CVrr 1 A l BE-8URB TOU,AUK RTGHT;TQEN,(JO AHEAD.-)) Orockott H1 vy 11 V J VOL. 81. NO. 10. Sour tomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ,!flv!,e' CODsX. -bad. breath, general deb.hty. sour nsings.and catarrh of tne stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not oniy cure inaipes'.ion and famous remedy cures all stomach 'troubles ' l uicit,ing, puritying. sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. 6 H T.T T TV T f V P m M eyes, and he opened them no aav : w,: mm a OR, The Wnrst v Husbands. Bt Wilkik Colltxs. THIRD PEIUOD. .CIIAFTFJI XI r. Continued. . . Ia the Alcove. : more. He was asleep. ..' The doctor stood at his bead, watching gravely. Lord Harry, in his chair, leaned forward, also watching, bat with white face and trembling bands. . As thy watched, the rosu's bead rolled a lit 1 1 to the aide, taming bia face more toward the rom. Then a rnriona and terrift-' lag thing happened. His month TARBOROYN. C.. THURSDAY, MAY 7, I90.V Good Pills ESTABLISHED IS22 ' I was 1 t nuuoi turca mo ana we are now using it In milk tor baby. Kodol Digests .What You Eat. Bottles only. t.00 Size holding 2J4 times tha trial size, which seils for 50 cents. Prepared by ETC D.WITT & CO., CHICAGO . "I was not lrn yesterday, my I bgaa slowly to fall open. stomach tor twenty yWs. lord, 1 aure yon ' said the l ne is ne iaintingr' lxrd doctor, in his jocular way. "They Harry whispered Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravsnswcod. W. V, troubled with spur stomach for twentv v.ra 8 r.' -l - r -at .-r -v '9 Rio Too maclj housework v. recks to nien's nrrves. And the constant care of c; il!reii. tlav iiml Pwi,t ;a , j ... u, , often too trin for even a str-nr y woman. A hrurr-.u-I tice tt-lls the 4 story of tha overworked housewife Ls j .1 . . uiu luoiucr, uwanil lt.onscs, leucor:hii:a an-1 fulling of thu Kouib result fiom ovenvork. Everj- lionsewifa needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to y keep her sensitive female o.-"-.-in o in perfect condition.. . is--dul:i; ILU f.i." tiiousaiids o'' American oiuctr to-day. It cured Mrs. Join and that is why slie writes this frank letter : . Cl uds-aae, Kr Feb. 1 1001. I am so g!ad thst tout Wbi ff C.nlni is helping ne.. I :a feelingr ln,'.i-.r than I have felt for years. 1 tr.i ioir-g mr ovrn vork Arithout any hcln. aait I washed la.-st weasc and not oas bit tired. That shows that the Wine is doinp ma el- I am gelling Pebrer xcan 1 ever w:is t3iorc, T:d sleep good i and ect hearty. Before I bein talnas v- me ci uarani, 1 used to bars to V- K nay, fc- t have found itjb a nurse. 8h will r "No;, be ia asleep. Did you cme to-day. My patient's "life is, never eee a ma , aleep with bia bunjai efy si eking" -Lord Harrv mouth wide openr; sbndded "uerfectlT safe until They were silent for a space. her arrival." -7 The doctor bro a e the silent e. Well lnt she ia a stranger. .Tbere, a good light this morn- Kbe must know whom she ia ing' ha aaitl, earelewly. "1 thn k nursii!, I will try a photograph. 