- ' : ' ; " - , ' -BIS SURE YOU ARE RIGHT; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Orockott Vol.. 77. NO. 2;: idDisie : Tub Boatman. TARBOROVN. C , THURSDAY. JUNE 22, 1899. t ;new arrivals, and Lucille colored BY CD. Poor clothes cannot nftke yoa look old. Even pale cheeks won't do It. . Your household cares may be heavy tad disappoint inerta may be -deep, bat -tbeyxaaaot oake- y c-4 k old.' ". ," -- i One thing ,.doe3lt and never fails. iv j "I don't like .this sort of thing at all," saidj'anny BusselL-impa- -tiently. a little at once I Anything, rather than this hot hole of a rilaee !" Here we are tucked into And the two husband-h anting t e-""jr-cuuuieiinaerine "oo nurneu way, Keeping ns roof of the house, with a leather mnc possible j on the shady X 1 . ... .1.1 ... . t "V wj sieep on and a oeilino- that aide oi the road. I ' . 4. yonplease for a quarter! "The very thing!" Baid Lucillol do3jly with anger and mor tifica- . -"Why in the name of all the Nat- I tiou Mh recognized Mrs. Bel- " nd ana WW La a mx . i fieW l'onaonby, a schoolmate of , mitW, T , - j u. J uu not tell me this before ? We'll iro 1-.-. . . yuuis against our noses . every time we turn over- in bed. Mos- f I . "t pw. . aaa Theljevison phice, an old house of gray stone, which had not been inhabited for years in consequence It is impossible . ti loo: young with t:: color o seventy years in your hair. Kir z .... w v I ... te akfast;andtwo-tined of sudden death of the late torks at the tableT t dont believe j MraTTjeviaon -and her husband s the patient Griselda herself could! Toltmtary exile -in' Europe, was have endured it. .Lucille, I wish ' only about a quarter of mile dis you would tell me what on earth ' butat quarler of amile you mean by this sortyof thing." 1 8emejd to elongate itself into full 7 Lucille' Adams laughed. She twice the number of feet on that was standing before the mirror, sultry July morninsr. But the sight of the . little boat rocking twisting up the .glittering abun dance of her red-gold hair a tail, magnificientlyprop'rtioned blonde p refresh and rejuvenate our he- perraaaenuy postpones the tell-tale signs of age. Used according to directions " it gradually brings back the color of youth. At fifty your hair may look as it did at fifteen.- It thickens the hah lso; stops it from falling out; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. Shall we ' send you our book on the Hair and its Diseases? V yoa do not obtain all th hone Bta yoa ex"crl bom the aaof tba vigor. rtto th doctor nbot it. Probably tbora h aoim uiftlenlty with your rr.!rr! trtcni vbk-b. mar M eaCy rnTnT A J(f-a UK. J. C AYCli, LnU. JSj-si. STOLEN S3fir.RS. with light blue eyes,a complexion all snow and. roses and full, car mine lips Juno in crinoline and frizzled locks. , "What a errumbler. von ar. Fan," said she. "A regular little Sybarite, always thinking of the present, without even an idea of the future." ' . Td like to know what - the fu ture has to do with this." fretted Miss Russell, who was smaller plainer and in every way less at tractive than her superb compan "Just this. Our time is an in vestment at present. Some of the girls haye gone to Long Branch, some to Gape May, some to Lake George. I know better than that. The moment that old Major ,Wald- grave said his nephew was coming down to Bald Bock sketchinsTmv plans were complete." "But Capt Waldgrave isn't here." . . . 'He will be, you goose; and I idly on the inlet of the bay seemed "I'm going to a fancy-dress ball ami I want to conceal r my age. What shall ' I wear?" "Wear a shall be all ready for him. plavinr the sweetly unconscious part. Do you suppose I was going to wait a mask, madam." Gentlemao, (entering) : Do you work here, boy? 