flffff if iff' I ojT f i' 9 a . BE.STTBE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN" GO AHEAD.-D Crockett VOL. 78 NO. 21 TARBORO', N. C, THURSDAY, MAY Zl, 1900. ESTABLISHED 1822 if DON WILLTAM8, burgeon Dentist: TARBORO... ...... . N. C. -" I) R. O A WHITEHEAD, Sur&eon l)entlst, . ist&i Eclipse ITk smb. Xhi Monday a wek the people of the Southern State will have the rare opnortunitv in rm tu. most superb spectacle within the , whole range of natural phenomena: , a total eclipse of th sun. The ordinary observer will see it best ; Without instrnrrmnl-.a f on.. u:.t I r 4 ikA - 1 . fciwj . granueur ana beauty of the sight will linger in his memory ; f or years. To the professional as tronomer seefeing the solution of iue country editor of a quarter meet their of a century azo. says ConirresR- town roeetinr at man Lnndis-in the, April' !Sric- PO boni an cess, was not aeol'eze-bredin4H. 'tial iu the TARBORO, -N. a Important and difficult problems Okiick hoo sto I and 2 to 5 IOSEPH P. .1 Public Typewriting and Insurance 0FF1CB WITH P. Vk D8.&N. HARKKLL, Physician awd SoaOcOH, -j f X rbtwo. N. a"" ' connected with the mvsteHnnx structure and composition of the 1 stra the event will . be, ono of in ytense interest, and will demaad.tLe utmost skill in the use of. tho jioost delicate and powerful iu js ruuients known to modem as- I tronomical . science. The speech or address a finnd y school convention, rrorn the etaudpoint of the useful citizen he was nil around finished product The country editor of today . is a different person. . He is a good business man. ' He can "set typ," but is seldom found at the "case." He employs compositors, or. has ornamented hi office with a type t setting .machine. Tho you eg woman yon see bending over the M. W. HAYNE3, PRACTICAI. MiTJJIBEB,- TarWo, N. G. " .""TFRINK'PPWELL, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, TAKBOBO, N. C. Practise in the State and -Fed eral Courts and Departments at Washington, D. C. - -j- , , i.Thi.ih.c.B.rrMu.rr, lay, could le public spirited and fellow citizen at a nr hourr.coold hour orrher than ns- eveuing and iUy with imt ho could "chopl gic with the ItLeir ch.Idien until ta vemug best protlucs of the universities, meal wax reatU; and iu other re quote poetry aptly, nd.' at au eneots be iudei cedent citlreua. hour's notice," deliver a political ! lut not no now. Those men are be- mg driven ous ox Business oy me mercantile trusts, that bring every thing under one roof, ami they are seeking employment at the different counters in the depart ment stores. Men who onoe owned a business f their own may now bo found behind the counters in department stores ; Wbwi thayl come in in the morning they are told to hang their hats on a row of pegs provided for that porposv, aud when they go out to walk easy and make no noise. They cannot leave uitil qui ttinir time comrs. They are no longer independent citizen, such a-t ti.e citizen-hip of a rrpnbl-c should to cmi..sed of, bat ddp-ndeuts, withoat time f..r aud a lcHseniog inclination to be public Epiriud. A nation of de- p- udeat- noon means a btiin of i . i ii .i fiares, uniess iiicy mrow on inu py.stem that i enslaving them! Air. Hatch in a man who would have answered Coin if be could have seen how to do so, but noue ocenring to him he at down. Coin cn trusts and imperialism. IN HOTEL FABBAJJ. Kor flilUnf hair twe Culle VkOaadroff cloanei. -JBTiGOTQI'SL'-' S. ft. ALLRV OVER Johu Battle's Shoo Store -V- fIUBne, is. c. most ' ledger is also a Rtnnrinlipr ati1 lmportntobservatoies through-. typewriter. out the world will be prepared to S The country editor now dictates study the eclipse from points of j his editorials, and employs a rantaje in the United States or bright young man to write local lx into. ' - i n-tWS. Hn npirennner ia nnnta1 Tao moon, an opaq io iody on au improved press, tho power shining only by reflected light, isnrnished by a gas engine or is always accompanied by a coni- ' lectric motor, and the paper is cal shadow over 240,000 miles long, folded by machinery 4 When our satellite