v - n 'J i nr. BE 8TTBE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHE AJD . D Orockott 79 NO. 18. TARBORO1, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1901. ESTABLISHED IS22 VOL. (flT MIf iff IT?' i n i n i ' ! . II! til! i . r II I l) Healthy Ore-fT . .front and wall; weak and ) foika are made vigorous EDtbe use of that fanjoua remedy- ' FREY'S VERHUFUCE .11 disorder of the atomaeh. Crr?!Uorma7 etc. Palatable and P?, MonT BotUe by mail, iftc PO81"! a reY, Baltimore, Md. " . i . -. 4 -1 J . THE POOR MAPI'S PBiTEB. Protect me, Lord, from thHe thv Faints, the sanctimonious few? Oh! save me from their clutches when my mortgages come due. Oh! pat me not into the hands of these. wit) men oi woe, - Who call this earth a "vale of tears," and stn veto make it so. Oh! guard me from the blue-nosed eood who tend at ten tai rnt And take a twice five hundred 4ien for niuety shillings lent. " Make me; instead, the debtor of some ' man with human taints; At any rate, protect me, Lord, from tbese, thy moderQ'Samtfc Their thoughts are far from mortal lite; they never, never sin;1 They strive to ore; Snrg-eon Dentist. TARBORO. . . . . ........ N. C. li Li. a. tint I'liiani'i $iwffeon Dentist TAltHORO, N. G. ekiok hou-H o nd 2 to 5. Sis go to rw. S. LLBY FO ' M .E OVER John Battle's Shoe Store ui unjiu 10 amiie. They sin not, and they only airr tn castigate e-n. But, oh! why should they count it best with cold and holy arts To rivet strong- sheet-iron shields around their stony hearts? Their ears are deaf enough, God wot, to pleadings and complaints. And so I prav. protect me. Lord, f rem thtse, thy modern saints. Oh! save me from thn aantifi-! thA too uncommon eood. Who tell us what we shouldn't do and . preach us what we should; Those faints who RnuoftA a. shilling ; twice and wear cheap aureoles Will take our cbi.dren's bread and then attempt to save our souls! Give nie, instead, a worldly man, with some few healthy stains. That shows he has the common blood of manhood in his veins And heart that swells enough some- times to overthrow-constraints; But in my need protect me, Lord, irom sen-appointed saints! Exchange. trite-Sell la la Ei1m4. There are more things in Eng land in the twentieth century than are dream pt of in all our philoso phies. One of them was revealed in a bankruptcy court yesterday. where a Worcestershire farmer de clared that he had purchased a neighbor's wife for a pipe of to bacco. Such things were common enough when the world was three generations younger and are com mon enongh if we are to believe J all we hear in rural .England to day, -.ItIB-dontqfnlwuether. an there are. Tkt Ceaalaff Eleellema. Elections will be held next month in Ioiwa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pen nsylvania and Virginia. With one exception v lrgtnia ii oi these 8ta.es were earned by the Republicans in the Presidential election of 1900. Unless all signs fail, Virginia will, as usual, return a Democratic majority. lows, Massachusetts, New -Jersey and Ohio may be counted' in the R publican colnmn. In Nebraska a .. 9 Tm a Mall A a m 1 MttSA C V " is to need of a IpulUt rrtT. That fact fwcm to 1 nndervtom by Populists a well as by their opponents. When the next Prrai- dential election la held there l no tikelibood that either of the lead- ioz jx)lltical parties will irinl the lpoUsts ss a factor in the context. ItaltimoreHun.Ind.lVnt. r MtaliatMl tain Cltl The MarinellwpiUl Service ha Jot made public the molt of Its Intfrrstlrj effort to discover the bmltbicat place in lbs United SOUTHERN IIAILWA. nl ReaMTcltalSaat 1 - A 'sensational turn has been given to