n7 ft BK SURJfl YOU ARE RIGHT ; Til KN GO A.HKAD.-D Crockett 111 I I ' -- - 1 . i . n - - i- zrzz: VOL. 82. NO. 7. . KENNETH BATAKT'UiGPEN. FORM PDC I ftlCTITilTC Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 1 f " K . tK INSTITUTE. : Main Sty. Upstairs, Tarboro, X. C, n. H. BUNN, F..8- SRUHjL, J e, BUNN, tiOCfty r. livuuaurf i KOCKy Mt. BUNN, SPRDILL & BUNN, Attys-aM-aw, Rocky Mount, N. C Will practice hereafter m all the courts of Edgecombe connty. 0 R. DOiS WILLIAMS, surgeon Dentist, TARRORO. . .... ....N. C. j w c Ufleeon East Pitt St., nait door to 'i.'V timnioua' former under atlas; eatablUb dtr-wli meat. B. O. A WHITEH Surgeon Ddntist TAB. OBO.'N'.C gyiot. hours lq I and 2 to 6 d. d. wagner. Contractor and Builder. Estuiate3 promptly furnisher" and work gearanteea. L. & J. K SIMMONS, r uuerai xureeterH ana raoaimt- Furoiturp. Pv- I vw -O i I EFF D. JENKINS Physician ancjurgfoD, Ta boro, N. C. 'Phone No. 1C6. TkTATHAN WILLIAMS, ft Tonsorial Art t aud. Hir- suit Decorator! i Two doors f i om Bank o Tarboro ALFKED :-: CULLii x ! BARREU. TARBbRO. N. C. aktiJieR'S HAIR! BALSAM tike popolarlTaTOTHa for drefwl- Uio hair, ia?sioru Ct'or when pray. mil yrcBtms tMrira& It cleanse ithe ecaljs etopa Ihm faair buUn?4 aitd 1, sure to faaB. W. a:v 1 1 l. t ItTiprir m. HINDERCORN3. Tbemfeat, mm end beet coretforOorw, As. Btop? jdl fit l. EnjrrTOrf'o1e f--t. yTerlaiy woops GardenSeeds Bsst for the " Sujiny South," oecause they are siedallr grown ' and selected with jviuH knowledge ; of the conditions and require ments of the South. Twenty-five t " years experience end practical 1 growing of all the liferent vege- taoies enao'e us to enow me very best, and to offer sjpeds thai will t-t tive . jiJeasvare, saisiacuon ana t i prcut to cu wno "plifus inein. . Weed's teSssliockfer 1903 'Mailed -on request is full cf good thi ns, and i ves the most reliable iUonaation about fll seeds, both f jr the Uarm and Ghrden. T. W. iVOODk SONS, Seedsmen, Eiomioiid, Va "TOOD'S SEED BOOK also tells nil ,a boot Crass and (plover Seeds. ' ' Seed Potatoes, and all Farm Seeds, v U rite for Seed Bool: knd prtcea of any rm seeua requireo. Membeirs ; OF THE will take notice tha ; I can be found next door to office of T. P. Wynn This is tne cheapest insurance in the country and! absolutely re liable F. H PENCEB, Seic'y anc Trent RI.P.A.NS Tabules Doctors find A good p'ejscription For maakind Tl:e 5 -nl cwtet leeoooeb for csnal occa ivin. i ue laulliy DOUie iw ceui.j wu' & supply for a year. All dragglm aell Hair vW ff "oo-: C - - Dyspepsia Cure Digests whit you eat. Thi9 preparation contains all of tb flirQctonl. nnyl ilUnoto m11 trlnrltt f jimju. iiigivesinsiantreneianuucvei . . . . . . . . . n. fails to enrft. It allows von to eat all the food you want, jlhe most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many '..ousands of dvsneDtics nave Deen ' ired after fiverrthlnir else failed. Is ; nenn:illed fnr thrt Rtnmqph. Chilcil- ' n with weak stotoachs thrive oa it ; u-t dose reliever A diet unnecessary - ' - - Cures all stomach tresses TRpared onlrby E.O. DsWin & CouCUlcaa That T"TlTa jTtfla f ' at j A Large!! Attended Symposium if. Farl - nacioas Fanning. v SECOND DAY'S SESSIOiT. Judge Philips delivered an ad dress on "Extensive Farmiug.,, He said the . subject was a verv broad one; that it would take con siderable time to discuss and develop" the subject as it deserved. We live in an extensive era; we live in an age of exUnsive thoaght. The scientific men tell ns what is neces sary to groY plant?; .the doctors toll us what tas and what wa ihoajd at oat. .t' v' v a. j he sge u not confined, to tht raeOi cat profession. Iu the latter "part of the. fifties, he Eaid, his father, who was then President of the Edge combe