim.lies num bered with the (lead. For all disea ses . and WeakneSflAP. nf ha Innno I Ln. .. . 'uu6 uroiicuiiiH, asiuma, coughs and kin dred ailments. Dr. Pierce's GoMn ueaicai uiscoTerv is a mnvarairm " 1. . r r". WASHINGTON LETTER. (From Our Reeular OtMresnorirtent Rassom Visdicated-arvis Speaks ar . for income tax A Splxkdid Er OBT Wabmlt CbNGBAtcLATED Hill Compels ah Adjourmeht Ihtebest. vinuj,i.n atM8 of jiOCAi. . Washisgtok, June 23, 1894. xescerdav Ueaivn pnonm - 9M Arthur JJarnes, the first mentioned Deing ciers of the Commerce Com mittee, the second. meBBenorAr. i0; fied on oath before trio RanA I. ' IZSSSy .Committ.ee at.they had speculated in snrrar in small emnnnr I - maw KvaMSjtfW AAl uus mar, it was without the know! edge of Senator Ransom. Moreover mey stated they they had done all they could to keep him in ignorance of it, because" they knew he would disapprove of id George Tln anm to a young man about twenty-five- and x ubto aiways xound him to be unu sually cautious and thur Barnes is abonf fifrv i 4 TT. . , . J VO.WJ. veryrjoay nere or a speculative turn who has the. money, nnnenla.. ;n Stocks. illSt ftfi thfiv in Nawk , y , vvw ohna :and everywhere else. Senator T ...... w m vau vat 1 xkansom nas not owned one cents worth of stocks since he has! been in me senate, He could hate been a multi-millionaire, if he had used the interior information' his rjosition of a l. -al m & m tne un airman or the a. a. and Com merce Committee gave him. As it is, his moin source of revenue in his North Carolina farm, which him tuZZ Tc . 1. zJ cans htil n0r"P.- caaso he is eternally gmnsr office caaso he is eternally giving office seekers and dead beats money. IVe seen' him eive a worthless tar heat $20 to go home on and when I re marked he was encouraging laziness nis son told me it was a common oc currence. senator Jar vis made a short hnt strong and pointed speech m the senate yesterday in favor of the in come tax, He makts a very dieni uc ocuaiw suu uas impressed ev- eryone here very favorabiv. Th Aa. bate in the Senate has been very ex- Ai .r wm 1 . t 1 oUinr, : nn. j , 7 . I citing since Thursday wheh Hill Incorne M,!S! w j i- r . , a mornincr says: The debate an opportunity for the A,mZZ Of the new Senator,,: T, Tv'till , ,araty foun. fdress. read a speech whFnV1 ti" C tennraiu i , "J... He made noaU. graces of oratory or rhetoric hTi was listens tnJti,-i- ..'.7. I . by the Senators on thrR"M sii. Ba h ' '. r.r:1 oal and for'ceful remarka slf'Z " SlU aja ljCklACLA Willi n to I a . B Jarvis on the other hand beine a I ' I all the arts with whtolta'oE? 3 ij uicai noutnerner. with pnmmj i . . l . .. that section are so inrH nA i. " uubn.y quipped, made quite a trfc it. . " j "w i umpnant aeDut. Tall, of fin'. I " ence and with a Mon;; i splendid deliverv. he e- .u"" ASSASSINATED. f and the Senatnra frnm New Tort I him Arr V . . . ' rY n 'I the attention of the entirT rC-t 0 leanfed ar "ons to the govern- and his remarks were S6nate J",9t or lhe Wl8,J -1 '"an. Though ment, the favoured few, and the peo i . irc4anuy ap- I the nan-AH of hlaf piauuea dv the audience in k. i I leries. " Mr. Patfcon 2 come tax while Mr """V"" The North CarolLTian whose SttS remark about sSi speech, by the way firat. a "ZT." timation of his keen Bnnnf Vri caused a lauffh bv savins t tuT ' hon;.;.