rx i '- kCVrrrr 1 n 7 rr-r( A A BE SURE YOU ARB EIGHT ; THJEjNT GO AHEAD.-D Crockett ' mrVA y i a. rr3vV vow II II 'II III (II II I t II I I vr . vav s--r- II J I J II VI' Mi '.It v J 1 1 . I 1 1 VOL. 77 NO. 22. h 7- i - r r 1 1 Give He Won Both. TARBORO N. C , THURSDAY, MAY 25, J899. by c. j. ""Olive's the one who inherited Phyxley Manor and all the bank stock," said she. Why did'nt you fall in love with Olive, my boy ?" "Why wasn't I born black in. hope you'll choose wispW ' stead of white?" laughed TrUa my dear boy," said Squire Mad-' Vincent I tell you, Miss Try dox. "I never was in the mar- phosa, I'm the victim of circuin riage business myself, I'm thank- stances; I can't help myself. I ful to say, but this having a mar-j Miss Olive is very . pretty, riageable nephew is just about as j but I love Sara, and there's the bad. And I never shall have aendit- And now, like a dutiful minute's peace of mind until you're suitor, I come to ask your con- seuiea iown, Leslie, my lad. And sent- of affairs. "Hello 1 You don't iiinciiMi rU4r. mean to Bay that you have kept There hare been a surplus of that secret all these many years, news and a deficinrv of inform. So the falling of the. hair tells of the approach. Of c and declining power. ... " No matter bow barren the tree nor how lealess it may seem, yom confidently expect leaves again. And why? - Because there is life the roots. 1 So you need net worry about W the falling or, your l..r,-ttc threatened lef "- of youth and beauty. fl' . y? . Recause if t.l . .is ijart of h life remainin - in the rovis of 63 tbe hair remember one of the girls is an neiress. If Vou could with the moneyed fall in love on VBut how does it happen. Un- clo Joe " burst in the cWrv l&ughed W 1 i Avors Have you asked her?" "Yes." '..'.. "And what did she say?" - "She said yes." - !Very well, then I say the same," Aunt Tryphosa. "For cent of Leslie Vincent, 4one an' you 8eem a decent sort of lad heiress and the other not? I can't J eugh, and i am billing to trust apprehend that at alL" j 7OXL ?or your Uncle Maddox's "Half sisters, my boy only half sake." -sisters. Old Silvingtbn manied ' "Much obliged to you ma'am, two wives, you see." explained the ' said Mr. Vincent, with a low sa- Try phosa SilTington? "ies, i nave, saia tne spins ter, adding with a little glimpse of malice, "although I am a wo man." "Well," said the bridegroom, solemnly, "money is all very well. I've no special objection to money. But as long as I have cot Sara herself, that's all I care, for." "Lesue, you're n trump," said Squire Maddox. 'But I am so glad of the money,' said Mrs. Vincent, smiling simply tion aa the amount of money left to charity by the late Baronena Hirach. One account U that nhe left $124,000,000, whereof her rol- atiea got 120,000,000, state $3,000, 000 in taxes, and the rest was left to charitable uses, mainly in Eu rope. . Later ttoriea, Lower or, show a tendency to substitute francs for dollars in these esti mates, and the authorities conflict so much that it is still uncertain what the! Hirsch estate dues amount toJ It .seems reasonably from under her wreath of fragrant an re, however, that about four- white roses. "For now I am I fifths of it was left to charities. and chiefly to Jewish charitiea, in New York. London. Montreal worthier of Leslie's acceptance.' And the wedding day of Leslie and Sara Vincent was what all wedding days should be, the hi- piest of all their lives. W tw lluf tmmm !. Slang has this value, thai shows how language grows. Tbe English tongue is so vigorous thai it aeurs whatever it eJ growth, as it did is its infancy, In the childhood of the huvguac, ays a wnter in BL Nicholas, di rected imitations of sounds were constantly made into words, aa tbe yonng vandals of today ue "clink" for "money." Further on ia the growth of