.1 . A A A A A i I BK STJKK -OXJ AEE RIGHT ; THEN GO AJD.X) Crockett It ! vii yi if ill i .1 in ill fVl L . i " 77 NO. 25. II a - rrv II EE?, Ml 1 If? B VIU Are your nerves weak? Can't you t.lceo veil? : Paia In your back? Lack energy? Appetite poor? Digestion bad? Boils or pimples? Tticse are sure signs of poisoning. From what poisons? From poisons that are al ways found in constipated bowels. i If the contents cf the bowels are net removed from the body each day, as nature Intended, these poisonous substances are sure to te absorbed into tbc blood, al ways ctuair.g sintering and frequently .causing severe disease. ' . - ; There it a common sense How He Tamed Her. TARBORO N. C THURSDAY. JUNE 15, BY O. P. ter this lumse ," cried Justina. "Let m'ei see you presume to be uncivil ti ;her,"; said the - major, knitting his brows in a way that .airs. Delaford had unvpr seen in "I haven't the least" fear," said11 late husband's counternance, ajor Delaford. ; . ' " i For, to tell the truth, the late Mr. "Then you're a man of unboun-! Judk FlM&nton. had been but ded courage." v a chicken-.hearted : individual at s uia lnenUj ? best. -vr 1 Tbere it a common sense - r v o sses urinklethorpe, "For --may I venture to be frank?" uh, certainly, certainly! By all moans." " - , " Well, then, thev do fi.1V ihftf I Mrs. Flashmgton drove her first ; husband into his grave by her un I goveruerable temper." 1 ve heard that before." said Major Delaford, puffing complac ently away at his cigar. 'But, of course," with a little I sarcastic laugh, "you don't believe ;it?" ' - - 'Excuse me," said Major Dala- I ford, severely, "I don't believe it. I I have seen, now and then, an ex pression in Justina's eyes which fully carries out any theory of mat nature. , 'And yet you are going to mar ry her?" - j "And yet I am goinsr to marrv her." "Felix Delaford, are you crazy?" ' "Not that I am aware of." "Will you be honest to me?" "To be sure," nodded the ma- L I "Then, why do you marry Mrs. .fclashington? "Well from a varity of reasons. One isthat I like her. She's a pretty little gypsy, with a skin like white velvet and delicious long lashes to her eyes. !" "Proceed T "A second is mind, now, .1 never did pretend to be one of the TV death of Mr. Frank Thomp-1 disinterested lovers one reads son, president of the Pennsylvnia abut in dime novels that the Railroad Company, removes an- dear, departed rHashington left ather of the officers who have uer remarkably well off. And I ben instrumental in building up I have more merit than money. "I think you will repent it, said Mr. Crinklethorpe, "for by all ac counts, the black-eyed divinity is neither more nor lesrthau a. virago. "There are very few actions m this world that one doesn't repent in a greater or less degree," said Major Dalaford, sententiously; "but, averaging things, I'm wil ling to risk it." And Major Delaford was mar ried the next week to Mrs. Flash insrton They daily insure an easy and natural movement of the bowels. You will find that the use of Aijers larsapariaa with the pills will hasten recovery. It cleanses the blood from all impurities and is a grett tonic to the nerves. WHf Dooiof. Our Medtott Peparttnetit fcai one - thM most funinent ihTlclAUA in W I thd URitod Stale. TM1 the doctor Jast how yoti. fcre trfferin. Address il! receive the twt uu .a UK, rf. V. AllLIi. 