Agricultural Society, advo cated teaching chemistry aa applied to agriculture, but that Dr. Elisha Mitchell ridiculed the idea, but, in ater years, changed his position aud taught it at the State University. The first agricultural society in North Carolina was established in Tarboro in the early part of 'the nineteenth century, at.d that his father, was the last president and Capt. Orren Williams the las. sec retary of it. Thi3 organization was was in existence as .early as 1811, and held annual sessions to discus? subjects of interest to the farmers. lie exhibited a silver badge bearing dat6of 1811, which was worn by the president of the society during their sessions. It is a vcrv uinnue and interes&ig relic. Wo are urj, said he, by scientific men that a certain amount of fertilizers on laud will kill it, and we know by experience that it is true. lie said' Prof. Kerr, State Geolo gist in the seventies, who visited Capt. Dancy, contended that the method of composting, then largely m vogue, would not pay as a manure. With Captain Dancy, Prof. Kerr visited Mack Weatherabee, of this county, who demonstrated the utility of composting as a manure to the satisfaction of Prof. Kerr. Judge Philips' witty and enter taining remarks were well received. DR. B. W. KILQOBE. The next speaker was Dr. Kil- gore, who disenssed in entertaining fashion the subject: "Fertilizers for corn, cotton and peanuts." lie gave the following formula for cot ton: , 900 lbs. acid phosphate. 800 cotton seed meal. ' 300 " kainit. . Then if the land is subject to r)6t he would use the following:' .. 800 lbs.1 acid phosphate. . 800 ' cotton seed meal. 400 " kainit. He found it best to use from 400 to 800 pounds of this fertilizer to the acre in order to get the best re sults. Kainit contains about 4Hper cent, salt, and this ingredient re duce3 or removes the rust. When a fanner has plc-uty of stable manure it is better to broadcast it; but if he only has a moderate qoautity it is better to sow it in the drill. To enable the lands to retain the, mois tnre for use during the dry season they should be broken deeply during the fall and winter, and then culti vated shallow. Lands are cultivated to keep down the grass and weeds. and in order to retain the proper amount of moisture they should be ploughed deeply at the first cnlti vation, and then only to a reasonable depth after the plant begins to grow 6ay about 1 or 2 inches. -. Fertilizers for corn sbculd contain 70 per cent, phosphoric cid, S.'i - or 4 per cent, of ammonia sod IH pr cent, of DOtash. Cotton seeJ meal is a splendid fertilizer tor corn and will show good results when used at the rate of from 150 to 300 pounds to the acre on light lands. Too heavy ferti lization in a dry vear will not give satisfaction, but good results are ob tained during wet seasons, Dr. Kilgore thought 700 ponnas of fertilizers for cotton, such as Le sug gested, a good, safe manure for cot ton - He stated that t.bepeauut plant does not require 'feeding like cotton or corn. Moderately' poor land should have some ammonia to grow aud u tain the peanut vine-. . ' The following formula was suggest ed for peanuts: 8 percent pboaphoric acid, 4 " ' potash, , 2 -'" ammonia. .or S7vv i --rr- - i rin a nnnnns ilc d Tthosnnaie. 