II II II -ii II : ' II II: BbJ BURifl YOU ARE RIGHT; TEi. tCIsT GO AHEAD.-D Crockett, VOL. 81. NO. 51. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. EXTINCT It ACES OF HEX. itomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervcria aess, headache, constipation, bad breath, jinera! debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. T.is new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist In' a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not onlv cure indipeslibn and hut fhia famous remedy cures all stomach troubles I m,3ty Pi!St Hottrm Rrrrki llar Xthlnv t Common With Tbelr Aucti tors Kitp Name, l'he discoveries which are con- :innally being made, hoth casuall ir accidentally, and by the fcientiiic lseof piek.and spade, of the evi ienees of our forefathers' lives and tab-its hack into the far. dim. and are : oggestive in many by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining me siomacn. Mr. S. S. EalL cf Ravscswood: W Va.. I Mi trouble) with sour stomach for twenty ysars. Kodol cured mo and are new usire it in milk tu racy. Kodol Digests What Yea Eat. 8ort.'es oa-y. $1.00Sire holding 2?i rimes the trial z. UM.cn sells for 50 cests. vay lint u is Iiantly reahztu lerhaps how not only countless nodes of life have risen, flourished, nd decayed, and in numerable mil lions of iti'tividuals have made tie rief passage of existence, hut that raoared by e. q. DawiTT & Co., chicaco 1 rery man y distinct races of miftkiud, W. H. MACN vIR. S A Ll? OF AY A hV ABLiTKALT .OF LAND. , P;irstvinl:to a judgment, of the Jvipenor .court of Ldeeonue c umtv, readeid. ifi a certain spec ial ptoceeilinir therein 'pending, entit'ed: 0 C Vines and wife Mat tie Pi Viae, Auna -Newton aud .husband ( Y Newton, Dr. Jerni Mortal and wifj Lilly ' Morrill, V. II M's-Jic -mkI v. j.f busisi Moore, E C KiiiL' nid wife Daisy KiigL Lu Wasren 'and ,ri!o Mamie W -iiei, Peyton" Mayo, Clayton Mnyo, i";;rv 1 'aj o, Jolsn Mayo and wife l!.lie8iiu.3yo, Hugh Myo, which once lit urished vigorously, are as extinct as the mammoth ami the dodo. Some died out ages a?o at unknowu dates, others have grad ually faded ont within recent, times, vhiie ct others nre.&urelv dtinsr. l some ixuccr races luere sun xit-is if the bull n.ay le sdtowed U-scendaiits of repn seatatives of a :ind. Hat the Greeks of today, to take on example only, have littlt nitthanmeiu ecinmon with the 3 reeks of the heroic ;:jre. The mere ttronht of Greece and :e ijeviiiu is 'suggestive of races ong. extinct. The men and women .;iss iMiiiaii Alavo ami Cbas. li Mtv uie plaintiff, and W W I of tue Ivcenaean civilization, for il arj -er and wife Helen Harper. hnsi'.nce, of which such Etartlinff are' def mlan:, the xiudersigned cduimiioner w ill seil at the cjurt i.oue du-r in T?tiboro. N. J.t ou , 'Jsiinary 4th. 1004, at :?,0 p. ni . the fidiowiner described tract of land iying aud leiug situ ated in Jso. 2 towusiiip, Edgecombe cvunty, to wit: Acntaiu tiactof Ini:d - Iving tn noitli side of Tar i:yelations were first made .by Dr. Seliilemanu on the supposed site of Troy,-and of which such still rcorc wonderful discoveries have been made during the List jcar or twe in uie Island of Crete where can their Lindred be found todav? The rier, .Hdioini. tr the lands of Mis wmc aas-uie i"pia mercnani Katie Li tie, James La wrei.ee and dventnrers who m tno dim past Hut Jlavo plac, (uQvi owiTtd by raded even to Gam wall have no Lamb Laweure), containing 110 Jescendlints who can be recognized acres moi e or ie; ic t cm- a tract ti of the sarac stock. Farther East, of and that John .uao purchased I . .. . . . t-u m. ,.f ka e ruaug nations ol t::e once Court of Etmiiv for Eosecombe i"Pous valleys of the Enphr.itet cou'utv and h Dart t f the iundsuof hnd the Tigris Lave no iccosnizable which tho late John Lawrence died, se zed and possessed. Jt be ing further described as.the identi cal laud devised by John Mayo to Lis kod, Wm. Mayo, to bold in trus) for Mary E Belcher, during inouern uescendants. 