8top!L-t -Certainly. She will be told I me tie up his mouth with a hand have already told ber that she kerchiel so." The patient ws is goins to uursn -Lord Harry nok disturbed by the operation, Norlantl. a volo Irish pentle-Uhougb the doctor tied up the man. She 13 a stranger. That is the bankercbief with rigor enongb to most valuaMe quality she posses- awaken a sound sleeper. Mm .t a ses She Is a coiiiDlete atranppr I "ow we 11 see 11 be iooks like As for yon, what are you? Any- a postmortem potraiL, thing j ou please. An English He went into the next room, and gentleman staying: with me under returned with bis camera. In a the melancholy cirenmstarces of few miuutes - be bad taken the his lordship's illness. What more picture, and was holding the glass natntal? The English doctor is I negative agaiaat the dark sleeve itayitg with his patient, and the I of bis coat, so as to make it visi English friend is slating with the ble, We shall see Low it looks' I- ctr. When the insurance be said, "when it is printed. At fticr makts iiqniries. as he is present I don't thiuk it U irooil ery likely to do, the nuise will 1 euongh as au imitation of you to c iia a!nMe for the evidence she 1 1 sent to the insuiance offices. will yivi-.'' Nobody. I am afraid, who knew He rose, pulled tip the, olinds you, would ever take this for a noiselessly and opened the win- post-mortem, portrait . (( Lid dows. Neither tl e fresh air nor Harry. Well, we shall see. IVr the light awoke the sleeping man. baps by and by (o-morrow e Viinpany looked at his watch, may be able . to7 taken a belter Time for the mediein, he said, photograph. Eh?" lxrd Harry ""ake him up whila I get it followed bis movements, wak-hicg ready." . . I him closely, but said uotbioc His "Would you not at least face remained pale, and bia fingers suffer Lim to bare his sleep out!'' I still trembled. There wa now no asked Lord Harry, again turning doubt at all ia his mind, not only pale. as to Vim paoy's Intentions, but as "Wake bim up. Shake Lim by I to the crime itself. He dared n t the shoulder. Do as I tell . youT I speak or move. 1 said the doctor, roughly. "He A rine at the , door pealed will go to sleep again. It is one! through the house. ' Lord Harry Bes-innin? at the time when eirlhmut M... I tf tha finer nn:iliri( rl m V m ixi 1. I .t.-t. l.t. t.taJ with a ora t Into loveiy womanhood. thmhVll her liirVS . . j lru . .... a . . v. j v. thrfinst i(w silver nrruks p-tHriaitn advancinic re. I fini! tl!t it SPtUl- riOnl Ift MMn. I f .m. nsii- fraii , jiitt I r I MISS MOLLIE WEEKS , If years old, who' won the -Southerner priie for the best eompoiitiori on Gen. Xajsh and Davidson. dcAm five cr six times every dan now I do not think of l-icsrdown tii'.-onv the day. iltts. Kicbisd Jobks.. R S1.00 AT DKtOGlSTS. Tor advice and 11tTmto. addrrat, frr:.s( tyinp. ( h&tuiutva Til cine CV, CiialUiBog, I'eua. Woman's Ccastiction. wwwuS dnyof rold mid 'itft-rsre rrnn- ms ne ra,Hm continues everiastinidy to ktvt and wanr. and Lrr.jr h-r u-Kiknrs,, he tacl, c't.! discorofirl rnd d-prersion; yet she bears l-i Sr d?n pa'it ntly and n ith rare cuung. I h.r ncl, rrlief si:e may gnia is through allevuitiun,strencthe big herseif.i siiring qaiet aerves aad rail. It is a ro:st soothing melicinc It TraUtiar. Confide raid e intereal willa'tach to the business success or failare of this propoed "no treating" tavern in the New Yuik tenderloin. Its prospectus is rather grand ilo- queut, and the metropolitan papers seize the to poke more or less fan at it. Still, the plan is said to le backed by solid men, who share Bishop Potter's ideas on saloon. Above a lot of other miaty purposes, this tavern will exploit then j treating idea. Every man roust pay for bis own drink. So in a way the tavern may settle the moot qnest ion whether men drink fir the sake of drink or for t be s ike of being a good fillow. As I earing on this point, its fail ure would I