i i . . " i 'If'' - f a- BE STJUE YOTT ARE RIOTTT rt-o . LS . Xn i r : - - ; " - . i v VOL.72. NO. PROFESSIONAL CAEDS. JJOSSEY; BATTLE, Attorney and Councilor at Law, Omcjcs: Tarboro, N. C. Rookv Mount. NJ O. i i )' : t la Tarboro sffics every Monday, ro taffies every Monday, and Rocky Mount; balance of week. . JKaT" Adjustment ot claims a specialty. pA.UL JONES xtt'y and CoUjicelor at Law TABBOaO,; N. C, -4 T j. martin, Ji j Attobnet at Law, Practices in the Courts of . Edge- combo, Martin and Pitt Office rear of Doodle Pender'a Store ' .. i TAebobo, 'N. C. JOHN I. BtflDGERS & SON, A t tbrney s-at-La w , TA RBORO, 14 ly K. A. Gilliam. Don h bu. QnxlA.it ft ILLIAM & SON ' R Attorneys-at-i-aw, TAKBORO', N. C. i' , ' Will practice in the Conn tie of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and In the Circnit and onoreme Uourte at K&leis-h. lanlS-lv. T. P. M. D. PHYSIUAN & SURGEON, Office next door to Hotel How ard. 30 ly vV G. EDWARDS. SIGN AND HOUSE PAINTEE, Paper haDging a specialty. 0tf. TARBORO.N.C. fJO THE PUBLIC. i I am Prepared to do 111 Work in the - r - Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice. Having con nected withvny ahop the repairing business. AS work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention! PRICES KODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE f of hire Thanking my friends for '" their former patronage, I hope lo merit the same, should they need anything n the '. " ' Undertaking! M " OR: 1 ', Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcots frc i tVe Corner of Main. 12. J . Simmoiis. J. i . WALLS, Fashionable Tailor. Pitt St. , one door below L. Wendell & On Tartoorb, JN"o. Fine Pull Drew and Evening Tailor , Made Suits, The term well dressed ex tends from the neck to the foot of the subject. I WCutting, repairing and cleaning ii ne at short notice, . t ; dti THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD . -For 1894- WILL BE WIXHOUT QUESTION y" AMERICA'S y ' . Leading Family Paper-; The reputation that the Weekly Herald; has enjoyed for many years of . being the best home newspaper in the land will be; materially, added . to during the year of 1891. No pains or expense will be spared to make it in every department the most : reliable, interesting and instructive of all weekly newspaper publications. f It will be improved in many ways. jj A number of new features and departs5 ments.will be added. The latest develop- ment in all fields of contemporaneous hnji . man interest will be ably discussed front , week to week by accomplished writers, i THE NEWS OF THE W0RL11 Will be given iu a concise but complete form. Every important or interesting event,' either at home or abroad, will be duly described in the columns of the Weekly Herald. : ; j 'In politics the Herald is absolutely in? ' dependent and sound. It tells the rights and wrongs of all sides without fear. : Farmers and stock raisers cannot afford to be without the Weekly Herald during the coming year. It will contain a regular department each week devoted exclusive y to subjects of timely interest to them and giving many valuable suggestions and new ideas. i t The women and children of the land n will find in ther Weekly Herald a welcome . visitor. The-household and children's , pages will be both instructive and enter taining. : They will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value. A. brilliant array of novels and short stories by the best writers in Ameiica and England has been secured, so that fiction . will be one of the most attrajtiye features in the Weekly Herald during 1894. - In fact, the Weekly Herald will' be 'a magazine of the highest order, combined wjth a complete newspaper. . NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Only SlOO a Year rtBND foe Bamp Copt. AddreBS . THE WE KLY HERALD. Hbbald Squabi, NEW YORK.' FOR POLLING HAIR, USE CULLEY'S Bald Head Preparation I desire to sa ay to the public and the la- dies especially that I now hare mv ; Hair: Preparation so that I can arrest the falling out of the owr wimin la to 15 days, and this you wui jeauuy