Sim ( I I : r BE SUEE YOU ARE RIGHT ; TBLEN GO A.HIGA.D.-D Orockott WW I) 79. NO. 3(5. VOL. TARB.QROVN. C. .THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5.1001 ESTABLISHED IS22 T r mrthtr S IJh ww. u -m J Tiu, . a M. J1 VERMIFUGE (gga t i $. f in, Mtnimc. m. J CTM Dana:eratfct LHTklihL--j - It is curious that there should be 80 IU.. V diflicnllioa in .mm tvOUCVt L J T far CMianrl lea. Aa soon as the weather will per mit and proper locations can be Wa Mmmm far Pnim. From different points in the Sooth bare been coming with When Mr. Moody met the nt UoJ of students at the Training dries. -3. w reiow;x9 on K.i-'- i tl aoor to J. jb. undertaking eslabllsft- ru V a 4 areata. The news X . w. a IW IVUU - w - w X .. ..'V.M...'. w - . w . w m . w ...MA i vmv """j .i&.duon anectmg Iaun- . selected there will bo pitched near greater and greater frequency In School eleven years aco, be said: omoc1 la all the dUlrirf cf Viet: er of reoent jears statements about the " Well, girls, I don't know bowjna la the aolnaa ha rtoil x for consumptives. This scarcity of labor. Let rottou brine xnnch Bible ion IU rtt thia Tear. Urine excitement emotar Lhs sho. The Hhorxaakers' w to cook a beefsteak and make I Ciuild it taking all pcaslUe slrr. a cup of xTee, so that your poor I DX making rvprraenlaUooe to LL husband, aben yon ret them. "oulonUf ol tllT ana w we i. . j. . v. OoTerwnetl, to thwart Uc Xmerl- J k 1 can eofrpriv Ttey sppra!e4 year. rniAiitMU t v. Thia end bat been kept In view Iter, and to the MiaUtrr of Oac. I 'tnr.TOi11'611 2110 Bost Coot , ai the duirvnt cf Yiec. I MirrioJ W wash pnciMfly those articles which camps are worn ueartst to the skin it ; camp (and eacb succeeding camp lo ay j ear teu ceuis a imund, and but I do mean that von shall know I maker here. wnnll l.rt I ... ..... i ....I.... i .1. . .1 uui u.arai io auucipate will be like it) will consist of ten cotton-mill mnuagementsare likely ho 4 tmm.4 BUI W 4 i mi ti.ifct. that such un occupatiou should be subjected to specially strict sur ! veillance. We hve demoustrtMl that, in, the absence of such con trol, liueu. after it has been waab- ed, may be contaminatetl by-un- i piauo-box tents, arranred in a cir-J to face a nhortage tf operative. iwt wauiuc wurc IUAU VIIMI proportions, and farmers Imme- Simmon- former cle with an odcu air fiie in the lt the fuherfes in anv Htalealoni; centre, and surrounded by a duck wall eight high. Each of these tenU will be a consumptive's I diate'y begin to feel cramped In home; a consumntiTa will sleeD I their operation. Cotton planters healthy surrounding and brought there, even tbrouzh the coldest t n Jliiwiaaippl valley have been into contact wuhthe germs of weather, with no other protection bye ?l.frr,i?.a of.iblr disease. As a result of our reve- than il,ntv f Mt hull MtV"! ?.'!?0 nurxMr toD' E. R. HART, M. D., (Xfice M ii'i -:r.-t. ne.xllo Ktpresnoffl(V. j vKI'.ni;''. N. T5 DON WILLIAMS, m dtiy iations on this subject many lauo-1 sleeping boots, and a two-gallon the levees or other undertakings burgeon Dentist. dry companies were floated which juir of hot water. " . I professed to have established sani- The tents are made of twelve tary steam laundries. This helped ounce duck, are only 7 feet hlgb, forward the evolution that has with four foot 'walla, boxed iu largely assimilated Iaundrv work to factory work. Tt ther I mnntit Thaw will Ka 1inrl will. ...N. C. TARBORO j jRC A WHITEHEAD, Surp'eon