- 6 "1 6t.u5 ui ulB Huuress mat while flll.TD 1 n . . a I . . lu. . - .. . nuoe win auu u&liiulh nsn KnniT i sue uaya oi uorace that it was sweet to die for one country. n nn ever said it was sweet to be taxed for use a country. Then Iari a i r j -"6 uwnu iue uriuuipie mat mnna ha1 u. optained somewhere for the sunnort . . i - - . J vv uc Shermal with aaytow th.Vu tT-.Tfl be raised from sugar0; the New En land Senator, wfth wan uuiucu on uiauuiaciured cua i and the Senators from New York with selecting collars and cuffs that the poor people wear. Some of the sentences which elicited the greatest applause from the galleries were: -In imposing the burdens of taxa tion, the heaviest portions should be put- upon 'those best able to bear them and the lightest on those least able to bear them. If the Demo cratic party has no higher mission mission than to bow at the footstool and worship at the shrine of the ac cumulated wealth of the country, the sooner it dies the better. 1 Instead of this bill sounding the deathknell, I believe that it is the first step onward to a higher pros perit and a more gloVious career for the Democratic party. And if it will only have the courage to move forward-on the lines that have been se lected, I believe that instead of our Republican friends in J897 seeing a Republican President inaugurated, the standard of Democracy will be advanced 'still higher, and our ban ner will again float pver the Senate, the House of Representatives and the White House. . The Publio ,Juildlnga Committee authorized a favorable report on Representative Branch's - Elizabeth City public builning bill for $75,000. The advisory committee only recom mended $50,000 but Representative vrraay, who is a memoer, induced the full committse to renort ' for th full amount of the bill. ; ' Deafness Caaaet be Care' - ? by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Tt J IV.i ? 1 . . iouutBB, buu Hint is dj consmuuon al remedies. Deafness is ctused by an inflamed condition of the ntnmn lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sobnd or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,, which is nothinar out an mnamea condition or the mu cous surfaces. e will crive One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused oy catarrn) teat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Seud for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O Sold by: Druggists, 75o. . ZEBCL0X B. VAXCE. tit VUUKi.H3 AELIVEBED UZFOBE THE a a t VA5CE Memorial Association, I OIL!) is 1 arcobo, ox jcai 4th, j r V.OU. Xi. Kj. UOUBNE. I Ladim and Gestlzmen: This is not a sermon, yet I will choose a text for my short discourse, i the words of that text are found i m uio ucBris oi every strong man. every; lovine woman, and every thoughtful child before me. is Lovnta xexoby or zeb. vasce. Simple- words in themselvv ' Ymt how full of meaning. Why is it my menus, inai we have recently seen our lellow citizen, in variona narta distinction,' issemblini together ot tne btate, regardless of all party in sorrowrui COmmnrfion. and nntfin I on badges of public mourning. What I ib buu common Bereavement has I thus united us in common sorrow and I common sympathies, thote who were I but the Other day AtranrrAd frnm I each other by all the an?rv excite. ments of political contention, and why are we here asHmhld . with hearts full of sadness, amidst all these expressive -signs of private - - uu paoii3 amtcuon, aiaa the cause OI all this IS but two rfAnl .n painsully impressed upon every heart