t , I i--t. - i. ... s....,, . , . . . . : " , - VOL. 80, NO. 50. HI- . , - - , ..... - - . & - 4 , ' II II I I I ! I J 1 - - -m, tApi,- p.t inunouAX. uk.uumuik iit ;uu. . . ESTABLISHED !82o UJM,Jl)flW&;-8:,RiOH V0B ; WflIL,g, : : Av: :3mH3MOTAJI. : SALE! On Jaiiimi being erected iiexito'EI10.WAn5f&i:IIEAIY , niid we -WORTJHI of P esciit Slock! Prices Hnwti iliiyo' Been wft nu-p it. loun on all loods! -4 UUI11IR I eservei Wr1 A' 111 L 1 1 ' ) 1 ! 3) V A GRAND ypPORTUNilT TO SECURE GREA'L1 BARGAINS ! plothiijg for Men, :J2jfdven, Overcoats, Underwear, Men's Shoes, hirts, Hats, I runk?, (l oliars, Cutis, Tie?, etc., Ladies' Wraps, Monte Carlo ClMt,s CMlen'sy Qaks .ajricL Jackets, Fine Dress Goods and iMlk, Em broideHes,vEadie Shoes, Ladies' and Children's Under- wear, Gloves I'lirs Ladies' and Children's Hose, etc etc. SI wy liifiil V :':t El MBIT Too much' hotweworit 'wrecks wo men's hrres. ' And the constant care of children, day and night, is often too trying lor eren a 6trong woman A haggard face tell the story of tle overworked housewife and mother. , Deranged menses, kneorrhoea and falling of the womK TesvK K from oTerwork. very housewife need a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. , BLIND LOVE; OR. T!i3 W6ra c 1 Husbands. i " ..-nil f I Br WlLKIE i OLL1K8. TI1ESE ON'D PERIOD. again, tbe tuautle bad Taobl.vO, ciag wa dimUsel, and the ( , uud tbrre pearl iu iU p1a e a forth oo their walk. coiumoit i'mii.iT drrol-rtd . A tbej pnMetl Uie iqq called eloh. Xotreior ! tiw -etprfvwj of. tho SpaoUrd, two womeu . wb CHAPTER V. (Goutiutied j (: Ol H impstead Heath. Wben they Ktoppelat theboue, the farmer's wife appeared, attemK ing a gentleman to the door.; Iris at once recognizrd the local medi- cl man. '-You're not iu atfenrV4 . ance, I hope, oo Rhoda Beuuet?' ; she taid. ' t blauk amazeaent in the rnaid'a face, Iria burnt oiit laugblnit -'IIow do-yoii think I look my new c o.k! nhe arked. Fail ny saw not li hi i I o Jan ?!i :U. in' Ihe aarilT l nKaIka mant'e. l iuni i'--omt mi, to gi gravely. I The doctor acknowledged that . . 1 A. I mere naa Deem some, return oi un 13 Juing this for thousands o! American women to-day. It cored Mrs. Jones awl that U why she writes this frank letter: ' Glendsne. Kv.. Feb. 13, 1931. t .n-in id"l1iat Voor Wine cf Cardui is helping tre. I aa feeling better thn H I hie J t--r for ysTs. I n dolrp ry n vn v.vk without n.ar htlp, :.d I f uai-ijid lal wea aa - .J t-nci T".:a shown- tbut the Wns s is tj :-Aw m-i t kU. . I un git ting fhier .k'r,.-,., bafoTO.' sad slecn icood J 3 a.':d"cut hjarty. Bj:..re I besn tf'i d fl Wine of Cardot. I nsea ro nT w 0 dmro Sv or six tiroes erery cay. fc P prir!ili'jitalBkef lrindownOuvu H the day. ilsa. Rich uu Joma. 1 !. jiT BKCOcisrra. 2 For t'.lf 'At aur aL OH.tinnul, jfusmil lioie tbau mortal iftayjCliaiKe.f 4fri no-, d e-mi ttfM W y4 fji-n r y. I i) 1 Bboda Jent t in the jr irdeui rv- -fold wmlinil.i nervous deraugement from which the girl suffered. He depended ' mainly, be said, on the weather I allowing ber to be out as much as possible in the fresh air, union I keeping her free from all agitation . R'loda was so far on the way to j recovery ibal sbe was now walking IU iuc j;itiui;!i UJ ui9 nun. v. 9 J.'. A; - Wood's Seeds. Crimson Clover j wiil jield under farorable condi- l tt , ig 8 to 10 tons Ol.glW" wu F auo, or 1 to2J tons of hay and is worth as a fertilizing crop, 20. to $25. ter acre. Full information in contained in our Fall Cataloptue just issued, which we will maJ free Ujon request. Wood' Fall Catalogue also tellr, all siiout -Vegetable and Farm 5eeds for Fall Plan tin r. 5eed Wheat. OaU, Rye, Barley, - Vetches, Orass and Clover Seeds, etc - W.ite for Fall Catalogue and pnees of any Seeds desired. ;T,W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. bad no fear of ber, provided she ( was no I too leadily encouraged in her present state to receive visi tors. Her mistress wonld be, of course, an exception