.0 ...... 7' Ir"7'-' - 1 1. ? 8TTBE YOtT ABE BIGHT ; TBLUKT "'G-O AHB AJD.-I Crockett i TARBORO', N. C, -THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1898. ICE FiyETCRN-i'S ii 1 1 i 1 1 i . i w 1 1 1 r i in I .ii i lit i micM IstltcUaf. -r - , . But k a coh. Oo col4 no sooner passe ff before mother eats. But . Vn t!j same old covgh alt the time. .am irvJB:aam:aU too. Thera U"4hrst.5tJi col men taa caocu, wen paear : , monia ar toostaptio vita tber long sickness, aad life tremb ling in the balaace. 1 If it vu Mr PERSONALITIES. HORSE TALK. r 1 11 II 1 1 1 I Tl IT .Li VV to 1 L--- " " loosens tha grasp, atrourcoatk. The congestloa ei fte tbraft tnd hinfs iavNiart4; aU to flmmtioa is subdaed ; iba i parts are p porfnalf at rtac ud the coach dropa away. U bis. no oiaoaaca which to nr. Plaster draws out tnasiDBHttoa of ' tita lungs., - ' : mt tint Mra kMl T i "What ia 'womaiv1 part of Spaetb. ".Woman knvf aDart of speeeb, taal ion,' ahe'a tbe whola gpnacti." Tor ' I ."'J .Has ftwMfc ; : ; "Pnahpen ia aroa4r"r. in't "Ym; be -wxitea readily enoach, but the trouble ia he can't think. " Chica Jkcoiti. ;- i s - ' I ' All im . IiAtnla Tutirl O T rodal Bear to ; atf iUk And iwia aaa aoU had etaasAfeavoald ofthwarl IM Ma Mooy UaaMorr of as rrom too flraaaian tba To taa aaaa ml today I Yanltrl Oh. I TK lntrtcato : Tie i Jo I b it ool tba and dutffaa the B aad MUMT I ia ni, black aad blaa i U rte taetsa . for airlaf tbateHbv.' the aa '-. . McUatttadMiUa' Tba yonnf EarL of 8haftebiiry is to ttMty fair Atiatraliaa., an exceedingly MtbT yoxing woman, a Mias Mary Oarke.. .. .-. ; ... , ... A1?ed Money.. tbe xoveroot "w iionanraa, baa been appointed. vwwu os. ueoxge. one of tba Wind Ptinee Kroat too WindiscbirTata. 'robbed br Oonican hricanrt- . VMBtflt or tmaoo. died KocntlT of arm wnrtV a Ajaookx , the new RnaRiav aaiaiatar of foreign aSaira, ia tbe grand of the Mnaxal ho atf banhiT . tba Fipligbigtutlon of 18C&. I wfiai wuiian u. Jaanaan. jtba amllflp aaaorar on bU back nt va avga oCKev Orleans died at his iter, J4e., tbe last cf Janoary, teaaa Henrietta bf jaewwiek-Hol. tba Gazntan eenrjrpea' avst -who anarried bet. doctor, rrofetar was a- BfKfl. laabootito oelebrata Yjh ail-rer ajaddinic '-. ' " f - a ' c&na years ago the .Ber. Dr. Crane, ftber Eij Craoe. the novel 1st,' roto -ft tiaot etT. popnlar amnae to;il l ccrsnned novel nat.aawjao tbTleeaf tbe age. 'AgttnflgjQaiti, the LondW caterei who died MoavOy, was a tnillionaire. Eajwalant bora .and. lived aa a peaaaatjthiK) Wlre,to cq Into at-; eiety. I4 Ute? yeaaa ba owned tbe Adel pbi theater. - f v. . i ; fipnraor Ixrwndra ,rf Mary lard, ad- jJtsCja. MtaJLfanncr bf,haa tax-n a- complete jurore. Unlike juo. ttusoo cwfnl farmers,. be save, it Asaa eut lhn Cattlt of tba farjaijbot becaam Lj uocaat nnderatand tbe wimneas. " Profeaaor Levis Swift of Rocbvarer has been awarded tbe Jackson gold medal by the Royal Astronomical Society cf England in recognition cf his aerriow to tbecaoae of science. Benowhaafonr fold, one sHver and four tjonre madalA Dr. Lydia Eabinoritch. a Bnatiaa iewas,: baa taken charge of tbe new bacteriological laboratory in tbe Wom an's Medical college, rbiladelphla. Dr. &abiaoVitch.por8Bd tba coomtcf stody St Praxeaaor Ko6hra -laboratory ia Be tin. ; . - - .Joan Mark j cioneer of Wasbinar ton; wfio