i i' H: ' ixi ft n it nPvA ! i J i: I I I t I 1 ' BE S1JRE YOXJ ABE EIGHT ; THEK 00 AHBAJ).-D Crockett : I. .! 79. NO. 38. u -----. - a - .Children : -X i ' 1 tort tne 1 l .tiAnimn iron h tI, ir wnt a" naraerouB, bat th 1 ' .MiAhiii nmedr Frev s vermifuge . h.m. Kap th tometa T V FREY, Baltimore, Md. jrTTC t. R. HART, M. D ,rt,:i, r.-t to Kxpress office. eai. t., r.ext door to J. K tnrtt rlaklnir establish dtC-wljr If we take a piece of sugai we can crush itanto the fincstpar! tide without it8 ceasing to Ue VlFZ': . !S most imPalpable frag their solubility in water, and wili crystallize after the evaporation r the water. By the word "mole cules ..we .desismatir th. particles into which th cm I T Ft a D.nnMnnt f l)AM..MiA 171.. be reduced without1 ehanT.. I5 riCalUvlIli -UI 1 11 U liCLJUUIIU U 1 11 a; .. . c o " " I - i riupciueu. unt tne mo wtilM it. - a t . . themselves are mthor "r IlITi fll Ifift AKsnSSlfl K I.T1I Of ' viuutu. a" aaa w m iuv v.aaw.ja- J m M 1 1 V I " wi oy means of Various meth otls divide them in their turn into ampler- particles, none of which possess the nronertif ,.f These particles are oa!1m1 Thus in a molecule of sugar there ic six atoms or coal, such as we uum m our stoves; twelve atoms hydrogen cas. such s i r,aA fill balloons with; and sii atoms of TARBORO', N. C. THURSDA SEPTEMBER 19. 1901. (From Saturday Daily.) Tbft .acphere of ao at ha moth i do with its fcmhh acd protlnc. vaj; for to man U unaf fected 1 ; the air he breathe. It i true i at a lnog tuia mVc Tom !Ute a taole, c44 &a? . J"k Thaala. iv l ear if 1 do. Tota Yoall tJ tLt U ltio(T Iik a tir-s Jack CUKr a few r-efr.lIW UATUE1 ESTABLISHED 1S22 TIio Bost Coot Wccua'i CccLtcika. hU owi tmopberei bat beo a(1eorc! thrr it a Ushl ro RDON WILLIAMS, ceon l)ntit. .:N. C. feBOUO R C A W tli i r-Jic-du, Surp'i'on lhntist Tn ono, n. c. fepH I'- HlTENr . . u n,- r cms FICE WITH i' M. I GO TO ri? S. R. ALLlV FO Fl E ?H0T0ilGriIS OVEB IOUTIIEHN ilAlLWAV. THE STANDARD R J! WAY OF THE OUTH. Bttoog t U compellnl to chtn the alt Thre which eottlot- putt forth, in aworicg UUoij, a itmjKih hkh V io tta uodimlsbhol Uaoc. VLal i it! fakAral r, ijiy eaa, . )& of ocr trvotlr at tie eloU," ai( lho!ly. "La hemm to toale tte vaiUL UUtier&ihaUe fvuta th tacsaljL at our fta .Hat efotttl 1rmmUm.A. ,.t ... . ' ' ' TP I J 1? P I AO TT n OH I? I D 1 Hh .upon which etr.y -Ahr rrtstrkeJ Koiij I 11 Vl - I I fl I it I W IT iS 1 1 Pi V Hi maadr iatwlJl; a vitiated, de- lilog laUilJreel toclloc X 11 U J UU.U111 U UUUllLl I viUUd iri- . Source of weak- -r-rhlUielphU lrnl. him, L' right c ougbt ! force, i pore atr. tallml t aUh .upon which etety -Ahr retstrkeJ Kotici; -tT man urAt i ai wm; a viUated. de-lirl"0K i6iiHjroi loexur 4t- neai an I h.-y. A cak aiva Ul JoaklrThat. a !tr able to 4 Ao in a brides air. but I tVsailey Ye; tUt tr JUrs. - w 1 - . itea a venr rroa &ect T,r,fT--t .u i t.. iii a verr rrDai&eet 1 the oxygen whch we inhale with Mtku NToTCinlv Prn.