600 . ' kainit, - - 600 C meal. J ' This w.ll givet 8, 4, 2, wu'ch is a gor.d average fertibzer for average land, and the fame mature is good for cow peas. " , , '. DB-JCASaET. At the concluaaoo of Dr. Kilgore id terf sting talk Dr. Masse v was c&IN ed for some remarks. - He rpspondn cbeertolly aod gave his experience u. "How to Gather Cow Peas." H. said that a Georgia farmer used at. ordinary horse rake and io tbrs wa had splendid . success ia thre&biu. them from the vines. . HOX. S. L, FATTEKSON. Commissioner pi ARriculture, Hon S. I, Patterson, was the next speak er to adnrese the iustimte. He sa d he was always gUd to visit Edge combe county, aa this county more deeply interested In institnie work than any couuty in ihe Stan-. He said tbat ctUaU-i figures chow tbat dj;econbe makes au avrraged two third cf a Valo of cotton to the acr, Suth Cto-afia. Texas cr CK'tabooi hat li .th a tr.gU avei are ) !i acre, and that 1 e fout d only "oi. County ia the rjeat cotton uro-rn y state tf Misfissii that proJuc. d ... Edgecombe. H cousidered th fiue, bealthful climate, where agt;cul ture is in a prosperous. proKrr.v?c condrtiort, and he found reat encir ayemen. here. EJtoomb, nvd h, is in advance of others in fjrmu pureuus. ard 1 ' attributed thi fai-l. in large measure, tr ihe efforts ai.d influence of tl e Arih uUural S cirt of Jude Poil-ps speke t.f Ue tru. hoped Edcc rnbe would al-ai-maintain a farrrier" organ za ion tor the promotion if agriculture. II haid the Aricoitura: Drpjrim-u established for the btn fit f farmer, and he bop-. d th-y WuuUt wrjte letters of inquiry about au frjiiui; m-iitets of intertrsi. a te desin-il to kpep in touch with tLeu Mr. I'alttf sou1 address was v-rv triestiug a-d was listened to witu marked attentioD by an fpprc;ti aunieuce. n. I.. L STATOX. -nd he discusico "How to IV What to La:, and I low to I'rrptre It." lie sid that science U rpd ly solving the h ddt-n m s-tt rie-. aud Ust men were vt3 kai ninj; tiu p oper food, well prepared, w-t. the cl.iet sential 'in tl devilup meat. He said farmers should . un derstand how io prepare their fwd properly in ordr to devriop fu ly -il of their laculties. lid eid that mau's longevity was stamped on bim at seven years of age; his character was formed before reaching twtlvr years ot age. He thought a man should eat only such food as is mot - i a easuy isKmiimcu tna u gesteJ. .Mn n a normal cond tion can eiiroinit e any puison. He tuought the bet edu cattd labor the best lator to empl y. Dr. Statoo ovclared war on the i: a- fiod . product, sayii g . mat h? thought the h' g a great curse. SECOND DAY - AFT1 N. ON SESSION. Piot lus..ey pok ou "Vlaats ani How they Grow." H? aid Ibat even arrucg educate J men there was a la k of k now 'edge t the gicwth if p'ants. He d scu-td freely low'p'arb-'C'ow, bow thty g ibeir ust iibfire. jomr if-to tl e d---tai's cf vTOll, fdiuir. etc. - Pro'. Mstfev s'tett a v ctu!:fu" knowi.dge of lis Lj c, wl it-h le pre e ittd ii. gtod t'jk t a Lrg.- sin dter.ce, c n t'trn g the bvxtTe .1 ,..? ather. Hal tl wea'her teii t-vi;rdbl no dt tibr the court tou -would have I een fi ed with mn it r etrl in tU- cause ot erifu.tart. Howevrr, despite the bd e;ither tliere t a good atteudce, wh;c. speaks well for th-.;- airKre-.v,-i.c and strer)U)tinesi of IM :-v.j:ny fa-tiieis. K. L I it'OHTriDfJE Hon. K It. l)a-kLi. i',Ki kP on thi 'ValuH-of S'tc'.ltnu Grai.i rai log ou a Cotton Farm." He inquired what are tb farmers, spenditig tbfcir nionej for that thev derive from the sale of tiieir cotton? He thought that 250 to 3'i0 tbo iand dollars were spent annuallv for teams. He advocated redaction of acteage ...u "uu.i wu.Mvaviou, luenoy saying the lator... Hs advocated in creating t'aa jield by better f. rtd i tion sod cultivation. A very esseu i 1 thing for a farm is stock and ttsn raisiug. Dy raiting suck a plentiful supply of valuable fertilizers can be made with which to fertilize the frm. I courE0 " necessary to use some inatiipulated fertilizers, but, ou the whole, tie bet jUn is to raise ail tu manure pos-iblo at home. Mi. DaughtTi-ige's speech was lib eraily applauded. : Just before ail) nmment ChairmSD Battle Called upou James H L'': d to say a few words to the ditr guV ed gentlemen who have ci.duted tbe lntitute su ab'y. Prof. MaFsey ic.