- .V . f A I K ' BE SURE YOXT AKb RIGHT -. THEN GO'aHEAD.-D Crockett VOL 76. NO: 3. 7 t0 A V10UN.ST. , ofcNATOR S.COW, tl "When ' 1 1 MS " Perhaps you have ha prippoor a bird cold, Toa w7 Tfccorettefc frwnl mtlsjta'er Vslow fever; or poMiblf seme of the chU . drea -afe just . getting over the nettles of whooping KOUgh. :.' . Are yom recovering m f net " you should? Has net. your old trouble left year blood full ef rrapurtdes P And Isn't tills1 the - reason you keep so poorly? Don't aeisy recovery longer-Out TARBOROy.N. C, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29. 1898. r U A' nUo bvown fl.ldlir k A r4 bh the riddle i11 mmhe ,he sow :i thane four mrm striaaa Tml,n stngsT For aa tha wood' aonndleas And eeneeloe. atMi enio, -For yo there's a - ninllnaa " Komaaor uttly told Br tee how to th atringa Wfcen your vlolij xlug. ' K ? JW hJM piteoMA d Mptarod It ekoea th' eDruptorod WiW tiiehUnipile'B hymn. ; Birk to fortt mvght atriaca acs juur vtuua: CENTS OF ALUMINIUM. i .1 It vtll ressore all Impari ties from yoar blood, it is also s tesk of Immense value. Cite nature s little help st this time. Aid her. tiy reoMTtng all ttte prodaets of 4isease fiossvor bloods 4 " II yor bowels are not juat right, Ayer's Pills vill make them so Send for esT book on Xlt in CowM. tMteS Dm tf Thla (7m of tk i - In .tbo- short "period that will jeiapa ooioro ooogreas ooDTeQee egaia.in Do- comber series of lnteretrna expert - 1 4nents in coinage will be conducted at l-ho mink in this city. 'Metals end alloya -! -breiofore nDtried for the paiDoea will bo tested end stamped into token coins. Tfceis availability as snbstitates for the Hoys of which the minor coins nickels and enta are now made will be aaoer sained and samplea aoboiitted to oon Teas. Of all the countless posnible alloy a to btf obtained from cocoer.' tin. nickel and f sitimlnium in ' Mflrefcr 1 eonrbinations fethaps 15 or BOsaylfoend faiily SBtfcfaotory. It is posslMe that ooe or two 'of these may adTantageooaly be broof hi into use for general coinagu. jNo fan It has been found with the pres ent 1 cent and 5 cent pieces. The ex--yeriments are merely ordered to keep in touch with the thnes and to gain a knowledge of resonrcea. The Philadel phia mint, while having no regular ex perimental department, is well (quipped to make the tests. ' Alnmininm, which has never rot found a plane in the currency of any nt- sion. ia to be worked bp into trial co'r.n. ylt?lraisp to be piven a ruauce in h-w alloys. 'Alnmininm is a metal cf which ; but little baa been known until recrut lyinlHt ' hm ieei fednd'usefal in no ' y ' Hfc Wif bjkI Cftta sw Ceta4 It Afterwatnl. in certain leBtelaMve rn' ceding ttwaCpropceed to make an t proprlation in a aeries of expenditure vim nercr cone to an end, the IIta. Philetna Sawyer, then a" United &tie senator from Wwconsi-a, said that th ease reminded him of a ccrwilmfl Duoe had on his farm, lie told the tor tints: "Once, when w were liT;ii on. ' OctaaUiS Boalacw.' I xjn app miea two mootbf," sighed u rarai jnsiica, "an not a caso come Vfoso me yiti" - "Tbar's a easo o liquor aometwdy sent yoo," raid the bailiff. "ShOTer : ."Thar If acta. Tbs Jotce waa tilert Tor full thta, snnwrtes "Finally he tonsed himself aha said to the bailiff: 'John. yoo. tocklo it fust an get bUia dmnk, an then come beforo me an lem nae flno yoo f lOfer contempt" Atlan ta Constitution. - Va tb erovBiSg ara at tamautthkak:taU Uaan And. though to coal ba tar. la asay W iw vut pruaa on wliUo Taoawt la wail ia b.id4 tkat'a wall honor Est wOnd deep tjroash to a aad Or tupjUnc efaia aT anatiS. mod a Ukaf 1 W0.1 mt jnck-l of bltWr frmiS thdr taitvt H :t tbm dm oiMk-t dlk OVeida th batik-. V r trn ind urum U tka atublnra atrUa Aa l in Ikadrtmdtul icluuia aad raaraa4 ratu fail Buisr a MuUjr krar aa4 fl)aaitf Rlcat thoaOJ ara fall If wUk ta fi naiail fail .. . -T r.. W a if l.