the fact that Senator Hanna does not share President Roosevelt '8 views as to the way to distribute Federal offices in the South, culminating in the state ment that the Senator is about to issue a formal proclamation de nouncing the RooseTeltian theory, and then resign his office as chair man of the Republican National Committee. That Mr. Hanna may resign his chairmanship is, and has for some time been amon the possibilities. nu waa annum iu quu uin amu THE STANDARD B H WAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to alS PCIISiTS. TEXAS I FLORIDA, CUBA AF-D PORTO RI00 Strictly FIIiST-CLASS Equip ment on all Through and Local Traius; Puliiuau Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. . Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Ex ped.tious JouriM'y. - 1 - " Apply lo Ticket A'eut for Time Ta oVi.. R ites and General Informatiuo, or Address . U. L. vEUNON, F.R. DARBT, T. I. A.. C qiarlotte, N. C. Asherilb NO TuODBLE TO ANSWER ous duties of the place in the cam paign of 1900, bnt yielded to the earnest pleas of President McKin lev and remained at the head of the committee. It was -then an derstood that he would have sought release after the election. but was persuaded out of the idea bv some of his associates, who wished to restore the old party machine and control" the action of the convention of 1904. Tliey had no specific candidate in mind, but wished to. have their hands so on the lever that they could throw the nomination in which ever di rection they desired when the time came. The trend of the pat ronage policy of the administra tion in the South has served no tice, of course, upon a large group. ef machine managers there tnat their dav has come. It was in the south that tie 'liand of Mr. Banna did most in inrv. At the convention of 1896, when delegates came to St. Louis fiom Southern States pledged to vote for anyone he might narte (but had to be pledged oyer again, and at nn equal cost, to vote for the existing gold standard, which was not included in the original rtn,nftt t lift W a- -jj . . at glimpse of the rottenness of the nartv machinery in Louisiana, South Carolina, Alabama, Texas, and efsewheie. At Phiiaaeipma last year this characteristic was not so mi chin evidence, as the renomiuation oi Aiciviul was a innnluaion. DJ lie as long as man bemcs to sell and human be iocs to sell them to. But we may be sure that the trade in wives will never be revived again in England as it was a hundred years ago. ihere are sere and vellow files in Printing House Square which take ns back into a strange Eng land which none of us have ever known, and few of us can dream. Four years before the nineteenth century dawned in March. 179G the Times announced the sale of a wife in Sheffield for sixpence, aud a little while aft r ward the same paper solemnly informed the pubHc that the price of wives had risen in Smithfield market ' from half a guninea to three guineas and a half. They were good old times. Indeed, for the man who wanted to get rid of the woman he had sworn to cherish. In 1803. it is recorded, a man led his wife by a halter into the cattle market at Sheffield and sold her for a guinea. The market value of a wife seems to have dropped as the century grew older, for In 1820 a worthy husband in Canterbury placed his wife In a cattle-pen and disposed of her for five shillings. The century - nau run inrougn more than half its course when the good people or Uerby had theoppor tumty of buying the wife of one of their fellow townsmen. The wo man was led to the market place with a halter round her V tst and was anocaea aown lor t bieen pense and