a moie hapelul sign than its ueces. liostoo Adver tiser. Mtlii SaalU. I Bfxe And what did father say I wbea you aiked biml lit -He said be didn't wsnt any fool to the family. tSLe And be real It dosan't knw ynrt at all! He Eveept that I want to marry you. Boatoo Transcript. II irks lit n pet k is very fotd of eoterUlniojr, isn't be?" Wlcks Yes, bis wife i alsys pleasant to him when there' com pany in the bouse. rhiladetpbia Pr. is. Aycr's Pills ire pd pillt. You know thit. Tfce best fimily Iixative ycu can buy. Vast yaar eoeuacu sr tri a Scatsrul krvra sr rd tttd t Cm Buckingham'sDye 11 Waahln'ton, wLar de prtal dtt livw at, was nstafrt for a great man " ik bat l never could ooder- Is lb re-olte of the Old llatd's AHKttion cf western New York to give all pciUe publicity to sTtryca cf if t-eatirg, de- ser.lon, irparaUoo atd divorce, atau why dey left de 'Bocker ff ri' by aitralta or by eavjT erit. AtlanUCoostitotioo. LobUUU Titers. Osttothe far wet tie sop port eta Of tha rrri Tnl av a.1 King Victor Emmaouut, bc ,lutorld about bia !,. tv. gTeat hobl.y Is coiu colleeticg, ia UrifTaulion. Tber n9Ll liw Juat putting the fi-.fbiug tenches to sea Lira. ILonb. i a Race Yaaac Acala. One of Dr. Kb.jr'a Niw'Ufe Pill e h 1 i hl for tw wseka ha pat tue iu ur :eana airairt," whites D 11 Turner, of Dempsy- toarr, Pa lb- ie he bes; 11 tuo aorbl for liver, stouiaoh and b iwr-'s. lu re lr vegetable Never ri. Uuly 25u t btaton A Zo-eller'a fauOUVat m r at. , The story of the Iowa, like that oftbeMaiue and otLer veaseU, bo that for the American navy peace has greater perils tbsn wsr, Recently a tannoo ou board . the Massachusetts exploded and killed to his roicniScent wuik on lb coi os of Italy, the coat of abicb will be 30,000. The King's col lection of coins consist of CO.000 specimens. The owners of an enormoui sheep raneh to Montaca soffer so atneb loas from the counmptioa by prairie dojs sf the tender shoots of graas, which sre an Im portant part of the diet of sheep, that they have determined to im port cats enough to exterminate the dogs. tloual equestrian att. QcciseaU Enquirer. Tbecaplu e of IU lod, iflo- damo, by American troopa tndcr Captato Pervbbg, atnl klllisg of 100 Moroalaa gratifylog but somevbat sorprilrg phase of sr wLich ctdd- several yrsrs sgo Kanjat City Times. The latest tbleg to police brilliancy la the act tt m Phila delphia policeman who ran la a church choir leader because fct C ,- t 1. I .....BaMBfUBMU, " -v- w. -1" lT.t,,. 1 , VL' r II- .T t !..- I ...WW.. rtwtHCTB. . aij , ui inn, 1 aaiu 10 BTf jat received a fee of 200,000 for service, rendered Join II. Kirby, the Industrial klojr of Texaa in the bitter's numerous gigantic en terprises Iu the southvestern part of the State. Atasociely diooer last year To aav a life. Dr. T. O. Merrit, of No. Mehooraoy, Pa. made a a'arilintt re.allleff isa won det fol cure He wiiu, pa. ticxt was a'tacVe! with violent bemorrbagrs, raoied by a Ice ra tion cf tie stoajach. IfcaJoflca 1 ... tbelUr. Theodore L. Cuyler.of rw:a " excai tni v- x- 1. ,jl .i.. or stomach and liver New Aork, contributed to tie fan lr.,aU,a so I pteacribfd tbso. olthe evenlog by propoundicg The pstieot raiie4 fruo tie Crsi, thia conundrum: '"Why was Noah sad has eot bsd an attack la 14 the greatest iinancier of his oootL" Kectrie Bitters art time?" Ko one wss able to aosa.r, P..H rarate4 for dys . ' Pri. lodictstion, otutlraioa - UM c..Ww .ndkid oey trouble. Try lU year 10 loist n otw. a uia jear 1 VOly sOc