1 Pealh of President Themptsni tlyi irrent system to its present standard. Like the late Geo. B. Roberts, whom he succeeded, Mr. Thomson had served the company in many capacities, rising to his present jmsitipn fvom a mechanic u us vejjaii -.anops. lie receivea i mi all-niund training and not only 'nnderstojMl all ortions of a loco motive, but could take his? place as an euiriueer in the -cab or as fireman. Mr, Thpmson was a man j fif great executiue ability and j broad idears, which were invalua- Mrs. Delaford - flounced out of the room and banged the door vic iously behind her. 1 Miss Bly arrived the next day a cherry-cheeked, bright-eyetl girl, with lipswreathed in smiles and a brand-new traveling suit cut after a deal prettier pattern than the bride's own!.: Mrs.- Delaford re fused to speak to her. "Justina," said hejr husband, in. a warning voice, "this is my cous in, Bxsamond. . I : hope you will make her welcome to our home." : But Mrs; Delaford only threw a slipper at her husband, burst into tears and,-ran hysterically up stairs. "Oh, Felix! what's the matter?" j asked Rosamond, half frightened out of her senses. Had I better gohome?' "By no means, my dear llosa-! mond," said the major. "You see, I have married a woman with a temper. But shell be all the more charming when that fault is rooted out of -her character." The major went up stairs and tried to open the door. It was locked. !.-. "Justina," he said gently, "it is L Let me in." . ' I won't !" snapped the bride. "Will yon come, down stairs, then?" - .V. - . "I will not come out of my room until that -woman is out of the house !" sputteted forth MnCDela- ford. "Very well'my" dear," said the major, and he returned to the drawing-room with unruffled phil osophy. ; ; .Mrs. Delaford adhered to her resolution, although it was much tried by gnndry peculiar sounds she heard on the outside of tfu door." I . "Major Delaford has carpenters at work, ' altering the house,1 thought she. "It makes but little difference to me in any case, shan't stay here," At the end of the third day, however, she concluded to go stairs. But when she opened the Arts, and were three stories above ground, tihe might have shrieked herself hoarse in that direction before any one could hear her. She sat down to think. What 1890. FJsTAUT lenrn icoo 1 , ; JjiQiiu 10 I Brr IhtRtrakHtaaPIUaMia A LousTille tlegram'ol Friday date says : The forma visit of William Jen nings Bryan to Louisrille under was to become of her? Did that the auspices of the Ohio Bi-Me-dreadful hint of Felix concerning" tlic League was reserved for to tho asylum really mean anything? day, though he wm present here For once in her life the late Mrs. j Wednesday night at the banquet Flashington was actually friirh-I Judge Tarvin. rriveu bv the tened. Young Men's Democratic CI ab. " "Has my temper really been ho j Mr. Bryan left Mammoth Cavo terrible," she asked herself, "that early this morning, and was met people mistake it for I can at Ulaacow Junction by a local re- hardly breathe the word insan- ception committe. 'After lunch ity ?" eon he was driven to the Audito- It was a new idea; she pondered I rium, where he spoke v to an Im- it carefully and crietl bitterly bit- J menae audieuoe. He said in part teily over it. , The Democratic Convention When Hetty came, as usual, adopted at Chicago a platform with the napkin-covered tray Mrs. I whichjipplied Democrat io princi Delaford's face was pale and tear-1 p'es to the condieions then exist- swollen. ing. The. conditions exisinsr to- Hetty," said she, "will you ask day require the applications of your master to step up here for a the same principles. No question few minutes?" brought to the attention of the Major Delaford obeyed the sum-l people by the last campaign have nions at