BM 8IrRii YOU:ARE ItlGEET : TH11N. Gil AHKAD.-U Crockett g a VOL. 78. .NO; 33 TARBORO', N. C.i THURSDAY; AUGUST 16. 1900. 111 i" DOS WILLIAMS, JSurgeou Dentist. 1 ftfLl TARBORO..., .N.C. jjR. 0. A- WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist. TARBORO, rt. 0. Owtos hours'y to 1 and 2 to 6- JOSEPH. P. PIPPEN, Public Typewriting and Insurance pFFICE WITH fl. p. BBi; " M. W. HAYNES, PIUCTICAL PLUMBEK, Tarboro, N. C. FRANK POWELL, ITTORN'ET JIT LAW, TARBORO, X., C. Practice ia the State t and Fed eral Courts and Departments at Washington, D. G. ; ; . - 1 IoI Pleasei to treat alL persons who are troubled with falling- hair. Shaving and hair cutting in latest styles. A. 1 tVcl Oiilley . Next to X. Constantlne'a refreshnaent stand. .NaT0y. PO Fl E OVER John Battle's Saw flB99, . C. Stcrs i SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE STANDARD I lLWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to all POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equip ment on all Through and Local Trains Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. ' Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agent for Time Ta-o1-- Rates and General Informatiuo, I . . or Address . R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T.P. A., a C. T. & P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheyille, N. C. NO TaOUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS . H. gInNON. 8. M. CULP. W. A. TURK Mai. Trafc Man. G. P. A IIw PeklauaiTakenFrtr Years The excellent marksmanship ex hibited by Chinese riflemen and gunners ia a surprse to those who nave assumed, that the allies in their, inarch to Pekin would en counter no greater obstacles thau those which in i860 the French and, English easily. "surmounted. The attempt to relieve the lega tions made by Admiral Seymour at the "head of only-about two tnousand men would never have been Ventured upon had he guess ed how signally the Manchu and Chinese regular soldiers haye im proved in military efficiency du ring the last few years. - Even in the war which may be said to have begun in 1857 and to havfreudtsi in 18130, the Europeans met with one severe reverse, al though at the time the resources of the Pekin Goyernment were severely' tax eel by the effort to ovei -come the Tae-Ping rebels in the Yangtsekiang Valley. It will be remembered that the pretext of the war was the incident of the Arrow, a lorcha which, while fly- iug i"c iuusu w seizevi 03' a war junk ou the plea that her crew were breaking some Chinese law. The British thig was hauled down and stamped upon, and, as Yeb, the Viceroy at Canton, de fended the act on the ground that the lorcha had no right to be Hy ing the flag at the time, which was true enough, the British Govern ment made it a casus belli. The real purpose of the war was to con strain China to admit foreign le gations in Pekin, and, to that end, the cooperation of 1? rauce, Russia aud the United States was invited. As a matter of fact, only French and English took part in the ensu ing hostilities. . Their warships bombarded and eaptured Canton, ami the onending iceroy - was seized and exiled to Calcutta. Theuce, proceeding north to nego tiate directly with the Chinese Government, the allied fleet capt ured the Taku forts and steamed up the Peiho, whereupon treaties by which toreign Ministers were to be permitted to reside in Pekin were duly signed in a Buddhist temple at Tientsin. When, how ever, in 1 859, the allies returned to get their treaties ratified, they found that the Taku forts had been rebuilt on an improved plan, and their attempt to torce a pas sage up the river was repulsed with heavy loss. It was ou this occasion tnat the American Com modore Tatnall, though nomiually neatml, rendered help to the Brit ish duriuz the action, exclaiming that "blood is thicker than water In the followingyear, a stronger Anglo French fleet was despatches to the Peiho River, and this time instead of attacking the forts from the