see u you wui give it a trial xxan aiso micaens iromito use. It his no unpleasant odor and leaves ho danger contracting neuralgia, cold, &c Mus- racnes easily thickened ur by its use. Young men will please make a note of mis4 Homing asked to show the truth fulness of the aboye except a .fair trial of T" . rr n b UALU I1IAD rMPABATION. UOOd references given to show that the hair is mica h not thicker than ever. i . ALFRED CTJLLEY, 3tf Tarboro. N. C. FRESH CAHDY AT THE STAND AT 10 Cents Per Ponntl, I ALL KINDS. ' THE BEST MO IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. i Then at ilngle retail aboe atorea In our larf dtlea which aell S,000 pair ot hoe a dmy,makin( a nei proni 01 a year, w e aeu aooea low, but wa aell a great many paira. the clear profit on oar ladies', miaaea' and chjldrena ahoee la at leait ten eenta a pair, and on oinj' and boj anoea cbuu a ftir. it bojui p uimn uaoe norea in each of the fifty largest cities of the U. 8., and if they aell only 300 pairs of shoes a day they would (am Sj-25,000 a year. We ahould be able to pay a yearly dividend of $5-25 a share, or OTer 54 per cent, a year on the investment. We sell the stock at S40 a share. The price must Inevitably be moch more than $10 a share. No stock has ever been sold at tess-than this price, which is its par value. Stock r on-asseasab !e. I incorporated , Capital. $ 1,000,000. We have overl.GOO stockholders, and the number Is increasing daiiy. Some of the principal stock holders are : T. f. Wallinr. N. Y.; I. J. Potter, Boston i K.A. Rcl, Jr.. Chxiro; JT. U. t'unpbrll, Chlrszoi W, M. K.vanaugh, UtUe Rm-k, Ark.i I. It JHich, Chicarai J F, Turner, Thila-t B. nardina, N.-Y.i E. . jVirns. Battla Crn-k, Mich. ; F. P. llullctti; Arcade! N. Y. 1 Write for a proepectua contaioiog the names of 'onr stockholders, ete or tend an order for ttock. ncloting cathier't check, cath or money order. Orders taken for one or niore shares. Frioe, $10 share. ' ncvTco curie pn .- Agents WanltA. g j i i I :;4 Oplnm Habits 2 V ij ?.a -i rl at home witii- a Bs?;i.5-; , ticularsaentFBjfk. aWWrv 3.if.WOt)LLEYJiI.rj. AtXanta, Ga, C'clOiWlUwhaUSU THE SUN The first of American Newspaper, CHARLES A. DAKA, Editor. The American Constitution, the Amer ican Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last and all the time, foreyer I The Sunday Sun Js the greatest Sunday Newspaper in tie j : I'"' world. Price 5a a copy. B mail, $2 a year Daily, by mail, - - - $6 a year Daily . ind Sunday, by mail, - 88 a year The Weekly - - - $1 a year Address THE SUN. New York. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as, administrator of Gracy C. Stallirgs, deceased, late of Edge combe county.-North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of April, 1895, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. -This 12th day of April, 1894. HEN IIY JOHNSTON, 7t Adm'r of Gracy C. SialliDSS. Administrator's Notice, . The unaersignca naving quaiiued as adm'r of T.B Barlow, deceased; this is to not'fy all persons owing the said deceased, to make immediate payment, and all per. sons having claims against the Raid T. B. Barlow," to pi cent lhernJor payment within one ear from date, or .this notice will be pad in bar of their recovery. This 3rd day of May, 1894. C f W. L. BAKLOW, Adm'r. ; J. L. BrUgers & 8on, Att'ja. f, 6t ., CANDY IT PHYS the great SKIN CURE InsUntly Relieve TORTURING Skin Diseases And the most distressing forms of itching, burnlnjr,.bleedlnr, and scaly skin,' scalp, and blood humors, and will in a majority of cases permit rest and lep and point to a speedy; perma nent, and economical cure when physicians, hospitals, and all other methods fail. CUTICURA Works Wonders, and iu cures of torturing, disfiguring, humiliating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded. Bold thronchoot the world. Price. Cimcrsa. ; BojLP,2!.;RsotTi!.T.Sl. romDmr aJTO Cxxm. Coar , Sole Pruua- Boston. All about the Skin and Blood." tipn, mailed frea. V Tiial Blamlahea, pimply, oily, mothy ' akin, falUiif hair, and simple babyraahea pr Teoted and eared by Catlcara Soap. C-i MUSCUUR STRAINS, PAINS jT V and weakMsa, ba bcIm, weak kid. T J ''"'oaiatlam. and eheaa pains I JV relieved In mlnnte by taeCav - tkora Astl PaUa FUatiV. TIN SHOP. I AM DOING A Til, and Mki BUSINESS as cheao as an v. a - I do reDairincr in Tin, Iron and Copper! promptly. J. T. WflRD, Austin Building. I make the most suDerior Coffee Pot ever efftred to the public. 