'Office hoy : On ly when the boss is looking. Mrs. Proudfoot : Yes, Mrs Mal aprop; that's aneirloom. - -It's been in Mr. Prouufoot's family over a hundred years. Mrs. Mal- apaop : Do tell ! I've been nag gin' at John Henry to get a heir l.oom ever since we moved to the city, but he can't find any except second-hand 'ones, and I won't have them. . , "Give me one kiss," he pleaded," only one." Only one? she asked. "Only one," he repeated. ; She sighed. "Evidently," she "said, "the modern young man doesn't know a good thing when he' gets it. V Lobbyest : May I submit some figures in support of my connec tion T Senator : . Well,, -there'll have to be at least four figures. "I hear you have married Bob-. letts divorced wife." "YeS," "How did ybtt come to do that?" "Bobbett recommended her highly. Said his only trouble jwas she snored, and you know I'm " deaf." Papa: See the spider,. my boy. spinning his web; is it not wonder ful '? Do you reflect, " try as he may, no man could spin that web? Johnny: What of itSee me spin this top ? Do" you reflect that, try as he may, no spider can i spin-this top. " ! White: I don't like to hear men refer to our business as chan nels' of trade; it sounds altogether too susmcious. Black : What business are in? .Whitef The milk business. - . "We had a pleasant call last Monday," said t the Spiketown Blizzard of a recent date, "from the Rev. Hathaway, who spent an lidiir nr twn in nnr sanctum. He made us a present of . some bf the finest strained honey, made last summer by his own bees, that we ever sampled. Girls, when you want to ret married, givathe liev. Hathaway the job of tyin. knot. He can do it as anybody in the county. forhim-fco get all see tied here, and then bounce in upon hm, exactly if I intended to take him by storm ? That style of snare would frighten away the most idiotic bird. ' - -'Lucille, what a schemer you are!" I "I pride myself upon my diplo macy, my dear," said Lucille Ad ams, with a laugh. '"But how do yon know you will like him, when you see him I per sisted Fanny Russell. "He is worth a quarter of a mil lion dollars, my dear. That is aomea, and Lucille called imperi ously to the man who lay under trees, his hat over his eyes and an impromptu pillow formed by his two hands . crossed baneath his head. . He started up at the sound of a human voice, ; staring around as if just awakened from slum- ber. -.": : . !. Who are you? What is it?" he cried. s. . "- ' m stupid v lout !" retorted Miss "Adams, in tones rather shrill er than-the "society pitch," are you blind? Can't you see that we want to go on t in . the boat ? Quick ! ' We can't be kept waiting all day" 1 1 The man scrambled to his feet, but still seemed hardly to compre hend the exigencies of the mo ment, until Fanny - Russell spoke in an explanatory fashion.. . "Mrs. Hobbs directed us here. She told us you rowed people out, when the boat wasn't occupied. for a quarter or so. - We want to sail down-toward the Bald Hoteh We shall prove good customers if your boat is good and your terms reasonable. My dear," to Lucille, "I think he's a foreigner. He don't seem to understand half I say to him." . ! "I think he is a fool !" retorted Lucille. - "But that makes little odds' so long as he knows how to handle a pair of oars." . By this time the man, who All llMl f ftllrar. I -A Wy Kay !?. According to a partial canva j A hortr-t l the smtrUf of tlio national Democratic com- I tha. flw arajwhirc. He cnu made by the Chica-o I hoa tlea, ana .joe wIjco her own. newly married andequip- Times-Herald, the silver - imne, I he gH rraily. Ouo way