u I r . l S. V i r A II -I' II il II I II I Iff ,1 II III j II I i il 11 II i . II, I It Wll Jll V il VII I 11 All 11 V, J II U II t II t II J'l WV AVU-' 'VH Af .WV BE STJBE YOU R32 EIGHT ; THEN GO AJBLEjVD.-D Crockett y-QL. 78. NO. X TARBOROVN. C,, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23." 1900. ESTABLISHED 1822 rxR-PON WILLIAMS,; BiMiopr.th heirs of ereat Dower.-eitW in I f - "' '" " .1 "i - " - . "A !TV The fabulous profits of the stnd. rank or wealth, ther ar th rnnst - cLbUlnluTT BUILDING AT wk PA3-AUcr,iCAf EXPOS ecu Dentist. .N. C. D B. C A- WHITEHEAD, Sitrffeori DefttisU : TAKBORO; 1 A . f hnu !) ?o i ana z to c. OSEl'H P pippen, ruMic Typewriting and Iterance ' LI T ' I-.... E wirn.rx. u, i . fFFrci i M. NV. 1IAYNES, Xai'Uro, N. 0. rankowei .-VF.T ATXLAW, TAKIiOl'.O. Pmiuwoiu the efI Courts Wasuuii.'-""' Ill Wnnlrt i State. hihI Fol- aniKDopartuients at ix -fix, ' " ' ' 5S :o I i mm uu ii to tie;it nil perons who are troubled wi.tb f -tiling hair. Shaving and hair cutting in hit.-st styles.. Ni'onftaiUino'a refreshment stand. 5. il ALLivV FO ? f'l e A CI iD.tl.ViMIS ove- J:ii 'Slide's Shua S:ora HBJH6. IS. C. staudwdoiiPr.1,,.. : heirs of great power,-either in The fabulous profits of the stand . rank or wealth, ther ara th most i ardOil Company stagger even Serous of social incendiaries, those who are accustomed to deal Tey ae pnt together without the i iiu 1UU110H3 sugntest element of altruism. The latest dividend of 8 They would fiddle ?randlv while i ou $100,000,000 of common stock. 1 Berlin or New York was burning. v c yiuui oi o,uou,uuo. will be 1 11 "m.v u auaience or a reporter paui September 15 to stockholders I or a Photographer were near by. oi record or August 15. . There is $10,000,000 of 6 per cent, non cumulative preferred stock, but most ot tnis- was some time ago exchanged for- common stock and is now held in the treaur, so that the net earnings of the huge corporatiou cau be applied, at the diseretioiMif the .director?, to the common stocpretty nqarly . in their entirety. - - ' This is the third dividend to be declared "b-th ' mimTvVhn' . - t - 1 'r ""'"i year. Oue. in . .March was 2UrperJ ui. a:jti one in June 10 ter nwit. By, September IS the ooaipany will have divided as nrolits in one year $3S,000,000 between John D. Itockefeller, Wiliam Rockefeller, his brother, and the comparatively few men who own its stock. The tiuimmmstoek developed de cided strength in the curb market hereupon the announcement of the declaration of the dividend. It - closed at 535, a net gain for the day of five points. At this rate of value, the possessions of the Standard Oil Trust would amount to at least ,$535,000,000, so that its markeKprice gives one a pretty fair idea of its size. The profits of the Standard Oil Company are compared with those of the bnk of the couutry and the value of farm products in New York Stale, as follows? The auuual icport of -f the Comptroller of t he Curr'onev shows that in lS9y the dividends of all the Xdtioual Lniuks 'iu iu the United States wtre The SUadard Oil will pay iu dividends this year-. . t 4S,000,000 The es.imateil value of all the farm pro ducts in New York " this year is. . . . .".191,000,000 In four years 189-7, - 189S, 1893 and 19 TheStaudard Oil; They have not the unconscious business-like courage that every fireman or structural iron-worker or bridTA-Vmilrlf r noRanaaoQ iut fVWWVWWfcJ, J Vb they haTe a continual itch to climb into situations which ap pear ha ?ardous to the onlookers. T. ey ha?e no" cautioning sense of responsibility. They would harl one nation against another as gaily as a small boy sets off a can non cracker, -j . - Poor Gerraanycannot help her self. Sue is ruled by the eldest sons of one particnlar family, and she must take the sons as they come, whether able or foolish.' .But if this country deliberately picks out a man of Roosevelt's