the tongue it took from ordinary speech thene imitative words, and converted them to new nsos, jutt aa you say "ticker for "watch," and "puflT for "advertia ment" The contraction of words is another stage. The instances of this are numberless. "Mob, now perfectly good English, was JtS TvT r4I. Jli. i Ml s rr if-. - uu t4 sl mrmom m; I M rm Zm D. Rmxj Drav f squire. ' "Oh!" said Leslie, thoughtfully. Well, uncle, I do my best to fall in love with the risrht one. For will arouse it into healthy activ ity. The hair ceases to come out: it begins to grow: and tbe glory of your youth is restored to you. " we have a "book on the Hair and its Diseases. It is free. The Smai Advfco FfaOk If you io i'ot ob'ain all tbe benefits yoti tiiccd fiom tiiuie ot the Vii;ir, write , tbe doctor about 1 1. Prouab'y t!iT0 U snnie diM.ltr with your en- Tcianvfitt. Addr. Dli. J. C. AYE".. Lowell. Mass. laani. And off he went to advise Sara Silvington of the success of his mission. "But tell me honestly, now," I'm not visionary enough to deny j s0 Sara, with a roguish sparkle that money is a convenience in her black eyes, "aren't you sor this practical, hard-headed world ry 'm not the heiress?" of ours!" "Perish the thought !" cried Sara Silvington and her sister Vincent threatically. "I am not Olive were playing croquet out on j sorry for anything, where you are i the lawn when Leslie Vincent coneerned, pearl of my heart. I'm strode up the drive. I no a millionaire myself and I VThat wasn't a croquet," said don't deny that a little ready cash he, eagerly, as he watched the comes acceptable. But I'm quite STOLES MII.ES. )jVhat does your Majesty lend to' do next ?" inquired merman i.mpenor s . inencL 1U- the "I play, "It was," cried Sara, enthusias tically. "I don't believe you know anything about it - Besides, I don't know who you are." - --W-1 -W TT . "l.m ljesiie v incent, at your . service, , said tne young man, j smiling, as he doffed his cap. "And I've played with the Brack enbury Club at Newport and Sara toga" "I'm sure we're very happy to meet you, Mr. Vincent," said Miss able to work for it myself, and 'uo thanks to nobody, as the children say ! And now, Sara, when shall we be married?" "There's no hurry about that !" said Sara, a little coquetishly. "Yes there is," urged Leslie. "it's the j most urgent affair I know of." I And so the wedding " was fixed for Christmas day. Sara Silvington was to be mar ried in 'simple white alpaca, with natural roses in her hair, and her grandmother's pearls around her Captain Coghlan, commander of the U. S. S. llaleigh, whose re cent speech on Germany, is re ceiving international criticism, be longs to a King's county (Ireland) family, and can claim descent from oae of the oldest and most power ful of the Irish septs, the Maw Cochlans, Princes of Delvin Ahra, who came from the third son of Caa, of Dalcasion race. They owned a vast territory, including the Barony of Barrycastle, near Birr, an ancient domain that is studded with the ruined strong holds of the Princes of the Fair Castles. From that part of Ire- Vienna, Budapest, Bremen, Brus-1 t fit merely slang for the Latin sels and other cities. "mobile," the fickle crowd, aa "cab If a hundred million dollars is m slang for "cabriole t,. and turned over to public uses by the I "fnrlong" for furrow long," the ill of the Baroness, it is the length of a furrow, and aa "nob greatest turn so disposed of bv slang for "nobility. We make I . T - - J any one estate in modern times! I words from men names in very When George Peabody died, thir- tbe I auppoae "boy- ty years ago, he held the world's cot ting" may be considered good record for philanthropic disburse-1 English cow. "Martinet, which ments. He care away to public now indcspenaable, was the uses during his life ti mo eight or I name of a historic