passes exactly j He owns his own home, - keeps between the sun and the earth the his own horse and carriage, nud shalow sweeps over he earth's has credit at the bank. A plens surface in a curved path. That J ure trip of a month is likely to be the time of occurence of an eclipse ' offered at any time, and he takes and the location of the course of it gladly; while the yonng woman shadow-can be so accurately pre-1 who keeps the books -and the dieted is one of the wonders of bright young man who writes lo mathematics. To an observer caf news keep the paper in a within tha shado tr the sun is com j straight line. J nlefoltr ViiiIiIoti nnrl t Via crimen id t - "total." The path of totality on!' ppmiMo,' May 28, 1900, be irins in the Pa-! Mr. A. F. Hatch, an attorney miuv wouua si ui xujlicu, passes i repres nti:g m tuy trosts, rose across Mexico, and enttrs the 1 and put this question: United St ites at lew Orleans at "Say a department stor.j brings alwiit the old apple vuou uiv-ccvio iu a i uuaer one roor. everv line 01 uns- rtheasterly direction over ifo- iness, at a saing of $10,000 each A BllllaaalrlM Slchu' The oewepapers are detcrtn!nel to push John D. Rockefeller to the front as our richest man. According to the 8t. Louu Diapatch, Mr. lHlrfcllcr novhaa an income which U 5 per reut. of a capital of 11,600,000,000. - If thepe figures be corrtxf, the billionaire bus arrived. The pow er wielded by men rcf such vast wealth U tremendous, aud the day in com Id JT when a few Rockefellers will be more powerful than our government. Bat there is one nfegnard. Death lorea a shiulng mark, aod nit'lcr his touch the wealth of the bitfiooaire emtVeni kidoo; their heirs and becomes more generally distributed. AlarmUta overestimate the dan ger of a plntocracy in thli coun try. The ch sure are that before nu.iy years tthe Jefferson lau idea ofiucometax will crjtfalizc into law, and thia, with an inheritance tax, will matcritllf check the growth of ;reat fortunes. In this big country there U room for billionaire. I then com. The American people will take care of thecirl vea In the future, as in the past, aud for every evil they uill find a remedy when they need it. Atlanta Constitution. ALWAYS. You can find the best Fresh Meats the market will afford, kept ia latest improved Refrigerator. YOU CAM ALW AY 8 get the best at ROWE'S:-; MARKET. Highest prices paid for t Jive cattle. n bile, Montgomery, and Iialeisrb" and leaves the United States near Norfolk, Va., at 8.53 a. m. After a long journey over the Atlantic, it thon touches Portugal,, crosses northern Africa, and fiually leaves the earth at the northern end of the Red Sea. The duration of the total phase varies from one minute and twelve seconds atNew Orleans to one minute and forty-two'sec-onds at Norfolk, and all the astron omical work must be accomplish ed during this brief period. The sun is an immense globe of of fire; not as we soe it through dense haze at sunset, wiih sharply defined outline, but in reality pos sessing streamers or apoeudages millions of miles beyond it sur face. The streamers are only vis ible during a total eclipse and ! constitute the corona. "The ap proach of the moment of totality is extremely impressive. The ! color of daylight changes, dark ness increases gradually! the jet SOUTHERN RAILWAY. black outline ol the moon en croaches on the dazzling disk of the sun until only a rapidly di minishing crescent ol light re mains. As Ions as even a hair's breadth of this cresent exists the corona i invisible, but presently a black shadow is t-een to approach swiftly over the surface of the earth, the sunlight completely disappears, and, an if at the com mand of a weired spirit, in an in stant the corona bursts into view, magnificent. in extent, indescriba ble in beauty, impressive beyond compare. year, in rents and a luither sav iug in the way of ttauageiuent and in Duying, and in ma::y other ways, thus reduciug the cost of every thing to tht consumer. Whv is it not an :alvantas;e to a'l of the people. "The reply is this," said the lit tle boy: "It