TARBOROY N. C. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ; 18, 1807 Vlil' PRICE FIVE CENTS I NO. 7. 1 M- .-?--wa-BwMa.W -BakW W( to caution all wffiwwiA. Liver Rgnltor on a subject of tk,dsepsBt -1 inUmtj end importance to their health- perhaps fheir live, The sole wopmtori and makers of 8immon livar -Bagulatar learn that customers are often; ideoeirad bf , buying and taking. aoat BMdkiaacf as similar 'appearance or tsatej believing it to be Siminona Liver Bafalaiae Wi Dia - yon that tanleat the word -Befalatoc ft en the package or bottle, that it is aotSuanV i Liver Regulator.- No ne aim makaa; nr ' ever humade Simmons. Liver Segnlator, er nything ealled Bunmons Liver Regulator, : bat J.HJZeiliikCtoandBemactieiaaaade' by anytoialai ia the same. We alone eea futit W.landj w cannot ha mponaiWe, if iaw medicines represented as the sei ot held Ivbu as von are lad to RTrinet thaw wilL! BeaJthji8tweUmmin!,ifyohav been in thej hi bit of using a medicine which yon supposed to be Simmon Liter Regula tor, because the name was somewhat Ska it, and the jpajckage did not hate tha word Secrulater on it. von have twwn (rnmuil upon and have not been taking SixamoDI ' wUi. xne jtes-oiator asa ' known for manv rears, and know how aeoeaaary it u for Lgue, umous- xever. jjoasapa tie. Dyspepsia, andairdisordert 4 Diseased Liver. - . to look for yourielvee, and ions Liver lUcralator. which It. distinsniah bv the TUA 7. on -rmprahd by our .name, la the palyj 4uuiuib eaueu euamons aavst rtetraiAtor. t :l i ;-i -Or. zxtxjx co. i,v Law odtT Mount, N. tJ. CiBomTj K8sh, Edgecombe and Wilson Attoraay ind Counselor at Law; Taeboiooincti everv Mondav.-and tj baiaac of week. eat ot claims a specialty. TIN, OK5XT at Law, tha ouurts of Edge- i, Jklariin and ritt. Offic in Hotel Howard, TAbbobo, N. C. it-' i BIDGER9 & BON, J - 1 ... ; ' At: oriieys-at-Law r& RBQRO - .. - i ,Y. ! Y B3TA0RA.NT. r r . f IV RJFFIS. THORP, Proprietor. : j Next to Farmer Tarbaro Holisec " Jmt ruyl frai uoper pit of j to vn 1' tii 2JitrU la-tioa. Mjs iaaay ly . ail iiy Style -of nieil at to west prices, i 1) R. C. A. WHITEHEAD,! Surgeon. J)entisii TARBOEO, N. C. OxncE hours .to X and 2 to 6. R. E. L; PITT;, l Tarbpro, N. C. Uirrios ok Mais St. Off Paic Basx. . Estiniites for plumbina' and steam .heating tarnished.; . i ""u," uiuiiob uwiti on nana. era fflE COIfPER'IAEBLffOBXS', . tilths and 115 BanX Street, j NORFOLK, VA. j LARQ 8 BTOCK OF F1NI8HKD ! ilonumints, and Graveetcnes.1 Ready for I nmed late Delivery. '?V ik: I frj CkkkMW, Kactia faaMa4 Braaa. t fENHYROYAL PILLS "gv -Saaaalyaaalaj A r w"J" rwaiawaej. uamiKsa MB j nwa. Tka 1 MarkKobtainsd, aoaall ted foi Mookrate Feci s Opoeitc U. S. TEWT;Ornee cure iiaiciu iu leas time ttaaa Uums ashingcon. 1 1 ' !. driwing or photo., with jwuls aiivise. it Mtenimble or nowtras at fee not due till patent is secured. fr, now to uDtam ruents, u in the U. S. and forsisacQantrtss T ' i', :l 1 3NOW&CO. - kt omce. Washimstsm. .e. 0030 TOP. BUGGY or&ll II I All Hew. a--, js, wa w w ONE ONLY fti this prioe. been fatfarabljv i & Hm .'tion, Eeadael 1 arising frbmS ; i eethatml yon can read Hi I' !, !)('. Take ...... i Wr f ACO BATTLE, , : f J l i uou,nm6r$ Jitt'y at I -t M y- . BocM Mount, N. V.m - ! I ' IB J K -city .11 uq ! Car Aljutm r j- ma? ! eracticis ii S . ; cbaba 4- L. B PRACTICAL PLUMBER hi Li c 4i as im Ii I right remedy j tor M , J fbebletf llls-especny lfiyvrorms and sUwaach JTTFrey's Vermifuge )has ured children for SO years. Bend lit Ulna book about the ills andithe - h B. rBET. altlor, JM. . j ' I ' - i-H .5 :":Sconrtoc SiDLmSEESCORBETT Nevada's Governor. Meets the ;-;- PttjKst at Reno. : rHB 1 WO HATS A 1 SEOET TALK ttsa U ta Calet IhmUw That Ia .Wg tha But a raraut PriMflrku ate Oaae eh rela Wtot Tkv ffuU4 ifiMMt Ito HaM Vha Bit Kx WUt Be Vtmd. . , Rbwq. Nev.. Feb. 13. There was m tff crowd at the depot to meet Jim Oorbett when he passed through on bit way to Saa Francisco, j I1 Governor Sadler of Nevada was among those who came down from Oaraon to taka peep at the world's champion, fast aa soon as the train stopped tha tevamor clambered aboard and was in. treduoed to Oorbett by A. Livingstoae. ) "X am pleased to meet too, Mr. Coc btti" said the governor, making a cor Ual rarvey of Oorbett'i towering fig. ore and broad ahoalders. "And I am pleased to meet yon." re plied Oorbett "You have proved, by Signing that glove oontest measure and giving the people what they wanted., that there was no hypocrisy about you. is taxes governor with the courage or. us oonvicaons to Break tne loe in mat ters of this kind. It is to be honed voi example will be followed and that there will be leas hypocrisy about things of this kind la the future. Barry Oorbett and others aooompa aUted tha- governor from Oaraon and the ehampioa held a handshaking levee. Outside tha oar a vast crowd valla for bim to oome out and speak to them, and W response so voouerous demands, Jim put In aa appearanoe on the platform. Of course he had to make a speech. He "I am glad to aae you and I hope to Ton au again em March 17. I am to Mr. Fitxsimmeas i and I