WW 1 BI!l8TTBE YOn .A.RIS RIGELT ; T7EL3S3Sr &Q A.B K A D.-P Crockett , VOL.;78. NOl 23 i E. DON WILLIAMS, 17 TARBC)RO:,.N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE II, 1900. Surgeon ! water to slightly moisten Dentist TARBORO ,..N.,C. -p" Ttee Taaaee Plant. very severe damasv k nnnn.whnla lf..u(.Mu u ally done in tjbaa o fields by in- bacco is to be set out place a ta sect pests and to a lesser degree by blespoonfnl of this mixture at in- """ luugas. jiucn of this tervals or ten feet tbronghout the damage may be prevented by prop-1 field.' After the plants aro Fet ci aueuupu. xoDacco. like nthr rjlace a tensnoonfnl of thAmithira I) R. O . A WHITEHEAD Surgeon Dentist, .T-.vV TARBORO. N. C. Oenos hoa-M V o I an 1 2 to 5. i JOSEPH r..PIPPKNv Public Typewriting and Irmtruace pFfica .with H- P. DR, S. N. HABKKLLV Phthiciaji and Sus.3fcOsr ' T rboro, N. C.l 7 . M. W. HAYNES, PRJLCTICAL PLUMBER, Tarhoro,"N. C. FRANK POWELL, N- - C ATTORNEY AT LAW, TARBORO, Practise in. the State and ""Fed eral Courts and .Departments at Washington, D. C. - 4- IN HOTEL FARRAIi. ro me OVER Johi .Battle's Shod Stors ESTABLISHED 1522 crops, must be sprayed or dusted with an insecticide. The best treatment for tobacco, and one that euureiy sate, is tne following: x aris green, - , , -.- i iD FlQwers of sulpher, 3 to 5 lbs Powdered soan stone -or kir- slaked lime, ' - - 100 lls Directions: Mix thoroughly and aDolv to the plants while wet with dew or rain. The first treatment should be au- piied.sooniafter the: plant .have been set out. m second two u or three weeks later, and a . third two or three weeks after the second. I f the weather is wet, more fre quent treatments may be necessary, out usually tnree treatments will De 8uffici3nt for the crop, and sea son.,, No treatment should le giyeu within;, fifteen days from tune of harvesting crop The best instrument for applying the above powder is a so called .."powder gun." Addresses: of dealers, in powder guns will be "furnished by the undersigned to those who want them. The above powder may al so be put on by jarring from a coarse sack held in the hand, or by two sacks attached one to each end of a pole long enough to reach across two rows. The pole may be cairied on a mulee back. Only a slight dusting is necessary, bnt the near each plant. It may be cece4- ary to repeat, but usually xouce ia enough. Cut worms will eat sweetened bran before tobacco. Grasshoppers: sometimes injure tobacco id some way. The above bait is the best remedy for these insects. .Tobacco is very free from fnn gas disease, but such diseases as we find are very hard to control. Walloon or Waterloojs ia some years wide spread and then dis appears 'from the locality;- -Its course is unknown. "Frog syp" or white speck is due to a fungas similar to that causing shot-hole in-ieaves of peach and plum trees. Ihe sulphur prescribed - in - the powder mentioned at the head of thw article is intended chiefly to prevent this damage and will do so if -applied in the right way. ooresnm is. a pretty common disease, xt seems to be due in the first place to an injury to the stalk near ground, caused by the 1 ; . ... . wring qi a smaix beetle worm, which eals into corn stalk the same way. This beetle is called Diabrotica. ' It is gieeDish with twelve black hpots in the back A fungas afterward comes in and caues the interior of the tobacco stalk to rot. Remedy: None so far known to be practicable. -Pull powder should be evenly distribu- J np and destroy the diseased plants. the . were fastened across to make tart, v If baked in a properly heat ed oven the liqaid, as it cooked, thickened info a. sticky pasta , The cream pics of my day, stilt, surviving in the part of Ohiq, where I was reared were very dil ferent from the cream cakes of the bakeries. The piepan was lined with crust, then it was filled with rich cream that had been well sweetened. Into this was sifted very slowly from a dredging As trusts are to attract contid- erable attention of the voters this 1 year, and aa the republicans will endeavor to poe as opposed to aU trusts because they proposed in Tw 4 MU One of th moat serious trage dies ia the history of llidaJga county was enacted last Bonday at the Luoero ranch, ia the north era part of the county. . The ac- or were xvmmett tJor. who has Congress an Amendment- to I Ior ome year been in the employ the Constitution to regulate trusts o. theT. J one as ranch sup-. tU-D.mocr.U.ppo.cd it, 'httS V'?" the following from the New York It wml fax Ud Uood : bot a little flour nethaus dea- I tv. - i -I mnA r.r v.u v v 7 . - . . .1 HbiWVlwVI OUU WW UIUOI aU.