t 1 . . . 1 l r -III ef-t. I . : 1 1. 1 ; . I I . "7 .;v. . V.. -:...- - M 1.5 IB - ft F: aw i Uk. jr 11 III O1 1 m m 1 I WW . - -STJ'HSBK,' YrOXJ A.Hi W liia HT ;;THEN GO AJBGEA.I.-I Orookott i ..... ; :a i:i 4 ' " 1 1 ' 1 in 1 ' . - . i i i - vol. nixceiifc TARB()KO 'N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1899. ESTABLISHED 1822 0 R. DON WHfliIAM8 Surgeon Dentist. As Bis Eromisefl ITife T.VRBORO.. 0. A. WHirc&BlU).! Okkiok hours M tal-ii4to 6.ii - . - ! fi ,' vjm. T. Macnair. M. D. Tarboro, ...... 0 ffice East piTTTRfta! 7 Dil . ,N.;..HAIis4r THTa i c i ix amd Sosocm, r . v M. W.vHksTNESf ulJ pbactioai.lumbkb;; irv V." Tarlxro,X)f bright, yonng face and soft broira eyes, but did not answer, i Wont youforgive me t she said, : ' ' pleadingly. . ."The girls thought I ih - t ! would not get a ride in tbe phaeton BY O.1 P. r - f we admired bo much , and I was so - , iuy, ana promisea inem wnite i t .r t, I kids if I did no succeed. TT y- it .$ . Tears were filling the soft eyes, "How provoking , , Dr jr took the trembling lieu .Brown looked out from be :h A. nil In " & flnn olaon anil iIlvi i hxnd the handsome laoeeurtains at euuMtlv a stylish phaeton, drawn by pair t llell, if I call for you to-morrow of beauUtul.poiuw, ju8t passing afternoon will vou ride with roe in and theiMurned, impatiently, to-; th new phaeton as the owner's nTA KIWI) ul KLTUI' at ine. OTK nmm rmI ifr I The answer must have beea sat- FRANK-POWELL, aTTOBKEY at5 law, tabbobo, h." c- Practice in the State and Fed eral Courts' and Departmenta'at WashingtonD Qif tt $XJis 1H VIES 30TSl-i?AB!BfU- For falling hair use Cullej'' dJuidraflT cleane. Thos. II. tiatlin Jr., CIVIL. KXGIJfEER'AND 8URVKY0B , I am prepared to promptly aUendUo may work entrusted to mo, rack as land urvey lng in all 1M branehea -8irvey and Maps fur tramroads and drainage canala Kleva tlous and contour mapa of water eooraes in damage eauea Water-color maps, drawing and plana 8 pec IH anions and eettmatea for all kinds of engineertng utructanU work References - ' fiOtly tffioe Saint Jam Street. Tarboro rot Fl JK PIIOTOaGAPHS; OVER Join Battle's Shot Store- ALWAYS You can find the' best Fresh lieats the market will afford, kept in latest improved Eeffigerat or. TOUCAN ALWAYS get the best at - ROW E S : MARKET. "Highest prices paid for live cattle. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE STANDARD RAJLWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to all POINT8. TEXAS, ' ' -CALIFORNIA,: FLORIDA, CUBA AMD PORTO RICO- : StricUy FIRST-CLASS Equip ment on all Throueh;and Local Traias; Pullman Pala60 Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. J . J v Travel bv the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agent for Time Ta-o'-b Rates and General Informatiuo, or Address R. L. VERNON. F.R. DARBY, T P. A., ..a-X-A-P. A, Charlotte, N. C. Asheyille, N. C, NO TROUBLE TO ANSWEB QUESTIONS V. H. GANNON, S. M. CULP, W. A. TUUK d V. P. A Gen. Man. Traf. Man. G. T. A WASHINGTON, D. C. MflflTHFK II We have prepared especially for you. we wall free. It treuta totnach diaordor worms. that every ohild is llaliU to. Vermifuge bas been tuccesBfuiiy need for a bulf nnLiirv. . K. S. KKfcr , MUiMre, Ei. ff4t?tp 7&1 of tti a 1 Dir.- I aud fur I fir posite window. Clf anyone else" bnt Dr. 'Lester had purchased such an elegant new phaeton we might have Jxn x ensed for entertaining hoDea of en- joying an airing in it; but thofecon firined old bachelor would raCier takethiB granaiaother oat any day than, one of us. ' v "And-'X. hara just tuade'up my mind to have the first ride in that pfcaeton't f. v ' ; y Easier said i. than done J"- -observed saucy' Linda Gray." "you know you. are speaking of an: im possibility' now." We will make you a present of your wedding dress If you succeed." "And if I fail, I will give yon each a pair of white kids to wear to my wedding." , Bell answered, gayly; and Lawyer. Brown's. par lors were soon vacated by the merry party that had , been . spending the afteruoon with his only daughter. "How could I have been so fool ish!"' thought impulsive Bell, as she stood in the door, looking down the quiet street. He cares noth ing for me now, and will think me more childish than ever when he hears of this." But she thought how he had passed that afternoon without even glancing up at the window where she had stood, hoping at least to receive .ai bow. .And then he raised his hat a moment afterward to old Mrs. Lee. She was quite angry, new, as she thought of his