may in the end re sult in higher prices for the trust articles, for a department store is a trust. But admit that it will not what aids the general welfare is a system that tends to an equal distributions of wealth. The de partment store having flriven all the shoe merchants, the haiBtore. the groceries, and the dry goods men, the dealers in meats, and ethers who dealt in separate lines out of business, the profits, if any, are centered in a few and not dis tributed among the many. It is not the price w pay for the hat we wear, or the clothes or shoes I we,wear, so much as the price do I in the c -1 we receive for those things we sell I neglect, Mralaa OIrl. Out of doors we know the morn ing glory well, and a fresher, 'fair- j er nawer never greeted the mnru irg s m:i. The inert, self-nna o, clamber over the high board fence ut the foot ot my yard, and twine stump near the path, clothing themselves In pinks and purples to welcome me as I saunter out into the garden on a July moriog with such grace that I never dreamed of aasociat ing t hem with any thing but sum mer sunshine and fresh air, until, as I waA taking in my plant foe the winter, I chanced to notice a tiny morning glory plant hardly more than two Inches high, and the "thought flashed across my mind: Why not pot thia and ace if it wil bloom in the windowl It was so doubtful an experi ment that I did not even put the plant in a sunny window, but left it on the sill of a window in the hallway where the snn never ea ters. Dut with a fine disregard of my discourtesy the little plant throve cud grew, and one morning as I came from my bedroom what was my astonishment and delight to bee an exquisite blossom, as fresh and finely colored, if not as large, as if it were heralding July t-aruen. ieniiem xor my I hastened to remove the Tb l-iuieit and mightiest littkthin that ever was uuik U Dr King' New Life Every put b a sug&r-coatej glolxilc of health that change weak en ita strvogtb, liatleasocaa into cn etry, brain-fog into uKutal power They're wua Jerful in baUdtOj" up the In-alin. Ojli ajc per box So d by S'atu u .teller Tody the South prodncea oa an ater-ga 10,000,000 to 11,000,000 ' bales of oottTP, repredenlbi in-' clndingthe cottonseed, a valua tion of from $350,000,000 to $00,-' inn eoormous crop is Uilal area of tha cotton region. Of tl.ee ntire cotton-growing territory f tho iouth, only 20 per cent, is is iww improved land. It U poa siblc, with nw laid added to the cotton-growing area and with roor.- scientific cultivation, to in crecsa our cotton production to lW.yoo. 000 bale. It will ba many yer befora w can conceive of tlia rnodnctioa of soch a crop, but then is every, probability that within the next twenty year tha world will be demanding of the South at least 20,000,000 to 23, 000,000 bale, and that tho South will produce it with a much eaaa s it is today producing iu 10,. wu.'-'w uajcs. uaautnor re . li -U rvrpdalac f art W. Ha . ut', "liml la av irtv la U aO pmrU of hm toil, f Ut laal tea ywn. 1 ei M3r pmotU t b4 Untt't Ah. uU rWtf IU aar Mf rrmAj, l" djpU draard Itvar aa4 atom. , a. d tor coatljUu. 1 ftad for lw. Iu a ad aaWas, or for fmncm ti:tac oQ.-. iMUUcsa, . wbrr Wa4ackrs aa4 Cctial bI Umhagt (ma trrrru! aatWu rtl I. lUt Oreett't Aoftu' ilotr toft rrl fo Ii dors a4 tfijw ta at a. I m hi trrxptrt I , a4 W tiri)rl for n r ttacti a4 taxllr(kMa. taard bnuW f c at nana A XncVa. b id by oa.'t ta all atUla4 coaa'rk ifP'A(TrYnM"D) 11 1 . J 1 -Villi III A It cau be said that the year of 1800 has been the bet that Amer ican gun-makers have ever seen. San Diego county, California, voted to support the candidacy of IT. S. Grant, Jr., one of ita citizens, as a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention, but refused to consid er a resolution endorsing him for Vice-President. The better the cow the more highly strung she Is, and therefore, require unifoimly kind treatment. A favorite remedy for chicken cholera Is an oano each of glycerin and water and ten drop of carbolic acid. Give once In twelve hours In dose of five drop. Before