HE 'SURE YOU AKE JR. I GUI T, THEN GO VII EAD I Ciocliott. 7."). NO. 34. WARNING. . , to ca-itson all usera of Simmon eB,uVirrt a subject of the deepest' Iir?i importance to .their :health ther Tbe sole ProPetora Fsp84' of Simmons Liver Regulator cii'tomtrs are often deceived by and taking some medicine of a fcoyf p(,3rgnce or taste, believing it to if.ia Liver Regulator. We warn --. . ... ; - ...... . ... ! PROP MS (IMimnil p.dod I . ,s. ; .ww Ul UUIIUI1 tllltlf ; , . - -TARBORO N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2G, 1897: PRICE FIVE. CENTS. l KamilatA o -vw ' kK or tattle, tiat' 1,1 18 no Simmons 'I'Pp.Xniqtnr. . No one else makes, or Mde Simmons Liver Regulator, or r s'ramons Liver Regulator. 7 iia Co., and no medicine made 'taeis lb the same. )We alone can i f Vn nd we cannot be responsible, if ! ..-'ltH' i-J 11.. J - win you as 7CU are iea to expect iney )6earthis fact wen in mina.u you nave in the habit cf using a medicine whicn Opposed to be Simmons LiTer Regula f LUje the name was somewhat like, cdthe package did not have the word violator on it, Vou have been imposed 4 . nd have not been taking Simmons or aL ail. J.ue xiegmaior nas RAIN But pletion in the Carolina?' NEEDED INI THE SOUTH, . 'Rontliern Pencil Pointers. Tobacco Cuttintr is Hrn - IhHtf&y&'LW" ffSit S j uckelia-the-8lo.t" machines I,ere?,t.in', twenty-to"n ootton tH111 in 1)9 commenced at La "Qia, Qa. , at once. tv, ?I.rvev Alien, " a-' young 55?-??' -wt in Richmonc wpieti a.cotamit tfuicida. fl,t4 "teaid that, between forty and nfty students of Georgia University will spend the summer in Cubafight- ti mo insurgents. At Henderonnviiik v n. -nr. "p- Jeal- HH mm )11U POURS Telegraph Companies Fighting the - Railroad Commission. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL TAX. General' Ood CondlMn.. a.. Favorable Tobacco Injured by Storms In Virginia. " while d. Va Unble to Procure Rvldenoo Acalnst Lynchttea VTaot Boy AimmId Pardoned 1 be Shipment of Apples. f -hit tnom for manv Tars: and Tlo use it know how necessary it is for v rer and Arue. Bilious Fever, Constipa 'e n 6 ' rv9rersi&. and all disordeni Bi.nwii-Lr - i - .' : The United States weekly crop bulle tin of .the Agricultural Department issued on the 17th says: " Drought continues in . portions of Missouri, Tennessee and Southern Texas and the absence of rain is begin ning to be felt in Indiana Illinois and portions of : Virginia and North CaroJ lina. There has been too much" rain in' New England, and local storms have caused some damage to crops in the Southern States, Oklahoma Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, V nconsin, Michigan, Ohio and ' in ine Middle - Atl&ntin Ktafcaa Hn -PIJfQRKK TO THK BAXKKRt. Ue Tells Them WMtit Have Bl metalUm by laternatloaal Afree meaU The American Bankers Association opened its annual convention in De troit, Mich., on" the 17th, with dele rates present from all parts of the United States. : Governor ringree welcomed the del egates. Speaking cf the cnrreacy ijuodtion, be said the demonetization of silver reduced the available amount of primary money one half. To reme- ir OI aa,r is sought to effect an agreement among the nations BOSTIA fl BRIE H Cream of the Happeningi Thraugh out the Old North State. ' I BAXKKR& AtXJOCRX. THE STATE ALLIANCE OFFICERS. Retnrws of Taxable Valaee Xacblae for Traasplaa tins Strawberries Tbe State Fair . The Western Union Telegraph Com- &)?SSL SS ? V. " IT fmm a l'iseasea ljiver. BK Uu lv .risfT?:,--;! iSorthern Paciflo Coaat th jiat Simmons Liver Regulator, which I can read.lv -distinguish by the Red ,2 L wria and bv our name, is the only Simmons J. H. ZE1XIX & CO. Take Liver Regulator. WeeK, althOUarh verv -n-urm Viao Kor favorable for harvesting. In the cen tral valleys the weather conditions of the week have not been wholly fav orable, -being too cold, and over a large area too dry. Good rains have; how ever, improved the crop in Kansas and Nebraska. The -wack favorable to cotton, except in North New Y jtatne of 5it'"e to fixer's s o::e saih'.'e :' i It Imi'.r frer fl---tle how tti ti ESi'rf' tile' jjftHii'1'. worth: riii-li. li( blK-'Ji-i'l t.i.i!.;:. Vi si 1 where it Buffered from drought. Gen erous rains over the greater part of the cotton belt have arrested premature Opening and shedding. : Spring--wheat is about finished in the South Dakota and southern Minnesota, and is in progress in the. northern part of the latter State and in'Xorth Dakota. 11 111.31 ltVlBL. 1? UCU I 1 1 . . , - , .1 , ... - . O iilroad locomotive SeiHnshaYe.deyedb8e8toKntoey'wl11 not WPO' Tyler for Got a lroad locomotive jforth Dakota 'and caused injury to the or. If a Sound Money Democrat is over-ripe grain, in South Dakota some no nominated, later they will take no ueius i wmcn me siana wastnin, nave I partui me eiection- Deen ruinea philupl.niii;. and v.;ill ii hi to.W.; Ti t trnffilc'tii'Iis -si! a .wcrh-i- W'jipn.t'!:! f M fur xu fcpt U vft m in XfW York. ; Ms hcEorv.i. VWcrlil: In 'unveiling .the . . ( iht New York paid , lione&t worth. Teter - ; !mw beginning to end u. ik, of honesty and of -,' ..it .irrvs to make human 1 y i-iid human life worth v.: first of all a worker. , s li.l lionest work. When lii'st r;' : uA in this country he oniotive that he knew Wheu lie rnade glue he srliif. that skill could then : dollar of his wealth t. . Every dollar of It payment for a. dollar's : i' to the community in !ivi tl. And having got his -:1..', I used it nobly-Jn : .