rr w iii m - m t m i JUL UWJ i VOL. 79. NO. - LlZ i BJE SURE YOIT AP-ffi PTn.rrrp. r, vr. - i7 aaa tan, frM, , WlM. MM, M. K nanrs VERMIFUGE sis' issr imu? I. S. n, IA1TUMU, Ml. TARBORON. C,. TH The dignity, of a certain Suuday K. DON WILLIAMS, Surgeon Dentist. ... x v rARBORO,,. 0 A WHITMl Al. Surf eon Dentist, T.VRBORO. N. O. tEi tcE hour H : I 1 11 It n 1 2 5 I0SEPH P. PIPP Public Typewriting ami Insurance VFICB WITH H- P. w. I, minus, COTTON EITJYlvR, 'Phone 94,Torboro, N. C. a Starr indifference to danppr and death, its that eiven br the vonnc V af mM M . oweue ami bis devoted coinnan-1 pupils io expostulate, 'lbey ions, Fraenkel and Strindherf. I ere whUked by in short order. Having convinced himself andnd o it was not until he reached them that there is a steady current 1 tne picnic ground that the good of air like the trade winds of the I man knew what straiure device th tropics, from the boundaries of the I banner bore which he had upheld Arctic Circle to the poJe, they I ror flve miles. staked their-lives on their faith. I A hen the party returned the built a balloon and attempted tol8QU was till in the heavens, but make the voyage. he umbrella was furlol and care- It must have been a remarkable I IulIy tuckea uuder tbe Beat to scene when thev deDarted. Andre I prevent a scandal. Ilaltimore had waited for" favorable wpn.thr I Xews. nearly two weeks after his arrange ments were complete, and was be coming very impatient, when, as ne came from dinner on the after noon of the . 11th of July, he noticed with gratification that all S. ft. ALLEY FO Ft IE fHOTGGArilS OVER John Battle's 'Shoo 'Stow' f IX. 880, is. c. I a m "Maw HliUHMa,. There is no longer n A , .1 , J uvjic ui -uuietrs rpriini : n I .-1 i ....- . . - wcuiiuc men picnic was uetnoraiizctl Jbe in tdis country and experienced other da7 before the selm'ars and ice pi lo' s and whalers all agree teacher8 tre well out of town. Il that he could not was rranged that the majority ol ' I Llin uinn a hmi I . fl ma Ik. Ot) tk. tmllaw moi. n ml tl.t lk. io anj or the messaees and sio. I :or of th Hv umi aiiegcHl to have come from him. It and the baskeU should follow io a was just four years ago this very waeoD hiretl for tb occasion, day, Ju'y ii 1897, pne clear after- .nTl? Buw,i?n was followed oat noon, when th. JET1"" PW- . .ume uusjjr. i ne wagon was a trifle . in 'i-fM:r, mat Andree sum lElST OQ AHEAD.-D Orockott fSDAY, AUGUST 15.1901 right "NVill the stomach becoms a r mentary organ, Upeing' o ons, when the Luman macLi: trimmed and braced for the C competition tlmt mutt come the world U orenpled? I. St Mr. Karl Krnirer. canine Chicago. Last prioff Le Urtinffto death with car.cf . the stomach. April it) the geons took ont his stomach in actly eighty minntes. For one, Tte makers front, an.l ih. ti," - I e,PT minnu moutd his tmrjanic,m withrtnt it the mmil r ih- kTLLTTT: Vm n.?rally, he mortif.evi ceremony, cut the mim th .i saw that tht ,k- -r. 7 "".l on prepaxcJ f. tameil his aerial mrri.. I look afmtn tk.s. . . , " I cueap aiei, n not soireil away into the Arctic sky. ng on the seat beside the diiver, batever may be thought about nis broad-brimmed hat on his tne prodence and scientific prac- ke. bis hand on the