' ;i3fflfflSlKE. yottr A" jlQSgrtSCi tTouBJK AP.-D Orockott y , ' VOL. 80. NC) ALL IVOWEn: Wine of Cardui is the guardian of k mian -; JalUtd! hiqppl-.. ness Iron youih to oU'agc..,, Ii' helps her safely into womanhood. It sustains tier- diviu.thc trials of pregnancy, chBdlSirth 4 uiouierhoou, makiae labor easr Rti.l Ttrcvpiitins- ilooditisr and mfs carringe.- It gently through the d;ingrtusperiod J known us tho chanw of lifoc ures leucorrfacuasiiilMog t -the- fj womb, anl-nienstj-uul rregumrity-j in every form"."i?tl l". vrilualjloTiV" ever'-tr"is TK-riod ofinvomrai's system, icU -Uk(il-4m Ui3 geiu-T taf orgnwa,ad is lj "nbcNt' t":jjo S tor women. k;ovi ... ask: vtmr druggist for- a .00 bottle of. Wine of Cardui, : v r Batosvaie, "Ala-,' JnljlJ 19W? I am wsii.it M ink of Csnlai ::1 Thsd ford s Blr ;-Druphf. and' I fee) a diftertnt uoiuan lr;ttdy. Si.-Tral la dies here V;p th mcdicinr i i their homes c'l tho time. I ha.j hi.a girls and theT oie naina; it wltii - MnL-.Ji.TS WWW113B, For slrl imk! litrrfilare'tdUivxs iilin f3nufrfoniA, " T be todies' AlviiirT Il-.nrt-meiit ". '1 he Cbsttitiioega iledieuw Considuiy, a. 7 jW THE STANDARD P Ai L W A'YOFTp SOUTH. The Direct Line to all Dmure TEXAS. " 'ciLIFORuIV CUBA AND PORTO RICO I Strictly FIRST- ASS f uieut on a! I L'Ihmh;1i -s nd Fqui..- 'J'rtius; Pu'Ini.iu PiiUce SU epu-s;. 'ars .hi all Ni.Jrbt- Li-iii s; Fast .-tod Travel by tLe Sut.hcrn ad yyii arc assared a Gomfortab vnl'rl Kxpi'iiitujusjouiuey " Apply to.Tick4i Ajei.t fr Tiuie .Tai" o'a. U--it,-s andG njsil lufom.utipo: " or.Addrfss , . T P A '' . n T 'r.-b -a x no trouble to answer questions tndWklikey H?t.f t curat at borne w'th out pais . Hook, of Of pt tlcnlara wnt w be R-. i. urn h t a' llftice. 104 Nnrth Pmn m? LnueiuH -'FmHrOillis- () e of i he most jrotp-r'iis in- tion of y. ai i voii)en intBantt' Paujw.d i ." w.iler kept i'u " tb buil.tiu . . ,. - . .- v ; gius bept. 18 li. F f Catalorn . xd-lr""' Presi d it RTio I7s, iTittTetou. N"(J. " -- vV tl V- r- l i i i ll Ia NVtj-riSv"T '-a 4 (ipvt t-s r. T r fw vVc?r - Ortivrv ni ifttJuf T.tR BODO. N. ol no YEARS' Ex-prjiENeS" TRACE MARKS "T' COPYRIGHTS &C. - .iitot sending a slioh and description msy xmii-my ascertain our opinion free whether ; nn . :iiiVRnt.tn u pntnablr pntei'taWe. rjnimnnir.'- 'i.iiiis8trictlMii1ilentlRl. Handbnoko. P"ot"i, j, Mtt free. OItet nronrr for ecaritifc t'atuts Inlceii I'-fiat-'i Jlmul ft Co. tSviii tptrlal tutliee, n''M:.).it.v:e.io1n : .'- A hnn-lsomely lllntTl .freekl: tjifaest efr : eiilHtum of atiT KientitM GhikiiaL :Mem.t3 a". lour monttn, L. Bold bjult neoadealer. HQ 36iBrttadr. NeW Oflloa. ea r SU Waatuaetoa. Ol SOU I Lni Atlanta. 6a. ... . v f . a as J Xlulin & . anaab i " 'Eietiel kived Merey 4m4R7t CI I jraa neceasaiTr atnee they wart. r' ial, to he rery tialnt4bttit Tfrat Wti V.ome-and bake nqf bread fjukea Ezekiel, aecordlosly. "No," rmllaa Mercy, with candor, "for I AaU tuA aeea. thy "aoucir't .xom ha wwirtftromoter of dlcestlon .- ami merry father that Mercy .was aosewbatrl(J words the deadliest foes of dtseaae. M her own .rljhUrDetrott? Joocnak. jPr. J. K. Kennedy. edltor of the Iowa . vt t , . Health iBulleUn. writes an taterestinff "Now.f I were only (stride" -trtlcle r en, the yalue of . laajchter.; in latitho meaa at the- treakat ; . - ' h wmh fTBTcnuTe acainsi m aum o( scuitosjtthen---'' .Y ,4?nnjlseases...; The i physical -effects . AT !?,:fU5nibfr-i25f,i,at,p .0ns: pot down by Dr. -at 4Te .wora. for ihxea winters." o, Sunday School Teachexr-No. toyav hit would-you sy"f VK had been . -ict fleeiag from the bursiasttj: af riodoav and you bad ana . mr irT - nop ana jook cmckr UUle Boy it End. of Oass Ru&bert Washington Btar., . ' Z ; j 'u v .She (enthnaiasticaUjri llh. QevtK font yow tblnX the creates iv te u r Ij the DUrsuit of the cooh 1nMU f ma xne veanunuT " ; - - . - He T bat 'a what' I amhere for. u .---a , . Beware. of theolocUsa who haT no :'-aoae Child-athe. if mm 1 ',T9f of mirth; they are not altoceth the Bible in one hand and a av ar httmaa. n the other and an enemraparoached. r. .ki. - Ti A ,7 fV- - . feek. Farmers-See hereT Ton'Te beeaoaf is' aronnd here half a day! ' - -Tramp Well, halt a loafs better'a L aontv..alnXit2grEack. ' -A, foxmer governor at ffw,Tlt fraa soted .for the qnickhessof - ht wit, ' which seldom left a chance for re partee unappropriated. An KarlUhr- maa- wno oiaa beest jrhWay ClSJtpa S parts of this country sprXke with Woee lal ferror of a sight ha had seen la a vestern State.. -j .