j " . 'I ' ' ' ' - ' - ' ""'"y asa,,a .as.. J : :.:vfr J-" " BE SXTEE YOTJ ABE BIGHT.; A-mAn.-nrwi 1 1 1 : ' ; 1 " i .... i ii - - .i i i. i j t . . I . " . " 11 1 'i ii in - - i-i 1 1 VOL. 72. NO. TARBQBQVNg THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1894. , PBOFESSIONiL CABBS. JOSSEY BATTLE, 1 .1 Attorney tod Councillor at Law, ' Offices ir -i i la T&rborp ) Tarbofo, N. C. f ( Rocky Mount, N. C. office elrerv Monday, and Uocky Mount ba'ancei of week. .J . Adjustment of cUlma a specialty, j FOR FALLING MIR, USE CULLEY'S Bald Head Preparation PRICE FTVE CENTS piUL; JONES, tt'y and Couticclor : TARBORO, n. c at Law J J. MARTIN, ! Attonst! at Law, Practices in. the Courts j combe, Martin and Pitt. OSlce rear of Dood jTABBOEOi JOHN L. I desire to say to tbe public and the la. dies especially that I now hare my Hair Preparation' so thai I can arrest the falling out of the hair within 12 to 15 days, and this you will readily see if you will give it a trial. Hair also thickens from its use. It his no unpleasant odor and leaves no danger contracting neuralgia, cold, &c Mus taches easily thickened up by its use. l oung men will please make a note of this, i Nothing asked to show tbe troth of Edge- I nlnea of the above except - a fair trial of I.UIXKI a BALD UUD 1 XKrAJLATION, UOOQ references given to show that tbe hair is thick if not thicker than ever. . ALFRED CULliET, 43tf Tarboro. i e Pender'a Store , N. C n. a BtflDGERS & BON, A t torn eys-at-Law . TARBORO A. GILLIAM. UOKSrATX UUOJ.M 1LLIAM & SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, : ! TARBORO', S. 4 Sftu practice In the Counties of Edgecombe, .lifi-r and Pit, and In the Coarts of the irst Judicial District, and in the Circuit and -aoreme Courts at Raleigh- WJ My 1anl3-lY. HOWARD, Counsellor at Law I f Sglgs, T m n ggl r-1' p a 0 w Si ... ... TARBORO, N. G Prompt attention given tp businesa.j "ttS Office over R. C. Brown's Store. ; vV. ti. EDWARDS. AND.: EOTTSE sotfl i TARBORO. N. C FRESH CANDY AT THIhv COIISTIPATIOII Ib called it "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a" Torpid Liter, and is generally accompanied witL LOSS OF APFET1TE, SICK HEADACHE . . m EHEATH, Etc. To treat constipation raccessfullv" BATTLE WITH A BOA. IU TlghtenlnTcll Wrapped About . Hla Wtodplpa. -T ; It is a mild laxative and a tonic to the digestive organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a regr nlar habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My vifit wa tardy dktrcned Uk ComiIb. tie. ud cooghinf , fallowed with Reading PiSa, j Aftrrfr)MriT.lh mm nf liwir IliMtudmt m be U mlBost entirely rdicrcd. gsiaiaa- nncit -nd flab." W. B. Lipii. DtUwin, QhioT Hm mmr S Staaap t' a.H.XKIl4Uf 4 CO., by tne reptue's ntaa and anouted jto Pedro to let go, which hehadttU i now been afraid to do. . Tho;otbi5r " hunters; tbeanvrhlle, paralyzed by fear, stood- around, not knowjnsr at the moment what course to pursue, " They never uttered a word.", in pugilistic attitude, I took mjposU : tlon before the hissing' snake; anid, with both bands protected -by the bajrs, as with boii'npj over, fanned' a blow at Mm the motnen t.Feidro loosened hls grisjj. The enfajefed animal, seeing me. thus menacinm j. moving fa .front pf him, fiave vent to most terrifying' htss - tnd. bit io- s. riably bad one or. two young fellowa fell short othl mark.- for he waa trained under my swo. eye, to ct- nrncb -ntwlnd Around lha Yv ture alive without fear; the. largest iy- ftut fr nnuaK ir ratrh rrJo. ana most aeaaiy lunas mas tne primeval wilderness could produce. Pedro Variras, a swarthy-skinned me. This was iuat what I desired. stripling of seventeen, clad .only la ; to draw . him ' from his relaxlna eto- I shirt and trousers, with a palm leaf : braee of my assistant, and so allow m a. a a. 11 A DETECTIVE', STORY. I . : i ' Exploits of Oovemmant Sleutha Told, In a PubUo DoouzaenV Am iMklamt ( t la) U TwmmI. lrot O'SUUIy's Clmr Ktuu m4 Urn K.Uv. Sw?Ht htB. u. Xm brme. ( a OUAt MrpuL During my snakehuntlng prog ress eastward through the Venerue lan forest, writes O.