type for the second highest office in the nation, with a possibility of his succeeding to the highest oliice, it will be an ai't of follj so inexcusable and flagrant that we will not deserv to have a single mourner at the fuueral. August Socialist Review. Comes from Dr. li.. Car;ilf., of Washita, I. -T. lie writes :. "Four bottles of Electric Bitter's has cured Mrs. Brewer -of Scrofula, which had cause! hor great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her hchd and (ace, and ths lest dxrtors c u-;l k'.v i io heh; but I er cure is coir:- : p - .iihi ..er i-i aim u rxceiiem. i ins j.a.Hj-.v-.; ,vl r.t have i:iv.n?, tbat Klcc- jii-.o H'tterf. f. t!.e best 1.1oj.1 purifitr kn .:. ll's s:-.;r-uit remedy for cc- z.sTi , tie:, f.i t ; :;-iin. ulcers, itoils. ii r.!'n;; sai . It Rtiimitiitcs liver, vs ,v.d bucls. cxjvdls poisons, i;:t'st '. :. builds up the strength. 5-c. S id by Statoii & Zoeller, (uarantced. THE ELECTRICITY BUILDING AT T1E PAX-AUEr.lCAK CXPOSITION. 1 IM 1 Bolow u facdmiU oi KOAraotfrf coLtiiaed Iiuuraoc for 1 10,000 issued by the 00 I I in hihi Mm li ISSIMCE SOCIETY uwtCM. r tto Pu iMricu trdil O. J Elaborate designs bav nccatly bra complvtad for tb EUctrVrU bolldliis for tb rm-ABic&a CxpolUoa. I b held In Buffalo May 1 to Not. 1. 190 L DUplaya of all kind in Uio practical and artistic osea of lctrlcltj. toft& er with complete cxhlblU of electrical machinery aad appliances, ar to b coosplctiooa frataroa of tb craat ExpoaV tlon. The dealrna contemplate a very haodaomo aad com mod loos bolldlng. The tract ur la to b 500 fMt frota tact to west and ISO feet wide, tiTta aa exhibition apaca of 73.000 sqnare feet. The South Faeade froaU th UaO. aad the north fronta the Midway. The eaat end la toward the masatTe Electric Tower. whUe the weat racee toe Grmad CanaL The general ornamenUUoo of the atrcctnre la to be frescoes la a mlxtare of red, green and yellow a through iU Special agebt here. COLOSSAL STADIUM PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. al.. j kidnv jOaly S36.C91.502 d : r rrt ImperlalUra aSlcru F tel. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE SF.VND ID F1LW AY OF THE - SOUTH. 1 The Direct Line to all POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, ' CUBA AND PORTO RICO f ' - Strictly FlUSt-CLASS Equip meut oa nil Through and Local Traius; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars ou all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. . 1 Travel by- the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. .Apply to Tickei Agent for Time Ta o' U:tes and General Infonnatino, or Addresss K. L. VERNON. F. R.' DARBY, T P. A., C. T. & P. A., 1 Charlotte, N. C, Asheille, N. C. NO TkOUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS T . S. GANNON. 8. M. CULP. W. A. TURK d V.. P. A Gen. MaH. TraX. Man. G. P. A WASHINGTON, D. C. 00 ; Company will have p lid in di videuds. . . 15 1,000,000 . it is also stated that in the last eighteen yeai-8, including 190O,' the company has p;iil $270,250, 000 in dividends. In five years the company will have paid in dividends more than all the wealth of all the Vauder bilts, . John D. Rockefeller, president of the company, is credited with owning about oue-third of the mil lion shares of . the corporation, on that basis, his "check for his share of the present dividend would be, approximately $2,GC6,000, and should the dividend payments con tinue only at this rate Mr. liocke would draw annually about $10, 664,000 from bis Standatd Oil holdings alone. Rut it is hishlv possible that the payments may be . made at an even higher rate. Including the present dividend, there will haye been paid by September 15, count ing the 5 per cent dividend of last September, in the year ending with that date, 48 per cent that is, $48,000,000 by the company, so that in this period it has. aver aged in dividend payments 12 per cent