1 ;:o I.md where once asrriculture liotirished. where vdlages and towns clustered thickly, and the high towers of Babylon and Nineveh pioclaimed of much legendary lore, France, Centeral Europe and Scandi a are also btlitved to havubeeu inhib ited at one time by littlo pigmy per ilfcs. Bones of verv small men have neen loima in reeeut years m -e, lithic drsjwsits, and it has betn irg get ted that the legends and t;iles ti elves and the other wee folk of pop ular continental story mav be traced back to these 8ii all j eopK. If we go farther a'.iikl tr.s same process may i c traceU. ;lu t eiiirnl America there are vast remmns ol pyramid r.ild temple that must rnrc H-en coiirtriu teu bv a race y n en verv uillcre;i f rom that now e htm?- ly inhabiting the land. North Amer ica possesses mere than one set of mysierions relic. In the Mississippi valley aro the ttrango earthworks ol the unknojfii""!aonnd -uiLIrr.v-while among the era g3 and pretpic- es of Anzoi a. one of the n o.-; s:n.n lar re.i i s on the face of tho loW, are the rc.imwis -f the rloi e aUd-.s of ti-.c cl IT dwellers." Cirff d e.- lrs,'.r lUfiund luilden,w rli'-:e disappeared ages ago, and very little, indcvH. cm w c n .ecit.re.l ;iu.', them, but it is at 1 :ut certain they be!:::getl tor.ms of Men which have now no living r present.itive3. in l'oiviu si , rgam, il ere .urc some extraordinary ic....iii s ni gi gantic ttnu buddings, wuc: miut nave Ueu e;ectoi b a very !;ffirci;i rucv of men f:oin il:;;se at present inli.ibiti:iv' the itl ;it.U where tin- re naiiss arc f..nvl. Aiid thee I'olvne- ian i.eop!es if todav are ti:eniseve. rapidly dying out. and will hv nnu oy be uufiibered amor.sr the extinct races of mankind. The Ai:t r::Ii m natives are slowly dis,ipcurii;g. while in lasmanitt the curious ami quite separate race of people whicli weie once tt: only inhab.U::ts ol that Ul.ir.d. h.ve lectin extinct within living memory. Tho lL Tasmanian. u woman, died at an id- vanced age in 1&7?. Londo.i Glole. . A t'oallr niillkr, DliiudeiK ait? KonetinH vr expensive Oe as onally li;e i'M-!f ! the pricof a mnta,lut jim'II never 1 wr.nff ifyou iak Dr. King'ji X w Life liHa f..rI)B pepsia. D:zziuea.", II adache, Liv fr 4r llwfl lrou-ln. Tby are' gentle yet ihonuch. 2-V, at St u ton & Zoehcr D.ugS ore. TIIK MAS A A U OPENED. llus;i will accord us the fame open door in- Mai.churiu that we vouchsafe iu 1' mama. EuthMalaalle ( rawi Prt tm ' b.al llitOitalKI a. . . The dxu'ft! opcuU'C t'l the Coof-0 er e It si r icoi pl e Tbur u rn.ni n i be ui-tra toga . Mvr " ititftl ii-v il'j vt tii. Ujxir aro h n i tl. , ti !' c:i i r introduced I be uprtkri, S;ephcn C. itncaw, if our i,ttr too Wtult iogtoa. .ii. i . u.Tw i a p'o t iv jh' ( h ui a tiiit) tie iic rfid .i; d e He . : hi !'tu iktki .11 ir.- Hiiu i; irful. Ih IxfK it rt! c-Mj.pf le'j i v:.! in !, it tt irk. 4oi i.Jitice cr? ct-r ; p ' t, ud wio.c iiin tl a f . itiiic tlit i iu 'ti "e :o. i.V." 1 L, j t . u . siiCMi'.i J oitti b:jr-t if Vqi ticri e "C t n.r miii l .i er rcn..d I ap plause. 1 tit- sul jeel ti e -Sut!ierti Coc f:d tc tut tLe p- !Ttf u ...n jtid t t.i- va lien w bin it ta'iie ia In iict if ti.t. tl tpjtce. 1 b fije oi lis'.oiy bad !rdy lcu bi-jr jnwJ :th iLi- d d t f tuoac of iiicU ta Lou ilJ iuk, and fei.i.e L would Jetia:t iibUut by 0 d o j t tt i.tucc of tl.i ,i i. u h( ti.en-ici., to Lit wi d ttc Ki-idr.-: i.i.lu e t - o: iLr w-r.J ida Wji:r lrivu l'ip;.;. v.u t i- Uitr ti!it. ; on:y Ai;; -xii en liut I -r l,r.i'cijI u i cu rtvu. G.o::ii; In ult re pii.i t G. a. A'4:.ia,i, iJa f.j I'c . dcr.. la I to I ., ;sJ it rot-cludtd with An e otjii. j,i irorlit,a oti Hut en t,i lli S. .:.. t V i- i,.i. . .1 co'iiKut, u-.J n.iiii a ly adiil; t(l k i li. ;-; nty." Wi-ii the fk-r cnc!uleJ t'e Pi'iju:e u.tn up It eveiy tr.r in ib tmil, and iv f:tr wave it il v.e!.ed ait) leiJol be'ofe it Gul ly dwnl out. Uc O. l N rth S'ale ' was IV ii Ma; or i'tud- r d.