i! U hi 11 : BIS STJJEllS"YO"CJ AEE JRiaJBLT ; TBLEN GO l-AJD. 33 Orockett (1 W ffi::fP- v I J, I ' I . Il : A x J lifl . : - ' M ! in iii . i it i i i i ' W . till V . . W J-" I 11 v 1 1 JAV VOL. 80 NO. 20. TAKBORO.Y Ni. 0.1 THURSDAY, MAY 1 5,i 902. ESTABLISHED 1822 r I J ! II III I IH0U5EWORK- Too niuch housework -wrecks wo men Drives. And tie constant care of children, day and night, U often too trying for "even a strong woman. A haggard face tells th story of the overworked housewife, and mother. Deranged mena. leucorrhoea and ' fallings of the" womb results from averwork. Everj- housewife, needs a remedy to regulate her menses : and to keep her sensitive frande organs in perfect condition., "f s ; . WIH"CA1DUI is doing lids for thousands- of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and why aa WHtcs this fmnk Mw : Gleaaeane, Ky Fefci. 10, 1901. I am so slad thai vcmr Win of rni I is helping me. I am fading better thum I have felt for years. I ami doing1 my own v-orir without a&y help, and I waxhotl last week and was not oaa Ait tired. That shows tit&t -the Wine ia doing ma good. I an getting Pe&bier than I over was before, aad afrcp good and eat hearty. Before I beg-an Mng Wine of C&rdui, I used to have to fav dev. u fiva cr six times every day, bat now Idonott'ainkof lym? down through the day. . Mu. IticHaao Jones. it.oo at DRiecism : For sjlvfc-e b.I litjmt. mdanM, giTtar vrmp. ttn:. "The 1-s-uV.- Aiiviwry Ttrmrtmrnt", The H m Fatinat at KlTer's WUth. " To .measure the width of any ordiuary streaoi, or even of a good- sized river,' it is necessary to make use of on'v toot -ves And the brifia of your; hat, " That seems I queer, doesn't ltt -But f a true, i abl here ia the way to do it : V Select a part of the river banlt whele the ground runs back level, and, standing at the water's edge, fix - your eyea on the opposite bank. Now, move your hat down I over your brow until the edge of Ihe brim is exactly on a line with the water line on the other side. This will give you a visual angle that may be used on any level sur face, and if, as has leen suggest ed, the gronnd on your side of the river be flat, you may "lay off' a c nv8pondin&r distance on-it. To do this you have only to hold your head perfectly steady, after get ting the anjrle wUfcyoar hat brim, supporting jonr chiu with your hand, if nt cessaty, and turn slow-; ly. around, until your back is to ward the river. ,' Now, tke careful note of where I your bat-brim cuts the level sur face of thet ground as you look ; out over the latter, and from where you staud to that point will be the w id tL of the river a distance that may readily be measured by stepping. If you aie careful in all these details vou -can come within a few feet of the river's width. Phila North American. A Jail tarith 47 lr4rr . The medieval fortress of- Vol terra is now" a formidable' prison honae. When laat I visitetl it there were 475 prisoners with iu its walls, all of .them murderers. It is an uucauny sensation to look upon, nearly 500. human beings, each one of whom baa taken the life of at least one other human being. One hundred and forty nine of them were condemned for life, and that meant murder of a brutal and cold-blooded deciip tion; the remainder were imprison ed for periods ranging from fifteen to thirty years, and that would mean murder - with extenuating circumstances ninrder the result of inconstancy in a sweetheartr frailty in a wife, or faithlessness in a friend. The confinement is rigorously solitary and cellular; the exercise couta are cellular; there are cellular smithies and col I . ..... 