to this, ro'e. But even MifS Henley would per haps do well not to excite the girl by prolonging her visit. There was one other suggestion which he would venture to make while he bad tbe opportunity.: Ehoda was not, 88 he thought, warmly enough clothed for the time of the year, and a bad . cold might be easily caught by a-person in ber condition. t " Iris entered - the farm-house," leaving Fanny More after what the doctor had said on the subject of iitors to wait for her in tbe carnage, After an absence of bareiy teb ruiiintt'S, ' Mita Henley returned, perR nally changed not at all to her own advantage, by the in troduction of a novelty in le rlress Sheiad gone into the farm- i house wearing a handsome mantle of sealskin. When she came out poed lo-th iblrnr. Aftef bt Ihe doctor LadnoM me, it vraa - Ligb tint to sVrt my authority. I, in sisted! on 1cbaugl!smk, with Bboda.-Sbe iaafle.au , at tempt, poor'dear.to rvi: nt sheknomi ,! mtui-l old and U.ha4' ny vy. ansorry j oi hate keen prevented I from amrghar, ycubal pottais the opporiumry wneo sn i won affain. Do youf admire, a fine view? VerVwell. wewifl Tiry th- drit- on our return. Oo buck,' she said to the coachman, "by Highgate and Hsmpstead.. ,(rrtu .? Fanny eyes i rested -en th shabby cloak with a welI-foun!Mi distrust ofU M.Jk.protec'loi against the autumn weather, bht veuttml to tuggt-at that btf uiiii treas might feel tha lots, in m opetPcarriageJ of the warm inantl which she had , lelt on llboda were staodiug at the garden g'.t (stared at Iris and smiled. A f.w In ' pacea further on they wire uet I7 no errand-btiy. Iir, too, .ouked si the young ladr, aud put hia band deriMlrely to hU heU ifllh a ibrih whistle ezprieive of nialleiou ei. joy iu at. I appear to aiau th-Ke people," Iris said. M7ba lo they In me!" ' n iv answered wlb an cOVr preerv her gravity, whkh w. . ftol Voltt 1 auoifHlly ! diejniaeM "I beg your pardon niba I tbi jl they notlee tbe etiriean reootrr: between yonr beautiful boot. awl v 00 r shabby cloak." I Coee at their fret, ia a bjllcrw of the ground, wa tretcbel tbe aansibltf body of a man. lie lay o hia side,' with bis fat tnrnnl ay front Ibera. Ao upa rot bad dropped elon by hiaa. lrU scooped over tbe prvatraU man to et inline hia fee. IUod flawing frra a frightful wuuod la his troat wattle first thing that Le "aw. lUrey.a .dol Instinctively, ecol.ioic frxn that ghastly sight. fhe next instant she '(Qrd I beta umio aud siw bis face. D ia or deait, it was the face of Lord Llarry ! Tbe ahitek that bort from br, n snaking thai hrrib'e discovery, raa beard by to meo who aei roealng the lower heath at sum istancr. They saw the women and A Hi! FLY SL'CGESIION. Ibis ia - oci ol tl ttrwtts tb rsdl atfl Uuif rrpVtisl- ber vtry ot C iaus t r-! I Uia'a CrtH IUMy. Ii i rrruja tjm t.l lr. tl mif t 9t. ti4 itn!'siii tn9rh mum jot t sad a'Jcl.T bB 4s sejt a baad abI sv as tt c4l b ms If sctt4 a d NrlJe it tcais a-ti'f-l io tbe Tw-m. It almost trfU Sloc a er4 o4l m t wstfJ tff bv UWi tb oo ss tbr ftisl mdr. irra. Iif ts aodst tt ta nt iK it lo crvurvc f lieu ii Karmtal bvisor. I M nW c bJQll&lbikw 0 l'emoosoiexeitabieteoipertiineni ii jd to tbm. Uoeot tbe men it have a s&nso of ridietl and a laborer the wiber, letter drrsaed, dread of it unintelligible to tbeir looked like foremao of orls. ; Consumers Collou Oil Conpanr, ' (lUysUt a Ia4rpa4at JliU) Sfiigfittst prices paid lor ss!i.m?a seed wliethei in cash or in exclianginjr meal and hulls i.'4?.. 