-l r. d 'h D xiai l-rnui J rprt.td. a.d t tu tocc tl "Drii-'. ty i'l.ia-'i Lafier, Us Urc ajfhct.ee fid cut. . i luri.tr j;r. e !', y a bcutt U''.U-e il r. lU.grawa tua !- cau- it hopes lo j.ub'. a' it ia lo!l f r yu'y b-i. dm g tiw ju:ic b doce hiiu tar e id t y gv ca d . This 4.b day December, ISu3. Ii U. Allsbu OK. Commiiu'er the icim of her natural life; and the glory of Dabvlonia and Assyria, known as tae Mary L Lelcher i no and has for aees tat been a T . r 1 - - O " - tract ot iana, wnereoa joeiayo laml i cf silence aud vast emntv . . ... T.J. i- ' I I.. r.., tri t-.t 1. .fl.,II - , , ,-- , I spaces, a hind of nomads, not of set ia -n!,-l If.r rTt,Iion? Ill IP rrrxw I I t ' ' r o I ".i .i ii : t.t- . Terms of sale: Cash. Any person l."cu :lluuriiUlu8 ieopies. xu .gypi, ilesiring to pofchase may obtaiu J again, the extraordinary discoveries fiuthei icft-rmaiiou t y applying I which have been made bv Prof. to the uudersUbe i at TarbonvX. Fiinders retrie,'Mr. Grstang, and others have brought to light traces of one extinct race Buper-imnosed a a upon another, back to the people of SALE OF FARM PROPERTY: the Xeulithic Age. - Oa Dec. ,13, 1903, on the C. 11 ut we ed not go to the Jrar Kiiijr pian'.ation- a; ut 3 nu c-s-1 East to come upon th traces of ex- Iroai T.irl,oio, 1 w ill sell at public tiuct- ueonlcs. Thevare to be found auction for cash tbe foi owing at our owil doors. Hardly a month ) MnU S lWs.s: - S P ows. ll , - - Jli - .1 Pl-rw Harness, 1 Cotton Planter 1 uemS raaue m one county or anoiner Cotu Planter, 1 Corn Harvester,,! of. the remains of our ancestors, or Corn fchri dder, 1 Wagon, ar;d rather predecessors, of the. Stone other personal propei ty and crop-, Age. Their places of bnrinl are ii.clud: ir ot ton seed a d cotton seed meal Nov. 28, 100.1, ' E L Datjghtrucio, Adm'r C. H. King. Ja". Ponder, Attv. found, and their remains revealed in the curious crouching position char acteristic of such burials, the knees drawn up toward, the chin, and the body, or what is left of its frame- 1 tidve rj-t ib wcrK, lying on us side. . Liora Ave- wood yard ou the us'te ol the! bury remarks that there can be no River View Kutttieg MiiisJ'cor, Wat er &t. and Albemarle ave. . 1 prom.s? the v'c d (oak or jyivf-y tmiviovr pub lic prompt atteptioa and prices as i )w as any. Leave or 'ers at yrd or with driver. T. B. Roberts.. tlmj Jna( UiBlleu for L.I. liartiaar. . Judge Francis D. Wicstou will bo a candTdate before the next Demo cratic iStiteJcoiiTeution for the nom ination for lieutenant governor. W o are authorized to make this andur.ee- . a a a ment. it is !ioelless lor us jiow to elaborate his qualifications for this highoflice. His great ability as aH presiding officer is too well ktiovn. He has filled many place. of trust. For fifteen years he has given freely of his brains, time and means to the party. His record as a party worker and party leader entitles him to the nomination. We will not Ieiithcir this article with quotations from the press or with copies of reflations passed by the lawyers when he held court. The press and bar and people w ere loud in his praise. N i judge stood higher; r.p judge combined nitre h:ppiiy pU-usant manners and generous heaite i sui- NEW WOOD Y.-8U lUbd a : l ARE Y8U:GCK8 WEST ? Beirinping Sf ptl5, and contir.n inii every' day tLeTe&fur uutil Mov 30, tbes-e vill be a speeiai rate to ad points in Wasiriitcn, O "Idaho, Montana ViYd Bt tisb Cotumbu For tnaiv,. rale-. r..n?ts d i -,tb-r in for - tnauon wri'" at o-fjee to W. H Allen, D-strict Passtnser A?rnt, Wisconsin Ci-r.tr;.! Rv..G2t Pak B-'diT . Ptts- bnr.r, !'a. ... A Irublcatd llta. Rnnniug lilf md dowo the utreetdnmpiii' tbtt occapans. or a Lamrel oilur nccidei.ts, ttc every day oc arenvea. It Lliooys jtrybody to LcinlH le halve handy aid there tour m grw-d liurkleua Ari-im Salve. Ilurny, Cats Sore, Le ma atd PiUn, disappear quickly under il."o h iug t fleet . 