indifference, and as the new phaeton came slowly down the street again she went quickly down the marble steps, and Dr. Lester, gazing more earnestly than he knew at the dark bine dress and brown curls fluttering in the wind, drew up before the door. ."Doctor." she said, looking up in the grave, handsome face, 'are you goMag over the river tonight t" The gentleman bowed and looked calmly down on the sweet face that flushed so. brightly as she prof fered her request. , : ' t'.l, r- "There is a lady at Uncle Will's that I want to come over to-night. Will you stop and bring her with you!" ' . "Certainly! Is your cold any better ! Yon must keep ont of the night air, or I would not answer for the consequences." Bell tried to look indifferent, but the brown, eyes filled, with tears and her; cheeks burned ; hotly, as she thought that he would have asked the same question of all the old women in the town. She closed the door with a little more force thau was necessary, and, donning her cloak and a large- hood, was soon walking briskly in the direc tion of the uncle's where she had requested Dr. Lester to call for her friend; - . It was quite dark when the doc tor arrived and gave the bell an impatient pull, and after what seemed an age a middle aged lady answered it. . : - "Is Miss Brown's friend here V he asked, taking the hand that was quickly extended. .. . . .. ... The lady's face flushed, but she answered quietly in the affirma tive.' ' ... .-. .. . - - A slight - figure soon appeared muffled in cloak and hood, and in a. hoarse voice bade the gentleman good evening. " . . ' ' llorace bowed in return, ana looked curiously down at the little figure. , "Are yon Miss. Brown s frienar he asked, not knowing what else to say. . . . "Yes, the best jriend sae ever had," came hoarsely from under the hood. . " ' "You seem to have a cold," said Horace, still, standing, in the door playing Jwitfi a whip,:, while his eyes rested on a long . Drown cuu that had escaped from tne nideous hood. "I would advise you. to be careful and keep out of the night air as much ns possible.' . "IToivn nnt nt t.hA liltrht Air. in deed." ' - Bell's lip curled scornfully as she received lie advice given to the stranger, as it had been given to her, a few hours before. Dr. Lester assisted ner down tne steps, . and Belle, with: a- trium phant smile, was assisted Into tne carriage, tint tne sinneaieu away, and she could have cried with an eer and mortification as she found herself m an old buggy tnat Horace had u-jed until lately, and his fa ther had used before him. As they rode along the doctor s thoughts were wandering from his quiet companion to the brown haired girl who had looked np so shyly when she asked a favor that afternoon. ;:. f He had quite forgotten the lady by his side, when a small . hand was placed on his arm and a sweet voice said : "Dr. Lester, I am so sorry that I have deceived yon," He only looked dowa on the i&factpry, for the next, da v the po nies stood before Lawyer Brown's door, and Bell's lady friends are thinking seriously of preparing the wedding dresa she Jiad, won. tissue which constitutes an excel-' lent cultnre-bed for parasites The moral is plain enough. The crops grown in soil still untainted should be carefully changed every two or three years. Contamina tion can be prevented only by ' burniug diseased plants and by ex ercising t ho" utmost care in separ ating the infected vines from the hay and other crop stored away J during the winter; for so tena ciously do these fungi cling to lfe that, if not destroyed, they wuiatucK tne sou in tne rilowm? spring with the Mane deadly effect as in the previous year. Scienti- nc American. rSiLVBfi Tongue: . ii BYS.T. the UULItsWMlaTcl. .'Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, non lately had a won derf oI deliverance from a frightful deatbi In telling of it he -says: 41 was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia, and my longs bec&me hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn't even sit op in bed. Nothing helped meIwrpected-to soon die of con sumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New . . Discovery, One bottle gave great reliefs I continued to use it - and am now well and strong, I cant say too much is its praise. This marvel oos medkiae is the surest and quickest cure m the world, fot alL throat and lung trouble. Regular? sIms -500-and 1. 