support of a ticabihty of a voyago to the Xorth gaady, yellow umbrella that i-had- xoie tu a balloon, the - nAPA. ed tho nri nr iv, i "Drink Firewood Whiskey." It was too late for the scandal- .nl.li Tita mmi mm The good old times we hear k much about were all right in their way, but the present time Is letter the conditions were favorable. He I hundred fold than they. It is a hastily called his assistants, who I grt-at deal easier to uiake money now than it was then and the aver. made rapid preparations for de parture. Within half an honr everything was ready. Andree shook hands with all the bystand ers 'in a most solemn manner. thanked them in a few hearty words for their interest and assist ance, stepped coolly into his car, called Fraenkel and Strindbenr. who were saying good-by to their friends and cut the ropes with his own hands. As the last cord was severed and the balloon rose heavenward, he leaned over the edge of the car and shouted: ''Greetings at home to Sweden. The three aeronauts waved their caps until they disappeared into an unknown world where the north wind comes from. The scaffolding built fur An- dree'8 balloon and the cabins he used for his workshops still stand on the edge of the fjord awaiting the disposition of their absent a W owner -a meiancnoiy reminaer which appeals to the sentiment of the Norwegians who will allow them always to stand as a monu ment 'to Andree, Fraenkel and St-indberg. Chicago Record-Herald. ThUlrUIHllaai. In Holland, thelnass of every class go to public schools -and all mix together. Education begins at a at . a . ..fointhnKlihnnl. I oruer io -spiurgb- on r-uouaj. JC.aula6Dll.,.r ' I At th nl f th innnlh thir and at 12 a girl is examined and SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE STANDARD J 11 WAT OF THE SOUTH. V The Direct Line to all POINTS TEXAS, CALIFOUMA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND -PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equip ment on all Through and Local Trnina, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on afl Night Trains; Fast and pred and even rich women some- Safe Schedules. times cnoose a proiession. urj t.oi Htr thp. Southern and you I .ini. A.-tnr Hntiats. manv of are assured a Safe, Comfortable and them g.te, photographers, and ago man handles ten dollars to his father's one. The modern com forts and luxuries of life were nu known in the "rood old tint.' The parlor car glides through the country at fifty miles an hour where the old gig u.cd to rock along at five. Kverything ele in proportionately more convenient and comfortable. Hat with all these blessing there U something the matter with ns. M e are not content and happy, and in our blue moments, we are disposed to lay the blame on the tiroes, and ieb for the good old days when every body had plenty of money and went on their way rejoicing.- Mr Glenn pointed out the diflicuUy in his address at the Orphanage lat Wednesday. It has been said fore, to le sure, but it need to be repeated over and over again. It is the sin of extravagance, lu one respect at least the old time was better than the present. Our fathers had no better sense than to live within their means. Their wants were not allowed to outrun their money. We make a great deal more money than the old folk did, bat we spend a gTeat deal more than we make. A gentleman who lives in a city told is of clerks who would discount their wages at' a rmnous rate of interest in a ger.f ; glad to parvey for inch a pat : "Why. our food is an i-i? and uourwllnr tint a r -I . 