at bia! on Zel.ara. Dr. Coyler was unable to atteod Ayers Ta Wtta raaaaar. I Whst li csort strikieg It lie Cgurea of tm world's coo a tree Jut puUlskedby tb Ilarraa of atlt:ics tksa the ao-eallvd "balsoceof trade ts the rtUtive growth ef tke variooa cvustiles la Its lots! of tkeir dea!ier. In tbe actual ssou&t of ta!e tie foiled Klerdota stdl laada ail lie reat, tta tell! tU g V ST3.CKW.000. Ttt eett la rak la ear o w a eo a' ry , w li h e x port a a s4 la ports amoe&lleg to tJ.lifi.. 000. Tbta eoara Geraaay aitb ntarfytke se, t I .rxio.O'O. Bat whea wsttaalae Ut rtUtive procraas aiade la tba past tkifty years ia Hit rotas cf eee: we fad that our ova has bea est of all proportioo to Uat ef asy of tbeotbergreatcocsaefTiaJeaio a. ra Incrraa has Uru K yr ce&t wbllf that cf lb t ailed Klscdoas has bea otly CI pr cent, aadUat of Gtrnvaav I nrit ta Iceu ' ar --. -k-a aa w m 4m u -w M a a, a m aw. a. . - .. .... I "" M1NKt4l4M4 Laropeaa cation IhaNctiarUa 'ajta r: iVal are tc at,ir. Tour doctor a tt'A yM tin t-ia, pale, -resk, ntrrovt ttiU crra bcrose airoeg sad w t3 by ullrg Aycrt SsnsrtrCs. Srtsa C7t, (cr few tfsys. Sarsaparilla Tbe tht-tt It rttr trexzTi sd rtry ctrleX Atk r&.r doctor why 11 is. Hebsiour forsulitadarxjuix a aat . a aw ... Mha The Children crT Cra uaa mui a -w -ua- ass aaade lb eot rvt&srial progreaa. Ia 13T0 Lev foul trad was bat t J0.O:O,fXO. I a :o M had advanced to I,5ll,C;j.C30, er I2IS per cent. Tb progrv of Japan was still more eitiaordiaary bst it matt b rvtaesaUred tbal a geaeraUea age ber foreign trade waa la lie lafaeey. Her eiporia wtrttbeabct 1 1 J 00.C?, while ber in pot U were iS.COJ.CO Ike tU trade Ultg lO.KtCOptX biac Ilea ber trad baa grown to t-il.- 00O.0CO, or 130 per ctL Hertx- poets aod ber ia potts are ew alaoat exactly the aaa. Ia the meaaabUe, Ills worth aolbitg ttuu is loui trs,i. ci wr ft. .ot;W u Uf.t r Um tn eegbbor, Caaada, baa a4- Iter Hay l.t all prtertr ca wLirb vaac4 Iroai IliZ.OCO.OCOtollUy. ata ivav act taa t-J wUi b 000.000, or in per eeUe'-Ubtljl-". 10 1T U greater tbaa oar ow a T.kuglk Lotb l .saMll. s f a . , top last I alaJt e-o I I orna.4 to faurpntxrJpaJ fcatosa abot al- Jo ax J. U.IIAIIUL'S laded tothe Uaibni Put, tb Ua?I if ririfl 5iu: cr ruibosiL r son tnx i 04 tw ro - c4 it wi c. il, Kr. (oecat-S at au-ia Tl u-a-av. AS l 3 tovt, Aa-1 loca, f" aa tAnla. H'wiitt atMVu C lWe t uirtut aJ ta'aW. Oa UcCornxk's ear a lirmtM as t jir rA!a. ttawwaCj at J l.uLea fen iua 4 ti rrrT. S-ae U Uf t al II a. cm t,OAVCiiITtirCC. FAIR WARNING I "Tba" said the doctor, quietly, causes a deep, a prolound sleep. js the nirse the new rurte Wake him up, I say IV He went to the stranger." He took off the thcx pnnl rvarrl in vliph thmpili.ll,..Jl.pa1.ur fm HrLr.'. f.M r - - ..w I , ,, , ., r.,'r.A wprant Trrl TTarrv with lw iV- ww. If ..Mf-1 1 UUrnnK ua rvriaiu y. . . . .. - t " v - aw ma mwM ta iww w a. v iiyii . f . ine vessel up lor rrjiairs. iuc the dinner, but he telegrapbcd thisanarar: 'Noab was able to I float a s'ock co id pa oy at a time when all his contsmporariea were tacrvi amwl I v. - I I. . ..I : .. I 1I..1 t. several jerons. The Ioaa ha I lw,fc "' " " a.rar.1 anii1nll in lla ntlt ' ll"0. . aaafta . v . vw. . a 9tcafflaTaftwa Caillc-ra .a.aa 1 aau.4 p smata r ) tr aaaaiAwjriraa4 SwaZu?. cwrtaXa two weeks, the lsteat one, the BRACFIULD'S FEMALE RE&ULaTOS will warm her through and through, alleviate he suffering, relieve that depressing; pain, strength e her nerves, drive away