13tf Nathan Williams, Onlja few doors below Hotel FaiTar, TARBOEO, N. 0. aJAOKSON I Jackson, Tenn , MAHPFACTCBtBS OF School, Churchy and Office Furniture. i School and Churches Seated i Id the Best Manner. Offices Furnished te?" Send for Catalogue. - THE COUFER BABBLE WORKS, 111, tlS and 115 Bank Street, NORFOLK, VA. LAK6K 8TOCK Of FINISHED i Monuments, and Gravestones,' Ready for Inmedlate Delivery. March SI, 1 Prof. . W. HMI IU, frincipml ( COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ef KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY HEDAL jiifii 23XPXolkCJa, Br the WrUa MnMu tmaian. ear Bra f SMakecsa a Hmmim9JE.mmti tm lh. a n I Cua Iknl kM. laalaaias HHaa, . BS4 kMrt. raaaMTaakT. Try. Wrtdaf aa4 TM(iar liiytl, ddnaa. W. BU MITIa, Uilspes , lt. $525 Agents' profits per month. Will prove it Or pay forfeit. Mew art.cle just oat. A $1.60 simple and terms free. Try as. Cbtdester A Boa, S3 Bond St,, XT, T. :; - : - Skis OFFICE (i TARBOROy N. C. THmtSTTT TDE STATE C0JYEWI03T. A FIXE ASSKXSLT OF Elf MSSXTATIVE . UUUCIUTS. " Banavawjatatwa.fj, , ' Tlaak IIIJ f aa . 1 - a wuiaata KeaBlaste4-aTke Flat mm aaoste-FrM SiItm-, StptaX f we bus xai. Tariff K,mFill adsraaeit afUa frialieat , Dleate4-neKtwCaa. Falsa UUtn. IUwaoH. N.O., Aug. 8. Wbett tta ciUrloci aftuifc 19 I QIV jlieirODOUUn HaU hfaan in ni rapidl, with delegate,. Vlow pi., i!-?-M tbew- -J " weaaaafff Ve UUttfU U1H UaaVl 1 1 VVsaV ar,rfv,;:::t.!"."M ", - ;&"rr UCJ - tm elvea, for it was pr.ttj warm. The de egatc. were a fine locUnir and well dressed lot of gantlcmen. un tne atace tne - Srewinarvr fra. m-. a a . m I . .. .. - - iwruity waa qnne weU . renreaenlt It waa joat 112:50 o'clock when Chair man Mmmona rapped the convention to order and made the announne- naent of the official call for the con vention and explaiced its Darooaea uiioeiy, to nominate candidal, fn- cnief State court form. juatice and three at aociataa. rnitnrrr must .i. un...;..iuo i(iminiiitiinn i.rt i v . to adont a r,lal- Hethenreoueatedlfr. fla-a, ard J. -r . . tO asf lit Air. Howin the secrttaivol the com miliar a. - " -saww w ansa temparary aecr.larj He also called Mr. J. B. Boxton. of Forsvth. to ant aaT - w www lajgfstmeninthe convention. Gen. J. D. Glenn, of Guilford, and Mr. Jnri W TKfiMnu. a the duty of eecortlnar the : eiirantia "-u,pwvu wvraj usiaroaxi chairman to the chair. Mr. Buxton reaa a Tigoroaa apeecb. He alluded I ra mrr t I k a 1 . .v daath of Senator .t." tmanta wVa Irlw .l.r.Al ..I - - " - wwa MJjV Wealw' I ' 7 . JT .j-iiaau-J, mi were also hia refereooea to IUnwin andJsrvi-. He urged that all maU I tare Kat anlvwrli.i t mA tat W. J I ty of deitrojing all enemiea of the I T a a I -aa aw i4JW VUB uu I Lciubcrauo pny: ior now inere are two enemies the old time lie Dublin cana and their coadlulon. the Pod- uliata. j There was a 'great laugh when be aaid that moat of the Popu liat had en were diaapp. inted Demo cratic ottos aeekers. He declared that the Democrats- would ffweep the field Ha then read the good newa from Alabama, and thia brought out more cbrera He said that soma one had aaid that Populism bad sow reaohed the stage of CoxejUm and that thia waa aemt-aoeialisua. uoder vagabond direction. He aeid we are now at the parting of the wejs; we must choose betweea the rrpublie and the commune, between the con- titution and anarchy. There is onlj one party of the people the Democratic party. He aaid the time had come to repel the Republi can inainuatioos azainst Mr. Clave and. He showed -how abameleesly the Republicana bad looted the Nat ional treasury, and also bow they had endeavored to spread, falsehoods. Mr. Buxton eulogized President Cleveland, saying that oa the main itsue on which the Democratic party went in La power that ia the Tariff he bad the confidence and the aup port of all loyal Democrats. He ad ded that a campaign on State issue as most unwise, as would be ; any cutting loose fiom the national S ad ministration, and that the moat cow ardlv ' thing a Democrat -could do would be to do anything to weaken Mr. Gleveland'e administration. At thia there was gr at apt,. rose. It waa 13 3O when - Mr. Burton conclu ded bis . remark, which were all re ceived, ! Secretaty Herrick calltd the roll of counties.