-U9tJ I , -H'4 W U4 W W sert-spoooful to one pie. About a dessert-spoonful of butter was cut up into small ' bits and scat tered over the cream. A .pinch of cinoamon was added. This made ' an indiirestibly rich . but delicious dessert. Another queer northern Ohio dish is known as cheese pie. A cup of the curd obtained from our sour milk by draining off i:s whey is beaten with two esrirs, a little sweet milk and "sugar to taste. Then flavor with cinnamon and bake ma crust in a deeD . oieDlite American Kitchen Magazine. - , r ted on leaves so that no insect gnaw auy leaf without eating poison. No possible harm come to the tobacco or those Uj it from this treatment" whu-h can the! cau is 1 hey are worthless. The under signed desires a sample of diseasd tobacco plauts for study, aod also of insects found upon the plants. Uorrepondence is invited from similar to that given fruiter many I tobacco growers in all ptrls of N. years without the least danger orlvJ. Addre, complkiut The worst and most destructive pest of growing tobacco is the flea beetle. Epithrix parvula. This Tou can find the best Fresh Meats the market will afford, kept in latest improved Refrigerator. YOU CAN ALWAYS get the best at " : ROWE'S:-. market. tew? Highest prices paid for live cattle. SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE STANDARD B1LWAY OF THE SOUTH. ' The Direct Line to all r POINTS. TEXAS, T CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO ; i w I Entom61dgist, $ 1 2sT. C. Depft of k A gTiculture, , Raleigh: N. C. s;nau,ovai.trowiiish beetle is about I Jnne;i, isoo. ' i inch lon. It eats small, round, J v pin holes in the leaves which then iudmit a saprophytic fungas which enlarges the holes. These holes ruin the value of the' leaf for many purposes, and in every case render it light and chaffy. The larva or grub of this beetle also feeds upon the roots of the plants and does much damage. Besides tobacco, this insect feeds upon Jamestown weed and horse needle, and t o some extent on "ground cherry,' ' tomato, potato, egg plant and tap per and othet plants of the" tolwc co or solohaceous family. If. the Jamestown weed, horse nettle and other solonaceons weeds in the vi cinity of a proposed tobacco field are heavily poisoned with Paris green a week or ten days before setting out the tobacco plants, the chances of damage to the tobacco will be greatly lessened. These 'weeds act as nurses and supports the beetles before the tobacco comes ou the field. The tobacco is so much more juicy and tender that, the' insects soon quit the weeds for the cultivated crop. After jthe tobacco has been set out all these solonaceous weeds, horse nettles, Jamestown ground cherr-, etc., should be cut out. After the crop is gathered the stumps should be plowed under at once or heavi ly "poisoned to prevent them breed ing insect pests which will damage succeeding crops. Next in importance to the flea beetle, we must " place the horn worm, Protoparce Carolina The remedy advised for the flea beetle will at the same time serve for the horn worm, provided it is applied in time. But if the worms get large before poisoned they must be hand hicked. The pickers shomu carry a small bucket holding som water and a little kerosene oil. .y.Throw the worms into this as soon as picked. The bud worm or boll worm, Hehothis, is often very Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equip ment on all Through and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars x)Q all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. : Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agent for Time Ta-o'-o. Rates and General Informatiuo, v or Address i . u. l: vernon, t. P. A., , ; Charlotte, N. a : NO T800BLE TO i.NSWEB QUESTIONS K. S. GANNON. S. M. CULT, WrA.TUHK d V. P. 4 Uen. Mas. TratjMmn. WASHINGTON. P. C Own a Fat Horse WHITE'S WORM CONDITION POWDERS keeps ;them in that condition. For sale at W. H. SESSUMS' STABLES destructive to young tobacco by I eating into the leaf buds. The best remedy for this insect is a mixture of Paris green 1 part and finely ground corn meal 100 parts. Dust this on tne duos xnis worm will not eat tobacco while it can get corn. Tobacco is not a good crop to follow corn in rotation. The leaf - miner, Celochia Solo nella, is a small greenish . caterpil lar which eats out the green part of the leaf, leaving the'outer bkins intact. It makes irregular -or blotch mines in the leaves. Many Jobicco growers mistake shis for a kin I of rot due to wet weather. This little insect does considerable injury in some localities." It infects a' I other plants of the 'tobacco fain-. ily above named. - ' . , Remedy: J"'lcstroy solonaceous weeds jas soon as the crop is set out. Watch "TV TL DARBY ! the crop and as soon as any mining T '"'--J . ... 