-;.s ho ni aeticecl the same ; -i'. :th same sincerity of had employed in his bust- liV'.it has been that hla l.ave korhe, are bearing rays lear the fruitjie In- erniinal idea In all his was to help those who to hflp themselves. Ilim r. 1..- saw clearly that the rk. was the one necessary t life.' and' In all that he l fi-tit of human kind he file in view. No man is r honor by the people of iml uo. man ever deserved iiirf. . ' ;- husband, and then kills-herself. vuey was tae cause. . Charles Cooper, an official Qf the Jo siah Morrrs bankrof Montgomery, Ala., "avf oy aiive -eiectne wire, which resulted m his death.- - - - i All thaprisonera, including Mur derer Edwin Brown. V.v i.tm,l Pnn e Ritch county jaUat Harris villeWV i General Bradley Johnson i out in a letter opposing, the movement to have the Grand Army of the Republie meet in Richmond, Va., in 1890. - .. "Sauire Alexander McBee, of Brushy Creek, Greenville county, S. S., fell from his back porch and Broke his neck. I Me; was 75 years old. . It isrenorted at Atl.nf. nQ ' k. locomotive at the government works at -i-yoee island, near Savannah, fell Carolina and portions of South Caro- .1 through the trestle and several persons linn - a o At rwy - "1 . i - xuo, iniooiooippi aaa ooumern xexas, i wore auiea. The hearing as to the question of fraud in the case of the ; North Carolina railroad before Special Master Kerr Craig has been postponed until Sept. 7th. , : . Nearly all the Sound Monav Dtmn. eratic leaders'of Virginia announce that bv weeds. Sorins wheat is also being harvested under favorable' conditions in Oregon and Washing-' ton. - - Tobacco cutting is general in the more northerly iobaooo States and is near ine completion in the Carolinas. In Tennessee the latter crop is improv ed, $ut in Indiana : and Kentucky it -has made but eIow growth. Reports from Maryland and Pennsylvania are favorable. In portions of Virginia lo cal storms haye caused much injury to tobacco. The reports indicate that plowing for fall seeding had progressed less favor ably than in .New Jersey, Michigan, Kentucky and Nebraska, but in Virgi nia and Missouri, this week has been delayed on account of the dry condi tions of the soil. THE KLOSDYKE CRAZK. - ! In spite rtf The decision of a Chicago Jcdge tvji"-t:iig the X rays as evidence flat ma n.'r.ns: discovery is to be pu1 p other tiMf than thorfe of tracing bul-: Iks in burirlar' and buttons in boys. It is pruiHisoii t9 use the rays'for the prpi'se of d'ti.-tins fraudulent ."old casters." 1: : said that by- theli means expffts Svill.be able to detecf whether Raplwcls and Rubens are be ing " niafaufav,t ared to-day ' in- back Krtets. : - ' '" .-' , Who Can Measure te influence of -the mother 1 . It tapes-tLe course of unborn gen E&ticns g-ces sounding: tnrotigli ail coding ages and enters the confines of. Eternity, . ITith YzhzX care, therefore. dd tie Expectant Mother be fssriei, and? how great the ef faj be to card off danger and taa Ler life happy. Something Aboutthe Sltnatlon From U. S. Commissioner Jones. ' William J. ! Jones, United States Commissioner to Alaska, assigned to St. Michael's, has sent to the -Interior Department the following report of the gold rush in a letter dated at Dyea, Alaska, August 4th: ' "There are nearly 1,800 people in Dyea .and Skaguay routes and both trails are Blocked. People are throw-' ing away their packs and provisions and rushing headlong to the mines. Great distress, hardship and suffering and possible death from hunger and ex posure is sure to follow next winter, an opinion that is entertained by all old Alaska prospectors who have visited that part of the world in late years and know the situation." : Miss Bessie Koonce died at Colum bia, S. C., from poisoning, having rubbed- her teeth with piano polish. The body was interred without cere- mony at her request. Her violin, guitar and music were buried with her. in the coffin. . j In a wreck on the Seaboa Air Line, three and a half miles below Rocking hainj N. C, Willis Taylor, a negro brakeman, was killed and seventeen ears were derailed along with the en gine. The cars were filled with cigar ettes, shoes, canned goods and the like. Estimates place the tobacco crop of Florida this year as the largest in the history of the State. It will be worth several - hundred thousand dollars. Much of the planting was experimental; but no report of failure has yet come in. , - . A numerously sismed petition has been addressed to Governor McLaurin, of Mississippi, asking him to appoint lion. Patrick Henry, of Vicksburg, a i silver Democrat, to the vacancy in the Senate, caused by the death of Senator ueorge. , . . . pauy last week appeased before the Railway Commission, in Raleigh, .with a restraining order, granted by Judge Simonton, which prevents the Commls- sion from enforcing its order making the message rate in the State 13 cents, for, ten , words. The matter will be heard at th United States Circuit Court of Wilmington at the September term. The order is dated August 18th and re strains the commission from making any rate for the Western Union which does not apply to any other telegraph company. t - The Postal Telegraph Company filed an exception to the Railway Commis sion's 20-cent rate; the exception was overruled and Otho Wilson was dele gated by the Commission