-iua tSn la lb rt-ar arvv. ii f rrni t. r tui nikkva t(wl i.p alUn2 hM t to fcuivo aad faii Ikau tsU In atrtv r PRICE FIVE CKMS Wa kav tka axeliuWe ei rlaaa at nail f tha BMatanuaaa rhml- I tka TJaMsd StmtM. Write aa tnal ia a araaip rapiy. DB. I. r. ATTR, 9 . Fiaam a Havy Xioad. ii IwaU.Maaa. f I at thatl" exclaimed many wys. that's popaUr idea prevails that it would be good for coins. CliiH ameag its advantages would be lis very lightweight Cents made of it could readily be distinguished from coin of She name siae by this remarkable lilik seas alone. Dr.-IX K Tuttle. the chief refiner nt tbs mint, who knows all about prop erties of metals, is somewhat skeptical. however, as to whether aluminium will some out of the proposed ft eta with fly ing colors. It is extremely difficult t anneal, and when bcati d will ceddenh VJurt look irs. "Wallace. ii S a. A a St Ji WV-tl ' Al wun 1 "s"1 . ran like butter instead f beeoraing pla BSj -om ,. tie.' There would be trouble In rolliitjr cigar for 10 cents.' We woman may ic into the long strips from which disiu fre-eaaily decei red iff largaia advBT- . sredt preparatory' to 'stampiug. Of tkaements. bat bTirDablo Ha "lika eooMS it can be" worked. bt not with And shA waa aa kamrr ovwr it fhaS practicable for coining on a largo acale. ov uuu iur ia"-Jw uy t as difflonlt tohameasBlnniininm. ixio uuousano. muniiau aoiquirer. tbongh for a different reaaon. guct 1 . - . - . . great beat is neceawury to bring it into neaa snoiaa. 4 ooodition for coining tout thft ojwraticc "waogsoB aeems to enjoy meettag - is stow and expensive, while pore u ick new Deople." ' ." . " si eoins might' Satigfactorily to muds "Of course. It keeps him from ' in tbs mint of Switzerland, it iTccs not MwatHno V.U nM 4r.Va J' TWrnH follow that the same would bo true at PreoPreaa. aba Philadelphia mint, which is called apoa to torn oat SO times as many Tbe deprtoent of ugricultor. ZSZZ-2fZ5!!?Z?'2 w i asa sja asakaavw faaav vvo vs. aw v uia; f s tm Kaia not. Slrlvaoa aalaat la turima -;. t -lHrMalttb4 a -Mrk vVt It I Ut.xa nor BMiWtk maj nrjlBf. Tiw cufrnu lira krjucMi ; tka vau'a to rWv. A tbiac r ortk ia rr worth Um wlahiaa. Tial whU.b ta rtutiij fiuvd la tmally loat. rbW too ray which kuralda day 'a beVaalaa. flat (reat Uaht era aTealn aatoa fee croaMvd. Ca'orard. uptrard. tha tow'riaa baLzkt Tha prptt widaaa aa wa klgW go; Tko hoa of baavaa ara wlia tha aaUa blooding. TklWa wrayt la darksaaa Uaa' tk warW ka low. PERSONALITIES. warehouse Isra. Seott, wif s ef the sheriff of an. kara eoaoSr. . X. Is heeealf a aptr saertC A BUCK SHOT. , Kew York Evening Journal Oaa at a Time. Some timo ago Opie Read, the novel tat, and Charlea Eugene Banks, tbe poet, were billed to givs an entertainment In a little town in Texa. The opera boose every frontier hamlet haa an opera honae, even if it never hna an opera waa crowded. It waa a ground Coor hall, with a couplo of galleriea, snd in tbe rear of tho atago waa a at able, aeparated from it by a thin board parti tion. Opie told a fuuu v xcry which put the audience into a happy frame of mind, and then Banks took tbe stage and be gan to recite one of his charming bits of sentimental verse. Tbe sudience became very quiet, and there was a RuFpicioua moisture in many eyes, when anddenly. fond and clear from tbe' stable behind the stsge came tbe "haw-o-hnw, e-haw" of Jackass. The pect, atari led into forritiug bit bub to ceaee. Before be could proceed a small voice in the gallery riccd out "One at time, plenwi" In tbe roar which followed thi rally Mr. Banks re treated, and it 4cok an bourtoeettlo his serves asfflcieutly to fare that crowd again. Chicago Timea-Herald. the time to work mm tlutm ere of