1 need rtjy aLj-i vHuiu:Q. And the man did thrive.- lie is thriun still. He doesn't mlii his stomach, and he doesn't bum meal. He has passed beyond the patent-food stare. He has coff. eiiud white bread snl batter for breakfast; the same for dinner with a daah of potato, if he feeU liko it: and tea. white bres and batter and potato- for sapper He sleeps like a top: "like a rock." he says. Nece warily he U free from hotrible fevered dreams. those children of Indigestion sod over feeding. He falls asleep as soon as be lies down. For bitd no mnemonic drill, no vain at tempts to keep his mind from daelliog on the fact that he Las one, no craiy effort at "relaxa tion.7 The sleep of the stomach less is sweet Nor do sach longings ss are said to posses the woodea-leggwl men come to him. He doesn't moarn the loss of his digestion-sac. .! imply eat and that Is all there is to it,' be says; -I cannot tell whether I have a stomach or noL O thrice fortunate, three thousand times fortunate Karl K rarer. healthiest of men! Worthy of all the wealth which thedime maaeum men are eager to bestow a pen him. And then we attached this duodenum directly to the rreopba gus the surgeons murmur to the adminng visitors. And K1 smiles and says he is ready for bis bread and butter and pots toes. Weiirht at time of operatWm.'-t pound. I "resent weight, 1 pounds.- And still he trains n still the wonder crows. The vegetarians chuckle. Ki'i ger eau no meat; tsereiore Le lives. Perhaps the illation is little weak. When we are all itbout stomachs, we shall all be come vegetarians, i'erhaps not very much sooner. New York Ban. . t ... i. The cahU stir.oarrra tha ). Thiiippine tVmm:ioo has drcid fd in favor uf the ne of the Mpao. ih laagnsg in the cootta fr tL oxt fire years I rvi.!eJ that so oral argnojent tcay U protd in lUigitah and intrrprHt). or so rIih brief my Xm ctmit!rt if v'oorapati.d by a HpmaU trats-tinn;-and, by f t oart and of all the perttra in aby I irticoUr rase. lUurli.b ma U mniri jor hraaiah. l.m 1 !. cas the ci t!I U in F a rial terofila PJ:tfl. Tl. it aa itlr!ifcp L. t the. nrapade In rW 1'fat.rnef Udv IVancie Hop, ()Ur Ylrj and Major PattMa I'J'.rj $itr d lietr aW)tt .Jr-tor. fhlect Ui.. H u .UJ tkxt xi9 ClOM'i for tie ftrtma troa a!l farther awciaik) wtia hrr ofhu brtothi-r, Lr4 FrascU Hop. ti u brlitr.1 that tM alUtapt s-! l-y Ut J Hop u, mrnt a Oi.tr, M th atrr f Urr vr it eouht 4 U ocxTnmtu tra J Sv ft ' w tfii.uip mtrmm ta-nrrH fl U aaid th vo la the fei'ed mSm ti m i.H.