a hot net ped in diamonds, cashmero and which was so prominent in the ca-1 !io his ft:n&rtnea U try attend- throad-lace naranoL ' ; tional campaign of 18JL will ) leg, and tcling everjbodr who "Why, my darling Lucille!" not less prominent in the cam- ESTABLISHED 1522. tun VM a a. at mm . ejaculated Mrs. Ponsonby in a high soprano. "However .came you here? And I declare with Herman Waldgravel So ymi have really got introduced to hint after all?" - - ' paign ol next year. In answer to tnquirea sent out by that pajxr all the committeemen from whora replies were received, save only the representative from little rock ribbed Republican Maine, declared "What do you mean ?"cried Lu- j unequivocally for the re-afHrma-cille, petulantly. "Are you crazyf tion of the Chicago platform of The State from which re- This fellow is only my boatman1 "our boatman, indeed!" re torted Mrs. Ponsonboy, beginning in her turn to lose her , temper. "No more than myself. Is it pos sible, Herman, that Lucille Adams don't know who you are?" The so-called boatman raised. "I am a boatman," said he, laughing; "but I never rowed a party of strangers before. They 189. plies were received were Georgia, int rfrv with him with the had dou the name thing. Wlieu a hornet stings a fellow i it, and never stop talking about it as long as Lis friends will lis ten to him. One day a hornet tung my pa (my pa is a preach- ' er) on the no?, and he did not do any patoril visiting for a month, without talking about that boreL Another war-a hornet shows A law rwi im . . - V J " b--i i iT.,TL!Zl tT- --- ( 1 l J T P r- ' m wrwx t-, AlUsta. Ca. Kentucky, North Carolina, South I sraaxtness is by not procraa- Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and tmating. If he has any business New York, and of these only th 1 will attend to it at CampbelL of New York was non- once and then leave you to think committal. This result,-which is I t over yourself. He don't do no doubt representative of thel8 the . mosquito, who comes overwhelming sentiment of Dem-1 fooling around for half an hour ocrata throughout the country Is a I iDrT"1r?t "Cousin, cousin" and j crushing blow to those -ptAA I then when he has bled you all he ordered me to take them out, and I Democrats" who have been fondly I CAO away yelling: "No kin.' gallantly forbade a denial. Please I hoping that the National Demo-1 A hornet never bleeds you, but if introducers formally, Mrs. Pou- cratio Convention of next year sonboyT" would renounce the silver issue, And thus, and under such cir- and thereby give those who did cumstances, Miss Lucille Adams not endorse the issue three years was conventionally made ac- ago a chance to get back into the quainted with the man she had party grace f all f. It means that meant to marry. " if these gentlemen who bolted in Had meant. The bright dream 1836 come back into the party 1 old was over now. Lucille haul let t all they must come up at the that rich man see her liand too silver gateway. They must come plainly. She made no apolgy; back tacitly acknowledging that she knew that there are some awk- they erred in 1896 in refusing to ward manners best let alone;" but abide by the result of the National her cheeks glowed like fire and Convention of the party. For the her heart was sore within her party to take any other stand bosom. Mr. Waldgrave chatted would be almost equivalent to pleasantly all the way home, but conceding that the small minority Lucille knew that her hopes were were right and therefore wiser blighted forever. Whence they lhau the great party leaders and had once more alighUkl under the I the great majority of the party. green Levison willows