-tm tirl fimrl in Li, nr fWBlf. M 1 J la, tt a CJriticnl Condition. which ha, e to do with Kuit .a iU character, atmo-pheT U Jatklejr Ah! tmm m Uvtr of perhap tha moat importaat. I o aad tnuw a drawer of lr. Now, atmewphrre in thU tec i LluaJIu 1 the air. These three sweeties ele ments, Wlien COlllblnMl mnlro mm On the other hand, two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen give a molecule of water, so that we may as well sav that -v molecule ofsugar consists of a union of six aloms of carbon and six atoms of water, which suggests . u V.R-.U cr iueu oi me property difference between a molecule and its constituent elements. Iu short. minors ruou eixtutci bM . ,. -.-j w ...... a a.a-a aa lit a aw a.Ai t 4I ta aa imi ww at ia 4Mt.j a.a aaa fining aa a'w aa -A. ta , a '-w a .... ""al fa f Later bnlletina from the Presi dent last evening betokenel the worse., - The physiciana, according to the bulletin, while not regarding hiaJ condition anything save more Re ri ft molecule of anv subiect ia thA I ous. sent out the following poruon or mat substance Buffalo. Sent 13-3:30. The siauce, while atoms are the small- own Bioce TOOrninS aml further est particlea in which the elements improvement is expected. This is combine either with themselves or I better than yesterday this time. wim aacn otner. and thn th ing the President brealhed hia lat wife lip, and then came gentle food- 7"" " " J " -UiJ U kok Ui tae? bye, said to the American people, I: ? ' , leaaly aake,!. whom he loved ao well and whose TKt aaairtia itwtat co. tvtx. t. Words of consolation to hU fP -piritof agroupff men ;Ia aB ay life.- ah aU -hh n i 77177777. e were the last that paased hi. of or of a Kft J; nOtCl lOQ FfODSI f. .and then came gentle rood- Wf ! eo bbti?lh.aMBt iTSw .... . ' J tHATilVlIi; CATrxrjt is a smalleat quaatity of matter known oae! in uroneriies ol a ar ticular element. rXew York Tri bune, Pulse 123; temperature 99.4. This, with as little permanent encouragement aa it held, did give out the hope that at lat for many hours, if not for days, the life-of i the President need not le dis- Fmrui UWrcn an Wmg-r. As is well known, more persons I paired of. - are engaged in some branch of ag-1 Then came this telegram ncuiture man in any other kind of Buffalo 6:30 p. m.-,Tbe Presd- a -a v a a I laoor in tue United States. For dent's condition ia such thatoxy- example, out of 22,735,C(Gi persons gen has had to be administered, ien years oi age ana over engaged but it failed in its effect. in gramful occupations in 1890. 1 He is ranidlv dvine. r rk a a - I m 0,00,00, or more inan one-tmrci, Secretarv Corlelyou as he is ucavi. u al IVU1.UIC, XJt I Ihfi lUPr PnnirW-mn,aI,.n UnCOnSOU. I In thia condition he contiuued era. Statistics lately gathered bv 1 till the end came. t Via A rrMATiWrivol YhinuviiMAMi Sa I aw .auvuuuiai xcuaiiuivuii IU I M wr .i . a ti 1 dicate that whUe agricultural la unaio, x. in la borers thai is. those who work dent Mchaoley died thia mornin for hire are a decreasing element I at 2:15. The exact cause f the as compared with the entire body president's death i not fully ,do- oi agricultural workers in tne f. I 'rif rwl Ktnta I vjuivu uvuico. audi nocca uao I . . . . hittorW Wn on ih JnTn Tt To definitely do so an autopsy ill be held this alia moon ine w like a common attunae toward Then ah tfaar Lr!f i-.i v;. the rriiooibintiea and opportuol- anas aa4 wa&U4 to