1 1 uia airociir. lie mar tje acanit. land dm tiM r it .im .i. AB.EogLta writer ealcnlates (53 by the court which U tryic In my ears. "There are," he laid t tbaf American are investing an him. bot the wonle will not aeonit (trtnUi.A( . I shall have to ak yen to Uiscou-lanrnal aumof WiO.OOO.OOO in En-him nor willtheTacomtibecourL that of freJam Mlta SaWllM. She Sir, if yon persist in mak- ing love to roe every lime you rail tinne your visits. lie Darling, be my wife, and I'll promise, never to speak an... ber Wonl of love ti 'yoa as long as I livu. ChioigoKewa. . "Mamma, here's a letter from the dt-ad-Ietter oClce," said intel ligent little Clarence. . " MIIow do you know, dearf .. "It has a black border all around the envelope'-Judge. Lewliog Him On-IIe Would ' .... . ..A' yonr motnor lei yoa go to tLe theatre without a ehaperonl - . Sho Not nnless I was engaged. Tow u aud Country. , 'That girl can't talk allltle bit." "Is that ao?' ; : rope, mostly in English sccariUes. Watrrford posaessea the only toll bridge In Ireland. After 103 years' agilatioo a movement is now on foot for the const ruction of a free bridge over the River Bolr. The Eoyal society of Great Brit ain hasjunonnced a new determi nation oMbe heat of the snn. It la made by Prr. Charles Wilson, who placra it at 11,192 degrees Fahrenheit. Mice cannot exist on Papa ,inuianapoiisDcnimej. forte; an4 Irelas4 has ahown for cccturir that the latter ia rr. 'Nbat, I ak, do yoa want io ror OQr rhitir)Q;M ilia i.iah. the Philippines! More particular-' Uitai . rovaramt hrtu. !y, why in any part.of Loioa and 0f the FUIrvoos for a rtern. the iaayan Island are yon mak- meot by the corrion ot the ing a howling wilJcrnesa and klU- plooa.-.pjent Bchnrto, ol ing children over ten jeara of agtt Cornell, in the Independent. win oe mm vuxi uieae are tnei - j unhappy. Incidents of war, which) .a ' tK f lia alwava a atera-AfraJrr-w-r dlf. I .4y l'-'lS. ' ferent from the holiday mallrj --vAlVjVf Lit- into which chiliSDawoold torn it. V ; rj t, , rr', , Be it so. Why, then, are we mak- vH J T log war! Here are 6,500,onoi .Jvr'iA tie, an Island in 8L Magnus bay, on the west of Shetland. To test the truth of this statement several I fellow-Christ lam of oars the ocly mice at variooa timea were brought J Chriitian nation in Aaiaaa high there, but the soil proved so nn-jlj elvilireJ as moat of the people "Quite true. The onlv thine I congtnUl that they soon died. I of Central and Booth America she said to me the whole evening I A Bohemian couple holds the What do" we want of them! W lular workshops: nay. the very was 4Ko' and I had to propose to I record for procrastination. Fran I have never told thenC The Treaty chapel is cellular. Two tiers of her to ret her to ear that fctrav I Roanr. loo ym r ... of Paria require CoogTees to de- cells ran one above the other, and Stories. I ried on LU deathbed to Anna Ilea the prisoner in each while unable A story is toldon the Eastern gd nlpetj-three years, at to see ' his .fellow convicts can Bhore of Maryland of a young man Oberpolita. The groom died two through a- long narrow loophole who'called one evening on an old days later. The two had been In see me altar ami the priest wiiols farmer to ask him how it was that I love for seventy-five years, bnt a. m termloethodvU rights and politi- THE OAHDEN AND FAJiil cal status of the inhabitants of Jhe I depends tor its sacceai on the rhilirmlne. Cburrma has Wo 7Cl WW. UiU b. VnM tend. .Uh tTtt" T L'la nis nooie intiinci ana airairni- iu ..Htw la r-.v,.ri rmM Oar and ho had become rich. ' "It is a long story, said the