-B. OHeHly, of the Ireland Royal Zoological society, whenever for any . length, of time, I r ta f a CUw hta.f CUrk . mm mmoU f Highest of ill b Leivtnlng XVwer. Latest U. S. Cert Report i - - ' - - - made my headquarters ln: any vil- ward . me with widely gaptiW Jat lageor settlement, I almost Inva- I lie struck rlrfit toward my iSLeA His folds now began to loosen on Pe Am All W rfttrft Vwlnty Alrttt in IT PAINTEB, GANDY O THE PUBLIC. 1 I am Prepared to do all wor i a . ; he ! ' : ' v t :ktn Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice. Having con steeled with my shop ithe repairing business. All work Left at myBhop fehall have Prompt attention. f PRICES fiODERATE; f Also a first-claBS HEARSE fort hire ; Thanking my friends for j their nrmer natronaee. I hope .o merit - . i - i - , . i - n&eo anyiamg i Business STAND 1" -AT Gents Per ALL KINDS. POMl the Bame, should they n the Undertaking j IS THE SAFEST IHYE8TMEMT 1 EVER MADE RAnalrirtsr Mv Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors f ic -1 V e Corner of Mam- i J. i. WALLS! Fashionable ;-: Tailor, 'Pitt St , one door below VV1dell& t- nwa K.ffTA THE BEST wwm T TASTELESS M DLL mm is 13 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE GO cts. O ALAT1A. ILLS-, NOT. IS. PmrU Uadlcln. Co., LouU. Mo. Gmtiemsat W. old last rear, SOO botUM of GBOVK'8 TASTELKS3 CBtLX TOv'IC mnA haw booht tbre. fto almdy thlm 7ux. ta.il ar as panenc of 14 Tim, In th. drof bulnM. b-T Barer told an art tele that aoch nnlvarMd ma fain aa your Tonio. xonra truly. ' Aiicrv,CAR f-C9 I THE CODPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, IIS and 119 Bank Street. NORFOLK, VA. LARGE STOCK OF FINISH S9 Mcnumsnts, and Gravestones, Read forl-nmedtate Delivery. March SI, 1 hat upon his head, barefoot and barelegged to the knee, was the quickest and bravest of all I my daring serpent chasers. - One morning at sunrise Pedrd and 1 started off for the forest In search of huge boa constrictor, reported to have been seen by seme hunters on the previous evening. ' We had each a cutlass with which to sever the entangling- vines In our' route, a long stick to use In dealing with rat j tlesnakes or bush masters, a wallet of provisions for the day and some stout bags to confine our expected captive In, butnone of extraordinary capacity, judging the siza of the re ported boa to be, as usual, exagger ated.. , Before we had proceeded far the sounds of gunshots ; la the distance attracted our attention. We soon came up with the shooters, and were delighted to find that. thay. were the very hunters who. had yesterday en countered the boa wt were In quest of. Over the forestclad hills for some two miles we- with difficulty made our way, continually alasbiag a road with our cutlasses, to where there was a deep ravlne.- It was among the rocki on the pre cipitous side" of thts 'ravine that they had seen the.bba on tbe"evenlng be fore. About half way dawn, or, per haps, fifty feet -from toe gravelly bottom,1 tbey." showed us" the spot where ha had lain, aad the hole la the rock Into which they said he had gilded at their approach. As he was not now in his hiding place we set diligently to work to search every rock, and bush la the vicinity. Pedro, meanwhile, left us. and, going down to the dried up river bed, began to seek nun be neath the- bushes overhanging the saiidy margin. H , waaJ vary soon successful::-.; -"SdntaMadra)" he shouted. "Que grand cabesal'-. . . Oa heaxii this we all ioc4alUfc naxiouly.flilog down at him, won Itrtetf wha lt wa behaddlscot- -red: .'Ai'-nB utteiyi-Uie words we sa.M-Ia-he act -el ascencinga kuM.ibAicUaT. joaerahadowad b a the latter to. come to. my aidla ef fecting his capture. ' For several minutes I kept the angry snake ttyis biting at me, and . as after each at tack he would unwind another twkt of hla body Pedro, whom I repeat! ly warned to stay, quiet, was soon almost entirely free, while I sparred vigorously with, my hissing antag onist, without," of course, ever al lowing him to catch me. Alternately he would dash madly at me and then gather himself anew for another spring. Slowly he was following me, while I