FaaAXTJC POWKIJ. Editor. PaWisked Every Thursday. Subscription JUtes $l.QQ pec year Kutered si Poetofflce as second cla4 mttr : . Thursday, May 15, 1902. ' ' ' ' It is to be hoped that Judge Clark was not imitating M. Blaine when ha advised the destruction of one of his letters. As Messrs. Jackson & Bell financed the Wilmington Mes senger, they doubtless imagined that they had a right to have pre pared the literary menu. If the lepublicans have their way the Filipinos will be given as fine a dose of Tsarpet-baggery as was administered to the South in reconstruction times. It is doubtful if a majority of the voters desire on the Supreme Court a prosecuting attorney. .The Democratic party had better ascer tain this fact before they nomi nate Judge Clark. JUDGE CLARK'S LETTEHS. The country has at last been favored with the letters and notes which Mr. J ust ice Walter Clark wrote Governor Russell, and these letters, with his CDmments, clearly ana unmistakably snow Judge Clark's unfitness for the high office to Awhich he aspires with such strenuosity. These letters show what many people have known for yeans, that he is a busy-body that he is for getful that the duties of a Supreme Court Justice are to interpret laws and not to execute them. Some persons will contend that most of the letters are harmless and his injunction to Governor Russell to destroy one was merely a hiistake. A raglan cloak of charity is required to stop at such a term. The Judge admits that the let ter, if it foil into the hands of others, was open to "misconcep tion.' Ana so it was. Destroyed u wouia enable the Judge to sit on aWase about which he ha eiecificaliy given ah" opinion. This waS neither fair nor honest. But Judge Clark's letter to his comrade discloses a bias, a preju dice that should make him an un fit man to sit on any case where me ooutnern railway is concfmd The tenor of the entire IaHpp i to aronse a prejudice against the lauroaas ana m favor of himself. Even the most pi o Clark man must admit that this road andlnpaTl all corporate interests should be suspicious if not actively hostile to him. ' . 1 , The Judge is silent on two or it.. i mree cnarges about which the .. 1 - ' peopie aesire mfo.-mation. ;1. Did he write or inspire edi ' torials in the Caucassian! 2. Did he strive to have-the r fusion Legislature elect him Sena- toi! - 3. Did he request Thompson U ask Governor Russell to appoint him Chief Justice! 4. What was his opinion of Sena tor Simmonsf : These charges have beeu made. Must the people ! infer from his silence that they are .true! Will you tell us, Judge Clark! "Dr. Talmage, during his visit ta England in 1879,'? says the Lon Chronicle, ' had been engaged to reach in a church in one of the large towns of England. On ar riving at the building b found it besieged by a throng of from 15,000 to 20,000 people. Natural ly be expected the place would be crowded inside; instead' of this he was surprised to find if only mod , erately full. 'Why,1 he demand ed of the pastor, 'don't you let this crowd of people tome in!' 'Oh,' said he.Veach person inside has paid four shillings to get in.' Dr. Talmage- had intended to preach ; frt m Ihe text : Without money and without pike.' lie changed his subject.'' Not long' ago the United States Minister in Athens, the lion. C. H. Francis, entertained at dinner the King and Queen of Greece, the Crown Priai e, the other rnvai piinces and all the high officers f tlie court. This compliment tp the American Legation is unex ampled, as the King a'bd Queen have never before accepted invita tions to dine at any Legation, ex cept those of England and Russia. -f- Heury Laie Eno, of New tork. has presented to Rear Admiral V, 8. Schley a gold coin found on t e -battlefield of Marathon. The coin is an irregular circle about half an inch in diameter. On one side is the head of Alexander the Great and on the other is a figure of Victory. The coin is of the very rarest. WASHINGTON LETTER. Prom Oar kesuiar Correspondent. 1 - Washington, May 12, 1902. 