cast his first vote for Jackson. wed on the day before ChriaUsas at Oakdale, in that state, at tbe age of 9 and left directiona that bis. body t wrapped in a.cAding sheet and put in a plain, pine C&n aa bad tceai tbe wo al way in his early Ufa. ' Tbe tallest man in tbe English arif toOTacyV with the possible exception of t pakeb4nerBet.is the yomng Duke of Leeds, known , as 'England's gin duke," from tbe fact that be is ar. act! to member of tbe firm of Holland & Co., makers of the famoas gin. Be if aid to be tbe wittk st man in tbe boose cf lords. AMONG THE DRAMATISTS. Hla Bands WaaM Ba Diuab. ' "Con you keep a secretr' asked Arst deaf mnte. - Vgnr al. m . ! unfortunate. TeU me. and rur f.n e ' waf1 . . w I wuaawver anmncb aaireathe a wan! tt to a living eouL" Now York A CAR'S ESCAPADE T 8TARTED A NEW BREED OF CAT. j TLE IN THE DELAWARE VALLEY. XxplaaatlM Oflterwt "It isn J. H. ic.':tn" in)'. ovrna Morriaoo. I 1 -yv:jr-oiil oiure Bobinal. b ! f'Ukea, rci utly di vl from pueomonia. Beoluh. tbe dain of DetizrSta, l:0flt. will be bred to Onward, the sire or Benzetta. ! J. R. Tindle of Pittsburg baa pur chased tbe fast chestnut trotting mag Mocking Bird. , The fine corcred track at Meadvillr. Pa.", recently destroyed by a windstorm. wui be rebuilt. ... -j I imuv-u . nu. iuo liiimugeT ami a; I olied to tba Jrrltp-r i-ln ttrr C--Vv'. Co. uui. ruu vod uw nt rnw4 t J and rraiaeTti lkMa. I ro Javrsa. I Trainer E. Cochran of Monnt Pvl Fr the Cart 1 ant, Pa., has charge of the pacer liar dan, S:13X, by Artillery. x j Tba pacer Clifford, S:18J. -will b atabla companion to Roan WCkea, the -ruing season. '.John k tieutry, i:00, and Roberi J, 2 :WH. uow wintering at Somerrille, N.vJ., weigh 086 and 830 pounds each, rhvi fast mare Straight Line, caxn- Ciigned through the north by Roy 'Mil r. is owned by Mr. R. IL Plant oi Macon.' ...... .. ... j . . Maurtca W. B. Barriek'a BmaH,t Handicap candidate, ia voted to be on of the best looking horses at the Brook JLn track.; N , ' " H If TreTiUian.' :08J4Y and Gharlea Solan's Falkland, 8:11, are trained in Europe this year. W. B. McDonald will handle them. j ; C. IL.Pratt, an oil magnate af Kew York, baa bought several farms neat PheailxTille and will, it is said, estab lish a large stock farm. Stamhoul, t-Miyi,' champion of the laat national horse show, is seen often cai Seventh avenue. New York. It it laid be can spetMl a two minute gait j The California racing clnba bavt a,rieed that there" shall benosunuaei racing and that daring this-season of the aourtrorting mectium shall be given. Thetforeagn book hi sbolisbcd. mffms J - 1 " baatmtbT Look tx tba aeatlar, tbi aota ta kta. Kept or Oneea a Bona dtwtoac purplaa aad sasfwaaa ai Oa a naaoalta tbtsfl Vk at Urn ma aC oar owi dark 1 H'roea, teo. m tbalr cloth of fold. 1U ywata wm thick mm tbo dota eoald boU. . : Om taa kaihto mm& 1 r tale batrt Oar mm Bat M i Dot so kwx. Mm. wrerj ieaUeaiaa aaavad hta aaaa j Aad wore a wta. Madeleipe LoceMe Bylcy has outlined a new comedy. Broneon Howard i completing a new American drama.