rv 4S y er i 1 1 v BK H;1.1h; YOU ARK IMO HT ; TEEN GO AHEAD.-T) Crockett 4 mm mm ii ill ii ii r n i r at it iii 1 it )).) . ; 1 i 1 I ( - I II ill i 111 II V B f f i V ) I.. 77 NO 7 TARBORO', N. C , THURSDAY, -JUNE 29, 1899. ESTABLISHED 1522. 1 RIPW STRANG I LADY y010 'ping when you-have, for you Lave "forfeited all i V t " came do-WB'and your face is pale claim to her," returned Charlea, BY O.P. wiAas and sikT'. Won't. you tell me all -indignautly, as ho lre abouit?" ' . - piazza settee. Clara hesitated a moment, then Clara sooi. opened her eyes end dropping hey teab on her broth- murmured: Please i.ike me home, er 8 shoulder, she-sobbed out the Charles." wmrm nmm mm view, nitrate of soda and two parts rau- Many pastures are ruined in the riate of potash. One of the beat her to a . beginning by turning stock on the I modes of forcngcablsge to mow 'Clara, what does this menu?" grans before the plant are well established. Trampling of the a S . . pasture, by tuo leot oi rattle :x more harm than tie eating nf iLe graas. The first year of the paw- ? . - a lit to iix li;em alter eacu ram r eultlvat ao a to Late the toil Irvw iul tlie rroun l clean cf wed aa 1 rrsA. IMtcr rexnlta are obtVncd with "Haver you ever told him about said Arthur,loudiiig over her, al- "bould bo deToted entirely to I fertilizer hen rain are plentiful Why let your neighbors know it? And why give them a chance to guess you are even five or ten years more? Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way. It is very easy; for nothing -tells .of age -ao quickly as gray hair. Arthur ganger was head clerk in a dry goods store. He had erm to Littlejohn two years befoT poor and unknown; and had risen oie-wretched -story, to his present position bv hi in. tegrity and industry. me? i Cjlea asted musingly af- most sternly.' Clara Heartly worked in a tail- ha1 finished. , "Oh, Arther, I know all,' or s shop. She had a pretty lace I Mo" answered Clara. "I have moaned. "Please go away winning ways and a lovin trust- be"edyou to be dead, and I '. let me die. ... i iixi i . , . mum ,.! u.. i. i.n. .i l i ur n. . v i iiitr iiiiie iiean: ho. whp.n Rttr wuu uu wr w uu& kdoui too. i i iur minuue, Artuur. i few weeks acauaintane. ArfW "Theft I bave . an idea," said . said the strange lady. Tell them Tll liberally, and should weetbi I fertilizer were as beneficial as Lar- asked her to be bin wff . cv Charles. You introduce me ai dear, that I am your sister whom : mi8 M appearance U will pay to 'she and its growth. When the graas has reacheil a height that will permit of its being cut it is better to run , the mower over it, cutting high. 1 FprllliiAra tnil Minnra uTinnl.l for the reaaon tliat tl amount of water required to diwioltefertili- zera is large wln tlus applicatious are heavy. It may at lime be noticed that small quantities nf ltSXmVt, ' M Mrf 9m t muM i rw4 7 m " " r: it x i t S a3 m,mm, f . " It sinuea- and, blushed charmingly, I JiLT' -uanjMnjKt a" oia mend, i win j you aiscaruea several years ago and soon ater became. Mrs. San-1 Beci3?S .ayobm at the Sweeny, so ! for marrying a dissolute fellow ger. ... . x i j as to wateb proceedings there; and j tut whom you have now taken on. three months! and fooliahlv im I good time generally, and get him I "Your sister! Is sheyour sis- hsl and f oolishhr ined themselves the happiest of iealous Jf we can mortals. c Alas, that time should dispel such harmless illusions ! , The first bit of sorrow Clara experienced after r her marriage was one morninsr when .Artlmr and Clara -looked -doubtful. askedTheaitatingly : "Will it be right?" 