'The bill reported by the Philip ninA f!nirimittf is one of the most iniquitous hieasuies ever presented to a Congress of the United States, said Senator Dubois, ol Idaho, yes terday, when I asked him his' opinion of the bill itself. -"By the provisions of the bill a commis- sion, composea oi mree men, is given the most absolute powers over the Filipinos and their lands. The edicts of the commission will become laws unless they are nega tively acted upon by Congress and, even if Congress had the time it would be impossible for it to judge, of these edicts at this distance, 8,000 miles away. These three men can grant franchises to whom ever they see fit and require in re turn for the same such compensa tion or no compensation as they choose. They can lease land in immense tracts to corporations for Whatever rental they desire. They can errant the privileges of cutting timber to such corporations as they may choose to befriend and on such terms as iney may be dis posed to make. It is ridiculous to say that the Democrats are op posing a step towards the self government to which they believe the FiliDinos are entitled. The Democrats are doing all in their power to save the Filipinos from being delivered to an oligarchy which can sell them, body and soul, from whose actions they have no redress, from a despotic gov ernment in which they have abso lutely no voice. , "A careful reading of the Philip pine bill will convince any intel ligent person that the Philippine Commission, should the bill be come i a law, would have powers that are today possessed by no European ruler save, perhaps, the Russian Czar. . There are in the Philippines millions of acres of rich agiicultural lands, more than there is in the United States west of the Missouri river, and th other resources of the islands are beyond computation, and so long as human nature remains human natuie the defecation of such plenipotentiary power to a com mission composed of a few favored maiviauals is bound to result in corruption. .It is folly to plead the high character of the present commission. Its members may all be dead in a mouth. As a general proposition, it is evident that the best men in the United StaUs are not going to forsake their homes and their business interests and go to the Philippines to adminis ter qie affairs of the islands. .The nren who setk those positions will be the usual class of place-hunters who regularly besiege the Presi dent for positions which crrv handsome salaries. The passage of this bill will inevitably result In scandals frem which the fair name of the - United States will long suffer." All last week in the Senate was spent m debating the Philirmm bill and the prospects are that all this week will be spent in the same way. senator Dubois tells me that he expects to address the 9ntp, on the subject and Senator Bailey t l"lt ne wou,d probably do so: Senator Foraker will Bteak for the. republicans and nrnhai.1. Senator Spoouer. The Democrats feel that they will be derelict in their duty if they do ot com pletely expote to" the public the situation in the islands and th probable results of the republican policy which is un-American in every detail. - The sudden death of three Demo cratic members of the House of Representatives early, last week, Messrs. Cummings, Otey and Sal mon, seemed about to be followed by another on Friday when dele gate Smith, of Arizona, exhausted with his efforts in behalf of the Territorial Omnibus bill, conclud ed a speech in favor of the bill and fell insensible with a slight stroke of apoplexy. Fortunately, how ever, Mr. Smith soon showed signs of recovery and is now regarded, by his physicians as outof danger. The bill passed j the House with the provisions, that the constitu tional convention of New Mexico might change the name of that territory on its becoming arState, and that the convention ofOkla homa should adopt an irrevocable statute to the effect that the Fed eral government should hav th privilege of attaching to the new State any or all of Indian Terri tory at any time. Out of respect to its deceased members the House transacted to business on Monday and Tuesday and the passage ,6f the