BE BTJBE -gQ-CT ABEBI&BT rJEIiasr GO AHBAD.-D Oroclrett VOL. 80. -Nl).-'-.: TARBORQVN. LV THURSDAY, MAY 2tf, 1902. ESTABLISHED 1822 ueMaerwic PI km f OftaaliKiUa, 1. The' unit of county organiza tion shall be the voting precincts. Iu each precinct there tdiall be an the friends and supporters of . . . . i cauaiaate voted for. In proportion Township 7, to the number of votes he hall re- ceive m such county convention. Township '8 . . . . . I - - r a II 3; 1, 2. 5 a. 5! CJeaaravJ Ln Pimi lk , AWsHe Ever since the first appearance ef my Bit-n.-ea iner vcr my lrretralar tad 1 f suiareU with great pain ia bit hipc, back, stomach sod leM. -rttliLirrihl. bearing down pains in tha abdomen. iur:n? the past month I hare been takirg Wine of Canjui andjrhedford'a BUick-Draafrht, and I passed the month ly period without pain tot the ftrnt time in years. '"V" WaJWMDato. What is tils worth h a weaian suffer ing like Nannie Davis suffer? Yet there are women in thousands of homes to-day who are beating those terrible menstrual pains in cilettco. - H yon ve one of these we want to say that this same . - - - -- WiCaRDUl will bring yon permanent reflet, f Con sole yourself with the knowledge thai 1.000.000 women have been. completer? cured by Wine cf CarduV These won en suffered front leueerrhoea, irreealar menses, " headache, .backache, and bearing, down paint" Wine of Cardol will stop a!l those -aches and.-sains for you. Purchase a St. 0O bottle of Wine of Cardui 1o-dayand 4ako-ft la the privacy of your home. : ' .- Tor adrire and Utaainre. addnas, rfrtaririTTnt tw."v "Hie Lame Aivtwr IViMiinj " C.iaaaiiooga HctueilM Cou, Chattanooga, . . r . ......... . . . i . . n ; l -" " laawucuon s oai t oe Zt -o en: Provided farther, that -.-v..,D1BUlwIlll, ,,uo anau i wnen oniT nnA rsnHiiia'a, ,,. r b elected by the Democratic vo- I sented and voted for at such coun ters at the several preciucta In the I ?y contention it sha'I be la vf alio ;iueetinS fit called by the county "T lor UCQ if - w "vaa alV.V -- XXiill IU ehatl elect ine of i ri I II it - li 1 10, . it; 12, 13, vouimiuwj. . ana Mia f hrfn H aIi. x w WVOa. VU . ft - .Kvmuniiiit-e euau elect one of i a I KresaionaL iudicinJ - Al.a.nri.f i a a n Aa. a r isruiLMm as ci airman, wbo . shall I uu" - cwnvenwons are cooaen) preside at all committee meetiucs. V?re shU a .vote uken for te rri, i r t , m l umcicut yituuiuaiee - ior ome. uo vuatrmeu oi lie several who8e .ma, ... np-JT- t-: v.,mu.,wCT8 luwi cum-1 ana urn uetegates JhaJl vote, for pose the Vcouptj xecnti ve oom-1 their respective counties In "act . same tim oo iw l sai t. each candidate ahall re "v U Ve U a W - a a. f-a , - convfinlion first "lB"..kl r V" "J la'D. waTiwawua - -- - w u v vs. a t ax wwavw sotr ERN IIAILWAV. T H E ; STAlTDARD; P A1LW AY OF THE S0UTH;i The Direct Line to all POINTS. C 1LIF0 UNIA, . ; : 1 CUBAAND PORTO RICO XTotat, ; - ' . , lii the 8tate the const yV vole will be : . In the Congrena and Judicial ylUtrica eb,. . r 8 11 8 10 7 : 23 6 2 151 25 75 it Sb4Iw F. K. L., the aet ire aod Intel- amoop: the people who were fated to suffer must at hit hands. What American -GeneraJ 'a tnfmnrr win eut Waahlogton correspondent 1 eauxiJr ri-Tfrd hr th. niini. of the New York Ertninf roet, B0, when lhe eho of the scnas io ftis paper tais timely a". fa Vs. I The contrast Ir heightened by r "A., trlatof eootraat with the the fact that not only General aeory ortuhaisunf on the enetay's Balth, but Republican