once. I been settled since. Well, my love," said he, "what "The republican party did not is it ?" I declare the existing cold standard Felix," said Mrs. Delaford, satisfactory but declared that it bursting into fresh tears, MI have should be continued until foreign acted very foolish. I beg your nations would join in internatienal pardon. And-i beg Rosamond's lo-metalism. The republican pardon, too. . president elected in the last cam- Major Delaford opened the gra-1 paign sought to carry out the ted door at once Justina flew in- platform promises by "sending to his arms and then and there commissioners to Europe to se was a reconciliation after the most cure international bi-metallixm. approved style. These commissioners failed to ae- Mrs. Dolaford was as sweet as a cure international co-operation. June morning after that and if I The republican party in the next ever she manifested symptoms of campaign must declare either for a relapse all that Major Delaford I the gold standard or for the res found necessary was to allude, iul toratiou of bi-metalllsm. If itde- a general way, to lunatics and I clares for the gold standard it nsylnms. ' I must defend the principle of gold ud Ir. Ulysses Crinklethorie monometallism which it . refused nover could imagine by what to delend in lKvu. II it dec lares means this modern Petruchio for bi-metallism it must either fa- tamed his dark-eyed shrew. - I vor independent bi-xnetalliam, as the Democratic party did in the campaign of 1856 or it must make ot Newark, in the civil war It caused anoiner aiiempi io ueinae ine peo- horrible ulcers that no treatment Lei-1 pie by the promise of foreign r-d ior 20 years Then Buckien's Ar- j aj bruises, burns, boils, felons, corns. "The Ohio Valley Bi-Metallic kUh eruptions Iiest pile cure on I League which is holding its third STi i lf . r,ure ,sn" neea annual convention in this city ha ---- adopted resolutions declaring that o ii u I the contest for indepedent bi-me- General Wheeler is a religious I tallism at the ratio of 1C to 1 tnus man. He was brought up in the! continued. I am in hearty sym Episcopal church "with great re- J pathy with this determination. verence for sacred things and faith I "The demand for the restoration , I iu the efficiency of prayer. One of bi-metallism does not mean down I.,.; . . , ii i !.,.. oi nis.iormer secretaries tens xne l mat mere are no oiner issues ue- remarks were confined to a con demnation of trnts, the gold standard and the so-called impcri. alts tic policy of the republican ad ministration, along the same line followed by him iu previous specche. lxmiuu i.r.Miirjscxii. Before the adjournment the con vention unanimously adopted the folldricg rtsolatioo: "We declare and denounce the imperialistic policy of the nation ttation toward the Filipino as repugnant to the bill of rights; contrary to constitution and the declaration of imU)tidDcn." CiriTAL aXD Li.no B. At the evening session of the League, Mr. Bryan met another rv men Jons Crowd, to whom he made a short sj-ech in the rourse of which. he said: "It is not a question who shall Us the next President of the Uni- ed btatea, but that the next Pres ident be for, of and by the people. The lavs of the nation must be just, as between man and man. and the social abuse which hare sprung up iu this country daring he past twt-nty-ne Tears must be lopped off. Mark II anna re publicanism of today believes in the dollar first, and the man after. ard, if at alL Abraham Iincnln put labor above capital lcane capital is a product of labor, but can aiv douoi