00. Trial bottles' free, at Staton & Zoeller's drug store; all goaraatecd.' . . au i Se IslfTat Tw Vs;1Ibi The woman who is lovelr La . lace. form and temper will always bare riaaeVbalAoo wbe U b attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all ran down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her im pure blood will cause pimples, sun eruptions, blotches and a wretched complexion. Electric bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to pur ify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50c at Staton & Zoeller's drug store. Many of our farmers have ob served in the past few years that crops which they formerly culti vated with success could no longer be grown., They tilled and fertil ized their fields with their usual care, but the plants withered and died from so apparent cause.. A careful investigation of the evil by the Department of Agriculture . a a nas snown tnat tne sou in many regions ol tne united States, de voted to the culti ration of special crops, is infected with several most deadly varieties of parasitic fungi. The experiments and re searches of the department have been exhaustively described b Dr. Erwin Smith in a paper whic ho read before the Botanical Sec tion of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Smith's investigations sho that soil fungi have ravaged the fields of. the -. watermelon re gion, the cotton section, the cab bage district of New York State, and tbe tonsato lands of Florida. To such an extent has the melon a aaaw m m iungus lniectea tne soil 01 our Southern States that watermelon growing has been sometimes rend ered impossible and in certain parts of South Carolina, Virginia and Mississippi the -industry has Deen aim 01 given up. in . one oi the finest cotton-producing dig tricts in the . world (the "Sea Is land" belt; extending from South Carolina to Georgia) many ctow- ers have been compelled to abondon their devastated fields. . The cal bage growers of ) New York and the tomato farmers of Flordia have suffered similarly. That the evu is primarily due to soil parasites or fungi is fully S roved by Dr. Smith's experiments, erely by burying the fungus in the earth the characteristic signs of contamination are obtained in the plant. ; Microscopic examina tions show that the parasite com pletely fills the water-ducts of the stem. The leaves wither; and, if the weather be dry, the plant never recovers, iven it tne weather be moist, the plants soon droop un der the heat oi the am . - A plant may be contaminated 1 1 any stage of its development, frc m the seed ling just shootin? from the ground, -. . wttn no leaves except coiyieuous, to the 1 all-grown vine witn ripen ing fruit end dense foliage. From external indications aloue the din ease can not be diagnosed. - Only bv a microscopic -examination of of cross-section8of the plant stem is it possible to ascertain the true a a cause 01 ine wining 01 me ioiiage, for the white, cotton-like stuff, ng which fills the passages is an un mistakable sign of soil-fungus in fection. As the plant dies the fun gus comes , to tne suriace, ana in fruiting changes its form entirely. In his attempts to cross-iuocnlate tbe varieties of fungi Dr. Smith has been nssuccestiftl. Morphol ogically the parasites are appar ently similar; physiologica'ly they eeem altogether different from one another. The farmer natnraliy asks: What is the remedy for this soil -infection? Unfortunately no an swer can be given. The malady is of such recent discovery, and so little is known of the f ungi that, for the time being, only precau tionarv measures can be recom mended. The usual methods of curing vegetable diseases are ut terly infective. . A field once at tacked by a particular parasite can henceforth . produce no . healthy plants subject to contamination by that parasite. PeThaps, as Dr. Smith suggests, the disease may be - dne to ! ft disregard 01 one of Nature's first . requirements after year, the grower of espscial All our military operation in Luzon, until the past few days. have been confined to the low-lying plains that converge upon Manila from north and sonth where . the . irrigated rice fields spreadaway between areas of high and dense i uncle. These E'.ains have been almost impassa- le in the rainy season now end ing and the campaign against Aguinaldo was therefore practi cally suspended for six months. Under tne best condition the march and camp in these steaming lowlands are trying to men unac customed to u tropical climate. Last month - the . monsoon changed. The southern winds that for six months had brought a continuous downpour veered