- All ave twenty counties were bund to be present. ' A resolution that all reaolutioci re gardiog platform be referred to the committee on platform without de l-ate caused some discussion and waa adopted by air overwhelming vote. Governor Carr waa invited to the platforn., was .heartily cheered and poke briefly, thanking the conven tion for his nomination two years go and aaid he was always ready to answer any cU of the Democratie party.: j ; ... The following permanent officers were choeeoi Chairman, Hon. H. H. Dougbton; Vice Presidents, John L. Cunningham, W. T. Caho, J. E. Green, A. G. Hoggioa, J. B. Young, T. O. McNeill, S. J. PembarJon, Cj ros B. WaUon, Eope Eliaa. R. H. Battle moved on behalf of the Wake delegation that the chief nstic and Aaarwiafra. Jnatw-ra Mai. Hae, Burwell and Clark and Treasu rer Tate be renomlnLted by acclama tion land this , waa done. The six nominations made for Superior oour judges were ratifkd. Waddell, . Overman and Walter ueory made speeches. - The Kxecuuva committee wse in structed to prepare the best plan for teenring minority representation in pr iajauiee-aod- convention. State-' TreaaureT Tate 'made a 1 peeob) accepting the nomination, There Iwasr great sbeeriog at the aiUaOasoament of the demand of coinage at the ratio of 1Q to 1. He announced tha speaking, (or him self, he diiatjuted from the coinage ratio of 18 to 1. . : . . CaoL' Coke's motion waa nnani- mouslv aderDted thafr-tfaa eomeutioa adoptbyarislflg voU andmilence the reeelation resrardieir Saoator Vaaee. - - - When tie convention reassembled CIlainnajcDqtJjtorlfsad g UWram iroiuf'tioprreet'xaenT uudtrfl,i an- nottserg-r t bar cane nccmierwfST naa ..-. a a at agreei;qn: the xarlff bill. . ThU was greeted with: cheers. , . . . ' A cemai ttee ' of tbre Mnar a. R. A. 4aauMS uqiujoo aswotan 'm' ' TMMMMB''"l'MsaaaaaaaBBBBaaaWaaawj .v- rar1' WV PIolJ to Inform luIiu,u" o iair nomination. 1 oa piauorm an- pwd thr.08h J. a Caldwell and rv pori a follow.. . v j.urin tjaroiin aoma to ite uotera of tb. Stat, of awrta uroi.na ma following decU- w" w priacipjea, tamIj. UMOITM. ' 1. I ha a a.. .-.T tb docUinea of th nartw . : ?L.bj l,h? Chicago oonventkm cf 11 .n0M, 10 "g"7 m follows. i" ounai rue lion tIaevd h M npon the aaetion thereof relating dalj ot 'the Uw'nuJV dTpsrlmenl of it. Governm.anSi hSSSSI V 7 . ' .""'JJ vrenoia it ia the I UK Ulal A aTVi"aaal VMS MV 1 . a. a. I ., :rF.. j the uM pnwgt or aUver with rolJ th- mlnta.'bj free and mSxu coiaa of both ld am? .w-.TT ""ioio i each being the raUo P wmca terawrora haa held u iut unuea ouus a- ioai ws ns ntwa .M i. aing aepartmen of the Qovern ment the abolition of tbenncooatila uvuiuiufC iaz OI IU Tiar Mn il. : - . r v" ju tu usae oi ota'e banks. a- ID at in new of IV, depleted I dition in which Ike late Renabli. Of the United State. rraWf dd. inch a lamentah . r,ir.r. 1 MiC OVemOWlPt? Ocnditmn In arlil.li I i i. . . n wi4a.jl' . a a n -w-weasj aaa w jjj mu " t celivrred bv Mr nUwal..-. I Cr,t adminiai ration to its Republican I nceeeaor. we urea nnon aaj.i law I maxmg dentxtment Immediata n a . - w ST 1 I mni 01 ne income tax. I 4- T0 mphaticllT approve I th Tariff m.:.. :.:a.r I " . - a vv-v. ujV auuBOiaiM DT ins Chicago platform. I . V11 wLil w- oppoaed to VMttt qualification, in favor CI trial Tasf.al n. a MDeal of th. 10 TTJ "e..! . e) w Wr' WHB BMsVeV UU aJLatLC bank Uana. r....iv.i... .VJ: I " - -wiua.ii avuTW. l m matter cf State policy, inch "STakHon aad restricts of iait of bank a rhaHaraw V. XT.l V r i- ' 1.1 , nwim, vavruiina I M wiU ,ecnr loand currency. it aTV a Thit we admire tK -nnMa I mi aoyai pauiotum of the Pratident, . i . . . .. . . -a.