in this assembly. While wife, chiU dren and generous friendship min gle their tears on the tomb of the best of husbands. The moat (Tarn. piary parents, and the most faithful or friends. North Carolina ia sum moned to deplore the lcfea nf a ct.L. man who guided and illustrated her wwerw councils py his wisdom of an orator, I, , "uumju cer sacred and vio- I lated right, by his eloquence and of la mtriafc hn ir. ti. I who vindicated her sacred and yio- a patriot who, in the midst of trials, buu lemDiation and riifrimiHaa dangers bore aloft her untarnished a - iwwiMiV auu escutobeon amidst the raffing ele ments of the TJOlitieal tAmnact with a hdelity and devotion that ney- ... .. bi utJHuawra, a neart that never quailed, and a heroic rennlntinn that never layered. -"StOOd bV his Cnuntrv'acrlnrv ... And nailed her colors to the mast." OUC3 While livinir awn W KTl, u uuuiopmea lutes 01 Zebulon B. me conuaence and eratil tnde f tB Ji... " .f v ance 10 tne confidante and rrai;. uasiin v lk him aiii s: n en '?d admiration of tbe wholi "TIT"' - ... " .l"c "?ni 01 M :" - . e,ned lor ever in .uwait ln.6 X0.Ily. Btram : V mingle with the kind spirit's i.1!."0!8 ia . l ?. visions oi rent, where the W 1:-,"C " " m?re-. " w renaer the ho. lhet sad irie jaamp, strtion - and R -BO2e. ory of our dU. a. - A : a J 1 II zen. Admonished of the brief time -if eeaev wseAVSl ABLUDiJl,Cll IHIH1V Jtirt- SST t . i0? n . . , , - ..w. ug " T"'.7 "w.u,ouw w sW honaetT. th7" lue. ana ti wen mnnr v nnnn k:- . .- ' . . suc "f. DO,esl Kena the cor- ?"w.. .91 tne character of ... F. M olU4 wei ?lth th bis deed we well snow in4?..Dls. w.e.a inter- wo!6,W17,tne hTrrj. f his mother S.for the pas Jorty yoars,. that l.ur J l B?s " W1U. 1)9 g nd Hacr,e? Pft" OI a common. - . . . om wnai l had seen in tK. nnr. nn B 4 . V , 7 .w I wrote Gov. Vance a letter of con -r "I Jt tM.H iWJ, gratuiation on his return tn Wi.i.. ington City and the improved condi tion oi ma neaim, but before that letter reached its destination tht form . was cold in ' the trnhn.. - death, and the eye had traced its last line on eartn from hia faiin ? e.arUl r f o- 7m '"P W?vmed to hitn in tis m - w wvaewrv Jill II. mm in his lourneimor in uoeiui, wuusc soiiratnria n.'tL him every where he was. On the following morning of April 15 the ngnmiEg nastied the news, frora Washington over the whole contK nent that Vance was dead. nd ifc burnt its sadntng imprint into the hearts of all North Ceroliuia. We grieved, - we mourned,' for we knew and felt that the head of the house hold bad been taktn from m. Que who had been our ' leader our Guide on au state and National Questions. for over a third and for nearly half a century. In peace, and in war. in sunshine and in clouds our eyes were ever turned to Yanoe. To cruide us arieht. Alas, he ia new gathered to his Father's dust to dust. aanes to ashes, is the common desti ny ox -tu ail. -lis true -the news waa . not wholly unexpected, ye! it was a ahock to our feelings, that our knowledge and jadgment have not iuiiy prepared us to accept. Gov Vat.ce was a born leader of men, and they followed where ever he led. i His first entrance into nub lio life, warmed the people to him, he led me name by his honest devotion and faithful adherence to eveiy trust imposed in mm. They marched down me a . political roaa nana in nand. they upholding be never betraying any Domical trust, but lorever dev. fendinor the Deorjle