wheat in Alabama to 90 5 cent coin uovr iu nae contains eents, ana fxom this amount the fig." 35 per cent of nickel, the remain uredizaialshes in other states to 2C oento taXowav B-usei-pTodocwj eight buahels'of wheat tr fhtf acre and might pro ' dnoe twiee-er three times tbAt quan tity if the cultivation were as oare fol and systematic as' in Grermairy or France. A Bid. BRASS BAND. Ykoorffct WaaUtltmrCMht Comedian William H7 CraBe"ys that the greatest brass band that this country ever knew was an organisation, in Ottnmwa, Ia., many yeari ago. V "I've heard OilmoW and 'Soosa and all tbe rest, ' said Mr.Cranereeent ly, "but their bands couldn't be compared with that prairie aggregation for a mo ment . "In mr theatrical salad days-whsa I was much younger than I am bow I was trying to pilot a company of Thee, plan bright lights throughcat the west- : ern provinces. Busineaa waa bad,- and our treasury was low. At Ottnmwa the theater orchestra had some sort -of a grievance against the management and demanded pay in advance? The theater refused, and our organisation was not financially ina position to diacoinf tsi future for a glntfle moment So i Started u HVU U dv. V v mmm " K W . T ble, to tide us over: -.-l anally rofceedefl in getting the Ostnmwr Brass band te agree to play three selections in front o . the theater before tbe performance in return for free admission; to the abow. "Tbe band showed op on time, car riedcrat its part of the contract and went into the theater. I was on toe door ' that night, and by and by 1 was atinok ' - by the fact that tbe Ottnmwa brass band fug 75 per cent being of copper. ' Nickel, more than any other metal, has tb psoperry of giving its color to an alloy. Even an alloy of 90 per cent copper and 10 per cent of' nickel will be pearly white. The advantage of using a great er proportion of nickel in the 5 cent piece ia therefore not apparent espe cially as more than ' S3 per cent of it makes the alloy refractory. Tbs experiment! at the mint will fa-1 1 el nde different combinations of 'nlckeL Its Itaaabaas . . . . i.. 1 1 . copper um uik, i'niui im muvjm lnown under the bead of German silver; ..copper and tiu, which produce bronze; aluminium and copper, which make aln- - trrrninni bronze. German ailver haa been tued for coins by one of tbeamaH Sooth American states and proved fairly adapt ed for tbe purpose.' Aronae is commonly used for coins of small value. It U deabtful if " aluminium bronze in any -form Vill be 'tourxT aeceptable. sS it is " hard to wore and has a yellow brassy ecJJpeafance, resembling gold, which M 'to be avoided in all coins of s.naO ds nomination. Philadelphia Recrad KaSactloca of a KaoSielor. Anyway, ueu don't steal e.tch otbeci natplna at an evening receptioi jlost girls think married 1 pstaal banquet with no dishes to ' When neither one has a good reaaon, a man generally appears shallow by giv ing a poor one, bnt a wotaw always tries to seem deep Ly giving none st alL When a woman is first married, she wonders what takes tho place of mar riage in heaven. After ehe's been mar ried a few years abe isn t particular what it is. New York Press. ;Piiless Pain i ra t t f fn: -ie r - b. nlafd! oa Cain. must be one of tbe most remarkable ma i VHead TJfcH" 'LfJS,1 ciikcr oTki otfcar two child ra than ake did al- sical orflanications in the-country. Ev ery minute or two somebody would togbtr wfck fcer Hat. .... a-. i.i- - k foua-bottiaaof rMokr,a Fnend. wjuib up to ue ooor witu m vw uuau to aa dm capacuns to under his arm. wave it at me ana sail -m Motkerti anallevi. ilanteawitk prertottalv naad nia a cirinj any on into the theater wltnont a wora. . After I had passed in 80 or 60 tnnai . cians in- this way L began to grow 's' -trifle suspicious and. stopped an old granger who