- William Gillette has a new light eomedy under way. Charles T, Daney is in France writ ing a new southern play. Charles Klein is potting finishing touches to a new ccmedy. Franklyn Fylea has announeed a new nvl-xrranu for next ami . a i xraaaa See -here, young manv said tta teratathezV.Vif you-dont conie' bi&ns awUer after this I'll know the reaeca toaat He oar feet d I wl f tacH i hit Vd Ux toe otkia akoa to tba waaly . Ia, aad na aia wu- . Glad to hear it, governor; that will are all explanattone onmy part," Detroit Free Preaa. . Dad anA taafft Ou mmm locka bolder.' !' VMak of tka Uub a a bvaa fUM bunch , fi I e ' - UtOt m eiiabHkeatfemaa look ttko raneaw -Bat raat of him ahoolder. P rntals vmalty I sodaf Bark to tbaai a en I Vuie 'i wide aa tba warld ta wkU. at tba paaooek la aka (rtda. ; r . - : Isltaeasf , .f ;.s : '..J. -CWlotSa Parkiaa Btalaoa te Boaioa Oloba. Glv the Vatloas Llgkt and Air. is his letter on tbe grand viwiaingfif the Greeks to protect the ChisatiajMwt Crete Gladstone comtJalnj that toe peo- are shot off from anylpartfcipatioo, is public matters; that their wish weighs - for liothing.-1 Zlm says: ;.A C "Lfet it be borne in 'mind that In this uappy business all along, under the erof the concert of EafOpVjpOvejr wd speech have beeai tbe moaopol7K governments and their organ, whfle " people have beeai shut VtC , Otvese " kngth both light and air: " S.-.-f - That is the orr of the nations today. nhackles of oriental despetiia cf U B O. era are bard to break, almost toted tbrouah thoujrh, they are. ; la ciriUxation of freedom it is the peo- rie who mqit rule, and alt tbtf peopla. Dcutt-wrell how do yoa feel today, Msa Brownr-- ' " ' Mrs. R Oh. doctks; I feel like a new Doctor Hat Has the trouble rcaD j gone to your beadf New York Sunday JoarnaL i .t Cruel Knife! 1 - J J fviaaai aaaiava try bot kn mMm I raa to Stow n Laws that am mAa and tntamstinnal I eVUaawitaeQt ssV. grments touch directly the" people fcore than their ruler L The JWlflrtneaf' hnd consequent owwdtotof-pticaaad-'1 dipiomau blind them the lar$e tuman aspects of natlcciel sjd Interna Jjisl qnestiohs. Gladtce .says well. 'Tbe nations of Europe ae In varloqs : "agw iof their tralnhnldb o W "ove there Is a European freople whote lodgment, could it be had. would ordain 07 tolerate the lhflioCton of paniahaent IQ Oreeoe for the food W 'she has "-utly neeformad. ... people,' just the common dtrnans, It-ts abaolntoly ttesi -1 .1 naiaainn tn iTheTbTood 4iaaJhsroalt; t.a.tmrnt ia lUrwtTsfad in th ing .-wnbjaTf": Vinei tinaeT jitttr Jf to sorgew! 1 knife only . hastens deatttV tka iawaaaf ear reaaroed, aa rr a. 5?!: - i.H.atca as4sauaa.i tarn. AbsiirW lir'x "'".OXaa. W- : -w . .11 uiionnation be ; spread us- Let them anmai thatr coinioa. : ' a - - ' " ' aasa n.-aaS -TTfinr lsteiB-iwWa-3 fnt iihnnLi ! r r ; I -111 aU-a, of ahw disease. o diplcmatio secret, from .hem. Let ci.& 8 4 P?Z2Sv llittM...4 a a ..il .af AAflUlIll IMI ajwajaaseai a - la an aAarasa IV t likely that there hi rnv of the Coe Little breed Seattle left in the dipper UsUware valley' said a veteran railroad man, "beoaese, by this time, thelx identity mast have. been destroyed tltcmgh mixture with other breeds, ' it dossnt mauer, for fhere was nothing of particular note about thaf breed of oettkv except the way theyhtppened ta U introdnoed into that looaVity. - "In those day live stocks tru muta tion was one of the Erie's big Items of arama. iTfans bnU a mUaUonfJoaded 'with horned Cattle, hesaaal abaan nt og. used to pasa over tbekoad two or taros times a day. , Such a Lthina Is