general oter nine million dollars, and left five I strict in discipline. "Derrick' millions to his relatieves. lie I & famous hangmaa of the sev- died in London; his'funeral was inlenteenth ccntury.bhonoTofwhoeal Westminster, Abbey; a British I the rough crowd nick-named the war ship brought hia body home. I galiows-like honting apparatus,! He was peerless among philan-1 JRt aa the "guillotine inFraao tropists. and. for that matter, still 1 1 named after its inventor, and is. But money crows in vastly I tbebo are only three out of core bigger clusters now. Mr. Bode-1 of "nhtf cases. Many , of the feller must already have eiven I ords that are now among the re- away more dollars than George I wlectabilitiea of conversation were w. rt - i i vv. . r' -JM m i ' 1 ! . i. imera- land Captain Coghlan d family im- igrated to MississippiDublin ieabojy Carnegie's funds Ume Ume gutter children. . Bnt Letter in Montreal Star. Silvington, .'.executing a courtesy on t. know," was the answer, with I with much dignity. "Aunt Try- t' 1 v n u i cream-white neck. Ulive in rose- you and your uncle, the funny old , "T bachelor squire. This is my sis- mf ?- t And old Squire Maddox, tor Olive. Will vou take a mal- .he h&d not awa lrvm let?" hf- tioKI is jjretty near exhausted iijen vou get time I wish you'd Iry to think up sdj&ething more fcr me to excel in,s OKI Gentlemeriint the park): Miat are vou doinlr. my little : Z. . "' - wf t oar '? Little gir-l(with doll) : I'm ibing dolly a drink." "Giving ullly a drink, eh? - But the wa- is running down ail over lier pir t'tv dress." "Yes: she slobbers i trooiT deal. All babies do." 1 - Mis. Medler: Not another onl! It is an outrageous scan- ;il and not fit to be repeated; not inotlipr word of it will I listen to. Mr-Medler: But I haven't fin- shod yet." "Oh' Go ahead." ' You are-just going out, I see I PrTtal4a Tr;er Timely ti formation Rive a Mn. Geo Long, ol New Straitsvillc, Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough bad loot kept her awake every night. She bad tried many remedies and doctors but steadily rtcw worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bot tle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr Longcf a severe attack of pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchltss merit of this grand remedy ior curing all throat, cbest and lung troubles. Only 50c and St. 00. Ev are constantly dropping out of his pockets in hundred-thousand -dollar driblets, and every little while a million escapes him all at once. Recently he offered $1,750,000 to extend the. libraries, art galleries and other institutions with which he has burg. doubtless, exceeds in amount those they gradually made their way in to polite society. Cnt aa parrenos, then aa established members. " Drair" was thieve' -word for carriage, and "draglines', the par. ticular variety ot thieves. who fol lowed tne carnage to cnt away We. . Tne- Boainee of the Town Because We treat Oax customer So well They Come Again - , And bring Their. Friends AJao. la a taUafactioa at all ticn. and if you desire conUctset, re and happier yoa . . , To obtain either, and wiU forever . thank your Icciy Urs if you tuy at once a BUCK'S STEEL iRANGE. )ther institnUona with which lowed tue carnage o cw away is endowed the city of PitU- the luggage from the rack behind. JLtUCIiSj . The stun of his gifts, too, But "drag" is good English now rm ij . it . 