was carrying in a big tuba.. . " 'Excuse me, sir,' I remarked, 'bat , do you play in tbe bandr . ' 'Nope,' he answered. V " 'What are yoadoing with that born then?' I asked. ' 1 -; ' 'I'm goia to go in on it if I caia. be replied candidly. Tinaa arritea Hendenoa Dale. Tggist, of Carml I1L. to the Bradfield Hegulatof Company, of Atlanta, Oa.; UK -propie-tots snd inaaufactarers of Mother'i Vrwnit Tkia auccessfal remedy is not one of the many Internal medicines ad wcrtiaed to do nn reason able things, but a scientifically prepared liniment especially effective ia adding strength and elasticity tn tho oafts of woman's orKanism which w th aewereat atrainsof childbirth. -The liniment may be used at any snd .ti tfanM Anritur orefrnancT' no to the . ' . " . JL .1 Ia Wry bour-Of eonanesaeni. ineeafwn vhose is itr.1 inquired. iVWiia. sad the longer nsed, the mors " 'Blamed tf I know. he said. 'A let Ztvritt be ths resSs, built barf beea ler ontalds there gave is-So me and said ; rittriajgtlie Tast month only ' srhh IoouldgetlnwUhlf " asset bsWt and stKcass. "t lot. kw mM.mA tni. kM ' v Mihr shortens lanor and lessens theater Justin time to see one of tbe SSi tand boys drop another btrn -oat .f a window wA k.n. nf -ahfld and chOd, and iearea the saeter Ui a coy outside in tbe alley. . "As nearly as I can eaicalate, tbe Ot luawa brass band that night snaat have had more members. than Giknore or Bouaa ever directed at -one tinie."- Chicago Times-Herald. 4tH noM faawnmkla to SBSsdr reCOVCry, , Mother's Ptiend " is sold by dVnggiatt at tuoo, or sent by express on receipt of price. vaionuiw book ' fbs women, Hefbrs Bshy is Born," seat free oft application. IBS BtA9fi1.9 lECVUT&a CO.. AUaata. as. Btla SaeeaJ BUiaitaaa. 'I've seen yon before somewhere,M grumbled the stranger, banding over bis watch and pocket bock totbelootpad who had got the drop on him. "Let mt l Pidn t yon keep a restaurant at the World's fair in 1893?" "I did." replied the highwayman gruffly. -What of it!" "Nothing," groaned the atranger. "only this is tbe second time you've robbed me." Chicago Tribune. The Dales cf Norfolk has purchased for 15,000 a site for a Roman Catholie College at Oxford. AU Queen Victoria's children have married, and all the unions, except that of the Marchioness of Lorn a. have been blessed with children. " ' The grave of Daniel Boone and his wife is in the old cemetery in Frankfort, Ky. It is marked by a monument which haa been very much defaced by seekers for relics.' - Lord Chief Justice Ruasell tells sn in terviewer that Mrs. Maybrick is snra to bo pardoned sooner ot later. Bo haa al ways held that ahe waa unjustly con demned. . The Bister cf President Kroger, Mrs. filter du'Pleaais, who died recently, left 1)7 descendants, whilo there are now 142 persona who can trace their descent from the president tiiuself. Captain Archibald Douglas who has Jurt been promoted to the rank of rear ad-niral in the British navy, ia a na tive of tho city of Quebec, Tbe family, went there from Brechin, Forfarshize. Mr. and Mrs Cornelius .Yandex hilt, Jr., have decided torpend the winter at Bcurbon 1'Arcbambault Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and some other relatives will join them either before or soon after Christmas. We have ieard a groat deal of Lady isco7-aoiawaaet. wit vrry nxtie z. bac husband. There ia such a person, bow- sver. He lives abroad, chiefly in Italy, au-1 is frequently seen st La BcaJa Uicater in Milan. Nicola Teala telle us that it may be possible to see the face as well as bear tbe voice of . the speaker wbo ia a thou snd miles away. There are difficulties In the path, bat the scientific unagins ties predicts success, and Teala declares that he haa hope. Ex-Congressman Levi T. Griffin, wbo has 5 ast been appointed pension