al- oort a curiosity nowadays. Coe Little was oocdnotor; of one of these stock trains between iSuaquehanjia and Port rvis, Be left fensqnehenrta one night, Jathoaa good cd days of railroading, 'vrith a kxui train ef eattWrarv. TSnaa mum ww uwaa w ranwengor trains in Jeassnd wre run over the road 'a-hum- Mhia IVxIuto T Iu4. -" - - 1.1. ! train atfPort Jervis onetime, and hand ed overfhia way bills, which he had re oarvea tot Sosquebsnna. and on-which UttaurftbBr, character and contents -of wverr car m kis train wera reobrdad. I When fheageift at Port Jerrii compared xdsue e : aeon on tnis woncner. one oar Was mbadrsr. Tbe car was entered on the rway bOl astbavtng left tSusqaehanna all irtaht,but waaut lntthe train. Its ding .to tbo!bilL was aboo ln-theanidCe of the trefin. . . ! "Wl, here was a situation. Cow little declared that every ear was in the train wben.be left Susquehanna! or jke had checked the number of each on cn the way bill himself, Ha (certainly hadn't delivered thn misstng oar to an one on the way. and1 bo ooaldirtoee how any one oould have ' sneaked in and sto leaiit, especially aMthe train md been on the move pretty much all- the time SuSQuebanrat and Post Jarrta. A takgram was aaut to tba agent as 8ns- quahanna. asking for information vabout the missing car. . The reply, waai that nothins: was known there thatscoBld throw any light on the subject; quite thaeontraryy, tot tbe agent ocarotjceated Little's report. Tbe car was in tbe train When it left Etasquebaona. - "During the efforts of i the puzzled railroad many at Port Jervis to solve tbe mystery of the lost car. some one dis- eovered that the car .- that e boa Id . bav been Just 'behind the missing onev was oonpled to the one that should have been juat ahead of it Mtbout tbe aid cl coupling pin, tbe link, being broken in such srwev that it hadlbeoome a book. which was fast in tbe (pinhole in tbe coupler of the other car. lots oiou 1 help matters little bit, and rather deepened the. mystery. w. 'rxhey were still cep in . efBbrts to olve the rjayttery, and a car tracer was about to be sent beck;over be road tc if be oooid find thenar, when ai tele gram camejtrom Sholtola, a statftin lfl miles' westtoz "ort jervis. i.De agent at that station 'said in .effect that some body's cattfle car waq astray in a Veld along the Dalaware tiver jost bervod Shobola station, and tbnt someBOdynaa better. com- and took ; after it The wrecking ..feang was sent up from ;Poi t Jervis, god, -sure enough, in the mtaaja ef a field, 100 feet or more trom lb railroad, stood . the mhving cattle car, Tight as a trivet, except teat its aoon . . ... m . were open ana its casta gont 10 get -where it was the car bad run down a -ten foot embankment, across a wagon road and through a stoat rail fence. - 'There was only one way to explain tb4 freak of the ear in uittinif its train so tmoeremonioualy. 'Joing east iBoog that part ef the Eristthe track is db a heavy down grade. Joat before reacBlng .Shobola the coupling pin that held the car to the one ahead of it most have 'broken. Thki divided the train in two -parta, -The head oar of tbe rear part 'romped the trade, and breaking the link ithaf held it to tbe ear behind it, west on down the bank, sotting out of tbe way of the oars fouowikig on the track. MWben Jthe leading section of the di Mdad train sot to tbe foot of tbe grade. 