a quarter. It has paid 38 per cent in the year 1900 alone. Of the $48,000,000 thus returned to the stockholders of the company, John D. Rockefeller receives about $16,000,000, a princely income for a single year form this one source. To ure that the McKinley crown colony policy is not imper ialism is only to "plead tha baby" in- another way. . Two federal judges, one in New York and one m Chicago, and both republicans, have recently decided, one as to Puerto Rico and the other as to the Philippines, that these lands are not within the protection of the American consiiitiou, hut are foreiirn countries Rubject to the sovereignty of the United States. Tht is the relationship that McKinley is trying to per petuate, an I it is the essence of imperialism. It is the relation that the empire of Rome estab lished, with her provinces. JI "imperialism" is a distasteful terra toourfastidions imperialists let them use another. They niignt prett-r "lorciwe annexa tion," "criminal . aggression" or something of that kind. Rut they would be no better off. It is not the name but the essence of the thing that shocks the' republican sense of America; and the essence of it is that Mr; McKinley would have the American republic ex tend its sovereign power over peoples to ; whom it denies citi zenship rights and who would therefoie be American "subjects." The Public. AT THE Tl J P I I I upon one of the rery best bnaine&s men in Tarboru. Th face of this policy promiaea mod agtee to pay thia gentleman's bene ficiary ten thousand dollars in a lamp, doe immediately upon proof of death, The figures in table below are absolute guarantees which eaa be used by assured, beginning after two annual payments. In loan claim the different amonnts named can be. borrowed frota tee Company, at 5 per cent at any time, when the nnaber of payments, equal cumber of years set opposite the amounts. This po'icy also contains a guarantee of 3J days' prace on all feubseqaent psyments. This Company positittly refaae to is no more than one hundred policies of this kind in Jeoabe county for the year 19 JO. Twelve of these policies baring al ready been sold by their agent here only the limited number of &S can now be dipod cf. Any one during information or in surance literature, will be cheerfully and intelligently waited up on by their special Agent, Mr. IL V. TOIL, Ooo St. James street, rear J . . R. Ualtle s store. The completed 8tadlam for the EoAmerlcaa Exposition, to be held la Buffalo from May 1 to No e. 1.1901. will offer to the lorera of porta the moat specioaa and plead Id arena eTer erected Is Axoertra. The athletic camlTal to be held dorinf the grot xpoaltk wlU be the moat notable la the history of America o eport. The eo-eperatloa of many of the best promoter of athletic rames baa been secured. Vteltora to the Expoaltkio may therefore expect to witness the meeting; of the most famous athletes of the world tn competition for prUee worthy ef their best feela. It is said that the great Colosseum at Rome could accommodate 87.000 spectator. The ras-Amerlcaa Stadkna wta be 129 feet longer and bat 10 feet narrower than the historic amphitheater of Uome. The Stadloa, bowsrer, wta have a larger arena, and the seating capacity la estimated for 25.000 people. " Mr. W. J. IJryan has had the ' Iar!n the Present lct lavers of Solomon's Temple. They were led to this conclusion from the fact that the them corresponded wr.u I ue lavers as ,rx , i rosiaent or ht- lniM mil an ar i ne laver cousitisoi a large aei- y - - ,r ! rine is 6 m.tw. hi.v. . nn v- dent admirer of the l)emot ratio "uc." - r mnt,'M n,!.' rarriam u ' candidate. A"hcn three v a v a a mm a a w v aw il imI I rwf nnmnu even I "ravel. a uiumw v r4io ueiore : . " . r k- r-t , . k- ii j-.-si KienilikJ mnciitiAiMt. or naetntr irin- li in nerj araii - - - - rVcrsity is 283. which U ovtiuvu u ... .... , ' i irm mm in viMrlnn ol ine rnildren 1 hV I.. 