acainat inv and all encroachments of the Government on then just and inherent rights, vouchsafe to them by the constitu tion of our common country always true, always honest, always faithful in " every private act, and in every .vc. JT . Tit 1 r truwuu ucHuif, uiiuuuui oinir, we invoke thy spirit to hover over, the nation tarita1 t this limm anrl in spire our law makers with a just and nonssc conceyuon 01 their publio du ly ana obligations to their fellow Gov. Vance was a member of Con grcss before the war when - quite young, he was CoL. in the Confeder ate Army, elected twice 'Gov. of North Carolina dnring the late war, and once since, and United States Senator three times and would have served the State in that capacity eighteen years at the end of his pres ent term. . It was while he waa Gov. during the war, his character shewn out in bold relief before the demor alizisg shades, easting their shadows : it. - a . u u (race 01 war. For war has its demoralizing ef feots npoa every Thaae of aocietT. Tt makes the bad worse, leads the good astray and agitates the cesspool of I corruption through all the business avenues of trade and undermines the very foundation atone of the moral of society end the nation, public men become eorruDt and commnnitiaa polluted. It was here Vance's rugged nonesiy was imprinted in hie every word, jesture and act. He armed, clothed and fed the Confederate sol diers from North Carolina better than those 1 from any other State in the Confederacy, be supplied their WIVeS With COtton Cards and varna and was zealous, true and faithful in me performance or his every duty to his State, his people and the bat cause. How many Confederate aol diers owe their lives to the watchful and tender care of North Carolina's great war : (iovernor. - Clothes ' to warm, provisions to sustain and u 1 . . ... ucLurinen. meaieme 10 mmi Vance's first and last great duty to i him ouiiarRn 1 ine uoniMonta -. OiersCI North Carolina At was here his moral and con "ucnuous enaracter shown more re- splendtnt than the noon 4 arm - it was here his moral life passed thronzh the crneihla nd in. ble grandier, thi ever silent treid of the tempter, and left do cloud to dim we lustre 01 his glorious name. He as uovernor had the opportunity wmu me oiaio owned ana ran the blockade steamer Advance' to have amassed a eolossial fortune, but my uivuobmo. vance's mind and soul and life work were beni 01 pnblie good and not priyale gain, at the close of the war he was indeed poor ui purse out ricn in virtues, and he stood before his people with that moral grander that sweet selace of duty weu perf wmed, that made him um central ngore or love and admi ration or his whole people. vance was not a modern states- an whose first great ctyis an n ..tr ;k , " Y-,7 "c to self, with power and akill in r. tain his seat in tbe Legislative hall, to use language to conceal his ideaa, and not to express them, to go , to Congress poor and come away rich, to be schooled in acieaee of addition division and silence, LikeSancho Panzi, who said: "A irand nrrarh 't was a good lirer and that waa all the A7mnity he knew." The modern statesman is to lecialaLe h and that is about all the statesman. ship he knows. "j wm suiiesman oi the oil eehool h w i " Vance waa a statesman of the old g. - People from a ri.tion.l'.nd - - ew bsidu uii rh s. w hi w mt 11 w-ea t ..T.uw.1Bi great ana Denehcial governmental questions mua xie larxrred