think I will beat him, although; of course, yon oaa't always tell about that thing. I must say that I never felt better in all sarnie. Heel that I have ttlentrof goad friends In Nevada." As the train rolled out there was great lasrlagrorOosheft. I - Oarsom will have the ftshL Dan has aa announced. REV, h 8. HOPKINS RESIGNS. a ha VlnS BtathsSyt 4iah ta J AUaata Qalta taa SUalatry. i Atlajra. Feb. 11 Dr. L S.iHop- klaa, pastor of the First Methodist ehmroh, will leava Atlanta. He haa re signed from the pastorate of the churoh. At si meeting of the stewards the resig- waa reoeived. Stene will be at oom taken to secure a successor to the minister. ! It is cnrrentlr rumored that Dr. Hon. kftna quits the ministry to take up edu cational work. It is also said by his friends that ha may bo appointed to a Vary high position under the MoKinley admiaistratloa. I - Be la being mentioned as the next minister to Greece. Some of his friends batter that he will be honored with that place by President McKlnley.. Others say Dr. Hopkins may take up an important office in connection with tha great Smithsonian institution, the government institution at Washington. It is believed that one of the two sun- positions is correct. -- A Big Saaaatlaa Ia taafarUla. - - Lours vtxjj, Feb. r 13.1-Another inn- -nicipal sensation has been caused by the discovery of a note for $9,000 in thesus- ended German National bank given y Alderman V, JL BriU and Indorsed by Alderman J. W. Boeder. - The note IS dated Feb. . 189. It is said that an agreement was entered on the same day by J. M. McKnlght, president of the bank, and Aldermen i King, Jenne. Breusr, Brltt, Boeder. Trick and Lrath arman to control all municipal legisla tion, to divide the spoils and to fight Mayer ? Todd. who had defeated Mo Knight in the race before the general ermnclli ' i I Xew taws ta Narth Caraltaa.- r Baluqh, Feb. 13. A bill has passed the i house appropriating $43,000 for Goldsboro insane asylum; $63,500 for that a -Raleigh; $100,000 for one at Moieantntii Tlio erinste nsiswil bilta in. vattaJt "the Winston-Salem South bound railway; requiring railways to furnish passes to railway commissioners mad olerka, Bills passed the house mak ing meeting of stockholders of the At- Kntto and Morta UaroUna railway un wful nalaas the state's proxy be pres ent; repealing charter of Goldsboro and Morehead railway. it- . t 'i . i Ta f-mta "arallaa Qsuncau, :8L O. Feb. 13. In the house, the bill increasing the limit of alien ownership af land from 500 to 6,000 acres was killed on the third read- tag, an abtlon . gsnerally condemned. Tha bill arartdlac for cumnulsorv edn- aatioa, passed byth house, was killed ta tne senate, xna nouse Has passed a bill imposing a tax of S5 oenta on every paokage ef five cigarettes each sold in this state, Una prohibiting their sale. This will likely pass ths senate. StruW HI Vaela Wttl) m Batakat. I SxutA. Ala., Feb. 11 Joe, Phillips, a 16-yearoLd boy, atraok his aaole, -Simeon Allen, between the eyas with a hatohst, orushiagthe skull. It is thought he will dier- AUea was ia the act of whipping hia son when ha reoeived the fatal blow, young Phillips objecting to tha punishment of his oousin. He had raised the boy who struck him as his own child. After striking the blow the boy, gashed the blood from the. hatchet and fled, Irut was captured. I rtre4c,ta:Tfcjra'rrteaa-. i Jacksonville, Fla.; Feb. liTha ThreeFriends warflred oa during the Bight by the Dolphin with soUd shot for not comioft to quickly enough when so ordered bv whittle blasts. -'' i f- Aatlga-atta got tfmm ' , ! - NAfiKyiLUs. Feb. ii Governor Tay lor has signthaahtt-cirarette bill. It prehihitt tha alrior manufacture ot cigarettes in the state and goes into operation May L - ' j BackJeM's Arsilca Salre. Ths Batr Saive ha the World for Cots, Btntses, rHres, Uloers, Bait Bhsnm, Fes ver 8ores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chill. blains. Corns, and ail Bklu Eiuptioaa, and poaitlvely cures Piles, or ao pay required. It is guaranteed tq. give ; perfect satltfao tlon or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8tatoh & Zoxxxxs, if. mj21ly . VOTE FORMALLY COUNTED. br Tie rri4Ml Stmm. J ' Washixotok, Feb. 1L Thejlrst pub-' lie exercises iu oounectlon with the in-' ! coming administration occur red at the capitol when the two bousee of congress. la joint session in the spuoious house of repraeutativia, oouuted the electoral vote of the various states and listened to Vice President 8tevenson formally promulgate the election of William Mo Kinley as president and Garret A. Ho bar as viae president. - Vioe President Stevenson, who by law presided over the Joint session,' took his plaos beside Speaker Reed. The tellers, Senator Lodre of Massachusetts and Senator Blackburn of Kentucky, on behalf of the senate, . and Mr. Uroa- van or of Ohio and Mr. Kichardson of I Tennessee, on behalf of the house, as i cended to the clerk's desk and prepared so eounrtn' rote. "It-was rather- strange coincidence that both Mr. Black burn and Mr. Lodge (then a member of the house) acted as tellers on the- occa sion of the ; counting of the vote four ! years ago.' - Vice President Stevenson assumed tha gavel and announced the purpose of the joint session. He then unlocked the cherry box. and broke the seal of the re turns from each state as it was reached. At 1:40 p. m.. the vioe president Stated that the count had closed and dl j rected the telleis to announce the result, i Mr. Lodge announced: "The state of the vote for president of the United States, as found by the tellers, is: Whole .number of electors. 