4ta speed slackened. The nina secuon foaoght up with it, and ran into the oar, Dtrs not wim xarce iBiuouun w 6o any damage or attract atxeniion. The broken link, then a book, happened to fall into the pinhole of tbe coupler laheed of it Tbe train was thus reotra pled and went on to Port Jervis without the Joss of a oar right out of its very icenteV having been discovered by any one. t There is no parallel to tnis one in tbe record of mishaps to railroad trains, and; U has never ceaaed to be a wonder to ail old time railroad men.. '. ' : "WelL whether the doors of the fugi tive car were broken by the Jsx and jolt of its trip down the bank, through the feneev end across the lot, oc whether the cattle inside kicked them open, I can t eay.n They were open, and the cattle Jumped out It was winter, and the TVJaware river, only a few feet away. was filled with running iceTbe cattle mnst have beea.ln a panic, or must have known-that thenr were ,iu Pike ocenty. Pa,, or Boxnethtog of that sort, for they plnnged Into that lay nooa ana their way acrose the river into Sollivan county, N. Y. Bearcners, acconr by tbe drover who owned them, found and recovered them all. una oow, a deep red animal witn a wnita bar forehead, took tbe fancy of a farmer an whose premises some of the catt,e were, found, and he bought bar. She. had twin calves in the spring, acb nwrked. exactly like tbe mother; Tae was ft bull calf, one a heifer. Because of the wsy in which the stock happened to be there it was ca&ed the Coe Little teeedYDd for some years w i ii My house opened od August 4th and haa sold a large quantity of Tobacco at Rricea exceedingly pleasing to the Sellers.' Below I give a "few of my sales for Primirigs sold in August: IL B. Avers one Vo4 125 lbe. at 8.50, 45 lbs. at 27.50, 56 bit. et 25.00 lUU lot. at JOAaJ, lo IDA. M b. 70. B Pecmlea one lot 22 lbe. at C75. 40 lbs. at laOO. U lbs. at 15.00, 12 Ibs.afSOOO, IDJbe. tt2500, lOlbi. ataGO. ' . ; Tsvlor A llAbinaoa one lot 82 lbs. at 13.60. 12b lbs. at 7.t0. 8 lbe. tt 29 .(. 24 lbe. at 260, 70 lb, at 15.50. 100 lb, tt 12 1$- WHAT WOMEN WEAR. Extrtmes iu color, violent contrasts. Hurtling ffecta,' are frrquratly seeat is dresHca made specially for wear at places Of anxuavnient j A new capo is made of velvet and moire. Xbe round yoke is fitted smoothly ever the .shoulders. From this tbe cape proper extends below tbe waist line. 1 A stylitdi walking costume of clotb aas satin sibbnn put on in scallops all around the . lower edge of the skirt. These scallop are about tbe sine of s small tea plate. - " j - In making up waists of India silk tt Is the sheerest waste of time and ma terial to buy cheap qualities. They scarcely pay for the time expended on them and are never satisfactory. - J . Collarettes and neck dresnmg cavari ous sorts are universally worn. Tbe np to date woman has a variety of them and uses all bor npare change in supply ing hersntf with all of tbe joveltiee ia thin line.; - . 1 A prrtry wont Cei'Ji is a bolero jacket trimnicilroQuI -atid round with rows cl giii p, from wbsrh fall tiny taiwlW c tt qnina. Tbe rows are jurt far enobgb apart so that the drops clesr tbe nppei tg' of thrt next row. . A fawrite the Jter headgear is ntade vrtr a ikelerou lrunn rud is a sort cf noj Utwn n a hrnd tresa and a bonnet Thtie is a litod vrr the front also ovrff tbe back. em,h on'nvered with flower. ribl on or rloFoly curled plumea, j A novelty in a.cape is made of black velvet lined with ivory and pale blue brerade.