-poi di d to li e re marks of Sir. Ll yd. 'tairg h i gratified be bail b.'eu with the ieu't cf the nieelii'g. ard tl c creat inWs! -manift d. t T , rt.ded-.t4e b.tt fs:o i of t:4c Partners" Institute tvrr b-;id m Ede combe county. . dAQTOIlIAt 8!zaatars sf - TARBORO. N. C; THURSDAY, BALTIMORE WILL RISE. Uses ta im AirtRitj l!d ts Fs! fcj 1.8 Slides C:t. Uowever calaily the field be urvei?virit is jmposiile for any Raliimorran to coutvinplaie the situation today with feflingot. er than the tnoft serlotii. There nrw, to e surf, two wsccts t.f the dis aster which pirn cu fur pm lound gratituu. Fiist, thaffhr treuiendoua tvnflagTatioa h rouht witti it a. must cu lo of liltr; an lt co.d!yt that ccvftl gie. bmldiofpi ou lLe v..y t.o oi nnuiK, w.u epecia Jy our u 4- a i.n:-iiut tLc ter' Leart li.e neat tMisiueps acctioo t.f oor Cit v i uia utru eturn out. 1 .ie sptinj; trade, wuieli uh jost -pciiiIi, U t i.eru cut ir, an.i th r i.uUji.g d a rpf.uiztuous of Undue cou utc.iuus is a natt r of iuot eri ous niuiuent. Th finauwial . coinett.aluit on th ht eU of the tru t coinp.ny tmUrranur t which lecfiuly catue a-i m udui phock liuur .op c. It cmid b- meie hyp H-riy to pretend to belittle- tu- tnijciiiiude it tl.f gravity of the O.ow that Ijah falicu up,, u our city aud i n liuii.es in erestn. 'lhetit fed ing'of every-o-ly must tea flinr tbit lUlti ooie, la tiejt'K' madt jut at thi tiia.t u.o victim ol the third, i possibly the eJ..ud. jrea est tiie loss in the hi-dory of A:nerii-M, i u:j tied to u te-i.il;.. bluw. lletvyts tae lo is it curi- a aw.,y, niter all, t ut u t-ui dl p.-.il of cur total uiatrrial re o irr, aud it will be f .-. ii ti,-v if It leaves t:idii p.imt ilei rn iicJ l hut is thv teal 1..mi .f tt.et ily'n gr ainrS'i -the hpuit t.f t! e -u-ld-. Aud -to Mjp..-rt il.t ihtf piritofuur njIi ui.l i ot n-v t the uccu.oti is to iipp Ke tlrat .in i eopie ae rut jre. uu; Ani. ii jcitl9 Clic.ir'.i iKtes hrr cr attest I ro in the Tv t tiie t.f ibl.i LU,: tmetue m 1S72 mo:e .ike. u. tn. In Hint it awe.tl awny t ity Miuni:t.d II.-hou' iu pr vi meul nu t !ee!o... e ti; Pwu little Galveiou,ovei wioluie-i liy a lliHMi LlcO Mimnl caknlaied lo i eotit a I hop. ntl eourngv io that to-n. rie up -Iter her c ujity rnir Aigoro.i ar il m f .gisie than ever. Daltiinore will do liteiM. We soait uiuk. the firr of 1 .i landmark u.t devlui, iut of progress. tu the oil for 2 groctve ei.e e Nsudd-nl i-ouud eil in our ears. ina..v bo bte bi-en iiic'ined to let well eooucU Une will be urous- d into hhi-tioti- euterpiiie that thy other wisnanuld tot bYe tbou.lit of. TT- . ... . b uiusx remeini-r iiir, i.i'Dff witii p lli:ij 8 a kith of apUiidid bniidip, there bate been um- tr.ed I uudrt da of mean and in cotiatrtioQ buues wbieh I i net I nr chief tboiungbf ue ami tilled up a laigt- (.or. ion tr the ..th Kent laud Tbee will b- replutt'U l y btidd tiig-i if a solidny ami Iue cor reionilli:jr to the natur-l chaiac ter of their loctiou li. timoie New?. tartiHhrailtu e4 t bIki ttt .nelel.a rt- Sei.d no nioi.eyR. riM.lv write acd try l'.oi aide Mood ll.dm at our es iit:iM IIo.hI It ihn I It II III .. : ! ktlis or iitruvr the imnn in tha i lt.o-i n!iii-l (niwi th ".li uo'k ul.d fiiutilder bi:?4. shifli i i. puin.. diliicultv in moving tin kers toes tr 1 1'. Uui' pa:i: si !! -tt mimics ini j-.inti of ri tninalittu. or tc foul bit-.th. haukittg. i;it ting, dropping in threat. b.i.r hear in?, speck v ; :t - Ufore tl:;ee, al u?. si' :.ivtd out In lu. g of cataf : a. I'.otan ic llool IS. Imhas citrttl !.ut.drtd.o a.-r of :. or tearaf tui.dtng lifter drt .r?, lut fprir.g and paid rt:rlira.c.; t:it 1! fdb-d Mat of lie eturd J a flntihad '...'.c i bind l.lin as a last resort. It is u.