'lav nr. a. Summer hearers" a Unl- abont the seaaons. Tne 1 number of those who study med 1- Three women freqeent . i i . i . . niAmlir.ine lectures on law, iwo mone on aa viu a av Age Z8 2 years 3 - IS - 6 - 7 " 8 - 10 M 11 - 12 44 13 14- - . 15 " 16 " 17 " 18 44 19 suv s v. as va9 vu a. a, ae v telwv vu av t neology, the remainder belong to 1 20 , r . . luprp nilrlMl in Ma faniUv In thAl T l .v"." cour of VtlleirhT recentlv: ! the phUosophlcal faculty. ...j i....u Th. nnMr he decided that they should be ii ,ti a a a.ait a .aaa j arx- a raxa a is t-ooioiihl v decorated with fiirures. ! 3"cd jSVUliam, Loan Value Paid-up Value Ri d Valne $ 310.00 y'r moe. S10 0O 1110 00 4 4 720 00 1CC0 00 6 6 750 00 2210 00 8 ft 1170 00 . 2750 00. 10 I 1420 00 3200 00 1 il . 14 1C00 00 3S20 00 t 13 1 19CO0O 4310 00 Hi 5 22C0CO " 4SC0 00 15 4 2500 00 &3S0 0O 16 2 20C0 0O 5S00OU 18 11 3350 00 U90 00 17 8 37C0 0O C700 00 18 1 4170 00 7410 00 18 7 4540 00 W10 00 19 . 1 4520 00 8420 00 19 7 5330 00 9S40 00 20 1 5750 00 94CO00 20 8 5b70 00 810,000 00 paid up v Inch the Rible calls cherubs Of the history of the laven in tiolomou's Temple very little is known. Ahaz mutilated some of the p. i and removed then! from their lwes, and no one knows whether IIe.ekiah restored the mutilated p :rtsor not. Probably he did not. us only the basis are mention ed in the account of the articles which were taken by the Chaldeans from the Temple. Rryan Taylor. Jennings and Tb Appetite r sv ! 1 cuvieJ ly all puJt dyspeptics whose stomach aul ll.t r are out of or. der. All such ehouM Uow that Dr. Line's New Life- V.IU, the wonderful stomach and licr ' r. mely, gives splendid appetttt, to iud digestion and a regular bodily hal.t icsnrea perfect health and great energy. O ily 13c at Staton & Zoeller a drue: store. j - -- T!i Asitl-li 'r v. - 1 . 1 nroledTbe Ksrres, avoll. I liTer? now sou uitu nomc utw All doctors toid Benick Hamilton, cf rn, Libert v Con nes8 and Anti-1 touic' lotion or furw of "wl Wast Jefferson-O.,-after- suffering 18 Tm-..f. '..P mA. i..t appeals to wcman's Vanity, Bay months from Rectal Fistula, he would Indiananolia. seems to haVe the New ork Tril-une Just now die unlcs, a costly operation wa, per- J -w "iTSft the girl who takes her exercise by formed; but he cured himselt with fcve v -q1 w iuevrs h has r t 1 . ei.. ,..,. Uvmtns ratification meetrnff in I F""1" . c . . . . est Pile cure on earth, an& the best the interest of Mr. Rryan S Jres- 0tle JO Hie HOI IU, A 3 v.t uia wm I lUCUtlUi UIUUlUM.y w tiou of ationalists, who- favor a third ticket, has practically agreed tr adjourn to meet in New iTork at au early date in order that a decision may be " arriyed at wih unt undue pressure from tho in liuences dominant in the Libert Congress. The high chaiacter, intelligence, sincerity and patriotism of the delegates to the two conventions cannot bo gainsaid, nor can there be much doubt of the powerful effect noon the public mind of as "lavers. ' After being lost ior 1 tueir forcible and earnest presen avt IstaiBB). 9i4i fmr Tk( C'aplaia Sold by Staton & Zoeller, druggists. What Hevelt Kcprrwsti. It was neither lv accident nor by a feat of political wire pulling J xiug Solomou in the house of the that TheotroieltooseveHwasnom- ryj : Kings, vu, 4U. inated for the vice-presidency He is the best man in the coun try for the' place, because he rep I resents better than any other man the new. spirit of conquest and imperialism which has sprung up during the last two years Jlade for KId And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basins. S; Ilirnui made an. end of doing all the work that he wrought lor "When Kins Solomon built his wonderful temple he instructed Hiram of Tyre, the most skilled worker in bronze at that age, to fashion for it-ten vessels, known Roosevelt represents that latest I jnst been unearthed in Cyprus. centuries," one of these lavers has I tution of the momentous issues, Full 25c size bottle at Drug Co., for 10 cents. Warranted the best Linsment. j savagery which our skin-deep civilization has as yet only ven eered, but not abolished. 