ft BJB SURE YOU AEK HIGH' '; THEN Q-O ATTTQATX-D Crockett mwmn d s A 7 : I ! VOL. 82. NO. 28. : ' hMHHHMHHIHIMIHHBIHIHHIBIBhhhhi r - swnwwassaa. sanaaai users CHARACTER TO THE-FRONT. Bald ? Scalp shiny, and thin? Then it's probably too late. ou neglected dandruff. If uu uau vuiy ta&cu Our flu-: vice, you would have cured Hair Vigor the dandruff , saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. - - I hT8 Md Arer" Htr Vigor tor ore years- I am w 9f "rears old and h,e a hec.Tr growth of rich brown hair, due, I think, ea uraly to A jer". Hair Visor- Mrs. M. a. K.HTB. Ballerina. 111. f l 00 a bottla. A I drnesrisra. Kbits, Balle-rilla, I1L for C AYKR OTX. T-oweU. Mt. Good Hair J ; KXXETII BAYARD T1IIG PEN' Attoruoy ami Counsellor at Law, Main St. ; , r Upstairs, Tarboro, X. C. . U. HUNS, li.n ky Mt. F. S. SPRI'ILL, Loulaburg J. P. BUSS, Kocky Mt. BUNN, SPRUILL & BTJNN, Attys-at-Law, Rocky Mount, N. C. wl practice herealter in all th courts of Edgecombe county. R. DON WILLIAMS, surgeon Dentist.? TARBORO N. C. 33. W. BROWTV, Litn.'eon East Pitt St., next door to J. K. Miumon' former undertaking establish ment, dtf-wlj R. C. A WHITEHEAD, Sar&eon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. i-efick hours J to 1 and 2 to 5. GOTO S. R. ALLEY, FOR Fh PH OTO GRA PHS. The keynote of all the addresses that have been - made lately at college commencements and at meetings ot business men's asso ciations has been the development ; of character. It is remarkable how "18 wrKi "character" runs through all the recent speeches aud papers. It is as if, by common impulse, our intellectual leaders had stop ped talking about this or tht economic problem, this or that political issue, and this or that means of attaining: success in life, and had returned to the develop ment of character as the one pota tion of all national problems: 'Thus, - one Hot- the"- -principal speakers before - the National Credit Men's Association dwells upon the factor of personal char acter as the basis of all credit. Thus, one of our eminent lawyers, in a long address, urges the necessity of teaching Christian morality in other words, charac ter in the higher schools as the foundation of all otter instruc tion. President Finley, o'the City College, urges his students not to make wealth and success the sole aim of their, endeavor, but to ac quire courage and character. The best way, he says, to equalize the inequalities met with iu life is to develop character. President behurman's recent address before Cornell University was alone: the same line. President lladley, of Yale, says that as nations, acquire weaim ana dominion tney are in danger of suffering the loss of faith and enthusiasm, and that the chief danger which con fronts us coined from this loss of faith and enthusiasm and from the adoption of 8elnhuFB as the ; basis of hjimau cocdnct. President Harris, of Amherst, speaks much t the same eflect. These are only a few of the multitude of addresses and articles which have appeared in the last month, which dwel upon character as the f undamen tal need of the timts. Why. it may be asked, is this insistence upon a thing: which would seem so obviou.-? It is le oanse-thee thinkers ami iealer I liev, that in our siieunou ef forts to increase the individua and collective wealth of the nation we are losing: sight of the basic principles of morality! It would appear so. If " they are right, no teaching: and no preaching; wheth er from platform, pulpit, or press could be more practical than this Wall Street Journal. . Km Dea-aaa-eaitaa. Postmaster Ensor, of . Columbia, Tenn., was a reporter for news, papers in 1858, at which time he "worked on the Daily -Gazette in Baltimore. "There Is a great difference,'' A subject which we hate often discussed in these columns is rais ed a cain in the Daily Consular lie said the postmaster to a reoreson- Port the Depaittneut of Com TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 14. 1904. wwwiii (Miikuivnti i unMbi .v..iiij.j..l: -.t vi. plana. Bo faraa indication ro at bis early date, there will be so mi what similar perplexity la raaaoo tativeof the Knoxville' Sentinel "between the newspaper business of that ay and this. When I was in' the business, there - was no telegraphic news. Moreover, the local news was not what it is to day. There has been wonderful progress in the local news feature. "The Gazette had only two r- Th' wlth South America baa It- porters for the large city of Balti- cnaJica oUy 5 per cent e art more, I beingoue of them. We had to iho people or the Utter no routines, as a er eat -.number of newspaper reporters "hare todavi th?re were no space report era" nor writers of Saturday or Sunday stories, nor did we call our articles stories,', aa newspaper men do tody. 