. . . j : '. - ' 1 , i : . ' : . : i i ---! . If, 4 -l ! 1 1 Vabiished ETery Thtmiay. j J. 6. CHARLES, Lessee ail Xaiager I RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION i OSS YKAB... BIS MONTHS . .two .... AireitisemeaU among local matter Meats 4 nit tttr h Insertion to regular aaTruor. Transient adrertiasments la lo4sal columns parties Wring no regular dTrtleinnt. U enU a line and none uwrwa Ant . A-i-.nmnt. dlBcontinned belore the time contracted tor Has expired. WfUba charged tran- i.. t tm time actually pobuanea. i Moucee of marriages orfleatna, nottoexMed t.nihwuL will be Inserted tree. All additional matter wm be charged 10 cents per line. Payment for transient edTartiaemeata mnat be made In advance, Regular adTartlflements . will be collected promptly at the end ofeTery month. Communications coatainlng new or a rticn!nn nf local matter. solicited. Ho com- mnnieatlonawilibe Doblished that contain ob- . actionable- Dsrsonallitea. tbat withholds the Sum at he author, or that will make more than one column lnthlj paper. i Tha adltorla not responsible i lor TleWBex nreased br corresDondents. if I . n-All bnalneaa with this office. In Order M prompt attention, should be addressed to THESOUTHERHKR. TABB0BO.H.C. Entered at Fostofflce as second class matter. .TsuBSftAT... .;,... August 23,189. DEMOCRACY IS IMMORTAL. 'THE "WORD DEMOCRAT STANDS FOR HUMAN LIBERTY .AND HUMAN FREEDOM.. AND CANNOT DIEl't- rt TT . . t, . DaVNiTUB VAJHJX. The Vieilant did not race last wfiV She lost her centre board while in eighteen foot water. The talk as to Secretary J. G. Carlisle's resigning is bosh. There is nothing true as regards tnis re- i , -. port. Mr. Murphy thinks we have 1 had enough Tanfif legislation. 1 His resolution to that effect in the Senate last week shows that t$e Senate thinks so. "So say we aJL . . m i si 1. '- " Will sensible men be duped .in to voting such a mongrel ticket, as the Populists ask them to vote? It is absurd, the way; Our thitd party friends act. North. Caroli nians will never allow their Stale to bo ruled by such ways as the Populists have adopted. Norfh Carolina is our home, and we . - must protect her from evil doers. The Georgia Farmers' Alliance has erone to pieces. After a stdr- - mv meetinsr held at Dublin, when I . P t only seventy-nve delegates were I in attendance, this course was 4er I termined on. The leaders made an effort to effect an amaLrama-1 tion with the Populist party, but it was 1ptprmiTiPl tr oWa rnt. Mia I business of the Alliance Exchange, I discontinue the publication of tie Livinalssue and disband the or- . der. I ' , , ' ' - I The different State conventions lately held all over the countfy verify the statement that the De mocracy of our nation j, is alrigljt. Every State convention so far has acted fairly and honestly with Mr. Cleveland and the administratioli. .Where there was an honest differ ence, the State platforms aie frank enough to confess it. Tne Democratic party to-day . is ts sound as Wer, though j racked by many a storm. j.ae jtweiorm democratic con- ' 1 V 1 1 T venuon nave nominated Jonn ua- ry Evans for Governor and D!r; Timmerman for Lieutenant Gov ernor. This is equivalent to elec tion, as the conservative Demo crats are having J nothing to !io with the election. The rest iof the ticket will be nominated aa primary to beheld August 28th Dr. Pope, another reformer, charges that Evans was nominated by a ring and will not abide by the re. sujt of the convention, but will go before the people in the primary. Theconvention adopted the Ocaia platform as its principles. Evans is mly 31 years old, is the author of. the Dispensary law, and a pol itician of the Tillman school. Ti F-t 1 r 1 I WHsoi anSlt6? IF Wilson and is t not a beautiful quartette for intelligent mens to fpljow? If our honest home folks 'would take time to 'consider wlio ri ..., . r . j ; iiicae men are mat are posing las ch patriots, and martyrs, strug gling for the rights of the people they .