territorial bill practically concluded its labors for the week. On Friday afternoon the private pension calendar was cleared and on Saturday eulogies were pronounced on the lat? Rep . PC Mix Ki&a YosJUwihnrs Kgaaoos " t resentative Polk, of Pennsylvania, and the " late Senator Kyle, of South Dakota. This week the bill of Representative Adams so amend- AUf C to tilt CO U9 J 7CI Lit li Wft the granting otvpassports to titk zens of our insular possessions, will VkA nnCQort orwl will TiiPfiKttKlv in? the statutes as to vermit of will be passed and will probuMy be followed by the Naval appro priation bill which will doubtless occupy some time. There Isa provision in the bill, as reported from the committee on Naval Affairs, whereby the Secretary of the Navy is authorized at his dis cretion to build one or more of the new battleships in government navy yards. This provision is ap-; proved by the labor organizations but is opposed by the republican machine iu the House, and In the Senate by Senators Hanna .and McMillan who are stockholders of the Trust which now constructs the naval vessels ot the United States. - HA LEIGH LETTER. -From Our Kegular CorrepoDdnl.i Ealeigh, N. C:, May 13, 1 902.; The annual banquet to be given in New Yoik by the North Caro lina Society of that city (May 20th this year promises to be one o the most enjoyable of alt such oc casions in its history. The So ciety has a membership of nearly 400, with W. W. Fuller, Esq., formerly of Raleigh and later o Durham, (now general counsel for the American Tobacco Company). as its president Among its guests next week. who will speak on tie occasion will be Senators Pritch- anl and Simmons and ex-Senator Ransom. One of the most interesting o all the political races in the Con gressional districts of this State this year, will be that between Congressmen Klnttz and Black burn, assuming that both will be renominated by their iepectiv parties, both of tbem now being in the new Seventh district The distiict, according to the vote o two years ago, ought to be Demo cratic by some 800 majority. One million young shad Lave just been deposited in (hj Cape lear river, between Fayetteville and W llmiugton, by an ageut o the U. S. Fish Commission. Governor Aycock attended Me morial Djy exercises at Shelby lafct Saturday, and spoke to the big crowd of people gathered to do honor to tie Confederate dead Honorable Locke Craig delivem ma regular memorial address At tne various other -places In the State the day was generally ob- oervea. -at the Communication of the Grand Lodge of Masons at Oxford on St John's Day- June .24. it ia. stated that the matter of locatin the new Masonic Temple will be taken up. beveral cities are bid ding for it, notably Italeigb, Char lotte, Jjarham and Greensboro. G. B. Patterson, a leading law- yer ofMaxton, will contest with Congressman Bellamy for the Democratic nomination in "tha (Sixth) district. Col. N. A. Mc Lean, of Lumberton, announces that he will not be a candidate. The new Siitb. District is com posed of Bladn, Brunswick, Co lumbus, Cumberland, Harnett New Hanover and Robeson. J he Grand Lodra of- VnHl. Carolina, I. (. O. F., will hold its annual session this year at Greens boro on May 15, next Thursday. A Special Communication of th Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. Ma sons of North Carolina will 1 hold at Greet sboro on My 2Gih tor the purpose of layine the corner-stone of the new building io oe erected at the State Norma and Industrial College. The University of Oxford rro- poses to celebrate in October nex - the tercentenary of the ooenini? of ine Kouieian TJhrArv A J -l jr large ana ciitinguished attend ance of delrgates from all carts of tne world is expected at Oxford for the occasion. The Bodlein Li brary as actually founded itt 1598, but it wi;g not ooened " till ituj by bir Thomas Bodley. who died iu 1C12. It contains over 600,000 volumes. Cook county, Illinois, is Chief co and Chicago's outskirts. Th.r- are 257 constables in Cook county; that is to say, there were. Three have just qnit without resigning. Twelve cannot be found