I m m lit II! Ill 111 I W I 1 II III till It 1 11 I .III 111! Y()U 78. NO; 42 lR DON WILLIAMS, Snr?e" IVntist. Ancient Hal 'A FaIm Th ty. Hr MaoI.W. -rtife- I Grge Che-5?' ntte?. m. reaction against one nnnrtrH ' j man tt . v prevalent theorv that - ujji i unv..t. i vipa onf .- . RIGHT - THEN GO TARBORO'. "M r? rrTTTTT CT ir X) Crockett One of the most effective feat: m-1 - " " 111 7 Arikl... .Hanna in a neech at T,ii N.C. 1; : Sir.ferm Deniistr . "TAUBORO,fi. C incs fcvKis y o t no J 2 to 5 J.l'HiGPEN," 1'HVSICIAN AND SURGEON, , Trboro, N. C. :J door to Cordon's Drag store. i .7 eventv va. uaenmA .,.:... W1 urran BsnAnaa I v.i . . . eiAJZW11 the People of the Merited qualies and tLtT ' fi!3 aPPeal to the younV men of LT that tbc Element fnfV il7 Mv Poration, were to coerce ieir empiopyes into voting for McKinley, was -as false aa hell.' Let us see: - Jesse A ESTABLISHED 18 2 VVUJJ Tli; . cuue, OI uAiuuia xvaiormittni-w i a i. . .'J' pmuea the the - U0 " Republic, with J "7. uifui hi nia -v n r a r n j . uciiHiTE i Mibui v. mo aa fl a i i a. : j a ( na rA.. . t w-w i j- j i a.'acawu liia i Linn a tnHnnt American permitted ambi-l men . of Nichols & isl and lnno. Iirn Animol j . - dalged to 8L;"?;. vnf n . " uuer to pre- maintained len ter pflnt 1 sj: wut oi h. , . . " tha ; . , . . l , -w-uueace. &mneiiA l aa aaaresa nitin Mn l . wninn I nnnnr " I n " virvt H.?"! -monff . Under rennWI I oouqci Jioney leagae saidj j. ."rlw mat .Crimft Cm anJ r V ;uon i was tn 2ew Ynrir due jose p n p. PIPPEN, Public Typewriting and Insurance H-p. JW tfFICE WITH 3. Walkino-in V n- . , most natural i i 7 agorae iauorjous, and for such. Ridino- only for children. weelr, words. Ar,-nZ ' 4U fcuer I uJ-no longer exist, nr " 'TTT "wu "e a was Ti,a "i wv"""u Qa example, the mort limits ' 1: r"'r.rw wowenr a larjreban- Mr. TnrrT,""" ia tner publio lands ha hn ir irum . fwneaa house miun h i i r w a m av a . mii m u u mill w n inn j -u .1 --"""5ior crime tne rai wVI nnt:i u i - . 1 7. "ll" w m too hay bak . inscriDtion; hi- Thnry,1.80.?1 possible for an individual tTT, In ca? some MM? a tomeatead, the manu. Ho Z J .tiTS" . bnt i r .v"puia. lacmnne industries hvft 1 . k " k" " : " .'"" 4 uu oi Know 7r: "t31 "ie Human sorbed hv , Tr . " u"?. uue em is tro 0ff lo faiu n .t vole.tlli8 Ml, bat I want' to M. W. IIAYNES, rRACTICAL PLUMBER, Tiirlxiro, N. C. . and effwln-i" " " r "JU,t atfed-.iw. aia not ".W more effectual i1ar-"y,'rai.ninfiT' All human U lKS ot tmSni'ni men . i la imupoiwiah . . " v w viio nuu m.i i nil Mfi h i Bnnn m . vi ' . : I aesDito riumnr.; I uluei mineral flenosita ?.uer or some lvliiw race lias bepn m. k-n T "v" " tbe in a ii mlirm unri wonse exerciaAo x. not permit golnjr some bodi v DP- ahrnnJ ' "-anon OI VlOlonftA on1 aiv 1. . " -vau.iur i ho i wguiuy w thehn. j wuajueraoie snare of it fallv n4"r;.!wr wonder- Zr x.uu iroin beasts of -i:;:. - lueir nea th, in- t -i , , ueen eaucated into creases theifstrene-th :,i,flLir faithful truardian nf tna u no ii - , irw;u- I mi. -i . . uw. i Tr1T orsm . K uJVaea Vi"iT aJl vice to - o wgaus ot the hnB "cvuiv startea with an.l, o AM -i , J aii I iL.i r . i . " -w Smnr; .!?1- become r. "ri .rIV: fcuereiore we can "C: luw. rogreDy ot a sii i; .;."? fcueuay week organ by ex- rruon!? w,.man shown : . rhgener- i.Ti ; mortified loud talkmsand walking m-'H 1WT UOkAn- mi - - . U DAB a a rr ' Aue aestion and iT j- p . e ine doctrine of v are strengthened and "Olou"y "ie sole cause of vice ! most headaches cured hi a??Z tafcot that these children 5fM2! m I. 1 . . . - were Drount nn in an . mosphe,reof vice and crime, and that their education Would have ujoua uiem vicious, what their parentage. Auereisno denial that FRANK POWELL, JTTOBSEI AT LAW, TARBOBO, 3. 