Dentist, TARP-ORO, N. a tmcE hours y 'o lani 2 to 5. pEPtfr. riPPEN, Public Tvpt-writing and iDSurance Office with H- p. always been a great reluctance to I apply the same laws to laundries as are applied to factories and workshops. Of course the enforcement of the Factory acts is not a direct enar- antee against the contamination of paying somewnat nigner wages temporarily. The number of em ployes in. I he Alabama and Ten tea see coal aud iron regions baa again and again been found inadequate for the demand, and sogar-growera in parts of Louisiana have been obliged to look for other kinds ol workeis, as the negxoea Lave drift ed to Xew Orleans or elsewhere. At the lime time widely separated communities have been complain tng about the cure of an increas ing number of idlers and loafers confined to no race, but naturally representing most strongly the negroes. It is to be expected that follow- V GO TO nz. U. ITT 1V FO MIE pHOTOilGArHS- OVER Jon 2itu5"s Shce S.-'ie weather- pspei . The flaps will open towards the fire, the ten tents making a little circle about a clean gravel court. In the duck wall which will surround the wl ol will bo a single entrance. The itAnnlA vhn 1 1 ta I lisro v i I the linen, but the more thoroughly I one heavy suit night aud day. a trade is inspectedand regulated They will each of them take one uc cooicr ii. ia lor me samcary in-1 quick soapiess batn a week, and 8pector to complete the work of the I will eat three good hearty meals a f a! orv incnAm- TV r. r : I A :.. tr i : I a ST:t. .rr"' "ivr:"t IU J.Hl "f be ntter demoralUatioo of the T " v wuoiuiiu auu UUI tUUlVIBU) Ml) 1 1 LUC Ul tLO .wu.,oav luuiuii w n ilu m ai it li iiimv fir niviiL iif ir iiiiniTnrai.. . ... . no interference is proposed, but it will include milk, eggs, vegetable,; Se.e ThouM l!Tiu the ch." S is precisely in the small cottage or bread and but Wr and meahief! It S3 f fc!lh - .yinSf tenemftnt tinn ir .v ,lle.or ?ewutbfaa agriculiure, t. YT ------o ij ' t witboot niif invth nj- of its Tik 1 any n w aux w a B V 1 W A 1 AZ " n B - 3 lu ""Al" "J uu P" oeiore " nrr, or roasieu trial Imnhrtano. Kar mnn. .nH in me. emoen, or oouci oown into more lhe fi(.,a w4h manufacturing This open life is expected to cure them of their disease. The method is the result of experi ments made last winter iu a tent will be a long time yet before we I on Hnutington avenue, by a scient ist bote name has not yei beeu divulged. This gentleman pitched be hung out with cases of infectious di&tase. It is also in the privacy of a small ! dwelling, that women and children i can best be made to elude the law by working more than the number of hours allowed. It seems as if it are able to put on clean linen with any sense of security. aud cum rue ire. embarrassments both for laliorers aud for employ era. Drifting of population U an accoinpanimeut of shifting of oe rnpition, but in this revolution and evolution there is no rrasoa for any great body of men to be aitnout work in the Nnh for Domestic laundries are not in- his tent during the coldtst part'of oue lillie irork tnere for 8pected at all and even if such hi- Is January which was more than spection were established by law usually cold, and stayed in there it would be extremely difficult to I until the early spring, engrossed SOUTHERN-; BAILWAb THE STANDARD R 11 WAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to all POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND ' PORTO RICO Strictly FIRST CLASS Equip ment on all Through and Local TraiLs, Pullman Palace Sleeping rs ou ull Night Trains; Fast and Safe ..Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are a.-ar. d a Safe, Comfortable and Ex pen Uous Journey. Apply to Ticket Agent for Time Ta- St'S liu!.., -.in1 fJonoi-al TnfnrmatlQO. or Address B L. iviinv F DARBY. T P. A.. C..T. &P. A., Charlotte, X. C. Asheyille, N. C. "OriiLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS carry out in practice. So-called model steam and sanitary laun dries seem to ofTVr greater security. But of coursaa far larger quantity of lineu is taken to these large es tablishments and therefore there is .a greater chance that some of the linen mar be specifically con taminated. It will be said that boiling kills the germs, but flan nels and sanitary woollen under wear should not be put in boiling water. Then the great danger is the manipulating and sorting of dtrty linen in the presence of clean linen, the distribution of gtrms from the one to the other. Laundries ought to be organized on the same principle as are disin fect i ng stations. O u one side should be one set of carts, baskets and employees for the unwashed linen: on another and well-separated side in nis expetimeutii, lul nnaiiy, seeing patients and announcing that he wanted as many conump ti vs as possible to proe the ti nth of hia theoius. Uewauts the t-onsumptir b still. Him theory hia been pretty w. 11 test d now, but he still wanta mb many consumptives as will cume to him the worse their condition the better to pnt them in his st ments. "The life there he said this morning, "quickly fortifies a man's bodily powers; it en volutes, then evolutes man ttack toward ances tral of wild life. TLe akin, nails and hair toughen and thicken; pulmonary catarrh stops; hemor rhages cease. A civilized man loses his sensitiveness; his emo- BOTHER'S FHIEKD hrough all the years of tie scbooL The domestic science class room Lei:Lr aa large nor aa 11 equir ped as at the seminary, but wuu a ciass ox lounccn as work u mere, but were sjmpatbrtkmljy Informed tnat nockiac could b done. The cooaaquencr of lL Ameri can lovanoa wUl, oo donU, be erioos for the rrrat sum bey cf is a by plsce, and reporU from bM masters here, as the A inert- hose low on the mission neld, as raa wxxa are 01 iw trailer. well as the prscUcal resulU in tbel rom four to ore shUllBn extetui cooking for the school, ( 1 to 11.23) a pairebeaper Uaa show tl U Mr. Moody bopea are oa prodnreU locally; ana too- beta? r .iliced. . I pttUioa noder inch clrmmsUncr One i the students, now io oaiu tm iman tmpcMuMe. x;ai Africa nnrsintr the soldiers, writes: Tea " thU prelect shonld not be llill -i j Bit-ym m m oami&m evejeasv T1IAT K Villi CATi:ilU IN A nCSTAt'lUNT. I HAVE " Willi elcm I rAM pTtO 4.Mm in it. better served meal Ihia rur ptierd tfforc in CO. naTs. a carried ont It is only a question of time before the small shoemaktrs are beaten by the cvta petition of I the facto rica. At prtaect the maanfactare of f am m ft .ft 1 Protect Yon Property. robas ca tU.l.'ier. Hot. JOHN A. VVEDDELL every man able and willing to work, and while fleeting discern forts may I looked for, the end ouht to I a tft-lterment of coudi tiou m.t only for all parties in the i-xmiti, but lor I b'HiKatiuA of thrifty men lioui other ltatis of the omiitry. hip nsuiis oi imriy years mitaka io dealing with the fouu- d.iou elements of bouthern laboi