lual our latter day republican t place capital abut UXtor? Is it not true that the' are making tremendous progress toward the enthronement of capi tal and the debasement of human It 4 list t'rat lh Umm Was the ball that hit G II Stead man. ! - r-zzmz sir Z7t 7 - rr' r--rJ,,SlIl,tr -r Mm mm Z. z v VV'Vi ' pod A1LL VJOfJEO AGREE. A dnttzM Is Mcoa. Ca.t aar: ! I iL4UUJLV.Oe rm I . We Do The Boaines of the Town Because We treat Oar en; oxers KoweU They Come Again And bring Their " . Friends Also. nvestment I a aaUaiactioo at all Uses. xA if TOU deaire conletlcect, pac and Lapptst you To obtain either ax4 will forwtr thank your locky start if you buy at once m BUCK'S STEEL iRANGE. -1 k ... a I d... . a .1 mm m0 Pri, 4 Save avrr tsavs as !. I TT7 gi suavce wbetw 11 Baa iai)4 a Pfaiace ra I JAJ J J 13 rood results claimed for It. All 1 aft e that It males labor saomr sa4 U4 aaiaful." door, lo, and .behold I her egress It was not long, as Mr. Crinkle- was barred by a grated iron door. before the! "Mercy upon us! cried Mrs. Delaford.: "What is this?" "PJeae, ina'am," said the little iaaid, who had brought her up her day, "I I meals threQ.times a day, "it s mas ter as had it done. "What for?" cried Justina. "Please, 'ma'am," 'sad Hetty, lik' in th call-ins' to which he de voted his life. Hfi wan onlv about I thorpe had foretold, 58 years old at the time of his I claw began to peep from under death. He was widely known Flashington Delaford's velvet both in this couniry and Euroie, 1 sheatn. a;,.! n ith inch mn as Thomas "Felix," said she, one and Vresident Roberts, his don't like this location." ' umlecessnrs, he has a monument : "Von't you, my dear?" said Ma- . i.: . i;f - ..I. . 11 -l 1 mr i p atom i ve liveu ucio L I 111 111 UlU'k 111 I.I M 1,1 1 I II 1?U I III I J-- ' a - ..mm. onrl thirtv Tears and alwavs lonnd " j - I. mi it very pleasant.'' now YOU are crazy "I don't like it,'1 said Mrs Delar "4Jisoieni muno", f,l T prefer a house nearer Delaford,. yur the Park." Major Delaford went story" that while the general was fore the people, but it means that engaged in a canvass for Congress this issue cannot be laid aside or some years ago he spent the night surrendered until the final policy at the plantation of a constituent, of the American people is deter His host accompanied him to his mined by the American people bed rooin at bed time, and bade I themseWes without waiting for Tdiicb In was the head. rkin; Msbt It ltd Par Tlio 1. lsk st and mightiest little thing tl;at tyr w:is made is Dr King's New Life Pills livery ill is a sugar-coated fjobule of lienlth that changes weak p.:'..s inij- Lnu,j,ih, lfstlessuess into en eftjy, hraiii-fag into mental power They're wonderful in building up the health Only 25c per box Sold by Statou & Zodlcr lam good night, but, being re-1 minded that the general might want a gift of cool water before retiring, ho carried a pitcher to the room and entered without knocking. He was surprised to said Mrs. master at on read- the aid or consent any other na tion." AS TO GOLD LiCXOClUTK. Mr. Bryan said: "I want to talk to thOHe who are espousing that half way cause known as the find General Wheeler upon his Gold Democratic party, I wish knees before the led engaged in to say that the men who withdrew II- I. . . ins uevotions. ue waueu reer-1 from ne twuiv nartr m 1KUC are ently until the general arose and mistaken, in a large measure, an ing, -Sec- Hlf "HMl(li of C'ottou. ... : - - ' New Orleans. La June 8.