- i and that we most hi irtllw his prompt snd effaetiv- der the law for th the efforts of alien Anarchists to disturb by force and violent n - true relations of labor and capital; ha sturdy efforta to secure enact ment of Tariff reform, aa called for in ue party platformi hia nrcrmnt an. proval of the bill repeeW the Fed. era! election law the notabW redoe Uon of the expenses of the Goimd. ment under his administration, an.t the freedom Xrem scandal which bis been tuch a marked feature or hie return to the head of affaire.. 7. That we favor the abolition as eoon aa practicable of the internal revenue taxee, on aplrits and tobenoo end if this cannot be done that the bauh end nnjuse feat ares of the law ior its collection, be modified. In State matters we point with pride to the record, of the Democrat io party in North Carolina and en dorse the present State administra tion. . For eighteen yeara thia party haa bad fall control of the Stale Gov eanment It baa administered it with the (greatest-economy and at all timet with aa eye eingle to the beet interests of all the people. Coming into power at the end . of a reign of debeueheiy and crime, it ac'dretsed itself to the. work of rehabilitation and ita record ia one which chal lenges pablio admiration. It bu re built out publio school system, es tablished asylums for the care of our unfortunatea, admiaietered Justice, promoted our publie works, fostered every public enterprise, reduced tax ation and has in all respecta justified th , confidence of those who have trusted it. It baa offered aeourity to life snd properly, protected both capital and labor io ita rights that government can do for the people. No scandal bae attached to fta ad- Qinistrelion of publie affairs. Wa congratulate them upon the friendly relations existing betwten the raoee, Upon . the prospects of bounteous crops. .- With tbie record before them we appeal to them for a vote of con fidence thie year n the Democratic party. ; .Wbe ms-. Since the Democratic, parly of North Carolina, last assem bled In convention, death has cl .timed Hon. Zebulon B. Vance, the State'a raoart illustrious citizen, it is by this convention. Becolved, That, appreciating his conspicuous abilities and his long and moat honorable publie services, profound sorrow is ex pre sad ' oa ac count of the cilamifp which has fal len upon our State in the erect re ferred to. It B. Glenn moved its adoption aa reported. Paul Me ins offered three amend mente. which were voted down. The laat of these was aa absolute en dorsement of Preeident Cleveland. The platform was then adopted just as reported. J. D. Morply offered a resolution that la various counties Senatorial primaries be held, if directed by the Democratic, Executive Committee oi tuch county. Mr. Bradabaw moved U tab!e this resolution. On this there waa a vote by conns Use ayeay C94: noes, 218. So the resolution wet tibltd. The thanks of the convention were tendered the afScers and also F. M Simmons, re tiring State Chairman. At 6:4$ ooloek tb eoivenliou adjourned. ; jamas 11 rou. of Sou tun eld, w e e'ected Demorrttic State? Chairm in. He will himself select the secretary, The old members of the Central com mittee were re elected, also the fol lowing new ones. 8. A. Ashe, W. W. Fuller, 3. TL Young, F. M Sim moat, E, J. Hale, 11. J. Herrkk. - Uoo. W. A. B, Branch, of IUanrri was ngmiDij io eneceex Lin!f ia k. j T.. . - . . ' urn u oppomtoo in the convention, bat iBiuaj.iea on il Brat tiI:ot. noo. a M'Cook. of Frank.ii.. ... rr,""ww 'gh Jat ek ly ilia. lamv.. - . l n . J I . . . M a -swaia. ui aoai srani-iH it:. oj accumaUoo. Ho aeeeeeda UOn. 13. H. Bann. Mr. n.kik- ia troBg : man aad wiil aarelj enrr his district. lion. Thomas UllU iv,. r:.v . v wt? nocaInsted Ust week by T . . - . PUDiKroa at OrMnabora. Hi. wpiiion amounted to soiKina. I(. K.l IV - . .. s. - mo ooDTeouon cis oo HOB. W. T. Crawford ka. Kaw.. nominated to aneea kimair t. .v. aimtn luuict. Ue wUl make troeg rno. . . .. . ut OLD ,rWTv araMn.t.fM, n.'