Mr. Wald- he sticks you, you will go off ou a welL I don't know anything more about hornets, only that Josh Billings says: A hornet is an in- nammible (Josh was a poor spel ler) buzzer, sudden in his Lrn- preshuna, and rather hasty in his conclusions, or end. Epworth HcTald. fine figure Masy Iom t&dv rGA krmm afw tWy feccooM not&an. Taia h aW Is awf. tut. TW lift la b aaqarrai Wroaal tMafioa af tbc c pacUAl aetW w3 fffitwriaffy aa IMs i good seemed, at last to comprehendja to hi lf grave lifted his hat again. . , "The friends with whom I am staying have rented this place or the season," said he. "I need not add that this boat is at your service whenever you may wish to make use of it." . - Lucilel bowed and stammered the almost inaudible reply, as she hurried away, intently on getting out of ronge of Mr. Waldgrave's mischievious sparkling eyes. -He ooked after her as she disap peared in the green perspective of willow boughs, and said quiet-. enough.' what was required of him had un loosed the boat and now stood in a carelessly picturesque attitude holding the chain so that the boat lay close against the shore. he at 'Please step in. ladies, said; and Fanny, and Lucille or . A Lite aad Deatb ria-lt Mr. W. A. Uines, of Manchest&r, la., writing of his almost niaraculoas . es caje from death, saysti ..-".Exposure u. ter measles induced serious lung trour We,- which ended in Consumption. A had frequent hemoxrbages and coughed nijjht and day. All uiy doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. Kijig's New Discovery for Consump tion, which comnletelv enred me. ' i would not be without it even if it; cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation ani all say it never fails to cure hroat, chest and lung troubles." Regular size 50c and $1,00. Trial bottles free at Staton & Zoeller'a drug store, - . "But if he should be old crooked, or have but one eye?" fit would make not the slight est difference," said Lucille, calm ly, "I look at him through the scintillations of golden atmos phere ! I am an orphan, Fan, and dependant. Iamtired'of my un cle's exactions my aunt's capric ious whims. I intend to have a home of my own; and that with as little, delay as possible! And," changing her voice to-an accent of lightness, "you shall be my brides maid, Fan, when I become"" Mrs. flerrnania Waldgrave. So just hand me that oxidized belt-buckle, please 1" "It will be awfully stupid until he does come," complained Fanny. "Very possible. I am used to stupidity," said Miss Adams, with a yawn. ! "And T don't see why we not have gone to Bald Hotel; where there's, a band of music in the evenings, and something go ing on," added Fanny, still in a fretful vein- -"TiW two vefv eood reasons, r Onn is economV,' the 111 nunc t . other expediency. I told you be fore that I did'nt. want to look like a trap baited with a piece of toasted cheese. Now, where is my parasol ? We : may as well the 1 walk betore ine buu - neatly as I to grill us both alive. "I wish wa coma ru where." said Fanny, discontented ly tying her bonnet strings. We haven't been on.the. water since we came, three whole days. It costs toormuch." iTf t,aA not. : Of course I don t J.U tTiA boats that belon, 1UCUU -a.w -aw ... . hotel, with their and awnings, but . there s the the the once seated themselves. " "How nice this is !" said former, as, propelled by strong strokes of the man in centred the little boat danced lightly over the water. . "O, Lu cille, let's go down to the hoto and see if Herman Waldarave has come! j "A likely idea, that!" retorte her companion,' scornfully, with a downward glance at her gingham wrantier. "Do VOU suppose I r 1 w mean him to see me in a like7this?" I "You are well enough." "She'd marry a gorilla, would she, if he hadthe required cash ? Well let her go and find him. L for one, respectfully decline to of ficiate in that capacity." It was the last that Herman Waldgrave ever saw of his fair cargo. Miss Adams joined her aunt at Newport, much to that lady's dissatisfaction, and Fanny Russell returned to her friends in a twenty-third street -boarding house without loss of time. For the campaign had turned out a failure. 