a quart of beer. That was in 1855. but we ied not eo back nearlv so far for Evi dence of the wife-trade. Ilbi"- veare later In the elrhtW v"- -c . Derbyshire, lor lour pence, the same decade, in the carry the State, although the Re publicans are confident of win ning. The greatest interest at taches to the fight in Pennsylva nia, where the Democrats and independent Republicans have made common cause against the Republican State machine. There ts to State election In New York this year, but the contest between Tammany on one aide and the Re publicans and reform elements on the other for the control of the government of Greater New York has attracted general attention. The politicians are In doubt now as to the result of this election, as Tammany will unquestionably en counter determined opposition. Oa the other hand, the identification of Roes Piatt with the reform movement in New York If not likely to add strength to it. Event ually the campaign will be waged on straight party lines, and this may be advantageous to Tarn many. Elections in "off years' are a tn of grace in whwn the ieils raux ' for the Jubilee of the Victorian 2v, two Sheffield men agreed to the buying and selling of a wife iu a public house in the smoVy city. "At. the Royal Oak, Sheffield," the' agreement ran: "I, Abraham Boothroyd, agreed to sell my w Hi. Specialty. -Will your lit tie brother sing a song for a rxo DV. -N'.w; but bell frow a fit fer a BKkeL. Judge. MoJs 1'ter since onreora turn Oeorj:e teaaes me by Lis!? ife mb we Uaca oi my nrck. fara Ob, be 'probably dor 111 because te can't aeeyucr face i men there. vfcicago rteva. lote ill said Mil (jvcnniL Toe mon .. ftf inM,:ilM . ... . .. i 7 .i1 na1 l - was aked if be kew -Lit made by the Fjay-serenth Con- . Uml F "S1" ,a lit- definition: . 1 ham 7nw' .i MIimantLotifstLraoartrs ",T aider many important question,' iun;m L k 1 'irr' !i..cludlng the government of the r -oa "p1 ThUippines, the granting of sub-J S-Umio- Wecl, e. I ab 8Ul .i.i; .v.imk.m ik. MAfsaiMA. I i : - , TTCT L.ure innabitaats to roUt or to resist It, afraid to c'atra the suttaUrioa of the will f the KacxiLce of her chlidrtVt selvfw. There was a time site the Re form a! loo vara her rulers, tta- poral and pirttoal, g!tly saoeat ed the oaJTu!4 ia drfsnre of ht faith, and then she did Dot lack the loyalty of lgUad. Hat a Church which ttiM to b fcad ctM to be lovsd. Were tberw a tnore tupraataral alaKwphfsr round the Chorth of Eegiaact we should not hrmr of a fall art lo f s4 mm for the mlaiairy or tot rw- are the baaU of iu curious announcement that lows, of all the more populous States, is the most healthful. Iu annual death rate U 11.17 rer i,ooa Ohio lesyls the leadirV Stalm in this repert, its death rate being 14.M. ew lork SUte's wu 19.33, hlch U neither very hlrh nor very low. A satirical comment of the wide fame of Colorado and Arizona as health resort is the high dmlh rate 23.23 lo the form er and 32J2S In the latter. Ari. toca's bring the highest in the while Union. Fairness require it to be remembered, ho ever. In it these high death rates are doubtless due to the nomlrr of la cnrsiiV eouAumptlvcs w ho go there only la die, Oi the Urge rltie Waahlogtoo has Ibe highest death rate 31.71 1,000. Philadelphia and New York are very cJoe together, with a rate of 19.33. Boston's U nearly 21, anil Chicago's U lJ.fci-lovrat of all the cities of the fint-tlass. New York World. usually doll affairs and. of little significance. The contests this fall will prove no exception to this rule. National issues were thresh ed over very thoroughly in 1900. and the lesult was the election not only of a Republican President, but of a Congress in full accord with ths policies with which he was identified. These policies his successor has pledged himself to carry out. The Republicans will control both houses of Congress nntil March 4, 1903, and their hold nnon the national rovera. ment will not be affected bvthel How do yon know he result of the Stale elections ne it ! JV "'"I Mi Cayenne. tmratuGOBAMuexitrr Ote txtt' 1 writea to auch t-ran injhs .Sut, wilh the eve-?