- i TX attended a Sunday aerriee for tha rnmates of the State pilsota, said he, Cand l learned that of the one oj Ired" and . serenty person now cod lndiherS,'all botjonr fotantanny.au. tended religious serrlcea Held la tha srison chapel twice on each Sunday. tuat is. a -wonderful thing!'' nat is a -wonderful thing! ; s -It is," said the gorernorithoughtfarv -vi . am sorry . to . say it Ja not a' vith us; but then." he added, soberly. in Mew York, you see, most of the respectable people do not come te . prison.". - - . v George Q. Cannon, the Utah States nan,-:once attended-an Irrigation coa- iress, says an exchange, at which a Irbwsy delegate read a paper oa artes an wella, which he declared always nought. water except fronv where they .itruck rock. He repeated- this state- cent sereral times. At the. fourth rep- ' ttltion he djfled any one to deny the-'; proposition, whereupon Cannon look sd.up and. in.hla full, musical Toice, . isked: : "How do you account for i Moses's luccess?" - Said the young doctor to his patient: ' Take one of these pi 21s three times a . lay. On inspecting, the box at his next call, he was annoyed' to find the num ber reduced but by a single pill. la reply to his inquiry for the reason, Mike said: . 'I tuk wan of . ttem wanst, but the man doesn't lire - that kin take wan St them three times."' Practitioner. ! Funnlman Hare you heard the ttovy about tha" two boles in the. ground? Gullem I suppose I'm to say "No!" then you eply, "Too deepl" Funnlman That's .not It at all. ..Gullem Not. .Then I haren't heard Funnlman Well, welL PalladeK hla Press. - - - - . ir,: . C try Bill Wall. Si. be ye pleased wl yer visit to th" city? I "i " ' Si Cirtin 1-bc. Bdt th' no!ss la L them cities u,i t-ui, vyinon y fe - narve3 at -fust, ;-. jk" Ha Ha I wmttto Wnf - '-"Are you able to ,? stand a ' terrible ab.ockT". aakedvthe rich broker's sard- . f ener, as he rjahed Utoas lermers I private office. "Heaven! What is ut speax, man: Tton't keen, me In suspense! I can stand anything better than your ter- : t, .i . - . "xour your-wue wjtt. urn . . . . ... , . A., . . 4 ,oon, with your automoDile arirer." :" ' "Oh! By George, yott had me scared , for a few seconas., I thought some IVttiSg might hare. happened l that new orchid of mine." Chicago Times-.- Herald. - . . . Ilare tut AfWr. wWhai, singing so earlja , la ,the morning!" exclaimed the boaruxng house landlady as she encountered Mr. ' Warbles in the bait ? "TJon't you knew '.. ,vii, to t ttufnr hrak It's unlucky to sing before breakfast rv "Perhaps It is " replied Mr. W., "t it -somehow I never fee-Uk singing at er breakfast" Exchange. 1 I- "What -made Langdon.. ao. shartl. Did he stunt his . growth by smoking .cigarettes when he was a bey?" - "No: he waa brought np on con densed milk by his parenta In order to fit the -flat 1 which, they lived." w a Williams, the notarww a m - iVa if tha vagrancy laws were Bays hat It tM Tagrwr wMt . .nAianVl TflffTV sneal .um " he could carry thwmanda at negroes away with him. BeantLs TldlifwYoiHiwiiwwiitgt rSigsatois CT' f ftOOO HEALTH. : W'Vfi Lath and Qrow Fat, Oae ef the '..- Secrets.' Lacxh and rrow fat," Is a'aayinj . as old as the hills. It has lone: ben i Jji accepted . fact that hnaior. is a ntcll fc gBowa 4t U not only a. Tat- J XAoxhter laereases the blood drew It nkrxMthe heart f :i " It expandaT the lunxa. . ; -"It jicrera tbe dlaphrarm. - It promoter -the tocalatloa of the spleen.) " ' - ' wer vorda, lane Met tlx f t6 vital nt&xmm of the body, tire tiem kealUfal exerdM and produce ,tali xhilaraaoa which acts vpemi JUA ayvtem much, aa A brtak "vraUD ix a m4P atniosphere doea poa tbe- ame-i a aupns allies to lanrhter Dr. Kennedy xlTes the follow Inf direc tions f or aseatal peaca of .mind: .A- Doa't take yoar troohles to, bd with yon; hanc them oa a chair with :yor trousers or, drop them in a kUss of water wth yotrr teeflu ' v . Dkt Kennedy has surety It the-naU on theihead. If his preserfptton and ad rice are- followed, hLtowo. bUs twlU. be decidedly 'cut down. . ... 1 PeriectW Plain. ' ' Uncle 'Raetus.who was aeeklnc1 in- faratkn etineernlar muahrootna.' ha it iwmi tittered by a - preteraatarally) aolemat student to the professor ui aotanyi and:wlth hat In hand he was sddresslng .UuLf; dignitary. ; 1 . "Would yf. mind tenia me, Vilitah aUndrale." he said, "how to sttng-' uiah a Buusharooa fa a toadstooL' "WTlIiBciyir rented tb- professor rn the first laee.: your must, remeaa-.. ber that the arasna jhalloldes. - or I aganc, uoaeij ( rwto uiea, vau. teampestrls or edible tungns. which Is war common -arlety ' and ae- deadly i agaric, closely j raaemblea, the. eoltttely lnaoeuous.