sea, the allies captured them by eilecting a landing ten miles up the coast, and assailing them from the laud side. Tientsin was next ESTABLISHED 1822 W. F. Porter of Ilav Meadow and Lawrence Holt of Burlington careful inquiries in all parts ol are the two vice presidents ap-jthe Union, place this country's pointed by Governor Russell to stock of croJd - on hand afsome- look after the interests of North Carolina at the Pan American Ex position. Mr. Holt has been ab sent in Europe for some time and therefore unable to take up the wonc jur. taken matters in hand and has been spending some time in Buf falo getting in touch with the great euterpnse which shall next year astonish the world in its giant proportions atld surpassing niag- umueuce. it is .air. I'orter s m- thiug more than $1,000,000,000. Of this amount the Treasury holds about $425,000,000, and the balance ia held by the banks, trust companies, and by private owners. ? mm . Dlf !! Mm It would prMnUy .'.s'ouiahrniLy Cood citizei t, wIiocay been read in? the of the gen uineness of the cipher despatch received about a fortnight a;o from Pekin, purporting to have come, from Miuiter Conner, to know that hocleter and aJert-iuiiid- Porter, however, has It is now ascertained with reason- n,au f" omtiaxy Uiy has able cerUlnty that no more than Z Y u;"M:r7l ?,Iier In Vf $300,000 gold is used annually 5? .lhD,PartJn?t ol btV a in the arts. If the demand for tb overhand, his son AdelUrt, told continues, trrjent inEurope, accediTtl th,c doubtable we may shir fco!ooo.OOO across cpci "s Consul at Preloua, the Ailantic: American", bankers af?4u.w,Jf Ambas havs offered to loan t25.000.0OO to I "wr W Lite, in Germany, naestbe tention to return soon to tlm Stf lEnrln.1 and thr ..n- P'pher freely; as far as known Am- and, with his closer knowledge of ; for as ranch mora in one war and bA84or Choate, in England, Las the splendid enterprise, urge upon another. Tourists " sad' travelers neer araea the art. our people the importance of an may take out of the country $1,. , 90 lrobab!y very adequate representation by North : 000,000 in coin, beside their letters ?w ol onr d'P'O1'" reprctiita Carolma atBuffalonext vear. "He ! of credit If these and an oth can use the cipher themHelres. thinks that this is an opportunity items are estimated at $55,000,000, of such value to all the State in-; the specie account will stand at, terests that it would be exceedingly ' say, 913,O0O,OO0 balance on hand. snort sigutea not to naye a cred- , Uu the other side of the account itable exhibit. He will undertake to find out what the Deople of the State think about it when thev better undei stand of the Exposition, dress a letter Boon to the people com in 2- year, therefore, this conn of the State setting fourth his rea- try will have an available cold resentation by North Carolina, calculation makes no allowance r.ulB Iru" .,"ie irequsntcnangcs A ith her vast untouched stores ' for the return of cold which we we have a .probable product of cold mines for the current year of 5bu,ooo,ooo, and an importation the greatness from Australia of perhaps 010. He will ad- : 000,000. At the betrinoin? of the am a ruie, tney nave some minor functionary at earn, legation who has mastered the code, but in at least one case the cipher work is it j . . auaone.oy an ouisiue l jreling who has no direct connection with! the Federal service. This state of things does not necessarily ar gue neglect or laziness on the part f the Ambassadors and Min- cocnt the tonati cut ol lUkich. tbe . . . j iit renpicT ni (aico oat by atn ot thc crcditora.. AtUctmBU for monlt to Jjooo mttm aUo levwuoa U' liwi Copper Uioioc cororany a. rroferly tb aftcroooa. i i Oold ilia. Cottc CMxtpaof U a coacsra orcanUed by W. C. Newenao. of Ne York. ub a tHtouBil capUj of Xx.ooa, ader be had tiifpoted of a majority ol bi Uoioo Copfw Miomc company iotmt to It btaoJard Ou Copprr Aoors for cootidmtioa sot Decaocratk , Slate CbairtBaa Sim- luooa, Baaioxoi tl