are, however, beginning to appei They' should be summarily sn pressed for the benefit of Soutfce labor, particularly that clam I labor moMt likely to be hamperii by the evil tendencies, ami for the fnt ure of the South. With farm ers, Inmliermen, cotton mills, oil mills, railroad contractors, mineis and other promoters of the de velopment of the South'a material riches calling for help, loafing of able-bodied negroes or able-bodied whites in the cities or around the country stores should be made an impossibility. There ought to be no room for "Whit aould I have done with out my r i peri e nee in cooking at rtorthbelJ. with broths, JeiUc. and i ".u tarda to make for sou res ox sick jpn. as veil aa mora mlatin. tial d.M for thoaa in heltWn.l shoes is still carriM on hers bt Uis I boll Fsraitcre. fvLool Lcli:-- all a moat meairre supply of ol11 ethods, instead of by fac-1 atui CbarcLs wriUa at a rscc cookii. : utensils?" Uries, aa la other larre citira. A I lo ol per eaL to Ui pr An t r atudnL working Inlmu meetinff of Mefi&a shocieaU the S. nth, says that her knowledge makers, C.OOJ of whom bateal kjZ't Ibm Ut cocpiir rr-j- ofioi ir km! conkini huin ftfircaay annonocca ineir icirsuoa i inesti ble value to her in pen- M ptnt, wia U htU ait Inj? th- lirrU of the mothers and I month, and the natore of the reao piepai : g the we j for the gospel Intlons to be proposed may be a mesas . i iicipaiea irom me Lareas maoe vj Tl urt lerm's work in cook- preaideot of the guild that the iniri- n..te very practical, not opoiogoi AnenoM uot oryou onl v I I.4t the fundamental rrinci- prerected. If nereawsry, by plen t-i iy be better deiaoniUateJ, I 'rre. lenna dispatch lo Loodon but t;. it it may be of practical use I PUUklra AOgusx sa. in tui-voa work. I . 1 : e stud term's work is more . w. aaa w el.. rate, for those who wish to! ... J. . . i.-.Tiu fit Uemelves either for cookinir I timMt iia.'i l uia. Tot m:m lv ... . I z - - or .. r superintending such work. I tHAioa A loiwr. a me of the students are a! read v d., The American KiIrLinl Ths Of Oif O-M Cw Jl. 'tine. I imm uM(i own . Ki t W. F. Thome. lTvf ri r. SAYE MONEY C5iH:J WisSl PRACTICAL EDDCAIIO! 4 f'S'nim Wf '1 w m u .. " T"f ft44ft N. C College Asjicflltnrs & M m Ails r fce Ala. e of lhe nrnat remarkable ser- Tax Sate. Sltcsllons SecirH wvldotU, No wot k- Alitor hsvwtodois t"Rl aop la warn wsier. Ilea a uUl TLm waUr la tba reaJy fr tbe ci'. which arr Wtsg welM ta water era i&&rd ta lie vara, la a cist! ltf raa t rctr ox! a&d U h tUas. NorabUtr. Nobrxrytolie fcbre, ?o fwis- cf rcicrs, Its wotk ta ss.arrs. If it doea tot do aU tk-U is tUisL coty wiU t n'ssed. Wjia tt far dsr aiir raa be de&e la csa. Osy 19 cila a raia. JkotmmiAutt- twa. i .taa,aaaava, wana W V J- M a tft SS4 U MU - - mmm m mm.wZ f' T " 4. "4 a- . l t w tions change. He becomes insen sitive and fearless. All bis energy should be other employees, baskets I goes to nutrition; his intellectual and carts for the linen that has centres are dormant. AH his been washed. We seem to be a I powers are concentrated in build-1 iron;. in the South. Some South long way from this ideal. The I ing and repair. He falls asleep at I er0 grates already have upon their Lancet. twiUght and wakes ai aawnreaay utute-books tbe remedy for tbe to eat. Incidental disaster affects I jt il lKWible for the msi him little; he changes from a hot-1 wh0 CAn worv at who will not hnnu nUnt tn an nak. 1 b fear I l. i. . I. n tn aI iT n l t'i