-would soon drop them. When every tub begins to stand on its own bottom, such, men, j as -we nave mentioned above, will sink. And that;is coming fast too. flOOReware'.lioo. V I be readers of this naner wtfl h ple-aeed to learn lhat there i at least one dreaded disease that 6ciencej has uocu aui w cure m au ita stages and that is Catarrh. 1 Hall's CaUrrh Pnru 1 a Ik. r t i known to the medical fraterniU m.v aa ttUO UUI1 IHIhlLlVil All. A iam i.oiiu u.iu a vKJUBu.uuonal disease requires a constitutional, treatment! Hairs Catarrh Cure ia taken inter! nallyactbg directly upon the blood ana mucous surfaces of the system. tnerehv dAtimin- vnt:- . j-6 i uib; tuuuuauuu w ws.waaK ana giving tne patient j:- . ..i.. . . treDgth by building up the constitu tion aca assistme r nature in doing piupneiora nave so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars ior any case that it fails to Send for list of Testimonial. cure. Address, F.J.CHENEY Toledo, O. j CO., Sold by Druggfeti, 75e, Tne new formula for "co-oper- tion,"-alias. "Fusion", is one drop of Republicanism to two of Populism, and smells like old fashioned musk. . SHOCKDiQ TO THE SERVES. The Populist leaders think they have played a big hand and accomplished wonders. The poor Republican leaders are not so sure as to what they have done, because they fear their party in the State will not sanction their actions. The "fusion" game played at Raleigh during the Populist State convention, was a one sided affair. The Populists, have all to lose and .nothing to gain, and as to the Republicans, they are not in it. The Populists as their rep resentatives before the people have chosen men from the Demo cratic ranks, thereby giving to their party a phase of decency, they could not otherwise get But when it came time for the Repub licans to i name their men, what did they do? They selected two men, whose names in tne totate nave almost been forgotten, men who are back members in their profession as well as politics, and this is the very best the Republi cans could do, I Democrats Jfaten. Is our State to be turned orf r to such . a mon grel combination? Most assuredly North Carolinians have not so far forgotten themselves as to allow it. If a party is to be judged by its leaders then stamp out Popu lism forever, and brand Republi canism as, a traitor. WHAT OF THE FUTURE. The county convention has been Held. The candidates are in the field. . The Executive Committee have elected their chairman, and now what of the future? There is no use for the South erner to try and conceal the facL but some body has work to do, and a good deal of it too, and for any class or party of men to ac complish ! anything, as a unit, there must at first be a common 'understanding not only of each other, but of the one end to be accomplished. In addition to this, there must be a concentra tion of forces upon the common enemv- IX ' I' V ATI vTl A1a TVOvr ViAfA ; --"" "o" .x ""' some personal difference existing between some of our prominent Democrats, now is the time to lay aside these differences and strain every, nerve to win in tne cam- PS11- Edgecombe Democracy needs just now to be more concentrated in its attack. ' It , needs a strong pull altogether, and victory will surely follow. Give me a man with an aim, I Whatever that aim may be, S Whether its wealth, or whetherits fame, It matters not to me."' j Half the aimless lives are due to lassitude of body caused by disor dered liver.!' To keep your liver in orker and so prevent evil accumula tions in your blood, to make you feel light and aight and bright from morning till . night, to make your sleep swee't, and keep your system complete take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, They cure constipation, in digestion, biliousness, sick headache and kindred disturbances. WASHIXGT0JC LETTER. (From Our Resrular Corresoondentl PRXSIDIST RlCTJPXRATIHa Rahbom A5D Jab vis