Democratic cam paiKO and unprecedented victory, aaya ovrr 5,oo,ooo docameata tr ot out from h'i hdanar1r aaya oce cf tb recnatUbI fcararra of the campaign was ta ioterrt maaifeited by tb ladies of tb5Ut. Never b- iora raa tr.pre nx-h to army of caxa pin fpokera od uch Iatm atwo ccs. t rem slatt to fioiah tb Dcfao crats wera baodicspped by lack of fatida. - TW Ui( u toil coothbo- lioa 11 chairman rceird . was Xoo, 1 root ooe todiridasJ. Tuesday L loood that Us expoa csccsded tie receipts Dy f 15oo, as J ba mads a rer sonal coo tribe two of llouo towards tneetioc tle deficieaor. Uooa tbs bits vots GanoK 00 1 tbs serro vote) tbe fraocbisa aaeodxncDt was ratified oy oer 100,000. Leavioc oat of lbs 1 DM 100! Below Is a ficsitaila o! gaarsxtees coaUioed in a policy Insurance for f 10,000 issued by the . 1 ft MIS SI n life. ! I w through iU Special agent here. isters concerned, or of the attaches of higher rank nor is it an inevi of mineral and forest wealth and ! are sending to Europe. We can 1I J 1 ;i 1 11 rr . . xici uuammeu opponuDiiies ior very wen anora 10 spare me sum business investments of all kinds. ' owiusr to us in coin if our debtors North Carolina has much to offer are willinjr to pay 4 or 5 per cent of personnel in our foreign ser vice. To ft large extent -it is merely a question of peculiar mental adaptation differentiated in individuals, and iuvolves the uajOTiiy 1 or ica anxocmeot is ao.000 and learlof oot those coaatws est ot Greensboro, is uver 7.000. (.Dairmao tmtooos says be will not ooeo tns natjooal caxapain before September liu and that it is probable in regular canvass of tbe Sutill not bejfio earlier than September 15th. tie says: 'otilbsUndinx tbe bard J. to the home seeker and invrstor. ' for its use, while with us interest l PnoPW hcht u illustrated Et we have made anJ Ue crest vie The Pan American Exposition : rates are not liktlr to be hieher will cost many millions of dollars - than 11 per cent for some time to before the jratea are opened, the . come.-PhiIadtrlphiaEveniti? Tele- National Government alone ex-1 jrraub. pending half a million on its j hnil,lm.M nml ATl,;it, VNl.i . tmwmwm nmm lau a -night's ride, of Buffalo more 1 J ictls to -to"acb Uver and. tUJ?r 1 1 1 troubles as well as women, and all teel than forly mil.ions of people re- tSlc result5 fa of appe;itet ft6iMaaM OIUC. KUUinLZU UJMJ UUIT UtUX U . in h K.i-kirK. n.rvnInM. within the same distance in l,eadach and tired, listless, run-down 1893. As an extra attraction Buf- feeling. Bot there's no need to fee! falo offers the Treat est natural1 like that. Listen to J W Gardner, in one man s taient ior -acciumug a foreign lan guare in a mcfuth or the skill of another In mathemsti-' c&l calculations almost without study. Boston Kreuing Tran script. " wonder of the world. Niagara Fails, within half an hour's ride of the Exposition, where also is established the largest power plant in the world. Vice-Presi-ident Porter hopes for the hearty co-operation of press 1 and public in his work . . nilliaa UUca Afiw. It is certainly gratifying to the f nb lic to know of one concern iu the land who arfe not afraid to " be generous to the needy aud suffering. The propri etors ot Dr." King's New Discovery Jor Cunsnr.iptiou,' Coughs And Colds bac given away over tou million trial Let ties ot this gtcat mo'didor, and hae the satisfaction of knouin that it has Adaville. Ind. He says. Electric Bit ters axe just tbe thing for a man when be is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good ap petite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life. Only 50c at Staton & Zoeller's drugstore. Every bottle guar anteed Hrl llet i rta tk Ciu Was the t-a'.l that bit G B Stradmac, ot Newark, la tbe civil war It caused l.orrible ulcers that no treatment hel ped for 20 yesrs Then Duckies' Ar nica Salve cured bim It cures cuts, bruises, burns, boils, felons, corus. skin eruptions Best pile cure 00 earth sjc a box Core guaranteed Sold by Staton & Zoellcr, druggists . lory we nave won, we mutt buckle oo tne armor ooce more, for tbe f ran- cms mmeeameui does not w into cBect until loly , I902, and tbeigoor- ant negro vote tU be polled against us la aJI probability la tbe November electiaa, and hence tbe necessity ol vu(iui vui ui ibu vdiii rote, vie trust give Bryaa the electoral vote and ! e.ect nine Democratic congressmen.' Tb laalaa DUaiur. Famine in India is now result- incr in A. a il 17 burvoaf rf 1 0 OOO ! ! lives. During the Cist wrek in J ulv nearly 10.000 cases of cl.ol era were reported in the famine stiicken districts. More titan G,OW of these were fatal. absolutely cirred thousands of hopeless - r,"u"" M wcswug cases. Asthma, Briuchitis, Hoarsc: ' and will lelieve the present sufler cess and all diseases of the throa'. injr. When Louis Llopsch, who chest arid lungs are surely cured by it. , had bten superintending the relief I Cord Tribune. Call ou Staton & Zoeiu-r, druggists; work there, returned to New York I - ana get a ire tnai uottic Keguia recently, he called one-half ol In dia a charnel houe, Mwhete thous- Tbe KticcMr ! Sfettcr- , The Charlotte Observer auks: "Who Is to succeed Marion But ler ir. the Senatel This is the question that is to the frooi for consideration now. It will be de cided at the primary at the next time of the November election. .We will of course have to matt until the November primary for instruction, but the people have already settled that question, and Mr. Fnrnifold M. Simmous will be our next Senator. His majority at the primary will be as certain as the one last -Thursday. Con- tlfeCtaM. . Tbe folio- loir card Is Liir-n from tbe WUmlogtoo Xesaengt-r of yes terday: Hon. Marion Butler Sir: Wo have seen your c bailee ire through the paper to oor beloved sod honored John D. Bellamy. Mr. Bel lamy is too high la tbe political arena, and too moch honored, to deal with you person ally, and be la too pure la to esumawon ox ib,uuq oooslitosoti to have a personal encounter or reply to your banter, or to serve you in any purpose. There are 10,000 good people ia Mr. Bellamy's district who wit) meet you, man to mao, sad set tle all challenges that you may give out. I have a farm that employs 50 good men, aad soy yellow 'rilj-er" tnat l nave says be will meet you as to personal encounter. Tbey say you have betrayed tbem inOevery trust tbey coofiJed to you. J. C. Stash r, - - For 40 Tenant. upon one of the very best basin ess men In Taibonx The faos of this policy promise and agrees to pay thi, gentlesian'i bsns fieiary ten thousand dollars la a lamp, dse Immediately epea proof ot death. Tbe figures In table below are absolute guarantees which can be used by assured, beginning after two annual payments. In loan claim the different amounts named can be borrowed from tne Company, at 5 per cent, at any time, when tbe number of payment, equal number of years set opposite, the am aunts. This policy also contains a guarantee ot 5" J days jrrac on all subsequent payments. This Com psnT poai lively refuse to is sue more than one bundled policies of this kind ia Ueco&be county for the year 17J0. Twelve ot these policies LaTbg al ready been sold by their agent here only the limited number ot bS can now be disposed of. , Any one desiring information or in surance literature, will be cLeerf ally and intelligently waited up on by their special Agent, Mr. 1L V. TEEU 0ce Si. James street, rear J. W. B. Battle's store. Age 38 2 yesrs 3 " 4 " 5 - .6 M 7 8 " 9 44 10 - 11 - 12 " 13 - 14 M 15 " 16 - 17 - 18 " 19 - 20 Loan Value Paid-up Value Ex d Vain f 310.00 yr not 10 00 1U0 00 4 720 00 1CC0 00 . 6 6 750 00 2210 00 8 ft 1170 00 ' 27 SO 00 10 8 142O0O 5270 00 11 14 1C70 00 ZS20 00 '13 1 19C0 00 4340 00 14 5 22C0C0 " 4SC0OO IS 4 2570 00 . C3S0 00 16 2 20J0 0O 1 &330 00 16 11 - 33S0 00 290 00 . 