- 'Trttarv Hester's analasvs of the cotton movement for the nine months of f lie season from Sep tember 1st to May 31st shows that f'oinij.'tivd with the crop movement j.tst year, Tfiias, iu;lud(ng Territory, has brought "into sight this season 440,000' more, while 1 1 VTalPA WHS raised a degree ft? m way nis arm. higher the dangerous sparkles, had come into hex eyes. "Yes, Justy," "I mean to move uptown. "Do you? "And at once !" "Very well," said the major, then you will move alqne &a Indian I remain where I am," "Major brute!" The major burst into tears. once. . . ' iT; nA apologized for the interruption. if I can help them to the lightan. ry,.F r.ZrZ";ZZ -Wt mention it," said Gen-them as supporters of the eral Wheeler, I think all of us nartv. I feel that the time will ought to kneel before we retire, I come when they will thank me for and thank our good .Maker lor 111s if" "Felix, I say ! The onoe s i uiy cuujjjvja m mni w. TPTir. til- Screws. 1,1 . p t Garden Tools, a specialty. Oct then bow , and be ready for your Spring Gardesier. Mother's Friend Is not s chance rtroedf. Its to4 effects re readily tipmceKcd by all cipectaM 1 mothers bo use it. Tears ar ru tot ciperimtfttal state. Tfeil Il arvsrs snorts nt UNor and lease as toe rata tm dtlitfery, it is s!o of the creaarst bcstl during the earlier moo lis ef prtjaaacf. .Morning sickaeas snd smaaisni are reaiity overcome, snd rn liormest nlaxte the strained muscles, reroumet tbtm eisnd witnoutcsusint distress. Mother's Fncnd ttre grtst reewpersnre rrrrr Ss the mother, sod her recovery Is sore aad tapid. Daater from rtaing and swtOd trcssts Is done sway wiin cemplratry . SMsydnafcwlt TT1E DRADFICLO REOULATOH CO. ATULVTA. OA. ralk Crll l4Mir. my mercies and blessings." The memliersof General Wlirel- er's staff sny that during the San- Delaford, you are a 1 ' bowed. Justina "How do you feel now, dear?" h& asked solicitously. "I'm well enough," snarled Mrs DelaforcL "Open that door quick. "f,T tT,Y a IL ti-n camiaigu he never lay down said Maior Delaford, in a sottQi -xi saiu diajur . , M ho aleep without offenag a prayer, V the morning viWan i -VJita o wituout thanking God for his pro- dare yonspeaa u i "Getting - violent!" added the major, shaking his head. The remainder of Mr. Bryan's A girl isn't an old maid until she begins to worry for fear she won't get married; a man isn't aa old batchelor until he begins to worry for fear be wilL Puck. "Let meout, I say !" persisted Mrs., Dfdaf prd, rattling at the bars, tection and presenation. It is not generally known that General Wheeler was educated in the North, aad appointed to West Point from the State of New York oth-Gulf States,' which .include !iiiies.-,ef, t Oklahoma antt Juosoun 1 x, rr . , I mean " v 1 V i t 1 -it t c tuarked 4'23,(ioo less, and the ever married yon! - ; J.. wa;Rt,oast wLou he a .cL,W.offite f.ui of Atlantic. States,' which And after that Mrs, UetaiOTOL ur - years, and he was sent to the care . 1. a hnatiand IOT WOQKI w n remains affected by this tolerably, manageable I shall not So So So 31O ES ! : TO THE . a. mi. Promptly Reacbss ttia Seal li .( n! i .u X'vl, Krtnlh t,nTO-l . - A hnaluind IOT 1 WOUI' I, " il iain. . did no speaa u ? . u-t M W as she a'4iia,, a I Jl II. ' I II.. I' llll Illtt. JXiiaww j . -a T1A St trtQ II1H.1I 11 IV - i v. . . ' 1 rlfwotlavs. ni luu ' . r . "" n irniia show -a aecra y - - - - . . U,m. In other words all of the pearea in .n to lnn, taif's outside of Texas ana xu- 1 taciturmiy t A wcr tn prv.. .VlV ntory have decreased-537- pta ,tH"? WW v ffi Sk: you talk m 1 i.hi.js aiul U - .j Lt. Li J :.Miiisii an increase lor 1 , :d 3Iikli an Territory oMaay, , Taw this won't f4fi,iHM, leaving the net decrease . " , tb weeVs m tl t. ,tal of cron marketed of do," saui tne j-. , - j ena. I don t tancy eituc woman qr a f rry ! : -1 T nV.11 live W UD "I am as sane 1; jmach, liver a0a kidney i , A1 - , himBered M?S. Deb clUs wqmen,an4 all teel spoken to! whiWlTeu aford, C1 "DO, went on the major, lrijve ITteu 'al ! Victims t &toi uoiii.n 3 as ye li m , :ih ii, lob3 of appetite, poisons in the I.I00 . backache, nervousness, 1....T 1 l . . - . 