1. A 1 t- 1 tl.MO 13 nOllCCU, piHCU IIJ3 OJJUI, Juu kill- the caterpillar. Frequent stirring of the soil close to the plants will destroy this insect while it is in the ground trans forming from the worm to the winged insect. The mining is al ways worst oh the lower leaves, -Cut worms of several species of- T tern do very great damage by cut- ting off the young tabacco plants ! us soon as these are set-out. itsimaAv- Mix fiftv pounds of AtVMvj - s . Thei'piiSf.beJt:' ia generally sup posed to be best developed in New England; but I doubt if iu li quantity or mnus oi pies cny S&ate thereto . can quite equal some of the Middle States. Mar yellons ingenuity has been shown in tuo invention oi certain pies that Are more or lesi local ami that in a few years more will doubtless have become absolutely unknown. It is only in localitim too remote from railroads to have a variety of foreign fruits brought at all seasons of the year that such recipes as some I am about to describe will survive. In farming districts, where pie is considered a necessary article of diet in at least two out of three meals, when the season of small fruits has passed .housewives have only apples and. dried fruits to fall back upon with which to make pies. So it is not strange that some receipts quite unknown to urban families should havt been devised." There, too, in pies as in preserves, variety is counted of consequence. Iu localities where elderberries are made intt jelly and marmalade tiiey are also used for pies. Even in the sum mer, when other mere plantablo fruits abound, v. quantities nr stewed for this jmi pose. They are also dried or canned to use in the same way in winter and spring. The order of the fruit was to me always nauseous and I knew with out tasting that I should dislike the flavor. Pies made of dried apples, stewed and mashed, are common in springtime in vaiious parts of the United States, but, as far as I can learnt it is less customary to make . them of a mixture of dried-apple-sauce and green cur rents. 1 h-tve beeu told that tbo sour leaves of both, wood and field sorrel (Oxalis and . Rumex) . are sometimes pressed into seryic'o iu pie-making in some of" the cana di in proviuces. In parts of the West, farmers wives gather the green fruit of the wild f rost-grape for pies, though I think; this is more "to make a change," as thev say, since the grapes blossom and m-iture so late that in m-"st places there mustbe other fruits before the grapes" are large enough to cook. ' :' Another - desert I remember in Ohio was Vinegar pie. A piepan was lined with crust as for cus tard pie. This was haled with a mixture of cold water, richly sweetened, , slightly, thickened with fleur, to which was added sufficient vinegar to giye a strongly acid flavor. Apinch of cinnamon was sprinkled over the liquid after it. was poured into the crust, then slender strips1: of pie dough rrtectlwa African rrtmlc. Some Germans, it appears, have been hunting pygmies in the cen tral African forest as the agent of menageries hunt wild animals. The pygmies were wanted for ex hibition at the Paris Exposition.' So the white men spread a feast in .ne wooosto wmcn iney inviiea these stranee little oeoole. who accepted the proffered hospitality. 1 he d war la soon found that thev were the victims of misplaced confidence, for seventeen of them were seized and the march for Paris began. They were scarcely out of the woods, however, when the British of Uganda arrested the Germans and released the prisoner. There will be no an thropological exhibit at - Paris as far as the African dwarfs are coa cerned. The trade in Pygmies, for show purposes, has been nip ped iu the bud. Mnny representatives of tribes living in polar or tropical latitudes have been taken in the past few years thousands of miles from their homes for the convenience of anthropologists who desired to study them. n nearly all cases the results have been disastrous to the poor victims of this avidity f..r scientific research, for they hare been unable - to endure ; the sudden 'and violent change. A number of African dwarfs have been taken to Europe, and all ex cept two have died within a few months. They seemed unable to live even iu the climate of Italy. A boy from one of the pygmy tribes, sent to Germany in 1803, did not live to undergo the meas urements And examinations that were prepared for him. Two girls who were captives with him had bad two months in Germany partitaa republican is worth read-1 mea ho Always ready ing and remembering:- f?? j "When we say plainly that this question of whea where they would is the most dishonest and there- meet face to face that one or both fore the most discreditable piece of them would be killed. Last of work achieved during the pres- Sunday they both came to the ent session by the leaders, of re- ranch, each on luaown" business. pnbiican policy in the House, welTLey passed bat a word or two, are not speaking oi the merits of whea Coy kicked at Peres.