. . . . ITS filTlDf I Hffl twala lv ..4 from thia place every other day now. The roadt throngb oar part of the toeaahip are getliof in b&d cendi- uon, eaaeed bv the recent washing isVma. Farmer . 1Tr mr" J g0 PUU- " pwn r ather . wui auotr il W " W w a . a . m iaars Hpeigbt, of Oxford, is Tia.ting her friend. Mm. Sam. fl-a reoce, near here. Dr. IL B. Pitt. Of thla r,1... . -V - .. a.vi air on me inferior Court bench m xarooro Uat week. . , - " wr. nd aira. Theo. Winatead. of - w1, V" 1,1 U.wn Sttn,J-y 1 ... .lroni Unded I K. II sal THiriW MAati .at ja. . s e-jj m a" a ' V at 1 own Veck. iaHV Were diaannoinLavl at ing the sSm, r,ylVa5 ,t " 8 f ,aC tdllor- UniM. L .1.11 . . ae wuraiaaiiwu UC lifflt U.l ws are cayint? iota of rain Tt . abnoet a retralar thir it awmi rw "e txia wmd storm . - . : - us to V: J . aft.-' aa. . . - "V firs a.auT. auewioaoiiatrridavdid considerable to cram in vim. . otioD. I in itnrm MnV many die appofntmenta to and around here. Some anticipated a elatioua evening at the Cone toe dance, and some expected the same at an toe eream party to be here. One case of diaappointraent at thie place wta right down seriouaneea, and every body who knows any thins' about il sympathise with the nnnr ftv an.1 I know yoa will do eo, too, Mr. EJi tor. xne mtvidaal la qaeetlon was a young man who bad made aa en- j gagement with the pride of hie exia.1 tence to meet; ber at the r-ver and escort her across, and to catch her little hand if aha stumbled. Long bfog the hoar he was in position at the bridge, erkere he stood, in pro found expectancy, Lke a tnaguificent epecimen of sololoquixing statuary. Up came the atorm. bot tWs. h stood, while the rain came down in blinding aheeta, hia anxious brain soaring away to the . airv beirAte ef imagination, loiUring about ia ethe real magnificenoe aad p!acking the choicest flowers from that hnM fields of poaey. He waited and then camw back to the aarih where he cremDLl r!ajarm;na. v Mya, that if his sweetheart should arrive while the storm was lotions, she would need hie care. The rain kept on pouring LoyU t hie belief, be watted until the atormy aspect ot the aky had pvea place to the gor geooaoets of the rainbow, bot his girl came noti Being by thia time eg granted br disappointment, onr hero screwed, up his cjursge, drew a long, eorrowf ol breath, and aul out loud: rilank the luck 1 I don't believe she's t coming, nohow." He then etock hp ted between hie lege snd went bone, wbete he toon real ized that instead of holding the guTa hand while she crossed the bridge. Ue grip leld his. . 1 8 Old, b at ii ex. stirs. A paotracud meetinar was held at the Methodist church here last week. Tkere wilt be a match came of base ball here this week between Williams too and BetbeL Some time ago Mr. Bullock of this place missed; a setting hen. He had an eye oa a negro named Austin McNair. Austin, thinking the weath er rather warm, left without even the formalities ci a friendly good by, but last Satordiy a canst able brought hiiu back and he waa tried for steal ing the ben and bound over to court, and in derault of bail wse assigned to a suite of ncma in Hotel de County, ureenvuie. j The concert given here last Friday night waa one of the moat enjoyable ever Leld Ure, The weather was bad, bat that was rothing. Every body went just the tare and apent his last copper. Professor Wains u a music waa ef aa exceptionally high order, and the participants in these memorable nuauWee are unanimous in hia praise. By urgent request the managers hive decided to repeat the entertainment soou, notice of which will appear a little later. A mu!e owned by Mr. Jim Bant ing wee driven to to a last Friday by a boy with a load of watermelons and a band ol cider. Just before the boy wm ready to unload, hia mu'-eish sired faced about, elevated his heels aad split a etvck In the atmosphere as be scampered off in the dueclioa of home. The melons and cider then became publie picks inge, end what waa left of the Cart was found rafted against ahade trees, limp posts and so on. I he boy ac tually ceceped unhurt. Mf, w m Hltbct of a3 in Ltiruiz KOCKY Wor.VT lTr The three larre loba e are haviog daily aal. Ifra. Mattie Walaon. of N'arii!! w nailing lira. W. K. W instead. Dr.Bjland Sadr .BJ .If. ... 