packing aod shipping, poultry should be thoroughly dry aod cold, but not frozen: the ani mal heat should be entirely oat of me Dotty: pack in boxr or bar rels. Hen kept In a yard they nave been raised The four months .war with Spain wasn't much of a war, as war rx). but it coat tha nmnl nf the United State f 110,000,000. th'uk of flJIcff 0TCT th top. tngianti war in Houth Africa can be carried on leas expensively, and ia aeven months haacowt $118,20,-000. TftE STANDARD ML WAT OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to all POINTS- TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO T Wat and our ei vices. If under an equitable system, we receive more for those things for which we are paid money, than under the pres ent system wo are aid to buy; whereas now, receiving lest our selves, we may not li able to buy those things w e ut ed. T-he peo ple who work ia factorw s and pro duce cotton fabrics at 2 and 3 eta. a yard, will not be able t buy many comforts or neceusi:h-s for themselves no matter how cheap they may be. And those who raisj the cotton, under ' such a system, are perpetualy doomed to be serfs. "With higher prices bv reason Tir TTamJlton . sneak-1 of pleuty of money in circulation, 1 ' -tr-- - - . . 1 1 --l Ail alumni of I a general rise oi prices, .not oil . trust articles but of everything, "" - H. C lit? uio ija J7JL J kaoj tm ua will walk into a hat stote or a shoe store to buy a bat or a pair of shoes, in preference to going to a department (store. Whyl Be cause there he meets the proprie tor, a man who is making a spec ialty of hats or of shoes, as the cae may be, a man who studies tho shapes of men's head or feet a man who' feels "an acquaintance and respect for his customers and neighbor; wno irom seiwnieresi and stimulated by competition, will try to please. The customer gets something better a better fit than if he had gone to a de partment store, and he, is willing to Day la better price, ior ue plant to a sunny window and pro vided a string for the swaying ten drils to lay hold of. Up the grace fnl vine it climbed, like Jack raoii ut ing .the beanstalk, sending out a bud every little way a a sigu-il of victory. Why the Preacher! Poattlen Ia DllflcailU The Rev. ing St the dinner of the the-Union Theological Seminary on Monday evening, said that those who are so free to criticise the preacher of this time" would be slow to exchange places with him. for on tho one hand he must sat isfy "those who believe in the old definitions" and on the other, "those who believes in the new de finitions in accordance with scien tific researches. ' Of course, no man of an honest intellect and sound moral principle would exchange places with such a preacher, for he is a trimmer. The two points of view are op posed utterly and are irreconcila ble, and the preacher who atempts to steer between them is false to 1.1, "Cnr fTwrtcA tvTin 1tAHWA in uutu. J. v " " I , ,-. . , - supernatural religion no scientific prosperous ana aDie w tia so. vn nmnf is necessarv. nor is anv oos-1 the other hand, as now, the pinch- . . ... . . a XX Hat rrea ik ium Va the ball that hit G B Stead man, ot Newark, lathe civil war It canaed horrible ulcers that no treatment hel ped for 20 year Then Bucilen's Ar nica Salve cured him It cures cuts, bruises, burnt, boils, felons, corns, sl.iu eruptions Beat pile cure oo earth 25c a box Care guaranteed Sold by Staton A Zoeller. drogriata CI4 r la aaaBar 18 Strictly FIRST-CLASS' Equip ment on all Through, and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping j Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agent for Time Ta oW Rates and Geaeratlnformatiuo, or Address U. L. VERNON, F.R. DARBY, T. P. A, , C. T. &P. A., Charlotte: N. C. Asheyillo, N. C. NO TROUBLE TO AN8WEB QUESTIONS K. H. GANNOX. S. M. CVI.P, W. A. TUBK d V. P. 4 Qen. Mam. Trat Man. G. P. A WASHINGTON. D. C Own a Fiit Horse! WHITE'S WORM CONDITION ' POWDERS keeps .them in that condition. For sale at W.H. 8E83UMS' STABLES sible. ' The whole basis of Christ ian theolcgy is in miracles which contradict