to the north and the season ol the po lar monsoon set in. This period of change is the dreaded time of typhoons and some weeks elapse before the season o cooler and comparatively clear weather be gins; In these last days of the rainr season our troops, under - - - Ueneral8 Lawton, MacArthur. Young and Wheat on have been pushing on over th plains of Luzon, making steady prorress in spite of mud and rain, beginning the campaign thus early in order to catch Aguinaldo if possible in his northern haunts or at least to prevent him from returning south. This northern movement has brought our forces to the north edge of the rice plains bounded by high hills and a part of the cavalry has already crossed the hill ranges and descended into tbe valley of the Cagayan, the largest river of Luzon. Thus our advance guard has left the region of nee and en tered the best tobacco-growing area of the Philippines. They htve fought, hitherto, in one of the most populous parts of the archipelago, where the density ol population is as high as 200 to the square mile. They have now en tered a valley which, lor a hun tired miles north of their present position, has not more than fitly inhabitants to the square mile. They have reached a river that is navigated in light draught boats for two hundred miles to its mouth at the north end of the island. In other words, they have attained part of the island, extending about two hundred miles north and south, wbere an all water route is the means of communication with Manila. All tbe settlement along tbe Cagayan are shipping points for the tobacco that is collected at the port of Aparri and transferred tox-oastwino vessels that take it to Manila. If we were entering upon a lng campaign in north Luzon, which seems improbable, the Cag ayan would be a great importance or the transportation ol military supplies, a difficult matter thus ar at all points away from the railroad. It remains to bo seen whether Airuinaldo can elude our troops by skulking in the mountains that border the Cagayan alley on the east and west It does not seem likely that he could maintain any considerable force atnoug these mountain, for they re almost destitute of population and food resources. ry few of the valley peop'e have taken any part in his war and coming among tucm as a fugitive ho can scarcely expect to rally them to his sunpoit. En tering this valley, he Las left be hind the region and people that have supplied him with fighters and food. Ney xork Sun. lie did not talk J loudly In synagogue, nor . frequent the cau cus for elocutionary purposes. But where , two or three eastern men were gathered together tbere wa he abo, and though a man of few personal adonaeas and wilh a wart on the side 0 his nose he got there Just Ure same. . His tucceas Lty in the zither-like softness ef his skill ful, silver tongue, but the .wart on his horn was a . ruarantee of rood faith by itielf. :. If yon have a doubt about the rugged integrity oX the man. one glance at -the wart was enough to convince-you. : It was such a simple,, honest, kindlv lookingwart I .... He introduced himself to me as Mr. Horn beck, and invited me to take ft little ride about town with him. He said I reminded him of a son of his who had died wot long ago; and as he told me this, -be turned aside his head to hide a tear. . . .-.- - .. . i As we rode along Mr. Hornbeck talked but little, and that in a quiet, musing sort of way. At length he said: . ''You want to steer clear of them red estate fellers, my boy. They'll talk yon blind, deaf and Lame -tell you auy thing to make sale.'l I expressed my horror at such conduct. "Sleek lookin' fellows," mused Mr. Hornbeck, "sleek t ping bats, mostly; oTinonda, good clothes. Say, they all of 'emit Just do any thing to -make a deal. 1 Pshaw! It just disgusts me.' I was delighted to find how free my mend was Irons all "boom talk" and how kindly he was in his advice tome. We rode on far ther out and at last panned at the edge of ft 'large and fertile field, some miles out from the town. Well, it's funny about this country," said Mr. Hornbeck, as he sat in his buggy and looked about us at the pleasant rural land scape. - .... . . i 1 asked lum to explain. "Why,' said he, smiling, "this whole country here covers mines of countless wealth.'1 - . --! "Ofwhatf I asked. "Why, of salt, for one thing. There's a vein of solid salt right under where we're standing, 023 feet thick, only abont 450 feet down. That's the derrick to the well, right over here.