and worked to that end that he might be the instrument by whiob the people would derive some great good, that his life might oc useiui . ae well as beneficial to his fellow man. rHe was genial and ever uuuiing over wun good humor, it was spice that added sweetness to hie life and joy to his friends. It was the relief that wearied nature courted to unload the burdens of tbe day.' , - . - As a student pouring over the sei ence of government and the rights of the people he gave an eye and as ue joaingiy remarked, he still felt blessed that he was still able to al ways keep one eje on his dear old uarouna. , BtlU pooring over the most difficult Droblema nf it.. .3?" .Jl?icnJt P"blea ChsetiBga fiubaid. "Of beauty just enough to bear in spection: Of - candor, sense and wit. ' a - - - y ew a,VU oolleetion; Enough of love for one who needs .- , . protection." Excellent resolve ladies, 'and let the husband see that the wife; who has linked her life with his, possess es sound sense and good judgment. If she suffers from nervous debility. w ukjiuio uuuuido, aa aias BO many do, let her manifest her 'good sense by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, which has never been known to fail ia $uch eases. It is the only remedy - so rare fn r,n- that it can be sold on trial guarantee wrapped around eteh bot mo- ; r -... - le be rare his hnaHh nA t: B fli Din Via ll a. 1l V. - J L V- I l. , . .. a M o man can rjTe mere. No Senator gave more or bis tune and stndv of toe relations of the rtcrmt tn thm croverLment and the comn f tv.. governuMint to the people, then Zeb. Tccr. ever a cnaropion of ttie rights of the poople, be stood like a stone wall arainst every cnrrruptimtnt f the goreromeut upou their rights. This fio rem Due ot was rrr.f J mnA uTe . dd. 'S? Te ?-e ??fioeJ D Prcnbed formed out of tl.e urrLdercd rights and errtalized into the enaiilnUnn or our aiuotry. It powers and an- thoritydelesatediatbe conatitntinn h recognized, acknowle,red and nhad all other powers were reserved to the oiate, and the people he upheld. He Wilted no mcrcinary patriotism to control the destines of his country, bat that natrinfiam IK.i 1 ... rr. . ,u"D u" graaie iiseii into our very nature, from ecr mo.ltst homes, our simple and gcnt.e manner tud custom, our mild and jujt laws, a patriotism thus born of the virtusa of enp hrm i;r will create a gofernment, the admi- rauon and glory of all civilization aij rtmembennflr bis many irreat ra are Permitted to murmur mil oar Rratitude. and lift up our hearts u? joy, that he once lived, and to suk them in soirow, that Le is no more. He waa not a nnt; ;;. r... omce but a statesman that be mialt serv his people and his couatry. He uved cot to arnrOnrif In V. ( ry sell a large as possible 0r sensual da hghta or pecuniary advantage, tut as a moral and intellectual being deslmed to. live an iml i:r. "f I as . . ... - w. which his ttrearnt Mf.t. . . v.- ginning Inconsiderable in itself it is irua out pregnant with Immense re suits for the fatnr fnr fame or honor that was his was also a part or his State. Polities o him waa not mere t.Um nf t,;.v artifice where the cunning end least m-hiuui soouia reap the largest profits, but a noble and ennobling acieace embrmeincp tkn.. .t... 1 principles of right and WTong. To those noble ends he Art,A ,v. ergies of bis vigorous mind with un- Troanea appncation, be leaves be hind name that on A .-.t. B wvwu W1U1 im into the .... 