agent at Detroit, is tho professor of law in tho Crivrtsity of Michigan. He waa born ta Oneida couuty, N. Y., on farm which wns conveyed to his father by Ocorge Washington, . Henry Irving carrica with him on his tours his own tea, a fine China variety that comes in silk sacks. He has his own teakettle, and, after ordering t hot water, sugar and rolls, he attends to tbe making of the tea himself. Ellen Terry is very fond of cocoa. Rhode Br'oughton, wbo never writes a novel without dega in it, is tbe very devoted mistress of a battalion of png Her own dog a she has written is to books again and again, and per ha pa o authoress enjoys her profeaeion so ea tirely aa this clever Engliah woman, My house opened oa August 4th and has sold a large quantity of Tobacco at Prices exceedingly pleasing to tho Sellers. Below give a lew or my sales in August: 1 1 Ia -ohmum HMhMOaaoalUU wait tU ta Mn wave. ma4 Ux a. Viun a It r4 low rrnvm a Cumt iwin-it cat naa that SrorwS mt. "-ir It .vaa to aaavw. aiV aett I i i mmA k4 l ua Ahnat lh timo a Uuim JiM - ..... ataaaafty aat aaa thau of CiIATUKAf i4n. w a u te. liMwinyfm4rrMf. kaia ommpwA. aa ruMhcrmd.lrtMirkatracarl(na, Aa4 14 haa) awS id aawaai ay n. tomvatihMaarUMiteMiMti(ti. Z. D. Res peas Drag Co, Atlanta, Ca. S A ;, weawwan, Vaaaara I a nwaitnai taaa aaoawaa) wasM' f aaaae UA I tatg)Tauar' ff M I f et fafwlafonaaf a ft - mJ9 talanamvtaaM, f - TWUOtw, C ' U ACS Hit UM 1 MP UP for Primings sold XL B. Ayeri ona lo4 125 lb, at 8.30. 4'5 IU at 27.50. e6 bis. st 25.00. !0qiUatJ6A)O,78IUl6.75. - .. . - - B. Paonlea one lot 22 lbs. at C75. 40 lbs. at 10.00. ii lbs. at 15.00, 13 lbs. at 20 OA 10 IU st 25 00, 10 Ibt. at 8.50. Taylor A Bobtsson one lot 82 lbs. at 13.50. 12b lbs. at 7-sO. 8 29.00, 24 lbs. at 26.50, 70 lbs. at 15.50.100 lb, at 127$. ISa. at J. 1L Koberson ooe lot 86 lbs. at 19 00. 11G lbs. st 11.50, 80 lbs. at 13.50, 1)0 at ls.7$ 1 a w nw ajajaw ft V G. F. Roberson one lot 88 lbs. at 13.7s, 22 lb- l S0-00 94 lb 12.50, llGst I4.50, 102 lbs. at 12.00 220 lbs. at 14.50. 30 lba. at 40.00, lbs. 14.75, 48 lb, at 12.7s, 83 lbf, st .7s. at 46 Wo? at VntZL ' li. CLEVELAND U 0. e " avs W YA4 j vaww JOIHIW Farmer Frieods, I have orders for Tobacco from all tbe Eoropeaa matkels and I am obliged to have a Urge amount to keep my steam plant at work. Oar buyers are very anxious for all grades and wo not getting enough to fill their orders. We Have Plenty, of Honey and want Tobacco j. ana are billing :tcpay." Good Prices for It; ' Trj JEFF HESS WAREHOUSE with yjer nsxt lot snd yoo wiU be rare to sell the balance of yonr eroo wita me. 1 will expect yoo up etaa. K. 0. JEEFRESS, ....... Propriett r Jetfress VVareboa, Tarbor X. C. I' ... Aa Expert. "My boy's been at college," explain ed the old man, "an now I want ter git bias on a newspaper." 'Can he drawr" asked tho editor. "Draw? I reckon be kin!" exclaimed tbs old man. "Why, he's drawed on nt fer every cent I had." Atlaufa Consti tution. 1 Beqalrca AMUty. Mrs. Brown George,' yoo are a born diplomat Brown What makes yon think so? Mrs. Brown Tbe way you manage to conceal your opinion ot other people's children. Brooklyn Life. ' In tSte Dark. Mrs. . Knight Does .you husband treat yon the aame now as he did whea he was courting your Mrs. Lsigbt Pretty muob. He keeps j me in tbe dark. Yonkers Statesman. - Tan Taara "a Attaaa4 Aaanalt, BaV axs ah, March 18 W. EBenptV a white man and at one time a street ear conductor ia Savin ash, hat beea sentenced to tan years la tha peniten tUry by Judge Falllgant Bennett was found ruilty ef aa aifcsmpted assault -nii the pessoa ef hla aieos, Barbara . Jones, a pretty Balleoh county glri. SO veara old. She tesUnea that he at tempted to criminally aaaaalt her Thuuderbolt last spring. Imposafblo. Barker Dufferly