- . '1 - - i. a Dgnieof tUsroartavouid drive ootoMif prartloof tUir pmr-l A. A fraxkM Ull ion t';e Iilipino Layrr. Ithaalc0"1 throojjh the a&ail witUxt 'ngswteii tbat the tner ie IP4 irttx tfcr aif. convei. rnce or mjurr to a com-1 Ubr aiitu o vrilUe roe tie . a I " w praut-iy small claaa of torn ivotflopr. ou;It not t we eh seaiat the pnl.iir gnmL IVrhat a thi i -. it t public gnit aWlntrty txi O-oanlr rnimrra ii. !:&! in H;MUCg r. aa ilMi. tho liMort lo the rilipiuo lawver i rrnaitU ocr to be cnakL-mL Th U. jer of a mmmnnttr are always itn . ntial; they are !) able to roaai ;nemelvra Leartl. ! a Calte aaU is ir.el Ibterview la lari that 4e Ut w ly ctecil4Jioe. t-l tUi aa to tortae ae atrv. bt a! a arrvwa aa a graod opf a aicfrr, hm la mtl aa aiinr. ! an fkh. Um. Hal what I imar vaxtf to be able, ta $ la fa asote rxt4 bv mtir aa 1 :nemeivr lieanL On mere gTo i ua of pnbhe policy, w ben we I have already tte by say aieru -sre tempting to coot toe thel I r Uij no peopl of onr sincerity f enoi "o create a roYernmrfit tot inn une&r, we ought sk1 to sltti.tea claa of men who do so mr i to InitiAtA m.t.t r.f.f.l - j rtii-i.i. public opinion aaiuLaia . t I a . . . . . . " iu rr iiLtHta. ith delerecr to tlK iaemorulits of the American b I differ utterly from their cloaion tliit I V r .n ,-oniaci between the Filipino 4?yer,ortbe elocatal rluM . I the maane Ieply aa tie - ies felt npr.o some featatee nf w e I m M. . - in MxrxtK iiw. ttre wrw ta oe io tie IlritUh naty is St&lh African wa!rs five isatallaiktaa cf rait were apparrtllv well svatialw St h iU worki&c sice la May ef lat jear ttey dec i led to etUt4 ila adorilon to 32 caore aiipa ac4 U&4 ataUota. ! pmaU ircime. It rtntol" use ekar that there would hae te n Da voblicexprt anion of their i eiinr. and no re vol at Km. Lad it t... ben for the edacated cUaa of t 1 ilipiooa. It was thair roid' their bravery, and their ae- i lore of life arl property which VrtlopJ the ailent protest of lie p p' into forcible rooitUnoe. It rem to tue to bo blind to tie oat evident feature of the situa tion here not to see that the tna of. the people are Urrflr ecn. trilled by the edacated clsajkrs-. n Iced, I think too much an. snnm r tkotja a. t lfWtM km HHUIMUlUMH m$ ui ml a i w. to MIm4 . e. luiwo. Tax Sale. H M tntlKtM M tat. :' 11. U t tt tl arVkarS M. t ft few IZ tvfl krtM Aastr la TwVx u: pr U uim He a4 U cca 1 Ull Ujm4 Um waires were all eoue and there waa passes on lor a nve years- course a big interest but to pay. Thw U in the higher burgher schools, of j why so many in places of t to t go -i.;.i, nAiumi twunMMM ntr-1 wrong. They cannot resist the rr,.-i :AnAft),ptPTM temptation to keep up K V Jm laa a wv - is an admitted principle. In the to keep up with the livinsr tbat is th curve of the T r 1 1 . : mWlbnvaandirirlsare P3 " "c Mtl' " . :t u. i tbe sturdy virtue of economy as fast The seashore snmmer girl has struck a wholly new fad. where it originated no one seems to know. One of the charmers appeared on the beach at Atlantic City the other day with ber favor ite college design apparently tat tooed in white on her sunbrowae arm. There was the flair of th- University of lennajlvania with the letters -fj. IV and beneath this a little beait The thine cansed a deal of speculation ami something of a sensation for a loo; time, but the fair schemer cnnld nut keep the secret, snd a lot ol all. .N'.ll "I auppoae !, loo? snd j I Vy, jail tbe sane M errr. l "ot at alb m know the ie.. -lly came into a f...: aa. iSis t-i- n..y tall now."' il k ESTAHLISHED IS22 Protect Yon Property. ett. 1 I!.arw v.:s at a rJ Ot!r ti Ui PRACTICAL ECUGATIO. he4t ..... r i. . . . . .... - . a ... . . , , 4 .1 ' 2 v r - " . - 6 f a a toUurtr ADn;i!iif.