to represent this company at the hearing of the V estern Union case at Wilmington. Editor Bailer savs earnest efforts will be male to have the decision of the Su preme Court in the Barksdale case test ed. The point at issue is the constitu tional requirement that the public schools shall be open four months in each year, and that if this is not done the commissioners are liable to indict ment. The Supreme Court was divided. The majority held that the constitution was contradictory; that the school tax is part of the general tax. Judge Mer rimon dissented and it is along the line of his opinion that those who will make this new test have hope. Thev hope it will be decided that the school tax is a special tax and not within the constitu tional limitation, so the commissioners can be required to levy a tax to run the schools four months. The State Board of Tax Equalization finds the following average values in the State:. Farm lands, 3.78 per acre; town lots, $436 each; horses, Hmules, $44; cattle $0.83; 'hogs, $1.28; -sheep, 97 cents; K .goats, 65 cents: - bicy cles, $21.83. . The returns made to the .board show gross irregularities in val uation. One county, stokes, returns 81,000 acres more of land .than it did last year, yet the valuation is only 31, 000 more. In all cases where -the val ues of animals were found to be below the average .hey are brought up to it Those above the average are not troubled. He raid the nsa of tha tralA in ttJ rt would cause a stringency in the money markets. He recommends the taxing 01 manufactured gold and said he favored more stringent lavs to compel corporations to allow honest eom peti tion and to prevent the omission cf honest obligations. President Lowry, of the association congratulated the members on ttie tri umph f the old standard, approved the Indianapolis monetary confereaa, and said if returning prosperity is not here it is on the wsr. He made the statement that the association had lost 840 members by the new schedule of membership dues. On the l$th the star attraction was the great speech of Comptroller Eckels. With a profound .knowledge of the his tory and science of finance he sounded s note of warning to the American peo ple, faring the financial system of the United States was a piece of crazy patch work, and that the only hope is in the goia sianuaro. John W. Faxon, of Chattanooga, Tenn., derided Mr. Bryan's claim that the price of silver controls the price of wheat, and said the recent fall of the one and rise of the other offered con clusive proof of the falsity of the claim. Only few of the States failed to re spond with a statement of industrial conditions. Interesting discussions of practical banking questions followed Mr, Eckels sddress. "Is a credit bureau or bureau of information to prevent losses from bad debts possible among bankers," was the subject of the first paper, read by John, U. Leathers, of Louisville, Ky. Mr. John P. Branch, president of the Merchants' National Bank. Richmond, Va., discussed the question "What legislation is needed in resjwet to the currency." VIRGINIA KKPLHMCANS JIKET. The grand jury has returned a true bill for murder against J. A. TJand and Bird Shepherd, who are charged with having caused the wreck at Bostiaa's bridge, near SUtss rills, Auf. 27, 1831. Twenty-two persons were killed in that wreck and the bill of indictment charges Hand and Shepherd with the murder of Hugh K. Leinster, of SUtesrrilla. one of the victims of the wreck. Both are white men. and both are now serving terms in the penitentiary. Hand was sent to the penitentiary from Itevloll it 1813 lor burglary, we andersiand), and Sepberd was sent p for maaalanghter from Alexander county in the same year or soon thereafter. We haven't learned when their terms expire, but whenever they are discharged from the peniten tiary they will be brought to Iredell to be tried for the offense with which they are charged. It will be recalled that the railroad company always maintained that the horrible disaster at Bostiaa's bridge was due to the work of train wreckers, and had one or more persons arrested for having, caused the wreck. They were never able to make out a ease, however, and the general publle never accepted their theory of the wreck. We do not know the nature of the evidence against Head and bbepherd and conse quently are unable to give an opinion of it, but it was of sufficient importance to cause the grsnd jury to find a bill, and this in itself makes the case one of importance. Statesville Landmark. IN n Mothers Friend Allays re lieves the .Headache, ...Cramps and Hau sea, and so :pre--pares the Chill-Birth is made 7, --i .tie time of recovery rtenei-raany . say " stronger tLa before confinemeat,''-. & lEsures safety to life Of bbth er 5-1 child. All who have "Mother's Friend" say they ?5 7r be without it again; P ether remedy robs confine-, sucf:itipain,. ' system A WTBK TO AXiASKA. The Canadian government has sub mitted formal propoeals to this govern ment to establish' communication with the Klondyke region in Alaska by the construction of a telegraph line from the head of winter navigation on the Lynn canaV'into the center of the Klon dyke district. The proposals have been taken. under advisement They have been approved by the British secretary of state for foreign affairs and were for warded by the Governor-General , of Canada through the