-- Tho jtcck flnitih is made of locj tlsclc ni Set ribbon so c Wly set tit.t thvy touch each other at the er tc r J!t. forn-iug a enpt' cf Jeep Up aroaiKl ho iwrk atand other loops, mak tsg w ra bi New Vcrk Lrdprr. J. IL Bobetson one lot 86 lb, at 19 CKX 116 lbs. at 11.60, 80 lbs. tt 13.60, 110 ti.l5.75 aaakaSnobottW ef er CAXB?. k' an toiUaa doa t U al oeeara. ao wail aaul U acxt eak. Wl anaUoa um aaiar. w a lart aaraa a mniim 1 aklaa- a e treaa. ear finite for Caaoeo-fc . Oaarri.- X f taaa uaAl ht a ..) ar.. , . 1 ilti apraarat aa ay taae ta farm ef a f t Iropemd a. a4 aaaas leapva . tow yeara aso Caaeov a eoro. ail a anaa thmm ml Ilaan H aaao-rad a to aba. affoenta say alcbt. Pooia aatd 1 bad laa A boat that UM a eUaU, una Janaa lion tba luu. tmOartj aSMcted. aaat worn abotOa GJLATBAJtD atttaaf aaa tv taaott. iuwtMwar(raMyirHMtr. ywtiva baprtrrod. I rot ivnutr aad c&acar hmt aa. Aad tt m. uaaiinwuitataTtf. . JpiBmrmmt. TbaWrbWy, C. SI a bottle torts.- If jrm &rwra b at mmr OXA " '" r atraet, SeSawlas SoaoaSt vorU M mmi yea fay freteka. Z. D. Respcea Dnsg Cew, Atlanta, r m, .B mm tmw- . J a i ( Aw B7 buying w one. Bant frj;:i-j:!,s.'." v"M wu apprOAp0CC6t,Ti:i3;4 ..4 Ui G. F. Robarson one lot 88 Ua. at 13.75, 221b. l -M 94 lb I2.50, 118 tt I4.50, 102 lb, tt 12.00 220 lb, tt 14-sO, 30 lb, tt 40.00, lb. 14.75, 48 lb, tt 1175, 88 lbs, tt V.75. Farmer Friends, I have order for Tobacco from all the European markets tad 1 am obliged to btve a large emouxt to keep my steam plant at work. Oar bey en arc very anxious for all grades and are not getting enough to fill their orders. . We HaYfl . Plenty of : Honey and want. Mated and are billing, to pay Good Prices for it, r ' - - ! Trj JEFFRESS ABEHOUSE with your next lot and yx o will be rare'to aell tha balance of your crop with me. -1 will expect joa op soon. i I - U. 0. JEFFEESS, . Propriettr Jeffress VVarehoove, Tarboro, N. C. !!!! BL-"S Luna tbM ty "Youalon't mean to say that tbst ttaogyold spinster bas given 70a 10 marks for tolling her fortune?" j ' :"lndecd.Ido. I told her she would aaet with an accident before she was 14 years old. " Fliegeade Blatter. ; . ratnfolly Tt aatai lal 'Undo Hiram, did you find the New York people inee&igentr' ( ''Weal, they knew a heap 'bout New Tk. bat tbedidn't . know a blame thxas"bout tha-resto' Duaroit Free Press. Tbe fact - is that the revolution never be really conquered and, being providentkd and 'absolutely fatal, it eoastantly reappears. If yon wish to understand what revolution is, call it pi ogress, and if yon wish' to understand What progress is call it tomorrow. To morrow ever does its work irresistibly and does tt today, and it ever attains its object. Such is the process of prog ress.' and .that workman ha no bad tools. It fits to its divine work the man whoheatrode the. Alps aad the old tot tering patient of the Per Elysse. Tba ambers bare fnV. and the turn of the thinkers arrive Victor Hugo la "Lea MIssfsTilas " S LITERARY INDUSTRY. THE FAIRY Win. What win I Co Iba loaf JaroUirews tbaj ! a not rout, a U avert brloa; tb4 baart to Mag 1 T flow a hall I brloa; IM tba talk that Ar. Wo lowd tan yaara. your fatry wlfa caa aca rtui OAK EID&E INSTTTTTTT?, Hoarly fi Toosa Crtlauoua Duooosa 279 STUDEflTS LAST YEAR.