Vrro Gossip N. C. Pebsohals Dxxoout i c Ecoso- -PBMiDcrniL "Caow" Washihqtox August 18, 1894. The President is reported as im- proving at Gray Gables, where he went to recuperate on Friday, from An attack of malarial fever which had been aggravated by over woik. He expects to return next Tuesday. It is rumored he ' intends to veto the River and Harbor bill and let the Senate Tariff bill become a law with out his signature. Senator Ransom saw- him about tbe River and j Har bor bill, before he left and urged him to sign it in the interest of the en I me ooantry- ne assurea tne ires- idCDt th,at ih6 biU had toD Cietal' prepared. ; r tire country. He assured the Pres- Senator Jarviaaays he would be willing to retire from publio life if he could see a free sugar bill, an ameodment ta the Constitution to elect Senators by the people and a measure to change the rules of the Senate, become laws. If such legis lation could be secured through the agency of Senator Jarvis he would achieve international fame and ren der his country the meet distin guished service. ',. t Hon. Kope Elias came here from the State convention, hid a long in terview witn tne resident which lasted until it was nearly time for him to take the train when he was driven to the depot in Secretary La- mont's private carriage. I Mr. Helms, the emcient poatmasx ter at Monroe, N. C, has been here to improve the mail routes going out I froa his progressive town. I hear Captain S. A. Ashe, will be giyen a good position under the gov ernment. A comparison . of the AVAnZMMA hatwMn (hi. .nrl IK- 1-.- O .T - wuv iBiL xkriiu in las I vau vuuitiSH iiiowi inil tna llmiw can Congress shows that the D i " I erats nave been instrumental in cut- ting down expenses : t30.000.onn. This ie a good showing for the par ty and the subject will make first class campaign material. I J-ne economy in the management of the postal expenditures is due mainly to tbe energy and industry of Hon. John S. Henderson. He drew the bill up and carefully scruti nized every item. Furores do not lie and here is the schedule of expenses of the Govern merit for the past four years: -For the fiscal year 1890, $403,080,982. For fiscal year 1891, $392,612,447. For fiscal year 1,892, $354,937,784. For fiscal year, 1893,- $36$, 818, 628. For fiscal year 189a, $296, 960, 836. These amounts ought to show the people which part Bhould remain in power. The sundry civil and deficiency appropriation bill?, the two last that remained lot action, bating been dis posed of yesterday, now only await the President's signature to become laws, and to clear up the appropria tion business of Congress. The Kiv- er and Harbor bill is practically a law. inasmuch as it cannot now be returned to the House in which it originated with a veto within the re quisite ten days, which expire to-day, as the House of liepresentatives nas adjourned until Monday. There have been instances wnere a veto message has been sent in and recog nized alter me expiration oi wo via days, but not in matters of this im portance. Iris presumed the Pres ident has either signed the bill or al 1 lowed it to become law by limitation. An official of the White House is now. hurrying to Gray Gables with the sundry mil appropriations bill, which was signed by the Speaker of the House and the Vice President yesterday morning. It is necessary that it receive the approval of PreiU dent Cleveland by next Monday morning, as the joint resolution oi Congress extending current appro priations will terminate then and all work depending upon this bill would then .have to cease. It is expected that the President will sign to-day, and that the messenger will return with it by Monday morning. Senators Ransom and Jams both favored the passage of the popgun bills and the free sugar bills, before they were in the Finance Committee Room. I am thankful that the Tariff bill is disposed of. We have all wasted a great deal of jnk writing this le