-pivullT adv.M'd for chronic, deep tented cae. IuipoK-iblo for any ot.e to utTer the ngonie of syniptom of rheunintim orraLirrh while or aftt r taking Wood Ilalm. It makes the IiKkkI puro end rich, thereby giving a healthy blood supply Cum are immanent anil ! nn.Nold at drug st nil not a patching g store, 1 per largr b ttle. Sample t f Ubod lUIm sent I fri- nnil ttrrim!.l nl..i .i-ui.il iii. l-.-.l advice by desrribing jour trcui.le and writing I'dootl Italm to., All m-. ta, (Ja. A personal trial of Uloo.1 lalm is better than a thousand printed testimonial, so writent encc. Sold in Tarboro, N. C. by O. . E. Durw'cll & Co. Cdlorwrite Mood lialitt sent by express. Dcr hrrtbrru f the p'o and h,e: A ii't m more ho and b"Mi'uy and tDt q-i.e so inut h c 4too. rtrlf rwrlcta Ilia Cite. A runaway idin Ht ending faUl ly.taro. h hoiriUe nlcvr on tbe leg of J. I Orner, Franklin Urove, III, For four jcara it Ie iltdnil !t-loi and ai letnedie But Unt Vlf ii'h Arniea Balve hnd no trouble to cure bim. F-qiislly goml f. r 'Hun s, Urtiise, Kklj Ltupt "iix ntitl Pilee, 2."c. ai Sta- t- u v An. IIi'h Diug More So t e Western chinches have ttttitttarrl in Ki-m fn trtnttfs aval . . . aaauwa.-vava asa vtltttiut IVUUk. kill tou ushers." '1 hey pass the contribuLicn i box a ith istcnuLirg success. m... FEBRUARY 18. 1904. GrMi t ire. December C, ISUj Six hcrdrtd warphoucf destrojed !n New York, I ioo, ow. pri 27, iws nntruction of l.lS buildings, covering 143acrt, in Charleston, S. C. April 10, 1 Ma One tlioucir.d buildings dctroyed in PilUbarg: Io&, (J,0(o,OCa " May 31.,, I si I Nearly 2.5X) buildings drutro el in San Francis co; many live lost; rJlintated U$, Ifint 4l.iG0.GOO. Jijy 4, ls.;rportlanJ. Mc., MOW J,?n baudia-s burrrd; 4 ''.-O OJO. October H 0, is?l Great Chic Ire, burning ovtr thrt amPabnlf q.ujr milfi. t!ejtronng 17.4.0 building, killing 2f peron and rM:3friPg D.Wh) hontclcsj;lo over litio.frKMiKi. The mott destroctite fire ever kn-in. N'oTf mWr 9. 1872Gmtt fire in Uost n; over 8k buildinp. inittv. tlve nrrcs of the inrreai.til h ti u, .estroyni; Io, ",M i, fai K'l 1 . I : ... t It ' burned, with many imposing struc ture, by the Tom rn tine. June, lfl?eattl-, Wak, de tr. yed; ,a, 30,000.000. 1 .rury 9, 1902 Patteraoo. X. J., swept by tlie; twenty. si avre burned; l,t oo families notur publio lioildiogs, theatre-, rburebew, bustnea houen( and de'ling4 destroyed; Lav Jl0,O00Otl. My 3, 1001 Llrteen but drH hfu ea, ail botl ai.d all puM-r .. .. .i,4vu vi iirij"iru igruro om. It oeo 1 tjran I billldiriL'H. CilTtrilii 11'lfilV l.l.-k n.i eJ at Jackfcnvlllf. Fl.: 10.- OOOreuderrd hnroele.; loaje-t mite.l at from 1 2,000,00 J tu 15.- UO0.C00. Th- greatest foreign Gres haye fii: ls2 Pire at U.roburz. Ctr- want ; I. Mt, 3t 35,000.000. Novatur 1I, 1&37 Cireat fire It tfi- h-:irt of IOlidou. CaUsitC wn if flO.OuO.OOO. SeMembr 2. IfXC Tbo rrvat I'ndou fire, whirh d.stroy-d two thlr a of theri y, including Ht 'ul a Catbeilral and 100 rri"l rh arches. rautaall.at at It Vf arat. It a sinrruNr but elzniflcant fact that tb tnoet tletermiuetl op p4wiiton.to tha so-called "g. rI ra !a u,ovment" is to l found amoi.g lb" mere enlightened tt ptyera of ew Y-rk, and I tat tbrir iHtsiiiity is based upon experience. riveyen ago, th. xprrimeot ol ptteruaiim low proied for the country at Urge was adopted io the Mate of rew York. As the itametliate repair, there was a material :mprov m ot io the . o lie ra.!8. linl'ty, however, their, on JitfoD l a great deal wtre Ihin it was tin. It r the old system lUvii g tsteU the swts of Lelp I r. i in lurcuies, locaiitirano Ioogri wih to help theint dveM. Io tuat ttigblfjibtKHls, the pie altMi-n tfly refuse to make repairs o'aoj kind ibw Comruonaea.lh rnaite tbe tonds ot-ee: let lh Coi n.on vefltbiow IrepthtOi