447. of which a majority ia 224 Wil liam i McKinley ot Ohio, has received X7l votes lor president of the United States, and William J. Bryan of Ne braska haa reoeived 176 votes. The state of the vote as to the vice president is: Garret A. Hobart has received 271 electoral votes, Arthur Sewall 149 votes and Thomas EL Watson 27 votes." ' This closed ! the proceedings, which were devoid of incident or applause. The senators marched back t their chamber and the house adjourned. HOUSE AND SENATE WORK. Laaaaat af tha Praoeadlar mi taa Matlaaat TingTia. Wabhixqtox. Feb. 10. Senator Ba con of Georgia Introduced iu the aouate during executive sesmou .an: amend ment to the arbitration treaty specifi cally excepting the southern repudi ated reconstruction Donas irom consid oration. - - . Ha contends that under the present treaty wording It would be possible for tne question or tne validity or these bonds to be brought before the interna tional tribunal. On motion of Mr. Tillman, the bill in troduced by him in reference to the liquor traffic in tha states waa taken np. He explained that Its purpose waa to give every state and territory the right to control the liquor traffio within its borders in its own way, without inter ference from federal judiciary or any outside source. Mr. Morgan has withdrawn the Nic aragua canal bill, giving- notice that I e would press it at aa early day of the extra session. ' . Washtjiotok, Feb. 1L The senate. in executive session, resumed consider ation of the arbitration treaty, "Ben tor Turpie speaking in advocacy of the compact. Washtsotow, Feb. :2. Mr. Morgan (Dem. Ala) presented iu the senile the following joint resolution, -. Bcsolred, etc.. That the treaty known as toe tjaytoo-nuiwer ireaty oacweaa Great Britain and the United States, which was concluded on April 19. 18 jO, ia hereby declared to be abrogated. The resolution remained on the table. Mr. Morgan saying he desired to have it go over for a day. 1 ! In the debate on the arbitration treaty the senator said this treaty should be abrogated to protect our rights respect ing the .Nicaragua o&nsi. The house resumed consideration of the postomce appropriation bill Imme- j diateiy after the reading of the journal. "pala ta Balaaaa Saacallly. Washixotox. Feb. 10. Spain has promised to release Julio Sanguilly, sen. tencedin Ouba to life imprisonment for alleged conspiracy against its govern ment. Secretary Olney . has reoeived from Madrid an answer , to the repre sentations he made through Minister Taylor several weeks ago to the effect which is given above. . When Spain will put ner promise into execution can- . not be learned, but the authorities hope that the date is not far distant. San. guilly will be required to leave tha island and not return until the present war has terminated. - Tetaad by Oaveraor Jabaetaa. Moxtookkbt, Ala. Feb. 10. Gover nor Johnston haa vetoed the bill which sought to appropriate some $3,000 to Judge A A. Coleman j of Birmingham ' for services rendered as circuit fudge during the war. Tha claim had been disallowed by the federal authorities. who bad charge of the state affairs after the war. but the house and. senate reoently passed tha biU. The rovenor's veto waa read In both houses just before adjournment and created a commotion. BaaS aad KUIed His Fatbe- i . isAKBOUKYiLiJS. a.7.,..jra il Aaron Acelinger, aired lS, shot and killed his father, .Richard Acelinger. at their home, at Lavau. a few miles from this Flace. The boy had a pistol and tha ather demanded that he surrender it The boy angrily exclaimed: "I'll gim you this much of itl" and fired a bullet through his lather's head, . , - InM ta Ba rstraa-ar faaaral. OH1TTAHOOQA. Feb. ia Apromineait Republican gives it out as a straight tip that H, Clay Evans has the assurnaea of a cabinet appointment, most likaiy the postmaster generalship. It caa ha' stated authoritatively that Evans confi dently expects an appointment. taouglLi to newspaper men he is mum oa tfc.e snbjeck . ; . v .. - A Fraaalaeae Caraltalaa Cbabixstos. Feb. IS. Ex-Alderm.