17 C 37C0 00 6700 00 18 1 4170 00 7410 00 .18 7 4540 00 9310 00 19 1 4320 00 8420 00 19 7 (330 00 9S40OO 20 1 3750 00 94GOOO 20 8 3&70 00 $10,000 00 paid up size 50c. and 1. t-very bottle ,aar anteed or price refunded. V. P. A Gen. WASHINGTON, D. C. White's Black Linement Full 25c se bottle at Cordon Drug Co., for JO cents. : ' -.Warranted the best Linsment. U6 Mil; tekf, The 80th session" under the man aement of the present princi pa will open Monday, Sept. 8, 1900. 't-minavM nv RTITDY Classical, Matbe- .tu-Ai and Practical. Special attention given to thBtndy of English, Fbyslcal euce and Klementary Chemistry. Kng. tuition par session of20 weeks, . ao Ureek. Latin and French, each, 6 Contingent fee for fuel, Janitor, etc , 1 60 Board per school month of 4 weeks from Hi to tu aoexclnslve of lights and washings Charges payable one-half in advance, the other half at the middle of the session. Hend for catalogue and refer to . t F. S. WiLKINbUW, Principal. taken, though the Manchu com mander tried to protect it by en closing both city and suburbs with a mud wall over ten miles in cir cuit It is a mistake to suppose that from this point to Pekin the march of the allies, who numbered onlv some mix thousand men was entirely unopposed; on the con trarv. there were several skir mishes, and what might fairly be termed a battle, in whith the Chi nese were routed, though- they treiwheronslv took prisoner Sir Harry Fsirken and others who were tryingTo treat with them, and sub- ieeted the captives to torture Meanwhile, the Emperor Ilieu- fnnghad lied to Jehol, a phvee amnn? the mountains beyond the Great Wall, where he had a palace, and had left his brother, Prince Kuiir, in charge of the .capital. o pnuish the Emperor for his repudiation of the treaties, the al lies looted ami burned the Summer Palace, a building in the style: of the Renaissance, which had been erected by Jesuit architects for the Emneior Kanghi, some two Hun dred years before, on tne slope 01 .... . a. itA the hills anout eisni mnes to tue northwest of the city.-. Had the allies proceeded to des troy Pekin,. they would have irrep arably damaged the Manchu dy nasty in the eyes ot its suojecis. It was deemed inexpedient 10 throw China into anarchy or to nromote the triumph of tho Tae- Pinsr rebels. Accordingly, an ar ransrementwas effected with Prince Knnr wherebv the soldiers of TCnrrianrl and France were to be permitted to march into the capi tal; but were to pay for the pro visions they might need and to re tire quietly after their mission Khnnld be TicconiDlished. The treaties were not quickly ratified Tiensin aud several other new port were opened to' trade, and Kow loon on the mainland opposite Houg Kong was ceded to England, the latter provision, however, reuiain iug unexecuted until receully. One of the 'palaces within the Tartar citv at Pekin was, at the same time, setapart to serve as the , Ttrirish Tjesration.-and nas llaltia. There has been a rood deal said ; ands have already ' perished ot I about the banner county iu the . starvation,' cholera, and plague." I bra c. We claim that the Sev-j The streets of Bombay .were said I em h Senatorial District is the to have been filled with walkiujr I banmr Senatorial District. Thed Prezrt at (be A & 71. Celli g"e. The College of Agriculture and . r . - ... . - 11.1..: 1 .11 ... niii.iii tn r r s i i v . i i . irii . i ... . ... . open ednesday, September 5th. 1Jortnnit-. wGannl men. ema. A yery large attendance w already . iateJ gickl babie8 cbil. " l ' rl rn W-ith limbs li V clothea-ninea. I : II assured for next session. plicants tjxpectiug to get accom modation should be on hand promptly the first d;iy. A new all Tan after us, entreating u?. I Thev fell asleep at nieht upon the trst day. . , 'the sidewalks, and in the morn buildintr has been erected i , u t k. durinor the summer for instruction di 1, wrODg. Tbe ;n .Electrical Lngineerin. -1 ; worl(i ia too old now to let her this buildmS the students 1, children die by thousands in the conduct experiments of aU soils Btreet We 8houlJ not oniv Uy with electrical machines, -prepar- j t y,e present situation, mg to be practical hJectrical