in nler. Tbre ts mo mote fioitful cauae of d moral ixtt'oo tho the aa oiupttoi. l.y ti e general govern otroi of repooltduiea ahich pro perly iet with tbe people. Tberv m no surer way tu destroy Individ ualhy, eradicate public spirit, a t pa' an end to local pride. Tbeel- lect Invariably into rogeoJerau Hpjie.ite fonlepeodencv to rcJt rile luatihool to psuprim; lo emasculate patriotism. A we btvr alway iuiittda rom:uuuitie at' regions have as got-d iotdaatbe) tl'iire or Jeervi. If acunatttl i- aa . .afar -a a tr prfpei let nrg, iney Ufe eil ett roads, ao-i vice tera. Ii I their aSair, not the adaircd distant taxpayers. Io mauy parts of the country oce flod a1mirald- hibways aod, along with them, a corresponding proa parity, ctuch highways art lined with ctnfona b e dwellings, well kepi Gelds, trim feocrs and he!gca. Where you -e wretched road, irspasblw io witer, dusty and bmkro io som mer.'you ee also tomblfdoao fr.rnt tui'tlingA, gates off their hinge-. an I prevalent decadence aud jeg b et. People make their owo en viiouniect. by sboa d the Intel ligetit, the lodus rious, tbe tLrifty t taxed to bestow upou tbe idle and tut pro t dent bleiugs which they neither aluo Dor know tow to utilire? Wesee io th:s pr poiion to baild madi at tbe expense of the oatiooal Treaury tbe m-t tniti ona weIge that socialism has yet endeavor. d to Insert Into the s"U reli'ucn and elt-teeotct of tbe American people. It should be antsg'inizetl ly everf tboubful man (rvai oo eodof'he country to the other. W tshiotou Pou 71y.t.rla Clrcaawatawe. One waa pale and sallow acd tt?e oibr freh aod rosy. Wheuce the difference? i?h who ts Mann ing with health uee Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. Hylhare sugeate.1 his came as . ' Lirutit biuu iuLr i lit iar iirraua T " -"s- ,.ur K'-w uigrituoii aui a A. I . .1 Jf - ead offcorstlpatloD. Try the, Ouly25c,at biatoa k Zoellrr's. M ESSAY OH WIHIER BIRDS. W. Ttnir, i Tirtiri In. 111 rlia FrA Orren W. Turner. I this place, ej 14, bv leet girrt m prifa bj tie pablUher of Cird-Lor, for the Wt aay on wloUr btrda. The eaay js an follows and the .Sontherntr readers ran are for tbriuv-Ur Ibat U wtll me riled tb-prize: One evenlo on FridT, Derem- ler the eleventh, wblla ttrollioc alot ccntU edjteofa, oJ, ray attenticn waa altactexlby a fioUer Imo-l uoder my feet and as I I oVd down a littli Cblpple HparTCw alicb 1 ks4 tearty step. rr-loo. Hew op. Uat tedid fcot flj fr, however, far I saw be was limb bat be was so weak that b I I-.. . . a. . I cuum noi su npott loe itmb so be bad to fly co the groanj. j IlctuaJe oo reaistacti whea I . I 1 . . . . r . w I to examioe bim to Cod hie woaod. t cNraoto scream anl rlmUr a I sal dowo lAiJe a storop to tlat m a & a . ... s cvul.J examine btta grntly. ins servant had at ti acted raaoy 1 bird-, fr thirteen Partridge Ilot,L!trw .? . tti fence, sod tbeie were seyen Jajs, fuor l!rowo Tbraahea, eleteo low bee-, alitor, Chlnoipr Srr. -r- J ..... . r - i " , 7 A J U ' - 1 I Uirda, allofabich Ursa to scream I . , ., , . . . . I wv i pet-aer Lich kept flj leg around I if trvioff to .fafr.,l iKoi lMaetrm 2. H. . . . . -,.,,t t i . ' t ' .-ra ay c j I b rr lKi .lomportbenow ctUraf ittir f1 To o.y snrprtM I foood a Urge toort) U d !