'Taghtr .echoed her brother. of course' it will, and when he sees coming is a youth-renewer. .It nioes tne age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never tails to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the nau from out also. It feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hair becomes thick hair, and snort nair Dccomes long hair. - It cleanses the scalp; re moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which we will gladly send you. It 70a da not obtain all the hrn. Ot you expected from the nseoi lb v itznr. wnw me ancror annul ic. l'rt.K-ibly there U souse : flK-oltr w;t!i your Kener! stm whu ui iy be estsilT renvrol. AJdrets, Ur. J. C A er. Lswell, Alaas. tenderly informed' her thai h fit explain you can. But mind shouli be obliged td go to New you 1 watch closely, and if uig her beautiful eyes upward. I but will bring one or two York on bnainesH fnr tUfirm ' , I fin heis really untrue to you. I Then turning with a bright smile. more per pound, hence the je absent thro vKn1 yOTl sban't live with him another I she said: "And Charles is my I tional 100 pound ter, Arthur ?" gaspel Clara. "Yea, darling, returned Arthur, "I see now, I ought to have .told you but I wanted to wait till I got her a divorce." 'O, my Heavenly Father, I I tliank Thee P breathed Clara, rais ing her beautiful eves would be absent three whnln days. ay- It was a sad. eloomv time for Mr. Sanger was of rather a jeal- ' " Tl - - . poor Clara, but the three misera- ous disposition, so wnen Clara at ble davs came to an end at W der . presented Mr. Lansing and with a light heart she arrayed witl1 brignt happy look in hfirsAlf tn cro in trtt iv, ber blue eyes, he felt a pang go vv awv wmu BU aUCHa ' . . - " I 11 W - V . - her LusbancL He would not ex- 1 a pecs ner, as it was tne evening train, and she was naturally very timid, but love made .her brave, and she smiled softly as she I thought how pleased he would be. I mm ' pull them out, as under no cir cumstances should they be allowed Jojiroduce aeed. Bat few cattle reach the market that are as fat as they might be, and it is frequently the case that a W a 1 teers coma ue maue to weigna hundred or more younds if prop erly prepared for market A fat steer that can be made to take on a hundred more will not only have the additional value in weight. cents addi- my I tional 100 pounds may add from brother, who I thought was dead. Arthur understood without aak V a ing wny sue aid not tell mm so before. The next day there was an ac count in the daily paper of the through his heart and he bowed I death of llalph Austin in a drunk quite coldly; and there was a I en fight. So Alice was free with- freezing courtesy between the two I ont the aid of the law. gentlemen', until Mr. Sanger went A year glides by and there is a preferred. Th kind of food that back, to the store. I quiet wedding at Arthur Sanz. ;. ; $15 to $20 to the value of the ani mal and at a small cost. During extremely warm weath er the use of corn for animals is injurious. It heats them, and with hogs it is an infliction if corn . w mmwm a aione is used, ine best lood is hay or grass, and if grain must be allowed, ground oats should be ' ger quantities on other plots and on the same kind of crop. This result is due to the fact that a por tion of the fertilizer was not dis solved on those plots where Leary applications were made, but the proportion remaining in the soil rill bo of service the succedicg season. The effect of clearing away the forests is damaging to crops, not that the presence of forests causes rainfall, but because they regulate the flow of water. There .is less eta portion near forests, and the water does not flow away so rap idly, nor causo streams to over- flow at some periods, while dry at others. The trees serve as wind- brakes, thus preventing the drying of the soil by warm winds daring periods of drought. iSteeBtmeiii- STOLE SniI.EN. Exhorter : Look on high, friend! Uiiregenerate : An' den " yous'ell yell, "Rubberneck PT: guess ; nit! Doctor: The patient is beset with the idea that the land, as far as lif can see, belongs to - him. Judge : 1 wouldn t call tiiat in sanity. It is merely incipient po-" litiil ambition. Several days passed and Charles I er's. I ATI j , I II!.. I' The train came puffing in. Clara 11110 ara ook particular pains to -aaice -Ausun is ine unae and gu uy me Hiore wnere AXinur I v-wukb xj&ugsiiig me Driuegroom. worked whenever they were out together. -. I contented, and holding in her arms In the meantime Arthur grew a plump four-month-old baby, sullen, ate his meals in savage &i-1 who has great dark eyes like aunt lence, and several times went to Alice, after whom she is named. . ' .. m m I S at tne store witnout kissing ms lit-1 Artnur and ciara nave never tie wife. Hliad any more secrets from each Charle reported that Mr. Sanf I other. gev called at the hotel every day and went up to room No.. 10. but was a few steps from the edge of the platform, when she saw Ar thur alight and hold out his hand to assist a beautiful, dark-eyed lady down the steps, and what was her dismay, as she pressed her way through the crowd to greet him, to see him draw the lady's hand through his arm and hear him say in a calm and yery low voice : . "Pull down your veil, Alice, and walk deliberately through . the depoL " For a moment objects swam be fore Clara's eyes, but she was too , , .1 l-i n -r 1 - . . 1 arammeni uibi men mTen a uau . lememme, uiu you auow iur. proud to make a scene tnere, and 7 . - 4l a place, speak in w u " v I land had been ney Hotel. ! is most serviceable in winter is not suitable for summer. Manure ferments readily r ww w wsrsk w mtm flsvfl vl 1 1 1 . I uui au uJ " s itt uai o mjv4 viara a. uyiooaing nappy and mnch of -u u lhen less the farmer gives his attention to the preservation of the manure. Keep it well heaped up and cov ered with a few inches of dry earth. The litter used in the stalls should be cut fine, so as to permit of the materials serving better as absorb ents. Although timothy nay is pre ferred for horses and clover for rows, yet clover hay that has boen cut just as tha Leadav were begin ning to turn brown, and which address. In one I has been well cured, is much more 1 1 ' 1 111 A 1 I . ' Amnnaui 10 propose, 10 yon uur- lortunately none ot her acquain ing Lent? "Well, Mame, he fell tances had yet seen her; so, low- on Ins knees'-and that was alii erin her own veil, she followed nglit. - "So you have no House of Lords in this country," said the visiting the couple out. lhey were some distance ahead of her. but she managed to keep them in sight Enifliiihm'an. "No we haven't," re- ' until they entered the Sweeney y.lk'il the American; this isa na- Hotel. tio i without a peer." I Then, with a heart she thought 1 lie female .detective smiled " ureu.m5, 1 .i-uffil.. no ol,s. lion n fha Ho ' Bile IiaXUiV JtlltSW. J.p W WXl BU serintion nf thft latest erimer "It hour before Arthur came; and A4mlralKcfcly's Trtkal. Trmft wsaca a a-M-w.1 final mwa beyond No 10 being oP1 VJ than felicitous compliment of a tin, hA could learn, nothing. I m1 , i --k x 1.1:1 sj.ii 1 I srw-ilrA nt x Vi irnmon nf Amvrici ubto vernuuaicu uau uufc uv uiu 1 -t.: . Ill XiXO VUJtiVJVJ of how this broad