retreated. At every attack his powerful taQ would swish through the loose gravel, sending tbe dry dust In yellowish clouds about, himself. Now that he was far enough away, I gave the word to Pedro to jump up and cut a good-sized pole in the thicket. With this we both managed to press down his neck, pinning him firmly to the ground, upon which he tried vainly to turn and bite the offending wood, and twisted himself around it tight up to our very hands. Quickly at my call the other hunters came to our assistance and while they held on, some to the pole and some to the snake, I caught him firmly, just as Pedro had done before, around the neck with both hands. Now that I had him by the head, Pedro by the tail and some others by the middle, wt soon got him loose from the. pole and in triumph bore him off home wards, through the fores U, for nose of the bags we had with us was any thing like large enough to stow him In, We stopped to rest in an open spot whsre there lay a remnant of a prostrate tree about twenty feet lonff and eighteen Inches in diame ter, with Its interior entirely hoi lowed out by the combined work of natural decay and wood-boring in sects. It was suggested that, If one end of the cavity was stopped up, we could allow our captive to glide Into It, and then, having dosed up Fine Full Drees and, Evening! Tailor Mita i Thtenri well dreBsed ex- tm'ihD nfio.ir id the foot of the Bublnrt. '! : -l i : if s"Cuttinjc,.repaIrin2 ind cleaning "jnej " j THE NEW YORK : WEEKLY IlKBALft WILL BE WITHOUT AMERICA'S QUESTION Leading Family Papery i The Tepuiation that the Weekly Herald Wa cninTfil fur Tnariv vears of 1 being tbt best home newspaper in the land will be materiall, added; to during Um, jer 6t 1894. No pains or expense will be spared tloimakeitip every department the most teilanle, interestiB? and instructive: of all weekly newspaper publications; j It will be improved m many ways, j 1a number of new features and depart menu will be added. Tbe latest develop ment in all fields of: contemporaneous ha. tnau interest will be ably discussed fr6m week to week by accomp iBbed writers,; THE HEWS OF TUE WORM) swill be given iu a concise but complete jfrm. Every, important or jj interesting I event, either at home or abroad, will 1 be idaly described in the columns of the f Weekly Herald, i . 11" j i In politics the Herald is absolutely lin I xlependeni and sound. It tells the rights .ana wrungs ui n omco mwiyui n. '. Farmers and stock raisers cannot afford -to be without the Weekly Herald during the earning year. It will contain a regular department each week devoted exciusive lv to Btibiects of timely interest to them nd giving many valuable suggestions and new ideas. I ""'-if ' " Tbe women and children -n of the" land will find in the Weekly Herald a welcome visitor. The household and children's pages will be botb instructive and enter taining. Thv will abound fin hints ! and receipts which women so much value.' A brilliant array of novels and short stories by tbe best writers in America and England has been secured, so that fiction wilt be one of the most attractive leatures in the Weekly Herald during 1894. In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a mazazin) of the! highest order, combined Ther. ar. alngle retail aho atorea cities which aell J,oooparaoi aoona . nf ao.utflno m. rr. We . . tit. .1m. .pnfil AH but we aell a grra moj uj i"---- oar ladies', m'u-ea' and chi Wrens' shoes is at least ten ccnU a pair, and on o -n ' ad boys shoes 15 cents a pair. We ah.4 ?raijish shoe stores l each of the fifty largest cttta oi th. U. S., and if they sell only 3O0 pair, of Shoes a day they would ,ri avvco6 a vear. W. skould be abla to pay yearly dividend of fi5 a share, or over 50 per cent, a year on th investment. We sell the stock at $40 . 1k.. Tkn nrWmnst Ineritablv be much mora - than S10 a share. No stock has ever been aold at ' 1. .i,,n this orltc. which is IU par value, biock mmhI:. Inrornorateel.CaDital 1.000.000, We have over 1,000 stockholders, and the number is incrc-uing daily. Borne of the principal stock holders are : T. 8. WaUiac. V. Y. j W. Potter, Bortoa s N . IUrl. Jr.. Chiceo i. B. Cajiicbrll. Chirafro ; W. M. Kau2h, UUl Bock. Artut hU. Rich. Ca-.eoiJ. r. Turntr, Plvila.i B. Il.rdi.n, K, Y.j E. J. Farne, Battle Crck, Mich, t F. P. UullUt, Arcade. N. 