that sinking dull faintnesSj top that headache, sot the her like a mother) kiss, and carry her safely and comfortably throng; her troubles. There will be no obstructed periods. The evei recurrent and the monthly moon will follow regularl, upon each other thirteen times a year. JJuy of druggists for $1.00 per bottle. You are welcome to our Illustrated FREI book " Perfect 1 iealth for Women." THE BRAOIFELO REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, ca I fnscienret ' I f f Why not keep tn trmctl 1 - f with the whole world of science l i VV: I 1 h 11 II m AT m V wcri k aHBaaaaM liwanlorCOQ tH hated articles on aclentiflo sobieetsot current interest. a.nd uinscratea oracnir tioas of too new inven tions ana erpennreni VrM infnrmaxion bur- Mn f tha benefit of subscribers. 88 pages an Is sue 24 Issues a year. At u nKwHtands on ice is 15th. l'J cents- a copy f IJiO a year toy ma.ii. BampU copy for tluatkinit. Xne -Americava i W inventor - V Waahlnctoa. 1. J -.w I repair or remodel any kliH f balldlnjt? Sem foroor FREE CATALOGUE of all kind5 of building materials, hardware, mantels, ti It work, pa ints, glass . ras & electric fixture. c. FRANK T.CLARK CO., Ltd. tEitabliihtd 1870. NORFOLK, VAj some difficulty roused the sick that everything should be in its man, a ho awoke dull and heavy, right place, and went out to admit asking why he was disturbed. the woman. Lord Harry sprang to "Time for your' medicine, my his feet and passed bis band over good fellow," said -the doctor, the sick man's fare. "Take it, and you shall . not be it done?" be ahispered. disturtad again, I promise you Can the man be poisoned? Is be that." . already dead already? Before my The door, of the cupboard pre- eyes?" vented the spy from seeing what He laid his finger on the sick the doctor was doing; but be took man's pu'ae. But the doctor step longer than usual iu filling the aud voice atopl bim. Th-u the glafs. Lord Harry seemed toob- nurse came in, following Vimpany. serve ibis, fur he left-the Dane She was an elderly, quiet-lookii g and looked over the - dtcior's French woman, shoulder. "What are you doingt" Lord Harry temainel standing he asked, in a whisper. I t the side of the sofa, hoping to ' Belter not iLquire, my lord,' f&- the mau revive. said the doctor. "What do you "Now, said Vimnany. cheer- kuow about the mysteries of I fullv. 'here is your patient, naise. medicine?'' I He is a-l-ep now. Let him have "Why must I not inquire?' 1 hi sleeu ont be has takrn bis Vimnany turn, d, closing the I ro-icine and ill wiut-iithing cupU-anl Uliitnl him. Iu bi-1 more yel awhile. If yu want any- hand was a glass full of the stun I thing let me kuow. We shall be in he waa about to administer. , I the next room or in the garden If you look in the glass," h I somewhere aSout the house. Come siid, "you will understand why." my friend." Lord Harry obejed. He saw a I He drew away Lord narry The Idea ef tbesteam tutlice Is quiiNiinplet snd is similar to that of the water turbine or In pulae wheal. The practical diffi culty which has heretofore pre vented the development of good steam turbine, lies lo the very high velocity wnicn team ran Impart to itself in expansion, and the difficult iu efScienttr trans- ferilog this motion to vbeelsst number of fatalities on American warships In the pat three or four year has ltcen much greater than it was during the entire Spanish war. The lives lost on the Maine immediately befoie the war were many times greater