members iiT3 Its orixla to the Uaaisr, cf rsllca whea we apparestly Cad H lotrodacrd la rssland ater aH Ttweratioa for ttllca had been saept awsy aod aiade Ulfal.' It Is wtarUa noUsg that lxl ih Pop ware tnore a4Jetd to klasis ace I baa tLeyareeow. Ktaslrg as fom cX salataUoa rto n, "fro ro Wor. tiom im aijill Lt nf iU aj4 an a tn iudic al. sanaiorial or nttiaf M-tn. 1 1 tteil about M Im'iw Aill na ll ainn lioii year, and elect a chairman Df I vent ton the DroDortion of the a I sH tHlr wor eat - - la T I ft Sw a a 1 ft . I - M - t aaia count r i-ommitfp u hn 1 1. which Ka MmnU m Iviw . I u w btw.m? cw. xjrrw uh. . -rf t v ajviAi - -w m wj ww w t aJ)Aw uot he a member of the committee. I Ued "wnico received . in the and he slutil prt -aide at all mwt- rnT J "f1? 'inechairmatt , ., . , . and secretary tf the countr can ines of said committee, and shall vention shall certify to each con hold bis place until his successor yention the vote received bv each shall be elected. A mioritv of candidate " Provided, that where said precinct chairmen, in person f !? .one esidaU is presented it - r-n ..k. l8halt be lawful to inatrnct for him. country wblca seems to be enter- of the United States Seoate, under- was so eonexoa aaoc; tlea llat Uioed by some of the commanders take to Justify the aatouadlor; If eiclted the Utervt and ataoe- of the United BUtee troops to the brutality of our compaJn In the me t o tolxwara, Ersiaua rtiars rhUlpplQes is afforded by the Philippine by eJUs . General lo It and a nacfax'a ctaUesaaa modd ordar Issued by General Order No. 100, tae4 by the Fed- who visitej London and tnoved la T a 1' a a I Mm m, UaMtamceirtW' L i h aa unwf raw t rw wroBl d trt It 8 Qrn reod oeritiv bt lUi na'Aar). "sttbo dnfu emartri.r uvmj Into TeanaylTla la lSoJJ War for the gulUt of tutaica la (struck with tha way in which csca li!TP J??' w81 J f0" rt telk U: ine field. Whlla we do not believe listed ladies whea they rreeted !' U rlchu - tt'e lb : eel all arwuaJ BM.!ie m erer Id vr a Wiof. iet'o o awr " .trr'okeU, r doa o tt wrak e al j wneaew. gala il idll beaMtantl n It- fr wm, TUc lie biUera-Tr tbes O 1. 5 e O'aar- Si Ut'.VyK aMaJk Zrr 'General Orders No. 72. 'Headquarters Army of North ern Virginia," "'June 21, IM3. M'Vhlle ia the enemy's country, or by ; proxy, shal 1 quorum Ite SlriiMk BVaBavaMtT m Stlla - Some people may not know that the colors are not now" taVeu into 1D COQn T commit M ltiaJA ou it. J:er - Shall lltfAKiaa unnnint "o nsntml I mnntlu man Ji'immuI 41. t committee of fiT whn kKi i of their restive counties k To action- Bor a corps proteetla o uionging to or connected opportunity to make a howl anjrcanuictate: Provided. tha.t a w,ltv t'""- ,iwith tha armr. or taken. excerH I " "itnnw m ae owici that that order was meant to per I Ueta where Xltexixixfu would mtt the use of to etc re oFthe Lua- have shaken My Evsa French- anceofsoch lohnmaairmlructiots men ia tie MiddJe Ac ktldkUs, aa General Smith fSTe to Major Ice peculiarity of tie Eajciiia Waller, the order is unmkstakably natioo, tauch aa we rtmaxk croo the following rejulaUen for pro-(cruel aod capable of liberal" in-jit now amocs tat French. Ills, earing supplies wUUbe stricUy terpretatjon. Sheridaaaad Bher- therefore, at lea t posaibU Uaitie observed, and violations of them -nso, acticg under this ojder, kiss 'bestowed apoatbe book Is will be promptly and vigorously "made a howling wUdernrsa' of UkLag an oaXh may hare bee a