'k . Wrlfe for a TjrosDectus oontaiBlng the aamea 01 onr stockholders, etc-, or tend a order for ttock, ranhirr't chtck. catfi or monev order. Orders token for one or n.c-fe shares. Price, $10 DEXTER SHOE CO., ttt-Sias Agent H anted. ; speadlig faEatnt'sspacloujleavAs. DmmiM a wtt lrtfclA viewi eainonru. fi i.Wm. Lh'oetlow' I'rlf. E. V. MITO j-r7s oftK, tleA-VfolAWtly, sell shoes low, 1 71 1. . . . ' , , nmurtiriTV I 11 . 1 s 1 1 nt n COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of KENTUCKY UMIVERSITY. Wl-TCXIAX. AT4i D1PI.OM- aJok-karalae aaa Baataa UwUw ear. 4 ter. r raa,. Tysa Wnd aa. T.l.,, uw Addraaa, aoIJhciar -wa- had ttra tohKwvVee"wer rolling off the ' bo,wider-dOTCi tdlhe sand- beloir, wh tfteeGna0uB snakB . colled with" ltar tnaay lolds aroond-hlrn. ' AslkefeTrbe jHed out wiMly forststyt-l t stoyted to him to bold. :kW fjUtWito.Tet the other end also, carry him home on our shoulders, for the whole frag ment was as dry as tinder and not heavier than so much cork. Accord Injrly, having plugged up one end with bundles rof vines and weeds tightly wadded In, we got the snake to enter readily byreleaslog his head In tbe mouth of the open end and scratching him vigorously about the tall, because he thought he was escaping Into the darkness of tbe In terlor. As we were stopping up the second end In a similar manner to the first, and so securing the hissing The Rovernmeat publishes a great ' vuntiv ot maiier in tne course ol a ycarrrom presidential messages to . a history of diseases ,of the gadfly, and tbe variety: of reading, matter has been , increased within the' cast ' fw days by the publication of a real "detective story, wlthi diagrams ac cording to Gaborlan. " ' r This la the history tJ the sandbag. King and rcbbery .' ol a stamp clerk in the Chicago' post bGce oof dark night last I winter, when the' wind was wblstllng round 'the corner and the sleet dashing against the win dows. Tha story ot the crime and the vain search of two government sleuths for the criminal - era - - at great length and In the minutest detail. All of this li contained tq a pamphlet -of eleven fpoes,' accom panying a claim of tbe late postmas ter for tbe amouut 6f the robbery, which be was compelled to make good. There are a number of dia grams to Illustrate the stary. One of them shows "where tbe bodv of the clerk was found." "tha dnor where Miss Jones came Io.'' "tha window where the robber escaDed." the door where the robber entered." and other minute details. Another diagram shows the; postal clerk as he stood at his desk, but fail. 1a represent tha robber and the sand bag, although everything else, even to Miss Jones desk, ts portrayed vlv- idlv. ; i Many ; pages of ! closely printed type are filled wl6i the history of the efforts of tbe government sleuths. IITL a r . lucrB.were two tneones to work upon," writes one of them: "First, that Iiobinson had robbed himself and inSicted upot himself tha in juries to cover up Lis crime, or that some one familiar with the office aad ith the habits ot Mr. Robinson had plaaaed and successfully ; put 'Into execution the robbery. I called to my assUtaiMM the I uperinteodeot of tbe l'lnkerton acency-of this citv. who' rendered me every assistance In his power, without cost, to get some ciew to tbe perpetrators of this bold robbery. We have worked upon every plausible fbeory, but have failed to get any clew to lead us on a successful tralL The outcome of .the work on these two theories is reported as follows: 'The result of, the Investigation In this case baa cenvinced'meof two things: First, that it was a bona fide robbery: second, that It was conceived aad planned, if not per- petratea, oysorue ona perfectly TsV- muiar with Xb4 ' workings of that branch of tbe postal department In . . a a . a this city; out toe plan was so well executed that npjto the present mo ment we have been unable to get a single clew thai would fasten the guilty party." I - - So the robbery remains a mystery. and the thrilling story of the two government sleuths goes ' on file in the annals of congress.