science and appeal to faith only. . If preacher or hearer rejects them he falls necessarily into agnosticism, for they can never be proved by "scientific re searches." In order to believe in them, too, he must believe in the infallibility of the authority which proclaims them as supernatural facts, though they are naturally impossible. If he demand "new definitions in accordance with scientific researches" he practically denies miracles and rejects the authority on which belief in them is based, for he appeals from its dogma to the. demonstration of science, lie oecomes an aguutuu, or one who believes only what he Vnows." The trouble with such a preach er as the mati descsibed by Dr. Hamiltonls that he is in a false position and nothing cau extricate him irom nis'oimcumes except retirement from a pulpU which must preach supernatural religion as Uiyine trutn wnetner 11 is ac cordant with science or in contra diction of science. -New xora Su&t iner times tend to drive people to department stores, where they compromise their desires and tiko that which will answer their ueeds at the lowest price obtain able. "And, a moreserious thing than anv that has been mentioned," continued the litllefellow, "is this: The men who formerly ownel the hat s'ores, the shoe stores and other lines were men engaged in their own business. They were proprietors. They could put on their hats aud walk out of their place "of business any time in the "Cold hands and feet in summer are specially disagreeable." physician, "and, as most every one knows, are a consequence of a lack of the circulation of the blood. The hitter is the result of a lot of things, but boiled down to the fewest words possible, debility of the system. The cure has to be brought about by a general build ing up of the system exercise in the open air and sunlight generally. There is, as will lie seen, room for a lot of remedies, and the believers in the efficacy of medicine ap proach it from many standpoint. The allopath and homcrpath strike at the same thing, but different means of attack, and their medi cines hare to do the rest, the pa tient helping out. The believers in elect ricty and electrical applian ces have lots of 'anre things' for it and succeed very often. A couple of years since, while iu London attendingamedkal con ference, an English physician told me of the aim pi eat, easiest taken and nicest cure for cold hands. I have suggested it to a number of others and the universal report has been in Its favor. It is simply to eat several lumps of sugar every day 1 between meals. This does not get at the cause of the com plaint, but adds a sufficient a mount of heat to make the trouble less noticeable and disagreeabl e . Washington ErenlngBtar. The Scotsman, of Edinburgh, appears to be surprised that Amer ican Presbyterians should try to diacpline minister who reject the Westminster Confession. It says that few Presbyterians iu Scotland trouble their heads about the clause In the creed which Ir. II 11- lis recently rejected. General Henry Kyd liwuglaa. who was 00 Stonewall' Jackson's staff at Frcdericktown, says that Jackson never saw Barbara Fr letch -ie, never even passed her house, and that, if she had a flag, she was 69 years old, helpless as a child at the time, and would been unable to wave It. There seem to be a Chopin re naissance at the present time. JriRy years have passed since the great composer died and tactical circles are devoting considerable attention to the revival of his works; the pianists, Paderewski, dePachman. Joseffy and others. giving recitals, the programme of which are largely, composed of Chopin's music. There baa jost disappeared the last remaining relic of the first railway in Loudou. In 1801 an act was passed autborixing the construction of n railway froca Wandsworth to Crojdou. the shxp ersbeing of stone. Siot rp r vewa provided by horses. The eheme included a dock at Wam!wortn, and it it the ancient wooden rnne connected therewith which has just fallen Into the waters of the Wandle. . In which Ul atldoa ItU when they are moved