'C Practise in the State and Fed eral Courts ami Departments at ffftshiuton, D. C. , : . . L WILKINS, COTTO N BU YER, Office: J. Frank jlmrtla's strc Thoue 94. Tarbor J, N, C. - 4 KUl T--rr---ir - 1 11 1 rl1 lECM i :has been marked bvHT iat mrcantiIo audi ion of violence X c"aM F8- Tarbbro savagery young men of the countrv hJ. lkU" owore thm. Now ther v i. vcau a i ; drudgery as hewers of wood urawers ol water for trusts. If a life of nnnnrtnnitir L "i"n open to the young men ngle of the country it must be throu-h - reversal ol the policy which ha8 u. ation to have been imi J I1? the. industries : o ourBaoiaer8. inat no I lir woo -i . r.Mt 1 .. I urct)t mat thoaa k;i I . . . e T "UlDff: l"ue ana gravel eased by rid ing m a coach over rough ground rheumatic pains by flaSJK tennis, biLiards, Ttc.; tmg0e sweats and then gointo awS ped.ta promote the sweating fee bla arras by playing at shuttle- football; and weak back by ring ing or pumping. The eoutv belt . 1180 OI tneir limbs yon, gentlemen, that moum vote forUryan, and I k Dew Von tl chargehim.immed. v"u 1 nnaersi&na me to I iu 4 wouia rtischarge him for being a Democrat; I would dis- i u.rge nini ror being a damned looi. I would presume that any aa yko diiln't have better sense than to vote for Bryan didn't have cuuuga sense to represent onr bus-Iness. This is one instance of many that could be cited. Lying with llanna is easy. Whs liYoti do away with all the hot discomfort of formerbati, rf "T yonrself work and bother and do Wong in less Ume, at less expense, by using a' ";'W2cMe: Oil Stove Dlue Flamo Pall J' . 1 - " 1 Barns the cheapest fuel that's sold with abso lute safety, without causing dirt or grease, smoke or smell. Sold wherever stoves are sold-r-made ia vari ous sizes. If your dealer aoes not have write to tiicra. 4 The republican paper of Des 11. pse reports a speech delivered by Mr. Itoosevelt in that city: ilen and Women of Kansas: We ..viucsMne nent to unreal v - v no matter oy tbe reDnblicAn ni4 . 1 - 1 fJ BUU Ifctl icaueri, ana a COntinn.tiV.n f ltical power in renublican hanr? means the DemtnittioTi f trusts and the still greater obli teration of the individnal. Tin Moines Iowa. I the American Beonle that announcement made by Olmstead r,fi- V toot din' of the firm of R,,1. H 1!' 2 and mat if Bryan were elected he front teeth was rone". wouia feel compelled torlnmiii. shnnaav.." I gr j " 1 100! ! octaves of Qf ;i I 1 i . .. 1.-- - i "uUiai,uu 1U oanuiV H both eood d hIJ r, '"Mr,uy"I,?,or'1' .rW mo of J. G. OlmstMd. o'-e ni.n I u ijrjan ana ir 'iuan uuu lormer Sifiatw I li iw h itm RrJ tr.;;rr -u". "5ere?.?7 1116 "turn of- the - ""o- me cmia ox the best parent4andlet him be brought wt 1 . mum I - "nil AUUrVD Rl r rDn)imn. , , , - UVUJ I . - - uvu U1UJ pnrprnmpnt I oer Of the Couriffl ia rl.. I advertises &A fnllrta I r .. Tx..r-t. the principles and methods which bly in effect nearly all lanre r Paper: A youne man of arrr . . Z" I vv-racuiuiHinimnA hrnilffhJ nrm tt..J - " I . e "'-., - .rc walking in rouh rH, w' PP the atmosphere of vi.e nlTf:i7T op?n a.l r LV bus- rff7.wl ?esirous of get veut the fits beat hir I F the child of the worst nanlnt- luo struggle lor a ; "8 ao Jn the next r "iarr w W0UIi e to make backo7ina hy tha Dam 7 days, to wit: Practically oe of an aged and 1 ma r ii l ;i i m , iiia u w in ii bm 1 a.j i mr mr m. in - r - LiruiAii nr vkcvu - iue CJUia OI naran. Af( 4 tl,. . .7 r" I 1 .1 . .V .w.u- , . , , . " vuum tage and bad training will be much ?: iih Tk. 1 Men 31 ,rm ."S th a wAA.n a 1 1 m ' wauviu. mi 1 1 1 i i r vi w . .r I "t- ' -I i. .7 .