old RAILWAY!. What nraia rlk Ne.a THP STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to all POINTS. TEXAS, - cret r p- er of dieettiua acd - as simiUtim f x d. For t tm Dr KmV Nw. tafe ojk wonde a. Thy t ne and r eulaUTlbe- riset4ive orcuns, g- ntly expel a I poisons ftona the sysieat tur'u'iit e bl od, impr ve l t appetiia m ke heilti y flesh. Only 26c at Suton & Zot lle 'a saying mass. . - " As I walked round the ramparts of the great fortress 1 could look dtfwn into the rows of high-walled exercise courts not more than 10 feet by 10, 1 should say-in each of which the convict was taking 1 you Dg man. the hour of exercise which he is San. . j j allowed daily. Every prisoner .How long," asked the youth, saluted respectfully, and showed iOUgbt a young man to be ac- his white teeth in a pleasant smile, quainled with a eirl, Mia Flyppe, giau ar. ine signi oi any ireso lace, before he mav venture to call her had kept patting off th. weeding I ogUtemanhip,dcclimlthat IplanU of esublished arnL They man,' "and while I am telling it we might aa ell save the candle, and he pot it oat. "Yoa need not tell it,1 said the "I see. Baltimore day. Immense areas of cattle rane bare been destroyed by too much crowding and by sheep. Sheep in huge bunches nip the grass so close and so cut its sod with their hoofs thai it 'dies. The railways we were to prepare tnem lor lib erty after the fashion of the really free nations. The period of tute lage ahoald be short, because no nation can confer freedom upon are certain, to germinate and pro uoco larg, tititUctory crop. All the well known and highly tUemd varieties of cabbage, onions, lettuce," turnips, wheat, oats, oUl, will be foond in the assortment. f "- rrxrrt -JVERMIXUCE 15. W. CROWN; a fitt C. arr tMf .. a-.'Lal:a.( a(aa ; QH. DON WIIXlAlIB. inrgeoa Dentist XAiiBona s.c. I JH. C. L. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TABBOBO, K. C strict aoora V to t a4 S t S TTvs) Ooa Pay Co4 Cur. another, and the most we ran do for the Fniptoc is to ubiuh MacNaifs rhaniiacv. uroraoie co nun ions, ana men en- melon finals Mm CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO Strictly FIRST-CLASS 'Equip ment on all Th.rough and! Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping i.'ars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. i Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Age it for Time Ta-o's- Rates and General Informatiuo, or Address -'.:. .' ' R. L vERNON,FR. DARBY, T.P. A., C.T. & P: A Charlotte, N. C. AsheTille, N. C. KO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QTJE8T10S8 Straaia Dtsaaa. . Lombardy is the one place where pellagra is always prevalent that mysterious modern ailment, due to eating damaged maize, which since. 1833,, when it -was 'first noticed, is computed to have been responsible for the death of more than 500,000 peasants. Mandalay ringworm, again, is known and dreaded throughout Burmahj-but even the most ignorant Burmese is aware t bat it cannot be con tracted outside the ancient capital. Similarly, "rock" fever is confined o Gibraltar, although it is proba ble that the ailment known as Maltese fever, which can be con tracted only in Malta, and theie only in the spring aiid autumn, is closely allied to it. " Aleppo evil, too, is unknown in any of the other cities of Asia Minor; just as the Delhi boil, so dreaded of our soldiery, is confined to Delhi. Chambers!-Journal. Atlanta, tia. and Waltkty Hatlts cared at noma win out vain Book of tiaoJara sent F ii aa tanm I im aorta rrjat p ot psr t,riil, ASTER'S BtGLISt! PEtKJYROYAL PILLS M- r-.v- 'itle. lAltr.csk rvoBpst wot it ii icb.T KVI.I.sil liir-kc. ana .ot J n-full (Hiit. nculf" with blue ribboa .ucion - iKilutln-. Buy of your IM-uia.