1 : ft it fw nnwlA v&rfi V L?r.r" I M 1 1 for a private coach. "I"idnp" JI1U1 was thieves slang for cJuId-teJ erv manntMnl Trial hnttlM f rw borne in twenty years before "made I staton 4 Zoeller's drug store. Screws. "Well, thanks, I don't care if I do," said Mr. Vincent, grasping j eagerly at the proffered implement of friendlv warfare. And so acquaintance began wnicn was destined to end so eventually. "I wonder which of them is the . heiress,,' he mentally asked him-, self as he leaned on his mallet in the interval of play. "They re both pretty enough to drive a man out of his head. Sara is dark and brilliant, like a July midnight. Oliye is like Aurora, golden tress an effort", and came to his nephew's weddingr. j She s pretty! very pretty, 8a the ne' P8no spectacles, after he had taken a good look at the bride-elect. "But you and I are old enough now, Miss Tryphosa, to look at the practical side of life isn't it a pity ho couldn't have taken a fancy to the girl who is to have money?" "We can't always regulate these matters to suit ourselves," said an important engagement, j the little pretty, little airs of roy- AVLat was it vou wanted?" It altv and orders sister about as if t-oin' to nsV von for r littlfi delav. I thino" of an inmerious manner, his j : w ' - r- A 1 Miss Tryphosa, waging her little ed,withaskinafairasaseashelL " . . . T, . , t, , .,11 1 So the wedding day came earl- It must be Sara she assumes all , . i, ea Willi snow, ueneain ail gmier ing blue and gold overhead. And Sara Silvington; walking up tlie broad aisle of the church, in her 1 white dress and pearls, made as fair a bride as the heart ot man could desire to look upon. j The breakfast was all ready at . Tii i ,'nr XT .l.nn I met a fellow who paid me opinion on the subject changed J J from i1m, church a triumph of Aunt Try- Ras alrout that little debt I owe on."' All, yes. Take a seat." I was Lroiug to ask you for a lit If. delay i "Oh, excuse me; 'in already late." "I say I was she were a second self. It is cer tainly Sara." But presently when Miss Try phosa came out and sent Sara in to see about the tea, with sonie- pvheu blt'wliat he owed me,- pui earth don t vou sit "Why down? earth hvill you have a glass of wine ? " Author: How do you like my iritw. Dlav Critic: Its simply great. The robbery in the third aet is the the most realistic piece f work I-ever saw on the stage. Author f pleased) : Do you really think so? Critic: Of course I , Why, even the words spoken v the thieves are stolen. . "Yes," said the young doctor to ds wife, "I felt greatly worried until the climax was passed. "I was wrong, thought he. j "It's Olive that has the money. Heiress are not sent in to get the tea, as if they were parlor-maids. I'm a little sorry, though; I had made up my mind to fall in love phosa'sl housekeeping power and the glitter of confectionary temples, the pop of champagne corks and the odor of hot-house flowers, mingled satisfactorily with Maddox's quaint toasts Claptrap Tail. The clergyman who has stirred np much excirement by denounc ing from the pulpit the "claptrap titles chosen lor their sermons by some preachers will be heartily w we mm indorsed oy everybody who is tired of tho sensational devices in vented to draw people to church. Too many ministers reply for their audiences on startling announce ments like the clergyman who caused it to be published abroad that he preached on the topic; "There is no God!" and haviu hlied the church by this means, calmly read as his text: "Tbe fool hath saith in his heart there is no God." Ministers who announce titles for their sermons like this "A Half Hour in Hell," "Mondern Serpents in the Garden." and "Sodom and Gomorrah Outdone,' are merely sensation mongers and detract from the dignity of relig ion without increasing the sum total of righteousness. Provi dence Journal. of Mr. Pcabodv. Tho eilt of a I waa thieve slang for clulO-aieaJ-1 tttt million dollars by Mr. Pierpont ing, that is to "nab a kid." -Tie," I hOI 1 1 1 11 C m m .... a. a 1 Morgan to build a hospital in I ior cravat, was as mncn tne suang New York was recorded not long I of low life aa "choker" is at the ago. Such gifts make 'no great I present day. "Conundrum" and stir. They