&l!::::sii;s r Slfaatloai Secured a. - Coiletres avu mum,, t k. -. CmuMMa aa Tie Mutual BeneBi Iii toi Dr tf y.r?ir t I. J. Os 4 lir OMmJ. J la ti Vtpfil Jcha C Ore wry, It I vct .?. .a. w-I , a. TIio 3ost Cook TH Tl.v.;i; i Ai!.i:r; !. a MXt'unr ai4 w-.iii rait ittf I ra X.S..C. but, ..'hiiirtU. i t are ligh'hou of tin: errceil -II I' Ur-. A. t . Iti 4 la4 a.i- 1-la at ti U& T W. M, K4- wae rt i. Ka-.fVir e iV I U ae . pn c4 W ALFRED :: CULLEY! KAHUKR. II T. l!fti" ell ta.JL TAHKOHO. N. c better served meals tiua rirr plitrd tfferr ta eailnr patllr !d Tubtrt. . F. Thorne, i '"-' i : ' ( - .1 I Pa.. ! 1. 1 " i' V. IX. tot "I had a good job on hanl I ihC aaid th- r.ia: borrlar.- I was atopjet'l Lv sa ofm-fa-el watrh." n;et .t,tr -rt. It waa a bolldo,. i the yarb" Wz Ellen's Shirt Waists W. to TlLU5tt T iU-s X C. J. tt, 1141. I a re are to l-e drea . . t It .113 0nblb I . Meift. UrOUgnt Up lOgeiUCr, IUC, 'u Ln. r.lh.r. Jwl .llh nr ImnfAr-,! I, i.Um. nUt il,. arKiK ride hv Ride, and are on familiar I , .": ", r .tl . terms from early childhood with nnt the smallest 111 resulting. A facilit'es for making money, the! now threatens to spread all along cry of hard times would never be I the coast heard, aud peace and contentment I "How is it tlonT asked tne great point is ue ' woald aLe h . oC unrc,taml fmir onc wpI- Qnestioner. ana no im:cu gin oi i ww ret.hedne. Tl at father is wise "That is easy. Before I ei pod middle clashes is -ated who cannot speak fcnglisn, French and (lerman more or less a . nnenuy. - a a a i aa uwaniuu a-ai vca-"" infv v in ivai eiii i who refnses to yield to Jbe cwtnorl my arm to tbe neros ra of his children for means to gratify I sun I cut ont the i:evu I the desire to "keep up with the ' a i irrooaDiy O lug i i J.r ntr at t, a ratA nf ainl education in force, the womenfolas : I . , . , . w.-Yiar I un -i tv ........ . .... - are incuneiiic .grow F lhe ,..,. ,.!,., M-.c-o U inuepe uueui, .r; their w.gi- u .ely uik.ii will wire- prejndiceagain8t women working b crief. -Charity and for a livelinoou nas aimosi uup-1 VUIIUI VM( I1 v nolitiAtlO Jnnrnev Apply to Ticket Agent for Time Ta o'f a. Rates and General Informatiuo, or Address ralollae Wlarral Weal l ft. The Department of State has re gardeners. Abouc 1,000 girls boldlcened from triieft I. Harris, ton Agent at l'.ibenstock, a R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. F. R. DARBY, C.T. &P-A.,! Asheyille, N. C sular Agent at l'.ibenstock, a re port on ihe mineral treasnc-s of Palestine. The report say: The newly discovered mineral deposits lie on loth sides of the Jordan and the Dead Sea. The posts as assistant chemists, some 3,000 are nurses, trained in tbe White 'Cross Homes, and on par .wijth the very best of their profes sion. A woman is curator of the Natural History Museum in Uaar- l. nw1 sitho-r Virttda thf Ram ft TtOftt so tbouble to answeb QUESTIONS at Utrecht, while a third is head salt deposits of the Dead Sea could TO AN8W t disoenser at a hospital in Amster-4b3 develop into an indnstrf. A llTtTiTrTf VtiW dam. The railway, post and tele-. UA UJIlS ii graph offices are largely served by iemaie ciciajs, n