9Iav-IUttaa;. . Mrs. Ernest Hart, who recently made a trip around the world, ap- a pears 10 come 10 ine conclusion that meat-eating is bad for the temper. She says that in no conn try is home rendered so unhappy and life made so miserable by the ill-temper of those who are obliged to live together as in England. If we compare domestic life and manners in England with those of other countries where meat does form such an integral article of diet, a notable improvement will be remarked. In less meat-cating France urbanity is the rule of the home; in fish and rice eating Ja pan harsh words are unknown. TIm Apfvatltai af at &taai. Is envied by all poo dypeptcs boe stomach and liver are out of or. der. All such aboold know that Dr. Ling's New Life PUU, the wooded ol stomach sod liver remedy. ries a spleodkl appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit iosore perfect nealto and great energy. fJoiy 25c at Staton a Zoellers drug store. 1 m 1 ; t m 1 We Do The Boainea of the Tom Because We treat Oar customers So well They Come Again And bring Their Friends Also. 1 TTri?tir1 HT.Tsr.lrc JBolts. r Minces Is a aaUaf actios at all tiae. atj if you desire eoctcatsett, paoe asd Lappisess you m UK .TTPiTrilOTC jTcHLilL To ottaia eilber, aad will f rrrer thaxk your lecky .tars if you bey at once a BUCK'S STEEL VRANGE. . eVariBf dat Tlw Ckibtf is aaw k .twtwK,ta kdSr wd ri a&apa tx frivuu vaja Ccfbcri TrVrrf aiy mtscm aaal rcl&aA CaW aajawclaa wricg U grtU ni hrtor birtiw W Wlf Um ikia to toe trvd aAhtraSy alUrww. h kfo voaiffcuV wTt&Uca inn aaal tfca fovacks aavjcraoUi rtUla Uww yHiUTT. m:(itriTrki4 b ttui tut tttmtl tioiattot wkka Ua'atn taortej akkaw ae4 r-rawaM 4naf pnfuttj j aorviaj UW lad aula It ttal y f iaJUa I twfiil arf IM t4lWfiti COCrittaaAl trtaX a fJUt !L imoxt Itb tfc oroVal aj dual iaAft. Tb tnJ . to. akw la4 aRarti ! mtlttri ItKll ty Ka nWUa 4 a. Saw Oaf aar II tta. S4 mm laalf KaatratM Mat ka I THE eRADFlCLO RCQULATO-t CO. Screws. mm :?.7nOCLS - JUT", . - Garden Tools, especially, (tet them now asd be- ready for yorr Spricg GarJctisj. V'r " ' mmmtmm rrltk jl(ta Canala is one of our tnc traina ble customers. In ms all Met- iccvCcatral and South America Jack: Why she's so homely I West Inde. with a population of ful i&2seacw in realrria j abor tive the necliaiiots of lL Joitt HihCotniaik?u in Waalistca. lLiid!;HA Iltr. JaC lar Vaanalf. If Protestantssm means anything, it means freedom pf investigation. The llomanist doctrine, which was drees J so vigorously fought by the Ger man, French and English reform ers, is that on religious matters The' difference between a cat and a comma is that one has the clause at the end of the paws, while the the other has the pause at the end of the clause. "They had to handcuff the man airer of the deaf and dumb ball club." "Why?"