- ' Neat. It will be aecesaaryu te flx firmly la yowr - salnd the distinguishing marks ort charactse Utlcr of the agaricua campestris, which are these:. A plleus not covered with excreecenee-llke scales; , gills, of a brownish purple' When 7 mature;' talk solid and -approximately cylin drical; ring aear the middle of stalk; base not bulbous and not sheather by membrane. The dlatlaxulsalnjr char acteristics of the amanlta phalloides. sr deadly agaric, are theses POeus de- Ititute- of distinct excxeseeaoes;. white gills, hollow stalk; - large ring, and 1 prominent bulb at base, -with mem-, braaoua upper margin. . Bearing these points of differentiation fully In mind you will nerer be at a loss to deter'-' mine which variety you encounter in say gtren ease." ' - "Yea. -'sun.- said Uncle 'Rastus turning his hat round and ; round in his fingers. "I un'stan' dat all right, but how's 1 gwine to tell 'e jpartf Chicago Tribune. j , The Rent Rag.1 It was about 10 o'clock at night and on Wells street not far from . Fourth that a man saw a - Chinese : lantern swinging outside a third-story win dow of a building across, the way. The building was a boxlike structure pre maturely run to old age, and he knew It to be a tenement bouse occupied al most, exclusively by poor colored peo ple. :.' ' , - ' ' J .. . : In, the daytime the sidewalk swarmed with little black children, aad there were dark faces peering ov er every sill all the way up to the roof, he knew the corner pretty well, but he couldn't understand why a- Chinee lantern - should be bung .out of a window. It had little decorative value, swinging against the lonesome front sud the man-who saw it coua.dnlt.rer member lbs t the day was an anniver sary calling for any illumination. A policeman happened ' along and -the man asked him about it. ' "What's the meaning nl that lantern up there?" - , . "Don't you know?' "Why no. The windows up there are lighted and there seems , to be something going on." ; -That's a rent rag. "Yes. but what's a rent rag?" . "Well, when some man gets dov.n on hit tuck and can't pay rent, h'nro a kind of bencJi :.- danci., . Tb.t other tenants come to it and chip . in-10 or 15 cenu apiece. They get lots of fun out of it and he raises $3 or ?4 o isy bis rent Tl sls a rent rag.' "What's the lantern not to do with tr. . - - ! . ' 'That's the way a rent ias Is edvr- tliu-a. When that lantern is ort the colored people know that some one Is giving a daacv to ; raise re'it i.i.intr. When some one else gives a 'rag' he la supposed to come aroand and put In his. bit It's a good scheme.) only they say some of them try to work it too often." Milwaukee Sentinel. , Where Hmtery Repeats Itself, .--Over In West Virginia oa ofte i -'the " railroads is a Mlt'.e town called ' Saw yer.' Close to the town the. tr&ln pas ses through a tunnel, one day a nice green-looking young couple-were, on the train, and theyi never weemed to know that there was anybody e.se ott the train. Oblivious to their sur roundings they were like . two souls with but Jt single thought While the train was passing through the tunnel, those near the young couple heard a succession of auspicious smacks some thing like a kiss with a dozen echoes. After the train had passed through the tunnel the rakeman came through the car and ceiled out "Sawyer," and the timld-looklng young man looked up and said: "I don't give a durn 11 you did, we are married.". . , ' 7 The vtctlme ef the Owen Cherry Tree there Is any vedrera fer them. Mr. Patter- aon U rcf.rrrna tbem to Mera. vn aud Rucker. of KutUerfordtoor bet he oee not tl Ink that the ataad much urococt of recovering i fcir - -lU lie! Tn kra toon BaCt - V- SAfALi JT 1 TARBGRO',1 N. ;.0fx2jIKSt rY, JANUAR I r'-J-iT' '-"I '-'I .t' l 73 a ciwae ef Vafkrl tg VmtLk - 'AAZ&riX .:. ef Klnt x Meoeataaiagl.!kLl3.v. Ira - tad hat, x.ttTtft and beast arwai-TBf t !neo. Meoaehead Lake, to whom Tr w... .. ' UTIr"-- Us of. bird and beast are . an storr. -which he declaree iaUaeT sepea book J tells the toltowlog little - 'Near the head ef Spencer Cay la aa . - i H i .w";w.4 fii Ume deer are w-atoa fj ;;- Lolloi exteiulTe marsSu. where In the summer j Deutschland, and among the paasea where in the ti-the lordly mooes Jtime deer are wont to teed and frolic, l ters were a couple of German uaiver comes from off the mouatala'to matai"jwhereifn' tire- fall thi- lordly moose -.slty students who were coming over to and where, at all seaaeas of the year,.. eomesfrom;o2I the mountain to mate. tudy - American political coadlUona srtuskrata Innumerable have, dwelt end where, at all seasons of the year, ; end Incidentally" (this with aa arch Not so far away la a smaller marsh. Ibauikrats Innumerable have dwelt smile) "to discover whether "American where for many "rears, a colony of Not sd-far away is -a smaller marsh, j girls deserved their . reputation-; for beaver haa lived la. coney hnuses built close by tb m terU iz i '7r twaV tlttlei fiommuc ties aev r k ;'gtl v cwse ay tne waters edge, Tnese two rails, but 'Uved aa& prc'ei ii p Uttle. immunities., nevet exchanged py exdut'on. I t ' 'r. ' v l?an3!31' bt lived. and prospered In hap " kThicvinfi4it;tkf .16; t .... rrwnnslaa.,;--r' -."'