nnr counted for. Jndre the bonds of forty constables are no good and that the signatures on half. i dozen of the bonds are for geries. t C. A. Snow & Co., Washington, D. C, will send trte a booklet coutuuiou abstracts of elections in Jeading pat. ent cases, and other intormat:oo of interest to inventors, patentees, sod manufacturers. They will also srnd a booklet on trade-marks to sny oce who may de-tire to have s trrda mark iri-Ristered. : iMOttts Efsstns f - I5a IU Yw tan tomt tsj 0 , Trinity College hope to Mcwre Secretary of State Hay, one of the rratet "rneo in tbis ;oouclryt! deliver ati aJdrea darrnc iU oa' mencemen.exerclA "ATd Chw VWLUV uv.ali vi r lotte invites President 'EooMtteH to come down on Mij 20.'' ' ' I" 1 -' - - r rML Catlio i qiiM nk.lt. t ta Annie Sha it viitldK id Nor folk , t:t'i ' ".' ? Henry llrtft'i la brk'froq Nf' Bern. - : '- ' ";-,.t Kf.; - Marv- Cuttrn is at Lou fiocn' Raleijjh. ' " " - At. r Jim Mooie j in Fayettevifle for a aayi. ..." 5If.. A. .IIart it aiming io Rocky Moujil. ' ' .-... , suiruikfv....::.,.......-;, W. II. SrcnVei WHovitWpJwU here Friu'ui. - : -;v i Mr. R. J. IUlyV Lu 'rcitrrired (0 RocWyMou.t.. f Dr. J. P. Suc; f IUireUU i htre Visiting frierrdi..-- , , v tJ( ClirefKe ;JtTry of Greeav&l, pent Sunday here, . f , I E. Smith pent Soodr ln Farm villa with hi mother. . ;,.: John Cloirau iTnf SUrrOttia' rUm ic on with b parent. ... , , . Rev. L II. Morten haj'.'rtl Arced from Kljaoad, XI I c..' "Mrs. 'Haywood QUfi, ot Wilmio.' Irin it fi..rM wivil In m! . ;. Dr.- Dm WiijUma iod Uilford 11 ay net arc back from Kewbero. Mist iJarf Howard has retoroed trom viMt tafrends io Porham.' John 11) att lefl Monday for Rajeb uiiicoa ineumDaimera'cosveotion: Walter S-'mmoos is io Raleigh at. teatttog thecoqventioo of Embafmera. George A; Holderoess is tsis frioi abosiuesra trip to Wilsoa, Faysite- viue sou uuno. . Mist Josephine pLil.'p le't Wd oesday for lUw wh to vHit tx-r itr. irs. ii. H.jacktoa. Willie Hrysa bs gcos to lii) sdel pbta io accent posiiioa nd peuut uis aiua.os m rnsxmacjr. Tbe Uuik's Daucbtert Coovlioa is in srshH n io Ksteirh thi .w . Mis J. II Kelt is atisodia. Hrs. rhillip Gikdwin has rriurnrd to iNoi folk, alter m -ull to" 1er p rent. 11 L. liuksey sod wife. ir C. A. Wl.itcheaJ was one of Wo Kroon.uir.ea at tl Shi I4fjvsr moo marriage ill Scotkod Nk weduesuay. v .t i. Spencer Haxs i4 at "tmm . fr Cnapel Hilt lo pi eprt himself fqr tb cotnpehtHeexamiDatioa (or the Nsvsi Acauemy, Auoapoits, M4. Lr. rfc E. Noiftcet. II rs. 5. S. Nah and ij. A. CrtissI wife sra io new ors, where Urs.- Curtia oa jne lot mrdtcal treatment Cot. tlenrv Dawd. nf'tKia taken to Kea HotpitalTast aifc-fat lor nrauneni. us is sutterioK from fea old army woood, received Io tb memoraoie sr between 4 be Slates Wednesday !m Kaiij(b Pottr I AM fuhjHrt to the Democratic convention or timarv s a cssdnlsta lor me cmce tl suenlL W. E. How, SUUJECT ta tb Dvmornlio m.. I vftiilion or ptimarv. (I nrefep . 14. r... f ; . r v j'i cinuiusie tor Ihe ol- nre oi h.hIJ ol EJiecooib counlf. " r - y' -:h WANTED TO HUYafirm aboot 2k io 5oacrs. WiU par" cash. Win. ivcumrpq. t tj WANT ED A rocd nilct cow. Kofenbtmui. j 3. it E. R. H A Pi T , M D, TARI-iRO 4 . O SYDJ 1R 5 rlUHDLEY ;mm4 Ti JT. 79W St. RICIi .V (" l . . VIHOINU . Tl e f- n m test Stock of Tins .axd iln'ium mm. In Tho Scutnl Correspondence . SoIieiUd J hi bnsd 709.711-713EBrMdSL' RICHMOHD,: VA.-.!-: Faii Green in all sire oaeki: eller. TWO UK ADS n. d.r claim uii rioiity for onr Mtstt r teudeiutss ai.d toothomeoeaa. McUann & Tumwv - m r -W??? ' Th TTlad Taxi TLavo Alvars ta tx for oyer SO ytn. . . All Counterfeit, Imitations and Joat-Ja-s-fod" ars) but BxperLmenU that trifla with And cadsmcer U hesUth 4f InfjsaU sutd CMklrea Expriecrfatast llxprtaeW What is.CASTORlP. ' CaatorU I m harmleaa aabeUtaUi for Cantor OU Vnr ; gorte Xrp ami fkwthlnjr 8jtbp It Im VlmamaU II " oootsOna neither Op lam, tlfirpsiss nor othr TarUa sobitajx. IU jiff U It gnvrwalf. It deatroy Worms ami allay Fever Imhnesa, It rnrrs Dlarrboc aad 1VU4 "CoUc It relieve Tthla Troohte. rurca CosutlpaUoo ?