- l"L "0. urn, KDowimny, the menwbnM t 11 - ' Ii OVE9 JYa: BatUa's Shoe Store . i a . have stated times for exerctse, at I least two or tUree hnnra rt.r tu I one half before dinner, the other uau oeiore going to bed. 6. Exercise ( 1 ) should al VATS Ka gone about with an emntv artm. lach; (2) should never be contin ued to .weariness; (3) after it one must take care not to eafrih mis and it should always be accom- paniea witn temperance, else, in policy than the child of and good training. A raw potato will remove mud marks from black cloths. It should be cut in half and rubbed on the marks. t D.tr t. v.t. r their support from them to so vote country . is approaching ;ftW"T th?ir bnsiness, When vaciin Aid .r- - jt .iu.uecome nave neia muK rinse them ont with cold water before niacin i' uuni 1 1 MM- 111) v U 1 IJ 1 1 1 J ii 'RAILWAY;' TH E S r A. DARD J 1LWAY-QF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to all POINTS TEXAS, ' GALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO : an evil. 7. Cold bathing- is of srreat ad. vantage to health bnt fihnnFd be used under a fit of chrhi distemper, with a quick pulse, or I wim a ne iancne, or by those that have weak ihngs. It promotis perpirauonj enlarges the circula tion, ana prevents the danger of catcbiugcold Those of tender them in hot water. The odor of cloves is very, un pleasant to ml ants. If cloves are scattered in the places where the ants are tound, they " will disapi pear. - Soiled photographs '. may be. cleansed by sponsriue with clear nerves should pour water on their I W water. The cardboard mounts neaas oeiore tuev ?o in. And nnnA I snould be cleannpd hv mUm V 0 j J . .. ought to jump m suddenly and with dry bread; aUQ With their hoJUia fnumnal I , . . . . . . awuvp. 8. The flesh brush is a mnst f IfcLsiYMjbwtanBa? useful exercise, as appears by its advantage to horses, and ouirnt not only to be used on tinman bodies, but also on such animals we aesign lor our food as it be applied to. can Tba KmAYw Haw Always teasfi' Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equip ment oriall Through and Local Arams; Pullman Palace Sleeping Vw on all Night Trains- East and oe Schedules. ; ' Travel by the Southern and you J"e assured a Safe, Comfortable and pt'ditlous Journey. . t , , - , ' APll.v ta Ticket Agent for Time Ta- "- ntcs and General Informatiuor or Address f. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, r i-C.T. &P. A., Charlotte, N. C. AsheTilleN." C. s0 TROUBLE TO AN3 WEB QUESTIONS r-s- ''ASSoxi 8. M. CULP. W. A. TUBK ' 4. v- r. 4 Gen. Jdak. Trat. Man. G. P, A Washington; d. c. - For tbe IIa.aa t M'in. Only who.resale fraud and eor- rupt .use of money can - defeat Mr. Bryan this year. This they intend to do.. Henry Litchfield West a noted newspaper . correspondent writes the Atlanta' Journal ' con cerning Indiana ' - : " I have heard the other side. I know that the republicans are al ready buying up the populists "like cattle, to quote the very words of a republican manager. 1 know that the drift ui tue rural i I mmn naa a. districts is for'McKinley, just as I with the prevalence -of moths Old kid gloves are useful for many ; purposes. If worn when ironing they will preserve the hands and render them less likely to become sore. Ink stains may be removed from linen by.putting melted tallow on the mark and then washing the article. The ink and the -grease will come olit together. Yellow stains, left by. machine oil on white material may be re moved by rubbing the spot with a cloth wet. with ammonia, before washing Vith soap. To clean plates and bowls which are- thoroughly saturated . with grease, let them stand for two or three hours in hoi water to whidi lye has been added. -.''