--Washing ton Star, i j , Jit Tfrrine-n, rWU aWsa Vm tez&pivips&j. . cane PnOTOGEAPHIKQ NLBUL.Z HC DID MOT RAISE THE RENT. tmr Dlaooverlea Mada by - la XUoant X tbo Caxnara I.tsrsathae Bsaat.llean ta a nTa TV Ciaiin mm t. taevel.f.tas S Ik. almas) f Am- Great surprise was expressed nine years ago when the Henry brother, of Paris, discovered by photography a strange nebulous spiral apparest- ly attached to the star ifiia, one of the Pleiades. The nebula seemed to start from the star, and bending round through a quarter of a circle. In a sweep of hundreds of millions of miles, finally, became forked at the end hie the tail of a comet- Issuing out of one side of this great spiral sprang a nondescript mass, part of which swept backward parallel with the original spiral in such a way as to give to the whole object the appearance of eddying round tbe star. Two or three years later the same astronomers made a photograph which showed that the entire grocp of the Pleiades, or Seven Star, U mingled with fantastic nebulous shapes. . In this photograph several stars appear strung, like beads. upon a nebulous line or riboon that A Woman Wba Waa Ta Her Laadlaro. They met in a street car and tha womaa wltl tha gcif cape remarked: I ee vou still hava tha earn house." "Yes, and at the same rent," re mark ed tbe woman with tbe ostrich boa. "Bat I thought your landlord had decided to raise It)" lie did but somehow I didn't ex- poet to move, though Tom gave up tne bouse at once. You aee, I real ly cant afford to hare any mora bric-a-brac smashed la moving-wag ons. 1 re-foal enocgn aJreaJr to stock a department stare. "So you decided ot to mover "Not quite, dear. . You see, I told the landlord that I was sorry to move, but we really couldn't a?ord a higher rent and that I myself would gladly show the bouse to Intending tenants. Then I set every room la order and waited." -"Weill" "WeU, X really thought that tha first woman who came would take It. , X praised the ' closets and told her what swell neighbors we had, and" "But I thought you didn't want to " "No, dear. Out just as she was leaving 1 casually 'mentioned the' that two persons had died of must be many thousands ot miles ta I fvt thj length. Tha conclusion was Irre- j typhoid fever la the next, bouse sistlble that aa Intiraate connection j above an J one two doors below. She existed, between the stars and tie .ertrrrd somewhat agitated; aad nebula which together constitute I wben 1 called th laadlerd's address A Baseball Dog - prisoner within, .we noticed some malt unit maVlniT their anranarance gOvWatoyrtCKiwkY j through the Intersticea,' but being hurried dwa-.thti wwiglsxahsa-he ' s0 u.ea witk the success of our ex- could! -lej fsjearaawearing -iuatW! as pedient didn't pay much attention There Mustang kv -:J Osinm Habits . . cvl at bom. with. . i ? tiuiKuin.Bookoipei' U'tix 'i tiiHilaraeeDtFatatH. sr-?-H.H.WOOLLEY.M.D. .Atlanta, (io. UiUn 1044 WUlUhallSfc THE SUN The first of ' American Newgpaper$t CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. Tlie American Constitution, the ican Idea, the American Bpirit. first, list and all the tim?, forever! Amer- These IVI V1 T I ha atmgK to free himself from the lTlVAlail tightening embraces ot his prisoner. There he lay on his bacic noiaing tne boa, with one ban a ciutcoea Its throat. There was coU . a, a. 1...1L nnnn mil Ol me moniKri iviwui T im TYl fY t I wound around his neck and arms and a lllAlllvlx l i vwiv ni laira onlr were free, and with these he tried vigorously to get on his feet! but In vain, for the weight around. his neck and shoul ders, ad well as tha pinioning of his armsy completely prevented any such action. He could only lie there helplessly, on his -back and kick. When we reached him he could speak no more and his face was fast grow. Ins livid. though otherwise he was for The Sunday Sun Is the crrateit Pundsy Nearspapsr in tl e world. Price 5c