25c, at btaton A. Zovlli t'i iiaiMi artaaii.i, f ir. ,tt. It laa rra. lloberl Ward, Maje.V, Ga , ry: "I f ilTerfd from p:on, my fie tnd aiinn! U ra t enn,.- i.ii"i.f 'ilj'tion, icL Ml Iw.r;,.--. r r.-l jo "rid. itc.ii r V y ki., I ill run i it m ! diM-ohrt ;-!. ; 3 .tanii? IlinoJ lUl.u carrd m j rr .'eciU. healed z the ?o:c and giti rtr akin tlirt rit it glow ,f !.-.!.:.. H ooj Halm put lie r life in!. r.n "iol and tiw fcnil.itro'i iir n i 'G.o. A. Vis!;. .r. K .-tV n. .' e c.ivr d with r",r"t ,r S'iretn bwh of h d, aupp rat B" nil; ar.MVK nr. r nr cat au t g ',r ran tin r - '- grli.e piP, itehin rkin rurnl cr!-:Jr .v II. .tar.tr p.! m nl lid i .rf U hr.Jed. H -t4!c Ii.'v-1 JUbrt, "1T. e.i "'all Jiuiut b. ",'! trrt-Uv-. ich aj r jfii a, Fibt m .1 ...! punj. , mi lling gi.irt.- etrl t!. V. rrii,i. i.!-. K..pt-i u h lU .! f. ill Latil ite r. tiM; !.utC V..i-! .; I:e -h ..r; i or t'drd t i.-. I r rj !l. T' trovk- it C'.re. i ' '- I H-'t . r-nt fr, d pr . i 1 1 writing Wood 11 dm Co.. A-L.it i. ia. iKven n- ir.iul-ie ui 'l fr v m l c.w advice sent i i t l-:t- r.. Sl 1 inTnrburo. . r. b- C I I'.urwell A Co. C.ller v. 'v. I'd.!! frttt bv rtorc. a mm will . TLe parl Mayor'i Sic Id baritv baiHioj wtten th Coa-fo!-rai H-uur cuoprcH TLor. aiaunof drraratiteart bo N-.uly nm greatly eou(xd I y it- Ci.juy of f4nc work f Iila. ill ron 4t ditldeU iota .-tj.. In mtt wa rtmetabraoc c iotrr whr r. ib-i oCvloSt of the liig:Ur f, the CsntiUtmer aod Ibrir trienda werpresJia tetapt i an I at:iartro Arra. It voa SUcd with ii ed!e aoj faocj ork -. Altat itry dAcHptiao frooa ordinary itrahioQ lo be el .br .te rtnbr Mdfry T I ll L'x tu wa tlioi I'dujr of U t:iy an ! of oLfrtDd dr- ihi to the h,i!!fD. H.ma of tb 11 dr. -a r the rt fret iota o! n!;iicrj tt. Tae rt dy LooUi i a?w a crc er t f in ttt t. To-confection are J l.on. iuaj vrr-I a fl tUlicsout. t Tl i.c taL'e ia r of iickiuiiibatniirr. i tr.'t ifct.-rt-: In all. MnaktU aod Th r Mho ajt irwi.t in r'. cr'..it.cw ltS the ri,oirat ttwe o inctLeirf rifgiirrt th' c i lin- tic wU arm tit tLat da iSu-ud i i :i D-.TCia h.i .t. t t-.t. . t !xiay. Ttic are a!no aworda atd a i 11 c Ne-f Di-cotny for t'otMsn p ii n. win ii:i,ea Innsraud l.ittrr Pht 4,C.ithi ir t'out .. if foin,!.d ailifi li. fital lerinlt.tti..l. L'mt! what 17 V. Ik-ail,Mi.f to imv: Lit fir my wife hadetrr mnii. tm tf cinnmri'ifjti. She i-t.L Dr. Kn'a Xew lmteiy wfer etetj thing else bad fiiUl. Inj- pnn nent cne at tu-vatd f nr t t . ctp irrljr corn hrr. (J 1 r- m'e-d I y S:m'c,u A Zoiltr Trial KttI f ?. Price :oc, a ad $1.00. Mr. lira Ikraaa. iajotei, rtlic f tarioot dU ctitiioim ..eof the coal utice U a liio knife, , dmintd no t! u' t to do duty aa a table miter if r.rr niry, abi kolfeaola!-run-i a bre, all combitjfJ. Ia tLemnfdor ttbe urocrr m btre tbrre are pxd tlitta t-ryi-tri rotnpire Ham, abonlie ra luiddliigs flur, aaor, cracker an I man) o fcer rxojool tte, all gitfoumie ttioMera. Th W4. !dii;ton I, it. whirl, ..I- O. the t.;ter ide t,t tha Mf ridnr sibja Kind wi-r l tor Una-.. 1 1 . .,. . wi, le on ti.i idc of the a:rr. 1 " IO P"re' " in lini afUteamanon the ot!.cr !-. r,Rnal,, a-.l.too,cma Cad and -fmiiHi;d him sa a rm wl I 4ttfacti n nod ttietT to re- a rvT.i.es lo toady to the in:.. . I a'u ii neither a Ctir.kr nvilli olt;' bi.t 1 m U ho had tue- tii;; g na'.it i:njK)rtant to mt and ii" h..w lo aay it aril." T:.e l-t think it muit hvelH- n n dr f.