-, or seii.t Sr. in stamps fr Partirnlitr. T-fl autil at. K.llr lor Uulln.' i '.-. jy rrlm u Kail. I..O0 Trliun.:iiuld. t-i- uj CHICHESTER CHSMIOAI. CO. .lOO BadiMa Nqnmrc. . a-MII, Pa, H tl thl, ,mr. Italian prisons are models of good order and cleanliness, a od the cheerfulness and natural patience of the Italian temperament does much to lighten the labor of Ital ian prison officials.. The convicts get two full meals of beans, lentils, or paste, cooked in lard, and meat on Sundays and holidays. Every prisoner may spend 33ceutesimi a day, if he has it or can earn it; therefore wine is by no means an unknown luxury in the prhon. The system of rigorous' solitary confinement leads to frequeut cases of madness. Indeed, there is often talk of the Italian Government abolishing the system on account of the great expense of maintain ing numerous criminal . lunatio sylunis. St. James's Gazette. "How long have yoa -known mef she asked in tarn.' "About six months." "Well, if he's the right yoang man, that's a long enough time. "Then, Susit nr v . v 1 1 Wl w UVIIUWDJt HUB WIDUIDCU .-. i . t. i . m. t . .... ..... uow iQcin wiu uurnourDce. xuim I fTi m V imP15 ,a lhe Thliipplne. ! ih. TU! dLVd? done for 30 000 acre, of land into thirty CuUt hich this month is tosUrt I" -."?TL .!TU ,LW" T " " a independent republic. Bat, Q.e of the moat proaperoue in PM.f w.maaiueren ama a lhe face of lhlfj General atitntions for the higher edoc- " Wheaton says that the Filipinos An American syndicate has mast be despotically governed, made a proposition to the Porte to like India and Java, and that any construct a line of railways along! one who advocates their indepecd- the eastern littoral of the Beusea.ence should be sent to prison. tioa of yoang women intheSoath. 1 Panacea wafer kept in bull dine , the Nineteenth Annual Seaaion be But youre not the right young I The railway mUeage of Turkey in Coogreas U silent, the military an- rfMBelSth. a, Mr. Spoonamore, Chicago I Europe Ubul 1,233 and in Asia thoriUea. whittle down the wind K F I For Catalofroe adJrcas Prrai dent Rhode, Littleton, N C man Tribune. Slaa Llk Wall BetareB yoot- eUnarea aad tha orrnrra of ite lag aad buralaf eirtaa, aealdad r thtr akla r Ue soa Ho-1 wiy, by Ua B Burkta.'S Arnica 8mtr, rtka rrraWt bea'cr. Q ikcknl t lira o- nkvra. f v r aota, a It ib-urn. rnt, bur or bruuea. iMfalibes for pl.a . tie mi Stat a A Z l!cr "If the tate has the right to tax-the people to educate the chil dren of the State," says President C. E. Vawter, of the Miller school, "then it n surely should use the money in that way which will give the State .the results. It should Il14 a a CaafrtMaiaa. 'At lhe a d of tha ram writs (fcampCark alssoari. bri lint coo gress an, from ore work, oanous ti-n-sion, Ioa of sleep ahd n Dstan p ain I bad about o teny coll pse. lr sermnl that all LeornsDmy body were out of order, but lb e botilea of Electric 1M teia nia-;e me all rlgSC It's I be I est all- around roe.iic ne ever a Id nter a diu aist's i o nter " Ova worked, r .i do n mea a-d weak and aickiy women gain s. 1 i di I health and it It fr m Ela rlc Bitters Tr.