a copy. B mail, $2 a year Daily, by mail. - - - $6 a year Daily nd Bunday, by mail, - 88 a year Tbe Weekly . - - - f I yr ar Address THE SUN, New York. with a complete NOW IS THE newspaper. TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Orily $1.00 a 'Sear Sksd poe Sampls Copt. Address THE, IKLY HERALD. Hkbald Squabs, NEW YORK. Ailmiuislralor's A o lice. Having qualified as administrator of Gracy C. Stallirg?', deCvSsed, latecl Kdr combe county, North Carolina, this is to notify au persons navinp Claims against tbe eetate of aid deceased to exhibit them to tbe undersigned on or before tbe lZia day of April.; 1895, or tbis notice will be plead in bar of - their recorery. All per. Boas indebted t said estate will piease make immediate payment. This 12th day .f April, 1894. t HENRY JO UNSTON, 7t i A tm'r of Grscy V. 8 ailing". Burns. Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles. Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains. Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, - Blisters, Insect BitesT All. Cattle Ailments. All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, to them at the time. As soon, how ever, as we took the burden on our shoulders the efforts ot the lmpris oned serpent became frantic for es cape, with tbe result that bis wri th ings disturbed a whole colony of the terrible "fire ants" In tbe interior, which, swarming In millions through every crack aad crevice, covered our necks and shoulders, getting down between our clothing aad our skins, stinging and biting us with such fury that simultaneously we dropped our load and began to tear off our clothing as fast as possible to rid ourselves of our tormentors. This was not the worst, either, for the AdmiiiiPlrato 's . Notice, The undersigned having qualified as adm'r of T. B Barlow, deceased thin is v not'fy all persons owing tbe said deceased, to make immediate payment, and an per. sons having claims against the said T. B. Badow, to pieseot them lor payment within one year from date, or tbis notice will be p'ead in bar of their recovery. This 3rd dsy of May, 1894. W.L BARLOW, Adm'r. J. L. Bridgers & Son, Att'ys.- 6t Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very all the energy he Cleveland World.. could muster. frail reoevtaola In which we carried conscious enough: but tha pressure - OQr prisoner smashed to pieces with round hia, throat was too 'much lor tbefall and liberated the tortured him. The swollen veins stood out occupant tm the open ground In tbe upon his forehead ana bis eyas ap . rnldst or us, scattering - the ants peared bulging evidently the sankS - about for yards on every side. OS .was strangling him, while he still - .curried through the woods with kipt it clutched by tbe tnroat, or -i tliough a boa constrictor cannot crush j one's . ribs, he . can eaally aqueexe a neck quits - eocaigh.: to choke. Now. the best Trr to un- loose a coiled boa Is to commence at4 the tall, so for that. 1 I Jumped at once ana found 'it -stoutly wrapped around tie sterna. 1U tbuahea. I froceeded taunUltj.but as fas V as could get-it- fefrrotn -one place It instantly, twisted : afresh! iirrjinii other. . . As it : waa clear that this delay Power WHHewt Storting. might have aerious consequences, I at on ca prepared tor other tacucs. I knew that If I thrVejoed the ex- j cited reptile whlU Pedro remained . Seat Of Pain and perfectly still and quietly let go hit bold on" its - in roc v. ids oeaa a wgiuu a once attack me by biting, but not A power building designed for the occupancy of sixty-four different small manufacturing concerns is un . der constructloa at Pittsburgh, Pa., in which no belting, shafting or pul leys will bo vaed. A complete sys tem of electric, motors will be in i stalled on cock Boojf,tht power for j which will be supplied by a two hundred. . and. . fifty : horsp-power steam-driven electric generator lo cate4 In jhe basement, There Is a little water spaniel. owned byaPhlladelphian summering at Atlantic City, that can give some of the Philadelphia league club points on catching files. Every day tbe dog appears, on the board