gend: "The Tariff muddle will be cleared up next week." Here is the last of it, A stuffed crow, mounted in good style, and plainly addressed, "Qrover Cleveland, President of the United States, Washington, D. a' was received at the .White House by Secretary Thurber yesterday. The box which contained it also bore the inscription, "veto or eat crow, The bill goes .into effect the day afs ter. it is signed, except the woolen schedule which becomes operative, Jan. 1st. Gorman's Reward. At a big meeting last week of the Hartford county (Md.) Democrats this resolution went through with out the obiection of a sincrle man. When the chairman asked all who fa vored its adoption to respond affir matively, .every man in the house stood up and jelled "I" with the ve hemence of a locomotive: ' The resolution first indorses, "our incorruptible President end the Dem ocratio House, and condemning the obstructive acd traitorous action of our Maryland Senators," and con cludes by saying, "Seuator Gorman's aspersions oi President Cleveland and his unpatriotic course, merit and receiver our unqualified con demnation." They are not Straddlers. jtortn Carolina Democrats are Democrats. They are not straddlers. They did not indorse a preposition looking to a - bimetallic conference among ' European nations. They know it is absurd to await carrying' out the honest conviction ot the Democratic Chicago financial plank by awaiting upon goldbug England's good pleasure or upon the consent of ermany, Latfn "Union or any for eign power North Carolina Demo ocrats are in earnest in restoring sil ver, and do not favor any blarney or dickering or foolishness about it. Ik is sheerest rot not to talk about wait ing upon Europe to undo the griev ous miscniei already done in our country by the war on silver, the money of the Constitution. Wil mington Messenger. The defeat of the Populist-Repub lican fusion in Tennessee and Ala bama by decisive majorities Is one of the most important political results of modern Times. Had the contest been . close in either of those States, hope might have survived for the Populist end their allies; but they are defeated in Tennessee by over 15,000 in a light vote, and the majority azainst them in Alabama is not only overwhelming, but comes from every section of the State and from every class and condition of voters. PhiL Times, Ind. Secretary Carlisle says the receipts at the Treasury from bonded whiskey ten days after the passage of th t"iff bill Iveraged $10,WO daily, An office in Kentucky smashed the the the record by collecting $50,000 in one nour. The Democratic party is all right 1 The recent State convention learned a platform broad enough for all man kind to Btand upon, and the people of Kortn Carolina will ratify the wis dom of lhat body at the ballot box next November. Whatever discors dant elements there may be in the party the platform is bound to hsrx monize. lleme and Abroad. It is the duly cf everyone, wheth er at home or traveling for pleasure or business to equip himself with remedies which wili kep up strength ana prevent UK ess, and cure such ills as are liable to come upon all in everyday hfe For instance, uooa s barsaparula.a. a general ton ic, and to keep the blocd pure and and leas hahln fr nranrK thn nmi I . - . .... e U'C" wu U1SU 'BV"ia 1 swi. Change of drinking water often causes serious trocb , especially if one has been n ! ... s-g water in the countiy. From .. T-.w drops to a teaspoonful o TI .....'i's s irsip-irilla in a tumour oi ;.: r v : prtw. ui- the water haviug i.y -t j-iious effect. Hood's Vegetable Filif, as a cathar tic, cause no discomfort, do diaturt banc, no lore of sleep, but assist the digestive organs, so that satisfactory results are eiSected in a perfectly nat ural and regular manner. CRUDE NOXIO.tS. The attitude of the Populist and Anarchist Governors like Altgeld, Waite, Pennoyer and Stone ought to warn all decent American citizens of full age