- them. O lr 5 'c Uuar ar teed by rVatoo & Zoejler A friend said to Bishop Brooks, jokingly, on the eve of the latter 'a last trip abroad, that be might run across a new religion during his trip. "But keep quiet about it, he added.. Yoa may, have trouble getting it through the Custom Honae," "Hardly, was the ready reply. "Any new reli gion popular enough to import wilt have no duties attached to it. Minor 1,500. -No railway of any I the humane and enlightened policy length ia Turkey Is at present able I of the President, and the military to meet operating expenses and I authorities are the supreme power I fixed charge nnless aided by state I aad final arbiter ia the Philippine, subsidies. Companies that have I Are the Americro people, then, made the experiment have b I the freeat people on thU earth, the forced to compromise with their I very flower and chivalry of liberty. bondholders. I shooting down Filipinos because Filipinos will not do what Araeri- t.it. -ti .v. i : Havala a Unal Amms. I CaOS WaYUl. UliC aui UiC I1BJC a Ul- Ilia etVa aa' ea bow r.u-k turUiag I pioos are endeavoring to aacertain, i-rea, uat put k beat pb tl-iaaa. are I but cannot, what it 1 Americans aSreUdl-yfr Kla'a New Discovery I . . . . rv-t-l torlooauesloa. iWa tb i srtL i. do want! Are not your Oriental cats oot tbe pb'rgta ad reraHafcc'ad wards entitled to know now yoa IIILS 10 dUposeof them before Inflamed, coa.b-woro throat aad laan. bidding yoa welcome to. their .J. w"ubrr co,J homes! If we have no policy, let .14 tx k l.a. rimmt IliM t V I " . av,t ir saoat lafalliabla rrsaedy lor all Throat I J ou awj SW8. m aai I nag dUeaa a. Ooaraat f d betUrs have a Policy, let OS SAT SO. and it may end all fighting. But to keep S. il. ALLEY rot riat niOTOfiGAPnS OVIST i.e. COCOA POULTRY YABD- Wblte I1reoth Kocka aidssiTcly. Zt foe bjr ibe of VI arc b at ft.ss Pr ttiag ot tj. Oaorra "TT. KiUabTT , Peeo, N. C. fell HIGHEST CASH price 4U paid for eoraCeU pexs. J. W. II- Bitt'-e. J 1 WILL PAY lhe bSgbeal eh pti- cea f or eocatry prodae of all ;li. Never fsd to sa ca Ufor s;Usg. Tboo 33.- Thoa. ILPeUfs. 3 BAR O Alii 3 IN TOBACCO. FARMERS' RESTAURANT. Open at all aeaaonalle hocrs. And guesu served with all'sea- sonable viasis by best cooks. Next Jo Howard Hotel, froeasri ft AZocUcfa. Tria toflra frra at rM.toa I - A WllDTtl Caat. "Hello, Jinks! Why, I haven't seen yoa for several weeks. How's mo uiaio ,u7 x c.uiko. wiv.iu i ur health-i" ' x ooriy, nvery iiiuu uiiu iuuuj; seems to affect me lately. . Well, at any rate, yoa arc looking like a king-kong." - - "Feeling that nr, except for a alight touch ot spring fevrr.' ' "Ye?, pr:iig-ioi alanjs af fects me, too; makes my head ring- they have to do in life, not away from it. There is no denying the fact that our present scholastic education tends to draw our chil dren ' away from industrial pur- Ktu h - Surely 'h object of puldtc . ' . a as euucrtti .ti biiuuifl tie tot-nubie oui childreu to become cood, useful. honest, loyal citizens, and to equip I ron Nathan VVilliaiii Ml tht-m for the before them. life-work that lies A seven-masted steel schooner of tl,?00 tons displacement is at present being built at Quiucy, Mass. She will be the largest "What in thunder Is the matter with you; old man, the way you've got to talking!" . "Nothing thong,' said Jinks, making a swinging movement of his arm through empty air, as his Jakavlltaa rira Barm a Yaatr. While the fire which started on Msy 3, 1901, and devastated the city was under control within aey- en hoars, jet it has been burning for the past 3G5 days. J. H. Kooker, Wm. Baker and a reporter went to the ruins of the old Mohawk block, and with a shovel dug off the top of the pile of broken brick and mortar. Three or four inches from the top the place wax warm and smoke was seen to rme from the hole iu. Digging mill deeper each' aboveiful became hotter and hot ter as it was taken oat.1 'Digging a nine deeper, rea ooais