are, happily, too com-1 "donkey" and "fun" were all slang mon to cause excitement. The I word, though perhaps not o low. "Bore" was alanr. and so were "waddle" and "bother. Cn lux T I . i aouity to pan with money seems fairfy to have kept pace with the huge increase in wealth. About the Hirsch benefactions, however, there is an unusual qual ity, which recalls George Peabody. Baron Hirsch 'and hia wife learned to find their chief interest in life in vast schemes lor the improve ment of the conditions of existence Garden Tools, a specialty. Get tbra cow and be reedy for your Spring GaideUrg. i)Q Ell xm meiSB'lwi ee r m - No woman caa be too carefal of her condition dortnr tbe period be fore her littit ones are bora. Reflect or improper treauneet utn aaaa- among great armies of distreamnl I frs her life and tbat of tne child. It I 1 .,i m. t i I Lea with her wbelber she shall sser I people. They seem to have back ed a spirit and an intelligence as rare as George Peabody 'a with a fortune which bears a relation to modern fortunes comparable with what Peabody's fortune bore to those ol his time. Harper a Weekly. unnecessarily, or wbstber tbe ordeal shall be mad cotnparaUvalf easy. Sb had better do nothisg than Co something wTon j. MOTHER'S FRIEND Vwlcttalc BCraptlwwMi Are grand, but skin eruptions roblifr of joy. Bucaleo's Arnica Sarve cures, them: also old, running and fever soie-, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hsoJs, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only ajc a box. Cure caoranteed. Sold by Staton & Zoeller, drucjnsta, Tr: rr .lc Kilnno-foTi I "H"'10 J 1 a Tlfiaa Tronlinaa a nvMPrifi made Leslie Vincent . '""r.. 'N7 , - clergyman h u'm i i. l o" ' v in ij uut tjui i i it- "not until lrHosa was ioous househoia linen. Kiiid the young doctor, tho day of the funeral. ' This is the latest style of brace ! t, ' observed the detective, deftly M'l'lying the comealongs to his .victim's wrists. "How do you ike it' ?" "It's very fetching," c -Idly replied the prisoner, as he walked awTav with the officer. her nieces welcome at the old brick manor house, and his visit was prolonged diy after day, aa the glory of the August sunsets waned into the yellow beauty of September's fall ing leaves, until the evening he cime into the parlor, where Miss over some giggles solemn Story of a Slave. ' To rc bound hand and foot for years W the chains of disease is the worst f -i in of slavery. Geo D Williams, of m uicliester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free. He says: "My wife li s been so helpless for five year that !-lie could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles ot Electric Bit t':rs shi is wonderfully improved ano" able to do har own . work." This su preme remedy for femala diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, headache, backache faintiua and dizzy spells. This mira- le working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every Uittle guaranteed. Only 50c. '. Sold ky Staton 8c Zoeller, druggists. "Miss Try pnosa," said he "when Uncle Maddox sent me here with the advice to fall in love with one of vour nieces, I made up my mind with the usual perversity of mankind, to do nothing of the t Fate is too strong for Ovl v ' TI . 