- But pshaw salt don't make ft city, my boy. Some go wild over It. 1 don't. " "Yes,"- said Mr. Uornbeeir, "there's the foundations of three new packing houses -right over there. Here's the artesian well, off to the left. They re just go ing to pump the brine light out among the pork barrels, yon see. Right here the smoke of factories will resouad to the .busy hum of nirrlng wuecla." (The silver tongue was begin ning to show itself a little. Bnt I didn't inspect that.) "But but, hasno advan tage been taken of all' thisf Is there no " Oh, bices yon my boy, 1 yes,' said Silver-tengne (for so let ns now call him, as the novel ary.) "Bless yon, yes. This is ail an ad dition to the city. This Is all laid out in lots, here, all over--25 by 140. There's ft street railway win run out here didn't yon see that grade as we came across! Oh, yes. You see, it a been kept kind f quiet; but ft few of our clearheaded, farslghted, conservative 'buaine men h-tve seen what- poseiDUUles there were in. this combination of salt, coal, gas, and oil." "My UodI man!' I cried Ln r.tr- vous excitement, "yon dou frneaa to Ml me that you've got all those things out berc!' Well' said1 BUver-rongne, kindly, "I don't .mean to UU jou anything, but that's what they tell me. Just below tne salt tneystrucK eight inches paraune; a; hundred feet below that they puwed through four feet of nut coal, and seventy here. Then we walked , out into the cornfield a littlo wy mud talked 1 in low tones, though there waan 1 , anybody within jit miles of na na I ohm it was in some other town. "Ill see w hat can be done to fix you out,? whispered Silver-tongue to me looking around him care folly over the cornfield. "I've took a sort of notion to you, somehow, snd now 111 tell m. There is just one block of lots eft on the plot; too. It's been kind o smuggled, don't yon see -held back for ft favored party. It ain't but one square from the street railway, and the moter linell be just back of it ft little ways. It'a about the best "How are the tern? I asked. "Oh, third down asd balance six-anxl nine. "' """.' " ' I sat down and crushed my head between my hands bitterly. I was thinking how likely it was that this chance would be taken up be fore we could get back to town and draw up the papers. At that a bright thought track me. "You are authorized to sell this property T" I said, and SUrer tongue said he was. "Can yon take ft deposit on this trade! I asked. "Why certainly,- said he. "Bat I mean now. right here, right cowf I said, insistently. "Well, von are the keenest set f ourg fellow ever I did see," sighed Silver-tongue; "but still, to accommodate you, why, 111 strain business relations a little and fix yon solid right here at once." And then he went back to the buggy and drew from under the seat a case of real estate instru ments and "fixed me solid." right there. I should say he did! When we got back to town that evening we completed the remain iog preliminaries. And then I wrote home to my parents and told them that my long struggles with fortuno were at last practi cally at an end; that I had proved the faculty of all their fears for me, and had acquired wealth. I left the town soon after this. The last man I saw was Silver- tongue, and he shook toe warmly by tbe hand, promised to sell my lots forme when they reached 75 a foot. I departed feeling in my heart for him that warm gratitude which it is so pleasing to know in these degenerate days. I would rather not vrite much farther, as this U not a personal memoir for -twysetf . rnl - to only original, genuine SiUer tongue himself. Beaidea, there are some things too sad to monkey with. I sometimes, with mourn ful satisfaction, take my friends out to hunt jack-rabbits on my block of lots. We are never trou bled try tbe sound of the whirring wheels of commerce. a- u a s a. -- -..TT Jea taamM4 aa abae. ta -- ava k-ai "l1 1 1 Stall aty sLcka, i-Z a--ioa. a4 mm a W . lea as tai ------ 1 Mms m n Mil. u DM, 1S We Do The B lain as of the Town BecaoM We treat Oar customers Howell They Come ' Again And bring Their Friesdj Also. Locks, ISolts, ... Hinges. Screws. Li aai!tfsdlr.a at all tint, and U y era desire nottsrtTsrr.t, peace sA x hspplresa you . To obtain either, afti will forwvar thaak yoar lacky rtars liyxrabuy at . . once a BUCK'S STEEL RANGE. nnnr r- UttU ut ill km Ji t 00L5 T-H Garden Tccb,' ft speOAlly. Os4 than wurm snd be ready tor eprla,- OardaxJag. - A Tale at riawara. Blaasavrck'a Iraai Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremeneoua en ergy are not found inhere stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of o'der. If you want these qualities aod tbe sncceis they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only ajcat Staton & Zoeller's drag store. Tinrrrhnmri! Did she civj anv crops will plant his ground with lesson for refusing you? Hardit: the same vegetables, nntil at last Reason? No, that's the woman of the soil, besides becoming "sick," it. Simply said she didn't Ioto accumulates a mass of decaying me. five feet be low that, they struck natural, bas in fttreaaendoua de posit, which rushed up and blew the machinery all ont of the' shaft; Lately, mingled with- the natural gas, there has been oil in great pro fusion and said to be of very hih proof. ..But the gas and oil's mixed, mighty badly mixed,-1 go est. I'm afraid there's goln to be trouble about that. Still, that New York 'pipe line syndicate thinks "My dear friend, Ilnterrupted, with trembling tones, which ill concealed my anxiety, for pity's sake tell me But no," -1 con cluded in despair, "don't tell me. It's no use. It's just my luck. I suppose all these lots are sold long azol' I "Why as to that,' began Silver- WUJUC auw m tma mmvv u. m voice. I caught at It. I laid'a trembllng haxal on his arm, 'and with tears In my eyes besought him to find one change, j rot one chance, fcr me to get in on the ground floor. - " " : Consider,'' said I, "Ism young. I am lust startinir in life. I de sire wealth. I wish to help my finally. I wlah to oh, Lord r Axd I broke down tinder the sick enlce dread that I was too late. -Say,! USilTer.tongut, -look ' A unique entertainment, aay tbo Baltimore Sun. was given re cently at Unlaw Place Baptist church. It was called a "Floral Wedding," and cards were dis tributed on which were questions to )4 answered by the name of a flower. Following is a list of the questions and the successful answers: Her namo aod the color of her eyr , Black-eyed Susan. Her nationality and appear ance. American Beauty. , iter x alters name ana tne pen be used. John QaUL . How did her lovers surround her?-In Phlox. What did they think she was? A Diy. What was her small brother's name? Johnny Jump-up, Aith what kind of candr did lier lovers bribe her brotber? Mint . What did her brother throw at her lorers? Snow-balls. The name and disposition of the unfortunate oces? Sweet Will lams. . , To whom did she refer him? ronjv. V hat did he do when he pro posed? Aster. What was her object in matri mony? Marigold. . What did he think would . no longer trouble him? Bachelor's Buttoni. At what time was the wedding? Four O'Clock. Who performed the ceremony? Ja- k-in-Lhe-1 uIp it. was beat taan? Marechal NeiL ' What did the bride wear on Ler tel? Bridal Wrcatlu Wliil mrrsia was played during the ccrvmony? Narcissus. How did he salute her after the ccretuoiiv? Tulip. ' What did she say as she left Lome? Forget-me-not. . W bat did they leave behind? Lived ib g IlearU, , Howard & Company. Tie. Tar i t ' Fife mm f. This most excellent UatitnUon for gizls will opea U better equrp4 than ever la fls Uilory, and stronger la .every DepartmecL ' - m.v ,4 We wocld like the pubhe to note tiiax crcr hviyv Co-priacipal Mrs.D. G:GUlMpie,U,radi Ihe-Stsomsr la Bostoe. taklrg a course ef UUrcctioa la Elocution an4 Frtsch fcr the btiet 9 her popilt Mxt'tcra. ..- Wo nay Without Hesitation " thai this school affords as good, il cot vastly superior, ad ran. tagee la edocataosaj li see as any la this Staler . Terms, including Music. 'Tuition and - v .. . . . . For catalogue and farther r-trtk-alara, adJxese Mi' BD. BBS(DWI i Mrs. . &. -i&lfcllaESPIEE . - - - -IPffincipalOe a m- Valcasklc laif le Arc grand, bat skin cmptloos rob Lfsof joy. ilackka's Araks Salve core them: i!moU, rcBotngaaJ fever sorev, alcra. bods, felons. corns,waru, cats, bruiv-s, bums, scald, carped haads, ciulbtauis. Dcst pl core oa earth. Drives out paios aod ache. Oely 13c a box. Care gsovaotee J. Sold by SUtoo & ZovZet. drorx Uts. 1m Witherbv: Hello! Istbeifttew gown? Mrs.- Wifherbv: -2sw! Dear me, no! Why, I tai it neatly ft week! . . : t TM lo tot ma rrJ w-r. A fo i r tmrt M latlrx&at. Vs :wcwa. Nin7tliintiiiu KlUfiiM Tn tut rfrpvrtk Sf wwof kL TCeek ; tg las l (acUrXea. A3wl Rcducod- Ilrrtcnoii'nrHroadi Haolra to-Ucct Eiroryl!I?raln TaWfcoe Ltaai trxALaaTsMgVla fvw r9ri. Wsiu - ks Cjtd wauf baiaa trm to Hait fres a fsna. &-4rs ai eCkaw b arilc tftocasi sig Bvrs rprtts wtW art ax ft SO sv 5rj. rcrtcrxs soj en, stsHs B4 -13 G. P. SMUH; Propritor