bufc b y iuquiring into ils remotest Engineers. A consideYable lt of I cangt wg t should attempt to new electrical machinery has just cnish a repetition ; of the auaiter PuIclia-!led- 1 in the future. Tne lextiie xep;irimeiifc uu Just received acar-load of niachin- majority for our two Senators be-1 ing about oC0. We would like to know what district can beat it. llocky Mount Motor. Charlotte, N. C, Agent for the KteJk t DssvA aesv. "The Dead 8ea, which for thoos- ' auds of years has been a forsaken lntm Macmne orks, v iiitms- ; gourde iQ the midst of a desert, ville, Mass. The generosity of oa wnoBe waves no rudder has been his Company is very reciAte 1. Another highly ap cur -load of machinery is expected thin" week, A third car-load will come from Massachusetts donated by the Draper Company of Hope dale, Mass. Valuable donations have been made by tne oaco and Pettee- Machine Shops, Newton Upper Falls, Mass., the D. A. Tompkins Co.," Charlotte, N. C, and Jones & J-iaugium, ntisuurg, Pa. The contract for supplying uni forms for next vear has been given to Jacob Heed's Sons of Philadel phia. The uniforms will 'be of o-rav cloth manufactured in Char- loftaville. Virginia and will cost $9.90 instead'of f 15.00 as hereto fore. . The Collece will b open about August 15th for students to make nr "their deficiencies in various seen for centnries;" snys Uniteil States Coftsol Win crat AnuiWrg in a recent despatch to tbe State Denartinent. "is to have a line of motor boats in the future, uwue to the continued increase in traffic and the influx of tourists, a shorter route i? to be found between Jerus alem and Kerak, the ancient capi tal of tho land of Moab. The first little steamer, bnilt at one of the Ilamburz docks, is about 100 feet long, and has ai re ad v begun the voyage to. Pales tine. An order has already been given for the building of a second steamer. The one already built and on the way is named Prodro mos (that is, 'forerunner',) and will carry thirty-four person, to gether with freight of all kinds. Tho promoters of this new enter prise are the inmates of a Greek i cloister in Jerusalem. lhe man " The negroes' ha-e very little to-say boat their disfranchisement. Quite a number of theme who cap read and write voted for it. Tbe populist party's strength ia this State is completely broken, and its 55, OOO nieuilx.-rkl.ipia 1S91 has diudlcd awsy to less than 1 0,000. Judgo FThoniss Johnston ' Wilson, Winston's first and oldest citizen, died WednrnUy ' fc'jltt in bis 85th year. lie had been confined to bis bed fir over twe year-. The details cf thr rerrmonies of the nnveilhuK of the V..i l statue ia tle Capital sur at ,u, August lid. have all bet u arrivd. TnorossS. Uenan will be chirl ij.rh-t. Simpson Heiwphi:!. a we!l koon citizen living , ucar Liberty, Guiltord county, was struck by a south-bound train at that place Wednesday and in stantly killed. Air. tlcuipUiil was about 4b years old. and leaves a wift and several children. - - EverytbinK u reported as quiet at famheo. The Naval . Reserves are back in Nw Berne. Sorao populists have ' been heard to intimate that Senator butler could, or would cause trouble as to the seating wt bis Democratic successor. Twenty - magistrates' judgments against 'W. G. Newman and the Gold Hi 1 Copper Co., varying-in amount trim S30 to S200, bays been docketed with the clerk of the Superior court ot Rowsn county. A majority of tbeclsima are on tbe part oi Salisbury people and are principally for labor or material furnished for tbe erection of new build- woman's lile la hard enough as His. It Is to bf that 1 owe oor woru. aad everything should be saade as easy aa posnbla Ior her at us time of chmWrtb. TTsia as last what Jotheh's Friehd 1 i Gordon Brig' Next Door (o Dr. T. P, Wjntfs Office. e never require the aid c! at mother of a pturnb babe la Mo., says: lasvwsd will do. ItwfUmaae babv's comlnc essy sod palaleas, and that wfthoot tsk ing dangerows drugs into te syw tota. It as si ie ply to b