- The French method of making gravy with' roast meats is to baste the roast repeatedly with butter. The resultant rich juices are neith er thickened nor strained. Damp has a great deal to do in I nia frirmt mum . vviuiuv in annrmuininAi . . - -M what appears to be a i. In iS '"r grease the difficulty affairs. One fact is outside r;f "".?n. threat Iqr controversy. If we assume the Se thrt. V. also continuance of life we mnt iHe 'hrea 8 lenders was which tbat Mr. McKinley or Mr. bSS 2 SST. wui oe iTesident of the TTnif I estates by the votes of the people iu nuvemoernen. Are the two men. in charAior in their pronounced opinions, the same to any votei? Do you say neither is satisfactory to me? That is not enough. You hold a power in trust. You are bound to act. You cannot say, let other people settle this . question; I wash my hands of the whole busi ness. ' ' : t . What do we say of a man who, in time of war, fleea his country to avoid personal servioe or con tributions in money? Are we bound to render nerRnnnl unira in a time of d h .1 luai ryan is to be defeated it YburyrWomen own ram lor a Tartan' ; hkwj, 'he 80th session under the man af,tnent of the present principal ooen Monday, Sept. 3, 1900. mat-! : ',!SK' op STUDV-ClaMlcal, Matlie-8iv!-'n f! .,tod Pnlcal. Bpeclni attention 8tudy of EngrllBb, Physical Sci - Elementary Chemistry. w ,l "e8ion of 20 -weeks, t mul l'at' "nd Vrmtih, each, 6 iC rentfr,ur fuel, Jan itor, etc., 160 l. -J,K,r "cbool montrf of weeks from l.ai exc"jHlve of lighU and washing. othP i7KrfE?y.?bleone-nalf tn aUvaace, the ? F-?. WILKINSON, : ... ; ' . . Principal. it is ior xryan m tne cities:, 1 1 manv hnnapn men h know that the republicans have are washed the carpets should an organization of 32,6000 men never be put down until the boards formed for the purpose of getting are perfectly dry. cmt the agricultural vote; I know -If hen making gingerbread, tnac tney nave money to buy Dem- moi- cooti- or Ennfrer-RnanM.' Sf5 JT 'tY ? PT the molasses, soda, buttir and gin SSfi ft F! 18 i1.0' ger are cooked together until the rouslysmallrandowingAllthis, mixtnfe just escapes candying, I am prepared tobeheve that the and then beforeaddin the a i'iiiiiii iuw u.- ill m a mA cavnvA . i--ir.Tr:t -.-- . .. to McKmley. It is yet three weeks before the election, how ever, and I shall visit the State again. I shall want to again in vestigate the disaffection among the laboring men and the railroad employes. If, in the meantime, any serious trouble occurs' in the egg and flour, the result will be much more delicate and satisfac tory. " To remove grease spot from a wall paper, hold a piece of blotting paper over the spot with a hot flat iron for a few minutes A bottle of water corked, in lieu qteez!aC rhUkr In Klslfr, Liquor interest, trust and anil. iru.'sis. are exnpo.ifHi tn - i 'furds Arhich arc leinjr ccllectetl to swure Jilciviulev s flection. ff . ters of appeal whic ha;ebei ntr Kent ... I I . . . . -o uh wuua tiie aiai iu ol the pioba- ble election of U illiam Jennln. T? " "1 J uu. ... . ine letter to the linnor mpn.nl Philadelphia is an open cofession mat ii uryan is to be defeated fao fxtal rW. link tartsdac Coat tbx kmboM. Tkat a powJ laAo a eaJoIoa aad aatnl flow. Vbca era tt Import face. C&iduL TTm to aoUtler 2Ha It ta f womta faauluut from paiaaai to SljOObottksat A krrvwr&tfyflf liia. I r I" .T . iaia uecause caa oniy be done - with mnn public peril! A. m m . tne aaministration. and it u th K V TT ' . Tn the rndin xianna iorcoa. to Win -w r" wuv.o bua uui v tw Utrink v i ? result possible is the election of Vere T ZT , 7 0l!.J" McKinWor the .wiim, fiw "er? . 