were Cfcrt.laatlr Var. t is amazing that the Washing ton authorities should bo so little to ached by the confessed barbari ties hi the Philippines. Here we have a man. who Is described as "one of the high officials of the war department declaring that Gen. Smith will come from the conrt-maitUl vindicated and that the people will snstaia such a de cision. ThU official laes - his concluionaon the gr nod that there is no Christian ar. War an army of 40,000 or 50,000 Axaeri can citizens in Asia to Bgbt for no policy la at once foolish and wicked. "It is said officially that the fighting Is over. Bat the com manding officers agree with the beat newspaper reporters that the Christian Filipinos are everywhere against us. And the ar Depart ment has stated ia confirmation of this situation that the retention of a large army in the Philippine is indispensable. But if this be so, thouih the insurrection msy be Scnepp Tobacco. Early Bird Red Red Meal " Jacks Best -Red Squirrel -Cracker Jack m Thai most be add if yoa teed any, call and tea how cheap we can sell it. J wildlw R-B. TITERS GROCERY CO. Phone S3. 75 caddie 25 - 50 -50 2$ " 35 fiocirs Seeds t j i im a 1 1 1 u j Good i aa fir from ChrUtianity as ended, the archipelago is as foil of Iwaven is from hell. CLnMianity our enemie as erer It was. Yoa has to do with heaven and war is have governed them agaicat their Wm Aa not bf.liavfi that the! will: behold the result. Shall we found, and as soon as the breexe country will agree with this state- ake of the Philippine an Ameri sailing vessel afloat when launch-1 friend backed away in amazement ed. Schooners of 5,000 and 10,000 anj alarm. fanned it it blazed. The fire de partment was notified, and a stream was turned on. Thus it was that one year after the commencing of a fire the de- can Island an Ireland consumed with hatred tor -us, governed by coercion and bent on rebellion! "Thank God, there is a more ex cellent way. Drop coercion and a i NEXT TO BANK of TABBORO, TARBORO. N. O tons displacement are now becom ing common on the Eastern coast, and-some of them are earning from 25 to 40 per cent a year. The larerest' coral reef- iu the -J world is the Australian tamer reef, which . is 1,100 miles in engtk. ; ' V? v 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Track Marks . Designs COYRtGHTS it AnvoM aendlnf a akatcta and description ma? . r. r. I w a.i tfn t.ln tnr nnlnWm fraa w net nr ac Invnntion ts probably patentable. Communis. t.ioii ntnctly xonBdentiaL Hnndbooktt' Patent tent fra. OiHeM iwmry for eecurtni, puteou. t'atenta -taken thmuth HI una & Co reoelra tjxtUU notice, wi-iinmrM, in ins Sdenttti Hnuricatt. dilution of nr adetitttie VmrnaL Ten S.1 a year: foarnontua, SL Sold byall Tiewlc-ilrrn. I hear that you have become a great devotee to .the fashionable fad of table tennis.? "Yes,'' he said wildly; MI like to have my fiing-flong and enjoy ment A theory ha been held thai Christianity make men bet ter; thai it tame the savage; that it eliminate barbarities. Of course, war is wan it is not partmentli called upon td put it la Sunday achool picaic, nor yet a try conciliation. Glr the Fib , - - - aa.a, . a out. This place has ITaxednp foot ball game. Men are killed Plno wcai mey want, noiwnax several time since the day of the ia battle, or hanged""a spies, or J ink U good for them. Re fire, and the last time, about five executed as deserter, or held a K1 ftM 8oox or Apache months ago. the department soak- nrisoner. All these thine are Indians, but as Christlanlted and - - . U I m. m. . ed it thoroughly with water. -AJdnly provided lor and