than during thst conflict. Of com se, in an immense and delicately adjusted ptece of iuecbaiiia:u like nndern warship miabapa are certain to oc ur. This is the cas- in all navies. The col liaiuo bet ecu the two bitr British vesela eight or nine jww ago, la Which one f them sank aud mai.y lives i re lo-, is well remember ed. These fatalities bead lb r ahip-i f all rou triea. Tb ac i- dnts iu our na v be follotd each other so closely In the pa t ' feet bead la 0 feet pr set.n.! Uaitcvl Klsgdosi, Graay aa4 Holland wt ad last tb tetai ef I fore! ra t rad c La ad v aaced frca i,70SfOC3rOOO to t7UO.O00,wOO, oralilUe more tbaa 100 prce&l, la tb courae ef a gf aeaUo). Ifa aoca pariaoa could be evade 1 to show tie grow lb ef la Ureal trade. It wosld ua4cUJ- ly be fun4 tkal tie procreaa of Ttree blitd saJstrand wero eoailryla Ua very ilbtoan ficm the raited Ststeal tans naers rapid tkaa Uat af asy ! FUhCwmmisaioa'a arteaisa well I other roaatry cr grcupef roue- at Sammar coo&tr,Texaa.TbUUlri( DoiitgUat timeoer popa- I0S feet dp(aad Is UJiatrd to taa roaaicraUy saer bav pierced a sobterrsnaaa car-1 than doaUad, ocr rraoarrws ef all era, Thry ar the only livttg,orU beearspUly devtWped, specime&s atd 111 be eiLililed I yaT ta't f Ira ta porta Ui bat isd great prcraaa, aed it'tr&ai trade mat have l&:TVAac4 at tea 1 amoee rapid par New York Ttaes lad. Do. X TO -S- R: ALLEYS rem rat PllOto srxaa w - - cs in the Nw Yotk acqoatiea. an ci' The Dao;hUrt of tb Coctfrd- eracv hate ar-ttnUfd a com.r.w a .aaaa . I speetis piscticcie lor e.nairuct:on u Wlt lU mtfxnU u t or prtctlrai os-. Meam expio-tiog tj,rm ,a cItw Jri tW . a- fro a p..unds gause prrs-ute n.M for abat an h-or or to bl per iaare inch Into ibe atmoa. iu Mtmniul eurriart ia tbe toa absre U capable of imparting to bill are Uir g bt! I. a a m-. .ra an e ra r a a..a . . - . w - tat iuaua apeeu oi .v ice ocli a rrqcrct Wth ttmrle and I ,tr Uoable. 1Utii4i eas second, and if it I spanned from ieanaL! ai d .bookl U ccdtd to. Uutt to lUt- Mrs a R Vaa 150 rtounds ransH pnssnre Into a iThcx acrtkva .tl l l-t!i inLerMul Htr of Sbepberdlowe. W. V A Sara Tata. It Is said thai aotbisg L ssr excapl death and tas, oat tbat 1 tot al:ocatlr Itua tr Kiag'a Nw D;icotfy f-r OttespUoa la a sare tkiar for all lbrt aid NICE AND FRESH N. B. C'B. Naiisco, Baaqaet Wafers, rtiso, Social Taa, BatUr Tblta, Crvaa tloaaooa, rive 0'Ck Ta, Grakasi Wairra, Cocc4ai Ixlaira, CLoooiaie lr (Yms, Cb tSa&di(b, J tut arrif t4 Uowartt C: Oo. Gr:ry Dprtaat. Oprit Hard wsr Fict. 27-Inch tacoum it cu sttala a I Jug ami etritir. aajs I bad a Mini raaa cf brcaekiusstd jot a year ttitd e-o ttasr CxrtattJicc ...yot4o,oftrrr . n,Hu..i .u cm. fiV, i l.Zi , VtaT. U 3 ' The spout. m velocity ot water er-le utcr4c. prppnr to occcapy rtlt Oae UlUe f Dr Klcg - 1 d;acbarged from a noxx e with 100 or.eortsuUancifauo !;xtt New Dlscotery lB rated as I Qalck T A rin'la.loa aif ValKI11. face ghastly in. pallorj be shrank gently by the arm, aud they lift AJa", was twi.e iu th h'spital back and fe.l ihto a cha r, sajinr tha room. , ron, e,e a ot pile cans mi more. TVhlnd tha curtain FanhT Mere in 24 lumirn A t-T doctor aid i (Vr mar nrwl frioiw . aiidlL -.i,-. :k ir, I all retn-di-a ftrel. uackleo a Dates fc lb. .Fitsh lot assorted the dctor, -diirk this aud you III get off uuseen. Cakes, Jt Hies and rruncs. Sour be better ever so much better The nurse, left slone, looked at Pickles juet received. 