know what Ilea of life. When a number of rt iowtr ateo vo.imi thai ea able aol f .rceful men are arreed bl theta to tall vba tbv ar upon a.tilcy, that policy, thoogh I kjte10ie,ro Ileo-rJ-rirraiJ. it hate bat a small minority of vote t-rbiod It, la hktly in the! CkurU- CUar. ou u4 Du end to nreraiL If the natural I la lvwa-r ta J fwt,,b miminimnni h.nM I leader t,t our air Uwm faith i th I " at f.2 4 to .. , . , . - ' ' ' I rJaat aa.1 aata manhood he was so fine a type. Only three timea from the time he received hU death wound did he speak of him who had ao want only struck him down, and It characteristic of the Prcaideot'a gentle, that in each of these instances his I ability men to better their con words were tbone of pity for wbatdiuonv tUere will come a peric-1 he, in hU broad charity, regarded I of genna! apathy and aeeptkbm as tb delusions or a mtAgalded I 0 poi.n anir. ilea bo an man. At toe actual moment i i nounce reiorm pnjTamtae or d ving the P.tident had long been, I prearb a new goapel of cittc aelf to all Intents and purposes, berood I ftarrtfu tu hod themteivr nn the world forever. For hours helsni'po'tcd ! put4ic opinion: thev had Uxu nocouMcioua. Jlia Hvinc I wilt ick a If in a vacuum. lie. Itecame purely automatic fano- fore i!cy on really arroaplbh tions, gradually growing weaker sn ;od tbey must create an al and weaker until at Itat they mopler of iotere!, teal, and ceajed altogether. The physicians Uh. It L the absence of tbU at had long ceased plying win. drugs I mobere la our eitic that make and restoratives. It was but ne-1 the rul of men like rt ti i UU foe ' ty Tit Ofv Oar C4 Cwr. m4 aa4 aava IVi'iaa ra a aat CaaMatf a mm (aaan. aa '(Mm t 1 (aav Tax Sale. less work, for from the moment I sible, t It i the abaroce of the that hi final collapse developed In sam MtSKwpbere in a State hkh all its serionfoeas they knew in maki n it pomibl to aend such a their heart he was beyond their man a-. Mr. Juay to the Senate of laid. Yet. with all the enerry ami 1 the 1 uitrd Mate-. A groan of i t.kill, tbey worked on and on until I s kf ! aplrit w bo tefa. to ao the last. It was too clearly only a 1 cH alaoilarUa of public actioa cae of whether the dvlor man's 1 Ucu tbey are familiar, and low last moments should or should not I tjt- or public men because thry be free from what only made them cecfu?, can create tbs kind ft? ltm t4 atari f itit4 m m ? IFJI. tail4 a If fxkm St. 1 cfw lb tmnt hmm A ! TkVa X. C. m4 U fA)cnt AntUri tl Crvker p-1 f. aifc 4 te M m inrt m I -h5 8. IlL.s- IC-s. t04 1C fXlltr , Jv html f, : a4 ClvsrvL rt!a i r4w lioi of Z' p rt. Xll t-t JHHfl A. VEDDCLL PRACilGAL EULXAiiCi; a; aftaa taa. . . a .. iM(ir mm aaa f a a- -a ... a . , . Ma li.a ( S .Mfr a 4 taa.- f a -aa a a. r r, It !--f a a : a, . t.4 l4 a twaaat a, aanaaa. a.ti-.-a ... S at aa. ?. C. College I' Iffriffi'.lnrn t IT r la&iiuttiiuiu u brHr.srrvriIme.iU ratlcs fcflr In frtlrp W. F. Thome. 