1- the Heaven with hie uniriL but re. inaiBs behied hke the odor of de parted flowers, marking forever the place whete he has been. Then were man nrttU..Ki. : : dents in the 1 f of v... tv w auc una 1 now relate was given me from the sry rxsrauthoritv. T,. i erae ,xi a war ma rm a ..e wanted a leader in this State. Vaoee was ainffled out ir. m.n ti. tff-red him the highest poeition the Btate could bestow upon him and all the pecuniar aid that . j ue bad a laudable imhitimi 1 honors. He waa nonr .-tK . 1 :t and needed money. But he was not mooern statesman. He knew and Jelt something he valued more than Je ajd transitory honors, more than Ihe fi.thy lucre that so often temps our ftU'jwman fiom the n.ik. t . fi wde for the power it possesses. His rugged honesty, bis open candor, hie honor were mora in him than all the offices and all the money be might possess. His people were down and he could ner rie n power and opulence with his foot on me neciu or those he had served so well and loved iq Inno. "vrv w. j - . IffMV UtU fOOebt the B.iod nr-fif ln)k.. lost, both are down and here we i,l stay together or else we will iise hand 10 hand as when we commenced great struggle together. Glorious aud trran.l iK. of Vance. It waa than h;. 1 11 luca were shown to hj anlwinA;.i ... t - .n.i, UU is merit to surpass his ame, the e Waa purity in hie rtrivalA lif. v... waa nouieoeas and mn 1m, m k; IT - " - v J IUSIC public career, far ke mUt Kt. eions and kept tiem in subjecUon o a There are charactra of tp4n .n a prooieiy which attracts a cenuine - S1UVS esteem and respect which Ueak lurousn the raasiona of men strongest obstacles, snd to wh!cb. tuough ever so unwilling one ia sometimes, as it were forced tn a justice, Vance's most formidable op- yvovnt wuoge atttie spoke of his rugged honesty. That what he said in one part of tho State he would neTer neaitato to say in mother Vance waa to North rsmi;.. k.t XT 1 w.""- Tt ill) Valerius, the Koman Gomul w:a to Home, who ordered a-y oce to be put to death who acied with miia- ienj power without the content of me people, and killing n hn leciea recrl powers. He lneA m o " " erty and was such a great friend of mm mt -w V w j S a V me people, they calld bim Publi- coia. Une who looks after tbe in terest of the people. All hail the nana of V.nce the Publicola of tbe American people. He was one of sue greatest men of this age, he died as iue poorest in respect to iortone, more great more rich than the richest to virtue and glory, what a muf ortune it is for our age, that examples of this kind are s i rare or ratner n t at alL' XT- - . . ..'mmi pouticai pritciples were as, hie religious faith, his moral granaier and lofty mind made him moaej law-maker. rt innuerrce, the wicked scanials that VUllUViUiV are now nout nrr iraund in iVm. rAi atmosphere at tbe nations capital makes it so important to tbe people that thev ahonLt rafVirm i -r o . . M lecisuiora before we mh .r. . " ICIVt VU1 lews. Yesterdav aa i't .... v.-.