and sound sense against giv ing any encouragement to the Popu list cause. The Populists either in vented or repeated ideas that involve the pateroahzation of the Govern ment, and yet at the.crilical moment they are bound to be supporters and fomenters of the abrogation . of Gov ernmect. The crudeness of tbsir notions is adequately Interpreted by violeece, and m too many. cases they join themselves with the enemies of peace and good order. -New York Sun, Dem. t Treat Alt Alike Messrs. Havexneyer and Searlea should receive exactly the same treatment at the hands of the sugar investigating committee as the Dews paper correspondents received. Like the oorresDondents.' they refused to answer questions, aad like the corres pondents they should be named ue fore the grand juryJ Senator Allen should insist upon his demand that they be reported to tne Senate. New York AY or Id. I The patriotic citizens of every po litical faith will honor the people of Alabama for the triumphant election of .the entire Democrat io 'State ticket : They will not specially re joice that the Democrats have suo oeeded, but they will give thanks that the Democrat id ticket achieved a victory as the distinctive represen tative of law and order, of peace I o the people and safety to life and property. Phil. Times Ind. A little tale I would rehearse Of one, once sick, who soon grew worse. With bolls and blotches covered o er. He took of remedies (?) a I core. Alas, they all did fall to heal. While he reach day still worse did feel. Up spoke a friend "Tour blood's impure "But Dr. rierce can heal you sure His Q. K. D. will qnlcklr cure." Like balm on wounds these words were ' poured. ' The sick man's health was soon restoied. Impure blood is caused by waat of healthy action on the part of tbe liver, Dr. Pierce's Qoldea Medical Discovery is the best remedy in the world for llvrrr. and for purifying the blood and system irom all poisons and impurities of what ever name or nature. Signs ol tb Times., ' All aiims show that the Eeoubli- cans are going to abandon high pro tecuve tarirx as their leedine nnnci pie. They will still make a show of sustaining it, but' it seems that that party will probablytake up the silver question as of greater importance. Aie&aniey protection being measura bly overthrown and eliminated from our laws by the tariff bfll which tbe Democratic Congress will pass, the country win prosper so mucn more because of the change, that the Re publicans will have no inducement to try that policy attain. Tbe idol rill be kicked out of their politics temple, and McKinleyism - will fall into such odium that after a while cv ery R-publican Sta'etmen will de dare that ho never regarded it with favor. N. U. Chronicle. Bradstreet estimates that De be tittle performances in Chicago cost the country $81,000,000. The number of members in trood laitn and standing in the North Car ouna x armers Alliance once aggre gated iw.uuu. rue last report o the organization's membership shows only 27,000. See what Thirdtsm has has done 1 IT POPS. Effervescent, too . Exhilarating, appetixinc. Just the thing tc build tip tie Hires' Root beer "Wholesome and strengthening. fuic uiooa, ireeyirom dous or carbuncles. General good balth results from drinking HIRES' Rootbeer the year round. Package makes fire gallons, age . Ask your druggist or grocer for It. , Take no other. . See a-crat stasnp to the Chart R. Hires Co., 117 Arch St., Philadelphia. fc,' ,V ml pictar -arda. Mortgage Sale. Under and by virtue of certain mort gage deeds executed bv J. K. Grannie and wife, Kate F. to "The Edgecombe Homestead and Loan Association" ot Tar. boro. North Carolina, which deeds are registered in books 75 (290), 75 (382) and 79 (33w) respectively of the public rec ords of Edgecombe county end were exe cuted on Uth dsy ot Aug., 1891. 