1 fva5- 8 AYE & 1 1 0.:-:!3 Walni 1 a a i lS V ra! t !, I a. til, Ta . f m m W, appears that farm wages by the month, by the year and by the sea son were higher in 1899 than they were in 1898. Estimating on the basis of the rate of wages with board a month in the year, gains undertakers who. were summoned were not allowed to embalm the body .till efter this is held. The remain will be taken ranging from 7 to 10 per cent, are to Washington in a day or two to reported from the States of Min- He in state. The interment win The Direct Line to all POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO nesota, "Wisconsin, .Washington, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming, the States being ranged in the order of t rj.te of increase. It is noted that in the United States as a whole wages by the month, by the year lie whe then family wishes sua at Canton. Albany, X. Y Sept. 14. Vice- President Roosevelt arrived tim morning en route for Buffalo. He orseason, both with aid without had not then taken the oath of board, reached their maximum inrl office, but may use tne oam ne- 18C6 and their mimimum in 1879. 1 fore any justice anywhere. r . 1 . a i '. I uraasireeia . ,,. c.rtr- I II 1(111111 WHS ft VI ' a. . Get Ri .ICnba Qlcklr! liay " wcnK r.ru. Tlie ieople ot the United States Buffalo, IV i.f Sept. 14. .mis. T..,i-t fMHi nf I'ntva iMfKinlpv nritntl irum mire HUIIV l-r f -" " - -a- y I - a I ia tt 14 ! tw a4 U- r-oaft t U jrr mIVi4 U well l ft iol W. C"tW 1 lot I brw a4 Ta tav ' aJnukia-f U J. tl 4 . A. (.. tl-S m off &a4 4 a c U ta.S 4 W. ML E4 tMi!MlattiUl1t. t5j Sltoatlons Sccorcd i kit a f.t tMvtf i4 ia k!f f irJ i tt waits. I a .! lif ea ta ft - No fa I it a. N i.-ttT tl Il Wctk la aMtR. If It -- i rf iialrd. ita it fr(iI.t- wvU..iT mi i dUa ia tt. 0ft4f la 4li c-al. r.H. mtJtii I.- ficcfiti DuInssa If 11AUOOUJ C 9llCS I ia aaaaav laa. IMMW W HaaaaV a, t' iaaax, a Im aawMla fl. 4 lizmr t4 i i la TtMRfrvtnli Mr. TaU Itktr It W. TafW C, IS, I Ml. a J t , a.V POSITION B OUARAKTmiD. Ufwr 1S.OOO Ca Saa (aa Ta h, MaatrVMlMlaKf and thev will not have it. Good bye to the statesmanship that tries 4 to compass any such result. Woe to the pirty that encourages or condones such be'.rayal of national honor! The Pros has assui-am-es fiom War Department officials that by and anxiety, and 'stimulants bate to Ih administered. Through the or!jil ufimting With her hiUiud h wtinderrnlly.- but when t law- c ! more painful without hope of any tmo?pbrre ia which viciou I Katxi 4 Uu 14 f as tn IieueQL laymemji ai corrupt men Bod Between half-past 10 and 11 Jtr ither opportunity nor reward. o'clock the repeated assurance ol I In the home very much deprotU the express man who came from ion .u pue re. i r en uaren breathe the Louse ot the djin? seemed to I errt bracin- air, their chance convince those who were not news-1 of h ical and moral hclth are niwr mn that there waa no use I Iwlehuitely moltiplied: If thev in ataying any longer that the bnathe a thin, relaxing air, it will President could not possibly live be iiulkolt to train them toed until morning:. At half past eleven eieiN and power cf action, llomr there were not hall as many about wmr are wunout orucr, uborai tie corner as there had been aa nation, aelf restraint, are outplace hour before, At about the same In wbk-U One characters sre bred, time the crowds waiting to Dels- Home which lack tbmfolnr, ware avenue and the other closed