-r l .b at U Cn toae dog-tick which bad taken op his I ettr They tatc.aJ.o Ui;J"J"''tl; wiat.r qusrten oo Chippy's oeek J wife na .xcwiUat , ? J and ws, eating LU life away. 1.1 LT VVheoIpullc4tbetickorTfCbirry bl!. .". I l Piie.ery atdf.lote.1 a.ayaod aad 1 lusXH tot .!.? Uk -t I-ab!l be slowly recoyrred. While I was sllticg beside the MB.p, I tioticed that the Utte- Dad bisny Lo!ea io It aod one ea- pecially which was Urrer lhao ihe others, attrartMl ray atleatioa. Tha hole was about aa big a a dtdlar aed it bad apiece of oak bark stock io it. I thought I aoulj eiaatloe the hole so I set Chippy oodertay bat. -.y this time all the birds had oait be t re. s near tee, but the Wood pecker peter eeaeed to taaks al acksat e. Io tie bol I foood 58 -corns acd two hirkorvasnl -rarrbed tie old stump oyer and lo all I foood 134 scorns an J tbrre bickorys. H ae of tbe arcrrs Just titled the bole and were peered tigbily with pieces of bark. I pot ll of tbe acoros baeh jaat as I foucd them and carried Chippy home. I gar him was saet aod oala bd rraraba cf bread aod wrapped him up In some cotton. Io two days , hippy could fly a little, way bat I thought I stoold kvep him until he waa p-tfcclly strong. Oo Ivecember It, I rtt arced to the old romp beside tha wood o l to tuy surprise doI aa scorn rblrkory couU be foobd! I waa very sorry to tklok that I Lad made tbe Woodpecker tnote Lis acorts which he bad stored for winter. Hut three days later I re timed to tbe stomp aod lb Woodpecker hsd replaced C3 of l be scoria. Atout todays afUr I returned to fitd 1C3 a ex. ma aod one hickory. I have found many ..ubwho acorn, io toea out oTer ierore haye I faood aoraaey to one stomp. -I did not know that itrd-brads ila hickory S bot 1 iblnk that Le earned thrra there for they were tailed io with III acorns. Aa for Chippy, he Is flying around with tbe llogliah Sparrows but ha knows where toga wLea b Is hoogry aod sleepy. Why be jui curt to bis box where ills fi.led with oata, erombw. saet aad gras-eed. to raorclrfl set the ppy brotigbt him some crumb aod oats aitide He U now well aod ilrocg aad I hope Le will cootiaoe to stay wua me. The friends of George II Cbaa lrlaiu, tbe Dera'Traiic Ooveroor of tbo ItobiicaoFta:eof OteTTor, . Mw.waiia Wi a mv 1 irwut:al, UU rinii iii ara v t s i tt a a "a, A avas am a a . . - ate orgaotribg wita tie purpose of brmgio him Ufore tha bt Louis Coaventloa. hoxoaton tbepuzxa aod Chippy !. "V . . wr'-r b.ooghtao Kogliah Pparrowwlth Co't ?f 0?",!0 hr 4 bim t dice but aa Ur. borrow o tVe lt 3W-y lo M.rh was afraid to go ia thst slab em, f 1 trt Vt' Mi'' C"-L! ChipPT brotizbt him soma rrumfa ,a TuU) IWth CamJiaa, aI Tm ara lar H-a. OcUra Thaaef, ptr.b, dy th. bt of tt western titr 4 lort storlr-, latha le .!: c t. thtmtorto the Mart h aeUr.i lObtory Ikk. Her tx,u.Ui U totiiltsl Ia the i!a:ir ra." ItU C4tntiTe tf ihe. bieh 1 laU tLa Wc atw torbuleat aniooaltlea of a r tj Uiie. Tab laa exjatate ouabr oMoeriWiratii.-at fw, ILv.ta r t V. . t r. . w, u tmm ty it : Harris. rerrda an . t lor,byicJ atleotio im a; n or. M. tdvr,joKt U. f6 story tf s.lir.,i:,..t Miie froctier. 7 ..!f Net ri cootrihafe a tor7 tMle4 -What H- U jS.' A particxUrJy tucn tti - J HanUl O. (XaieU tu Jt C. rioeatr cio'i j'aus A. III. ...a lWfc Wl tl iwniuwe, sa i;ur.. He selected tnaaterricop frtt oolh la Leliter, I t tlat .1. f . . . m.. . 9jaaisi, itt Cvr a lwlftr tZttt ia b:oty i ""oriTa - The SotLerter is to la tie propket baslBeaa, bat it ts tVr t J 10 J bi ilr. Uryaa i,l t.t U .orth Citvlns ur "oo totteHt. 15 a Ct.es.Q6. ItUdetoutly to be wi.r! tJ.at ell ia h lBn b tb Kvmup J,.a imwwt win bo icirxri ibat ILe Co - .Ui.Uwol4,rtrV,:i.u. - . . I .l.n.tt..l - --nv.,,. mi jtoi. wuu raiooia ice miioa ...I r, , ocs UeUitty, a rue V.J. Cir. taa fake iu p!a la ocr t.m.tj." I? lht P?1' f ll'fc0 5 1' by buioa A nl.er. i'S LttJt 4i. t:aV5 I ALL VOniE.l j YvUa t4 Cardl la 19 rw..a ot a woaaas lrC: al S's h: a. I 1.1-- U poaca ti r. It U cy la to wt: $ -! , fi aa tram pmi It aW.alik ft ft? BSlCf IwOKhI. Ba,. Siad rvwtes.'.lg C a'vl r-i- H emje. It fra: 5 a kooww aa tt eVs,- . f 1 1- k.laalas -..aaJe erca IrawciWi, f e &e WtMKS, s4 8cUtsl c-'f'J U retry (acta. It t -1' ta evet trjlajp prtV4 4 h Lis. It rtvAiJCewa t- t-stotf aya'ta, rU J.rrrt'r l-". f"' ? 