- y"'" . . tiou ijoleiL will be Urntly o('" .a.ut Lw. 'i t.t a perfunctory cbsracter. In the ULl J --. " a-aiitc toa Sisr. . oi nvr.,wnen anew uouseoi jiiwr t . t,,,. .,.. i., t t.MrM .ui .tt ti. "brooght byanlMUU. case may be different. coienog the ehsrrh doar. ?for woo'.d there be leakars to Urma and to the more isssgiaaUve lams of dibl London Bstsrdsy Re view. Just Kcctiived: Om Cr of l!j-jif. Nw Artt TW. - - - ft : Ti. - - - C;U l"kr. N. ITitVtty tiy m m w a . a ttuoa rceafa at I AV-. S SAYE . MONEY Kiun Tam TctUts w Jl da tl. No t. AH)ti kvw to do i t rp Im hra wir. a Tks viur jasiia rts wr In (he Stste FederaUoa of Wo men' Clubs st this saorslsg'a r. ioo Mrs, Hegh P-eed GrlSs, of London, was ia viUd to addrtN the couventioo. Mrs. GriCa. wLoae hoaUand Is an American, lorn. ad the first A tsar lean woman's club ia London. The dob has Lrrotn very pvpelsr, has sUracisd wlde- tprrad attt&liott ia Eoxlaad a&d, ha the effect of rstaUWhleg a bet ter aoderstsodlsg brtveaa lUsgtUh sod American women. Mrs, Grl&a told abot the form- atloa of the club and its work. She stated that there was war prrjodl In Rcglsnd sgmi&tt ih American club woman, and that he, her-arlf, shared that ptvjodkw lo aotae crrTte. "The A tart lean rlsbweaa U so trtibly buy that I oflea woodsr. ad o do other people w coder, U he Cods any lime at all to proH alhome,, said Mrs. CinSa. berl a tory oore which spUy lllotraje this fault la the Aaven raa club woman: Thrre IttUe boja were teg-ether and tbalr childiah talk ficslly drifted to the Qumtkia of where they were born. Oos little boy asld: I know wbere I was Lars. I a bom St K Waahlcgtoo sLrwt sad I know where the bonae la. .'... - - - nl c& t f la cii-'tr I.-j lurwd la H war. f -! SHE 1 1 Na isl 1 tf No U;xrj to lie Li. a fa,!itf U e;ca. I: wci ia teittilnt. If it dcf trA all flu a fjaiat . - . . . . tX . V . 4 J ... al xr:r !lJ?f U a! 04.f IOrU fal riee riLL Call ax! ct tfcr Let it g. tl arnxna gt.oclkt ca Iiiitaal Benefit mite wu:orvAirAx riul C'TATX. B tea f tttv Ti. IK1. aa Urn cw.ua ' a (oair r. aal - mm- rmwi mm m ' a4 cttei a -a. ww u lw ii at fi-Vi. ttsm U U4 roac-A oa a. X 1 a 11 ar.Mfa a, aa . tx t, & twj . ttym. a.:. u kv V. --- t V- 4- at4 I' Wn. a-'J iafiwk4..U.. ! SMV ana. fm.tm lmm:t mn.tamm taa.4a.a aj rV.f.. Wa. nm.' tVwv, Si a It i. mm Hi I k.fcC ft! WrA. TU4 7c-tf-.ti. Ul at, ht aaaui mS i. W Uuml W I aal uk aa u- i . w U at mim .-.... toa f mumm Wa. I tm- IVaf 4 aa f - t ...i ! t.. . J.jl a4 lUr ft . $ 1 1 C aa mxm, fr.h T'W 1 n . WaU aa4 Vf4 !La"-t.l h .'. i fcMsaa WV trx mit,vjtg Ua a. UU4 urn c a-4 rl. cu. MHi . ttM- tut ru I aa f . mi ai . . BJa la iaaa F. alff 1 a. I los. llIiMl.av t Jt tin. i r.H. t'CNDUL 1L - tt'HT CL if J IT IT t $ J. O; 4 ib n;j. Iarad a. J hira l .ttu.! IMt,t v'.4"Oa la WtL (i-d. fJi.ii i-V WaAtwl. Jchn C Drewryi t t twcr. aii. a c. .JL- l a rim Lilllfui UWvl Otm rf tit ii. 4 t it t l ..;tJ. ca t 't tbe t.-fiiC a'uv liaa cf y c . - oca ia IL !srtil Paianea wajftf lajl la lie N.tta.a AvxaJ Sacr tt- r-J--s.iro jre LitCu. N C Clara, to William liall, both DL.1C.IJ s V M Ar a!H miKii ikiii liir iii hii in ata-iia an 1 1 ... . - ' " : BiiiiMi la anirjowners. the constrno-I Aimitia a mnn' - ...... I , linjr ThM-a U not veu the re- . 