23rd of Oct.. 5691, . and 18ih of Joly, 1893 res pectfully, the undertime 1 will sell at the Court House door In Tarboro on Fridsy 21st ot September 1894, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real aod personal property, to It: That portion of lot No. 123 convsjed to Kate T. GraoDlsby W. C. Fields sod wife Mary F. Fields by deed recorded la the office of the Register ot Deeds for Edr. combe county oa page 878 of book 73, upon which a large prize house has been built; also 12 shares of stock io 1st series of said Edgecombe Homestead and Loan Association la the name ef Mrs. Kate Grannis; 4 shares of stock la said Associa tion of the 3rd aeries In the name ot Mrs. Kale Grannis aod 2 shares ef stock ta the 4ih series of said Association belocglsg to sara. urmouia. M. A. CUBITS, Bec'y aad Treaa'r. Gouaif & So, Attorneys. 24t3 0 Manifold ; o X Disorders 9 V Arm rr sfcwil by aa tsspwe aad tm- O A Porertahsd eoadifaosi ol ths Uood. Shht X LnoontMa. U eotcomrtsd, develop lata 3 T serioas mileriirs, sack as T Q SCROFULA, O A r ECZEMA. A W RHEUMATISM VT aa other troohlw nine dl i i. To curs y tbew to required a ai and reliable m- A f edy fraa fross any bar-mini trfwljynty V A asjjparaly muubh. Sach A It isoyail upartfie' - i O 1 frotn Um Wood aad thofOBih-"-"- T A ly cleanses the into. Tbonsawls of T cases 4 th worrt f orsas oi blood dis- JT X -Cured by S. 8. 8. Y I BWirr BFBCiriC CO, Atlanta, Oa. A From Conetee. The Tarboro Gun Club came to Cooetoe last week to eat barbecue and shoot wilh the Conetoe club. The whole club from Tarboro was expected, but there were only atx present. The barbecue was greatly enjoyed, and arter dinner ue snoousg match was to begin, but a big cloud came up about four o'clock and it seemed that the whole afternoon's sport would be bro ken up. To avoid this the trap waa take up and carried orer to the mill, and the boys shot from the shelter. The Cooetos club woo by a score or o9 to 71. lne Cooetoe boys are proud of their victory, as Tarboro had some of her crack-shots along. It is said the Tarboro boys will invite the ConetoeTclub up some'tlme soon. CJ TTTOOD'S ' in ' SarsaparUl is carefully I jrrred by experienced I phaxmadjU from Sare I parilla. Dandelion, If aa- I V J V drake. Dock,npiLasew, Juniper Berries, and other well knows vegetable remedies. The ComMnatloa, Pro portion aad Process are Peculiar to Hood's Earsaparilla, gtrlng it strength and curative S power Peculiar to Itself, not pos sessed by other medicines. Hood's arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sores, BoCa, Pimples and all other affections caused by Impure blood Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sic Headache, Indigestion. Debility, 'Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and liver Com plaints. It is Not What we Ssy, but what Hood's SarsaparllU Does, thai Tells the Story Hood I Sarsaparilla URES Hood's Pllle are goatlo, solid and eSeeOv Ice! Ice! Hard fliot ice delivered in aey part of the town. Tbose who wish Ice on Bun- day leave orders Saturday cvenioc. TTK5BX & Mooes, 10 f Coker's Corner. LADIES SUFFERING FROM salvors ritoTRATios, dibiutt ajto . M ALX WKAC5B.4A. GOOD NEWS A noetal card with your address aeeures iu Write now to NATIONAL SUltOI- CAL LNSTITUTE, Atlanta, Georgia, or P, O. Box 74. Atlanta, Georgia. - 82mS School for Young Mes AND FOR BOYS and GIRLS. Tbe Sixth Aooual Session U1 hetln limit j, eVpUmber 3. 1894. " Competed and experienced teachers la every departmenC The course of study loclodea Eoglisb, Mathematics, lb Lao. xuages, Music sod Art. ppectal attention will be given to the rnmary Department. Moderate terms r-r board aod tullioo. For particulars, apply to MISSM. WUlTEnCRST, ' 32t6 rrtcdraL WILKIN8QN Female Institute. ru lermoite siu annual ses 1 1 en m a jv . sion, with a full corps of weU equip s a . . t T.. pea ana experiencea teacners, v open SepL 4tb, 1804. and will dote January 16 th. 1895. English, Classical. Mathematical, Scientific, Commercial, Music aad Art School for young ladies and girls. . A l'rimary Department has been