-h ing to vuy t 0 marked a varuti. n frot.i the AinefUan Ijjmj to w .u-h ll ev hsd U-en acenntotjH-d, to mrtt an .Viwrican a Looked tl.t.i i ritLrr apolti. s for hit own nation' Ltv nr wiPiLtioii for their. "The Pa' lua a e-.i: i:c and manltwavi f r,.ra ing itjil.'on mcnar.d a a-;r-. eicr much one ir.ay d .Tr with il tin.e. that cwr.!.iiv!i nr.HTt. if . m 01 erowoiBf the axc4 txai t of IxK.or. ael ttry crafaHj M U opootbtqttre&ly te4 f JIm SalJU Kalbt, B,y Lia ;ttia He tt bauleof life proved lutxrm fela It It lo tlla rotrf, at. ) taij tb omaa wbai ktVov lf lots portxer l &a WotifoI aa Lie cUt oa tl f or -aa too. Vaa Catasiari prar.d e prowr bj vinoicr tie crow a of ib tidnl tualj ol boor at i te ebo ! Mataie Webb, a m-w 1 bappy aeleetioa. Maybe eibib 1 a taocb dUeretioo bta b r-; ibe qqewtloa. The prewalttr i ef iKe rraata a ftarrfi.:tt fmrt ta) t, Y la. I La fer!i hi,-! i t. I cn tiiA fifctir pits fr4a, aJ who I-eard it. Irt I f nt rar.4aUoi !!-. ,H pfroc td it a rem. Tke dxr.nn; w r j 1 t n L ; betoaJ tl 'mt in:' i3rttcti the twa!." Xfrrir.t .. I er, y. j ttuut were df pW-te! n etc rv rorr.tA. j ware, at I ft.9 lonmirvret mtA lull wttv icte-i a p?nca.rfd nrrMi, Oceoftle larr-t rcrrh of rot too bj cte bittr waa e.Tert. ii be Satotdaj by . A. Haft, ESTABLISHED 1822. Ajjers BiJJ? Sc!pi!ilar taithia? Jlsea b't rrxitiMy too U:c Toxi Btt'.cacd dsirs. If k4 caly nkca ocr ti. tict, tou -o!j tJTC Hair Vigor tie C2in..T,nvcJ jroar hair, t-I-c4 each to k. If bc cct'rtly balj, eow U r&ur A. Aavrw. ka wai. m. IUI Good Hair til.txo. p5tCtAC lltff 1 ft! I l (K fcttta tad f t!r&acaa e Uaia tret. 1 4alTX ranii Kis tQftl al a. Ilalrrw. Ilorft k it Ital Kr. HvJra, mii: rrett a tacJ- 4rl:.e aJ ini tl,ta. Kx-PrtiJett neefa&Jhco- ly at ia iWky Maast. abot an boor ltrea tf a t. utile ibere bo tu u trt cf tLe TooearoraCoU. Ha tu Klict ell, cot qQite . Cebjabea be a Preaideat. Altboc-b, trar. tos the tbre avre aal tt a tsaik time bet Mile of tte to of o tsaor )eri watvUib'.e. I!e aa very aSaUo atd talked oa a evot every al jct except poUtkw. Ctccl Dycpcpsla Ciro Oocrwa vvt rc-a l u;n t.ui , e v , m m ' aiai av ' I CtttiAA eaajajaa ajiii.ri mm m mm lmmmmm mm ejan aw" ai awaaa eeni 9mm W Ma l c f w e rr,aa nn p 1 in w 9 annwamiaaj, a f H ' ,, st . mm at a ia eai -a e- at aim oa, tei-a m ! ft a eaovaaa ) ?' ev- - .m -. ale M 4.. a.. a' I. I ' 'ft w ,r ; t 1 1 11 .1 wa , . ..I , .-m ' a i a ' ilKICIliSTER'S ttUSH tEKriyiiOYAL PILLS IV .awv t.-aa t if "1 a t approval. 1 1.e kind w. ... The HailacTlne. TI,o mill with h l.ir.Lin .v..rrn.l I r"Prut eijue i:;d just Umght a photiogrspli. j Thi thiol will talk anvihirg I talk into ii, won't it?' he aaktd. Ycs, air, replied the dealer. The phonograph w it tet in n;o lien, and the pnrelufer sit ilown 111 front of it and Hke into the ntoul). piece as follo.-: 'Poland China, pojmU. Po land China, Ko? o!iiids. Pol.u-.d Cliina, S57 m.u;hL. Poland China. por.nd. Pol in I China, ixtrno'ii. Poland Ci.u.a..J-I ji'ind. Poiai d China, hoi h:;ii.i!."- IL ke it tl.ii up 1:1' h had fdletl It for Mr. Ilr .t w.d rem mm I li of Lis CoioUct are ti-i.t tv &,t:d j i. of mil Tlio A ei--ai; f. j ikies who gn to Ki'l! ?! i t g'.t lern aome clfn-p- ; fr-in '. e coi.durt t.f Mr. llrj.ju o.rr ! t-r. and The Post to l.v coigr.tda-cd in CiJi'i.g ;itt : 'i.u to lh r.t: Itsct f .t real Ame'k'j:. in 1! :'.ir l rr.d rciupirinc it to the !!.r.4:i who pi c.-e.!id .;. 11. Mii.tgoi iciy .l-ar-n:d. t't.WU. All thcc br-u'.hl and rompart rreu;a arc prr.dcd ovrr by deter ar.d olIi-if?t Ldiet. who teto tb'r wretcil .!- on lhoc who tptni t' e moat fr the etoe thrj bold tn.t dcr. Kcadir, the -4thrnrr boa oalt tgc.trl what ia at taal Ha Mir. Yea and ae for yooraelf. Go wit'i patnotie apiriL Go t I ly arriQired. gtat.ry "tr i e rr tee icatiti;oi: t l.ilp b- ihl a tcatimonia -f a peo pte'a appreciation of brroitm aad 1 aeto.iotl. Tbe raaora of (ixaslls laixi fraaia ware drclarel 1 y tLe re publican pre to be exAf;cera tioca rbe rrrtideot aaa la Lie tnrseaa to OcffTrai: 'Bj Tioii fraad aad by torseriea &d per. loriea tbovav! oftwtrta of tte paUie doaaaie, vaab tacit; laU of diwcrealtaaracter add etVad lo; tbrocxb Ta.'ioca aclioca ct tie rooetiy, bate tee a diiLost St l v 1 CA 3 - 1 V. a wiiaK I r-.a fwmrm tm ini'utiat M mi m fci.i M,M KV .nik. t. 11 a 1 1 1 1 11 1 i u 1 1 iMaMllaM . . mi. . -i.'M v m- a.... r - w 1 Im. a m mi f Hh,M a--. - . mm. mmt .a . a. $ mm m. . aia a 3 rt, r - -1 r. law nm-mm a., m al aJa-, r A. . 