serrnit v, joyoosnr , arc cot pUre streets ceased pressing on the In which delicate and ticautiful police lines. They reslixed that tralta nnfuld In natural loteltnc. if was over, and went home with Da Ike trueture f the homeita their sorrow. kiw anl diipline ibrre reta an The one or two who stayed, left tmwpbere which ia either ttlmn when Jodge Day came from the lai"g, biiiratiita!. nUlnll of house half ao hour before mid- wii-Iiy. r ilebllitatinjr, narrow, niirht and said that Mrs. McKin- s I M Kl.tin- ley had been told thst her hnabscd I I t the rfmmnrity, snd had but a few minutes more to - i - atmpbere H 4 a live. Jndge Day added that.the - . .rrality; It U a definite physicians, since the danger from tpresalog the pint, at Eentonltist ami bbmd poisoning harctert of a number 4 ad disappeared, were obliged to Individual. Kach man h mm look elsewhere for an exphtnatlon tblng to do with the ma'. lug t tbb of his ainklng. Tbey found that a'ni wphere; each nisi n.ntiibute hU LftArt was mnacula-lr wek. 'i piiit to hi t'ir., U n- Mt.d the weakii'S, in the Iil. id ALFRED :: CDLLEY! a aTiaaaa awl A aT lav aa a IS t I H. T. CrraaV cl I ! u-X . . . i Us fa nfa TAIH'OIiCJ. N. C .m!sJ"' VaaiaaLj ar4.,'fc-a " f ' . , a . a am . . J ;ra 't.-im.m ia- I HalflBCtflt 311 ATE YOU SEEK T, i .it" L"iLt Oar UU Pil Kil. Iixi Kt 1, Kit i-"I jai! a,r!Sraa.dtrt4tt, l...fc,c. mE : C!"4JAM'Tlr :J a a. a., a , a.a a a Jt a1 J a3. s Alt St! fioa ti- hrlli aaS ai pt-la.,. ia aiey way. aaS la tt Htjr il ef ty. The Boulevard IrfU'tt .A.hvavs-.-.-.F.'L(lO , aa, a aa w W a- av I wa w r a' a Two of TYlaay Stylco, )ilk Genera! CaS- i-J - . - lavoriic. cairfe slie bwooneti uu 11.1 whak IpftrDe1 frnm ,, extremely sick ever since. iwhohsd s iuh! the P rWV.it' Senator Hsnna Is ill tothty from ltysique. fitiiu the n c -t Strict I v I'llKTi i ,-, ; , went uu aa riiiiiii.u nl Iriic.-n riiuS; i'uliin.-iii Pi.hii'H Klenuiny m ul! Xiirht 'i'mius: Fust aurl fiav dv i i.o Southern and vou t . Appiy to Ticket Atent for Time Ta p. t . 14 Jt, uexi niy i uu .U3 0,, iTa,,., U ill tA.lv from iiVSiaue. w i have estiblishtHl their iiMlepend- ' . i..rMrcu r ffnvrntnoii Tt n the strain ni irripi. - 1 v i ! v.. . - . - . .1 ..M., a- u..t, ,...! ir!,xr Tin (in'u lcrr ! Willium M. k:''e- ri 1e !:. Ii Lull io, . . i i . . .. lwl ...1... i .. I.,- .. . .... . I w. l.. VtliOO :.t K 1 ll I !. i in iipuri . .i ui uirii iiiiii aas i . i...v . i " i iaii.ii ata -. - been done, let the United S atcs t .M uru t 0hif j4Uttary govrramcniM no umc in utKi, .i;Ma,. nrivate " ---- a 1 1 . if ,.T.v- I I040 i-no. k iu th head anv annexation at the fust call Cmp troojvs by Abra- Safe, Comfortable andi schemes of the lobby whether dis- J ham Lincoln, in 18C1, and servol i i journev. rnieoit in n rM.nirnruT nlnaE or tne j i . V..a mntnnnnii -J i tuwvv. i' j 1 1 iirinv I LI TT warn. av .....