-.- ktra lut'irvhr -mrt tnl t ffc- ' f .The I KOin OOf Of" the lul frtH the Mni uMMMiih 1 A pmy - m, m f . j the .'two marshes la Saeaenf IrijJXM farce one and the little i pletely covered. Now, - the d4 nofrmlnd the- fiood svbitJ from one hole, they awoght further back, and when there any more holes these happy-ge-lacky -vagranu set up hfifcl 3erSy5ln ,a. feuga.plle of drlftwoudavus to ng a meal or a wink of sleep. -Out with the beaver It was different. The Industrious property owners suf-' tared' severely, and when the walsrn ef .moosehead Lake at last reatded tho ruins of the beaver lodges went With them. The beavers did: not aft arid sulk., neither did .they for nv tent think of buildfae) in the netae old site. TheyTaeuf hf . tr'-'her t think of building again on the around, where the fl rtfi flsflf nrn i . naf' Wd-slte- uThey ' sought higher spring could not reach them, and no abound, where the floods of snoilur , It came about one fine moraine when Prlng could not reach them, and sn Use-" maskrats - came dowa eate the tt cams' about one fine -morulsx when maral.to pUy they found tatrjtver - the mtskratS'.ieame down onto the thre before tsfar tfm I h "marsh! to amy they found the beaver ;It was a.lar gjmartk, aa.Tera I been there before, them. . stated before, -at4tas 4iWrt It was a .large marsh as has been ! enough for both muakrat and beaver, stated before, but It was not large War, was at once declared, and the enough for both muskrat and beaver, war ended in the breaking up of the wr wea attmce declared, - and the muakrat colony aad the aeateflag of war eadeAra the breaking up of the the .reinslonst thvhares otSpeneer i" muakrat -colony nd the scattering of Uay(r i f i ? S f Two hUh Xronkbhjnasa and on the farther side of the bay I was a' :lump pf poplar trees, which the bear er selected as he best material avail able for their new homes. All day aad all night they sawed, uatll finally they 980. floating in the lake and compactly rafted . several hundred logs Just the tight length and thleameeavdesjr wp-to-late Weaver houses. iJLadfJhtA. the troubles of these busy but aascrupu Ions little builders began.' .They could not even atir the raft of 'ogs from shore, to ear aotalas of towing It two miles aeroee tpencer Bay-to the marsh. - f AKvery bearer la the ' colony cunimoned, to the task.- Teaaattaad, ! Dia IV4 f Whtmw f WwUa Wei 9 rVlia i :hey pushed fid jailed, but they eoaldl aot budgetfcat laft df timber. ;;-'" Then the JMad-ef the beaver colany-' iailed-the other beavers together aa the raft and laid before- them this re- nsrkable nronositlon: If the muakrats would lend a helping band aad tow the raft up Spencer. Bay they (the bearer) would. perrJC tham to 'return to the big maraa. wbeee they, halght live without fear of molestatlea. The rest of the beavers agreed, aad the mnskrats, when appealed . to. also agreed. And the following" morning, before the waters of the bay roughed no. the deer and the aauirrela and the gulls beheld with wmasenteat bearers end IrauskraWf shoulder to shrrar'.'ulle beheld with amazement Lea vera Dushlsr a raft of kcs before than anf Spencer :Bay I 1 7 , , t t ' s ' yne nouses are euur, ana tnei eear - er are In thenar . And all about are I tnpskrat holes, and muakrats In 4hem, ; too. 'And beaver and rat who are at ; war everywhere else la northern, ' Mslne.-sre -aring together 1 peace ea the Mg marsh at the bead of Spencer Bsy. . .- AIbins.1a the- Animal WerU. , Recently a story 'has been circulated about sn alleged offer by the Smith sen Ian Institution of 11.000 la Cash for -the tkla of a.whiU deer am aal rial, of that -dewerlptl-.'J having boen seen somewhere In the Northern part of New ," crk State. t , There Is no truth In the . tale at all events ' nt so far ss the Smithson ian is, concerned.. White deer are by no meats so rare as most people: wop pose, though one wou'd hardly go. out hunting' with the eapeefatioa or:ahst :lng one.' .-Albinism . Is specially. .