1 . - a . ... a - ua ,7 " - " a- M a I a 1 , ai I aa aa i a aa RES II oY&lfiW C Evry day at Jhe O. K taur iiit, i'-5 cent quart. dpubt that in Uie Stone Age "it was usual to bury the corp3 in a sitting or-contracted posture; and, 'ndeed it appears probable, although fat from being satisfactorily established. that in Western Europe thi3 attitude generally indicates an interment of thu Stone Age; while those cases in which the skeleton was extended, may be referred, with little hesita tion, to the age of iron." The most curious thing about this ttrange method of sepulture is that it is i found existing at the present day among ti e Eskimos, some of the Tartars, the natives of Annam, and other peoples of Turanian race. It pathy with -judicial tirmnes and eyhi.der, rlvr w..k!i be had dignity. No man surpass him in r-'-".? pH-ke-I up. and as he , y . ,. , ; put it under his arm and turned to his capacity to dt.-patc:i Lusuuv. j J,,, ga;j. Has he failed in tny dt.tj ? Xo. j -rveg t it f;t !t. z at -dock Has he met public cxret t .t.011 r.t d I show, ui Ciis wi.l .ive me a I t ef demand? Moit abundm.tiy. Whni U Jro.-bjc i.i si;wtii; ir.4iion.a juut , . , . .. ... 1 1 . ! turn. Chicago ! ::;c-. Is he a good peak cr a:.d debater! Few in the State s urp-.." j him. Is he popular end fgreeabK? No one more gi. Has he rendered srlu.-icnt fer- viocs to the part?Ak the'Dcmoc ratic State, district ai d county com- A ante aign of epprowcblc re- ro!t nnd wil"ii iroob'e tojooi i ny.tr m l breonoeia, alevpleaa- i.r, or atoaiarb opoelo. 13e-trie IJi.irra will qaickly dUtcetsber tie tii.ableotr c -. Il sever fail to tot e the wtctaocb, rvxaUta lb Kidney) end Ilowela, atiao lite i e Liter, a&d elAiify tte Mood. Una down ayatema beorflt ptrilruUfly andaltbe niaal al- An t wlaan i4 b- t taaalcBaiir4. j lodi g ahew TWO lab Otdrr it "i .Tiaiie Li- i. ' r.t- n. I ratchir;: wrd tboroarli effectlte- .,.,,;.(slinh.-:..i!iii...!;i..fl'(K- Ii!rctric Kuiera la oolv SOe, e'p;cr cni:vit:t ri'o u'.ii. i i ,:.- - - ?; ' I -ii i r " a a i- .ui - a - ! 1 m -my $ rrrr earn t-rtr - 1 - - -- - . In Mr. ai.al 'mmx -m latt4?3l4it-riggr IrnANK T.CLARK CO.. ttti. aa ' 0, Viftrf i t rvcumiu STOPS known the Am dg liilrd, 1ia I .-! , ending out Uiut in rcil ink r.dti ing Luhnrs of ttuck to buy ni I m l I h aI U irtorted If it dta'i gitr I ;fiet atUfartioo, (Soaraal tr it ly rt iloo K Velirr e. lt-''a3aii' ' fH l-.T.i., ta.iM...f. . . . , . i mm l,ir4. IVI1UIIIII VIM- ate-k at the pr-M-nt erPncrr.ta,aa I, h(il A ,wren. tia.e r.iSo the r ....t.. :;: Ut i SV I . ; u;; f,.r m,j in U rld w:. : ; ; - rc-i-ivv, cartu-1 wii.i ilu; ( te front d r Of tbe iwap-ire a Y- T t-v TT. tarr af iv 4 -a a t w ir v ol I k m ,.:.) ka a t Mk.a, mrnmt M a4 -. M-l-M l J r iM 'i - -H a. t itm 1- r" 114 1 aii.il Uw aaiMi t tf -i-.. Mkf pm-m ! l.aa la rara. -am. r- f mittees of 1890 and pf every cam paign since then: and the white su premacy clubs and Democratic re volutionists of SDS and I'.'J0. ' Why then should he not be nom inated ?. In behalf of the Democracy of Bertie conntry who - have ever uc corded due recognition of faithful It M-eoiJ to m ti.i.t- thd Drnirt- mtiitof Acti'-ulture is b. uei d at l. r u-:t'i W lilt' I I ! r!..i nit li-a ' ... ...... - - 0 - ... , nut un'T in liii. uiinu in tin ai.ii . i. . own niK-al: Yoar o'fMiLr wa f- r d- d to rrowuijra UJ n,. I "if"-'! - ndd- idlc'j amount f concern over tne rcn. hen I :b -:'-l f r. t1-; i- :g.it e.f 1.:.I e-ott n. It Ha mat-' m, . h;Kt . r.- is it a matter affecting crop alatistic f 1 c or eonmercial e-tiu.a:es. The fan;.- I II 4.'. I S't.'.V' 1 of il. I Ji.it i. y it : 4 : I; w. In t!i A! If A I IM-J'OCO, ' - - - I ' -;.! ! i h, t - ,"H U'KKl.rtMU-.' siMiacBt. !?. ' ! 