cot punished: .. ' : tU most fertile paxUof GccfcU so much a klas of vtneraUoaaaa "I. No private nropertv shall dcf the beautiful Shenandoah forn of saiaUilon or acknowledr be lajored or destroyed by any I VaUey la - Virginia Lee hU the I -next hj bodUy eoaUcl, aosewhat its stead'when the county commit tee is not iu session. v 3. In rase there shall be a fail- i a a a a.. I I a a a a a j (wo-unras majority oi all me voles cusiouy n a unite sura noneraniei ng j,- officers iromtne county consent. I iDsisrnla, and 'w!i- JolinwPyiues I .innmitM) 3. lhe chairman, or in his-ab mA -iAn9 kniiie airala'' the will .,Ti- hereinafter l1008!'01? but Lee never for- f&l or desired lo forget his obi! g- ebiefa of Lhe com-1 hoes to civiuauoa ana common more ceremofuoua lhaa'sxaHal toolset, but still no associated with any great feelieg of aolera nlty. The Lanoss. ' t , , I Cay I fr i-jm Wvuawafu FREY'S VEQmiFUCE OrZLT' raaa- ai at.raaT.kaMhM. 13. xvy .nizoyv:rsr rUl MH tMT t. J W ' KaMM-a,., Utaeruut eaeaarww iargwoa DesUal rArmono ........:c.c nre on tbe-partof any precinct to senoe, any member of the countv. T , V. , , J. ,11 01 con- - w-bo- .,mi lu. i ... ...:.r : . I senatorial.' in)iriAl an,l -- ' irrsacr jur o oeit g mtaaarv.ouartenaaatar's.ordoance nnmanny. lie anew, u vtii U iM-we tw dSino uJ n tart.M A!af if a oYcaraiifrvo Anmmi'ffn ri. I senatorial. ludiciAl avnd .contrri VXW A WW VAV,Vu fit V WUltlilibVU 1VI SSI . - W O . I a period of thirty days the county uavuon. ou pa i to - . : ' K .. v ,i " -lorder their-Tespeclive con ventiona I tryiqg rivers. The men w hue duty throujU dssty land and I medfcaj departments of thep"'01 !hal "war is bell," bnt irrespective eon ventiona I trviaz rivers, rue men wauae duty I cauvi uvuu vuMiuiauNiiu LUcreoi i ft waiiIiI hftfo rwn -ia mtt inm . t . . i.i i v . v t . . . rill executive committee shall appoint and hold chalrmanshiD thereof Ui Zm wl arrw thm ff.1 committee from the Demo-1 until the AWtit- I . . .. .. ... lineioa chairman. " ; . ; ;t7 na atana uy mem to i-i an, for the neoesaary suppl lea for their 4.v The executive oommitt ea f loowatiays empiojea loiesa senii- ,0-1.- deoartmenU . deatenai- thevcnaiorial, coneret-aional and mentAl, If more . useful dotifs. I ebwa and timea of deliv- judicial districts, res pesiively, Navy and Army. Lrv. Ail n.rvm.mmnl.tnrvitl, u m .1 1 1 .. r in. am w w v. a m tlVA chairman fnaat aft innu tina nuu. umuo III kUOlI (CBUCCUTO UIB- t.ncta, aud the chairmen of said wove T-f ce2ira 04 Itcaiax aa4 ewralac cW aala d'aeaio llowf wtr. tt cratic voters of said precinct. 4. The members of the precinct committee shall. elect to any va cancy occurring in said committee ;;5. -The county executive commit tee shall call all necessary c .nren tions by giving at least ten days' notice by public advertisement in three public places in each pre cinct, at the court house door and in . any : Democratic newspapers that may be published in said make requisition upon did not permit that knowlcdft TTaT to make him a fiend Incarnate. I gr aae. Q .wiaa rare xr f.ovreotta. aJt rWaa. cat, bmrae trn. la!aIQ aa WaTai rlfco a-4 UuuaSiZa Da fo tC. tie u a tav Blaie4era Byo A Ceylou tea planter wilhaglaft u (hrr deaire. and the resperti ve committees shall im- J eye wanted to go away for a day's roffi, making such pay meats shall j ZoiJ,")i meuiaiy noiiiy tue cnatrmen 01 1 shoot ing. Approaching nu men, dopUct, receipU for the Is a sroater pttmtr el d'.toUa