i p. i I f - . . . I -m vi a., iu uwut iu m ui m. v xne unueu duim oieci -nH nanirt rnntnmarv to a crowd In., u Mftaae Mtecl Traat Stavtladca. ration is called the billion-dollar of aonumptiTes no lcfnger affects steel trust but its capitalization him and thus the greatest danger ronrnr .rcn a greater sum than of bospiulism is avoided. ' A. . I "Baron Lai yap,cbler surgeon snd adviser, made tts same t servalion in bis Egyptian and Bussiau campaign; that incipient consumptives make the beat sol diers. They have Spartan courage. iVople flocked from the country nil aronnd to bear this wonderful .1 t' preacher. The church was - l and many people had to i a they could find no room. a . . a ft . a. . ae mue preacner enterea ine n'. It iu a calm and deliberate ftta a i a i t r.anuoeioreDesinuiaraaaeti 1 idtai to kindly rture their K''cUu5r Uif i!iT',fn .v. . i. .... t i .1 el BaCaair Ua4 U t f law- so 4 : Tnrbrro, IV C. S IJIIII'l P""1 home -w'th riUUl ?Mtt airvgft1 aaBBeaa dr. a m. woot ley Co. Atlanta. 6a. OUice, 104 Kortn fiycr St ft ' BaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBftBBBBaBftBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai that. It is more than a billion dollar, trust by a little matter of lf0,0!K),000. Iretty big combines have a total capitalization far be low this margin. .The capitalization and bonded indebtedness of the trust's com ponent companies amounted, le fore consolidation, to $754,000,000. These companies, with the Rocke feller mining and shipping inter ests added, are represented by a shareTapital, outstanding, of L, 008,000,000 and a bonded indebt edness of $336,000,000, or a total of $1,344,000,000. The authorized capital of the corporation is $1, 100,000,000, with $92,000,000 in shares still in the treasury. Consolidation swelled the capi talization of the companies form ing the new corporation about $515,000,000 without the addition of a mill or a customer, l nac nau a billion is called "water," but it seems to have been coind into real value by the magic of J. Pierpont Morgan's name, for the time being at least. Even now, with a strike ..a atvol trnst RAnHtieH 1 U piUgiCW. " are quoted higher than the shares of the old companies were. Tf Mr - Moreran should die sud denly or beocyne "incapacitated for bus:nss there might be a change in the market and a wringing out the water, for"he is surely the financial brain and soul of the mighty combine. We may then rate the value of his personality at -arvmoJhinjr like a half billion dol lars, niav we notT Minneapolis i Times. stringent laws for the suppression of the lfer or tbe rsgraut, and either rotupel him to work steadl'y or force him 'from tbe State at.d from the Souih, where he can 1 only a drain opr.n his industrious fellos and a preventive of the proper sort of immigration to that sertiuu. Manufacturers' Record. and army life properly regulatea will cuie them. A regime ox naron TakasakL chief of the consumptives would be no imcsu bureau in the Imperi-1 lal- enemy." ... ace of Tolio. ravs that t'.e T.m- The camps are merely for ri.e ror of jmfKlt -H uVe of try 0. purpose oi Hcientincinvesugsi.oi., creuat9 Scarcely ana ll a paueut cannot nioni i t- an ai sntnn imijim I lull hi limit! V expen e l e will l i k-n fi-. lo, 4,.ir-. f .un teit;.