'M v -i.bir. k'. :, y i-!t:a. H Hi Itr. . t ' j i - . : . is a far cry from, sav, Harlyn, in pany serv,cc anu omciai integrity ... " t and cfhcicncv, we ask this no:aina- Cprnwall, where a year or two ago a Uon at tIie ,anda of wup ?uat partv Keolithic cemetery-was uncovered ; Later, we will publish a sketch of and many skeletons revealed in the j our distinguished fellow citizen. We ; usual contracted posture, and the ' now 'announce hU candidacy for this I I I.ihK aslVi i . A 1 V a I . . . aa T a . . 1 . .a .; Far East of Asia ! ' And the Xeolithic.lolk were or ! more races than one, for, of course, the Stone Age is a term applicable high office. Windsor Ledger. Extent 1 haanka. lie a ay i that tLe powlotSrel d rw wte rroeJ every raoroicsl exrrpt Surdiy, at eOtbat tbe IeiMrtiu-tt rrco'tloua reoolre llu-ru to be cl-(d Dblees one of I ! le ruip ottra i io t ie ofHce. i Vul Yilliam. cotoreJ. of itn fnvnahln ia la la.il tk-epg;!., 1 a n No. llt j lit . mUh . i,u,oloa? rot-la a- e;s b;de iheir cotton hs tl.ey j lease. i what I paid fot :, nt.d t'.e t i u S tl r fa'.e rttctir from (Jeo, II That ia their right. Titer ure in ronj whom I lock atep with U No. ol. j I iuia n. Mr. Uammoa paid tbe stunt war with the cam r, whether , h , t, u al-or whll V.V fr for iSol ia a crinloal by river or bj rail and toe package r4 r n? n s!..;-. pr .taiaea to work is regulated by their idea of inten-at ol J !l aX'm ; tl VilX, mblcb bo baa alodloualy ana nroui. tor ii.iu, ivjis u.e ii,i,!onr at.:.. 1 I a,.., ,ioii!onr. weigufc oi luu iMvaugo ii. .a raujjeu i " " from4l)iJ to 7LHJ pound.', tccordingi ij VVtl la t-9 wi la a mmm ba taf tM la tia tmfUnCJ Tat Pxra at .! a ZiXmlt 4 liati t-Cif t Wa acavatf Ft4ta Wrri aaalr aal fl- la tTimta. R yt art owe at om i at t tay CMt tvia 5 Urn MUlna, l Owr r.lllra-r. in 1 c.d rvrrri o::l -nt t,t '. to the charges for tran.rtaHou. ,SumI . M.. O' .ernr t. 1 1 i ;.a ,r..!..e. w .1,- . . that lite iiiMnumrut wn.cti tuc i .1-1 avt'U HaV ciav aa vmvi t a fa..tU the apparent output and thereby liam Dorny Pender Chr.j tr.-trc rmw triumph over their neigh bora wi.d ra'amr funds fr i to U to that rivals, isui ail tins cuia iiitio u any commander and a n tigure ami uveu oi iicupj i.ib .. icco.11te tuoughts of tho dcp.rtiueut. The 1 MS. . ' n -iii-:!-.... , it lliu It commercial uaie is ooo jwjiinii anu Thta U a niit- e. Ti. m-im The William Dorscv Pender Chan- the rtliorw of the gieat cx hancj, ' 'ment ia to be to the Cii.fo!crate to a sbige f culture, and the people ter extends to the official cf the such thut of Ncw Urleatis, ului aoldura of IMg-eomW, j ritat aa who iived iu t hat stage tnrougu a town the mop! of the count v. the ,l,w cro M- ' . ", 51 -tiw.-r a 1 tie . I -r. iW for n.n.L tlott anion!? the Powell jts thanks for the inter-1 Thre uould be no . ...bi'.iiy f a rtiio.ic people c f toe covnty w'.l earlier inhabitants of this cotti.t'y, est they took in tho Confederate fab? J at.nmtc. evettif the proiia". ra erccl a mnnumri during the Neo!iiu. Tvaraiaiaaaatl oa I . Tb re' waj a gracd toaroaae&t L-!d S ritJtlopa jeaterday. Tbe cvi u. waa made pleatoarable aad j (,! en'raortnit oy tua preweoca ! m.ioy fair wou-ej aod riliAot isea. Tbe prt icipaota wrre yooor and banJioroo aod tbe apprrclalloa of tbe ladies wbota tbey ehoae to rrown it only coallcel Vy tbcit akill and valor. Iloffai II atria woa tbe qo?eo'aj K3 art f pfcr-l rCL C fa ta inn3 r r-e t 7a taal IXO0JCCS aW taH ty tie tt Ci.. TVrwt . a ti? 1 !n lne-:a. kr-.Ut mm.m. ttAtacM, laxAMi, a raw. .'a, fr rCr, i Cae rd tw t,1 tt act at aaa te r. r-ii.a a it CO af aa tl C. H-f.t rr4 titt 1 la tM frct ll tvtt hi , -,.. a aa.11 a..v v 1 i raeMal tM II I. P.A.N i latq.ea l)oct. ralla 1 A poral p--.rrt"oa Foe tnanVlad rial4aiiiiiii.-ii aaal kM. tMbal(Hl al,MM mupptf ttr m )a. aa smc? m:ua tiii cititl Ilf titlr ef lJut r3fee a3 aw'l- 1 .tf cia:4 ia a ca'aa tirej 4 tte'aax ateci4 to 09 ht C IL KieaT Aa-J iJa, t'.ra ia Ui. ZZ2 AfcJ to4 7 fax l-Js I M JJtoiay, 1 a. x.i. al 1 2 o'c'-o; . toK-. at O'wrl Ik5 Ji, la TrWo. N, C. at r-vt- alo li lUtrat t5rf lo eaa H f.C-j-ai. dKt.Vj tral ealalA. l-- .1 I i t tl 110 C ri:J fciax. Iif oa To r;a-ae aaf T- la bC. aUvKi 3 .