4He is a Cordon I mixture of Don Quixote, General Rooth, and John L. Sudivan. His twin brother in" Europevis .Emperor William of Germany. The importance of this discovery, aside from its archaeological in terest, savs Golden Penny, Res in the fact that it aids greatly to ward the solution of a problem which has long been puzzling Bi blical students and commentotors. iuvolving constitutional liberty, which now confront the country. The keynote of 'the movement was struck by Temporary Chairman Smith, of the Liberty Congress. "We propose," said he, "to disre gard a'l minor questions and is sues while we drive from the tern km, discovered an iucoui parable tonic for her complexion. To secure the best reunite the punching bag should be used jui fler the morn ing bath, when the lre Hrt-wing gown worn gives frw l.iy n the muscles, Ten or lift ecu mi antes of this vigorous exen-lMr id send the bh 1 cundnj; lb rough every part of the body. The bag should be placed by an expert, and should hang about on a level with the user's eyes. The striking motion must be upward, and the left hand should be ued as much as possible. The immed iate effect of this splendid exer cise is to develope the muscles or the chest and arms. The advan tatre of using the left band even more than the right will be evi dent at once when it is remember ed that dressmakers habitually . a m 9 1 a m s aa complain 01 tne aimcuuy in niung IflYhfHH their clients, the majority of whom I I UitLi have the right shoulder higher! PfiQ woman's uic. Is hard enough as it la. U is to her that we owe our www. and everything should be made aa easy as possible for Iter at tne usae oc childbirth. This lsaat what LlOTHER'S Friehd A will do. It wul make babr'a coeaiae easy aad painless, aad that withoet tak ing daagarowa drags iato the sys tem. It la simply to be spotted to the mnaclea of the abdomen. It Coetratee taroogti the saut carry r strength and elasticity with ft. It streartheas the whole srstem aad preeeau all of the discomforts of rretf nancy. The mother of a plornb babe la Panama. Mo., ears: "I hare ssed Mother's Friend aad can praise it hlgaly. G ordoi Bra Next Door to Dr. T. P, Wynn's Officer We, none of us, live so carcfnly that we sever require the aid of " drugs and medicines tu pat us right. . It is a com for) to know where jou can get tbeta from and at proper prices. Call on us for any ciiejxicxls eeoFVjans. GdfWS.Y SEEDS s2XD CICXBS. -YU2 PfiESCHIPliOKS ILLEDJ Store Thone Xo. 147 IeiJenc Tbone No, 105 stjrPrompt response day or night. . All goods delivered free Kentucky ffiules AND Get Mother's rrled at Ue Dr8 Store, St per bottle. The Bradflcld Regulstor Co ATLANTA. CA. ' Writs for omt free Hlostrated book. Before Baby is Born." Blue j Grass Horses! Yoong but broken, cheap. Buying in large quantities enables to sell t . . : IU. nrrvlnotl ' U V tA ta Tt?Wo I . . 1 1 I 1 I lUaU lUC leil. r Anwmnot lw I ."Ln-i . v,of i SAinmftn' Li:.... k n .i ; I of course, comes from tne 'flip. ROMn spRsion under the man figment of the present principal I live and move and have their be win open Monday, oepi. o 1 'l lK OK KTUOY CluflRlcal. Mathe- "i:iHi-ul and l'roctl(I. Kpeclal attention - n lo Hi Hturty of KnsrllHb, Fbynieal Kcl- nee uixl Klementary C'bemlHtry. I'm,', tult'oii per (tension of20 weekH, . -reek, I jitln and French, each, 1 iHitingent fee fur fuel, Junitor, ete., 1 ' a Hoard per Hchooi mpnth of 4 weeks from to Sit au, excluHlve of lights and waghing. . ImreH payable one-half In advance, ths-tli-r lialfat the middle of the sewjlon. snd for catalogue and refer to l . : . t ... .i i i . . . ai . . . ... T- i oi cource. comes