1jT wxxw-rw Vsra. JUa ; --cr ,'. Lrcr It.V t.:a t Si...- a... t I aaa aa t - ' - ? - St a S- tmwt i . l '. a t ninil m iiiiwa tf-' '. '.t- a. r t.tm m. : . t - t wi 1 1 i I f I . Iim i te aa ta.f a " - . 8UMMOXJJ UX I'UHLlCATiUN I xaCarEia. J la Vt t!tx aa' e Cv . c -. t. t Pr Nae) va. Lr ws . Mt--.. The feioe-defefxiir.1 at tP named ill take tutir Ibat so action eatit-ed ittUtf tb-r. commenced io the 9jtt ior ort of Kdgeoocibw Coo&iy. tL 4 j. Kt of b(b is to arc-tra m lici frota ber oa tbe gto at-ds r f turk. dootaeat, aod tfc eaid frn frodabt will fattier tale o--l thst she U rtnsiied t.i t iar at! tbe aexl ttTxa cf lb .-at w m answer or cemar io ir.ep s ti ia tbe raid aclVo. or t L i'.aaic will arply la tie l-un for t. relief demanded la ai 1 oJ !; .U lhi Jaooary-7 Ut . . a lot rrxxtt.T . t. - s-aa MlTirPTfifl-Vuisiit . 1 Ilsvicgqaa'-iStd as altujitatra tor of BaJ'ie Laxcwatcr. 0rroA Mils is lo tctify all r-rca bat T.ir-,- ..l.I V.- " .... . I eUima arainat her L ibe.ia. r-. i. , aasaaku - aaawaaocrcr 1 (he mtmtn nl t. . r - ' r I ,J I tha 2i day cf Jan. w, cr Ibis bo nSTAULISIinD!822. A Mers FtcJ yc-r tUr; ccrtih It: ttvt it Kxtillzz t3 lite ca. Arrr't Uiir V'xor ! the csJy HairVitfor fcilrfcJycjciat ar. FcrCO Tttrt It bit beca Jc;2 feu vht: c cUln it iu Cx It Short Hair CASTOR I A tli thi Y:j 2.1 y.Mtji t?J lice W ptew-l ia taf tf litlf tcwtT atl ail twrwvta ljUl to aaid Ut wUJ taalw Isscexli 'pitfclotv 7b:sJa.SI. A !ar rVs!2i t . . . v . J. J li'te. Atty. II liitie f He potrrttifilti to ae- rtxi etr3uj ao-i e Uitml la fee t y Ttots aa la u!i ar.4 wjfr. 3lar.t Atat&ith, soi .-. t.! la V. IVUl 16. rjJ fctre Js tha latKls cf V?. al(ltrt aod coc.tsis.slJ f U. This Jaxtarr W. JifXltX. kLif -ar-r. i. M. T. IfntUta, Atly. jui:u.'.a or ATrAciiiiLM. Jt7. F. Mk-l.4,-a. A. U. Ilax- i tr A C ,(lei t r . Attawraatat. It s;:-trirg U lie satitfac taca cf tKe evoart tt-ai tbe deftaiatt Is a t.. f lr i t.f it u.a sti cxa- r n, ..r w ..:ecf V Ictt.4 -n. t-t tbe ttxs.ct.1 lrrt;a' t tt -rt marred be lb htr.S tt 1-4 cst ;y w"J ti at, oots.et.t. tu 4:s. :r-.t r-ol ta be fsrl ta r-y '- trv"; as.4 It f snbr spjftar T.f l!.t a ce cf aV'lKaa Xiit la vr I J iar.:.J Ail sraitil tie a s m . m. w.d usuifS aa4J ro rt Laa jsi.. -W.r-.. t r 11 rt-omery cf lLa ta tf $."H.M.? dse aaI !a:tt.2 ? r tl i tmLt f K. rbty bares cf Nw York lectral U. li S'-xk. I l-at l d:r?-.ACt ba fr petty in ! Mt;. at. I tat a AVarraxt cf ,t:rbr.-it bta :.? 1 brva at lbs t.a tt 3.-x saaieecs ;oq casae cf a al-a. rf.art-ai'.e lo lie t!i ttrrs, 1. , tf iba Mtrf ewcrtcf 1 crjcatt; It it tbn5rs t r'.ttfl Hal aat 1 aid Warr.tl cf AtUcitbt t arrtel t v t b:."At.-a foe ir wtki ta lis 1 AJt-.n K,ti.rt.tr e f aotoas ta tba N.'rJ U.nt cf He ltmzf cf s-ui tr,T.ou as-1 warrail cf attavcb rstt.1, ao 1 ?-t.fy-.t.g iisa La sfpaar at Jlarth srm !-. cf tba fciprr ir eirl cf al rystty. briiijut t a U T ; cf War;i.. as 9e aa'.aJ warraxt cf atLacb&rtt. st 1 ar.tatr tf JttusT 19 tie CC- p!.n u 1 ia ti actra. rr r.j a-fIn a li exsf la..t st4 c; n t'-e sttie-at tr .a. Thi i:t t.v cf 1 ?trv. IX t. ri. MMiTO.v. fTk Crt lUIftocobe C-o. Jt IL A lit. Wood's Seeds. atd fart Ut ww is ti U"r4 I la -e.ta ta Um ri .- h"4t aiar al ta ,-;' 7 rtry nurmoti ta CASCa AH FA?.U SEES lo ti tat s4rataf, Ua aa - ;awly aa4 trucav. 'TrocWcn ts4 Frmcn r;-itr-r lajrw e,aa.et!is a t;we4I la wr.W fr rtial rVL If kae r- rwrwj a ef v ctf V. ijr ir'S f ' l-ll 1.XjK Icjt mrrf.f ill Taws ta ff4 lacker s:b4AcstaA awywWrw ttat art" each a tt aa ta awarfsl aa4 rvatkaJ trtwrawaOoi tkat t; f'irea t S;ra tarsases aa4 f ararcrrs. l! I g ' J T Vi' Vl'"1 t? i titrti, . r.t::i:i. I 'I tlodc! Cyspcpsla Criro I M . . a. I curing a, fiiTMij. CMkk, I for ' - i

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