-a trc ta Tar er. a?i --ts Ut.a f I"rr4 I t.--1' ha fit o arfe. ite lra cl Iaa U , ft. It. Asiiit ltX pie ai tbaa a Tn'Jf." rUltx -t a:ea. o're f t ea ?a j-tt, lw-a-rf. ti 4rr tf li wd. wbKfti i4 t j c-il t- 'o'a ir ct t-- Alea 1 4 t M " Tailort, a rcac k4 TX tie I.4a?el to. d ta kt ! Art t'si I'.raai J "" if1-1 c-e-ft te, c-A t.t-t I H" 'rat f.'st ltd attt.J jf frcs Mii at la tot t Tt.a ;Cae. S. tX. )aa WtttJaw t- ani er IkaiA Paa al I. Ttirr Am 1 a- salt: nui-KiNML i Lorwirr At lie rn drsre cf lie laie W. I. If ArbAa. ia aaeaber laea- blp, Liceootale costly, I aell to tbe bixbrwt Ua4Jr If raa t Pilday, lth. 1X4. li rerac-taal rrorfty I aia ra-lala. etvatai it 2 of Hone) atvd l!a.ra (Tj, lV.ro, rolder,0tioa JSel,CarU, Wacoc. Karaite latpirtarcta w ad: bttv!, 1 f4t.'ca lilt al rati. prtprfy. Ire. 1, 1AJ I. La Dttt cl, KtM-ttor. .1 to General Pi n-1 erowo and wat tbertfore prlyilegcd I Prepared awd opfrpfeJ I'-ki- 1 - f a I . . Ilia aa ajara 4 A aftj WW W 1 1 : . ii ..... . . ... ... . 1 t . a . a 1 a;. 1 a. a v - a n.ai i m m w. a a 1 1 laitft'ii'iiiw aw . a a u mv m KiTiir unci for tlit?r I:l.fr:il mtroii. . wagi.i 10 uiHuvi.f.w m -t ii.m ivv. ijir, iui itaw u;i p:r rur;.t( io ciaim Li4 rnxr, ia inirpj wucii, iu" . M V OlJG IJu IU UU1 U w - A . I a I . . a . .. . . I m V. Ilalaa I'aO I - W ' " wri.i, were a race of pigmies, or ol . Th ciw...rr., res:M)-e t!i;.t 1 " s , 1 !P,,-,i 'S'" arc U-nl : on if rami, ne lie a ch be preaeotrd tbe crowa to ,.r",- , A , B t a . ?.rtthM x ,1 .vr .t,...,... ,, c.,.,. 4t.. f. ftS? ; J;. ' Hos the hearts of the Tau .htersand may iu.itdate in tfi.tiiciti.. aa ia lom rrnt to the fr.-t.i. aelertioo lecelted tbe appruba- pXtm Grarra. Nate .a4 lUiala.. JJIiU d'SlLl :Hi U rWwtl -Vfn-; or the btrshmen found by their Confederates. 1 H'" l"vilegu. Tiiecx-U nget, how-, tloo of tbe eallta ..etaUy. T. IL P.f 1 dr :'fP SiSSjl : Oulol, in honth Africa, or eimi- Mrs L L. Staton. Chm'n; Miss 1 "r . busu.e-..--i rfeU?rrt lt.,u Cimgtraa Bad Frllon, did bitu-elf cr-dat abot Sb.a, , taataat. ro .-iWaai' smrtrattJ Mp-.A? 1 ,. 1 . r .. , ,, m i u " u , , rait get ah-iig verv e.oi.foi ul v ....... ,. . a i .. t . ii . 7arT-; - rr.;-. , - 1 . 'teS 5nSl3 . ' I-4;,i,i',frai?l. el Saino . IV!er, Mrs. S. . wUh,Jtt MiX jnal ,..;i,.l.H:c-or that tVelnt-city of o ,r rumncf by at,U Ibr etoeaof tba Ural 1 PA R2Tn WMM? Nash. Coin, on F,,.cy Article ;&tIca.lwlil1,lt,tM,-1,et,,;i i-:.,,.- UU...d i.i.i m lU next raJ rf hooo which le prrwen.l f vjHkKU.SAI fr!a Am--?". - . , , i .1 iv i. :eoi ??in or much, we patm.eiii. " r ' "-- '"Ml u' .Taj..,. nt ;'-A i';ai. ..' wa r. cor.! n i yp-ir oy r.-j -j T-i St. Ain'-ric' u. t fvtv.-,!-. a f .. l.)lk: re iiboi-1 fa.r- pepie.." A timilar .i:L t rob.'iiitv existed i. i-c. ii es in SotLud, and ..Jc way becmw the object obj -rt t b-a adoration rLin Depa Mrti Frank IWIl.Ci.u.-i ; Mrs. t-rfii i y . ru.? i a s.r,ur; of the Tteny t.I- A. M. Fairley, Nrs. Job-., W. ' ,. ? un.I m7L.i-. l'..pfll cuatotaa rrcelpta fo eier .be Uaaty ahUbiUto. C 'ttcn. Com. on Kefieah- the crop k no -r w iiat they aro'about, in ibo iMoka ibe mtn aa bedew ec. Uill Koigbt, by bla ft.r.rll.fiit se ei i iii;ujt. noi. a -m a - if fm. a f-mm J . i. . t a Mm i, - I ha, 'm.imm. l- ' mmm. menta. Wehi;:gloa P0t. poaita receipta frutu olber ajui ere. g d lidioj:, weeored Ike pritll-jr I - - , HI T. DERCORfiS. ,MMa . . -mm a a' a. iTiata fi. Iicttiasir:aiai3trwe tails t rsr. IitHri yea loral aJ lie fji jraraU Tbjrtatiaut:ee ,C3J2ai caa vai-e it- i j r-auao taur L-cawida c' tfPXti ta-e lera c-re4 ariertTerrtr t eie le ta4a:ird !' t iuvi. Ctli c U.T-riic a'.fcC-'ha linreta t. r,m djwt rwm . A ltt KAawaaajy. Cores fill tlcraacii ireciblas I f IttC tTT rrt A ra.raa