- "So he couldn't sass the their right prre-Cleveland Plain Dealer, church, nm. ONLY ONE GU For von. tKJSSiblv. my dear, men should abdicate but not for Herman, the aurifo- to think and allow the rous. v I intend it shall be a case which means, according Jo the de of lore at first sight when he does cree of the Vatican Council the rwOlil rn T dare sav he's half Pone, to define an J decree the UVUVav sAatva- a an idiot these rich men mostly truth. "Home has spoken," and are- but. he probably knows a controversy is, therefore, at .an couldpretty girl11611 he 8es ter'" leni1 To "S m larther dis- " "Lucille would you reauy marry cussion is 10 oecome a Btuwmauu an idiot?" j and heroic, and to put in peril the "My dear child, I'd marry a go- salvation of one's souL Such a rilla, if he had the requisite cash, position is perfectly intelligible. I 0 0 5 "ft fhfl jnlf jjet me iouxiujr uciivuu j romanea by the tune of this .rip- understanding it, The notion pling water -and the bird, songs that any one man, inside the church along the shore. ' or outside 01 it, has a monopoly "But. Lucille " I of the truth, is without foundation "Will you hold your tongue ?" in reason of Scripture. Whoever -"The" radiant blonde both 1 chooses to swallow it may do so; but for ourself we decline to un dertake ho difficult a feat. Chris- her face would stop an eight-day clock. Charles: That's odd. , Seems to me an ugly face would make it run. Si rlaal Tk ara;a-aaa All doctors told IWoick IlamHtoo. of West Jefferaoo O.. alter sofferiog iS mor.lh from Rectal FUtola. b ouU die ooleM a coatlv opcratioa per 1 formed; bot b cored himaelf rilh iv boiea of Bocleo's Arnica Sal re, tbe cr e it FV.e care oa exth, and the best SAlvt la tbe rorU. 3 cenli a boa. Sold by Staton & Zoclkr, drorjrUt. FOR SEE. etiLA. There are dose-na of rSMdi toif Equal to this Obstinata Dlssass.- aSord, tbe oa tamporary ily reinedj fot auJy wbica cocnt4laJy cm It. BrrofoU, mim ot Utn o loobt twUaf at dv ficrofula Uootoltbt tooatoUunaUCp-ell relief, hot 8. 8. 8. blood dle.ad ! beyond lb twA cf tL maaj srxailed pcHfUr aod tooicstwcsBM eon Lhlne more than mere laeio tt reoulrl. 8.8.K. Is eouai to aav blood trouble, axxt oerer fails to cart Scrofula, becem tt tae seat or IM aueaat, taos MrmaMsur eurninmag wrwrj looked and spoke so shortly that Fannie Russell was awed into si lence, and nothing more was said I tiau Advocate. until theydrew up opposite the ;V.rl pier which had been built up in Comes frotn Wmfc rxf thfl Bald HoteL I Washita. I. T, "Here we are," ,said the .man. New. to the cushions Dr. B. Carsilf of lie wiitca: 'Four bottles of Electric Bitters lias cured tira r? faktavaka n$ Q frf W 1 twKia-K ab Aii "Ladies, do you wish to alight ? iier Erea ,ufferioe for years. Va frloA "PaTinv Itus3elh who I Terrible sores would break out oo ber --" . i . , ... .... . . ? t - nna ana lace ana A j nn rTminc itt'ii-Hi i ' wun; a' uu uuuvw... n . r robe. MNo,' tbe best doctors could give no help; but ber cure is com nlete and ber health if excellent. This V I .... an ljUClle. I showa wbat have prov.d. tnai tiec- men; t i nahmna '" -f I . . 7 r heir cninw " I nUm th a. rrnm. I ic isuters it me nesi uooa punncr anA nniformed boat-I naa 4" fe ., x- ''known. Its snprerae remedy for ec- and o1" . j pied frill; but before' the question xltert t rhettOT, alJt could be definitely settled a party l sod running sores it stimulates uver, 1 a a as a chained to a billow side the Levison grounds, and JL-t wiU row you anywhere who were lounging against t;ie shore in the daintiest of white I costumes hurried up to see the kidneys and bowels, expels poisons. helps digestion, builds up tbe strength. Only 50c. Sold by SUton & Zoeller, druggists. Qoaranteed. coet down to 1 tree of tbt tains. Tbt serious oooqoes Ui which Scrofula sural f Ies4a should imprtat upoo thdfct aCicted with It tbe viul Ua portanee of wsatiRf no stmt upon treatment which ea not possibly C Sect a cure. la many eae where the wronjc treatment has bea relied upon, coraplicated ctt4nW swellings bare resulted, for which tht doctors inUt that s daxiirerous orgtoal operstkMt Is rtereaasry. ' Mr. 1LE. Thompson, of MUledgeTllle, Ga.. writes: "A bad east of Berof alas broke out oo the glands of my Dec, which had to be LaAead sad osoard m moch ia!ni. I was treated for a long while, but the physicUot wtra oa ablt to cure mt, and any eooditioo was ss bad sa wbea I began their treatment Many blood rswdiea wer used, but without effect. Some oo roofnnveoded 8. 