-frei queut. -aeaoug the email falkMB .Aer, rnd the National Museum alrewdy-'pew- -tensts two or three whits deer sklaa.'4 (n Its collection .of anlma's Is as;uf - ted European dec; , that, Is entirely , white, "' ' V v . '- .. . Every now and then -people offer -white deer skins, to. the flmlthsoalan. alwsys putting huge prices on them. It Js tiesa.r wsr witavotjmr g&ds of animals, albinism being aot aa in frequent phaaracxMa White - rac coons and wlkt opisinn occasion ally turn-up; ..whl rats and .white mice are faml lar to everybody. But white rats that 4 ariuallar. white, and the same may M sud zi some white cats. whieh4e-3rjra' pjnk, eyes. Albinism, of I-.JWK... means simply absence of the dnmal pigment, for lack of which tie h-1. 11 eoierieas aad the eyes plnkw lt Hi noi e very la frfahenr nhf-n'iittuo'r- Mi' human be ings. : Tbe'inntnesV.of tHe eyes U due to the fact that" tBe Itufdff membrane. , . br retina, has uo V.axk igmeat hence the blood vesaetc - in. me . memnrane thow and the. ryes are weak and . daxxled by light: The function of the pigment Is to absorb the light that en. ters the eye ', fj.'j " ' f .. . To I certain extent albinism U in herited; and Jf -fit posstMe to pwrpetnv ate'U by Interbreeding, animals which exhibit the phenomfnon.; In thla way ." white rabbits with" pink eyee lavs .been propate. ;sA; an. tn 'makw. special strain, ana tn ease tntng- nai been aoeompliahcd: at K mlaonnd ratai wpecial. atiain, and the same thing has Doubtless niraoe.of aipleo hnmanben, been aeoampUshed with mice and rau. lnga could be produced., ha the aaasrj-Doubtless a race cf albino human l-e-axanner, " t- - . i" lugs could be produced In the sat . xewsrv Mr :tim to-daw mt " uu nOwxC-' ' . ,: - il 'rw.irvrmil.j'TT''-' .. i,DV JT1!,' LZr7''a ny.-tMo.- 4Vy. . wWtt. ,-n, ICln- 4, -f- . k. w w. wsca avi as baew drMUiw. frlr. .vu. oon 1- V- ' fjor i .Bgsstvje wKwwwrf imtimii - - . . BEAVERS. ' Tne 1 Ceased War en The Maskrals Be- cause ef Valuable Aid. story, which be declares is true. rv Var fhn ImiiI nl flMnmr Rav fa an where; for. many -.years,, -a colony, of heaven has Uved In eosay bouses built lakn last aoHne w fallowed hv an al. ., - " T w r- - j most unprecedented rise 01 water, ana the two : marshes ra Spencer Bay., the dents, were called because of - their targe encand Lb little one, were com-, cherished little mustaches, became lm pletel covered. - Now., the muskraU mediately enamored of the Boetoa did not wind the flood a bit. Drlvea JbaUes and devledthe most unHke from CBe.aoie, they. sought another ; & tchtmes to attract their attention further back, and whan there weren't ior to secure an introduction. , How any more holes these happy-go-lucky overall thlr neaUy laid plots failed, vagranu net up; housekeeping la a;rth irU tre well brouaht up and huge pile of driftwood, never losing a meal or a wink of sleep. But with the bearer It was different. These indwstrfooa property owners suf fered severely., and when the waters ef moosehead Lake, at last receded the ruins of the beaver' lodges went with then- Tha bearers did not sit end sslk, neither did they for a mo " aioag ine snores 01 spencer Two miles from the marifi and on . : the farther aide oT the ' buy was a elnmp of pophir trees, wbtth the bear er selected as the best material avail able fan their we v home& 4 All day aid all night they sawed, uatll finally thfy had fioatrog la the lake and compact.? ratted several hundred logs just the right length snd " thickness for up-to-date tieever houses.' And ' then the troubles of 'these busy but unscrupu lous little bulieer. began. They conldnetjcven stir the raft of logs from." shore, to "say nothing of towing '-It' two n Ilea -across Spencer ' Bar Jta'th lnxrah: . - -stvery' beaker-In the - eolony I V ' vuuft uv nld.iblg and little. - weak and strong. tbly pnahe4 aad pulled, but Uey could jMtiudge UU raft of timber. - . . The the head of the beaver colony ' called the other beavers together ou the raft and laid before them this re- markable proposition: Jf the muikiats would: lend a helping hand and tow the raft up Spencer Bay. they (the beaver) would permit them to return to the big marsh, where they miih: live without fear of molestation. " The rest of the beavers-agreed, aad the muskrata, m hen appealed to, aso agreed. - And the following morning, before the waters of the bay roui;nd up, be deer and the squirrels and the .and-muskrsts. -shoulder to shoutdcrH jv tnsalsg a raft of logs before them up mucrv oj Tho bouses are built aad the.beav- rr are la them. Aad all . about are muskrat holes, awl muskrata In tb?m, too.. And bearer and rat who are at war, everywhere else In northern Msine, are living together in peace