3 14. " me. 1 ve uoue ii. "Done what, for pity's sake? demanded the bewildered spins ter. t?11ati in love, over head and ears, as the common saying i' From the soles of my boots to the verv topmost hair on my head. "Wfill." said Miss Silvington, with a grim smile, "and which of 'em is it ?" "Sara," of course, the litte, dark a AimrJoA oouette. Who C V OU. could help fallin her? in love with and the old speeches. "And now," said Miss Tryphosa Silvington, when all the quivers of eloquence had been exhausted, I've grot something to say my self! Leslie Vincent thinks he hasn't married heiress, but he has. Olive Silvington inherited the Pyxley property and the bank stock that belonged to her mother Olivia Pyxley but Sara's great unchvon the other side, has be- rmeathed her a 100.000 dollars in . money, at present invested under the direction of Mr. Halsey, the family lawyer, who, together with myself, is the possessor of the family secret. If Sara married according to my wishes or when she was twenty-one an event which won't happen for two years yet she was to learn of her in heritance. Young Leslie Vincent, I congratulate you. Sara, my dear, old Halsey will wait npon you on your return from Philadel phia, j Baltimore and Washing ton." "Eh I" cried Squire Maddox by I decrees comprehending this ex- NEVER' TOO OLD CURED' I ts the one aad the only preparation that is safe to us. It U a imlmeat that penetrates from the oexslda. External a ptli cations ar cttraaTJy right. Internal medicines are radi cally wroof. They are more than humbugs they endanger uia. Mother s Frteod neips in muscles to relax and expand naturally re lieves morn In r sicknesa removes the cause of cerrousnesa and bead ache prevents hard and rUdag breasts shortens labor and Wsaena tho pains and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a letter by a bare report. LA.. woman I have boon camr yox wonderful remedy. Mother's FrWat. I for tho last two taoouia. ana caa a just as recommended." . . I THO CRADF1ELD REQULAT0R CO. ATLAKTA. OA. -flrd lackr froa4 the fahV. drmi 3 yevac c the h4 1 lira,- ahLfllaa hie fe to tb raacs el tW chair onus -Ilaid lk lUl s aa aM" TVe too ec fcflow at hie la tike attlrw. arr r-rtaeil wVca. Tt. if It fcada't ttt fr 10 toex. lock. I'd have a'l sru ti tey. he west oa. poXUs fcl bat Acm em kit eyvo aad sesdiftc ' rtr XBoke p ifmlnwt luNtia "I w.t dldwlia rrrttT litU K'rt ravrUj la oao of thm bit htW fke wsa4 In wfaos so, f&ake naa ont cl tm, i said. Twice I rats la ta f l-f tf a 1 wtw&'t ilnJf cc cf feu a&l o3 B that tt abe w Watwt C reUiaa tm saoeh arla tl b all day bttwwe o. WcO. ocm akat i drpewS Into the cl wbm I wkJ wn the tmx trom cwiif-t Nt baaa't poe to m looa," Caa't e asTtstee o bm4 Un thai." cotametad tbe frtrtl Tbrre aro los of olbrra." "Ti bet Uo roaax i sbaklaa' Ul brad aad aia vcoe vm fowfai wt II m et the Ml thaa aavoM cJe clad aad ib caiM ta dora.wdcalvd.eoa VAfaih,l jooef faihrw at kla aide ktd evarpetheet SCracm Chke tm a "htm' I rvraUtt m to CT.isa, to tbe DraaiU aad ta wry largre e,aaU Tbe rtwakrr was a tar-Lr chaat. a Ed he wm a Sir t a 1 tribator wb baa tsae a rrw-UUy of paraxrasbw deaaf wltb ot ti tbe way orcepaUcML. Tbe ariite I ref U ate tck;4ck tbat are raade of wairsa wkUkvra, Vart aaaaUtWa e tbe DOS. thkk wattarrs d tba wLZrm are ehip ewd. frees Aiaka ttUtj. to re aad to mm Mbtrs ta TuCscUtd. Tbo-a wbe rad tbtn n3 tbrta oat oa by eoo wiU efwxial tvwatx aad aftar the wbUars hare ta triaeswd aad rU2 ed here tby are taade a? UU bw de aad arst abroad. Tbe hihr ciaM Chla mq ta mm mo otb kiad U AlUk. a4 tbe more wealtay cd tbe Iiia alwart mm tbeca at their claba aad bcaa I eaod oat tboawaada of frasr yearly, aad. tbooch so tba tejrr tWy are tsocb drrr. aa w3 as taore craa sseatal. tbry Iwere xaly of trail tc tb dakr. Escbaaca mr An does not tir.es rOr 1 feebleaeaa and 111 health. S. S. S. Is a Great Blesslns to aeaxly all of tho sickness amooc Old People. 11 Gives Them SzSStp. L.. . it i. wluilw 1 Rr kvvtf Hew Blood and Ufa. r teu from wlJch tbey suffer so geBerally. S. -tho remedy which wHl keep their system yooa. by prlfTin tho blood. tnorougniy remoruic mt w w awwnM , r -ing new strength and life to tho who la body. It Increaaro tho appetite, builds op tho erjergloa, aad seada now Ma rl ring Wood throng hoot tho entire system , Mrs. Sarah Pike, 4TT Broadway. 