-u Isaao- Yv fBardln, for many years a prominent naval stores merchant, ia dead. He was a North Oarolinlart and served in the confederate army in the Twenty-seventh North Carolina volnn teers." He had lived in. South Carolina ainoe 1868. Ha waa about 90 years old. Tha Modern Blotber v " Has found that btr little ones are Ira proved morehy tbe pleasant Byropof Figs when in need of the Isxative effect of a gentle remedy than by any other, aad that it ia mete acceptable to tbsnV Children enjoy it and it bentflutbent, I The true lemedy Syrup of Figs, it mann- fscturod by tbe California Fig Syrup; Company only. Iiitnmnm Trv i: T itiihiVYti lUlUllllll 1U II UU1U1UU . Tha Noted NavAt Comaiander Shoots Himself. HE AS .TXHPOSASILT itsaI BtMlrtl Dwriac tM itpM CUrna War, la Wktah Ha DtsaLBxeJaaed , Hlulf aa taa Cnlata feUa, CaM4 tha Baa AS Blaa Okars at a Sa.'aaA. raa a the BatUa aC Tala. 1 Nxw Yoax' Feb. 1L Captain PhCo IT. MeGiffin. who eommanded the Chi nese ironclad Chen Tnen In the battle of the Yarn river in September, 1894 during the Ohlno-Japanese war, oonv nUttedsukideistkAPoatsiuate hoax pital to Which he was reoently admitted CAFTADI PBILO M'CIrrt, Killed Himself While Uadergolag Trsat- jnent In a Nsw York Hospital. for, treatment. He shot himself over the right ear. ; The captain was taken to tha aoerttal about the middle of last month hy bis mend and physician. Lfr. T. H. Robin son. ; Since being in the hospital he haa been attended by Dr. Hammond. About the middle of January the captain be came insane, and it was found nsoessary to nave mm oonnaed in the hospital. was taken to a room oa toe second floor bf the building, with a' window la it opening onto Second arenas. He Kvl some sort of mental trouble for months before it developed into insanity, and on his being removed to the hospital ha wa-Jio Tlolent that It was found i Bar to plaos him la a atraitlackst At that time and since then Lr. uam- moud attributed his condition to tha wouutls he reoeived la the battle of tha Yalu river. i ' PhiloN. McGlffla. who commanded the Chinese ironclad Ohen Yuan at tha battle of the Yala river, was barn ta Washington. Pa. ia 1803; He waj son of Captain Norton MoGlffln. who served In the Mexican war with a tinetion and Who waa colonel of Eighth Pennsylvania volunteers d urine the war of tha iwbaUiot-. - Philo McGlffla graduated from tha naval academy at Annapolis with high honors in 1883. He entered the services of China dar ing the ' Franco-Chinese war .and waa distinguished for gallantry, was sent to England to superintend the construe tioa of ironclads and at the outbreak of hos tilities with Japan, waa nut in eora- mand of the Ohinese aquadroa. Hw part in the battle of the Yalu la west known, and although it was a defeat tee the Chinese fleet it accomplished its sis aired end in preventing" the lan dins; ef the Japanese xorce in the rear of tha Chinese army. FOUND HIS CRAZY' FATHER. ; U J.'CanpbaU Idtaa Farty Taat i j Dan 4. W. Caae-batl. . . , Murpht, ' N. CL, Feb. 1L Three 1 months ago Mr: J. - W. -Campbell, ass old citizen of Flats, N. CL, disappeared. Ha was a veteran of the'eonfederata army and had attained the. rank of captain. The "mystery of his wheraahoaia haa been cleared up by his dlsoo-rary In tha Xsantahala mountains. c For several weeks the ouniatry aeoiaa tnereaoouts nave reoorted-rtBa appear ance of a wild man. .with a long beard. who always fled on the appearanoe of human beings. A party was orgrmiaad to hut him down, headed by Mr. Lealta J. Campbell and W. M. DeWeas. Thar at last got his trail aad caagfat him While asleep under a large o-res hanging cliff, when Air. Campbell found him to be bis fathers - He appeared aa a man who had iaevae seen ciTiusawoa ana was peneotiy rrarj- tio in t ma en art tor ireeaom. ; He 1 now in chains at home to keep him from escaping again until some arraag- ments can oe maaa I or ma saiety. , I A Railroad. ABeat m Traaala, AKitsroy. Ala., Feb. 1 1L Walter Kesbitt, wh'jt up to Saturday Bight, was agent ,'jot the East and West rail road, at Jacksonville, 13 miles north af here, is aader arrest at IS aw Orleans char.sra o embezzlement of $130 Ut cash raui 14 railroad tickets. , c -STha Crew" Car BUI t OoLCKBLi. & Q. Feb. 1L The jtnt crow car bill has been passed' try the house over an unfavorable report. Ik provides for separate care for the rases. both nrst and aeoonaciasa, but exceptions of through vestibaleeV traiaa and nursea. . . 'Aatt-Clraratta Bill NxsirviTjjt, Feb. : 11. The senate haa passed a bill heretofore passed by tha house, prohibiting the sale of dgarettea or cigarette paper in this state, or the giving away of a cigarette or dfarett paper.; I Aa AaUraeBaat la KaataaBy. PABta, Ky., Feb. 11. Edward 8hlnv riers has . assigned to' Harmon' StftC A bout a year ago young 8hlnners left over $50,000 by his grandfather. Ha la a well known baseball manager. ' : A Wataaa Fatally Baxaaa. CBABiiOTTK, N. Q, Feb. 1L Ifrs. BL-em Campbell of Steel Oreek, whUa ait ting before the lira, caught her dress in the flames and was fatally burned ba f oi a aha could be rescued. Eoclith Spavio Ltrdnment removas all TTiid, Soft or Call jused Lump and Ble mlthea from horses, Btood Spavins, Curbs. bplinU, Sweeney,' Blag-Booe, StL'le, Sprains, all Swollen, Throats, Oa aghs, etc" Save $50 by use of one hot. i lie- Wan anted tha , moat - wonderful Bltqnish O ire ever known; Bold by Bta - ton & Zoeljer, Drugflst.Tarboro, N. 0 ROAD EUPLOYES-UAY.su - WtNtk Car-mas U -m r iWr RAixtoKTsh. llThsprtaetpefiatw'! buis IntrodaoM ware to allow tv raa4or ity of tha commissioners "and magis trataa La any ooaaty to arder the altar. natira