ought to go and oak his head. ... Gruff Humph, he couldn't got any thing on it Truth; . Kxperienea. - r' Krperieooa asked inn, "Havn 70a seen ' TM faireat thina the workl doth yield T" ; "Tha grandaat ai(hta tha earth preacata,'' I said, "to inn have bean revested. - Tha fairest and tba most aabliva Of speotnolas ben oath tho skies -fve seen with wonder many n time In BteUa'a ejaat" '' gxparisnoa naked ma, "Have jroataaaA- Far o'er tbia planet t I replied: 'Are, knvo I farad o'er aJl tha earth. O'er all ita -plains and ootans vide. O'er ail rU bllki and thruoch lta dales I have axplorad In every place Tor all tha world to ma ta jot Bwaat Btelln'a fnoal" 213 5TUDEHTS LAST YEAR. Tbe LfTTwl sVAf 1W awawat 1 heClaa.lca, .mtUca. ki rT T Z. TermirtatooalAu roremaW,- . ' . 7 t'trx' Tj pew eVe -w-- J. Eor!-, ritj A. a M. U. HOLT. Oak Kid-, c. -FOB- M Times. Fop genuine bargains in OO TO IHIOWARD Z, COrwlP'Y. First-Glass Dress U s; Muiis AND.OF.T A Sed ffiJoys' Keady-made 01(1 Pier s Ti But Crippled by RheiiAmatlsm; Those who have Bheomatiana find themselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this is that th remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the. Joints to swell snd stiffen, grodaoiog a severe aohing of the bones. . 8. 8. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst which seemed almost incurable. (DfltllMiiig9 Cant. O.K. Ilnxbes. the popalar vntUweS eoadactor, of Colombia, 8. 1 had aa einrl nee with EhenmnMam wklah eooviaoad Via m. "Bnve you nnaffed 1 fnlreat wlnaa tbe vineyards yield r- Aad 1 replied, "Aye, have X drank Of all the prodaets ot toe sold. And eke tbe nectar of tbe rods. And all tba aweeta tbe dan bee dpe.- yov ell nro yielded lavlnhly By Stella's llnel" - ' ' " tairvoi. . -ICJtJerlalloa naked ma." "Hit you keard . . ' Tbs elnaa ot arms, tbe oanoon'a roaxt" Tba wild alaranj." I repUod. rhat rocks tba land from abore tosbare. "tbs elsmn, tbe rattle and tbe bant - And elaac and sc ana oh that shook the est '. I bear eneh day I I'm married now Teaenaawavi-- 1 -Cllsvaaiai IsTadaBi "lirl 1 that there ia onlv one sure for that painful dia aae. He aays : "1 waa a great snfferer from mna. aalar Rheumatism for two years. 1 could ret no permaneat relief from any medicine pre ml bed by my phyatelan. I look about a dosan bnv tie of your ft. a. 8.. and fj now I am aa wall aa t rarwaslnmy life. lam 1 are that your meotetn t ared me, and I wooid Mnrnnradll lo UTMB sugaring from nay blood eaeaaaa.- Everybody knows that lihsamaUaro Is a disoaaed sUte of the blood, and only a blood remedy Is the only proper treatment, but a remedy eonWolng potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. r w d mm I- ..... a Slib es, Mats and (Reiicral NG-TO-BAG L T M i ' nv aa aaaa a k -s wj aa v w, sav . . - w ta m i t . CUARArsTrrO TOQACCO MA KIT CURED W-e. hMUiMrtM-ixiT Aaaluiiui - . Awawvavaa. Ir4la - Just opened in 0. J. Austins store formcrlj occtiipicd by D. Pender, deceased, Tou can save 25 per cente dealing with us and get any tbinjttou want. Wo kcepinc hast coods in town. Give us a call and convince ourself. StateNormal aad Industri&l Colle! Oflrs tbe yOQB- wotnra of the Slate UoroojW rrofrasAonal Lia m-j, . w.-imw, mMiM , tsaoainaj euaealtoa. Assoal ex. . prafes S9O lo llja Fseatlj cf itirty rxeUrs. Mor e ttn iOO rrfnlerstaJstU. malrx'aUj abcol l.sOO stadscia, rrpve " seatiag every eooxty ia Ike Stale sieepl two. Jrsctice an4 Ob- eerrstiosi School of shoot 200 popOs. To ecr boar J in tSonai. tctier, s!l free toilloti applies! most be maJe Utcn Ao4ua L CormpotKlrc-re iotUsJ frota livosr Je.aia coapetsst trained lsAcher. For catalog aad ot ber ta formation, a J Iran rilESIDIOT MaVEH, Qsxxxiao Tor TXlAAA ThaOlUUU being Iurely Vsretahle, foes direct to the very cauaa of the disease and a per-