- The camp wib all itiuai tbecitx, MjVeu to thnt ul Ibetinri) where scientific physicians r avllabled duplets called wa ka.' wi.biu call. Boston Evening xQese are handed td Baron Ta- Trnuscript. - Jkifaki iir examination. Uaron -.,, T tkitsal i hin belli h'n present l-l - - a aft Twa lalftft'a f WIO mm or- tj,, Mi:ct. 1SUJ, aixl ne e iar- f phaaia. tUal the number of couplets com In lhe Lofodeii-ArcLip lag, ' iKweil bv his mjenty from lb.:' the great fishing giounds of Nor- time np ti the end of IaM M-trrb way, -are. two islands poputstetl al t waR 37,00. I most eut rely by widows nd or- j phans whose husbands and fathers, pn.feK-or Ludwig llorienburg r have been lot in storms at nca, the la-eat advance agent of the On Titrau Island, with a to'al end of tbe world. He has a no. tl population of less thsn 1,000, are t way of bringing it aliouL Th a 164 wi lows and 636 fai herleca' planet, be aj-, has jnmpetl it children. People tall it Widow orbit and is wabbling around in Island. In tbe spring ol 1898, 18 i space like a drunken man. Tliisi 1 - ..fta irrrgnianry,ineiToieKrexp an-'. 1. ; li 1.. t - the people in tb bark of tli . Uurch ronld see. Then here- , ; ed the undivided attention of it.e "ongregation. He said he would preach ou Tbe Prodigal Son." lit was perfectly at rae In the pa'pit, his gesture were gracefal and be ala)s -emphaaUed the rijibl word, and etplaieed diflcolt thitghU with the greatest eoe sihI aith aouderfol illnatralions. In peaking of lhe prodigal son be Ktt..: r.nrope ami France are far r 11 .re, a 1 ill unrated the paa- .. . tear agoio a wordly Hut in m spintual neoar u .t hire lo c to Europe or 1 . - .o, Cut I ran step just ouUide ol this church door and find mjtelf 10 a far country. I ill tell you, ray friends, as soon aa you leave! (iol, then you are In a far conn try. .ul then you waste your sub si a tf iu riotous living, and I will Int litre yon to a few strangers u ill me t there they are bar n-m, gambling ami crime. InS de!.'y ai-d nnno-ro others." rf:er 1 fiuil;el a sermon rcfaarrr rmuj 1. Jcka W. Coda t M la Ur-n aTkf boeo, J)oUiMg toU of J. XL a3 Jta. Ptttjae, 7 70 Mrs, A. Coaar. 113 U Uad ad. Ha c U tal c W. M. 14- sialeiMn, iseo tvit staasa i. HARRKR ILT.BryaaV oil stand. TARBOBO. K. C- tirll I 4, C4 r4ml A, . - . I I .1 1 II I ten waca lot yaart f aa4 JM, ttwvmxr sraaca IS. w ai t.x - a Crows bad. ft H W. L STALLING 5. t altikUail TMs Brooch tells bow it Is dot. Itls a breastpin. roUplaUd, I wiia any ptciure animi mother, child, sweetheart, aar loved one. AnjtHrtr frota a tintype to a cabinet. Well do the rest and IP rv.t-.Uy. -n:t- Udica were so r harm td thai tlrj ran op to kiss him aslretoxa the original a. ft ftaa aa..ftl soon as he nsd nouneu, but ne t-1 them oflT and told them not 1 ftorbip him, but the One of ..... he was preaching. AUsnts V .itr.lion. It Is a handsome ornatnenL Want one? Thia and the m7 l-w a Ia. u aa JOHM 1. B. BATTLE. aiala Saatlaa is so modest. She d 1 1 IK - won't go bathing again. nd why not!' lie beard that one of Uncle ' Mtlxnarine boats was In the ".tairhood." Cleveland Flain . r. Ti a prtaext Is wanted nose wUl be box e accwp labia. If this cat doea'not satisfy, call and sco eaxspiee and then rab- L scribe. A0EKT9 WAITED. Itextm mm T7E COIIB A&AUT THE SO UTHliRNEEal M.fc.rlied Ealia stiite Gii; frart rtice 24 (ttii acw cU. fisbetmtn. inhabitants of thin is land, we e lost in a single storm. 