rystem of working pabUo roads. Oommittees were appointed to ro to MscklsnDtLrf oounty to laspeot tha mao mdailed roads there and report. . ?.b aOYsrcmaaiinowy vassad a Mil aQewtaaT mleves of 'rsUwara So sua tor eUaaecee. and fertAddlar aar waiver of tha sight. During the remarks oa this bill it was stated that 8 R. Lacy, state labor com. miaaiever. had informed the committee that for hie advocacy of it he had ' been blacklists by tha railways and could not, ware he to try, get employment on a B in the south: that Laev said this was Auetoome roedwbida he did not The bCl to redaoa raOwav fare to IU and S cents, to elect railway oommia sioaera by popular vote and to prohibit tree passes and franks waa made special oraer xor next Wednesday. ea-aaa-Maia-aaiaa-aa-a NO AUTONOMY FOR GOMEZ. Hathlaa- SharS a Iaaaaaaaaaae WlU Bat- fcwy taa Caaaa Oaaaral. ' ' Nrw Yosx, Feb. IX A dispatch to The Herald from tha district of Saactl Spiritus, Santa Clara pro Tinea, girea the following statement, signed by Gen eral Maximo Gomes: The enemies of Ouba have circulated in the United States the rumor that I am disposed to accept autonomy as a basis ot settlement or solution of the present war. The oonstltutioa of Ouba absolutely establishes in iu artiole XI that peace is to be nerotlated upon the -as ot the absolute lndepeadeaoe of Ouba. It is to obtain ladepeadeaoe that we have been fighting for two yean aad will eonttane to fight until victory be -All tha statements which ha re been heretofore or may ta fetve be pub lished, to the effect that we are wllUag to accept any other eolation abort of In dependence, should tie regarded - as fa-ee." BIG BLAZE AT ABBEVILLE. rentes af taa w. aatadbaa as Ais-tols, Ga, Feb. 1L Adas tract ive fire broke out la Ue bmrlnsae dis- triot of AbUvtUe- betweea aad t a. m., destroy tag the office of the Cypress Lumbar eompaay aad eteok ot goods, the afaoa aad outfit at tha Abbeville Chrealole, the office, furniture aad oosa missary stock of the Mahr Weil Lum ber company, the Osatral hotel. Q. W. Prioalar tenant; the drag store of G. H. Maooa. Bash's barber shop, tha post office, the baUdlng of P. & Oliver, gea eral meruhsnrtlse; tha store of O. & Mel taa aad the atore ot Paul Hair. ' The estimated loss by the fire is be tween $16,000 and $-0,000. ' Thaiasar. anca eovers ahoat one third tha loss. The origin of the fire Is supposed to aava neea aoctaautai. BtEXDiaBAM. Ala., Feb. IA A strike is vary probable In the Bella Elian Coal mines ia Bibb oounty, a f sw miles from Bloctoo. 1 Two hundred miners and em ployee about the mines may go oat. The men are oonsuiung among tnemaarves as to the best steps to be taken la the matter. The eompaay recently started asiag forks la the mines instead ot shoveUM The price oz mining ooal was advaaoad 10 cents per ton, but it is said the men wanted SO cents and made a demand for it, which was refused. -Taa Balaaia Slips Taeaaca. WASwrgoToa, Feb. IX The blockade runners at Charlestoa have scored the first block and in spite of all tha prepa I rations made try Admiral Bunco to de tect any attempt to pass the long una of ships no nad strung out across tne en trance to the harbor, tha Dolphin, not by any means a fast boat, aor as envia ble aa a regular blockade runner, slipped QQietly around one end of the line on sveh. 8, and whea the depart msnt next heard of her she was at tha bar off bt. j John'a river. Fla. ' T Ba BJakaa af Wn-alagtaa. BAlTtKOBB, Feb. 11 Cardinal Gib bons has reoeived from Rome official advises ooa firming the report of the ap ! pointmeas of the Rev. J. J. Monaghan oc b. ratnex a cmsnan. uaanea-on. o. a. ta be bisheo of tha sea ot Wilming ton.- DeL Father Meaaghaa was tha unanimous eaaloe of tha bishop of the prorlaee and waa first of tha list of three namea sent to tae pop iu aocoro- anoe with the customs of tha phurch. i t J-aahaaai aad WaUlac ta 8aag FxAKxroaT, Ky.. Feb. IS. In tha aasa of Boott Jackson and Alonao Wall in, sentoaoad to be hhng for the mur der of Pearl Bryan, the court of appeals crverruledthe petition for a rehearing. The records ware lsamedlately trans mitted to Govarnor.Bradler.-'Who has SO daya ta which to consider the ease and fix the date tor execution. It is be lisved that Governor Bradley will give the case immediate attention. YMBtxxMxva, Ya., Fab. 1L Tha rsath annual saarlna of tha state cennoU of YLnrinia aad ths . District of Columbia of the United Order Amart a Mechanic was held here. Among those preheat were National Secretary Barrsr of Philadelphia aad State Ooua oilmen IX L Bobiaaon of Washington. IX CL Tha order la reported ia a prca perous condition. ( WH1 Xaear OaS Drwa Agalaw Monrm. N. Q. Fab. 11 Tha Im peachment prooeedinga against Judge Norwood, who was Intoxicated on taa bench hare, have beea dropped on the eonAitlon that ha plaoa In the hands of a responsible person bis written resig nation, to ba totwardad to taa governor whenever tha .edge Is known to be In toxicated again. ; ' Pe-ite fa af Bleak. WARHrsOTOW, Feb. 1L Tha axmmlt tea on electioas has unanimously aa fhflrltd a report on tha Walson-Black cvantestad eleotian