to new yard that they learn to nse their wing. It Is probably safe to aay that for 1900 the number of fowl in the Uniten 8 tale nretty nearly reaches 500,000,000, which, with their product, represents a value of more than f-4 00,000,000. ne cost 01 Keeping a nen may t averaged at one dollar per year, bbe should lay two dollars worth of eggs, leaving one dollar prolt. Theearethe rough estlmatee of tome of the most extensive; grow er. CASTORIA Tor Is.fstts aai. CLrta. Tli Ifci Yci tin Vztji Enjtt The Kind Toa Ilavw Always Bocxht. and wLVa ha ia Use for Over SO 9ar- Ilaa bora liraatar aa4 ha beeamadetusder his tonal soperrlslea efnco It tnfarwy Allow bo oss to deceive Toa ta tbla All Counterfeits, Imitations aod Jntt a go ml- are be HxerkTvnU tliat triflo wrttll axd etxlAJr th be!- cC -laXaata' oJ omdrcalTxpcrleoc against XLx?cr!2m What is CASTOR.A CaatorU Is a t: armies snbetlrnte for Carter Od, rare " rorlc, Irop and SooOdna fljrnp, . It 1 rtcsaut It contain beJthcr Op torn, Uerphtae bor other SarooUo anbtAoew Iu ace U IU f-oaraxite. It destroy XTaram and allaya reverlshnews. It rare DLarrbxr aid Wtad CoUe. It rettrre Teeinlsr Troabte, cam CamrtlpaAtoa - and FUiulency It avimilate tha Tood, rrculatea tbo Btomach aod IlowrU, ctt? tveaithy aa4 naiaral siorp. Tbo Childrea'a raaacc-TtM Motnera rrtead. CENUIHE, CASTORIA ALWAYS Be in &6 Elnatcxw of The Kind You Haye Always Bouglit tn Uso For Over 30 Years. To my Patrons and tho Pnblic: I stala cult taj Urm at tit creaisr of ih Srtusr kiko. It stater t tea ceat coUoa doc nc4 eScct Um rrf ol QiUtat La taf sta. btcaM li-ry ar chief y wool, aaJ ul it aad r. Gxr &i a my tr Ld o aoty strk ol SPRING SUITS, lor 11 LN. YOUTHS aai KIDS. Will fir yo better saUaactoQ U k cacoey l&xa caa t TtaJ Lera la Eaatero Nolh Carcaa. w A salt to order caa also b selected, cr hzj part tbrreof, at rict aiott ss Io as tb Itaad3Mlras. Fit sad qoaLtj (aarsstcsd cr tsocey rvlsaded. Sc saars at Th best aaaortarat of Fcrtutsr a&J th rvtlkt Im U If t'.llzr. Car pets, Rcrt, OJ OcUm and a'l liaia of botcJ ri ta b lcsl ia tow, aa b sa at Bmts ta 6!caataTec at a4 broaa yy la 1 IM 100! Blow is a fo-aiail of gnarazteet co&taised in a policy of I iui a ranee for 1 10,000 Ltiucvl by the Ex-Vlce-Preldent Adlal E. Sic venson owes the failure of hi boom for second place on the Populist ticket at the Uioux Falls Conven tion to a young woman delegate, Misa Annie Diggs. Colonel Fltx gerald, of West Virginia, had Jut made a speech to start a Jtampede in Mr. Stephenson's favor. Up leaped Mbs Diggs and shouted: "Sixy, nixyl That the hand of Oormou, the hand of the rlastern Democrats. No Stevenson to ours!' Mr. Btephenson'a boom wa over. Einanael Toocner, one of the oefro aasittaats of Tercr Dominica. tb rrli(ioos fanatic ot WUmiogton, has st laat taken food. He says his aroelil returned. Tb other assistant. Shiver, continue to last. nilllsaa Given Ay. It' is certainly RratifyinR to tho nnb lie to ktSow of one concern in the land who ars not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The propri ftora ot Dr. Ki ne's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds hare given away over ten million trial bot tles ot this great medicine, and have the satisfaction of knowing that it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Brinchitis, Hoarse cess and all diseases of tha throat, chest and lungs are sorely cured by it Call on blaton & oeiier, aruRgisrs, and get a free trial bottle. Regvta size 50c. and i. Every bottl guar anteed or price refunded. Brmvs Sieai Fa.ll Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all test the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. Bat there's no need to feel like thai. Listen to J W Gardner, Adaville. Ind. He says. Electric Bit ters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and ckuft car whether be lives or dies. It did mors to give roe new strength and good ap petite than anything 1 could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on lifet Only 50c st Staton & ZosUers drugstore. Every bottl guar antssd Cstsrva Caaal Va Cars wlia local Anp'Vcstloos, aa tbty caaaot reach Us teat ot tbs dlasass. Ca arr U blood or coast tauooal dl esas. sad ta or. dr to cur 11 you aanst lake latsraU rsea edies. UalTs Caurrh Oars tataki a later, nally, sad acts directly oa tb biosd a4 mocoos suTtaooS. 