m- . -number the male. Girls in Holland have a great deal of liberty;- They pay calls, and ero to carties at the houses without a chaperon. I walk and travel alon, cycle, and andWalikty HaMto . ana 4nTinlH ADU wheeling clubs in n1 SSSra maovwith young men. They enjoy their fun and freedom, ana -.I iV, hnrrv to find husbands. ai wv -m xfriFriatrM ar not arraccrea, biki the parents' consent is only aakea after a orooosal is made and ac cepted. The Humanitarian. itoJ AUairta, Sa. nam book to UcaUr it FREK DB. B.M. WOOl LET - Ottioe, lo Nortli lryor frt Caveate, and Trado-Marka obtained aad U PH lent bnsinesa conducted tor MoRCMTt Fef a. 'Oob OrricE ta eppoaiTB U.S. tet Ornee and we can secure patent in lew " " " 4 rnte f rom WaaWatWM. riD-l ocna moaei, arawinir or - , j .-. up j.: : . or not. tree ot chance. Our fee not doT ull patent i T?;t1 ?oTt"Pl!ine'ln SeU.S. and foreign coaUe. cm aTCCa Aourcu, - a o.A.sr.ovJccq. oya. earat orrt. waeeiaw siJ CASTORIA Par Infants and Children. Tta Kind Yea Km Ahnj. E::jtt The most important of all the de posits is phosphate. At present tbe Dhospbate mtnea ot fiotn:a almost supply the world's demand Tbe immense fields T pbospnate to the cast and west of tbe Jordan need only better in tans of traffic and communication in order to in sure development. Thia, it woul seem, is not far distant, as tbe Turkish fioveruuient is planning a continuation of the afa-Jei ua en railroad and steamboatsare already plying the Dead Sea.' a a ol lie vMabed from adleiite plaater, nl alack it fast to u.y nu. W Leu the browning pr wis wrll alon? I took otT the plntr. d tl rr wn Ihe 11 ii in "lit- j la a l-i-- ai you plouM-. Une ot the lair devotees ol laus was not content io snow rer coi- ecre tref rence oa her arm. bet worked out a deaigti ui ber re-L. t is not likely tbnt many will fol j ow her idea, however, since tbej most don evenimr-dress fori bet hons. Some of them hate gone step farther and allowed the sum to print upon their Isir arms n.- initials of their very best youn men with a sentimental dcei mi . . . .t :t . t accompanying tnem. i nuauri- phi Record. anil Shirts, pretty patterns. lien's m Straw Hats, ttmlia Linens, Persian lUnviis, Ilamlnir, Ilaces, Ladies' Skirl Goods Finishing QBraitl. UQose in l r 'itrtr t il'ieg' I I "Or f-u. Sli "We I rt- - ' acroi c i.flrt ir .... i. I. The mini -f lh bid talltr llm pupil f .tl rje; th w..ff lighi yoq pour nj-.ii it, lt ro-ie it will contract. O. V lt..lt. lie boas la . U a a !fualr man. bereat he a m.i concritetL II - nnt bSTS goi;- ri tttilobrfore The job wsa qiti'r frTnp!rtf. -There ! .lout t tii-l thia m l.-n-e wi'l aa.d thw Mn. ar w l ." acted th pertbaer of ttk. -I sappoee so. Hot who i t. gt tbe money F" Waahlng- jir. This Brooch tlla l.n Il Sa Anr It a breaatr-ia. r UrUlcd, Fancv and solid colorSe Hie I K th r irltii. t.lt.tf ! r I motker, chiU. aweetUait, any I n t t f f 1 sa;f II I 1 1 1 1 r f 1 1 I lit f Airti loTlote. in viiii vimn v,iui in tuuiii tiolyr to a the rrat aa4 i For th first summer in tie memory of tbe oldet iuhabUant .. . It! tnen ins iwen no garaiMUJjc a Long Branch this year. HTery oue of tbe half dosen or so e. ob- houses, aa the gambling ruccs are politely called, ie bolted ami barred, the chains are np at the gates and the grass rs grow in? knee deeo where .flewer trardriia have been aceuatorned lo bio m. I 1. it AnvlUcir from cabinet. S ell do rettra the origiaal It II 1 bixdscae orraorcL Waxlc&e? This sul the n t aower U creditel to the Vi.