- and FlatnleaeT. It aaslzaiUU tha Food. reculaUa tb 8tomach aad Dowel, gtrtas; talthy aad aattxrat tlaep. Tha CMldrens Panacea Taa Mo4&ea Friaad. GEnuirm CASTORJA auvayo Tie Kind Tou-Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years- mm b -aulif ol pictore rU- n with srrerj . I-- a f J JOHN W. B. BATTLE. , p e IHE BUST $ TCRi TflEMORRISCOMPAHY. Spealig Ilibt oM i eeui to la oaurh U t from atery dtwi, every wom-n'adraa U eoanpUu Jt il l Ujowb fact thst out iiiy. Our tlock it always Did jsv shsra ol tha Urru i ' a i ' V., iaea iu icn'l put off hot baoa h .Ld early BeU Monday a. . will Utw J Uterasti lot ol Urgaii.. to rrt you. WaUh for our trisl ml- nooaoraeat La Friday isana, . Xl,t I mm m 7 AGENTS FOU XIEGLEB fURNITURD We want more btxiioeaa. aJ In order ta coaTkee the poV , . ne, usve Barked oar cooda teiy lowt not because oat , . (ood are is f erior, but baoaaae 4 It Costs ns Less lo Sell- , : ' lUntg eoojjtt td fall oare and olfulied lireuwa o prctio Embalming-, at aie beti-r pe pared ioin you in the Va 'deiUkiz. batincas. W. L. & J. B.cumons, W. L. HtJuco, EmhaJianr. . ':,nooeSl WAj?TED Cirls or bovs sbmtt IS rears of sf to work la flssevwO 4isltnr WiL's. Th vnrk . i;.k( oar food. C W. Jeffreys, Croarsl Msaarer. a. aasBBsBBssliBa b j 4 which hMM U ! aro th tmtar T svjkI n. I aiH.aiaadder tut pe fyt aooaj mitIsIoo ie 1U Imfkmrj. JITlmf no Ana to ilewirs roQ la UU. This Utb9 axaciprO' d net mo ol the to soy MyWof . Mfords 40- For tha 1803 trad. A of Qoeea LonUa pair aohi. StST S 0( la favor thb reaaoti. - TUt fioU hat, hair, teek ami waist. witboot ribbota ol oa Umd ttora U the tibboo ctsUf, all read Io naet roar want. at our pUl'aala last Mo- -w SHOES AND W Eist Cirolina Railway CsKlaa Maiiwar Ckaatt ( mmr I as, isas. No. 60 Stations. . Tana rille TodJy Fouotaiss VtsecUsfieU ltttcps Divisions Uearletia Lorr Taxbceo Ts ttora No. Si T M Usve 7 to 00 . 8SO srtive SS . 10 I ft 10 U 8E4 9 03 ' S 1J , 4 58 " 4 1? 39 arrive 4 on Lesr 3 SO '4ituat aaifunv. gchooi.. TlairerTa b Kts lsa dmlt ijt Ui ik I sr. r eU! Is 1 SM M.aWlHkaw ii i - - ii w m Ibnli bt Tarboro. ia.iiMirii . ' ll kti i . at W stsw I ' Vs T A t M k. . of GuibbonSo B cx)nsEm i -Ant Utttlkd Atilo.4k.t T e Ate Now MoMc Inola LInons, 32 ntd 3C Inch idili Persian Lawns, 32 and 45 Iu. Muii, i -a: Mullc. Cauzco and Balintco. Tho Celebrated Wash (hilfcn in While And IPENCr -EAINSOOK. Hi- English JSJainsoq, 01 Organdies, Frcrcli Lam, ifcjj i Lauras and EIrg nt Pa Icms in . Dimllie5t Uiccks; X Full Licctf Patiicberjc filicrju.liinjtt tti Urm Ilrx CJoodai loncl WIIliaKTODlilNE. Yoa are oft to rrrIs airfe to ra rtfrvsLi,r I drlak after a days' ahoypbg is tea a. d feot le iroebled loertr Cooke Fl. Fbsnnary i tha p'f. There yoa will t4 t .trrytiior fifl-t!as atd above a'l rttak.lr e'ea. 1b alditioi to Ibe cld sUadatd ctr raese iaeUd all tbs latest dtitka W atU i mialtf f iiu ladlea, Wly oittra dm I r Koactato wkrs yoa are ia Iowa U j ' I.. LOOK & COMPANY 1 Pittx;trTm Maia Nrtt to the Ss-a r. O. Jail a Few Ult, 3d lhy aae rDC Wool and Folt " ! Shoes, Dry. Goods, notion Wood. V.'i a: -""bt kvnips, eavy uroc-ii t We tsy Lixte.lpriceafar farm pr.Ja. W. t.H 4 v wh tor casioaera with a r4 dm k fit- ISobcrson, DoYouKeed nvthi'Dg For 'r Ihe Tbo Cash Buyers Supply to.. Baleljb. U.l i mm f am ss, a tt ... wm iui uuu Trm n v i ta mm mm store. M JJtUZn Two 1 In. ai UT. JJ. V vZT ViUW"rVJ Mtrdta; AdJrvsa 4rcB W. S. ' I i XEts ssx I j Do sot Imagiceyoa real oUala hJ?J?2Z? f64 years etpfiraoe. Tbre a ere ate raaraaietd sad wCl co wtU wita tie Handsome tX ftCtl rn. tfl Iw . Come atd Uke a looC I t 1 . ! Axo Quiclxly Tte rapid sxdssf HredarU Doited wk. Faiicy While Swiji haiDocksnd Picket rrs ry low price. Alto tU U4 lm , ttaia on the BlarUi Haadqeai Ure fr Newton .V Co. Faim, Hlusc crSk a . a .a r fai . m W edl tiryi insellarruwa. fit; t w P l' iboaaMd. BARNES, v Wo Aro Arjoninfor BZCBLSIt! i Cook FLnvea std a Xioa fit arl ttrtr 11 ade, loo. Osr New Buggies aaa aa tl mmmmmmmMmmmHmmmmmmmmmm Bay & J3 edges. 3 s HiiUovod By ad Kerair a rata. SSc a aaa ee coae at sous IotssLsit4u f or sale tjr fitaloa ZoJ