I nutritious than timothy7and the converted from a I horses will show a preference for wilderness into a paradise, he said I it Badly cured clover hay, how that "in its beautiful women and I ever, is dea tasteful to horses more strong men he could see why this I than to cows. country is great. lint it was FruiU somtimes sell at low rri- tbe same crops, l lie try have for women that the Ad- f Annert hoover, is unusually not miral really toucheil upon one of . tu erower (excent of ar-nlcs). the intent secrets of American Xa gtrawberriea. rastbcrrii and logrosa. "In proportion," ad I hl&ck berries are never cultivated. Arthur asked Clara, with some thing- of his old tenderness, if she would like to go. She said yes, lonsring to throw herself into Iiis arms from Charles was her brother; but e remembrance of that dark, beau- dedot restrained her. ag to thro herself into Ills "'7 " f7,. "V, " FruiU .omtime. Mil . id dispel the dk croud S tLo c. srd do not W but , . , 1 , .... ... and honor the people ol tins conn- m.v iM -aj.! 0t - rrt tobrow.byte l.ngh.m th.t lry be for:woTeo th.t the Ad- Ti... w. i. ' 2 r i ho a. natinn ItIila lis wnm An I r- t.. 4 a - v' . r, 1.-11 n. " I nemer grown ior maraet or mnk have been either Sally Scott : Clara hadTthought it aU over, nd I chariea waltzing with a lady, I msh ?dcT I h fruiU should be raised on she musedresolved not to say one ra h dark :";7,a 1 eTOry WT X 7 8uchMdeoua.rTO"wieue.,kU" eves and lovely face that had I I t : L I ?or nout y ' r4 if he would make any expiana-1, , , . K1C01- ueu,uw i'- W4" be nroduced more eaailv by lar - - n m ti Tt t i amr aa i aw w n w- air ar i . m m m . mm or Mary Dubbs'" ' "Both of them wear bonnets that I believe they'd be guilty of anything." Scribbles : My new book be out soon. ' I hope you will lose no time in reading it. Miss.Cut tiiiLT': Iuileod, I won't. I lost several hours . in reading your other one. ' . S tliern, the comedian, , was ex-trenK-ly sensitive to interruption of any sort. Seeing a man in the I tioTi. He returned her warm ' oreeting in an affectionate but ab will " i nalA cheeks and eves red with E " weeping. Tbft next morning after Arthur oA paten bis breakfast, machan ically kissed her abstractedly and gone to the store, Clara went up to her chamber, threw herself ne on a lounge and. wished, oh. bo act of leaving his box during the fervently, that she might die; for, delivery of one of the act! best jf her husband was- really untrue soeeehes, he shouted out: Hi, to her, she felt thatillfe would be you, sir; do you know there is an other act ?" Oh, yes, thats why I'm ioiug." Mr. Blanque : Have you spo ken with the Herr- Professor yet, Miss Waldo? Miss'Waldo: No; 'the German gutturals are eo dec olette that they offend myu ears. Mr. Iil ano vie Er-decolette ? Miss W aldo . Yes. so lowin the neck, Sanger? you know. . . ; ; MiSs Quickstep: "What part of the town are we driving through, M r. Tibbie ? Fweddy : I haven't the least idea. Miss Quickstep : 1 was aware of that. Still, I tliought it possible you might U .w what part of , town we are h iving through. lovely face that had naunvea ner Bleeping waiiig . m 1 1 - a. , l 1 1. - J .IV.. r ior ine paa weea up a. i. . . . .. . . V-nm high elevation I mtn te regular crops of great. Poison the source of a na tion's origin and its dies." There is far more in these words than lies on the surface They touch the true source of America's chief on the world's admiration, enyy and imitation. In this coun try, where every.citizen is a sov ereign, all our women our queens. lobbed (he -Cirave - A startling incident, of which Ir. J .hn Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the Mil.ji-ct, is narrated by him as follows: I was in-a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yllow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually in l:ii:k aiul sides, no appetite gradually Kifiwiiu; weaker day - by day. physicians had given me up. natoly, a friend advised tiymg a burden and she wanted to die now before any harsh or unkind words had passed between them. Tn the midst of her sad thoughts the bell rang, and a moment after bead in at the XllUUJ SjJU-w door, saying:' " -- "A eintleman to se yez, mem. "To'seeme ? Didn't he say Mr. aaU r,lara raising he head wearily. - -"No, indade; he said Miss ban ker, as plain as the nose on my face." . . - "Very well; show him into the parlor. I will be down uutn.j, MrsTS. replied. ' . Wondering vaguely who it was, she bathed her eyes, smoothed her Imir and went down. As she en i n.. nrW n manly form tnroi 1 tin, U(Uav. - fcy w- A. from her brother's shoulder. Arthur, too, saw the dancers, and with a dark scrawl, he mut tered:.: "InrprudentP.and "the rascalP Clara saw a sign pass between her husband and the unknown fair one as soon as the dance was over, and the lady' immediately went out on the pia through a win dow, .while Arthur excused him- . " majesty ol man s intending, , . to meet on the piazza, and, heart sick, she staggered through; there u they .stood, but a lew xeet irom her, in the shadow of a trailing vine. - . - a Alice,", her husband way say- in c "it-was very imprudent for you to come down tonight." "I know it," returned the man with a sigh. Alter a pause she added "How pretty your wife fa Arthur, I wonder you can spare a thought for poor me, when you have such a sweet blossom at home.-; . . "I can love and care for you both," returned Arthur. The lady burst into tears and leaned her head on Arthur's shoul der. '.V. ' ' - "You are the only friend I have Va m a grain, it taxes two or inree acres of cotton to buy the produce that can be derived from a quarter of acre of small fruits and vegeta blea. should the melons le slow in HEADACHE is only a symptom not a diaesM. So ar Backache. Nervousness. Ditaiaess and ta Dloes. They all corns from aa unhealthy state of the men strual organ. It you safer from any of these yrnploma if yoa fel tired sad larsf-sld la the mornto sad wtah ywa co lis lo bed another boor or two if tbers is a bad tasts la tba mouth, snd eo aypetitt If there is paia la the sid. back or abdomen-BRADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR W bring about a aura car. Ttf doctor may call yoar trouble some bi(b-ooodio( Lstla name, bet sever mtod the case. Tbe trouble lata tbe rcntroal or jars, and BradSeld's Fersale Retru's'or wilt restore yoM ta health and rtralatc the tstascs like clock wot k. TeV titltnub itcuTioi co. atiarra. sa We Po The Hosier of the Town Because We treat Our customers So well They Come Again And bring Their Friends Also. ILockSs jJlSolfs, Hinges. Screws. Is a sails faction at aU Uan acj if you dmire cotletlcett, pec aid tappiaeyou (CSOilOOOLOlt 13L To obtain either, slJ will forever tha&k your Iccky stars if you Ley al occe a BUCK'S STEEL RANGE. a W V !.