irum vue uuu wi oi an age wmcn is uomui uy careiuuy Knows mat iu o""u uations ute. aiiwdo oejieve in H,hthand .lmo8t dll Un.Aoa onil tho thAfttTfi- DDI IO I Tamnla hMldPH thfi mOllCIl BtlH H,n nr icordll firtnlHMltirtn tn t hp I " O onactnf tha torlRV. Publicity is I thora wprp ten lavers of brass or 1 nrinninlpa nf th T)Acl&ration ofl8,'e,J thfl vptv atmnsnheie in which they I bronze, five in the north and five 1 indeoendenoe: all who would pre. 1 . . ... i i . . - - . . ,. i r i ... . side oi tne tours oi serve the supremacy oi tbe Uon-1 stats or uno, iTrror nairo, r that tney resteti on Utitution; all who, with Abraham v - 1 U 1 X liincoin. wouiu reumo mo th-i - . s i - . m ansa tai xjsu aascx a aaa aas vs m ws guard, the sappers and miners oi I & tot doing business la city ot mini-nine 1prvnriam ' ahrtnlcl in I T.ti. miiiKiiia - 1 ami Neither man has the faintest conception of the meaning of the a i lit Jl line "Io good by.steauu auu blush to find it fame." Tbe Caroline Herschel, the in the south Priests, and bases of curious construction. This, however, has practicaily been the extent of our knowledge. Until now we had no means of aa-' returning despotism,' should in the cominsr election withhold their votes from McKinley.' Upon such a broad declaration of nrincinJe it should not be diffi cult for Anti-Imperialists of all bEMMRY GIRLS. KT. O- . 51st Annual Session opens Aug. 29, 1900. I .arc ratroaa: rirt-ctaM racalttor rtair brmtory: Tall CorCT ef Fss J. C.aV.T mVke, oath ihst be U I m? "" Umr4. mm l.ttrary Talilosi for - i ! a i3t nainr sse. A POlT for hntnm-lr MI-tralS p,l'00 F. S. WILKINSON, PrincipaL Own a Fat Horse! r;prtaininsr either their .exact ap- astronomer, who indifferently a!- pearance or the purposes foe, which lowed her brother to receive me they were used. nifiit. and rlorv of many of her Thanks to this new discovery, discoveries, is utterly incompre- J much of the long desired know- sna(je9 of political belief to stand hensible to men like lneoaorei ledge is now lortncommg. m together througliout the cam- grave near Larnica, in Cyprus, ex- paign. Philadelphia liecord. cavations werereceniiy Demg r . ... . ... -- whensuddenly theworkmen un- eartnea a curious vei ou . ..-Wa mtn mMc u, CUre hta The news of the discovery spread ... lh doc,OT , tMuance. ani as s last Roosevelt and William Honen zollern. , Such men are harmless wneu born in what is called a humble Bial Tosition. lhey become Waldorf-Astoria quickly, and many archaeologists iesort Wi tried Chamberlala's V aers of cake-walk came and examined the mysterious era at.d Diarrhoea Ksmedj. 1 olic, Chol- am happy "Ullfi'M Vllt. ;M I A J 1 17 1 1 11 1 U.nn n oinra 1 - - m U IXi A-l J l ' " OWnTl'.ltHVoona rliom irt lliftll -a ..! .;n,,nro VY. 11. HESSTjMS' STABLES I iJUt wnen me o yruuuv . To'edo, county aad bute aforesaid, aad last sld flrss wul pay the snm of oee hoe dred dollars for each sad every case c t Catarrh that caaoot be cored by the use of BaH's catarrh cure. FRAME J oeEMKY. B vera to before se sad subscr bed is my presence, thU 6th day of December, A. D. 1S88, i A. O. OLEASON, ) i sal ytotsry Public Hall' oaTarrb cure Is Ukeo ioterosl'y, aad acta directly cn U e blood aad mucous sur. races of the system. 6eod foe lastlmoo'aU frM F. J. ousitsT A co , Toledo, a Eold!by drogslsu 75o faii Tamil FlUl are the UsL THE CELEBRATED FARQUHAR Threshing :-: MacJnncs M m t. U 1 1 srM Eooaootleal aaS Tt mmm. WmIm m Urmia; CI mm II Had; tot H. Ikat. TkMkiii l.nriM a Hor Powers, M A B FARQUHAR CO. Ltd. 4 NEWYORK. TST. IHEq aS?og3sin! mns. ftarPoetcript: Never bny till yon nave seen me. jy. Now mxxto3rx2riso Tie Ma Carriace C I have erected new buildings on Granville street, a few doors from Main, for the purpose of making and rertair ing everything in the buggy and carriage line. THE ENTERPRISE CARRIAGE COMPANY. illy TUAD nCSSET, Propristcr. v ... 'A: - 1