are expt- civilixea brown men, ranking ilh ping-pong at every racquet's ! swing-swong, while the celluloid sphere is ou the : wing-won g1 Calcutta is to be improved by know tnai .gamen , vn iog- driving wide, open thoroughrares I tnong . .. .. . - through the slums of the city, at Gently the keepers irom the a cost of nearly $10,000,000. asylnm led Him a.way to nis pao- ed cell, the first victim of the oiu- All the new trains on tbeCen-rj pre8ent game ..of plnzpong. tral London railway are to be on jjaitimore Herald. fire proof construction, steel aud asbestos baing largely used. Other precautions for the safety-of pas sengers are being taken the banjo sing-song of the game of quantity of grain had been- stored ed. .But Other thing ar also th .CeBl . I, .l. l.iiii HA .i 1 I . . ... . Iln ih H.n a Aimn IIm that t K in the building, which stood cn I expected; at least they are expect the site where. the digging, took a by ih American people, p'ace yesterday, and It was this Among them la a decent humanity grain that was smoalderltig all the and a regard for the honor ot the time. I flag. Tb conscience revolts at A considerable crowd of people I the slaughter of children. merely to the Senate committee that they ' could, if we withdraw, at least maintain a military government; and with th sedition. law before yoa, can yoa say we are doing much better! Governor Tart 11 I c I A jm all r n a 1 . ; - aaaaWttM, -f a U tt aJ - .tva vttt i. . ,1 r-.afii -n4 lur u 1 1 enough 'foranvbodvl T i. ' 5 j .. . . t ti i . a4 t " j I i r ;-'. - ot, Cw Peas. S lt a-4 ir I f- 'J. s-crta s v. r ." wr. ,-UUit iv. $.;.- C r.uxcti.- ttttrs:. virrt o "l r r rvi- mil SOUTH ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPLY PiaiMONB.VlRGlNTV CAPITAL 6SURPUJ3 $250,000 I a a a. a. . gathered around the place jester-1 because they may be "capable 0fl reported aa sayieg ai .ew luven day, and were astonished n. the fact of the fire burning o long. and .remarked' that all records were broken as to tb length in ; bearing arm. If a boy, even of th tender age of ten, become a combatant and is slain in battle in the ordinary course of warfare, no "Tim niAAd. one of Eugene Ware's partners in-business, has dropoed-into- poetry, Ja Silas Wegg, apropos of Ware's appoint- egnatareof nienfc aa Pension Ccmmisioner. I - ' ' V- .., - - CASTOR I A Psr Infants tni Children. Hi KhlYc. Kara Aliajs E::gtt Bears Jth time of burning of a. fire by the blame, according to military ethics, one iu Jacksonville which bornedl a-wbole year. FlorldaTim-Un ion and Citixeu. ' o attache to his alayers. Bnt to shoot him down a a wild beast for no other reason than that he aa is -eapatij oi carrying a gun icauitau cutuvij luuercoi quea- i that, if we conferred independence upoUbem, power would fall Into the kaodi ot the educated claw; but Is an intelligent oligarchy of Filipino worse than an intelligent oligarchy of Americans? ! ia Ireland last month when the cities of Dublin and Cork conferred their freedom upon tb leader of the Nationalist party. v Sf I " "-'t" ... , t . 1 . v . . .. . "til. V. IV . f ' ikju. Atd ioas ia to qneaticn in t "r" v" " wwwm i I 0.;. ' TT . . iii 'nrlnlMl In fnl! In lt t... I 'nOROOORA'BASVS. srt cfsji value as tsgs iron VCCD LUCK TUDFllZi&r.ZXr s Tcbjcco. CO OMtCALLY H1VVCT rrr TMC OCTM 3 MOST hitocvt iwTisrrxorr. GOOD tXMULXXXV THE recooevva xrrycr cm tme pporrrs tti ih cma GO TO CrVTU. ACtXTS ZOO HlXtZ'TCCTC. Dint TgpprfogT tfoooo ctm FXAiJijiurt j v txo rex ortxPiXY n.KtjxroRi rmmt. maixijH vrvvTOM IsuVlra-Pret. Jt'UAN S- CARP l.NjcavXW,-! n 1 ofBoo. sat r aa warBaTua. w. t