- ... ' Garden Tools, a specialty. Cei lira cow and be ready for your Sprieg Oardextrjr. rrtfc ! J mtf T4 a tmrntmry A feature of the celebration of the fourth of July a century ago was the pronouncing of toasts in honor of Oeorrs Washingtos, who then living. This was the toast of 1700, -Uoorge Washington; mar his declining years be wsetened by domestic tranquillity in the peacelul shades of Mount Ver non." A few months later he i paaaetl away, and on July 4, this was the toast, "Washington, fol- Jacqae Cerreau, 9C5 Cigar ette smoke is no more Lar&fcl than cigar or other forms of tol V lava KAft Ctl lb popl all tfg-lher la school hou zA in churtheis sz4 bacoo smoke. The dangers which ta Cioil's Ttr Ustr le,"" tbe grot t rtult from cigarette smoke,' axd asd parka. Ixt cs hear lbs Dec- are almost peculiar to it, ari . lxaUa cf IiUprtd're rrd cr from the practice of inhilleg the' more. Let the orator speak tvrrtr ! a 4 frrowinlr. annlr a small ouantit r r great tie iaen may we j is 1 f 1 1 ti U esv m saaw mw manent cantonment and be all i i t . r Here only in- the great world docs ueana m.aro ot c u, of nitrate of soda around each hill and chop it in with tbe ho. 1 or . ncAT hin heailnuarters at the final roll calL" the women walk abroad in the free honor and re- r station in life monopolizes the distiction he- ion of theBraes. i here and in European countries. Even in England the law and the customs of centuries force women " into subordinate place. I ' One of the evident results of the Boils and -it Pimples : due ' Warning smoke, Fev cigar or ripe smok ers do this. When they do the effects are precisely similar to those of exceaaive cigarvtte amok leg. A dry -cough, sallow com plexion, shortncMi of breath, pal pitation of the heart, tjmmiit. and throat tkkling are the least important symptoms. Chronic nervous djapepaia and iaaaaity are not infrequent re all. aoeleqQrsUy. Let the boys re cite patriotic pieora. Let every- brjy ;cg "Atarica"" ard Rally Ikuad the 11 ao4 all lly c--ttocs thl war t.ZK iaIsiisg "lisie." hih irv-ttt Lii- cola aid weall bar a rijtt jw and tbe "Itinti VAuf 11. It tbe huth LinV a&il rartx.'a roar. lVt the eacl rrt-AS3 JndcTuthiL Three Fortu- 'Elec- L liliu 2'- I XUU iud wuv. J I-' i i.-u xtit Vila firms toward , ou.i rose ana uem j got, uear-arvuui, ud . iier. One glance of delighted sur- ( gasping cry burst from nrisff-and she sprang mu. cianJajips, and she sank back in- "Unariie, iuy i oonaible into unarie k -arm , ior Surely enough it was , h& heen tanaing just le- sobbin: brother! I" I preater resrect paid to women in n a America than elsewhere ' i the gradual improvement of American women in personal appearance as well as mental attainment. The young women of this generation are, as a rule, taller and belter de veloped physically than their mothers. The statistics of female colleges prove this. More atten tion is paid to their liouiea, aa well aa to their minds. They are ' le ing fitted to l the mothers ol American. When one is seeking for the springs of American pusu and i rorreKS there i uo need to look beyond the women of Amer . i( a. Chicago Times-Herald. Wbea Tatars is OTrUxd. abe k bar owe way c4 aoUet tbmt mmm mocm U tmmird. Oh dam at salt 1 help anUl U ta IniprWbU lo frt aloekf wttbo lL Boils and pimpia are aa bviwtkai U tbe eyatwa la ocuaaiaUsc troprkU ki III UHFA1UIIS SO THAT HATURE IS APPaUNS rpn tiri n mat be ipttn rU ot ; iby are aa nrrct Va I Uli IIL.U a wmrsin l&al eaja noi wmJly tm Iroorvl. To acUc eo purUy tbe tloml i tbM time means mors tbaa tba aaaoraac of painful botU and . u&atxhUy pimp, ir sneae Uapwuim are auor4 u maaia, the ersUm euoemraba to say ordiaarj tntwea.'aad is ibla to wtthitaaa toe maay tMiJ oo eipe tbe rH tA An nit E. bructf. U IIIS iltrvarJ ItrJaJelpbu. Pa., ba sbe loaJ tbat Dr. Kicr"e Sew tcoTfT far C- sonptie bad cocpictcly rated bar of a backery roob tbat for saay jr bad lavage bl a tf dm. AJ 4bc imb04 a ad dxtoa ctU (it bar bo beip, bot abe aaya c4 tbta rvyal cwra: 'II aooa trmoved tbe paia ia r-y cbrt aod 1 caa aw alwp aoi:r. ma. tbic( 1 caa acartrly rtoraWf duaac La-tote. I feci Lie xtmit:t i'.irji tbto(bKMtt tbe aaivef-M." So 2e- rryoaet Uo ttar tf . K'a N t cvrWry foe aay trsl4 fu tb tbrmt. cbcat vc la&. Pf tea 50c aaJ St.oa, TrUl Urfllc frre at SUt A Z,t Jncjt t'.atr; rrry bcl'. carastAl. auxaeou-wuca are so preTaleat dartajr apriac aal eamaaer. alra L OaotiW. 