case la favor of tha HtUacB GASTORIA , Tor T-1 tui. ClxOdrea. . s -iiWlLSON SDCCEEDS LEE Elected President f Waahiaf ton Unhrersltj. iCIOSES BT B01SD or TSTTsnxi f It la taa rtf af BeS tnlf. I '' Ucraxnvr. Ta.. Feb. 1L Tha board of trustees ef Wsaaingtoa aad Lea ani varsity haa ananlmoaaty eleotod Hon. 1 wmiam la Wilson, pal raw to. geaaraZ. pr-s-aans ex ana uairarsuyla plaoa of Ueneral X W. a La. vks-notaCr resigned. It is wall aaoWetaod f w. u woaoa. -i Unaahneusry Betted Preaidenksf Wash- lsgtoa and Lae Unl-aiett s. Me. Wilson win accept the poattioa aad will pnter upon the duties "of "his pfSoa , on the first day of Jaly aexa. TWD DIVORCE SUIT8 FILED. , . . t-raaslaaat lUwMeai -ftTe'riii 9 ' TMr Ti-i s el i 1 1 tin Atlata. Feb." 10- Two saasaaoaal divorce suits have beea plased an record la the. superior con rt barm- Que peti tion Is filed hy Mc Arnold.' charging his wifwith lnfidaUty. Taa acker Suit is a ad by Mr. Arnold, charging her hus band with eoosptracy. . . jtr. Arno-a auegee ia jus 'peanon that be reoently discovered - that his wife. Mrs. Lida H. Arnold, waa gmUry of vtoiatiag aar Btamage vowa. A&ra, Arnold' before bar marriage waa alias Lida H. Pope, the daughter of . feasor op. formerly of Pika. ooaaty, but aow the praaident of a Urga aotlega in Ken tacky. Ha is a Method-H mla ister and ia well known tbrqacaoat tha suta. Mrs. Arnold denies the allegations filed by her basbaad. ooa. tea ding that aha was made to admit the charges the point of a plate, which herhasbaad bald in ner laca. en say taa a the charges were made by her haaaaad ia order to secure a divoroa aad retain tha possession ot his property. A Lleaiy tlskt la AM -at. - ATLAirv a, Feb. 11 A sertautlonal an counter at the union depot 'between Robert Pace, named aa co-sasyoodsn. and Harry Hill, brother-in-law of OL H, Arnold, added aaother eaapter to the sensational divoroa case of CL H. Arnold and wife From tha state meats of by standers Pace gave( hie antagonist thorough drubbing. Pace escaped un injured. Hill sustained seferai tea teas in tha face and a slight eat aader his era, from which the blood flowed freely tor some time after the scrim mar. Tha cause ot the trouble grew out ot tha Arnold divorce pTooeedtngs. in which Mr.' Arnold, in his petltioa against his wife, named Pace as creepoodaat. t Aa Attentat Bar a Ma.' Uaioit, S. a, Feb. 1L There is great .excitement here over the information. I which has just leaked out, that Monday , night an attempt waa made to bum tha handsome new nock or buomnn coca- pled by tha Merchants and Planters' National-bank, the Ualoa drugsawa. the opera house and a aar bar of oOaea, and that persons of tha highest etaaa- lng and character are implicated. lighted candle was placed in a pile of keroseae saturated straw, bat before the time-match burned to the straw it diaoovered. ; LeM Meet tTaaS TVete atlaa. , t HBCTttwica. ut, ran. il rrominens umber men, controlling two-thirds of the lumber trade of the south, are txr aonf srenoe at the Oglethorpe. The ga--aral version ot the ob ject of this confer- anca is that prellmtnary steos are bum taken toward organising tha lumber In terests for the purpose of securing i proper representation before the waya aad meaae com nuiw-e .oaasna .km such DTOtactlTdlana laws aa wtu ble man of act ore rs to eontinaa bualaeas at a reasonable profit. l A r.eeeas B.saa Atlait, Feb. 11 Jstf Cain, tha veteran anarlneer who figured as a principal actor ia one of the most thrQ- Una imleodas of the late war. ia dead. It waa be who raided the famoaa -G araJ. the engine that waa eaptursd by Andrews' raid era oa atay is. is-u, as Big Bhanty. and was reeaptarad by Mr. Cain. Captain W. A. JT oiler, tha ea doctor, and other.' after the ead of moat exdtinsT Chae over the Wester and Atlantic railroad, between Big Shanty and Ringgold. ! 1 Oaaaral Saalay Orawla Weaaa. , Amia. Ma. Feb 1L Oeaerta Shelby is still alive. He rallied daring tha nlrht and ia resting assy, although It imio, aonastiaa of a short tinva whi the end must coma - He is gradually growing weaker and coutiaaee sclooa. , ' felre-t Baavy Varrar Daaa. 1 Auatt. Ga.. ' Fsh 10. Colonel Henry A. Tarver died at hit residence In this rlre. He was Tl yuan old and was a victim of consumption. Ctalonai, Tarver waa oaa of the bast known In the state. IE BRUU'Ss ret if lees rn. tw, 1 a Wesa Ttrsoi.a WU ams! taa r--taa aad Baee Caaa eaa Daatas a HI OSBea A boa i 1 i ... - Itoyou want to keep up wbh the tlmest t take tbe Soctaaasta. ' - 9 . ... . mi , - - .