British embassy to the State Department and referred to the Interior Departments - The papers are locke up pending consideration. . VANDERBILT-APPEALS' that 4 ,h ?P.rvi'!'',s'twifen8cd 'Mother's Friend, toi, , ' Mrt'to KO through the ordeal ?r'J t lJ re wpre ftut fooriottles to be &Dwtu'an'! -f3 wss100i00per bottle, he W!iaretk-,m' GEO.LATTOK,SsTton,Ohto. ""to T.4-. Sf price, fi.oo PER BOTTLE. Book. M iTHRRS" mailed fre. containing r.u Yuiunury testimonial. "iI.rsi. THtBRA0FELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTS. ttA. SDkQ BY ALL ORUUOeiSTS. ' : r 1 1 i iii Our i8q7 Wheels are stronger fiandoonier easier running than ever before the prices are right In the Matter of the Verdictin the Ilttntt Damage Suit. -Mr. J.; E. Huntt, who recently got a; verdict in? the United States court "inr Asheville, N. C for $8,500 damages in his suit against George W. Yanderbilt and . Charles MoManee, the 'damages. consisting of in juries. .to hjsfegbya rock "from a blast i ailing " upon' it has been served---vwikh- trotice 1 a Al A A Vi Of appeal upon me par ui iu i defendants. The hesringvwill come up'before the United States . court of appeals at Richmond, Ya., Ton the first Tuesday in November. - Judges Goff, Simonton and Brawley will be judges upon the bench at' thlat time. Mr. Huntt's attorneys are very confident of a dismissal oi vue (3. C. ) State. I , . White Men to Be Hanged. Bud Brooks and Grady Reynolde,- convicted at Jeffersonville, Ga., of the -murder of Merchant M. C Hunt, have been sentenced to be hanged Friday, Sept. 24. V Death of Dr. Kollock. , ' A special to the NeWB Courier from Cheraw, S. ,0., announces -the death of Dr. Cornelius Kollock, one of the most eminent physicians of the RtatAund an authority on abdominal surgery, iHe was born in Cheraw in 1824; graduated at Brown University, und in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and studied in Paris under Velpeau and others. He mar ried Miss Mary Henrietta Shaw, of Boston. , . : . ;' Silver Mine Shuts Down. ToV,r QnrinffS. CoL. AnK. .18.-AS,a AU About tbe North. I Senator Jouas. of Arkansas, is to taka part in the OEifo campaign. - ConKreaaman " -Ashlev B. - Wrieht dropped dead at his home at North Adams, Mass. -- The Illinois Republican Club, of Washington, disgusted with Mckin ley's patronage policy, will disband. , One hundred candidates for naval cadetship will report for examination at Annapolis on September 1; , - At Pal arm rfe , in a race riot,' three menwere kiisIt one ! fatally wounded and two others badly injured. ... Hon. W. J. Bryan will speak to the Marion county (IJHnois) old settlers at the reunion to , be heldSeptember ti At Eagle Rif er Wi ,lfir destroyed the Gerry Lumber Company's yard. with 10,000,000 feet of lumber. -Xiss, $100,000; some insnxance. - " p At Cedar Rapids, la. , the Republican State convention nominated for Gov ernor -Hon. L. M. Shaw, of Crawford county. ;- At Baltimore, Peter Monahan, 74 years old, was hanged for the murder of his wife. The crime was committed oirMay 25th,. 1897. ; i The boiler of a saw mill opposite Mound City, III., in Kentucky, explod ed, killing the owner, Capt. Hawkins, of Kewsnee, 111. , and slightly injuring 15 persons.t. . - j . The National-convention of the Y. C. P, U. opened on the night of the 18th at Indianapolis, mo., wiin4,uw people itl-artendance. The principal address . j - - j t 1 1 c. iriii Tit i .was aeirverea uy xjvaugeixtn .'i. o. n u liams. of Atlanta, Ga., on "The Bible, the-Word of God." ; . At Pittsburg, Pa., James Elbert ar rested as a suspicious character and supposed to be an anarchist, created freat excitement at No. 3 police station ouse by slashing- five policemen with arazor. ! Solicitor Leary, of the First judicial district, informs' the Governor that it is impossible to procure sworn evidence upon which to substantiate the charges made against the Lynchites or sanctified band now holding meetings in the Esster n counties. ' Heseysheis power less until he is furnished with sufficient evidence to convict. It will be remem bered that the Governor received some days sgo information that this band was doing various lawless acts in rjetern Carolina, such as Iivintr in sdultry, breaking marriage ties and causing infanticide. 'Reports as to mines are coming in daily to the labor bureau in Raleigh. The output of the Corundum Hill Mine, in Macon, is given ss fifty tons yearly, worth $140 a ton,' and the mine is val ued at $5,000. The Portis Gold Mine, in Franklin, is reported to yield $10, 000 a year, and is valued at $150,000. The North Carolina members of the Grsnd Army of th Republic want this State made a separate district It is now with Virginia, and the commander, whose name is StebMns, is heartily disliked by a lot of them. He is out in a circular bezging them not to ask for the change. Charlotte Observer. - W. K. Craigbill. professor of me chanics at the Agricultural and Me chanical college, resirrns to take a bet ter position in a Northern college. J. M. Johnson, of West Vircinia, who was elected assistant professor of agri culture declines to accept. Chairman Lamb Downed, Hut Will Call Another Sleetlasr. At Lynchburg, Ye., on the l?th, the Republican State committee met with all thirty, members present or repre sented by proxy. Col. I.ainb, the chair man, did not attend the meeting, he claiming that it was illegal. vCharirs against hint were made and the commit .tee voted 27 1-5 to 2 4 5 to depose CoL Lamb as chairman. .. 