- stood np m the United States Senate the peer of any as to static, ft nn. . . ' - nv.v, UitQ surpassed in his devotion to the rigma or the people. To day he is ous toe quiet sleeper of the grave. awuic boh ot blessed memory. hope to taa wen! nraor Rf rwn" 15 1MPURB. If yoa ara troaUed wtth' BOILS, ULCERS or FiiWLES, SORES 7wW Isbad. A fev fcottlaa ef 8, S. S. wllf Z r p- aji ataanac ct CLEARED AWAV Mlcn.. Tt in iim.m .1 in. TMh ' " , , ,JOMW OAVIM. UrM. &TaMtM mi Klnil . I . s .r.. , l1IMM . SWIFT SFEC110 ial!T.u-iriiir jfi MM m n V oiood L . . ... row we sre bringing to tby yet un- soued grave. JLook down throogb " wiuuuwa 01 my neevsBly home, m idj companions and eoubo- rers bereaved,! sorrowing clinging to the mortal threads thou hast left to bind thee to our htarts forever. "ouid that thou oould hear the voiort tf friendship that invoke thee I a. we spar or our sorrows, and cur inssssges of gi atitode and love. AX l US tbank OUr Prxlnr tnr tV. gwat, the good, the nobi example be has set for tboe to come after Lim. That an other star bright and glori- ceo pjenttd smld Ihe Heav- euiy coLafeJatiObK in .. .. 1. icrciiy." 5 : e M mm w I Was Sick t Ery dev. auffartnc wtOt stotaaab. Bvar aed kldnay Wootto, else fraas after ffaU of Um fn. wttk aele le an beak mmA nt. tm awoialaea SaUad aa eaaeet rv. a ---- Smmtt 8arsarrUle nUrmi mj tarsia. I aaT cosaaoea aea I aei me HOOd'Sr Cures' Heetfe suie awead brarma. Ssa. SIRYICE OF SLlIlinL TAT Or KOBTX CAaOUXAl - sgeoomoe uounty. j AV SUPERIOR COURT. oes Frank and ton Is Btrele. trad lo as Ira. . L IJeloer and Hi moo ITeiivrr m;.. .. L Ilalaer A 8oav ' ; The defeodaots a Lore namnt a,m t.v. aollce that aa action ntltit aa v.. beea commeDred In th Rnrr. . Etlgfcnmbe county to recover judraaot as jat I a k. at . a " -J'"' c Ior fws, sres aad ner. chandlse sold, and delivered, aad ae at tachoneot has breo levied upon the foods, wares asd merchandise of lbs said defea. daotr; and the sa'd dafeedaau will r.nk. er take sotice tbat they ara n quired to appear at the swxt tern of the Hanrtn Ocmrt of said c-xiuty. to be held on tha Oih Hood sr after the 1st M mdir ia Sep tember. 3894. at taa tjomt ceuaty a Tarh.o X. C. aod aasa-eror utinur U tbe eorapiainl la raid action, or tbeplaiailff will annl Lr tv,. . . tbe reJirf demaaded la said eompiatat. I1D. PfLVNIKOriV r a - Ww.d'r,? lb0rpt Baker, for SERVICE OP tfUnOK. Statb or Nobtb Casousa, ) x.agecomDe Uounty. J ' A SUPERIOR COURT. Bok raoe Kraak and Claries Adler, tradrec I. He lot r and Blmrm fieinrr, tredioc a L II n a. CI I- " The defeodots afanve n,m- tii i.k.- aetice that ao actl a entiUel .a aho. k.. hero cou meooed la the Bo per lor Cort ef JMlrecombe c ontr in nm . against them for rf.da. citaoa.'ue sJ I. aod C-ilrered. and an .1. Ucbment has teea tee. opr the avode, fates aod metchar.iM tJ i k- ..l daula, n, d ibe m (IcfcoJaM-a il fuitn er uae M-ti r u.at hey a,c n quired to arpearattse Dtn tr,m ..t - . .wut- r Inart f id COUBIV. Li l KtA .1.- 6 h ...o.!ay efier it l.t M.tl.y ia Bep. tnber, lNM. at ihatMirt tl. .f r"' a'JK7ro, ri U aod aasweror aeniur to tbe complaint la said action, or . . - - , . . . . " " - liar i piaioiin will acalv ia ii.. .... in.i.anrMUl, i oj t ED. PEWtKumv r. o , Wd,r,1Jk TborP. BrWgers'i Baker, for a umitua. on e SIMMER MCCRSIOSS OLD .DOMINION LINE For New York ' Liaviog! Norfolk and Portsmouth- V m . . ... ssmuj excepi rnday and HUbdy, at 7 P. II. From Richmond, Va , Tuesday. Wed- ra rway, at C 00 P. AI. (Via James Hirer. Tbe 2. "40 P. If. train f,- .i . . T- " "I IS TU " on at Xorkolk. Va. Toe ah In ot ihm nu ni- shlp Co , are first-class and especially ar. rsrsed for tbe comfftii . - v. ,uv uiTf.gr ' V . T , r ' aa.siiiaeee or a rool and and delitbifol ara trip. - AUFirst-ClaaTiciki Incite raailj sMuoTBcm acccanodiioa The two new fast aad awcrfal steamships jamesiown & Yorktown Leaee Norfolk Mt un..