- That the proposed Amendment. Its revolutionary . character, the sweeping change it would effect in the entire system of our insti tutions, the bestowal upon Con gress of an unlimited and arbi trary power over all private busi ness ia all the States and without regard to State lines or State rights, need not even be discussed. There is no more prospect of its 1 IN 100! Below is a facsimile of gUAraotc rtttaiDxl Insurance for 110,000 issned by the in a policy t the sternal for dnsl whith loWed. Both men drew pistols imultaneously. and the two shots which followed sounded like one, and two dead men fell to the ground. Both were shot through the heart and death was instan taneous. Coy was unmarried. out leaves a larire number of rel atives in this section of the State. Peres leaves a wile and two small Mil -mm- - through its Special agent here. Hw m SSrwwwl Ncr WaS before they were sent back to Af rica in time to escape the winter that would probably have been fa'al. They trusted no one and were so afraid of being poisoned that they would partake of ' no food till they saw their attendant eat in j? it Learned men lectured about them as the trembling creat ures sat on platforms shivering with fright at the attention they received. Some . years ago an African trader ottered to send a dwarf to this country at his own expense for scientific- examination. The offer was declined in yiew of the fact that every pygmy taken to temperate latitudes up to that time had died. At last account, the men who attempted to drag a lot of them to Europe for show .pur poses were to be placed on trail for their offence. New York Sun. adoption by a two-thirds vote of I children. -Galveston Daily News. 1-lL ft '.-IO ! uom xiQOse ana oeosie sna oi lis ratification by the Legislatures of three fourths of the forty-five States than there is- of the adop tion of a Constitutional Amend ment vesting in the Federal Gov ernment the direct management of all the myriad industries of this land. :The dishonesty of ihe perfor mance lies in the fact that there was uo expectation on the pirt of the author of this resolution, or of the republicans on the Judiciary Committee who favorably re ported it, or of the republicans in the House who weie willing to vote for it, that the proposed Six teenth Amendment will ever amount to more than a 'campaign trick of the cheapest and un worth iest description. It is buncombe politics of the same sort as the Hon. James D. Richardson's four per centums resolutions. It is equally deserving of the contempt of all citizens who value a great party's re putation for sincerity of puipose, or hold that good faith is a matter of consequence in the the individuals entrusted with the responsibility of political leader ship. "With cynical indifference to every consideration except the de sire to "put the Democrats in a hole' on the trust isue, this farce has been allowed to proceed to the point which is reached in the House yesterday. "To such satisfaction as this triumph of ingenuity brings to the souli of the republican states men who chuckled end winked at each other and nudged each other under the ribs when Mr. Hay first reported the Jenkins resolution on May 15, they are unquestiona bly entitled." - TEEI J, 8unday night, while negroes from several large plantations in the eastern part of the county ere at church, a strange negro appeared and told them that he had been told ia a dream that early the next morning a small black spot would appear on the sun which would grow larger and larger until finally the sun would become obscure. This, he ex plained, would be a sign of God's displeasure at their sinful ways ana of their miserly gifts to the church snd the poor, and that in case liberal denotioos were not msde to sppease God's wrath aw ful things would happen. . He furnished a member of each family with a drarkened glass, with in structions how to use it, and warned them in case the spot ap peared to lose no time ia getting to church and to come pre pared to mate uoerai guts ana to pray. The game, it is said worked like a charm, and as soon aa the spot oa the sua was observed the ne groes hastened