18 . the. "er which the If thu1,ViJ;V:rr:,rS 'Je,P,1A 'qor men are re- . , , vvuuu ouu . (iynff. is Duuna to vote lor a candidate MlasIM1M.S(nyr.Trir7. fcavi HRarai hUM pat si ridi far a Uaf tea, rw pfwtJt ia4 last hivmi k cvtrthlBj, ta fact w MMNbh. -!tkctaUafaw WoUkj f Vhs f OdU. wtX TbadTafr BWk-DraajM. whta aailij, aa4 ta-dcy I an cadraty carad. I cmn cxprm ttw tKaaki I hat lor what ya kava am toTM." who in the judgment of lira citi zen, has a chance of an, election, then the voter acts under a form of duress. This may be so. All j trusts are asserted under some form of constraint. When the election of a ItprI. dent falls upon the ilouse of Rep resentatives, the States must vote for one otthe three highest Candi da tea. in the election of 1824 several States were opposed to all of the leading candidates, but gave their votes for the one who was the least objectionable. These States were forced to act under duress. The voter is powerless. utterly, when he declines to act By voting he may aid in directing tne course 01 events. Ex-Gover nor, JJoutwell, in Harvard Democrat. rfT1 lqai -Ami r . aaMory St'immii Ma iSSUaMCE SOCIETY 1 UIU, UU' U J Opera House Attraction Extraordinary. A Lit Deaith right. Mr. W. A. Hinea, of Manchester. Ia.. writing of his almost miraculous es cape from death, says : - "Expousre f . ter measles induced serious lone trou- which ended in Consumption. -1 ble coal strike and thus turns to Bryan the pitcher and glass usually the labor vote not yet for him, pkced by. the bedside at night, notev'en money or organization WH be found much, more conven can secure, in the rural sections, a "lent for the invalid, who delights majority which will give- electoral in waiting on himself. Northwest vote of Indiana to McKinley. ern Christian Advocate. , had frequent hemorrhages and congbed of a reply and hoping to be favored September 25. 1900. Gotlepes: The national ad visory committee having in charge the McKinley and licoscvelt cam paign, fully realizing-the serious results which ni.iy ci,..u ifan apathetic feeling is allowed to pre vail, h; appointed committees represent iug the different Indus tries to solicit funds for the pur pose of carrying on an active and thorough campaign of education, fully believing that if each and every one will co-operate with the different committees and contri bute according to his means we can retain and advance the prosperity we all so earnestly desire to see continued. Your committee rep resenting the liquor interests solic its your contribution for this pur pose, believing that in this wayyou are willing to render vour assist-1 WS t?m Kaur Biai-a mUi Han. nw anr and rt - - " r .u L I "r". r'"-M . orl.a Ur Tam pla ; j w mwi c i iu wir a in exterminating "Bryanism" and all it implies. Checks are to be drawn to the order of Drnvei Co. Thanking you for your courtesy SATURDAY, OCT27. Tlie Glittering Operatic 9 Far ce-Comedy ! night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Conump tion, which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it coat $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation "and all say it never fails to cure hroat. chest and ! lung troubles." Regnlar size 50c and Ji.oo. Trial bottles free at Statou & Zoeller's drug store. witn a liberal contribution. I am, yours respectfully, E. BRICE, Chairman. Comes The appetite envied by all f timtLt. Is envied by all pool dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of or der. All such should know that Dr. Ling's New Life Pills, .the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit insures perfect health and great energy. - Only 23c at Statoa & Zoeller's druf store. He re-ale The Snrareens. The Japanese are makinir rapid Rtridea in their . maroli -f.nwot .11 1 .11 -!. trr r XV f cu u - au uoctora i,a nana namuton, 01 Western culture; The latest inno-Wast-Jeffersont O., after suffering 18 ! of - T r, vv months from Rectal Fistula, he would v.atl0n " the formation of Oommer die unless a costly operation was per-i cu4 for the training of fe- formed; but he cured himself with five ' maie ClCTKa, ana Ohe Of the largest boxes of Buclen's Arnica Salve, thesur-. railway companies In .Nippon has est Pile cure on earth, and the Salve in the world. . 25 cents a Sold by Statou & Zoeller, druggists, best intimated that after a certain date box. '.women will only be employed fn juie ciencai ueparuasnt. Vlerleata Newa. from Dr. R CarrH- r Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of . Scrofula h.Vh v t caused her great iufferinp for' j Terrible sores would break out on her neaa and lace, and the beat rWtr could give no hejp; but her cure is com- pieie ana ner health if excellent.- Thie shows what have proved. that Elec tric Bitters is the best blood nurifir known. It's supreme remedy for ec zema, ietter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils. ana running sores. - It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50c. Sold by Staton & Zoeller. druggists. Guaranteed, . . of AmuMDinl and Horn of klxlrav -roaucuooa. Gayest Manhattan Brlmrall of Mirth, MosieandM.rrymaklnf Entertaining Terpsicborean Movement Bewildering, beautiful, be witching 8onga that 700 Nerer rorgaU Conamadlansaad Tummy COBaeAadlaBaea! A Cboroa Tkat Can Slngl A Cboroa That Are Pratt j-1 A SHOW. WITUOTIT A5 IQUAL. Hlxnply OTarflowtnf wlthUachlagaltaatioa Catchr Moate, With Repartee aad Btartliag DsnooanieaU. -A Leashing Cjclonal ' A Comedy Whirl wladt -. A Farelal Tornado. An Operatic Satire ea the -Latest Metropolitan Beeceaa! A Guaranteed Attract loot Secure Yoor HeaU WhUe ther are Available. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Ea number the day aad daU aad wait tor the Big show. H7 through its Special agent here, . - TBEL. upon one of the very best business men in Tarbom The fare ficiary" tl7oLTlT,r J 1 1 ttLj proo7odiahtr- JdUar81n lQ"P. immedUUly upon bebTal hieh can KfaT- jr.t88u,? Sinning after two aunual pavmenta. Ia loan cLam tbe different amounts named can hSrrf i t the Company, at 5 per cenU at anyTn, Then theuml ffi." f1 nUmb?r f yea "posite the amtuntl This policy also conUiiw a guarantee of 3J days' on !5 subsequent payments. This Company positively reWa f. . sue more than one hundred policies of th- kind in county for the vear 19 JO. loU cs ?iL ZZ f0llb7 lhlr a.-6n.1 Ler-only thVlimited numUr of . re 6ZCS?1? tre oa . Amount $10,000 2 years 3 44 4 " 5 M 6 " 7 8 9 10 " . 11 M 12 " 13 " U 44 15 " 16 " 17 " 18 " 19 20 44 Loan Value $ 310.00 510 00 720 00 750 00 1170 00 1420 00 1600 00 1960 00 2260 60 2590 00 2960 00 '3350 00 3760 00 4170 00 - 4540 00 4920 00 5330 00 5750 00 5S70 00 t j , Premium$347.40 Paid-up alae -4 Erl Value 1110 00 16G0 00 2210 00 2750 00 3290 00 3320 00 4310 00 . 4 SCO 0C -53 S O 00 5S30OO CS90 0 ) 6700 00 7410 00 9910 00 8420 00 9S40 01 9410 00 $10,000 00 y'r mos. 4 6 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 4 6 5 3 14 1 5 4 2 11 6 V 1 7 1 18 paid up BAGGING 'I 1 AND TIBS! .2 lb. Bagging. -3j lb. Bagging. New Arrow Ties. . Second-hand Ties, repainted. econflhand Corerin For (Cotton at 4c yard. rT- -H. QATLIC3 ' ft i Sept. 10; 1000. TARBORO, IM. c.

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