aa4 as aJBtUaliaf ftfbd. Tot laeaa De K.tac's Nrw life rule weak wooxiwa. rwr such reouUStlona shall be pai4 the 1 r- rouu ctu orrtao. ..v -ui- a"r iFoeoas ftoea Ue ke beattty Ccak. O) tie at ttetaa committees of the (Mid itppoint- m-jnr, nnd the said tive committee hall Aeall iSAliBf avttiAvia rf r I Iiai w trna wv.A county, requesung ati mocraw t;Te conformity to said of the county to meet in their re-1 notice to send delegates to said gpective precincts on a common I respective district conventions. day therein stated, which said day shall not be less than three days before tha meeting of the county tna niltidi-ahr . ffn i t .vanntm. . ........ i . ... I .- - -uwu. -i.Avv.a.o I .n . jl . u a llh nnrrTi nrw l will I . t . . ... .in . . . . . .. U . u .. v.. . " . ... . . Tl l 1 T .1 . .TV ... ... v.. in. 1 - , 1 hui bvsm.j 'H vi iyc Kleelar We Sle-eav. Sir Francis Jeune and Mr Jus- conntSecu- UX k"" tlce GortU lUrnea have bad post- all forthwith y?tor!.,!!?ii!J! ktoa- U ProPrtJ. edoutaidethetwo eourta oftbe wora. adu, uj me .rpg -ue ra8 of TDih receipts shall be at native, be took, out tha glass eye, placed it on the stamp of a tree, and left. . For some time the Bar STATE COHVENTION& ira worked like eJechanUt but The State convention shall be 1 at last one of thern seising his tla ia7- r i is. vV it. I .W ' .'i-,r 1j t-'" UiXJj a" a - . a ea bbbbbbbi m . a - I jtl c a wnnxirxAD. Surf ton DcntUt, taheoho. N. a tartrs Locrs Vlollriltog. THe One Day C4e Cwrw. A e W4 im naa taa aa c hw. Til CO AUD EN ADFAIIU conventions, for the purpose of K t , currir my deUneMliBir. delegate tree,. and, placed It county conventions.- Thereupon as they saw nuui'lutr tn IIP in RHAII ICML . , - . .UVj JvVJ " l.f. vw. J f - -1 ntn I U"J .iuwiiw .vko 'it,r:.r:rir ';i delegate for fractionaover Strl.-tltr F t Il?5T-CT. A KS. Hilnnm. I " . ? " j- ..vs.uinve uemocratic votea CAS j -x rigneeuvR votiuir yiwuisw, wmtui ... . ., . .aeutonall Throush and LiOCal Lii" M r-nfi nflhem r ahall "ne las.Preceuiogguoeru 'IV.iir.s- Pnilman- PaIjica HlAAnin -r - waa naa-wai x vaH w v r a a aa r T DTI 1 hi 1 u W I 1 1 1-4 BLI1R lllll jriULT" m . . a a a a I'ura,,,, !t viirfit flv.; .nit . ' . . i ., 1U . I or alternates so elected shall be " - iBnriTion rn una in uin mnTiii - 1 A. - .11 MAO! nnlv""" .w ... . - yoiiug pe" H;-"-; tion: Provided, that every conn' y tnat may come uo. yr -J-""'J gnaU mi leMt ooe Tote in g. id conventions u tws u uiocwug 1.rtn1.4; Probate. Di and Admiral It once forwarded to the chief of the DlTUion notice to witness call department to which such officer Cj ihtir atlciIUoa to the fact that U attached. " m,y twern 0 Scotch M,Iir. BLosld the authoriliearaAQfier before givtsg etldence, I depends lor its tueceai on or Inhabitants neglect or rtfose tolrv.. i. ... iv 1 qnaj ty oi tna seCs cmply with tuchxequUltloua, the wUh uplifted hand rrpeaUor a I !fv fTf supplies required will be taken from the nearest inhabitants so I ; . t . ,i r .va.-. vv mA vi-l nlar t nf tAKi;ar.t BnL T. fornwa-1 &r certain 10 reratnaia aaa pro due urpe. sauszactory cropa. the oa S. R.-ALLBV ros rise PHOTOBGAHIS- OVII - I Ciie Kin v-Kksre. y.c. . 1 . a .aa. k a t . a - V I j 1 tnttr 1 naw war aa v ea nrw laswariaw wairnm. a a a a mu -4iiyv; " ' 1 re iuii nr. or loa oruer ana unaerit.. i tt...i.. . I I.. ... . - iiui it mki iHicumi w m iau uue iuey all lay aowu bbu ntu ware. ,i. Alr-tltm f rfc Nanl!.l ... seventy mi. tit .nn. iinnaward I 7 . .T Jl " . peaieunyaminor oaciai 01 : therein I , .. -h. I coort. The notice to whlcH we atonall . -I ""iv., acii any cqdoudu I Is . 