8n ' h 1. t w, thi a , wll0 iar wUh hi, head D CummiDpS & Co. brave " He looked at biro tnrned Dartlr round.1 bis ees month or two that they bare at-lTbese B;ure Illus rate the ry hat gone UrelLtm. trAfleUu-! de' .f t eutlon rllcal litTerrrire or ro.iillon 1-I v merchant woold refas to Ibe luwa bwalitsu ewevial.) nn ! tei aatrr tuibluts at.d steam J cli bie dours for a coojleef boors fortunate. St. iui tiioue-. ku'"- i " '"w .The dream of C II Khoadea U Array or IL I.oit la aoaU rv realized, in America, before the mo,,-T 1 tUr t3t and a f fond left by bim have made it rde of pra. fr tboa bo bat poaaible in Uifortl. The workshop Nw,n sueMieaeajoniyr university In the great electric manufacturing works at Fehnec- thougU tnlmte to tboa abej abolat!y, lis UfailiaU U -r Democrat. m . a, Iiaamim. a. li aa m pMutnoeis sal cccirtar ti a. I Try it Its gaaraaU4 ly butoa JL ZoiUer. Trial tottUa fie. tUgalar siia ZOc ard II W. r - i 'III4 Ci Aa, . mm .... win aal a Mr. ruf Sam ruaaa tlfae. Tb Tar bore $a!JUr&r gitt at this infemalia: Scientific JiatricaiL ai tan4' f I Amic 8 -If aucklr arre-t fin t ho- nrlsoi ea'l'ia and rurt bim I c uqu ra aches tod kill paia 2 mi -tt attto i & Z roller. Goods delivered. Phon 70. 8trangely. "How do you like the 1 dosed, bis mouthoDu. A sirai.e The Cheapest nd Fiei-l'fst Clf uaalalf Ikaal rbMalff. For pure confi sion of thought j J. T. Faaber, of Utllbre, baa rroUawv la to cat taisat; sow ta ihm .VU!. fr Lvtt trr. lady, X.Y, baa among its 300 c' ' . r?1 I Us sold tb tnl l.lur f p r- foe atitv a. K I at av f a a-as a I V A. mt L. atja lv " " 1 cr mm sludeuta all college craodat ia oi (.1 twcvr. a ci aa bo t . - & youngmenfrom liglaod. t5cot- U., io ,fc,wo.u to Kcaiol .rtZ1:? . Cut to ctafloa- livdaatao ' ' '. 77 V T" . f tm t , . , )RS LrS'JLiSH riYBOYAi. PILLS e0 9.. medicine! ateep."she tuurmurew; "but the Oxbye shook bis head as a roan I doctor knowsfc J suppose. He is to who has taken something uauaeous. I have his sleep out.' . 'I don't like it ut all," he said. I A strange sleep, indeed I" "It tlorisn't taste like the other I though the , watcher. " She was ohvsic" i temoted at this moment to disclose r I . -I... . . a I a a a. 'Xor I have beeu chansrine it I hernelf and to reveal what she bad I to tnree irw tue neau, tue -1 ww . r . I 1 1 . l . 1 1 : 1 the Co'lowirg Irief essay by a -vrarij u aa. .fu.BK ."g.rv, 1 v..i .1,11 : ..f ...1.. ..n ineschoola of ihe world are re lMjaral Kuu.'l a. u 1 -. va . w. the "Hniumu iltidy" wi.uld hi bard iolra-: "The human body la divided iu land. France. Germanr. Saltier- UiP-' CbI l crlea- ladaatao. 1 1 v - u. .1.. irtt.,t dvPr. J a! attach lraMe land. Norway. Saedeo, Holland, Mf My s Cets. wtii n.. Spain, Italy Kuaata, Ilraail, alexi- Kv .. riea: -I taa ew di app bum aod Japan. I Io r-ri4 H a4 itava U -T9 w t iimiiagry id (row atnaai. jjy co, Cat ad a. a.. Alti-j v .J!l:ible. Iuli.-r.;Mk Pnirlst fi 1 i.!.l!t:Nri.:i.x a:?it.lK(( i:t Ked and . -old uii tiiilic ixixes, uetalft' with biue ribbOB -n ine cr J-r. lt Tu fc danirrrnaa snl-ti ul.oii-. . ii-.jil.-.l.on- . Huvol vi,ar ln:ii--i3t, ' r fen t !. muhiix for nril-iaar- Tett ""m il. ur.; Keller fur La-s" l il Ur ncKM-'. CHICK-'SIPS- CRBRflOAt. CO. '.ilh Jaal- i4ntrr9 4.A. Pa. '.Ti3 On 3 Day -.."