1 il V-.i rt r.vcn -aiuii in- mm urea, nsuehs, ionmv U..:..u .., n need to feel have written -to my 'ir.C 111.'. I. I ic.fj.Tl trt l W Gardner, I nn( Ttillv. to come I F 'lK in.j. He says, glectnc Bit- 0mmel here. V . . ithintf'for a man. wnen 1 tL , :n mv house,. ii .1,' . ... ,irt't cave I won I " - 1 - ivj (.III I llll III1WII t 1 lUiJUM "I cousin, Rosa- e,n spend Ms an i won ...... . - 1 . . ... wli:thtr lmtivps nr iIias. It did more 1 ai,-;AirAd tne Du tgi've me new strength and good ap-1 riTif t Will haYQ heX in P ti!'; tliiiii anythine I could take. 1 1 retorted , nov, eat anything and have a new compql? JpWW lr8 drusture.. Evevy. bottle guat: I v. me see her presume to en-i the hus; of relatives at Cheshire, Conn., where he spent his boyhood. His appjoirtmrnt o Wfvt Point was giveu liim by a Congressman of his own name, John Wheeler, for merly of Darby, Connn who, how ever, represented a Ne.w York dis trict. Chicago Becord. 71llllata ilT-aa Awaf. U is certainly irrati'yinK to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who ars not afraid to be generous to the needy snd suffering. The propri etors ot Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, Lon;h and Colds bay tven away over ten tuiUion trial bot tles ot this creat medicine, and have the satisf action of knowing that it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless Actlima- I',rinr1iiti llmrte. But how bo help herse'l mat cess snd all. diseases ef ho throat, oatinn. ' The door was chest and lungs are snrdy cured by it. Call on Slaton & Zoeiier, drugits. ami f r.'rt lril t w.t f 1 Rotrntar ! opened upon the dead wall of a 1 50c and Ii. Every bottle guar- neighboring inswiuie 01 me i uw 4'"- Oh, Felix, 8Q?" sobbed she. as vou are!". - - .- - ... Poor thin.g urmuiaia tn major, compassiuuaicij. hardest part of insanity mua 00 when one becomes partiauy con scious of its deadly doom. Mrs. Delaford shut the door rather vehemently and began t rigay r ' I m nQ .maui' ouu. D4uu. - won't "be. made "a inad woman of !" In erery tt made 8. 8. S. easily demonairnt its superiority ever ether bloud reme4iea. It malUrs Dot how oo- M. all Blood Diseases and ZTiTi:. always protnntly rraehee sad cores aa Pilrflt fhfi Wnrtl PietV diawrrlhe blul la In any way tnrolrM. .UUiCdU13 11 UI 51 UQdewa CTrTon who haa had spretM with blood diaeae knows that IhttVear tM aU tnenta or trouble so obstinate and difficult to eur. Very few rtdiee claim to ear soeh real, deep-eeatied blood diaaaee aa S. 8. 8. eurra. and Boom caa oiler sueh IneoatroverUbie evideneaiof merit. 8 8. 8. la not merely a totale It isaeurel It roe dowa to the very seat of all blood d ia, and rats at the round a lion of the very worst cases. and routs the polaoq from the rj stem. It doe ot, like othr remedies, dry up the polaon and hide It f rota view tatraporartly, only to break, forth ajrain more vtoler.Ur than ever ; 8. 