1 - I 8afe Schedules, Travel by , the Southern and you are assured a Safe. Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. " - 7 Apply to" Ticket Age it" for Time Ta o" R:ttes aridGenerai lofQrmatiuo or Address V-'---'-. :;:'' tw F. B. DARBY, a. L. vERNQNV it. P. A.. -1 -V" r : aT.AP. a, (Jharlotte,;N,-C.- AsheyOle, N.C 0 TROUBTjE TO JtSWB QUESTI0118 end Whisker Bastta enred at home wui oat pain Book of psr tiebUra Mot FREE D B. H. WOOl LEY CO. OfiSoei'lOt-Morta ijor f shall be held in any Dreciucl iu Dursuance of said call, or no elec tion ahall De"made, the precinct ! executive committee shall appoint such delegates. . " r HIM ABIES. The riret el tha ravahriaiaerw. Just ninety eight years ago next Wednesday, on Mar 1, 1804, there started -the first and the .... -r -IV at.. . Resolution passed it meeting of K", 01 " UB executive committee November expeditions ior saw eipiormtioia t 30, 1897: - , the great West. This was the ooe "Resolved, That in accordance I conducted, by Lewis and Clark, the ! refer repeated outside one of the deUched from the aiala body, (he WQrU 0t lU chancery Ditisioa chiefs of the several departments we Ure txtry bop6 tUl u of aoca command will procare sop I w,ai f,iaai with the resolution heretofore adopted, .all white electors who whor-e headquarters while the piles for the same, and anrh other stores as they may be ordered to provide, la the tame manner and subject to the provisions herein prescribed, repf rticg their action I to the heads of their reaped Ire departments, to whom they will Allthaw.U known end highly esteemed varieties of cabbage, onions, lettuce, turnip, wheal, oats, mc will be found- ia the aasortner.i. MacNaifs Pharmacv. ta titra tnr m an v orn liodrfau.b.c.mur iwa,. iLiillEld FEalB-COlM 000 a. ctaa oototDg to codocou 11, hlle tt la nasty and may become a means of propagation of disease; I Ose of tha most prosperacs in- and we have seen with regret t atiorai for the higher edara- mm &LJ Atlanta, fia. briiUHtSTEn'S EnGUSIl PENNYnOYAL PILLS intend to vote with na in tha next Prt WM P"PriD lor forwErd dllDt tcale of all vouchers a a a - . a . m -k.m m m . aa - a. n jm at. aa nn 1 n ht 1 naa a fi. al everv. wrwiuun uicomuc .lulinn and vhn HMim IDBTA. ori u,wvt - there shall (before lhe delegatea. establishment of Anglo Saxon expedition entered the Mlseowri to . the county convention are supremacy and honest government on tX day. went up that river in eleeted) be a vote takCT fortbe in Korth Carolina, are cordially atBntotheMandaa Indiana different candidates for office. inTited to participate in all our u,al r .L JZI be presented nrim-r and conTentiona. couniry, a mwo i . K-- ana nrlinao liltmM TTiaV T W W V m 1 - - . and the delegates shall vote in the -county convention or tneir TMtnective districts m accordance ! primaries and conventions. GENERAL: RULES. 