800th Ika wdtea t -lam swveety years old. and had oot enjoyed food baaltb for twenty Tears. I waa sick la different wr. aadlav addition, had Eczema" terribly on 000 of my Wt. TW doctor said that on aoooont of my a. I woold never be well strain. 1 took a doten bottle of 8. S. S. and U eared ne completely, and I am happy to say that I feel aa well aa I over did In my Ufa.' iav Mr. J. W. Loving, of Colquitt. Oa., ears: "JTor atifhl-, een years I suffered torture from a fiery eruption on my skin. I tried almost every know remedy, bot ther failed one by one. and I wa told that my are. whlchfa sixty six. wa against me, and that I oould never bop to be well ..(rain I final) r took 8. 8. &. and it cleanaed my blood thoroughly, ana now 1 am in panec neann. I ta4 tt t trwa Clwrit Wa, -Bmimi a try la awta." -I ace," said the. farmer, "that you hare tne wrote np a the urond father of a new mrL l ea i said the editor of the country pa per, Tiaions of fat chicken and applet by the bushel floating be- 1 lorce nts menuu vision, 'owibs to me," continued the larmer "that reirnel would bare boen a bet ter word than nrood She' the ninth." 5' 8. 8. 8. FOR v 1 r .4 blood 7) iAi OaaaciBf Mias Ethel Muaic always male m 9 feel sail; doesn't it you, Mr. I Suds? Mr. Hnda Tea: but I like it iU awfully jolly to feel aad, don't j know. ta tae Sin w4 W CU It ha bar kaowa Um rear tbat tk Uood of eel coots I aa kUrMy pnfc-' oa rriacitla. A do taoralMrd with doerodrooaof ! bWd ta Ua miaaUa ThUoitvry waptetll tt, last vrara a hr two IlatiabrothTS I T tame low. Tbe pUmom It rradUy W I - . - - tmsmmm exroye-i 477 on mm mj iwxw -i , VihUi tlaae. rreia It usrs iro. a aoa-e peats, which kf rrtaJe-i uvtrabT-e kiorwoT-r. rrl srraaa ta ba aV- Ukro wUh food, it lavarUUyrwccatsui to tbe ptmimmm vt -lift tea. If srrars be take frcaa aa aaltn-d that baa bvs twdrrd ixaxoono So tak reiaos. aad tBeed ras wbo.akitosd.aaMl-.tbe fjtwiaiTw reoprrty ct tbe rl tkud m therwby bapalrrd. &rT.rakkrti freta a eat le nakeraQy shoot VLrm tiswo pdlaans-n a tbe erress of t rtcioca riper. Aa OS4 BSaorrSao LVkrw we rnat r-rrir a-wd la Garu saaay ymrs arx Tbe eoyy we bare te e,lto an oil k-fcia4 faded rrrT a - a. . W44 m rf wf law mum mt SOZ . S vt-kHb fT aratf m a i tea f. Krm.f r U .Miaw4 ia. iru. a wi a 1 mi. fm mt taa i. ipi it-i-rin hi mmm Hrw. II tSn k mm Wwtvl wwaw LcLrrOs (Oa.) S In IsmZb luta and yareari. Althoacfc dilaMd art eeruri tzmf rr I Mis SUyington shook her head. Uraordinary and unexpected sUU la tha onlT remedr which oan -J4 -xnla lvar.n It La tha OnlT JZZL trrr-T' nd ha. b.: and ha. n eb-nical whakerer lnit. 3 8 8. cure the worrt caaea of Scrofula, Cancer F-oetr SUumati Tetter. Open Sore. Chronic LTeors, Bolls. othmmmmU UofA IkxkonthMwia-aowiaU 1 IM-Utk! trmm Jlerv Wa the result of hi spleodkl health. Iodvjmitahlc will and trcmcoeoo eo- erry are not found wber atoaaach. I liver, kidoers and bowel are oot of I order. If yoa vaM these qualitie and th. occes they briny:, nse Dr. Kioc Se Ufe riUa. Tbry d-r l "p rrry ?jer of brain and body. Only 15c at Utoa fk Zoallar drBf store. TWw AmWw. That wa ty abe-rt aabor 4. . say btt bcpa k-t refsfet tbe skwt aJKbar cd a ship. bleb. La sr- cl wralkT. Is tb iV-rs cbVrf dtwd- tect aa animal froas o W.'y a po-ato - 1!L;LV? " 7 JZZ ratLf.il .in!TS. .ielttJf Tb.CtUadIla-4. r?J rwai-ad to U-taad fatal doaaa of serpent renota ci2ra fro-a r- j mw "" dlaery err ro ta tbe MtooUlttMC rs pM ty . of tt action. Kot only tu procert'rv. I bat aW 1U oadoabtwd eorattr pewrf UUUhd Oood Worda. It4.tr TwM. k. . j Of all the rarvoQ ankbw cf wo-1 -rew that Ton bare ever taentioewd ta ,M.ttV.W.--iw.r-..n.f. Ai Tbe premie of tbe CaUed But 4M.wO0.0wW inateb rrery &. Itl ervry year, and U U Mud that l-, tUcrd r1 to erd, well aa'sy 4.ti.T U tbe earlier ares danclsx ted'sJ ctr -''Y - r 1 J

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