--- (kct Atront for Time la-1 I, tkA rnk.no'l!ni1 cald I . . . , Rhu., und floral Informatiuo. ,u,'r.,la 1"' conduct Be lme t'aptain ami ..r Address "ZZi", latex Brevet Major. In 18.6 he L V RN0N. F. Pt. DARBY, neace and carry on the machinery waa elected to Congress and waa X.P. C T & P A of their governments - I re-elected until 1886, when he was Ciiarw.' x . I defeated. In 1890 be was elected 1T I r A X lUbV . , v . , uriUU aua v.. . - - r- u TROPiy'E to axswph nnVHTTONS I ha Vt0vn nnnnnniw). if tn 1 . . . - rt .ltUn k. - f 7 . .. . r. . - - ; i I llUal - - - m I ImaArl V rt W AO BTTI 13 T I 1 KM . aa. visits "--r::Was made chairman of the ays in January ux, """" Ar. mitt which made which he commanas, is tne young-1 " " " . a . mT ms a aak . a nisi tiu ri u v n est son pi tne veneraoie xviug i mm v 1 j Christian IX He was born in framed and introduced the 1858. and married, in 1885, Prim- xrs-w triff bill." cess Marie of Orleans, aaugnier i . ft w elccted Govern- f J 7; or of Ohio, and re-elected in 1893, I 1113 .. v.va-a " 4 wmm -o, :v C, He wMc- in;; uu sntwiy. ah aui,iib. U 'vslcian aie present, ins re sult will 1 m"d- public this after- ntin. Keen iuterrt I- felt as to what the autopsy will reveal. i be details of the Innerat are bcincr arrantred by the family. It no th to accompany the cortege. The President's fate s niiiuii t, kim! hi I., i c; rery o- nlibu e M r t'tcala, her . ;. , and lut u lure to the .. 1 1- :t rt'U.ac r the ...u mii.1 ri- udice 4 her . I r .i I r- h li e t-ouutiy e I I i-irr. Hi la, .. !. u.i. 1 ii duly 1 1 lu i u ! un.au to iut liir, faith into their fellows by I nil -g jl:re qoalltic into the I W ant one ? e .mi. ,f a.r. The Outlook. 114. I I eu dim depr a rle I i hit-e. This Brooch tell how it I dune. It Is a lretpia. jro-HpUleJ, with ey prtte dtaim! -fathvr. muihr. child, awftlbeatl, aaf loted ot. Antiln-a fo a tistypa to a eiiict. Uf ll drt th teat atvd tatcra the ctiinal It ts a handaota omamtat. Thia and th K fat t V (j AT ' ai', . af ca inn r X C.t ?,. y Cava Va taitf ".tl S;.. I a ,ataa at 4k a-' tn.,.,. I ;'f a: V X 1 ;iN " Sarr gaa S-ttwaV- 1 K .i. italntia, the ex-Ooeen of nr appears very doubtful whe-j I t -""r, is at last receivioff i r Sirs. McKlnley will be able It-. i courtesy from PreaiJent I. ': t. but Ler husband a till LiriMM Hf R RATI! P - ( i i i it m w wjav w a, a w w j aw a w a m saas a B ia4 I .a.aa 4a4 1 1 a aa Vc. - - - - -m- MaM. ... - r""n I LEEE WE GOME' AGAIN If a present is wanted boss will b tsoia acceptable. It this cot doe not satlafy, call Torn Biaa.B I Auam 3. Ua. andWhliker Hatltf curea at nome wia out nain Book of oar ticulara sent FREE I DR. B.M. W0(H LEY CO. Uluce, few days ago in Tonquin., !0u: In 1896 he was nominated and elected President, after one of the Baron von Holleben, German mnt.t tihenomenal campaigns ever , Ambassador in Washington, is ieoced in the United SlaUs. I nn hid olace. owinsr to ill I vy- . r - - I t. mini nxeivcu iu-u..iu. Kalt. Tiaron Mumm VOn I . . . .... Hhwartzenstein. now Minister at nation Paiin i to take his place, Baron HAme opponent. Mumm was secretary of the tier- H shofc twtce on Friday, man legation in AVasmngron oe- a-m. ; b A ft0AXChlat fore being appomtea rI.p. u., ;n the Tern at rekin, made vacani,Dy wb niuao . '" ; Wv. I LJ a II aaJ a I j I rVM E and easily defeated his peaceful. There is no trace of Buffering1 pain. Absolute quiet reigns around the bouse. Buffalo, K. Y.t Sept II Mrs, McKinley's fortitude surprise evi ry one: Irivate funeral at Milburn House Bundsy si 5 o clock. Funeral train wjll lesve for Washington $20 Monday morning vis Hsrrisburg.on Ienn- sylTatya railway. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept 14. Booae- velt was sworn in at the MillAirn Hnnse by his friend, Ansley Wil cox, late tnis afternoon. Czolgosa's case will' go to the grand jury Monday. Trial will 1 held on the 23d. ppcarsllac de nt burial It will U re- and sample and iLca sob- m- ifna itat tne unfortunate pfi-i . Cnnaort "died Tery,soon af r arriving at Alrcria. His d.ii . letiuest was that hi re- scribe. AGENTS WANTED. Address awaiaaant a, -a aap a. aaaa.. aaaa aa a . ijA-aU i J aft i 1, -ai aU aa W a Xaai. a.-!, ail m . .UouldU crriod taVk to THE SOTTrHERNIHl il.,o,id?.Ua.l,iMt;.,!.c..fciMp:of.,cw rs.t,. th .nd of his forefathers, but , vn ifctJats - . :J - - U - the French government took no Tsrbom. at. U Zrlt .tuttl! C.tiLt. " " - - l- Jl V. . " at a. - - - - 1 0 - - t i " MONUMENTS. GRAVESTONES. 0r 1 4trUf t'- akca X. i I r;,dc.M:irks obtained and all Pat SOrr., - "" "Jr ODtlITC Ftta. ,u,i w-cmi ,sop,ositc U.S.PareNTOrrice .,., '-' "'epiitrnt in less time than those Kassination leler. l"n. w- . ' '""wing or ,hoto., with (lescnp-i char,. f patentable or not, free of J fM'i.H, if V ,,i:e Patent is sacured. f J'ost ,7f'H1-tT.. V"v to tain Patents." with t JUrte. Ad',"r" L s-and foreign coantries J " of Baron von Ket- tlDI UM in nawnray Twins who Lare reached the age nl tl run at.. 4 aval alill .t,.xn hale and hearty, are J alios IL awl Junius N Benhsm, of Bridgeport, Conn. Tbey have been in buai- were 21, prop pie of Music at the Pan-American ' new together since they w Lnosition. 1 th. remain Jer of I ;al h I M t bdf his short lif is famihsr to all. Buffalo, N.'Y., Sept. 142UJO a. ia. At 2:15 o'clock this morn- Tbe Iligbt I let. 11 D. Ferruaon. Bishop of Liberia, arrived la New York Sandy on the sleamshin UmbrU. He ts 17 years old. and ha labured in that conntre for the last buy year. He says l4lna T "."-"T progTirw.iT ana euaca'u, uu Ma m a aau i tfwr tbere are. about l,uo,i"o more na-irtk. Wris tm is. -l lue All leans m the country wholyr5" srka. are tola It utin. I w y u Urr aw, tva ai!t trvtaa. Ur a4 Uloary U l&t IVmiX 4 WW t ti-ra for Uk rte XCWikl . taHWIifir&aJ a C mTm A4 I A I 4' a w a. uho 1 r I i- tci cc:rtx iixaju ? liiis a&d Cnidrta. leir prop- rt. vt.j v. . t . erty j.intly. Tbey came from their Mil IC3 C3TI AiUJl t::r;i native vown oi aU.iaaiebury, ibo., I logemer, ana sianea in tmsins: on a capital of fifty cents. ' i IS!. Ill a4 IU Ql fX Ya y t' 1 OaLI3,,X,C31 niA. i t aJ aWt ir lo - - .4 UtLud rriils, " " " " 1 PetaTal Df I-w - t " 1 " AllcAbst ti 1j si tint tt. Iii'iifitBii VoK, I Pics aid Ni ;!" ta cat. ",fi.t,. ttt ui aid atlSaT Lc-a. A gNocal tMCt'cdl cf lUaltfa- 'Jfgb r t !! a ' C t4 ' ptttt. Mb'tt.r t li!itr iti Pt?r! Mr t i, U.titetk 4 iu Li I ai rltii-rxt Utt ! r ii, s t Mm m ii u:ori( fi i io. (toa fw i til !.! rt Ut 5f al lf A fW 9tC " tf aCal! lf f ! (. .tV. fi taf l it tl t" Y w a) itlt ltt lit y fir. b lH f llaM l l f (t f llwal aid l aw" S a Auc 1G, 100L L La 1 13 ria(LIlBORO. u c. a f aa

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