4CK ioir pareeu on Church SL FriJay'a rain and wind me eetieo, C5rn aad tobacco f1 ? K l,,rB,!liP- airoi m toe luwer rx I. Deie cf tKa T;..u a RrWI I.....V. r-.-aa..j -wa, uai iB.urDCvi irota hia sum mcr Tacaiion. ITie Iarrs. at. jog i or uii school will be oompleied In a few dava. ef " p. Am Object Lesson ace jcncuah bsviMMri ta.v . r it. . . . ' r v' popoaw iMtia in somewhat die re specUal tonee. and wa a .'mil tKai coasidered logically, it U not a racae nre worthy of ixamenss coamenda lion. And yet many meeaurea that have at the time or their na. been, considered as seriously wanticg In good points have, aa time ruir i on, secured Lr themselvee areepect which thsy did not primarily po The consUtulioa of the Uci Ud SLatee wM a compromie, giving satief action to few. if any, of thoee who framed iL who tlainiv ced that they accepted it. net as saU uiaciory, but as the result of hard ceceasity. And ftl we baV aue eeeded in livioir under oar ecmiiin. lion, and acme 'a'er dsy commeota tcrs bare gone to far as to pronounce it a tnaaterniecct nf a(atam.n.vi We could not have it icfrrM rmm thie that we beUeve that the pro poeed tariff, which is eeentia'Jv compromise measure, and a compre- mie forced under bard naMaaiitr. will prove to be a specie of legia'.a. lion calling forth the admiration ef roccdint generataoae but what we can say ia favor of the Wilaon.fW. man Jones Fall Biver- augar trust see moea tariff ia that it wilt serve its pur pes ia the necessary work of object teaching. We might point out to oar English critics that it is as much cf an advaaoe toward freeeom ef trade as wss made by the Britiah tariff reformers of 1SU. and it was the wonderful sjocees of the Eegluh J&ta protective tajaiff that made a free trader of S Taobert Teal and many other Ecghahmen wh had previously been bide bound tioeisu. Boston Herald. protro T. L.EVT I S II ATf E 15 Cg, St. Larww, X. C'Ang. S J, We had a heavy rain and hud wind laat Friday night There waa quite a crowd at Town Creek last Sunday, it being yearli meeting here.' We keep hearing acme of our Pop nlist friends (?) say that Dr. W. P. aUtreer, ta in their ranks, and is some what dissatisfied with being put on the Democratic ticket. Before the pnmsriee some cee had it circulated that be waa la their ranks; aad Mr. Coob wrote tam in regard to the matter, and in rej lv to the same, be received the following letter, which explains itself: To i shot, N. a Aug. 1st. lf9L Ma. J. E. Cobb. Air jkraaK sib: lour note waa ie eeived last night, I am eony that some of my friends have got it into their heads that I belong to th Third party. I waa born a Demo crat and to-day yoa eannoi find a sounder one in the county than I am, leave no faith in lb principle of tb 3 party, I am not reapooa.bls for the reports thai may now and then get into circulatioT. If your people think I am not the proper man for the place I wast them to feel that they are under so obligation to give me their support. It is my simile deeire to serve tie people, 1 am cartainly not over act tone .foe the position that will make me sacrifice three or four time its worth to cccupy it, I beaere thai I can b eiected, aad th Democrat who ceo be sleeted thit J ear of ccn fasioo end naecrtaiety ta the man to put in the race. Yoa can read tl is before yonr prim try rue ting I do not thick that I shall be able to attend Yours Very truly, W. P. Mxacxa, Il looks Lke they would atop try ing to claim good Democrats ia their ranks as often sa they get coll wafer thrown in their face, by such men. r ) It was discuvered recently thst the Populist eaedidat for Governor of Aikaaaxa had not paid his po'l Ui snd is thcxafor ineligible to office. To effaet thia th Populist claim to have discovered that Gen. Claike, th Dam ocr alio candidate, one sent a ehaller-re to fight a daal. which quahfiaa him. Ciarke'e frUtds ad mit that L ent a chalieog to a Oocgreesman wha preferred drawicg S5.000 