1. At all convention the dele- ent Eismarck, lu xiorin xMxoxa, which they reached 00 November giveo or received. (t). All persons who shall decline to xeoeive paymenU for pro petty furnished on requisition, and all from whom It ahall be necessary to take stores or sup plies shall be faruUbed by the the statutory permission to swear la the Scotch fashloa war, as a rule, not known by wltpeseca and frequently, also, that Judges, Coroners, and Magistrates were Ignorant of It. The form of swearing by kissing a book is purely one of custom 1 lion cfyoasgwoBea lathe South. Panacea building. water kept la the Nineteenth Annual Session be gins BepL 18lh. For Catslgue adireats Prtai- F ARMEIiS REStAURANT. Open at ail aeaaocsh! Locrs. And guests served with all Ma- acub'e viazJ.i ty best cooka. Next to Uoward IicUi, Wood's Stfuds CLSr TOR THE S0UT1L witi this vote: that is to say, each I gates shall be elected aa near as - ihm candidate-shall : receive in the may be from the friends and sup- April 7, 1803. . Then, hef 2, and where they remained anUl w.fortakl ngthesam , There i. no direct antbority for it dtea, IJll N C. a at aW aS? IT1 fa. itkad a-.awl I . W-a. ll I Art iTTtTaiTT U V V a I nrA.IT w I I Ta--lt a v - I r7Tll t s TaaVSTTT -f u X Vi U U. candidate- shall : receive in the may be from the friend, and sup- f . ; f - with a receipt specifying the kind r . . 1 ?r . . . . -V.! wli nraVk. sciy. county' convention thi proper- porters ol l&s sMaiasw-s yoieu c..e uK.ue ev.. MiqMality of the property n r'01 i"lcwtT- mimj I zu foe by U-e it tA March at nbboa .-a... ..l.lllli.'i.Kk KKil.lMll 111 ..t-1 i.w liii" txuea. Kale' with blue .Lt. m'.. lit!... rilkidKrtaii ii... r 1 1 ili.nn 1U1 v ul four DntirtUt - r iw! is-. : K(ampnrr Rr llar. Iet HrllrT cr fiU -.' ia fcI-, j- rir SniL toHM JeatuuouiaU. bow by. CHICB 1O0 MadlMti -tntaHaaan Nathan WilUams, m of to which the pre-1 for. cinct may be entitled which he re-1 2. Snch delegatea or alternAlea AAtvftdin the precinct meeting.! of abvnt delegttea as msy be Tl chairman and secretary of the I , resent at any Democrat io oon- rreeirit meeting shall certify tqventin ha I be allowed to cast tbo ro ojy"eonye'll'"n TO'efrc- I m- wiioie vote 1 in auicu iuci ; ri.u.-ir'-'-i-Hittliitate a thv ir. cii ctttcot.u v ujsv bettitled. 1 1 - . II . - IBSTES GBSHIOAL OOuiJ -r : ' am " - aHtXa4 1A. A CXT I O BANK of TARCORO, T v K tno. N. a " fc.tJ' 4 ' fM YEARS 1 precinct intetiug. ' - 7. jiacn precinct snaii o titled to "cast in the county cca vention ooe vote for every twenty- five Democratic votts, and one vote for fractions or tnmeen dem ocrat in'yoles cast by the township oi? hfl Iat preceeding gubernato- . . ' r ;.ll tl.nt vial, amrinn: iiuiunu. V " . . . .. a. everyVotmg prectBCt suau o eu :i fr .ask one vote anaeach utisiacTva - te-r . - . -T'ptecinct inay eend as many dele --rh chairman of tile precinct vmmUtAoa shall preside at all bUlUUll.n.' K n,.i'nf TTioAtlncrR. In their ab BADca any other member pf committees may reside. COUNTY AND DISTRICT CONVENTION. 1 TKe ; . several conventions shall be entitled to elect their sen atorial, judicial and congressional convention one delegate and one alternae for CTery.hrty demo cratic vutts, aud one delegate for fractions of over tweuty-nve uem- the last pre said Thaos mabrs o .. -iy ascertain oe fJJSfirJI.S? M..iu. ri,rflytWeuiiiiI.iHodboj .Jf. - t na r... ol.lf-4 rrentt-f for eecerrt". IJ. ftr.!a ali:i ibnnicfi l V roea tjxciai wAtf, tr'.'ii.