appUtd to tb moaclea of lL abdoroea. It psactrstes thrown Cm skia carry lag strength and alssdctty with n.' It streegVMns tha wbe4 systsa sad tws-rcttta all of the discomforts of prrraancy Tba Panama Mother's rrUod aad can pralso tt wgaiy. . ' Ct UetWe rrWwl at Ue Drwg Store, 51 per bottle. The Brad field Rrrulstor Co ATLANTA, OA. Writs for oor f rwa Clostratsd book. Bsiors Baby is Born. We, none of us, lire so csxefnly that .1 1 . . f , . u uu uouicisea w put us ngaL It is a comfort to know where you can get thera fro a and proper prices, lsij on ms ior any GaQQEJt SEEDS ziJCQ ClCdflS. Store Thone No. 14T IUddence Thone Ko. tos "Prompt responses day or night All goods delivered fr Kentucky ffiules XSD Blue Grass Worses! Young but broken. Buying: ia laxgw quantities enables to self cheap. , OXFORD SEMINARY FOR GIRLS. 20". O- 51st Annual Session opens Aug. 29.1900. studies before the regular session j agemeut of tne nQO ia entirely in opens. .A recent regulation re-:(J n hands. M quires every student to wske up all his dehcitncie- Deiore no go on with an advance class. Warklar Night m Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr King's New Life Pills Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health that changes weak ens into strength, listlessness Into en- brain-fag into mental power The trade of Kerak with the desert is to-day ". of considerable importance. It is the main town Stats or Ohio, Cm or T do, i Lrct Cocrrr. t Fasts J. OsstY m kes oath last be Is the . eel r partner f h firm of F J. Cbeney Si l.. d lag busn ss la cilr ot To edo. county sad buta afi relJ. aad Lares KrbmtA pajatetea aiw4 mml imte Owd a Fat Horse! Legationrand has everj;" since been used for the purpose. ey'tet wonderful in building up the New York Sun. health. Only 25c per box Sold by The Boston Herald must now keepquiet, Ilanna has said that he Staton & Zoeiler of any commercial standing east of I tDtt fc d nx will pay tha snm I o- bus I of the Jordan and the Dead &ea. Its population consists of about 1,800 Christians and 6,000 Mos lems. The merchants of Hebron are among the chief frequenters of the markets of Kerak." Wash ington Evening Star. with ditr. vvilluuua, fUaaf rr rlmm rmtlt-r LaSorM tn KmU Uwrntwy Sarta UmmA auaS Lilcrmry Twltlow umm.1 smim tlt Mat ypubuoooi) t "My baby was tembly kk rnoea.n ssys J. IL Duak. of dred dollars foe sca aad srry caaacf Calarrh that caooot be eitrsd by tbe ass of Us'l,scmtXTTbctu -' FRANK J caEUET. b or a to before s-s s-d subscr bed "la my presence, this 6la day of December, A. L). 1S8S, Ai A O. OLE 180 N, ) seal ( ;NoUryIuUUc Mr.Brvan's speech of acceptance . Oregon. . w naaWc . cur. aun acu uxecuy . . ua ooa ; , " , T.V.B witb f aoCTor s ssu'sace. sai a a last V hllThi'b WUriM CUJN did not care a damn wnat in 11 pa- m '"" "J T. ' Tr7 Tu'il I resort wtred Cbamberlala't folic, Cbol- PQWDEE8 keeps them in that per's said. And Hanna is the boss his bitter opponents manifest their , ert aI d Dl4rrboea Remedy. I ao hippy coition. For sale at 'iJ,ad ln 18'6byPhterioIat MltlcUm ji?,ttTcutTrrwS,i&)SIit W. it, SESSUMS' STABLES and is seiving this year. .. y u.8lc .- I Hall' ca' arrli cu e Is takea Internal y, and nod sr. a mocous iur. Eead for tesVmoa'als 1 faces o( the lyslem. tree. F. J. ousirsT A 00-, Toledo, O. dniggUu 75c aaQ't Family PUU are 'be THE CCLEDRATED FARQUHAR Threshing .-; Maclitnes maapl t,Mrl trabj,EeoBllaa4rr. ret. la n. Wmm too Orals; Omiii It Hay loe M-1 tat, , -. TKrMhlBf KnrtM A Hoc. fvar. Mllta mm KutmAmr Itm ata, 0..rllj for -taioa. A B FARQOHAR CO. Lid. NEW YORK. 37". THE, Sossiiim. rFotlcripL- Vever buy till yon nave seen me. T - . spsE teie C I hare erected new buildings on C ran ville street, a few k Ef doors from Main, for the ptrpose of making and repair ing everything in the buggy and carriage line. THE ENTERPRISE CARRIflGE COMPANY. 2Uy THAD HUSSEY, Propiistcr. ...... s . . . .". . - . i . . ; - - " . . ... . . . I

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