9004 8eooad Ato, 8UU. Waab . aayst I waa afflicted foe a km time itb pimpw. hkch were Tary aaaoylag. aa tbey diailrured aay tcvt faarfallr. AJu ailng ntaay oibar retnediaa la vaia. 8 8.S. pronpuy a&d tboroubly cleanaad my biood. aad bow I rejoice ta e goodxomplealoo, wbkb I arer ba.l before. " wapt. w. 11. Lwaiap, ear iaa a. v. j. R. K. Cbattaaooca. Teaa.. Ttu: Sereral boila aad carboacW broke caat epae m. caeat (rrat paia aad aaaoyaara. My Hool eaecuiii to be a riotooa oonJitVaa. aad abur 1 took ncaid to do bottle of H S, 3. curea Lansing, Charles 1 fhor. who ran awj Clara's half; from his hind her. uflinA liAftvpna Clara, what is isnd advised tiymg '.iec- oroiuei, , ,1 - - . anritn mv mat iov and v;fnfW four years beiore auu matter darling? exclaimed Ar. wife. tin: Hitters: surpriMi, the first bottle made a deci- ; , , lwn eanl from since. 'tiinr gnringing towanl his h .1 improvement.- I continued .tbjgr uesti0ns and you,. viUian," juldressing u c for three weeks and am now 4 well Alter iuf"jf o ?jla Pliarles .... ...a,, 1 kliow they saved my life, an, answers on both B?tcSS!! Charles, "what right have you .oW,ed the erave of another victim." vantage of a Sllgn I,auoc ... , y. . - N, one should fail to try; them. Only dsaid:. " ,Uavou: A much better right 5c, guaranteea at staion a w"- - mster somevnms "Sister, A rrli-htrul UlaSr. Will often causo a horrible burn cald.'cut, or brniae. Bucklen'a Ar nica Salve, ti e bct in tbe world, will kill the paij anJ promptly heal it. Cures olJ aorta, fever aorcs, ulcers, boila, felcnj, corns, all akin eruptiona. Best pile cure ou cartb. Only 15c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sld by Sta than yOtt ton & Zoeller, druggista. v More ianovatkm," riclaiol i the old Hpaaah rraident of tb I Ihaippioee. -What's the matter. " oor "Theae people want us to baaiceaa ith the Australian lal- 1 lot inaLra.1 of tLa Maaarr lullL I Washington Star. rood, six ray blood baa been perfectly (on rrer eiaoa. ercnpMei 4 any -jaad 10. 8. 0. FOR THE BLOOD ia tbe beat blood remedy, bam it La ptrraJy and is tbe only 00 e that ta alaciiateiy free from poCaab aad rromptly tonM tbe Mood a4 tboroofhly eMuawa tte TecetabU It ISal Thtlaf MaveS I VuU jick!y yOO. if t( t.tcd If. Kios Nr L!e lYia. Tbora4a ' of pfcr bare pvorvj tt1f tei!ii.V- . aarnt axk axd arvaa , Tbr anaVe rr tod aad tt tnrrx aad ba.Id ap jr blib. ly Intake. Try tbeaa. ltr t ca. J atoorr bak if x4 ed. 1 by , taerrarr. It m. bauds aa tha rrneral hHb aad streartb. It mtrm bcrofala, Lcxrtma. Caaner. IT aeaana a a tiara. TeUer. DaUe, Boree, eto by (oiaf direct to tbe caaee of tbe IroaUe aad aM i forctSK oat all Impure blood. 1 - af I Oooas tree to say sJiessby tbe a win gpeciaq AiaaLa, uay J, O A ,'.m Lbs ta Ijw Lm loft 77 2 o ComlnjcfBzliy brirra Yf Sa'-a. Ira I ti aCi( Sa dmrim Vrt ri b- al aerccif fmatvij araauHim. rsbtbcK4 t-t aka ta a waaa VJino of Gardui Ukaaawa f aH hnw hf errwer rt vt&al anraae. It Cut a rOy i tWa et-r. Vr rr-.!i jr.r ie terr mutt n aaa lwt J clvli- oeiaa rvaarcra to u ain!i ra enaasea M raT-l lr barrra. ll trOa. r r aad aC-varLba, aa4 t ri woabra ai a:i law. - THi- voii It -Wt C ft na reu!K ta caare rwyxi.-f m?meU: TVe O-'aV ktewaa Ca, C.al- t5"i. Traa. e ttaa inruniiA' ami a iwr, i faV7sC0 I f ' drug store. 1