-tqt chants. tBtne M SdtntKr: Hffimcaw A h..nrttuety niaatrated arepklr.. euiuiitm 01 .tir hmiuiib uwnNt . Tuir : f nor montbe, tU MI1NM Jt Hn sen iiwioee a www . . . . " T', " t not far from its sources, crossea the continental divide; entered the Clearwater Rleer, went down that stream to.the Snake lliver, theoce inbthe Columbia, and followed onward to the la- ilte. to'nmi'U ... - I af a at mm- I nit XT. a 3. In all contentions pro? idea 1 cine, wnicu urj mi-i or by this system, after a vote is vember 7, 1B05. wnere iney jasaeu reived or taken, aa the case may bthe name of the persoa from whom It was . received or Ukea, the command for the tte of birb it la Intended, and the markti pi Ire. A da plicate of said receipt shall be at once forwarded to the . . . a cast there ahall be no change in the winter. They started on their I chief of the department to which such vota until the tmai result 01 reiorn on arcu t 1 the officer try whom It was execut- the ballot shall be announced by Ing rrom tnetr edU attach ed. thechairmanofsaid convention, two or three points, followed op I - . .1. ..umtu. I ik. (VinmKii mtt fta . t rlbnt and I ' ' llaoy . persoa snail re- commitue shall have the power crossed the divide agaia, entered 1 move er conceal property received to fill any vacancies occurring in J the ' Missouri, aud arrived at St. I for mi oiihearmy, or attempt their respective bodies, v I Lorn a on eepienioer 10, ow.--ow i . . lV. offiocrl hereinafter 5. rne cnairmenoi no umeui lmuh uiuuviu'' county conventions shall certily the-list-of said delegatea anui BiTie avravi a. nhernates of the different district , . mrtLi ' urtla imd State conventions, and a cer-1 r,,. t i nuia -be beat phyatMaa ara titiaA liafftf aaid delentes and l -ffrcte.t i r Vr Kli"s Now Dweo'ery of its Introduction is unknown. but this Is not because It has beea lost In the mlsU of antiquity, foe- it Is fairly certain that, so recently a at the eod of the seventeenth century, if the form existed it was not iu any general use. It has been pointed out that Coka la his InstltoUa make no mention of klrnlcg the book 'but writes of the "corporal oath as thus Earned because the wltoea touched with bis hand a portion of the Scrip ture, aod this aspect of the oath fi.iS V artUaj: o tj. Geotxe . KCadrew. ProeSo, N. C. 1 HICHESr CASH roc eulU cvaii tor eoralaU rwaa. 1. W. IL tiAttW; Stf 1 WILL FAY ti hktt caah rd- cea lc tocatry prodace l s3 41. Nmf laU to ee ae t.'cr sa-isf rto3a. Tho,, 11. Pel. ; . a it. ultn nf th I fnr onatl m J' WD. Utjre0 lb SerrWt. 1 5 rllTM ' enl. U pis-egai- a mH, en Utws WtUl-l w. , . . - 6. It shall be the duty of the nnnntv committee and its chair man to furnish such information and make soch reporta to tna chaiiman of the State commute; as he may desire. - . F. M. SIMMONS, Chairman State Democratic Exec utive Commi Pee. P. IL PEARSALIi, Secretary. a a . i . a a a at ls mentioned will cause such pro-lo uouc survive. pertyandallothr property be- UkruUg cf the usher to the wltxcsw Unrtne to .nch person that mavit remove the glove Ufore taking be required by the army, to U the Teatament for the porpoawof edted, and the officer seising the klsslag It. It la also observed that same will forthwith report to the in the Bk of Oath,' ol whkh ! vtl...l f iref chief of his department the kind, tuition puettii . mere is no xaeonoo oi aisjucga in the ooNvxsnoar. ttcratio- votes cast at npp.linp- o-nbernatorial election in their reBpective c-ountieH; ami none but delegates or alternates bo TTnllr- tnr vn the voting eiectt d shaW be entitled tL a rent j renRth of tie several - precincts in said oonvemio'.s: i ikl aH follows fnriher that iu all county conytn-1 - . . , luriiier, iu a j Township . 