1 he address to the Republican voters of the State is a document of some l.SOO words, devoted largely to a denuncia tion of the Parker election law and the ructhoda of conducting electt&is under it. 1 1 savs that fact aad figure are in the hands of the committee demon strating that (in the election of last fall) the ballots fraudulently destroyed after they l ad lieeu cat "exceeded by thousands the majoity returned fur the Democrat io electoral ticket" Park A grew was elected chairman to succeed CoL Latub. i'ol. Lamb has the following to say ou tbo action of the committee: "i coniider the action of the State committee as illegal. It was called by four members of tbe executive commit tee st an informal meeting held in Washington without notifying the fifth member and chairman, myself, which is not in accordance with the, plan of organization. . "After consulting with leaders of the flullican party in the Mate. I will call a convention, which will not ba bitor than tho middle of September, re- tfni-oiess oi lue action of the commit tee." - ' H03III yoit KAIKK. The negro, Dock Blount, who com committed rape upon Miss Jane Stepp, in Greene county, in January, was tried at Snow Hill court last week and found guilty.. Two colored men were on the jury that convicted him. , The following are awarded Peabodv scholarships from North Carolina: W. M. Stancell, of Jackson; J. V. bunms, of Dilisboro; Miss Blanche Dupuy, of Dsvidson, and . Miss Emma Conn, of Raleigh. 1 -3 .X Astern ivhefl works CHICAGO NBHf TOHtC Agiof s Misfit Bllscellaneons. David G. Swain, U. S. A., retired iudee advocate general, died in Wash ington, aged 63, of Bright' s disease, j " The death of Sir Isaac Holden, the inventor of the lucifer- match, is an nounced from England. j Steel girders have been, put in the White House to support the office seek ers who crowd about the President's of fice door. , All fla-s used in the United States navy are made by women at the Brook lyn navy "yard. In the great sewing room from 20 to 30 women are assem bled daily to work on the flags. The total bank clearings in the United States for the week ending Aug. 13th were $1,153,070,835; per cent in crease, 83.9. Exclnsiveof New York, $435,907,307; per cent increase 17.5. A committee of the National Associa tion of . Credit Men will devise a standard form of statement which shall so bind any applicant for credit that u found untrue any State court will hold him for fraud. ; " : ; A special to tbe Raleigh (N. C) News and Observer tells of another case of rape in this State, This time it is a u iv. i silver the La- I wnue man, xieurjr w-". result of the decline m silver, me um- i respectable young woman. Miss artine mine has discharged its iow.I-, jjodges, niece of the present of men working on suver iga ' J1- The reports on shipments of apples from twenty mountain counties are coming in to the labor bureau at Ral eigh. Caldwell county reports that it will ship 10,000 barrels. A delegstion of ladies called on the Governor last week to ask him to par don Avery Butler, who, in Sampson county, when only 14-years-old, siuated his f ether. - J. J. Martindale, an ex-postmaster in Durham county, is in trouble and has giyen $500 bond to appear before the Federal Court to answer the charge of reusing postage stamps. Capt C. 8. L. A.Tayor, of Char lotte, has been msde chief marshal of tbe colored State Fair. v-nji CVv.ft' T;ftmkrtine has been one of theTieaviftt wr in the State. TheconipanyM wiUnow work the gold lodes n.the mine. The owners of the sUver jnmes tvannnflt end of Ciear Creek county wUl also discontinue the work tfi rtr properties, and m the luraro gir i attention to gold-bearing lodes. TJnited-:tates Senator, - Win,1 M. tewM.9f.evsIa,' telegraphs the At lanta" a.) CohMit-ltibn, branding the tatemfeht ' attributed to him inthe newspaper dispatches that . he had ad 'ised his friends in' the West to drop the silver issue on the ground of return of prosperity or on any other ground, as absolutely and unqualifiedly false. The S-cretary of State allows the Crawford Gold Mining Company, of Stanley, to change its name to the "United Gold Fields Corporation." . Carthage's new hotel, thirty-five rooms, to cost- $10,000, will be open Novemberlst. Mr. Shaw, ef Louis ville, Ky., is the owner. One hundred and thirty convicts are mow working on the nine miles of the Carthage railroad extension. Track laying begins September 1st .Surry is the only county in North Carolina that carried two of its town ships Ararat and Granite for the school tax. It, therefore, claims J. S. Can's $500. The sale of the Cumnock coal mine, at first set for September Cth, is post poned until early in October. JohnC. Dancy, the colored orator, goes to Ohio in October to make cam paign speeches. It is estimated that in all three thous and persons attended the. Chautauqua at Red Springs. An Attempt to Assassinate tbe Preet deet of France. Paris, Aug. 19-(By cable) The de parture of 'President Faure. of France, on a visit to the Czar of all the Rnasiaa, at St Petersburg, on the l"th, was marked by a scene of the greatest ex citement, accom-ianied by the' circula tion of the wildest kind of rumors. After his departure a bomb exploded along tho route tho president had fol lowed to the station. Although no damage was done, the