- V t !. ' 4 Highest of ilia LeaTenh; rower. Laiest TJ. S. Gov't Report MAKES 8TARTLfNQ REPORT. ey a Datt-a 'aaat. Esxha, Ala.. Feb. ia The grand jury of Dallas county, after a two weeks ! sesslaa, has made a report which ia de cidedly the moat eensatloual ever made tathiaooaaty. It charges that a craat many irrega- , tarlties of various and poca.Ur aorta ex 1st la the offloe ef the county saperia tsadaul of ed seal ion: that ne voashars kept, aad that the payraUa are mostly signed ta the same kaad writing: the township trustees Xorce the teachers at the publio schools to divide their salaries with them In order to get tha schools, aad daaouncee the practica- as offlrlal Corruption; that $3,000 was borrowed aad Interest paid thereon, i whan the books showed that there was 14.000 on haad. aad further, that 1T. 000 was oa deposit ia the Commercial bank whea it failed; that although the bank acted as treasurer of the county, aa employ of the bank was. wtiboa? authority of law, paid salary to ke--y the county's cash book. This portion of the report closes with tha following paragraph t We learn that several dead bodies have bean allowed to remain nnburied ta the county, end lie ia the sua aad rain, aad decay aad ro. s Every dWate of humanity cries out again such in- numaalry, and the law should provide CROOKEDNESS IS ALLEGED. Wasxrxoroa. Feb. 10. Senator Ma- ton Batter is act aver tha .mad spell which a wanked him a few days ago on the occasion of the re-election ot Sena tor Pritchard. Ha aow popo to have tha aleetija of his colleague aad rival iavastlgatad. Busaer is aow at Kaleiffh. Word has aa received by poll anal ssancistes bare that ha expects Laamadiataly apoa his return to Wsahington to put into mo tion tha aieiesary machinery for a' thorough tovesligatioa la to tha meth ods employed ta Prltchard's tveaat aleo- m. -HeheiievaebehA the ascsssary evidanoa to sabeteaaat his ch arras that lera WM wkoiseale pare has of vote U Pritohaxd's baaalf, aad that there- suit' waa la Una with the boasts of ITawaa aad his amteatrtaa. Hactatma -taa thass gentlemen, by the employmaut at eerrupUag methods. aaeured certain votes (or the repubu- kaa, aad bis decision to push aa laves tlgatioa shows that aa baUarvae ha has tha evidence to suatala bis charg-a. TRIO OF FLORIDA SUICIDES. If. Oaa Veae I Oaa Taaas Cateieleiea. Jixoormxa, - Fla.. Feb. .10. At FarnaaiTlna. Fla, the dead body of P. H McLntoah was found on the beach. Melnsoah quarreled with his wife and . He waa a well known plum ber, aad came from Brunswick. Ge At Tarpon Springs, Fla., while in bed. . by tha aids of his wife and baby. W. J. i Phillips bUw out his brains. Ue was suffering tram a chronic affliction, and doctors said aa operation waa nsoeteery. Rather than undergo the operation, aa At Stark. Fla.. Mrs. Lacy Burn ham was found dead in her room at the Com mercial hotel, having committed suicide by taking chloroform. Mrs. Burnham left several letters for friaada la Chicago and elsewhere, and a Bote to the pabito stating that the burden of life had grown too bssay tot ner. see waa f ormarty Mrs. Lucy Van Erar, art rritio of tha Chicago Inter-Ocean. Eight months ago she was married to Dc Burnham. the specialist, aad they came to Florida. MURDERED WHILE HUNTINO. Baea Caret laa Fe Ca rtaaas WSh aa a. STASTAXBUBa, a C. Fen, 10. Bob Clayton, a prominent dtisea of Polk ooaaty. S. OL. told his wife that he waa going coon bunting, and with his dog and ax, left noma. noc nturnlna. the family t-acame alarms! and a eearehlag party country along. Green river. where he lived They found Clayton's body literally cut to pieces. His sack aaa marts or tne ax ap- perd sil over his body. Ha had beea dead soma Urn whan found. Whea Ca searchers returned with tha body it was f eand that two other prosa iaaat Xarirra. Btlfkbors ot CUytoa. rstsrlously dlsaraearad. CUvtoa aad thus tw man had adis -feffat a rew days aerore aaa threats nada. n -tbe two men are eap t la twobahle that thay aria if lyaebad. as taa eaattmaat aA-alnat them mruaasnnTWfU. . ' W'a-a BerO. Carallaa Siliea, BALsana, Feb. ia la th lagialatar. tha priacspal new bills ware to repeal the act to ssaabnib a area meridian la au thaeetmtfas? toamaadthalaw regard Ugfsrtlhasrs eyjro-rtdlng tas u ma tarUia aaawa a mtere are louoa in ir ttlisers that fact shall ha published aad tha f ertSisam seised aad condemned! to allow Oisriv to Issue $33,000 la beads forwatarwarks: tolaoorporata tha Win ston aad Southbound railroad; to pre vent the hiring ot convicts in, compett tion with free labor. . - . 1 ta Be O-TTted ee. oourt-aA. a a; Fh m a-lci ha an pasaed'try tha saaata "requiring rrJlroaas to earry blcyclas free and forulng traiaa to stoo atosrtala Hetinna . tali emDreetag tae aame isareras sad ta tha! Bat An ax. Tab, 10. The jury la tha PUt murder ease hreaghs la a verdict of volaatary manslaughter. Pitts was san taorad to IS years la tha pealtea tUry. ' ' .- ' Caw lee Aapetetii Adjetaa BaLUQB. Feb. 10. Goreraor Ba-eell apputated Andrew D. Oowle of Statasvill tobe adjutaat gaaeral af th S,nl-a Barrel IwvU. WAaHUOTOJ. Tab,- lLSeaator Har ris aontlaaas to lnrprova and his trtoala are much eacoaiaged over his tSOSeSS IT PURE nth Germany cannot fecpre our country for attracting rrery ytr aLirp cumN-r of young men who art f.t f r military ail lice fche y. an.1 ilh r r.ic t-bow Of juMic, "We bara girrn In. young men their cdacatiou at the exprn- of the stato, and now. akxn tLry are in position lo pay Lark to tho til her land the debt tbiy owe. ttT 15.il awsy to a tW country and It r, uio Anx-ricana. Tbe German is unwilliug to believe that his fellow rountryinen rmii-rate to Anwriea becaae- they jrr frr American institutions to those of their own court- try. ' On tho motrary, be Is firmly prr auaded that , we, in armx uudtvhaiHl manner, rntice gond Gitnuui awsy t r means of heavy bountii framlulmt repr-wBtations mada ly -jr-rrrmnent agents. In fact. o dVejy froordird i the German sufjiirion regarding t.'