- 1 The largest aad best equipped private, 1 fag school la the South. ' Earjisa, the Clastlca, Mathematics. Book-keeplsg, Eborvbkad. TeJerTapby, Type-rUieg Term reasooabU. For caUlofo, addrvs - - J- A, k M. H. 110LT. Oak BUge. N. U aad aow TV ia Sad ta at ehad. ra tar oa a paca vt caa aevar Uwaa, Xavrofvp, mtvroM. that I saaka say i from a broaat kka Kotrara to hl oa year swktoa -ba an auaoi are;; froaa tba iatrr reat itve lUw that t Tow rhnaa ma ot you savo mo oorrow aad aoba And now'l laa by your bad an wtah you bad Slvwa d and Sw awa rtaarb. th anmbf GETT5WG READVi . Every erpoatanS tnother bet tryii ordeal to face. If abedosn not a - ' W Mm ' I i r T4f IU . Samuel Butler required S), years to gniah his M HtidibraA. " Boatbey is said to have written ,Tha laba, tbe Destroyer iu aix months. Hallam consumed 13years in eollecv ug tbe tnatesials for bis "Lltevatare f Europe." . : , , Hawthorne -spent frfjsn i months a year in the compoaitioa of each of bi romance... V! Rkhardsorii - tbe novelist, generally devoted two or three yoaas to. the com poaitioa ef a ansaL ; '; ' fMcatotaaaVr the f antooa hymn writ, er, required Vot ft .aiaga. jateraooote prepare one of h magnificent para- phrases of tbe Psalm ; Hssnah More Is said to have wrifteu and of ber.''Easaf on Female Edoca tin",Ln twa weeks. She did not spend much, time la reviaioa. ; ! 'Coleridge required a week to prodocs each one of his 1 remarkable lectures on SbakespeaVa Like many other authors be consumed more time in revision than in actual cotaposition, ... ' BhcDey spent between one snd two years on 'Qnee Mab." Be wrote very slowly and was particular In tbe choice of words, hissnsauseript' "showing fre quent eraeu.'V and sobMitaUoaa. Hood wrote "The Bridge of Sighs in.' M is said, a single afternoon, Ah- Otber fcf-ccant declares it to here been writrrn in a day 'and "that much time vubsequeutly was spent in revising It -Thomas Moore often wrote, a short poem nimoat impromptu. He consumed aver twt years in reading and preparing material ' lor "Lallah Bookb" and two yi u.ure in writing that inimitable out fct Loei4 Globe-Democrat What win I do the loe- days throw ed ycaxa that you know aot, saaebraaT VI r fairy birth la trnaeid with earth, aai my klndred'e mirth ta etraasw ta Baa, Tha Uushfer wild of aty raJry chnd. thai never emlted ta her lathers faoa Prtcka thcouf h my heart whUo I walk part wbre ahadowa brood ta bis aleeplnc placa. Why would you slvu ana. that twoes TSve . a . - A HL. JL Uir wrwiy ffmi v mm mimw www. Tba sift to know earth' e )oy and woa, bat GO TO (irt to know earth' e )oy and woe. not to ao ta tha a-raee with roT rlUI mar, your way IWw far by Sx a etar Cbt p-fH Bar tr Lfe e ltd-but.Hhidfbta eta krs Cm i tlrt Wat w Merk, Uopyar HOWARD Z, GOElF . y - -. 