- F::r colds sJd sore throat ur Kerrn'MfsChoCj. l.axuti-: yuiui i". La. siiv taken a cauca seen; but "the thought of Lord I chest, ai.d the inmuiii k. ITarrv'a tMiuoliuitv aitooinrd ner. brtal ..tiUlns the ej -There's a paiu in my thrott,' l.e With what face cda! I s!ie return ur, i ts-, iu. utb', nid brains, if improving it." The Dane shook his h-ad a rain tan ajMHUE5fti mrtuiv. -"as 1 adanta, . and Whtakay Cabitt urwt at homo w-ia out pain Book of pt ticulura sent FREI OOic. hA MorUl fryul a. siid; -'it stings, it buriisl" J to her mistress and tell her that "Patience, patieuce. It will pass 1 8he beraelf wa the means . .f her a .lirPfltlv. and vnn will lie hUSbaua oeing Cimrgr. wu a umr airt., .ln and fall asleen com-U' 8het..yed herself, tberefo.e, fortably." Oxbye sank back upon the sofa. His eves closed. Then be opened them again, looking about bim s rangely, m n who la suffering gome new exM i-.t Again be ahook bis .head, " ugain be closed and waitel. Chance helped her, at hot, lo escape. fTo t'Contf.i.ued 1 , ' auy. " The cheat confab. a the heart, lnnts. and pirl of the liter. "Thf t.iiumlek ia eniirelys devutsnl t-t the Vowr-'a, i.f abieh the e are tiv-, namely m, I, o, a. d K..inelin-es J.tme llrtietie. y and x. o 1 tta Bfwtai OTOXtXA. Tie la! tsi lr JLTin J9 w W a ' r Arf'l'OjriXAi IwnU, f W t- tin lir af log school, of the presented there in the economr of nature the bare is tb one ervatoie that stands tietveen meat of the carni vorous animals and alartatloa. In the northern aoods, abere snow lies 00 the g:oni d for cute lb ,n half the year, and wbete vtge'a lion la of slow growth, ti e hair serve aa a oabii-e fr t tut euli g I bitch twig Into muK-otr, : m at and providing ll in otb bt ! qiautlt'cs that ba k, ol, ld I rat. weela at.d fine ran live in liimiparatite uiury. A pair of I hares under f ivwaMe CaodlllocS j prdiice 70,000 iodlt iduala (a four years other l.lUr of air., worth H. Tb aow U a f ad-bCooded rvruUred IWraibir. All tb p'j-a ar bag and thrifty." - II er w kav :!! as tie rtas'.t cf on sow ia oa year. C&ald Ur. nbr i far oat for Tb Peat tb l I nam ber ef baic ef cottoa j the om ot Kodol I braa to sa-prw at ooce, a4 afir latiojf a It bA '.9 an fa'.'r rvlo4 la t'ctt. taMb o I slirvteta a ad caa t lv V 1 a a... a 1 a . r'v -aa w av. 1 . . . , , , I V uluva lv .MW.l aa-l . e- I ruu eat and makea lLa aramacL - . . tru W. It. WatcVr lib rtUUv cMtef tt leocrtra! Tb Peat ropaad a few dat ago th A crero,Vti .xs a tUlifne'Jc Members laaaaaa a.a.a a--a .. a ul tok coUc tbat I caa I w f oas4 sett door to o ct T. P. Wyaa Tbls is toe c La p I is-rsraare la th eosatry aai alavedsuly re UatU F.n.rK.sDrii. BWy ae4Tra 1 n7 n iso. ae.1 1 1 ' r 1 ' lit la Iccai ia or.r l f eweVft. d Lc cc..i ttt,!. a (ar!tl,) tu a farm il or wiii-wal tmn-v 4 SO e 43 acta-, w.ik x- wod lad. Caa any reader of lb blberae t IU waalf CASTOR I A Tcr ssi dillrta. Hi 10:3 Yea Kit) A!i:p E::jM . Baar Cgaaewi r ia this aaav coa4Ktoa aad Mr. Fi.hrt sacceaa. it nri to as, M irti better tiaa that f th Stb Carolina farmer. W o!4 w rl b U Crnr- of t rU . rl. and r fx it. cwarri tlb :oacx aiao gtaa ia Mr. KwLrt a-vtk aa well a coll-j ILaV rW n J . ' - ill 1 OAnTonxA. TT, vjV-i- ' 1 KasMba at LaS Hi tr arw iat Dyspepsia Cure Diflests what yon cat. TVs ter?a.v. ceewt sH f lb 4T-euia as4 tr4 a-l t siist I Il vya lJtVatl rtljat S-M arw tti.a t c .-r. 1 1 a,.ra taaal a-l t4 f joI rwa rut Tl -l Matt '..s.w caa tat t U I r 11 a eta 7 2-aikafi tf d prT-" -e hw j c-r4 iMer rrrryth-ar - ?ai- 1 t;ta: l r la i'.eiv. CVI'-- r rrt a-atsowba ta-r-.v m .1. r.m Aa rt-arta. A C-t astraaary. Cores v3 aisinarh trwMa rMnla'tWll. rwawoewa,eaaia Vaa St. a. M a, a waa-a

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