added for training little girls and boya by the moat amroved methods. Tuition graduated to soil tbe times Board from $3 to $11 per month. rite for Catalogue. F. S. WILKINSON", Principal. . borne patrons, as reference: Iter. J. N O. Summerell, Hon. Fred, rhlllpa, T. II Gatlio, lion. Geo. llowarj, John L. BriJers. Dr. L L. Slaloo, Dr. J. M. Be ttr, Henry Morris, F. 8. Hoyrfer. Tsr- t-orr; Dr. Richard bpelhl, Wreadale; James T. Howard. Coiwioe; Dr. M. B. Pitt, Old Bpns; Geo. L. Wlmberry, BaU ileboro; Jtnn D. Tstlor, Coakley, aad cthera. NEW Dr. E. C WmI'S Bar am Inl. la an!4 uxfer piut mltn rwuiM, b atxa la4 acrata only, to cm WMk Umtmm; Lcmm vt Kiht t i ;EtU Imu,; UaS ot Coltem Vl Timnn: Um); ail Dratna; lemmo4 hm( Uw Umu (rnw ta otiSivr an. no i il try wicitt; lovUif ul Cnora. or MwH, l o Tobara lHlom or lJoor, watrk tad wfoJmiwt. wnnrtil iiy mm r-rr " Coach-. C.4te. a-tk-M, Brr-cit-, Cx-a hottptam V-mgh, tinr Tbroau Fn ul to aasl. r-" mntn,wmnz out. mn. wum, maw Ska.: tta-B,BoS-. "l-.-lllKJj Lj' W. n. Mscnaxr, Druirtst, Tarboro, N. C DR. H. O. HYATT'S SANATORIUM KINSTON, N. C DISEASES OF IHEJJEAND GENERAL HUHULHT. 1 TYLER'S FAMOUS ROLL CURTAIN DESKS. 1IEV STYIiM. . Oar mammoth ratal on of Bask Fesialna. Karaka, and obr OSBVr rmialiais fnr m now IMOT. VMBa,t aatn,TM tssts, tw and at srfcjr tawr HmI IUK COUNTERS TO ORDER TO FIT aJIT BOOM JSaaJ-M . B4 ISo to eorar poiaf. K.IILSK OFFICI FIXTURE CO, mi. avcim, amv. Many Persona aia broksn down fitsa p.eisnaa or hoosanold earsm. jurown'a iron lilt ten asoanosUte STstam. aids dlmUoo. igiuur nesaa of bOa. Oet Ue oaulae. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble,orlndlgeotion,nao BROWN 3 IRON BITTERS ' iv rpmt macxa cnM. Osrjri raojr ttxj. U Ta cars jvo. tW twjt Utst, sod itre (T gfa " for Infants and Children. Ca4Ti iaao wW! attmA toctUklr tW It aa mrgmrkm- aoaar iliul a tomr-r IL X lams, St. IX, 111 So. Oxford 6a, Crooktra. X. T. "Tn mm of 'Caatcria Is so aalrvrasj aa4 Ita snertta so rll bm Iktt It ananas a rat of sppararocatlosi so sadnsss H. rVsrareUw tatamc t taanioaa vte do mot tws Caatorbs srlthtasawrrMch." CaavLoS Xism, D. IX. ! ? XsvTerkCKy. Turn CkaTAcm Obavasrr, HOWARD CO., i ; l- COMPLETE miiiwi DEALERS- ' . ! U5DEB HOTEL FABEAE. BE J5 jJD QTJRT JSRfcJ FOR Imgs and edicines A fall stork of everything on band, cuawncwa. PlyslBiaBs Precriptions A Spcialty. Filled by ezperieoced rharmacuta any hour of DAT or NIOHT. w n . ua wuch ut neu i mnjVUBg in Our IlOdW JOHN K. McILHENNT & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries j "WJE ARE losins: .'. Out 0 i i THE . BALANCE OF. OUR W II II Bl III HI I I I m I AT ISM iTO MAKE BOOH FOR OUR Etoi;.MI Stock NOW ARRIVING JJ i THE MORRIS COMPANY. E. W. BAWLS. Watchmakers - 'at Rawls &. MarUn, successors to Chamberlain & Rawls, have moved their Jewelry store next to the post office, where they will keep a full stock or goods In ther line. REPAIRING WATCHES, CL0CI5 AID JEWELS A SPECIALTT Wni triva nrrrmn , r r- ""u m tae piiar grade oi uatca- oeaj.dflmaranteonrworkBbalilsair.i-uM .a-- TAdES.0' lelicious fdors. I . K v NT- COLGATE ELEGANT SOAPS aad perfomery. Bead this pextial Hit of aoapa: 7 BENEDICTINE, . MARflnPTim! 7TH REGIMENT BOUQCENT, WTTESttI: - Iln.nUo.rcbio'1 Extract. in nullr. 'iolowiB deIicaie i deEekms odort, beaidee many otbera; V?' 5 Fwa8eaacoj. Italian Violet. Trail-, JiVtu Boaqoel, Wbite lilac, lily of tbe Valley, Jaoqommct Roar. STATON & ZOKLLER, Druggists. Cserta cvraa CnOe. ODsatlpatfeos Soar Wlnaaai a. taarrlasa. TrmctmUtm, KSDa Wunas. (tia tlm aa4 hhsiiiIi s dV frnMiom, Tor asaasal ynare I k r inisiisl I roar 'CMocm,' aad a!aa atwjm rnailaaa as - " " t ' -'tT 'I Tn i II mfl lil rasalta 1BU I Tta Aa. IKrar Tark CHy. TT If Jtmw Teas Cm, - wmx, or will order aaytkin wanted by lierpeciXallj, in AND- A I I i X . J. FRANK MARTIN and - Opticians, ! n . i .. . . . . 