7 r i v." a-. - - -j, I linn rl ttn unm in mm arui hao. . l,f n.. mmwm. .. ...in . . . . liaf in thPHA esweV of etinso in? I""" . . .T Z """ " A tao.oatl JullMlfsW one's self with the rejection thai I .. r ' Vt- .Z . t ' " T? V i? T. CoL , a Kuc nr"! cr iy luraiioa Ifai. bo pnt dol the Crl I fcu. Jie I a Lja,Ua ll a st o i vsaiaylvssl Tratw, aadleaaUke yoa right to the hota. Tse third Utile boy WraiUUd so! thro easily said: '! don'l know wbrre 1 was turn, bat I k sow bra I was born. I ktow thrrw waas't ) bod hotn at the lime bet ae and gracdma, oaua molherw atths c'uh." J'.cJTaJo CVaraeTTia. the sale of the wife is a thing impulse. Often enough it is a de liberate commercial trassaction in cold blood, as in the case that came to light a few years ago iu which the wife, with her parents and two friends, met to arrange the terms of the rale. The price was fixed at 30 sbittaiigs, and . the bill of sale ran: "Mr. to have my wife, Elizabeth , free from me forever, to do as she has a mind, this day, Dec. 11, 1803.' The notion that a roan may sell his wife and marry again is in credible onmtnou among certain classes of the population. A pris- ouer at Leeds on his trial for biiramy pleaded that the charge could not stand, ns be had sold his sife for 3 shillings sixpence, ind was therefore entitled to nu rry again. Ttie rase is osreiy six i old, snd sit ut the same lime a -other iu t.i e whs rew.:til fr-n a vi'lii n..i I ii.-. ate, t. ; mi h'm..p t.i..ii-j t ttiln lu tl.c Police Court. "1, ljioch ChibH, United States it may be iieoessary to amend our tariff law. The de mand of manufacturing iaterests for reciprocity treaties with some of our European customers Indi cates that tariff revision cannot be postponed Indefinitely. The Fifty- seventh Congress, it thus appears. will have abundant opportuniuen to make a record which will not meet with general approval lo 1902. On the whole, so far a na tional issues are concerned;, the attitude of voters this year may be said to be one of expectancy. Next year it may be one of rrrcnt ment and condemnation. In the past year theie have 1-era nnmis'aVnble evidences ih the Populist patty io the Wrat i dis-l integraiiig. Many of He voters' w of that tarty wrrw origiualty Re , a a a a pu.iHMir- mihi uey are going uara Iu the It'iil'li-in fo.. (Hbr li.l.e 1m. Imii M in t XT never told a lie S .amao Ab, Wcel, but ye maun lbiw that m hue a done y.nir eir-l bnt ! msk' up for Ibf i-ir Lul' dt S Cteocy 1 3 iobat.: AUan. Mi Trust tt'iiai woalj yna say of a man hr dos nnths a t the, etei.li g bat male ah- ep a e -? " .i iVhave I a reply wnq'do't w .t my time with aurh a rent t n- be! November Sma.i VI. Checked; Smith (lnt ou liitl flir'a'ion) Ab, exoa me, lot i t!u a at encsgt? lVniale tnjmut (rol.llt) . N, ir; but ati.!-Tit-Bita Wintrto Ct.arvli It. the author l. tVUlMiiy,'' "Richard il, il iiai, i'r., wa Uu-i Si. It-'i, Niilu1 rr tetmlrnm wail. Tb coal of it i rattmaUd at f oO.OyO, bet iU Ci-e-4 !. or i no known. Is 173 t!e 1'ere.ayltssU Lnlalr crautrd lhais aa aa&asl prat ion of lti.000. It la a lajaa!t la, r.Urlald. ilh say tutie dawirvd falbar. jrd oce,. AajtUif ttrra i sU&cs, Wea do fatcra tte crigital It Is a taadaccs cf-rai-ti!.; IDCBu mi or tiawuicta 4 mo,- l a' i. H i - n' a-4 immkhi '' 4mm. 1 m ! r M I mmm '"" a. I r-t f-- i -. 