to church with what ever email things they had, which was turned over to the strange negro. . Shortly after the eclipse the negro left oa his er rand to distribute the gifts to tie needy and has not beea seen since m that section. Gal yea ton Daily News. upon one of the very best business mea ia Tsrboru. The face of this policy promisee snd agrees to pay this-gentleman's bene ficiary u-n thousand dollars in a lump, doo lamedisUly upoa proof of death. The figures in table below are absolute guar at. tec which can be used by assured, beginaicg after two annual payments. Ia loan claim the different amounts named can be borrowed from tne Company, at 5 per cent, at any time, when the number cf payments, equal number of years set opposite the amourla. This policy also contains a guarantee of 2J day grace oa all subsequent payments. This Company positively refuses to is sue more than one hundred policies of this kind ia Edgecombe county for the rear 10 M. Twelve of these- policies hsviag al ready beea sold by their sgent here only ths limited cumber of S3 can now be disposed oL Any oe desiring iniormalioa or in surance literatare, will be cheerf ally and inteiiigx.Uy waited up oa by their special Agent, Mr. IL D. street, resx J. W. B. Battle's store. Age 33 , Amount $10,000 TEE Li, Gce St. James Or. T14 I'mSar Laal. . ; litrr .lla. To be bound band sod foot for years Ivy the chains of diaeaae ia the worst tonn of slavery. Geo D Williams, of Manchester, Mich, tells bow snch a slave was made free. He says: ,,uy wile has been so helpless for five year that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles ot Electric Bit ters she is wonderfully improved anc" able to do bcr own work. This su preme remedy for femsle diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, headache, backache fainting and dury spells. Tbis mira cle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by Staton & Zocllcr, druggists. ' A sensation was caused here, ia Hampton and Old Point this morn ing by the announcement that there 14 a continual ebb and flow of the ocean's tide beneath the extreme end of the Yirsinis pen- j insula. Contractor Guild of Bal timore, wbo is putting down a new seserage system for Hamp ton, has made the startling dis covery, so he says, that the stem eadof the eninsula is nothing more than a huge float, which may st any time break away from the larger body of the land. The story is basd uion a scientific hypothesis. lie i h the water which he h-s encuuutcred in lay ing the sever in lltmpton rises and falls with tluilideiu Hampton Creek, which enters into Hampton Roads below tbis city. Atone place yesterday, while the tide was out, he was able to go down four feet in the street before sinking wster, whus st the same plsce whea the tide was in he could only go down two feet before the wster commenced to flow in with alarm ing rapidity. Baltimore Sua. la SflMel Wi The Daughters of the Confed eracy here are wrought up over the action 01 Gen. iaguer other O. A. R. men of Pennsyli ma in opposing the erection monument to the ZOO or more Confederates buried in German town cemetery, near Philadelphia. The Richmond Daughters will not allow the matter to drop. They will appeal to the Secretary of ar. A leading member of the .Richmond chapter said to night: "We are determined to build the monument. We Lave for Several years beea trying to erect monuments to the Confed erate dead ia the North sad West. All of our time and attention is cow directed to the work 01 rais ing the money for the erection of a monument to President Jeffer son Davis, and, because of this fact, no other work will be under taken until the fend for the mon ument is raised. Then we will again push forward our work of erecting monuments to Confeder ate dead buried elsewhere, This objection of Gen. Wsguer and others will cot ia the least inter fere with our erecting a monu ment in the German town ceme tery." Richmond, Va, Special 1st, to Louisville Courier-Jvur- nal. 2 years 3 - I 5 - 6 44 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 - II - 11 IS " 14 " 15 " 18 - 17 " 18 - 19 -30 M Loan Valne $ 310.00 510 00 720 00 7S0 00 1170 00 120 00 1C00 00 1SC0 00 22G0G0 H530 0U 29G0 00 ZZZO 00 87 CO 00 4170 00 4S10 00 4W0 00 (330 00 5750 00 5870 00 Paid-cp VaJae 1110 00 -1GC0 00 2210 00 2750 00 00 2S20 OJ 4310 00 4 SCO 00 5330 03 5S30 00 C290CM 6700 00 7410 00 W10 00 8420 00 9310 00 91C0 00 110,000 0) PremiatLj 1317.40 Ex d Value y'rmos. 4 V . 