most intense excitement prevails. It is rumored that the explosion of the bomb was an attempt to assassinate 1 resident Faure, the explosion having been ten minutes later than was inten ded. The bomb was cylindrical in form, tho covering being of yellow paper, and was tilled with gun powder mixed with long-head nails. Experts upon exami nation of the infernal machine say the bomb was a comparatively harmless af fair. An official investigation is in prog ress. After the assassination of Canovas del Castillo by the anarchist Colli a few days sgo one of tbe anarchists stated that President Faure would be the next victim. A dispatch from Paris ssvs a man named l'erisr was arrested on the train on which President Faure arrived from Havre. The prisoner had a loaded re volver in his pocket, and is known to be a dangerous anarchist, who has al ready served a term of two years' im prisonment for baring in his possession an infernal machine. r To Hang for Rape. At Henderson. N. Con the 18th. by a jury, three of whom were negroes, George Brodie, colored, wss, after seven minutes of deliberation, found guilty of rspe upon the person of Miss .Nannie Catlett, white, of Kittrell, and was sentenced to be hanged Sept. 1st next Wheat's High Water Mark. In New York on the 13th the price of September wheat rose to 94, and tbe ra'.es were 16,815.00 bushels. Great I excitement prevailed in the market from tart to finish. .The following resolutions were unan imously and by a rising vote adopted by the State Alliance at HUlsboro: "Whereas, The State Alliance did. before its consummation, most earnest ly protest against the lease of the North Carolina Railroad to the Southern Rail way Company for ninety-nine years, sua whereas tbe preservatioa of oux liberties demands th recognition of tbe sovereignty of theStateeoi this Repub lic, on the part of the Federehjudioery, therefor, be it I "Resolved, first. That we protest against intereferenoe in State affairs on the part of tbe Federal ludictary. "Second, That we .consider the at tempted enioinitg of the Governor of North Carolina from the performance of his official duty as. a high-handed outrage and subversion of liberty. "1 hird. That the thanks of this body are hereby tendered so Governor Rus sell for tbe n6ble stand he has taken on the side of the people in their con test with oorporste power and corrup tion." - . The officer sleeted for the ensuing year by the State Alliance at iU meet ing atHillsboro areas follows: Presi dent, John trrsbam, arrenton, brother of Prof. Alex Graham, of Char lotte; vios-president, W. K. L pchuich, of Wake; business agent T. P. Parker, of Wayne; secretary and treasurer, J. T. U. Hoover, oi uson; chsplsin. Dr. Mercer; lecturer. Dr. Y. N, Slover, ef Moore; executive committe, J. W. Denmark, chairman; M, F. Hileman. Concord; W. B. Fleming, Warren county; Dr. J. B, Alexander, Charlotte, and it J. Oldham, of Orange. There were fifty-five counties represented, and 100 or more officers and delegates present-the 1 arrest attendance, it is claimed, since ISJl. It was decided to. operate the tannery and shoe factory as soon as expert superintendents can be secured. The Fanners' Alliance set apart $4,000 to meet the operating ex penses of its tannery and shoe factory. A Davie county farmer, named D. B. Boger, dropped dead at his home Isst week. An investigation proves that he had either taken, or had been given strychnine. His stomach was carried to Raleigh by a physician for analysis. Domestic trouble is thought to have caused the rash act. Boger attempted to hang himself a few years ago. He had the rope around his neck, and wa swinging, when his fsther came op and cut him down just in time to save his life. - i ... -i" .. ' Congress I'rged to Appolat a Cwrresv ' ry ComsaLtlo Itrowa President for Worth CaroUaa At Detroit, Mich., oa the lrth, the twenty-third annual convention ef the American Bankers' Association came to an end at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Ac cord ing toprscedest. First Vice-President Joseph C Ileodrix. of New York, received a large majority of the votes cast for first vice-preatdeat, although the nominating committee had recom mended F. A. 'Tracy, of Illinois, for the honor; Joseph. C Hendrix, of New York city, was elected president of the esso ciaiion without a disseeUng vote. . The members of the exeonUve oom mittee elected are? J. U. Cannon. New York; P. Hunt ington, Ohio; R. J. Lowrva, Georgia; J. it. rindisy, renatylveaie; 4. U. Sands, W st irginia. The list of members of the executive eonned named by the dslegstee of the vanons eaaociaUoea are; F. U. Bige low. Wisconsin;" J. p. Branch, ir ginia; D. W. G arret t, Missouri; A. W. t'ampbelL . Mississippi; J. Q. Uuater, Minnesota. i Joseph U. Brown, of Raleigh, was chosen vice-pre i lent of the American Bankers Association for North Caro lina. ' Brown's speech wss moch ooo pitmen ted. f A resolution was adopted by the con vention nrgifig Congress promptly to provide for a competent, non -partisan currency commission, to the end that sound financial legislation ma.y be speedily secured. rhe executive council re-elected Sec retary James 1L Branch to serve an other year. At the same time the coun cil voted to raise the secretary's salary to $5,000 a year, this move being made to retain Mr. Branch, who had received an inviting offer from a metropolitan bank. Walker 11 ill. of St Louis, wss elected treasurer to succeed William IL Porter, of New York. Aivah Tiow brklgs, of the latter city, was re-elected chairman oi the executive council, i Regret of the death of the late Win. P. St John, of New York city, was ex pressed is a resolution. After which IC II. Pnllen. of New Yotk, presented the retiring president with a handsome gsvsl. the installation of officers took place and tbe convention adjourned, sine die. m POWDER ' Absolutely Pure. Cl-Ltc4 fcr ile great IneverJeg strength en. bealUfsljeaa. Asaeres the food sglst slum and all for ass of anlterstioB eoieeaoa to the cheap brands. Royal Bahiaf Powder Co. New York. 