walk, and Is put through a half - hour's practice by his master.' The dog wears a baseball cap and a very hu man expression. He sits down and patiently waits uotQ bis master cries: "Play bsllH Then he jumps up,' barks and wags his tall expect antly. The boll is tossed into the air, probably forty feet from . the canine ' fielder,' The latter runa after the sphere), and with wonderful judgment catches It In his mouth, a foot or so above the ground, on tbe dead run. It doesn't matter where the ball Is thrown tbe dog is there, and he never makes aa error. Hot liners are simply pie to him, and a back-running catch Is equally easy. The dog's owner Is thinking of ex hibiting the animal. Philaderphla Itecord. l Up to Data.; Great Publisher Mr. Quill, your novel Is a very good one. ,ilr. Quill Then you are going to publish It? 1 c ; Great Publisher Yea, If you wi3 only make a few slight changes. Just change Ithe marriage f yoar heroine to her death on the eve of the bridal; kill your hero In a rail road accident- and dose tbe book with the funny man standing be tween two graves Ia;tpe.twUfgbt, and It's a go. Boston Trauscrini. the Pleiades. Since then a similar condition of things has been shown to prevail ta other quarters of the heavens. Oae of tha latest discoveries of this klsd waa mada by Prof. Barnard at tie. lick observatory last autaxaa. Upon photograpbiag what ap pears to tha aakad- ey aa a aasy speck near tha wooderful red vari able star Ma In - the constellation Cepbaus, he obtained a picture showing a hugs nebula surrounding an irregular group of bright stars, and "distantly surrounded by vast multitudes of small stars." Tha nebula, according to tbe description of Its discoverer, "seems to mingle Indefinitely with masses of smaller stars and become part of them. Photographs hava also shown that the double star Lambda, la Orioa Is Involved la nebulous matter, and. that a nebula Is attached to the bril liant DeUlgeuxe, tha leader of the same cons tails tlon. These facta become very Interest ing when one consUers that ' the nebulas art probably composed of matter la aa unformed or anorgas Ued condition, and that tha sua, the Start aad the earth Itself were once in that state. When we sea a star, or a group of stars," closely associated with aba lous spirals aad stream art. It looks as though tha start were consuming, or feeding upon, tha nebula?, or, In other words, as If tha process of sua maktng were, la soch cases, not yst completed. Yet It Is possible that our own so lar orb. which, lor our torrposes at least, seems to be a completed sua, would, If photographed from a far point in space, appear as a nebulous star. From such a point of view. If they were visible at all, the Zodiacal light, the Gegtnschaln, and other glowing appearances that are ap parently connected with the aua, would perhaps be blended Into a great system of luminous rings of spirals as wooderful la form as those at tached to the Pleiades, though,4ar leaa Imposing in extent louth s Companion. after her she dida't seem much la- tore-, ted." "Hut. Maggie, yuu know that wa " . ."Soie time ago? Vers, but J " never could rviattaUr tUtes, and the pwpledid die." Weu,didaaa " , : ."Never wrat near. The tatdroorns were too small for tL next people, and the next one were ddighted, bat thought tbe'rrol ratberdear. Then I remarked that Jmmcdlately after lunch 1 iutMi.l J to run around and engage that krvHy little house la tha next aquarr at a lower rent They , carelessly aaked which houae, and I noticed that they turned that' corner." "How could you? "Well, you know, it was cheaper. and If they had- taken our bcrasa X should have beeaJ obliged to rant that, for it waa near enough to have my bric-a-brad carried." "Your landlord told me that the Swellstyles Intended to take It" . "They ffld; but after Jfrs. Swell style and I had gone all overt I aaidr. 