a year U. beirg made a target of, and declined, wh:cb lets him out, io addition to which there was so prOeeeaUco and therefore the cave hae so legal standing- Wd. Star. PRICE FIVE CENTS TowI U.S.Cort lit fTN - rr Cs ioiujiriSia cane? : m Esmus. rttA.auvr. Capt. W. IL Kitchea, daring a re cent visit to Qoldtboro talked very plainly about matters Populiatie. The a plain was naturally inditr aaat at it. cotd.taaaUou of the General Aseemtly of 1833, el which ik r?mtr' Ce some cf th tnaid hitter eJ lka a.v,.. . the Populiat ;paaliorm. He staled that he wss shown a draft of the ?fEorm byBaUer in the crawese cf Skinner and saw that it denoaaoad U. Lej ia!atur cf 1631 end lfJSt that be UlJ Duller and Siinaec that that wouIJ never do Uosus they, Bauer snd Skinner. nr mmiaM of a Legialatar 1S31, and he, Kiichin, wa a um mber of the Lacia Ulure cf 1803, and that aa they wou4 be the pamdnej apeekera of the ropulutS. it would bat awY.,.4 in the estrr me for them to go about the Slate dnouncicj? their .varw work. He further ataJsaJ iai iv. valiJ.ty of hie ol jrc'.ioa. was rec ognized and thst Bnlltr Kf. pencil throogh the offensive para graph, and he, Kiiehin, aaeaalea that the eatd parasrrarha alirrC. inated paid no farther attettrwi ia the matter unl3 after U plaifom wa adopted when h learned that Mesara. Butler end Ekinnr jTWiaw ature of lbOl c: eff ecot fre. his Lrgialalnre of IhOJ wa. denounced. He wa naturally in dignant and announced thai h ehoold,-on all occasions d aland th Lrgulatar of 1803 from the us i oat aspersions cast upn it by the Third t at pevrty ptauorm. Tnecaptsio was alao quite severe npon some of the con-partisans Bom inated for the Supreme Court. He ' aaid that evtrybody dow eeat knew that Judge Faircioth wsa unfit 'to fill the place now filled by Jadg Shepherd, aad that daring recetvt trip in th West he had leajned that Furche waa eves lee fit for the S preme Court bench the wa Jodg faircioth. The Cap Lain bar need etroog language ia refer race I the abUityand learning of thee distin guished cos pirtisass asaenicg that w uToufmm waa, u poaaiUe, even fit thaa Jodgo Faircioth. Ktew Tlyself. How important this Lejanctioa to every yceng man! Uow many ruia thsir health and fttore happinees thronjh pemicioos practice coetrae ted iaigacTanc and .repented of when too lata. Parent, guardians and bumatitartai-s can do no ratter scrvire to tbe risieg grcsration, thaa to place ia ibair bands tbe informa tion and warnings eoctained ia a li't'e book cartfoUy prepared by eg aeeoei alios of medical gentlemen, who have nad vast experiences la dealing . with the grave inaladisa here hinted at, and who feel that thsy ewe it to humanity to warnilhe jwtg tt th land against certain dcrrocUve tub lie which are far more p ratal cut thaa ny layman can poatttly imagine, and which, if perilled in, graduaTy undermine the eotvs itctioa and health, and destroy th future hsp piteaa cf th vioim. Cut out this notice and eoclo.'e it i L ten cents in stamp (to pey pous.r) to World's Di.penry Medicel As onalbo, CCS Main Stiewt, Beffalo, N, Y and the book will be sent, secure from ob eervatios in a plain scskJ rnvalops. awsaaaaaaWJjBWaVSBafiV aWaWiJBaWa-Baawawaaa.aaawaa rcrrca raacca. Pffer 'e ' pexaoaa is new before us. He wants th Government to owb and operate all the railways, mice. telegraphs, express coco panic-, dntU. Uriee, tobacco factories, etc, task all the money and take care of every body who la sick, drunk or d-eooo-UcteJ. A Government tf tb e kind with l'effer as -h ta'.-rral Pan La La, toaMUs how'inj; soce-sa N. Y. Com ju r rial Av.irr. Kep, The Old Friend Ac! the hoi. hietA, thai aerer toils joa, is Biraryxat Liver Baco hlor. (lL Bed Z Ihat's wal yoa hcax at tbe tacatioo of thia exccliest liver irmikssm, tawi peop! ahooii sot bt "t' ri that aaynhieff ale 21 da ItistKinc IiTCT cines; is better thsa tCls, Kmi Uke th plao of CokkS aad CalomeL It tvet directly oa th Liver, Kklrja-y aad Bowwls tud giTc n-rw liie to th whcU trw tcrx. This is th rairiTst yco want, 8caJ byaU Drtrasta la LiaokL or in rowdar to U t5 cry, or wmm mia 4 tcx - we. - V