1 t..ri a-a a a-. eaa.w a aa vr-4 r- " - a4 1". I il.oKi l rilh Arad- e l--i. li -Mtorn- , . . . . , , .... . , . - - . - - - - - i I uc inruun-i -iu a.iij, iai a lUir r vole in i ne luiure wnn uas or 4, wmm JntPIIIM II M i l SW IVI ticulara a-nt FREt ItJIlBMaaM R H WOOILEY CO. -1 - - . l.tttll 1 m Til mm IIALIII LuBl SBawwaw T. & P. A., tovpII has Ion enter- .,lUr,l"' T" ""'r' ' the Wet. and iu i ' .ni. wor.r. - , , W1M- iue iKiihraNziicii i-j ,.0 w,,,, , n ' - lainiu cuu. : rt m the wife oi tne purcuer ami A .. r ,. iha puininnru lscwu w - ... , . . : s. ..a- as a r - - r OUK3TION8 " . d Atw..v.,,,u,:r;,, :t,,77",vh qence in any u,u"" ' ;Qr Ttemocratio W """" while H is steaillly I Atlanta, 6a andWSlakey BWt c-urert at home wth nut pain Book of ticul&ra arnt F I DR R H WOOl LE Oiflce, 1M NorlH Pryor foregone conciusiou, - ftrtM1-ui n. Mh nnitt- ail- . . .. 7 7 f?LVlrliZ ?heir Iad llngtouicronrwife Nebra.ks. Kn xicpv .... is-i as mine, m:u Ik; onri ir, hiw th n.l.Ji an.l I . r, T t TT 1 North Carolina, The party I it factor of eorm Southern Bti. loaing groan. in lti Vt. Tha IX.nnliata mm The Jonkopi-g maicni s oi owe titltti w,h toe imocrats In Kau den are all male by machinery. Nebraska, South Dakota an Hand labor has b- en redncetl to t'wlorado'ln 1900, la the Preal minimum. The sticks sre cut of ,ential election of thsl year, bt apen adod, which is tongb snc were defeateil In every Stats-ex -porous, snd is now being import- c,Ilt Colorado. If the fusion State ed Urrely from Finland and Bus- tjcket io Nebraska is beaten at tbe sis, because the supply in Sweden election next month the rapid is rapidly becoming exhausted. Uec!ioe the i-opniut party lo what. Tie sticks are dipped ana anea lbmt8ate is Inevitable, lo Kan-. snd boxea wunov wuu1Cu-M, a feir yearB th IVpuiiats by a numan uihj. "-s"- contributed two-lnttds or tbe voir chine can pub up 40,000 boxes in wueo tjxey fused with the Pemo- uirl ruir aial ,raUiuv, t He sn eunor of the Atv st4 rooff' N-Ty J.wiral fcd msoatcg adt- nA. , -r.. l',.Hnniw.lil.n l ...I... Colorado, in 1 VSi'SsvSisvavayvs (SQlBi nt business conducted for MostMTf I Ouorrice nopPoiiTt U.S.e rtaT "" we tan secure patent in leu time ti "atsuiiil TradcMarkobUind and all Pat- rcca. riitOfnei ine than those rrriote from Washington. Send moflei. drawintr or ihntn.. with descrio- tioTi. We advije, if uttentable or not, free at 'ur?e. O'ir tee not Hiu. till itral la seenred. "pmlT, - now to Obtain fateata," wiinr v ".t .. uinc in the U.S. and foreign coon trie J iscnt free. Addresi, Jt .Klhnn aa tl Tl il ft T m;n;Bfration. and not take toe TT iVo riSTUteouBucoo r . . keeping more machines . gkT States where tneix p-i-y ed of nothing else He has there fore, sought the advice of the best !I0'Ti .r.;a irresDective of the tTv or race on his Southern ap P? "IJ'tnstead of calling Tn Mr! Uanna to tell him w W . P", k rtnine- it and hold ing Hanna responsible for the re- witnpu. him "ir'arheBl their allegi UUiohTn,loB.PipaUh I w !. m idH a. il. a ' 4 .a4 a J a i t aa a 1. ... a a a a a ia a I mm -i a 1 a. a day of eleven hours. Marriage Lict-nse Clerk Oeh! of Pittsburg, grauiea kk oars o'd to marry a 15-year old S MailiaJ la iSa saria at -Jtaflaatt. With a Ujlng popaUtloQ and a l.lrtb rale which eirrrda the ileus rare by nearly a tboajwand a t i) , tbel borch of RcgUnd Cod U-r prieaihood dimtniahiog by lraM and boanda. . The csuar a aliy Mii;ued for this alarming f-, aura as modern doubts, lb e MKtiiiaa of other profraion, tic f.r falling subaiateore for a e igj a-idifottb, are true enoufh. li i m deeper cause mut be lovkrd 1' ' There ran be nodoordthst w.iteihe Church moremeolh die It work in eJevsilog h s. ndard snd tone of rtlSrkth,i do.Mg away with sbuscs and rrrst- OMW.MIWIa akaOaatova. thi saaoncLO acauksvwa co, truat. I J.crats. Now the Democrats claim I to have a majority of the votes I nnnlitra waa a. imiiUn vnra . A - uacn, oi H'bi . and its dissolution will doobttea! t .1 soeut. The Irumrtt call ha license the Otner osy io ia.u, . aAAn. Tk Wm dud swar. tha rtima.nc. tha aetti. to be no reasoo for its coot Inoed tn n. the gtamoar of theavsken- tes. luA au efticieot marhlocry, it force rth. a n euthuiaam U to a great st- Cure Ca M Haaa. Ia C C . -.ii'ai i f4 This Brooch lis Low it is dr. ALFRED :-: CDLLE1I n Kttr.u. flSHBHSMBSSSBSBBISBSBBHeineeaa II- T. Rj 4 1 ! 