4Yoor cMJairtw n Uk m healthy taat I Utsk the houser will just suit you, but mine you kaow are rather delicate.' and the least hint of sewef gsx alxrnir tn. ' She " turned pale, aad I knew at once that -not ina the parlor mantel wowld loduoa her to take it" ' "AndtheUadrdr Oh! Ue'cama around that even tng and said that si wt were such good tenants b had deddtsl not to raise tbe rent Too was so sur- a a,' v pvtseo. "No wonder!" garped her friend; "this is our "stopping pkee; come and have a cream aoda-IfeeJ falatr bicAgo Tribune. ; - Ws Ufa lw Locvlof. People who bewail the foHlet fashlonablt life la America. of may Hit Wtarlftf tnm A lawvar was HcaMMtioalag a cCro wiraess bect of -tha jtrtica courts otitr csy ana was gttuag along fairly well until asked, tht wllnest vUltii c-acvpauon waa. " 'Tse a carpenter, sab." -What kind cf a carpenter ?" ' "They calls tne a jack-leg terpen- "What It a isca-leg ctrprotrr" "He It eirpenter who Is not a Brat-eHM earTjeater; aah." "Ws2, trplala fully wbat you V.V l.t iIim af It t-a nnl VaA YA aa "awell Ufa" lal un&OTT s y' Tti l.taat rsva'attn. I be Insisted tit lawyer. A wo . . , - . . , , a . . - ..VII.V tkat '".Ua" ! I IXWaS - A faWar 4 Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. i - . Maetang Uabnent cooeera Pain. Makaa nan or Beast waa Whan a O'wl Is U Love When a girl looks fresh aad bloom log and good looking it Is a slga she la fn love. by winding around me, tor- tWs last A girl who doean a know now io o-mAn rr.t Wmnlnials ' make dum preserves has no right they Intend toiwilioirbr when held 1 to allow a young man to call on her t-- .. Tfm-win Tinw TATAtnir I a atfiorand time. this one. Prepa yattahate. When a girl U in love aht doetn t fore, for the orflrat tvriiTrUTrbatft ' Uy very long when the goet out of we hadwltV-andwTappltijg tbemi town on arisit She hat to come aronndY1 bands 'Tto' protecV1 ' k0ta- tokeepa4J-oo her property. agsVhtt.jst im VAUhlson Globe. . become so England. that -w - I .1 - ,1 . . l ta T ,- .- -14.w .lMMtallSJOa(aTBQ vP W av aw. smoking; at least such was tha erl-U . .. . . w I m 'al-' asa bawvar. MaAM Ti- cence brougnt out in a luonooa po Sallabwry's Oaughtsr WrHliig a HasT Lonf Salisbury's daughter, i-aay Gwendolen Cecil, Is engaged. It Is said, on a political novel. She bat already proved herself a clever and capable pen woman in tererai rnn rote league ltafleU she hat written.: Studiee of mart than one well-known politician will be Included In the forthcoming book, U U. gossips may Ubclleied. j siaaaaawaa,,aaaaM..,awB- An Ex-Covanvor Now Chief ef Pollce. Exlov. Sprague.ofBhodelsUad, is living In a small cottage near the baaah at Karragtitett Pier." He citcbargtt Iht outlet of chief cf po Cct ai tht rr. . lice court the other day, where twa waiters In a fashionable rrataurant were charged with stealing a diamond-studded cigarette case belongs log to the young countess of Dotlrn, aad which had been preaeated to bar by no lest a-jpartooage than the princess . of WaJea. During tht course of tht prrjceedlngt It camt outtbat this fair -aad calntyrocs oeeress.had Deca'tmoklfl.g withoo eoaceement la thia ultra-fathlona bU and very -publlo restaurant It appeared, too, that Uautiiuily-Jewi eled dgarttte cases are freaweatly pretenied to bridea la England mow . .. a .a. adava. taocan no omusa w tMue of thaa la tbt prrpared lists i wed ding glfu,-of course Wotnaainad. Onest "WH1 jm notrfrt mt t kUt, beauteous creaturt? Walter htrl-.'ot much do I girt you Virs.-. Goett (rea!grjedlT-'nrreH tVen. xnu mlffht as well bring me I portion of Schweitxer cheese as! erfust-clasa lawytr. graph. am atwwttf w n a Joke. "Are you a neUe o tWe partsh? asked a SoeVc) shert3 of: a witness who wMtwttacctd- te testily la a case of 12 leU dlytllUng. "Malstly, ycr honor," was the re ply. . . . "I cms were you born In, tht parish "Na. 1 waana bora ia tbis par lab, but Yen maist a native for a' that" "You came here wben you were e child. I suppose you mean," said the sheriff. "2io, sir; I'm here about sax year noo. "Then bow do yo come to be nearly a native ef this pariah?" "Wee!, y see, when I came here sax year sin I Jitt weighed right ttace, anrm teventeea slant noo; tee yt see that aooct nine itaae o me beloer to thU parlsh, aa" tht . . . a . - VI jus,- ot u .--ci :r t . I- i

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