8. 8., and I began to improve as booq ss 1 had taaen a few bottle. Cortina Ice tht remedy. X was sooo. cured permaoeoUy. and hayt atvtr had a sign of tht diseaat to return." bwLft'a Sedile s; S. S. FOR THE BLOOD -4a the oaly remedy which tan promptly reach aad curt obstinate, deep seated blood diseases. By relying npoo It, and not ei perl mealing with Xht various so-called tonics, etc, ail sufferers from blood trouble ran be promptly eared. insted of endarisgesrs of suSering which gradually but surely uDdermiset tht eoostitutloo. 8. 8. 8. it guaranteed purely TegetAblt. and rTer tails tt eurt Scrofula, Ecema,CaJvcr, Rheumatism. Coo tagteua Blood Foiaoa, BoHs, Tetter, Pimples, 8ore,TJkrs, etc lnsiet upoo a 3 tt. ; nothing eaa takt lu rUoe . Bockt on blond and tin dltate will b mailed Ixet U say addxtat ty U 8wlXt SptuUe Coxnptay, Atlanta, Qtorgla. . . .. J. Oa, p 1 Mi 5l,000.rx, bought from tU Uni ted Htatee prodocis Talued at 785,000, while Canada, with only 5,500,000 inhabitants, purchaaed i.OOO worth of our goods. We sold to the Canadians more than $W,00.3.fx) worth of our prod acts and bought troa them tiS.iW.000 worth of their docts. In srite of Canada's rrtf- erential dot e in faror of motlarr country, Britiah esporta to Caxada iocreaaexl otly about 10 per cent, in IMS while our ex ports to Caad . increjutod orer 35 per cent, and doricg tW same period we sent to Canada 135,000 000 worth of maauXciurce or C 00000 more than . LoLand sold there. We bought from the Ca nadians only about 15,000,000 worth of their farm pTodaxria hile we supplied them from oar farms 113,000,000 worth Canada uougLt eto.wu.ULrj worth ox our products, which were entered du ty free, and of their pmdncta ia the same terms, we took on'y $ 1 4 000,000 worth. Not only is Canada, an excel lent customer, but It offers a eld which is becoming belter with ra- pia sixiaea. itm uaaadtaris are progrvaaire EcgUahspeAlitig peo ple, who are both prosperous aikl thrifty. They are consumers msA buyers, and the Fillip Inn, Latin Americans anujmcn rcpes are tot to be compared with them as users and traders. 'These bay c f us because it prcts them to do so, aad the petty, cfcb-ntiosji pint which some of their oCcials hare exhibited oa many ooraikisa in the past, has operated to their own diaadTantage, as well as to ours. He the otLer hsnd. we hare not been guUtlesa. The la iacity of some cf our rttevl pro tected InUrcaU exerted a pwwti- lvty . tlx Tfco Ccnilnj cfCzhy baie-n jo? or !s. Ii"s im mUrt ts decvie. V ri b sad S ' aeira-g weeiaJy --Jav '.trscurrsjaws. VJino cf Gcrui taaesewsy s-3 brnn r-r straavfjaet g Uat roalcTa. 1 1 U: r-l I j ttrys erw-sg. Vf rr-tt erf it awrve cttrra tt ass Broct (itt -rcsr-atert to tSit nl c ( k wcr-ara wKs ftnarei Uxy s i .'i bsrrrm. It praak Wsia. r rr'- sa4 rLrrr-rJra U ri tm a" woort at a-i ttrars. Cw veU be wtiboct t oo Fcf SdrKS) ts CaetS rt-.-jac rpajcUi Lrettc'S. s!drraa g1r:rjp ryr;cai "TVe LaWLies' Adwaory Irjr'jarrt"' TW Ciaiiooc;s Medltlae Cos, O.al tasooga. Tma. as a-4 hmmm M 1 awl mm r .1 lu,.1 a ! mm 4 I i in nn- We St. ao 1m, 1 Utm.lm m4 U rw rru rr Vermifuge 1 I tae S S.f rMry. I Vs. 7t AtTs""w."Ii, C Z) Uaa-J