11 all's Cataah Oor la not a quack medietas, Ii ws presrrtbrd by ooe ot U best phji'ciass ta tb eona try t t yasrs, sad u s regular prascriptlon It I composed of ta bast tooVc koowa, combtntd wtta lbs best blood portAars, aetlng directly oa tb inocous lorfaess. Tbe rert ct eombtsaiioa ot us two tngtsd leots ta what protfnee toe wonderful ts rul IscU'lBg Calarrs. Brad tot tsatlmo. aiala,fn. 7. J. CUE5EY A CO rroc. Toledo, a Hold by drat gUts, prtos 7Sc E&n rsxsilr PlUs sr Us best. ssvss St Earctar visited th Raodelmaa Moodav aacjht open tb sale, aecortac stamp and cash. Mrs. A. II. Erawa dxeyped dead st ber boo ia West Dwbaa last Toe- a 1 . oay cveaicg. sans nestxiag serpc tor ber . f anaI Sbs was sbot , years cl sxk TL case sgaisit rosttaasttf & S. Trtnletoo, U MooresviUe, waa tried Tuesday aad resolted. s most ei In cUimos espectsd. la aoqnitaX. Ddec wv CqMir mad a flash ft tb paa aad was mad to pay th costs. At yet not a step has been taken by any on ol the thrs great railway sys tems in regard to th suiter of retting evident la support cl their cooteotioa mailer property as assessed st a higher rsVs than'other property. Tb corporation ewnmitaioo n domb about th matter. . Tb L sited Latbersa Synod opened at Wlastoo-Salcm Wednesday. too deleicste are ia stteadaac, maoy of whom ar distinguished diviaes, rrp reseotiog nearly everr Sootbero state, Tb opeoiog aermoQ was presxhsd by tb Kev. J. U. Greiaer. oi ITuraJ Re treat, Va., president of th synod. Fraocta D. Winsto. who two years ago waa ia charge ot tb Slate orgaof latiooof Wbue Soprrmscy clsbs, is agiia to ssaas tb task. It Is b coming very clear to tb Democrats that an immense smoont of work Is ahead of them if thsy Intend to effect the rali&catMO, at th polls ia Acgast, of the Constitalioaal Amendment de franchising tb QliteraU aecro voters. Oa tb ih of Jan, tb Coeami- s loners of A erica tor of varices states will meet ia Raleigh st tb lavrtatkm cf tb North Care Una Agricultural De partment. It ia proposed to mak tb sevsioo very interesting Tbcmoseost will b an object lesson' to ail of then. They swill b shown North CaroUna farming from end to end oi tb Stat. Sa viap Life ASSBR1ICE SOGIBTY through it Special avgent here. It see s assris s Swt. TWysr I s assess sw. sue Itjm, ears 1 aw rser estiva S Jt. s J 13 tUaswsasS aas tss swwr i H is wasa assrs ss est sA ss4whisa i FRET'S I ERUIFUGE I ? l avsaasewaawssrssrs ( jg V asrncrT -1 li SI. 3D- TEZ3L, upon oo of the rery beat bnslnea tsn ia Tar bom. The face oi this policy promise aod agTee to pay this gealleaaa b fieiary tea thousand dollars in a lamp, da immediately npoa proof of death. Th firure in table Tuelow are abaolate guaraa.eos which can be used by auured, beginning after to acnoaJ psytausnu. In loan elaitrth di-ercnl amounts nasel rs b .borrowed froxa tee Company, at 5 per cent, at aty time, wtea th nnnt-er of psymenU, enai numtr of years t ocpslt th atsoctU. Thi poicy also contains gasran'.e of 3 days grao on all ubaeqaent payments. Tti Coapaas positively rsfass to is su more than ose hnnJrod jpolici of thi kind ia i!dgroz:t county for th yr 19 a. Twelv of lie po'icie h v is g al ready be-on sold by their agent hero only th liruUd t. caber of 83 can no b disposed L Any ose diriaj: Lnfonsaiion or la saranc literature, will bo checncUy add iitelliaL'y waitd p on by their spwcial Aeiit, Mr. IL lJ. TCLU 0c hi. Ja&r street, rear J . . ix listu store. 2 yearn 2 - Amount 110,000 Ixian Yala $ 310.00 10 00 720 00 750 00 1170 00 1120 00 1C'.0 OJ ITCOOi 2203 CO 2-JC0 03 33iOOO 37COOO 4170 OO 4S40 00 4W0 00 OO 57&0 W WTO W rraica?Wl7.43 rJJ-cp Vala Hg d VaJa 1110 03 1CC0O3 3210 00 T7WO0 323 00 3520 OJ 4340 W 4500 CJ . M90 00 IS0 CJ CJWOJ 6700 00 7110 00 W10OO 6120 W 9540 00 94SOOO 7 r co. 4 e 8 19 11 13 14 IS 16 18 17 in 18 13 19 2D 4 st 14 11 8 pill tp V