'rr AFRAID OF NOTHING. POri'USTS 13 IOWA. Peffer Makes Sk-Ppeecta, Says There I Is to Lie No Democratic All tear. , The Iowa middle-of-the-road Popa lists held a convention on the ISth st Dee Moines' and the follow is g State ticket wss nominated: - Governor, Charles A.' Lloyd, Muscatine county; Lieutenant Governor, D. L. Perkins, Lyons; Jndge Supreme Court, J. A. Loneburg. W spoIlo;tupenatndent of Instruction, Wm. Biala. Marion; Bad road Comnsissioner, L. 11. Griffith, ieo. i The platform adopted reaffirms the St Louis sad Omaha platforms; de clares for direct legislation; for a suffi cient amount of soand aad flexible money; for the issuance of money to State, county, township and municipal governments, the principal to be paid beck to the government at 2 per cent per aannm without interest; the said money to be a foil legal tender; the Temple amendment is endorsed; the reduction of freight, passenger and ex press raise, of salaries of public officers is demanded, and the deduction of mortgage indsbtedness from assessed valuations is urged. A protest signed by J. Belangee, chairman cf the Populists who have combined with the Democrsls for free silver, wss sent to the convention to day, but was denied consideration. The protest called a pen all Populists to join with the free silver Democrats this year in an effort to advance one of the theories of the Populists. The feature of the convention was the address of ex-Senstor Psffer, de claring himself a middle-vf-the-rvader, and saying that there is no more Dem ocratic alliance. . . " , Me-steee WII4 Her. e PeceerTt Base -frees Nethlaa l's4er Ue Sea, Tbe moat ridues sod frurVes of tbe -brute crretloa Is tbe pwary or wild bg f Mexico. This animal mnu v ' trriy devoid of the emotion of fenr. I have never seen It turn a hair's breadth out of Its path foe any living thine any a writer. Msn Is Its pval bete col re. It dUptajs anlarrUlrrnce In fighting tbe botuaa strnagrfy at vari ance with Its apparently ntnptrte lack of any mental attributes, aave tit very lowest order of lasMuct. They are rare ly found slnxly. bat go In drove of from a hundred to taoossa.l. Their ability to event men Is particularly marked. I hare known a drove of them to scent a ma a a mUe off aad strike as straight for him as the arrow file. There is no us to try to frighten them with gun. Tbe canoooad'ifig of a full battwy would bare no more ef fect oa them than tbe popptog of a fire cracker, i Th only thing to do when they get after you U to run away from them ss fast as s horse can carry yoo. And then there Is no certainty that they won't catch yoo. Tbey are nearly as swift as a horse, and tbetr en durance Is as great a their vtctoo- nes. t A friend of mfn encountered a drove of them In a wild part of Mexico a few' year ago. and bis recap wss miracu lous. He very foolishly shot aad wounded a number of them. Tbea be took refuge la a tree. Tbe peccaries kept him In the tree all that day and through tbe nigh. They circled a round th tree, grunting and avroealtng tbetr delight at the prwpect of a feast Ue soon exhausted bis ammunition, and brought dowa a peccary at each fire. But this had do terror for the beasts. Along toward rnorntng the brutes be gan to eat the one be bad killed, and when they tho satisfied th craving . of their stomacb they formed la Un and trotted off. If they bad not tad soto of tbetr own number to devoar. they would hare guarded that tn un til my friend, t brooch eheer ex tans-. I Kin. dropped from bis perch and al lowed them to make a meal of him. Tbe wild cat and tigers that Infest th Mexican wild, flee from tbe peccaries with insrlncUv fear, and even rattle snake keep oat of tbrtr path. r.d A man la Buffalo w bo had lut a por tion of tbe ebbiUoe had It replaced with a sortkto of a sheps booe flrv Inches long. After examining lb re sult under tbe X rsy the sarjrnna re port that tbe sheep's Uioe Is kaSrtlo and widening raptdty. and that a com pies anion Is swomL Tbe eitent tc which subetXnUoa may he carried it aa tsasfjcfnc snMet- A.UACE KIOT IX TEXAS. X egroe aad Whites Arrayed Against , Kach Other at Leonard, Texas. EarlMsadowa, a young whit man. ras killed by a negro under peculiar circumstances at Leonard, Texas, a few dsys ago. The whites held a meeting and warned all the negroes to tear. The State Fair "It drtober is to be msde a big success. Tnis is a lucky year. There will be a fin exhibit and large attendance for the people are all in the right humor to go to fairs and such gatherings. The Cap Fear and Yadkin Yalley Railway pays Firemen John MoCuls ton $3,500 as compromis for injuries received in a remarkable manner. ' He was under an engine cleaning out a fire box when another engine atruok his and he was