1, Precinct 1, selected to attend any State, con gressional, judicial or otheT con tention, a vote shall be take:, in acco'rdance with the plan oi or ganization as to :he candidates whose names may, be presented to -hnnvention. - Tee delegates shall bo selected from ' oineae, and Wu lb Iife-alla ox jr a w- r.:: wriau.lquantity and market price of the lUr.i row be ad ab or eoids ant I property" scixed aod the name of yia IO or It IO( B i"-w l-w J , . t (.r-lliaHl. MlaavdV IUT alt TTX en i rua diaoe. a. Oaaraai-ce ra4iW) By command o! Gen. R. E. Lee. . . a ... a at . a a, a ... I" w7 60c and IM i ovir ina a d iw .. rai-lti.ta- "" - l eateaa a iie. . I 'Assistant Adjutant-General. Observe that theRellefonte,ri The Pennsylvania Yankees did mention of book. How the klaaiog origioated is, wo believe, almost as much a matter of speculation aa is the date at which It became frrqseat or uolveraai. Thelayiogot the hand on UAROAlNS IK TOBACCO. 75 caddies rSaapTa Tobacco. 15 -T Early Bird -5r rud - - SO ReaiMsak " t r Jacks Rest - IS " lied equirral " CracksrJack" Thai must be scld if yoa need an v. sail and saw bow cheap we can sell iL wildla B- a P1-TRR3 GROCERY CO J ThoaelX rery CLareVaa&r. T rrr l TrtaJae itm i S tm a l lai mr.i f ui-a. It vi :ej pni r la. ravr-:aj, w . ltt lalwj -9aj tUr.l a-3 l, tail mkmt U t-a .. MKrwVO r e jiaeJrx aiSrwel ee.JK aJ aawra myf'jmt MJarmmVxm e ,"-al I". ei t rry ts&m itipiiu ll av a3 11 VrrttaK a4 tTVa-w re Uraaa aa I dt V-. Vl Pc!i4r. O-atS, TS(a S4J Cr rt. S-ee. Vcle-ft aS SjT t'ea-aa. SVe'cWaB. t Cmts, t-am Ca. aart. aCle ei. Up eiX. ui vr..j t e ... e. ,... Iillt 1 1 . . J CS r.e w . itiisvi.-vufJtii, Ifr" -7t . J ' a . ' ' w I 1 Jl.w ia'-r a,fa.-. f.-fT-U n J . SOUTH AILANTIC LIFE CAPITAL 63URrtU3 $250,000 Township 2, Township Township . 3, 5, 6, it at it 1. . 1, ' 1 11 10 8 5 4 3 12 r III i b nvRnftnsia'Cura News prints an advertisement fcr not welcome Lee wftb opea arms. Gopels In swearing is, no doubt, J.. V V a girl' ta cook." .The effect ef They hated to see him come, nd of great antiquity, while the lay Dl3CStS WlUt yOQ the beef lru-t nat be severely were Immensely irUa'ad totee Ingoflhe hand oa the alurofa JJTT.ia M felt In - Beltefonte. Springfield 1 him go) they (Mass.) Union. . ' . Youngwed (on bridal tour) I would like rooms for myself and wife. Hotel ClerkSuite, I enppose 1 You ng wed That's what, She's the sweetest thing that, ever i-'PM 7 J jieneL Chicago Neva. - werttotbelaHex-ldelty In invoking the deity to t rente of Inboapttality tnwama hlra while he stayed; and the Union troopa thai could be called I of the hand i n the Go-pels has lt .4 1 1 rtM ifttiASi reez tan ave-rvT - . .i .I.M..I .inn i. i . I ri l ui rsre. 11 a-J i w. - " '-- ' - ifclroQwaaU TbataeatsesaUUve older thsn the Gospels. The Latin,: I .toenacie caa lake lw I 7 Iucmcut iv,...' tl Crr-rC-" tav oaeja IntA th Rtala In the ewerrtccv I oaraliei lo Uh-r countries tid caec&aed tat Ua sv fiirt- la . w . . w . . . . a.vt k. i T-ti....i i r m i luin. r. r I r. ri u . : . gave aim sso tu i . . I Pint 6cm rv -'-4 v - a cat aa knew howtbulhis soldicrlv no-1 la. bowercr. webeuete peculiar io tioas of the art of making war EcglanJor U LosUod ana Ire-1 CrTC3 C-J iSJSKJ xrexin I r have left his avemory. respect edl land, and It Is act qslle tmatairL'fl7.V.F?L, " tcOWOMtCJlLLY K-KXt3 mr rtK aotrtn'a most as.ccxiin.t, EJ-3iXr-3J KtX rp urr. vt tvxTrmtTrr. Ti!C rcctxxrwa actkt cm tul psjcms tthj ih crtxa ACt-VTS AJO MLiCCC-tttX. Pint TTPCmWT eVOOOO lTS-I. lei-'-re-' JULXAS- .S. CARP Eonr-rfT l. ruucHtM 3el V WavTVee1 C Crew M J

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