- -- . and rjalorrlar erenln -m.... i v. ' .k eat U fjllowiar artertKo Io lime to make all creator, conaectk na for points . F?' ,tU toJ fral iafonnatton an. W.. Allen A Co.. tsns m.i- r...r I Ju 7" vv..ii, .ivihiii, a . , - . 1 . K -Vkt II Ik . - ww...,..ii, , m , or o t VV. L.GCILLAUDEU. . Vm.nH AT.., u ' iauD niun r, OereialrfflceH C-eDDSBV. Ple 58 m t f.e - aV ra . . i . w oeaca slj new Totk, ran fnr Oot- bi. 1 a A Ba- uTSiTW, LTJT I , ' wa avw w. U. slacnair, Dm grtst, Tarboro. N. c AJAPREVTirnvi W I lllia.ai for Sale by W. n. Alacnalr. Tarboro, MO PIL "ltiTTura' fSrarWril-a. frkwfL li Trvrw"ior mail. Ftnr4 rraa, Au&ArrmfA UK kkJ nw cato. xcra CU.E, , w0ro an mou, art thou oonsdous of these unavailing tributes of tor- Mrs X. 9. Herrte rarve. en ease aaa Mtt aa. my avMlna ta eaee. i 1 I ' iNEW l 1 1 1. aaIZlr s ' ' " nil in 1 1 1 - - - . 1 1 S for Infants ' '-- lilaj UllotS01mux IrmiBtawe4aaaeapartiirtaa7aBcr1pUDat kaovetoaM." IT. A. Aecsaa, U. IX. . Ill 8x Oxlord ex, Bnwajra, X. T. "The eaa of 'Oaatorie It ao earsnrwl mmA lu awvlu so wen kaova teat tt r mm a wk ot auponiKUaa ta eeAara M. FWaratae liWIjm fmsCica wt eo a kM OaCorU Caatoa lUarra. P. ft, Scw Tcrt CUy. HOWARD .a CO., Water Coolers, Refrigerators Ice Cream Preezersf m .Screen Doors and Windows Tarboro, April 26, 1834, ' MelHI l CXDEB HOTEL fAEEit A full stork of everythJeg oo hand, or will order anything wanted by SttlalAIMeae srw UaVfsa Piysicians Frecripiibns A Specially.. FUIel by experien Pbarrnaciita any hour of DAY or NIQUT Call and see us when In seed of anything in our line. ' ' Eespectf ally, JOHN K. MclLHEJNNT & CO., ' Druggists and Apothecaries F R 1 Fortra IIUll GIVEN AtYAT FREE AT ODR STORE. theiradedriiw,I'h0WL8triT eMtome" at ws highly appreciate inl ' ,ffer for ,h0Tt liae to nke yon a craTOn porlrtfroe. WOtth Of roods. Tbua nnnnit, . k . . . . . lw W. L, eontneUd'for brie o . . osmpje ptctnree art now on exhibition. - . i-all at onoe and get a Cuh premia m ticket before they are all Oor pnoe. oo good, are a. low a. the lo weetTaM wt" Toutr? Dou't forget, you can gn them only of 1 7 ' trtd- THE MORRIS COMPANY Dealers ia Dry Oocds, Notions, Fine Clothlag, Gent's FumU' in" fL ia Zeigler a Fme Shoe, Trunk,. Vali.ee, H Tarboro. NC. E. W. BAWLS. akerg - ES watchD3 Riw,Fir successors to Chamberlain a aVavo movea meir Jewelry store next to the post office, where they will keep a full stock of goods in therllne. BEPAUttQ WATCHES, CL0CIS 'Will ee and artrTrTsTerrr " -rsreaae Of Tatch- W Din l)i Kn.tl TACLE3 and EiEVoLIsSEa. VO 110UL. JZOVD SUOVItDEIlS. THE I1IPEOVED . KNICKERBOCKER SIIUL'LDBR :-: BRACE! XT. No llarnese Simple TJahke all others. Prcw1eeFrtsvJUpklioaof the Loage . FrevenU Children bcoosnbsg'ritooped or Roond Ehooldered. A Perfect Skirt Supporter lor Ladies. Physicians all rrororinand them. A gentle or powerful Brace obtained. Easily adjasted aod worn with Cora fori. Sixes for Men. Women, Boys aad Girls. Cheapest and Only Reliable Combined Braoe and Sospeader la Lhe Market. r "w V 2?Or Oolo lojr ' STATON & ZOELLER, Druggists. and Children. Ceaate sae OaBo, Oammifmtkm. torn ataemacSv btarrWaa, Tjm. -- - 1 " fwateaa WtUoot Toar 'O-awtV a4 abaJl alr, cZ. o- It be. nUUj f Errcs r. Faeaea. K. p me 8trS ea4 TU Aa, Tt . e. w 7 ' - 'PHI edicines. 1 ade i Irder tambtr bidmu tnmn I. .tii J. FRANK MARTIN aad- upticiaas. ASD JEWELS A SPECIALTY I 1 . ' rxpienee ia ajaatirg SPZO- 1W1 j r