on the big marsh, at tho head of Spencer Bay. ; - , , Albinos la the Animal World. - Recently a story has been circulated about an alleged offer by the Smith aontaa -IaaUtntloa of fl.oco m cash tor the akin. o a white deer an ani mal, of that .ueacrlpti-rJ ha Ins bctc seen somewhere In the Northern part r New ,1 crk Mate. ' There Is no truth In the tale at alT events, not so far as the Sc.Uhsan laa Is concerned. White deer sre by no means so rare as most peote t:, j eoae, though one would hardly go uui iantlag with the ex pec tall on of shoot tag mei Albinism is Bpec::! fre tuenb among the small fallow 'deer, gnd the National Musenm alri-dy pr sensae two or three white deer skins.. In Its collection of. anlma's Is a stuf fed European deer that Is entirely White i. rEvery-now and then people offer white deer' aklna to the Smithsonian. .always -putting huge prices on them. It is the same -way with other kinds Dt anlmale; 'albinism being not an la frequent - phenomenon. White rac- -xoana. and white opossums occasion ally turn up; white rats and white - km ice nre familiar to everybody. But white rata that is normally white, as 1 tha name may be said of some white data, which do aot have pink eye. . Alblnhnnof course, means simply abaance of the normal pigment for lack of which the hair la colorless and j the eyes pink- It Is not s very In- j ireqwvBi pmrouuicuuu lu uuuiui do- tnwa. iThe pinkness of the eyes is due an the fact that the lining membrane, at retiaa. haa ao.black pigment, hence employed la crcavstlog for the foun the blood vessels In tho membrane datlonn. The Ute Lord Bate waa ea show red. and the eves are weak .tnd ri('d for over twenty y.n-s In build- dazxled by light The function of the pigment Is to absorb the light that en- ters tha. eve. , . , To a certain extent albinism is In- Jvrited. aad k U possible to perpetu- ate it by Interbreeding animals which exhibit U phenomenon, . In this way i white, rabbits with pink eyee have Been nropaiea. no aa to maxe a lttoraey-Ganera.1 tnwauoctlon whetv the new provUion la the revenue c ' taxing lnbwrltancee, which w3 rstlfl '-l m the aftaraoon ct a certain day. ap plies to a case ki whlcn a man uiea on aey-Oeewvei deeidee that It does not apply aad says this l the one csre In wbtcb the eeuitv agrre that p-wts of a lay must be recognised and cosal- 9. 1 902. ''"-, '- . .. ! ROMANCE OrTHC fiKA. CwpfcTs Strategy. Oac Feil.d. naa ly Scares a Vktery. 1 had the opportunity," remarked a young lady prominent In Baltimore society this week, "on my way back from Europe this summer, to be aa ; Interested witness of "an extremely , Queer love affair. Wi Ntarua nn turn cnarm. Among. the JLaertcana was a psrty of six bright sad pretty girls from a Boston academy who had ssade a tour of faupectloa ad cooauest un der the guidance of a mature ard for bidding chp roue, one of the senior professors of the dead laaguacea - la 1 the institution. m. . . , - ' uirj proteaaoreor as me siu- discouraged all advaacea The situa tion began to look blue for the young men, who showed such unmistakable sigas of heart engofth as , to afford general amusement "One night one .of the girls, desiring to get a book which she had left in another stateroom, started to get It she wss comfortably attired la a loose wrapper, snd her beautiful hair was gathered lu a Psyche knot fastened with a single hairpin. Trusting to the darkness to escape without attracting attention, she rushed through the pas sage wsy and, as will sometimes hap pen, bolted into a cabin occupied by one of her German admirers. "The latter thought he saw his op portunity to renew the conquest bat the resourceful maiden promptly pull ed out the single hairpin aad let her luxualsnt tresces fail la a ripple ovet her face, thus effectually concealing her Identity. The admirer, bent on finding out which of the three girls stood before him and yet not daring to PUll away the hair, which she held tightly drawn over the face, pinched her cheek, boring by this meane to leave a mark whereby she might be recognised. . "Imsglitu his chagrin next morning to find all of the girls with precisely similar marks on their faces. They had aa pinched their cheeks in the same way to defeat hla design. How ever, with the proverbial conceit of masculine lovers, be selected the fair est and most attractive of the party as his nocturnal visitor. lis redoubled ail his efforts for aa Intreduetioer but all his attempts, were frurUesa until he. htt upon the expedient of Tatsresttng the chaperon by simulating a deep in terest in the dead languages. After that the courtship proceeded . rapidly, and before the party bad set' foot on American soil vows had been ex chanced. It should be added that tht fiancee was reaily the girl who had b:ui:dcrr,d Into the nicest fellow la the world,' as the young lady ex pressed It "The volume which turned the scale In the young man's favor haa been su honored plsUlon of his den, next to perblyound and placed la the most the picture of the girl who stumbled into a husband." 