10 Oolo to: NOTICE. The Coaei issWurs of tha . . - boro do eeact. That 8ec.de ,JM- tf the Town of Tarooro, be aivVd , siriaia ewt U Ilae four the ssoris Tc.: Cooaoeeaed lae-rUat Is 1, ujl "Chtrrch fUreeC ' . Aire that part of Ordiaaac. Srt relative to pex or roH. JJ. walha, wheibarro.a. tructs, mt1 by abobWbed. J. M. SPiUcijc JiyU.ie4 c. Tarboro Male Academy p . -. of the prearal fMectpal, U rTt C'11 AujruataOth. Piniraa nf Taatnti T1 mi r i . . etaalioU aad PractioaL U Aiswsmailboya wra be rrd redoad rmica of ta aloe. N Board froea f s te 110 per asoaih. Refer to T. 8. WILKlxox. Priori;, i W. W. GRIEK. of Darklaa CbiW-pt, 1HE WORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and irechanic Arts. Orrssa Trass TarwjrKaL CotTtaa: Tbe Ooores la Igrtcalarr; The Cam la &eac; TVs Course la Mechsaical aad C l ariaeertsr. Ad wtlk cack a good academic edocatk . worm u eroau aaa uorourh. at l ;U tastitutioa la sow exruirtad f t w"a. x-xpeaase rrrr tartlmir rttsaioe oyeae brpumbrr Cih. Tor CataJoree. addrsas ALEXANDER C MOLLaUAT. Raiajoe. N. C JUDICIAL SALE OP LUI. Bv VlMtM of a dmM ,J tv. M-,.-iu Owt Of t reroraba ruiu, m.( .. Pprtog term. 164. ta U artic of W. p. Meroar. executor of Jaaa Marecr aad 2. n.uaus. i wui sell at public auctk to the aldbest bidder for caaa. at tbe Oat House Door ta Tarboro, N. C oe stool. ops- ra. mi, ue ro.oisg tract laadi Bertaaias' at tha trlArm oa iTrtaaot road, thcoce ainef the raltad wsnw i oiaooa. v uraa&a's cortrr. tlMace BoQih U East 13.78 chaias io Baa's eoreer. tfceoce Korth T8 East 21 Tl ckalBS to WUUaae Bnach, Bait's exebrr. laea an the varlatia mm.il aL4 Wrk. of the bettnale. It beitf the Idestxm taaa ooTra to BakO J. It. Ualis bv Jra. mm juiw, aasa-r. ot rt. ix. stercee. 0l Ooaaiaakjecr. TOMW'EL ' Tbe oodersifred nn forma t . friends that be is atiH reprceentirg r. VI. Marble Yard, aad oaa f ormish Tocsbetooee of al kinds at lowest price. Orders left wilh me will reoeive prompt attm Hon. Yours troll-. THOS. E. LEWIS Tarboro, Aug. SL . 2a scnutE uccesioxs ; OLD DOMINION LIKE For New York. Leaving Korfoi end PorUtaosth, i a. kntij exorpc r rviay and Banday, at 7 P. 1L From Eiebrnoed. Ye., Torsday, Wed- aca-iay end Friday, at 5 00 P. JlL (Tia Jaroea Bivtr. The 140 P. M. trala from 1 arbors takse ecAaectioe at 2fortolk. Vs. Tm at!pa of lh OU DosaUioa S:en- ahlp Co., are flaMUee aad eaaaiiy it. raaced for the oocafort of the travstr pwbile aad car Ue edraalaft of a coot aad aad eeHxhifal aee ttlp. I All nnt-CUa riati iitsts The tw aew fast aad powcrfal i Jamestown & Yorktown Leave rtorlk rrry Koeday. Tharaday aad batarday rtrmUc arrlvtsf ta ew Tertt eafhr LQowiar aftaraosja la time to aaaae aJ rrralag oosaaacOocs for pouia For tkhsia aad teeeral laformaUoa s pry to RaUroad Tsckei irtati, or so U. W. ASew A Co.. 1301 Mala aC. lUch- saood. Va H. EL OrtresIL INorfciH. Va.. J. It. eiahh, UytU llotat, 04 llal Cbsafort, Ye, or to W. L. UULLICDEC. VicSvTVaa. ATllSt Maxrvr. Oeoeral eCos el Cjsspaar. lWr t X a I too c paaca sc.) Aew Int. PABU m5a&0AL riLliS tbe celebrated Pamale Repia tor are perfarCy safe aad uwtji railabie. ror sJJ tnvaUntira. paJaial KcarUsaJoaa, &arp.m. rtoa, ele tWy arree fall to aSard a apaady aad osruta relief. 9 Exran atiTT, bat a sclaaiiic aad poatUee rcUf. adopt! oaly afur years of cspwtoece. AU orders svppScd dims froca oar oSce. Prtce per pactsjea, f t.fJO. or aia packarte for $4.00. by snail postpaid. Xtsst Paocaea Oca aa t aaa. ratVkLars (a4J sdjae. AQ caspoodes etrVrt-'y ooa fidaauau TA&S ILEX EDY CtX. Basroa, i-a. CnovoiruTo a" aLfT VL ra rre-r t rw. IT r L a atffefct mt !. V? 'a S 1" ''. ' M aa Im ari UT r--r? POSITIOHS GUARANTEED axisvxUa, Tiaa. wB.fc,t,,.i.t.. t Ci i fl .f i. aaa. as aam aa. 4 aaaa as m . aaaaa- mmj mm , im fcaiaa. i a KOMI STOOY. . a SO araU Wraaaa aatl ariliss f aaaaa.-. aWe af ft. eaas Sat sit asr a. IMH ii i i mr mu i A. . alt lam. ! aaavavwAK, worn Piajusia. laiTVi alia m4 Sa-aaa-o -a late ... fcv'-S isua srrruta, aas 1 1 1 1 1 fcaaa a. te mm fcaaua. t, nitiitai raas-awa aa4 mmmmt mm isass aa vrajaat.