1 The other - allows' island is called Roedner, a d its population 0 msi s U of forty women, nil widow r, two men, and a bui.dred or more children. They sra the relics i f one of tlie most remrkabl of u l the mnny tragelies of the sea. It Is a bleak and chi erless place in the'ientre of the beat fishing can- the summers to tiecomc bol ter and holler snd the winters to lie colder and colder. Ileforr g, be thinks, no oue will . be able "to in ke lhe trausit from one extreme to the other, and then the human race will expire. . Scrapplogtoo Women do u worship the almighty dollar a- -c.i do. Mr. Srrannlnrton So. ther w i '.p the almighty W cents. Hi art t. I Keariqnes The art of painting J ma t have been originally confined Tarboro. X. C It is worth noting tnat i.f iVe , iduating class at tbe Unl verity ?'V0KrV hal ' nil IV.. A if . a . . aRnt u . -w.iiariiODWlna atM IU t'ia fa ,i . r,CE is Opposite U I Pi rriiTOrn:c irtm,;., in !,e,r,Vre Ptet in less time Uuu those' !ion " ,;',"Jf! Rawing or ihotft, with deacrio- ichan rflM,.lst. ' patentable or not, free of t,e. Our fee not ifn ;il . : I r!.TfPHLtT--" How to Obtain Patents," withil Stni .....s':,5 the U.S. and foreien countries 9-A.SNOW&CO.I rru t.iuoainir orrnvinv nn the farm (near Franklin, X. H.) where Heral i Daniel WeDster was porn, are ut be cut up into friction matches, a manufacturing company having paid $2,800 for the standing timier upon it, The Legislature of New Hampshire reiusea ii 3.000 for the entire a.uu w trj 1 . . . farm, though many patriotic cm-Basrs the zens of the State pctlttoued to nave gjgaatwreef 1 graduating class at tbe University grounds, and until 1893 there bd of Vermont this year wa a yv jz not b n a death in thecommouity woman who supported herU !-' for m tny ye irs. Ubieagoiveoim- im housework mruugb ih. ciMr .nig CASTOR I A Tit Infants and Children. Tts Kb j Yea Hits Aliajs E::;bl lour ye-ara c urse, anu n man who supported litHilf i.y woikin at his trade of p'nnp ru' t ter. The lime baa rw-i eoilr ly pssei, in all the col ';; when others th:wi the wealthy I . n a vha. ce ef education. - w aw mm - OAOTOZIZA. taa e ISUimia Win makes . yon think "! lie r!uu We5. we never hear m . ft . a oi any rare paintings aone oy iLe id mUtrv. Itrooklyn Eagle. Teikioa,' said Colonel Haak-t-uu!er. "you have named a new It aud of wbUkey after me, have yon not, "ohf I Um uleu lht liberty, Col o itl.' aiiwered the dUtillf r. Weil. ,,h rejoined the Ool- o -.el. "I shall have to ask yoa to I ft4 ik wot iuicz cuw, a fiif I rieu monuments: gravestones. Oar CaatraUtl cWaWcs X. tO. wkka saaa traa. craualaa s virVty ft 0aUta cf atrt . U4rMll4DaMU,Ul Wl I an yoa ta ssakla s teofae aOaf yoa aa lo reWftft. We rarry ti Urraat atnek I CaUWt OaiiHwii, W-aaaaftta utaajry ta Us Boata. a4 tx takas tor Ika trot iarl i laaawiaJ a k ol sav aUa ara aa I . TllCSCm BAltU MtU, a4 Ul. tClsai ls m a.a tsA T OTOnSA. 1 a Us la laeUBr It7 gf ua i - Gbrkaa.! - Zrpkjrstdcttr fiiSfctass. - - 11 - - - - II - - 10 - - 7 - - c - - s - - ft - - J - Lad Fs tr Vrt. 4 7cf tea. Vst s4 Tn Standard prir'-s. Besgsl Drvse La All otLtr Irrft Ls&a at ctaf. rinra std Niittc-f l'st priae ccst. BISf LAO. A good sscrt&t cf Haabsrjr EJ;ug d 1im1mo al reCwd pttur&a. ilin'srtk:ttet Usdtrwtar ssd 1 rrsia Miris si coat. Eatnetrk cf Ijd' std Hi' jrm Cat H 1111 - SITS f rdoeftr II 4. I U flc lr II !. Al( a fs w rair a LVvgUa hU t ct s ra at I "f r r. A f w -odJs nd nt'" cf 4d-tiy td rtlr fx'C. f.inr priW 11 1 IX Tonay Uvels ku tl . xvr. i a h. Git as a trial ad t Lad. T. H. CATLIN. i ' Hue- 10e 100L TAKHORO, W. C. 1 1 1 U ,U sun, Atiauu CouaLtotioa.

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