'Natural Perversity. "It just seems as. though things were out of Joint ulth me and Nature herself perverse." uid a saffron rom plexioned man as an Inquiring friend met him in the corridor of a Broad way hotel. "Last year I was in a bad war. end my phyrlrlan said if I would go to the mountains I would get welL I did go to the mountains, aad didn't get anything but a bad coid oa top of a worse liver. 1 carried them botn through the winter. "Then a few. weeks axo the same physician said a hat I needed was sea sickness to turn n.c insiae out aad make a new man of mc. oo he ad tis. d ire to (o and get tick, I went to Pcrtland and bon ded a smalt ves sel for Newptt, News. You I was goln to make s:ire of It J got all ready for a first else attack or sea sickness, and. as usuai, wss dli ap pointed. There never was a smoothwr sea than that 'which I went over. The captain said he hadn't seen such weather and such wster ter so long a time In a sea experience of forty yesra. That ship moved along as 1 jough on a greased track, and hadn't p.-.ch or roll enough to agitate a glass cf water. "It's bad enough for a man to ix fl'.aappclnted when he tries to get welt but It Is real y too much for human nature when he can't get sick sflar Ujing the hardest he knows haw." Took Years te Batld. - , Persons who are dlsplaed to grumble at the length of time required to finish the capltol In Albaay should take heait from the example of the Cathe dra of St Ttt'r In Cologne. That structure was C32 years la building, li as bekUii .a 1ZS aad was pro nounced couip'.t.ed la The great cathrdia' of Vl'aa was becun rn 1286 aad was aat completed until 1&06 19 years later. . Itoaic. met Caaue, la Cornwall, took ninety years to build, and cnc-thlrd of that time waa in his sreat raiace la the Isle of f Bute, and hla sarcessot is sJlt. at i"ork on i. It !a ace of the Dukes er Atmr. in acciiaa.i has beta bnlld- - Ins: elncc 1S50. snd the wo:k is Ktlig oa. - So. after al . Aa Ci la Albany U aot "lb. oaiy one." wo:k Is aUU Capitol la the casts of the other bcliass tcen tlonrd. however, the money lor their construction did not come entirely cut of the pockets of the taxpayers. wMch. after alL makes a eoolderahee ("tTtrenc aa to the .manner of looa 1 al It Mi-s Emily Oretwry Cill-ea -And Mr. iterUng M. Gary we w m-nl d ay in Bt Matk- '"'urcl ! ItallfAn. 7te groom Is ilk of tb. Sper '-nrt of the.c- - Th-a ft:rnjon i.t- Luey t" ti e- and Mr. Chart- r. Pipjr. of -i'--iry. rairled. MIrs Arr'-r- -o. ef TtmJ.: aa, aud.Mr. J. W. Brwnev wffl WA J-c-arry tt. Tn merrtage ,ol IoaKlne Mltcneu. Ol tvawro. ;taud Barbee. of I Una PAt tmnlsed In the Piesbytertaa -CkUSWBt' - iiw - ! ""..-- j - - ' ' , . . . THE REO.HEADS; Tbey Are Banded Together la . n '; Uaique Club.,f Ob's of the large detached bureaus of the laterlov Department! In which are employed several hundred clerks, fweters a turilnae society which has been dabbed "The Red Headed CInh." There Is hot the one obvious oualll entlon for membership and the losar. Wl atrength of the body Is neceesar 2y limited, sara the Waahlnxtoa Times. - .. . " ( j , ; The society Is defined by a member an being a "society of protest" but strictly social. tn its atrra It haa no philanthropies! nor political . Ideals, and there Is no 'danger, should the Idea spread and become national In Its eeope. of the Tt H. C putting forth ft candidate for the- Presidency, : ' . It swans that the society originated la a rebellion against the sntlrjuated and moldy .wltttcirma Which red haired people In all parts of the civ ilised and uncivilized world jars sup posed to enjoy.. or st lestt to suffer with a" sickly prttense of eajoymenc . "Just whst there Is In the fact that a person possesses red hair that would call forth the efforts of the would-bo wit may never be learned . said a young lady who is employed t the bureau, "but It Is true thst from rime Immemorial red-haired people, cava suffered boredom from the shafts of a certain obnoxious type of JokerT Yet It bsa been left for the brlght-hesded employes of this bureau to formulate aa erganlzed protest" f -The air of mystery which surrounds the , meetings of the members is a source of, greet