-iwn Lord Georce raccer.l BttV ? 4rr ri T r oa fame.. On being aaked - If a prtt is wstlrd ecte will be mote acceptable. If tile r?t dore tt satUfy, cil and see ssmpUs a&d tbta ssb act tbe. A OUSTS WANTED. AJdreee r t m laps he would take should a ft a a. a .1 in wild I tea l break out oil e, Iim replietl with all naif I d long ooe. Ixolon Nwa. 'hit Oar tol cf I'lry CxI aJ Nca-ta U j- la ftt ryy daixJw Vo are Un! is.t-t it- JOt3N W. B. BATTLE. ciiisLw -"out - saSTe To3Itle tooa Tor Jew HckI. Fop the lVcxt 30 Dayo Wc Will Soil nrl Ia f3nr frxw cwsu, tw , . . is yoor favorite dib? ilr. i root pew of the i . t . aurt.it was chicken, bnt IH K Ml 111 Hh KNKK. WiUtH ir.ij. ,vrerrmrnvi1t:a r-tnl not. I , . , , . 3 ' .3 - !Ir--tl.e rout ribnt ion plate. ai-icl the IUjv. Iongfare, ab- seu y Ohio iate Joumal. -Av dii-uaiers in the wnr!J, Caay, "ahe the oddest Th a innk- eihehulica'batbiu'sQita, k t .-nils 1.. raei' a modat.' riiiUdeJphia lYwi. MONUMENTS. GRAVESTONES. A London dUnatrh says Ibe Andrew furnrie ha made sn atsaa a m - a a a . Bears the ignatareof "No woman has a right to go through her husband s pockets any more than a husband has a . W Coi,l Ufairi.lrali. r!rantheCOUrt. It Will protaiUv IHrt Ih LofNew York city the other day in heartl nn'il towani tbe em! .-f th. dAcidlnrr a case. I U Isi ta Ire torn lx& Id. ftaka Baaa fnr. cmtaM4 I MaaMlala. aa4 ll '1 hrMrh nf nmmtM raa .o( 31 1KB 7-r t I be 31-11 or I 31 oo treat to I l ib ii to ftUlt x I rm f.O Portia Knicht. the Callfon la ac- c' e lnox to eatabliah a free Wniw. Wru 1 w, a ii. . . fl.a a f a ft I ' . t a a a la a wl I ft tresw, against tbe Ike ..I 3ian- ruin. i,.rn y mere, proriuci .wilr . k i l,. - v. !l tta 7li... fn .;f. .a f.-r ail, tn.1 r!- . W tarry U Urr- f ! vuuoid, - i "'' " . .. . ICaU4 Urataalceaa. K4atu merman, of Cincinnati, in !. a eit io ma main-l .i,t u ua Ka. aa4 tr 1 come un at the Dresent a'llinr f leaau f r lil rary. The o.Ter I f- iv protr cvwa) a.avW rite Ditsi'.y. CotdcI TaiTitUn AJc&sre IUtiai. Doitad Dack. rio!4C4crJ Lwt-a IU V 19 9 1-2 ..... 1 0 .7 1-2 ..O 1-2 7 1-2 4 1-2 t I oa.nvnn.1 ar aaftaBBB aav yaff f JM aTaaweyft 1 1 ' ' .aWaWPr - ftwa-f I ham criala'a CbUc, b4rt a l t'.,r 'bora Hem dy ka a world whW r--ii. I lino foe ita eur -a. Il wif faiU aa4 U 1 pleaaaat aad aafo to tale. For aa'e t ' IUtoe.VZo0er. ill li ;i mnt-l ta the City t! mi . i: ni l it i ettrtol thil It will ! v i leal. ABTOniA. okef aay an aa aaaijaaj mmra uuu wttii. ISt. Ill aavf I CI - rv v A tie !k ai n4 cittct t l Ilaatfi itiu-nltcK Tt-cU-a and VaL I-a-rv, !U!iiiW aad Ibit-xi. J r' . V. AH lrva Oooia. Hirt Wt K'.ia aJ ti.uf ts.irta at cci. White letaatd IVjtra -!s-l pif. Itire tuk t f !- !-' it 4 JI.wi OtfI atl Mij.J,laU at rcU 1'j.tire attk cf Jiaw Ilaia a! sl llow at. It l l e gwla are H VS t lie f tut a I t fc yoer iNliaa OTOTtZX. , le ln4 tw In twrw fejt T. Aug. 1, X001. H. OATLIW, TATS n PRO, XI. Q

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