dragged over bot coals, ile sued under the new fellow-servant act for $3,000. Dr. C. S. Blackburn, of this State. has been appointed Secretary of the Young People's Baptist Union of the South, vice Rev.'J. I). Derdan, re signed, to accept a call to the First Baptist church at Savannah. Dr. Blackburn will assume bis duties at once, with head quarters at Birming ham, Ala. i The total amount of real estat and personal property for taxation in Salis bury for the year, 1W, as given by List-Taker J. P. MoCubbins, who has just com pis ted the list, is on and a half million dollars. The Inter-Stste roultry." Pigeon and Pet ntocx Association Las been organ ized at Asheville, with O. F. Weston, of Biltmore, as president, A poultry and pet stock show will be held there December 14-18. O. W. BinihawV'of Winston, vie- presidsnt of the Stone Mountain Rail road, chartered by the last Legislature, has secured 800 convicts to grade it One hundred of them go to work in Oc tober. Prof. Lad wig. oi'tb faculty of tbe North Carolina College, at Alt I'll Tutfs Pills Cure All . Liver Ills Twenty Years Proof. All left but no, and he was severely TuttS UvcrPIIlskecpthe bow w hipped by a whit man. It appears . . , . that th neproee had not rone very far. dsm natural motion and deailSO ana me wiupp ng injur is lea t&em to systcm Ol all impUntiCS ATI such an extent that they procured armi . J , and are now said to be marching upon absolute CUTC lOf SJCkheadaCXie tbe town.. Two wagon loads of negroes . . , t Isft Clinton on th afternoon cf the dyspepsia, BOUT StOTTiarn, COO- i via, en route tor ieonara ana squads bave left Ledonie and Boabea to loin the Clinton party. The night watch of the town has been double, arms have been gathered aad ammunition cen tered at necessary points to defend the town. TESTI5Q TOE MORTARS. A Dank Bobbed. Three young men, believed to be members of the Collier geng, robbed the bsnk of Pineville, Ark., of cur rency ssid to amount to about $W0. They forced the cashier to surrender the money at the point of a revolver and escaped. - Murdered by Moonshiners. J. Newlin, a revenue informer.wbohad been arrested for breaking into a spring huuie, was taken from the omcers la Hunneybog. srsnklia oounty. e. mid shot to death. The mob was, it is I supposed, composed of moonshiners. ant, is to write the history of th gal last Eighth Regiment Dr. C S. Blackburn, of this Slate, has been appointed Secretary of the Young Peoples Bsptist Lnion of th South, vie Rev. J. I). Derdan, re signed, to accept a call to the First Bsptist church at Savannah. Dr. Blackburn will assume his do lies at once, with headquarters at xiirming ham, Ala. Th total amount of real estate and personal property for taxation in Salis bury for the year, 1837, as given by List Tsksr J. F. MoCubbins, who has .aV a. a. a a - a ; lust computed uie nsv, is on ana a half million dollars. I The Coast Defease oa BaUlvaa'e Is land Re lag Made Impregnable. One of th mortar batteries La the new fort being erected on Sullivan's Island, near Charleston, S. C. was tested on ths 19th with satisfactory rem! la. Each of the four mortars war fired one and then they were fired together. The firing was mainly for the purpose of testing th foundation apon which th battery rests. The target wss sta tioned on Morris Island beach, four and one-halt mile distant Itwaasemi efScially stated that th test was satis factory to ths officers in charge. T Marry Schlatter. It is positively announced that Mrs. Margaret Femis, widow of the builder ef the fsmous wheel that was the wonder of the World's Fair at Chicago. is to be married in Pittsburg. Pa, to Francis Hchletter. the so-called "di vine healer,' of Canton. Watches Advance ta Price. Tbe Elgin Watch Company, of Elgin. III., bave advanced th price of their watch movements 10 per cent. On the better grades and the cheaper grade hsrs been sdrsncd from SO to 73 cents stipatlon and kindred dlvrarv "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith, Chfletburg, Va, write I doa't know how 1 could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills A'aUoeal Hoards of Health. Th national roalsrwao of th Seat boards oi health in ashvill. Tsnn.. in. v. Lk Men array discussed the question submitted by th board of health of South Carolina, respecting the piscing oi jaws ana prisons under di rect supervisions of State boards of health. The following officers were elected: Dr. Benjamin Le. of Pena sylvan i. president; Dr. Hurty, of In diaae, secretary; Dr. Pslletiers, of Quebec, treasurer. A motion reeota- mendmg Detroit to the executive coi mil tee aa the nezt place of meeting was carried, and the convention adjourned sine oi. .-.. Only One Standard . You and' we may AiHcr ax to cooorr rtxndxrdi and oux cx our Terr tJillcrcnce rood tcuj come. But we won't differ as to the merrts of one xtsnard cmuUlon of cooS-Irrer cSL SCOTTS EMULSION La won aoi heli Its way for nearly 25 rears In the world" of nvrttf Inr until to-day ft b al most as much the stAAdxri ta all CAies of. luoj trouble, axxi every cooiitioo of wsstzof whether la chili or aXuIt i quinine b la mAlarUl frrcrs. Dufer oa tbe mooey quo- tJoa If you wLH, tut whea ft comes to question of health perhaps of life ani dUath, ret thetikftiirJ. Yerars2Mt3s5l Two sUsa, Sj cts sad $1X0 SCOTT a aowwt, tre . t . t 1 1 , 1 4 ' , 4 ,1 I

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