.i American that they are ready tol li ve ' anything aloot our ecus try, 0 hs-g a it is not coapUmentry. For instance. I bar not otjy --u it taken fr granted in print., but " en n -beard it stated in con versa! ion Ly edu cated Germsxj a bo certainiy rnennt no cUsrespert to me. th&t our wur cf inde petibVnre, aa well as the civil War, waa won because we had in oar. ranks ao large a number of Germans cr tvracae our men were drilled and cxmimandVd by Germana ' Theaa absurd prnptxitiaos are mad in such gond faith that it is impossible to dispute tbe matter with a German for fear cf wounding Lis na tional pride. To him there was but ooa hero in the war cf 1778 nam Jr. Stea Len aad aa for the war ru 1S60, of course the hero waa Fraca EigeL " North American Review, j tdy riagere. A general and Juxtiflable core pi tint Is lodged against the ubiquitous small cake known as "lady fingers" and ev erywhere seen during the eraon upon tha tray which bears . a teapot at a o'clock. It ia aaked wby ''lady fingers' should be ao generally dry and - stale, and the loquisitiTu wcaxler if it is im possible to procure them under a wOt or two in age. The trouble lit in not knowing how to treat tbe cake. If they, or any othA srt of rprxige cakra. are taken while still warm from tbe baker's oren into the cxnaaiTely cold outer air, it will be found on reaching home that they are dry and leathery. Should they be set in a eloax-ly covered veaael. as a glaa Jar, in a cool plaoa they will soften again, and thus cared for last for sereral week and be perer-t-ly palatable. Bread also suffers from exposure to extreme cold, and a loaf . ahould have several layers of paper wrapped about it if rarrkd any ditt anca in winter. Oiberw ie it will seem aa bard aa if it had been baked for a wek. Lady fingers. It tuay be added, rrrlng -as goodie at cheerful feafflvare always a surprise to country bred English folk when they come over Lira. In rural England they are commercially known as "funeral Li emit" and sold only for use aa mourners r-fmhme&t wtut a glass of wine after tho ki drire to a-' sist at some county fawraL New York Post. . ( Taals at taa Lab nwvlWee. Since flint is not j lentifrJ in Switarr land we find tbe larger implements, sorb as axes, geur rally mado of diorite. serpentine aud the oth r hard stooea, and even of jade. TW rri-wnce of tbe latter stone is a matter of f-reat interest, in as much as it rnlb!y was imported from tbe far east. It t bereft. re a-nus to bear witneas lo tbe f jet that tho lake dwellers had oomujarrial nlatiaus with other couutrUa. Jade is 1m 4 found in Europe, butorcurs in China, India and EfypC This subject, Lowerer, is still rather a matter cf ccnitroverry, for. ihnogb in spite of many inquiries, no site for na tive jade ba been yet diaxrrcred ia Eu rope, some autbontka believe tnax tne people found it aomewber in their own neighborhood. It is certain, from tha presence of chip ia many placta, that they worked it up tbtrnarjvea oa the spot and that gives aome countc-uanc to tha idea. There are as many as 4.000 specimens of jade from Lake Constance alooa. Two ether mineral, known as jadeite and chl orator lanite. closely re semble jade, and these are also found in tbe eettlements, as well as In dolmens la Europe. Uatcl4non"s "iTihistorio Man and Heart. ' 'PeaHe-lag a BeflreaJ ta Wirtta, Ia "Oampairnlrir With QjiaaH'- la Tha Centary. General Horace Porter tells how the Union army dttroyvd the Virginia Central railroad. tqr th North Anna. He aaya: I went with a portion of Bwll'i division of Wright's corps, which brfran the werk of dtroo tlon at a point oa the railroad aboot bOO yards from tha enemy's extreme left. A brigade was extended along one aide of the road ta single rank, aad at a giTen signal the men totik bold of tbe rails, lifted op the read and turned it upside down. Then, breaking the rails luow. they need them at levers in prying off the ci oast ic. whieh they piled up. at difrerent point, laid the rail across them and set fire to the lie. Aa aoon as the rails became sufarlently hut they 1 bent in the middle by their own weight. Efforts were then mado to twist them so as to rvnder them still more unserv- loeabla. Several mil of railway were thus dVatroyed. Every good housewife knows how Beoaasary and at tha same time how ex pensive an item ia her CVam-uic ar rangement l chamois leather. The. taanuf actor of chamois leather is a difacult process, tct-artying snme three mcntha The wool U ing mnnfil fr-m the ahecp and lamia' aina, I m.Uult il is made, th skin is split by special ma chinery, and the inn r porti is coo verted into chamois leather It rri proceaaea At the final sta-e the skin is s-soothed by means of a very fine cirru Lar knife worked by hand, which pro dncas tha soft feeling so well known in cod chamois leaAb. PWUde-rhi Ledger. I -r