pljue to their feiiow cirrr-a. it is siieged that a constitu tion and bylaws have been drawn up defining the purposes of the Club, and that rhe president Is facetiously re ferred to as the "Most Lurid Lumin ary." The other officers aad mem bers as "satellites." "leaser lights," tt. ' : A certain young doctor who is em ployed in the bureau Is reputed to be tha president - of the club. He not only boasts a ahock of brigbi red hair ef the most. Approved co'or, hut re joices In an exceedingly Ittxurlaxt growth of flaming beard as well. When questioned as to the snthen tlclty of the report or rather the Mest Lurid Luminary." the msdlrrJ man laughed aad refused to cither af aim rir deny the report The doctor. In ifUetruIng the society, called at tention to the fact that sorre cZ the grtct pcrsrasges of h;tbry were red-haired. TYirM la i.,-ti.-.,i . - "ruddy youth;;- those trrsv s of the i Sainted -Maid of Orloana m hlf-K HahI an brightly beneath the royal fiaer-Ce-11a of France aid mingled so pathetlc ally with. the leaping flames of Raelms are hutorical; St Paul was red-haired)- the lovely but 111-fttcd Mary Quern of Scots had a natural crown of ruddy gold; Julius Caesar and Martin Luther are alleged to have had red hair, and so had William Morris, the treat English Socialist end our own Thomas Jefferson. Enjoyed If. ' "How did yon enjoy your vacation V "Great! I sent my family away and t stayed at home." ' L. A. Uilrrcre. ef Ct-U--o. Sttorrtejr for T.e tr. ic'1-tlk-k chu wIo fcntr Jul r nurrr l ti.i fitrctiarr. i 'f. r U;rl r- r Laa ar.'Ued CiW Ji-!t'- . : . f.r a writ tf -f f it -t!"t no 1 takra I "u, rue ; Court. .3 t vt )fct ?,"- 1 isaiii" "J auisni br;Sr -s. . y a .j i.. rS: Art added to good literature make this Christmaa c?'t i.tcmurj to everyone who reads and has s naok wbereia te tA-." -;r:rra. Everyone sobacribing Owe Dollar now will receive Let. V.NuCy for ipoj; thw Doable 2Sth Anxirrarwvry Nuabor. sopcrt.t t '.-isttcd; fcnd the aWatifal ChrlOaaaa Souveu Iwue. Thoe I oerter- r r i er f Leslie's MoetMy wiU coo Mia art !$ pAges ol the tr. f u-t .r. i U.t reading, ovwr eoo IQeatrauoai. over l ibovt stories - ! e-uf-l" coloe plates covers ta cok.s. a differef. Cs. t.l l-.l :f you mention tbivpublxiiion --re wH! cr..d iiige tbit rc " msrkabSe corcb-r.atiss cf I:::.i.ira ic art :;rethrri-....'. :. A mjIEIeganil:. portraying " Pclulr Ameritmn AUrtsu Tlrzr V rr all for f I.eo. This ea!cr-lar isaf.a viav-i cf An. .ic-? l. eapectaUr tof Lotto's Mcnihly by Mis Slaod 4 Amcncaa water color irtiit Art r.ore char- , . i . i for thja calendars. .Tier ar i ! lithwaphed ir. tweh-j co'crs cn heavy f -111- plif ; .r ; The AnniversiLy lasae and Clri:;r I -e .. ' .. are worthy ol Fteservatica as ezamples cf it lu; he-. 4 in srustic magaxtae Ctaauon ia eclac and bloc' :f v. " s - Aaaon- flrtloa anJ tn;bt Kiwa nmtlj 4nrtc titji ar rrodoeia ol tprsa toailtntton Kooth. Mrory vao lirae. ott nor. oooaar x. waabinfioo. r 7 Aa r"mtr. "win toyie. rfnmwie, uumi vmimuu. aunrumi, era 1 Sjf imhu'ribtmg $i3oo IVrMlf lJ If um:ntrl of Leslie Spoelaaaa copy ao4 lUoafraled s;pi? oayoor oabocrt4ko aaot AOKjrrs warrau ustBib 1 FW1T LCllE PC2LBH33 IKS!, MWI 5ti Ixcu lit TxC a -i Reawao ta, . - " ESTABLISHED 1822 rum , Zy2 , 0I!A.VK'T()jKS. 4 . " .'.,- N lata a marttle I I". in a mr UHfH ft.r , v t. ..t I a u i .. ,-r Vtu tb . in ...aki - -f r -. a-- wi a t er Ht. It. , ( Htc.il tin: lrcs k a t 5255 . at u ur U li-. . rxnutioa o. miNkU e i iuu a.aeu. ok t iit iai ' "' Hi fUi. A i Tho One Day Cold Our-. Cnlil la r.rad and anre faraa nml I .r.ncwlar Laxatrw OmniBe. A i ' a cadjr. - CtiW tica uj for then. I t. ' , 93trs 1 1 '.'caozesr - t'Vrr-.in tm H i K A nxt Ann, t Htmn.ni.' bM-mrr i N lertakln. ik'k. . .Ml y All DON WnjiAMH, urgeon XARBORO,. ....... .. Tho One Dey Cold C i KrrauKl a Chncolatra JLaaatho: - riref-r ccH tn i :e -ra. awl aor Uirwat. K.",. tm. ,. tbcatnLe cut,; . . K C. A. WHITEHEAP. f S'urjfcon Dentin. TAUPO't ' gnck bon v lo I an 1 1 u R CO TOWf. .11: AUliv S. fa ri riioToaGa'n:s OVER Jarti 3 tulYt rt -1 . Tt The Ont Day Cold Cure. V.-t nixi mud aorr throat - K-t-Ki -Chnoo. Uuw Qmuac "d qiwJt :j c trc ' . " Th One Day CT - - T"'r in tka hrad ai f. "H4i' b.olaM.ljaBatn.- t. toU Cara." re. tv 1 . -ot " 'r-t - --h&?Z n t . - .V x to inches . .i " . -rJ; i arrirAr -i-i. arei U'!;-r. C l Ik. a k. ttfoeaioo. Ai r . urpttnmj tt n - . nana aaa tau-...... h. j "1 ttt il fr ! ' - I e'sal.ut. . :.;t . - .1 I mew jom rerttt Pro - trtaa Uanu. -.a -vrt , I oa, altooid 70a ocrM lh al .1 . P- orrsaa. Ar.-x 411 t.-siti i m 1 . .1 : -. 1 -ii tare thm i-, a (j ... 9 ....