'V, AND OKT VTaMa laftkaCe It WxeaA C-oogthe fmersoltnat pari ta tget iwauj-;- there is no.teOn what may latppenj Oxild-birth is fall ' r nnnertarntke ii Rsture is not gjvenl psOper sssisfanne. Moth6rS Friend is th best hrfp,yotJctna3 at this time, It is a liniment. anf wheTAragularly ap plied several nnthsiefore' baby comes. Ifcic aires the adwent ) sy anamo-- less. It reaewes aadurvant morning etofrncas-Telaxea tha overstrntDed mus cl, rtliewea the dlaten ded feeling, short ens labor, makas.reoovt ary tain witliout any dang rout . MotWs rrieod is gtwd fot emlj COi purpose, vis.. w wt''' I - ra canger ana psm. - capitalist--How fast can One dollar pec botUs tJJJ tMa gun be dieTAsTfedf r.7a'iSco I Inventor-it caa be rad alao-t as tioa tor wutnetaTwiTwaTeaa ta mmAnm i M tba-varage Small boy WaPPikUcat. J .iabtlse hi bsdUats pray at on ft ould Within a short time tbe eid fa of Jefferson Davis' In Richmond wVl be I thrown open to the public as a Confad rata nvma.- The "White House of the Confederacy." as It has bean called. has been tbe property of the etty for many years and has rseently been used aa aauboolbooae, A room ta the bowse will be assigned to each of the stats thai seceded for a collection of ralica. aad ia addition there will be large I room for a general museum and one for a library. Tbe first of the state eoUso- tions that of Georgia has eelved. It was ttreawntad to the tee by Mr. Da Beuneoa the slgbcy-aixth btrtbdsy of Pteaideat Davta. Jmxmv, 1814. Among the relies are the cape, gsant lata J and sword of Owval Las ; Jhe piames from General Stuarts bat. the spy aktne used by General Beauregard at , the battle of Manssass. and tbe collso-1 tlons - trom the various p Idlers laoanes eXabiiahed throughoat the sooth. In- 1 chidiog the Lee Camp 8ol4lrs home collection, which oon tains, la addition to many rare and urerestlng relics, the skin of Stonewall Jackson - charter. There are also a number of manuscripts add private paper Saw York Trth as a. I' ll! I a.. Pita's Tib Hi awal a-lmwa I , nO-TO-BfiG v lunnwlwn.nJBIWM WK Winn Baa fmitm a atataiaa Mkut. Wttiwa-MKM wain, aaaa tut nmt m tT ii .1 CCARArfTEFD TOBACCO HAttrr f ia t4k- exwitta. Mwi9 M i l a- t tVeii taaasl i a awa i wbwf .ar aa arva rwba s I a mil as ii TfTT - - " - - CHBEO atru SW II ita awr Xkaployer (.aaatily rasnming his die ts ting aa axnabcdy occoes into the oOce) What was any last wordf Typewriter Girl (somewhat rattled) Your last word was ''darling."-- eago Ttibune. your m ! Friend Doesn't the journey to and from the country every -day seam very long? Mr. Suburb Lobgf It's too short R" ben I take tbe train la tba morula. I know I've got to placa In and wtk bke horse the moment tbe train reaches t City. Tbst makes the tosrney seem U short, doesn't lit I presume It doe. Bot how aboo the tourney tocir ."Well. X always reatwanber after a start that I've forgot tee something nay wife wantod nartioalaily. so that ride Is always over too Wakly.. StateNormal aad Industf i 4 . i Offer tbe yoQug women of the EUie Ihoroc.V ptotttiociMl Jir. try, cJawcai, tcteatiae, tnd lad as trial edacatiocT Atioal cx. pene $o0 to tla F-ruUj of -ti.tt tvaatbers. Mot Ihaa 400 r'gul.r ita-Jet Is. IJt rnslrWslsd alxnt 100 sisdanta, rtpfe teo'irg evety eour.tt i . tl tai- icepi two. Pretle aad Ob srvation S ool .f ai o-t 2 0 pi.i Is. To Kecur board to dorttU tofie-, al fre tottkn appl eHoo iwiot he made b-fir Aegnat Corm pond'i ce mv.lej tr m those dftainkg conrtwe4 trained teacher. For catalogoe tnd other Information, tddxtt FliEalPgyT llUTELaS-aaiftewi ; ,d ie rulers and dinlnmala baad ia,' m tan. issilia 4 arfa-4sw-,l,,,Bl , QiT ra at hngth both light NtA 4 41 - (