1 rr iioy .1 '! ,h iu u.t. H.1UF SUCII. UbfJsSI 111211 CflVPn aias carrs far sal bf Suio. a I ltOWlO Vk&V.nt CROUP. I II wi I irvd ssw lo IL toot rs sx in .. exciiaiiire. Bhonldera---tr r-tM - Iris mad'V lfghi of the dounf ex by fb fallowerealorea who are made of coarser material. For U mement frkSvaa mngry. Why. didn't you tell roeof ir,' she asked sksrply, biieI teut away the carriage! Row can I fcalk back, with every body laughiog at toet - Bbe paused reflected , a little and led the way off tbe high-road, in the right, on tbe right, to tbe 4a clamp of fir-trees which 00m- nands the famous view in that part of tbe iretth. ,rrberea but on thing to be tOiV" sle said, teooveriog hir 'ood ietoper: ''we must make my grand bonnet tuit itself to my miserable cloak. You will pull out he feather and rip off tbe lace, and keep Ihtm for yourself, if yrm a si a - 01 smsn rb.ure 10 tesra icai rro a ti b ireeu4 It jp Is Uarusma or lb att-ct !! CbW UrCra tiare. T -u (14 by pecoliar r.o. h enact. Civr Cham betUia'a tvoth Itesaedt !f a whu ariiedon toca it it 'h-U ! l,-, . I or slur b 1 ouvt c uto sircars, I rl if '.tl .i..ttel all am Enoughlo frlgh'.en y oat of (rMD fc l- ... .a :. r t4 ladies,' le aa, at-i vtr toav I aoil d. Ikiitsv rdf ts a lf BIT !t.0 it.: o (D.rtb-ta . sad bs to UiU II is, in . tws ibst cat ls t dr tV-l a ad ttat t Hai-(l sd aJ lo For tal hv Sialoa A ZUr. Weights See us at Ue was the first the spot. r. guaranteed Ai?Ut:: e'jlioyslcr's office I : H . Manarjor. D. D WAGNEE, C n ractor and Builder. Lstiiuates - promptly inrn'fih d &nd work gnarauteed. ; preened by her maid. Bat by tb time they bad passed . Higbgate, and had approached tbelrgmulcg of the straight road, which crosse tha hieuf ridire of Ham. sta Heath, be was "Iged tp ickn' llge that she did- indeed feel 1 old. Y.u ought to be a gootl walker,'' she said, lookiag at . bef 1 muld's firm well knit figiirr. Exertise is all I waul to 'warm,' ni. .Wbst do you say to g tins home on foottV Fanny wait ready -and 'willieg v to a -company her mistfwCThfeeai- yoa aeoses, tirilly. Il'a ac-a vf .LiU I should say, by lb look of it " "For God's sake, let osdotjtue thing to help him!' Iria burst out. "I know him! I keow him!"' Fnoy, eqoal U tbe eoier rr, asked Mi Ilea ley' for her hand kerchief, j lined ber own baodVer- chief to it, and began to bacda tbe weund, Try If hia pn'se i beallng," she said, quietly, to hrr talstre. Tb foresasu made hire- relf useful by examtniog tbe sui c lie's pocket. Iris thought she could detect a faint fluttering to re do dortoi sb cried. tbrr ao carriage to be found lo thl horrible placet' tTobCoatld A GOOD o. Bssxs-tbs li-wStttxa Ihenuls. "Is the like, and then 1 ought t look 1 u S . ,k.. .V . 9 SbaoDy irom ncaa to ,ioo, 1 am sure! Xp; not here, they may notify us from tbe road and ' what msy the fools not do when they se yon earior ihe f ornaments off my bonnet!' Come down below (be trees, whre tbe ground will b'tle .as." : i . ' They had nearly descended the sleep' slop which leads to lb valley, below the clomp of firs, when they were op, ed by a trr ribla.diacoYtry. . o iA. tn 'JP 9-0 .c a . lwar tv- 1 : f MtAVZ UCJUU m kI 10 Lk. H ' a lc;i,ai TK3 t a'l t:a. aad if 10 a Mllllos Vs. Could tiardiT eirrr tbabk of Homer Hail Point, la. l.iateib: At cold Lai retttrd ca hi Casiior s B.o-1 cb-tl'-at'- virat ii'jin34 ai u bswii conunrHl.i, hul covld oot belt bim. Wbta all thovgHd . be m d-oued l in tt Lr Klog'a ew lMacotey fr.po aamptioo nd wrilt t eots plewly cured r aod aaved dv lit. I now waigb 11? pcaods. 1U pailivly srssiatcd fnr muith, colds a ad lasr.tru I. P.tr &oc ard tl. Trial bwUUs fie t Main A ZoelUrV. L JDLSIRE - CONTENTMENT, .cf,j PEACE AND HAPPINESS Si YOU.. CAW WOT FAIL I , ww-aiB r, m m uitttf iusk yosr lecly I stars If foa by t I N ' Vl nnrp. is 1IM SOT a. i c. Tr Otv Day C. F so S4 M, I tMfclT trus. Our Cold In Met A. Zrrssan CVnUu. t ( WM, Tfi On Day Cold Cur. Coll ta W4 sor Hmal -.r,4 Vr KS I I CVorrUr, UlMt Asssysx f 1 HAtW BALSAM I 1 rMa biii mm ,nk M MS Tl . h a m 1 1 i i.' XUT tlariy niacra TfC Us Oar Oei4 Cure. tTca44 , Um k.s CASTORIA Tor XaikaU aa4 Qiilrta. Hi ltd Yn Em Ahaji lU Uars U GAtafaHf 7 1 - '.TO We do lb l-oIce t4 lb tra cestoeaeta ao tH they cost agsi Frlsads also. ... iisi hb r at4 bsU- lir flioclis, Bolts. HE in jrvs and Screws. . Garden Tools a specialty. Get lYeta tr aid I ttadv f sir r-r4a. I A a " t i 4. , j ! 1 . k-

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