4L TAIUX)tO.N.C admTn i i iUtu!:hTotici:. lla'Ui 4va!.ta! a adriiiirs toc ca tlm cl Cts. W Xirr. dea. !. tlis la io tAf ail ! a0'Si LciiiS claitt. CSt -al tU: to erwHtol 1.3 tts c ct tm! r-. jK, l)':!, cy tlia tte rt ssa Li,.,! i,,,,,! ,-40 1 i.Sadi.aU rTStt lo tx. IT as, t ca t f TLia sad lb i nrj L-airj: o h: b tit It a rra--it U ui4 1 wUl If lilt cl do act sstiify, call 1 see aassr'rw sad lixs a.-l it. AGI1NTS WANTED. Adirv THT SOUTHERNER. T4inx N. C SItnation SccorctJ W ' III Ji.rfC . tl. T.T.THORKK. 27 A ia'r O-s. W. Kur. MONUMENTS. GRAVESTONES. I1 f 1u 1 'l t- u F.lassey I l laaai aa Oustnete CoMefje tia aal Sarf ILa W v c- cm !Mrat a 1 1 aaMkuat 1 1 tl tunck a aw ta tu ftiijii asaaiUM a - a a Ttt Ccm tlUlM wttXJL IM ll 'UImI t. 9t T nflAVE YOU SEEN Tk rw "Oaaet O? .' iatban4 C M liaj TaXrtl Kll. fwibo KU. Kibu Calf cial al-t-.l ijr a, d vaiX a-4iame Xolicc to Creditors IUtaf q-alta' llaJttoimii JUT i.t 4OTraa4. tM- at WaV t. a k all fmwmf mm I frSiaalfba r Utrroata Wa p I U i aal atU Mkatri. j faa H M k iw tni sat at raj, laos. a l5a art r miS tm fW4 aa hmt a Uer a atwy. A3 . ran. U.1U1 1 U eM sasat .au ai yaat.& CarrMi L tr OrfiM S OCTaa. AlaiJS ViH WoiMja, as is iry way. NOTICK. Opp Ptct Orncc. WaMINOTON. O OA.ST n tu j Tha Kind Ym Han Always losgi ffi&ew York Evemno8t, Ind. we still have ax ip . it w w uu icaauu tut im rouiuium m m . w ihuuiii vi iuri.ru.i (rub " 1 u?n rr h':1 existence as a separate politic! .in revival have worn off. No' ice I ttrsby fit m thai nary diapHUly in i ages ,L."orgsnlialon. Ills probmbletUf lt couise houejmooo mut be sdakUtrslof of Harry Hsr.11. youth of the ,iJi'J in a few Western Butes, deajdie Sft.dcd by ham-drum vem of doord. I will tm iU Ulh dy tskm into ('D8deira"? tie vagaries which their party wedlock but thoughtful chnrth. erf Oct- sail st piNle nrtios lf in tLe PitUUurg iMrrubs iicesw chamoioned. the PboodaU did mea ar m of rrttaln tailor eah tLs wraoe.l HMatlr I mm miiiiibi eas 7 viiw " ffir. Tbe coupie Myers and Qrsce Pyla Are md froo tLawt btbara. aad a .idai sad l (1 tk-ay sr ik.J cf ssy. Two ofTYIriiiy Styloa. 7 A General Be BoultrZad ruvorlte. TJaaal suite i;ood in arresting the eo-. iw th Anzlloiu evsUa and putt! said llsrrall. cr'Sat'af c4 kWase a I a m- -.B... . a cr. aebments of corporations par to loucu lb rfeepr klraiUm ot the tcu Laxly railroad corporal was. is , numan heart. Her Buhwp never eem o,l;e to Ulteve in her divine attit bate and authority. The tout ox oqos urpnniicaa oaeuu aurea sprears alvss loo mnca I who were resrionaible ior miafov afraid of iha talmrm imr' r ai iiK-r 1 SToL. iL 13 L. rbamtrriaWatwHJ,nuirr .o wr , K0IU14 aiki Kebissk the Popo-- i u'li-werelMtrntaenUl la tnraing ll - .... Mi. w. I aao aaia - w. -v bold and oth-r liUar. chick eo-w bora. el Ibiaesiewiil lake rlaew nm tr . of UU ilarry UajieU. TAULJOSEa. AdnY V , ,1 ,111 V X J Jv a taM f.T'l-' X 'O atra ytt ' ,1 f .a.- I 1 t " t V f .. ' f .--a ; - ""-, A i I ' " t .-. - N"l2s6ssaaa' lal jwt. 4 . -v , , . .u..,h 4 aa a Mak y OHW W. B. BATTLS I icstoa A ZoeDar, what, aa 11 oh I'riikS. nsckl also. oav - 1 N

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