8 & 10 S 11 14 IS 1 14 8 15 A 10 2 16 11 17 6 ltt 1 18 7 19 1 19 7 20 1 20 8 paid up i GordonD Next-Door to Dr. T. P, Wynn's Office. We, cone of us, live so caref oly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicines to pnt us right. It is a comfort to know where you can get them from and at proper prices. Call on us for any " . CHEMICALS VEBFCMES CAQDZ.Y SHEDS ZUfD CIC38S. -iYoca PfiEscaiPTioxs Fillf.dj Store Thone No. 147" Iiesidenoe Those No. 105 ir Prompt responses day or eight. All goods delivered free Kentucky EMes AND Blue Grass Horses! f T lr P 1 i ABbeville, N. C. o. P. A wheat bran with one pound of. Paris green or white arsenic. Add v,ia frmr ounces of suerar or a quart of molasses and enough Statonr 4k Zoiller's drug ators. FreventeS m Trae"r Timely information given Mrs. Geo Long, ot New Straitsville, Ohio prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved twoflves. -A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried maiiv remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until " urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bot tle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured & r Long of a severe attack of pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand. .remedy tor curing all throat, chest snd lung troubles. - Only 50c snd i.oo. Ev ery euaanteed. Trial bottie free at Oca CaatM ( a Qatar T tUr ' ' One of the most romantic mar riages that-has occurred inthls city for some time took place today, when Harrison Cheney, who is about 70 years of age, was mar ried to Miss Agnes May, age 18 years. The marriage was in the way of the fulfilment of a promise made many years ago. Cheney, when . a young man, lived in a Pennsylvania town and was a lover of one who married another. She took sick afterwards, and upon her death bed she asked Cheney to look , after a little daughter. This he. did, and she in time grew up and was married. She was taken sick with consump tion, and, too, passed away, but not before she had pledged Cheney to look after her little girl, then 2 vearsold. Ills devotion to the little child culminated in the event of last night. Mr. Cheney recently came here from Union City, Pa., from which place the young lady came yesterday. Cincinnati Com mercial -TnDuns. All UmA Tlsae l T. . ... . Detective-Dill you see a man anil woman driving- past here in a buggy about aa hour ago? Mrs. Blank Yes. Detective Ah we're gettimr cn track of them! What kind of horse was it! Mrs. Blank They were driving so fast I didn't notice that. Bnt the woman had oa a Scotch mo hair and wool jacket oflturquoise blue, last year's style, with stitched lines, a white pique skirt with deep circular flounce, a satin straw hst, tilted and rather flat trimmed with hydrangeas snd loops a pale blue surah, and her hsir was ' done up pompadour. That's all I had time to see. Chi csgo Tribune. lllat4KU Uf P. A. Daaforth, of LsCrsare, Ca., sobered Intensely for six moo ths with a frightful roams g sore 00 bis tec. bet writes that BockJeas Artucs Salve wholly cured it la tea days. Foe Ul cers, Woo ads. Burns, Bods, Paio or Piles it's the best salr la- lbs world. Core guaranteed. Only 1JC Said by SUtoa ft Zoeuef. araggut. Young bnt broken, cheap. Baying ia Urge quantities enable to sell ;T371 TtTtTi rawvw.wvki tfmuius. "Do you, candidly admit that you overcharged that manf "I do,' answered the keeper of the general store in the small town. "He comes here and makes me agree with him la his views on the Boer war. Then be switches off into Ue Chinese sitosUoo. and I've rot to follow his arramenU ro as to answer him. If he'd stick to free ailver I wouldn't mind. I've had practice. But If he's bound to ring In new ones, he's got to pay for 'em. Wsshlngtoa Evening Star. Bltwartk Irn Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will aod trenveoeotis en ergy are not found where stomach, liwr kwdowrva and bowels are out of order. If you went these qualities aod the tocceu they bring, ote Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only a jc SUtoa as Zoeller's drug store, v " Car. a r44 laklw )Utlr "At oee thne I suffered rraea oral f lb aakU." ears Oeorre K Cuy editor of Us Oulde, fTaa.terta-N Va. -Af cr nvlnr several weU recce. axaJed avsdklaes wksoot sw.ee, I toed Cbasv fcartala's Paia Balsa, sad ass rJesred to 1 mi relief csm m n as I tri es c i-JL S coeapttte cere speeoi.j iuik. rot s- "y Stairs ft ice.. Mrrostcript: Xever buy till jou nave seea me J. Now XSxx-toinpirtso Tie- liept Carriage Co. I have erect! new buUdicge oa Granville street, a few doors from Main, for the purpose of making and repair ing everything ia the baggy and csrrisge line, IHE ENTERPRISE CARRIAGE COMPAHY THAD HUSSEY, J41y i Propria lex, Si 'ft A. - . -w

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