8. & f arere out evsj traee of taint, and rids the system of it fortrer. Mrs-T. W. Lee. Motrotaery, Ala., w-rilea: "Some y tars aso I was Inoculated with poiaoa by a aura who iateet4 my babe with blood taint. I was covered, with soree and aleers from head to foot, and is my peat estremity I prayed to die. freyeral proasiaaat phyatetaos trete4 me. but ail W o Durpose. The mercury land r4ah which they Look la Yoar EHrrar m r ymm m aMra iiiv WaASr. tti -wl t4 Mi mm Sltoml T tin (I'fKl mt r-i atta. f tm It IWf turn ! u 1 1 tmmm linilir m4 V I'm . fiasMkf W.IA 4 if ' f.lcFt REH3 VJIno of Cnrdul tnaoml and Wh&y. It atKkee at. te root c4 aU titr traaiU. Tkwr as sa anrawtrwal dta ortW, neb or paia wtuk It wd ft rare. It as foe tkm Uaddia rlrl. tie bwey wtfeand tbe nvatanw arrethtc tne chaare M Llm, At t-rary trrtxf cHU ia a vocaaa's Lie -it bnnra "A. strwrU and aarrineaa. it oats li -co 4 aW. trine dw knv roreJvteatU !rrct aaa. aV!r , rtvtaf eywipaarn. Tne Lkia'AiJ,MorT lr?rjtBX.J Tne Chattaorra Uedaciae Co-. aa Mna.oxKtr4 urwra. J Om iitk ar. 1 was advised by friends who had tee-a swift's SpeeiUe. I tm- Ai o Paris. Jane 7. Aogustia Illr ditil Koddi oly thU a! tcrt-. UU datkwaaUoe to ljraart L;Isr- lle armed here SatarLv and aa tijp;ng at IIobr-1 Cnt:tKD UL I be Iain Aurr.stin Ially was born in rirmoatU. Jf. C. July llvPC lit axlormuon wsarereneU cats me seemed to add fuel to Vbe awrul Earn waiea was devouring me. wonderful eures made tv n. to try a proved from the start, aa the medicine eme4 to ( direct to the cause of the trouble and force tne poia out. Twenty Md.es, cured, ms notapistJ." 8wtfis bpeolfle 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD (a the only remedy that Is guaranteed purely vecetable, and eon Vales ne mercury, potash, arsenie, or any other mineral or chemical. It nerer falls to eure Cancer, ktcxema. Scrofula, Kheumatism, Cootafiotu Blood f ci. Tetter, Bolla, Cerbunelee, Soree, ete. YalaaUs booaj malkd, fires by Bwllt EpeaiSd Coxepaay, AlUcta, Qt mJ a a k m 1 1 Aieianaer county -1 . m. tp- J ! er, of SUtewiiUe, N. CL, baa pur- . t . 1 t .- y H Ii Jae " arr-i n iaji ana wa ylySf tr-piwcr it ia .Vb-iaxJcr .VL t d I'll iUpUL slat that there La l-n rvna-K-noel tLe ontrtKlioa r f a tlaxa ca tfc Big Ivy titer tja AL vitle to alcTrh.p water jwiwrr; tin iLtxa tn l 3l'i f-et hjr oa tvp acJflJj frt on U ttoca. TW reporte! ir.berr-atl inc'sd C A. Prynold. W. B. ElUsnf Witsla, and (teo. II Cilaa, rf lYovkleorw, ILL Charjolte -TLe Char Uns lou hL Kallroads 0o.'a rnt3.poetI Its prove tnerls w ill inclnde r.UrgnxeLt of power Lce aad the inaUlUttoa of new machinery. New car abed fo4 SO cars w ill b built KnAeld Itxrporated: Thr Tubicco Htrtataery Co-, cat-it! 4'XJ l-y C II MrGuhrma aolc lb- era. PraiiklintiUe -Tb lra5.Uia- ville Maaufactarisg Cx, will ra large atul baprute iU cvttua taiX CJrrttUm It is rtpnrtel that Mrti II. CT.e ax.l Nortbrrn par-lif-a Ijate- bl tsevtintKrrs that fnacre the vrrctlon f a taill to man a fact are a lin uf n.'tloagiU at tw priklcrrd Sulb. lie tb-n o I T. Howard will ratalJiah a taxcry. Hickory t't-uteT graxhrj to the Snth M i-r.laia Ias.1 Ov, capital So.taxr. tumqraUTa, K C Mcaxie, H I Al-rnathy, A Y HinCVJO aixl W B Menxi"a, c.f Hickory, azxl J 11 lUrnUrdt. U iartlr in Norfolk, Ya and ia the pnU.c scbonle c, .ew jork ct-y.. dramatic editor for leadicg NVwj ' Louiabor TU city d Ut York rewtrs, winning, at the one Uts pi t ru&trorli" 'f same time, fame a a dramatic wtftr wt,tjt and lU ertf aaa thor, HaWinenUy be d'ric liLt plt- J. IL ATrts distinction m the prewr.Uta of, .-.t . jears he davotod hie entire time, the pnjr Iti to eddrr. to his tberatrical entrpns, la repuUtion as a oocesf ol ciaavr i jjorxi Ate 1-strwUt a tiMiaw rna rw. ds t 1 i II : At . rr. - t