'The daily newspapers of these days takes the place of the maga zine, hot we had no magazine fea'urea. v vlhe two reporters on the Gazette were called Street re- merce and Labor in an interesting communication froo: tbeAmrricau vio tttniiil rat - Trinidad. That oCicer calla Jxl tedtKiV to the com. pnratiye fixity of our South Amer ican trade. In the last thiity years our trade with the rest of the world has more than doable i. contisfot brs than fl worth of goo! a Li ad yvarly, whila we Mil Canadians, nearly $2i worth a head, and Cubans, ereu without reciprocity, $15 worth. The trou bles lies with our export trade We buy enough - from South Americr. three time more than we sell to it.' We sell it lees than 1 10,000.000 worth and buy'frora li $120,000,000 worth a year. The rash balauce of f S0.0O0.0OO a year of American money which South America re made eood by tha season's later -dCTetopmeata, a cotton crop larger by. three-quirtm 01 a tatuioa bales than aoy hitherto picked t the United Statea roltht ba ex pectd. To predict it would be raah thus early In the aeaaoo, bat it is atlll a chance to be leckooed itU. Bappoelog a bompet crop; however, at world' exiatlng tapp iea areata minimum, how should the out- porters' because we Worked on the ceives from u" U Pntin baying street and caught what vi goods from other nations. In the . . " - " - i. ..... i . seldom visited offices, al. lawiwny yeata we aave oougn. from Sonth America 11,700,000, 000 more than we haro sold dl rectly to it. Why It seems strange to charco Americans with lark of trade energy. We should rega'd it as offensive if some foreigner accused us of it; but the officer wbobH report we are quoting dors not besiiate to nay that is what is the matter We Uck enrrgy and euUrnrUc in not having better hiping fsi illttea. Cana1a has dirtct line of her own to South Africa. It U not crelitable that we have none to the eat coast of South America. N. l. Tribune, The N;w L'jmt. Building. 7IKBeK9, I!, c. RI.P.A.N S Tabules Doctors find , A good prescription For mankind The 3 o- packet 1 enough for usual occa ramilvhottle (60 cents) contini a .unnlf lr . VUr. All drQEKUt Sell he iu. " . s. . ' Warkiac r aaaTTVisat, The busiest and mightiest little things that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills: These pills change weakness Into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're won derful in building up the health Only 25c per box. Sold by Staton & Zoeller the druggist. Waman'i A mfcitioa. Various German doctors Dr. Emil Reich, Prof- Munsterberg, and though I covered the police courts. 1 his was the only job which one would call routine work. "The editors mrbade the el alloc ation of lttms. This was because too much time was required to setup copy, ihe inventions for rapid typesetting were unkuown iu our days. We would have only a In e or two about items to which news papers of today devote one or t o columns. Our work was to net items of murder, suicide and such things. Contrary to the general belief, tl.e main .features .of the newspapers of that day were mur ders, ana items or a similar nature. Tne public taste is not degenerat ing, but is progressing, according to my opinion." Itrwtallr Tort re. A case came to light fiat for persistent and unmerciful tortme hits perhaps never leeo equaled. Joe Ooldbick, of Colusa. Calif., wiiie-i. I'.'r 1." ears I endured insufferable pain from Rheumatism .nd nrtthinc reliAVMl me thonrh T - o 1 t tried evervthipp'. known. T ram party nas nar a recoru tor uoiu sornak KlMtri RittM nn1 U'a iha DCHX; at Chicago it established a I record .for. timidity and CTaaioo that tronb p. A tew bottle of it ine piauorm is remaraaoie mam mmnlatalv rolievcul and nn tA r for what it dots noi str. ine larxi suuanou is as scuie aa a any time in our history, Tet there is no announcement in regard to it. There is no longer war in the Philipph-.co. Su.ely theco iotry is "If you dare to kiss me again 1 1 entkleil, at leant, to know what fa will call Dapa.,, . to be the future policy as to those '1 thought yon said your father islands the Philippine plank. does a . A . a a was in uaiirorma not disclose it. "He is. ' Houston Post The tariff plank is an open Ttwita dnrinf the hot dr in Utra dle to be used ss a promise O J I m a . m a .aak a, July, says the Chicago Journal. reduction oi amies 10 me voieia Piaxiteles was walking alone an picogc oi ueir BiaiDnuauni Main atreAr Athena when he met lO lUe manUUCIUrers. Tat ! aiicatM riatlra. Ah to the republican platform made at the "canned convention' I in Chicago, it can be no better characterized than in the language of the lion. William 8. Cowherd, Chairman of the -Democratic Con e eRMnnal Committee, lio bhu of it: "Heretofore, the republican me.'' Just as "good for" Liyer aud I Kidney -troubles and general de bility. Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed by Staton & Zoeller. THE RCE OF THE EARTH IIIUU ncouiaTiNo thk In a rmnt lee! are deliered ng from thU year'a eropa lo their foVb'iUyH Iol"'U .L? nalitlrkl eff-et- TViS An aaliett ikaioeriota t r - . i i . . t t act in tha harvest nUouk U the . ,",B" phae of the probleai as to tb-l earth'a age, which ho malted extraordinary promise of the col ton crop. leaterdaya monlLly Uoyrro. ment eatimata of that crop, fot- owiog June's estimate of a 10 per Mat M i IflaAa Af9aa I K S A 1 a ft vear'a and a 9 ter cent. Utter VM,C oeoi.t mmc aa uoo. LtitiAa .k.Ii iv- ..-. eor-Pr, txJ rok!, mar bate ex eobditlon'to have farther loprov- ff01, dWatloala . . -m . , . r ,1 lha lLfiotta ttaLkl. err (nair an e.i a nar ranL li icia cromiM 11 1 . ' . a a iiom tne atody or radian id ti pro parties. It la believed thai radium is matter polbty prira eval matter aaderxoit; dtola nc ritiUARY ix i iu: comih: corxTY ihutiii: XOMIXATIOX OI CUL'XIY AXI) UXiHLATIlK Ot'll. CEIU5 AIKJITKII HY lUi. COUNTY . COX VKXTItiX iX Juxi:i4,i4. 8ction 1. Tftil en the t: IlSTAUUSHnDl52. Indlceatlon Causes Catarrh of tho Stomach. Fi r' l ! ,oniaa ' Ina r af f r l CfH(t cvaV P I"' ta lt ifa n t m4 tut tu4 m awrvt (d tM m . c. ;u as iMoJ ra4.nt. a. I r if Rrction 1. T.t ethe Ca Ur ' i jT n " tl-Vr ls?l H'ylKoaoI uvspcpsla Curo ba UU la It. .trraj etio wiJH m JZ rrei&ct a ta i.;;irvo4b c-atij I tmvZ now ba uadergoieg it, yst ao slowly that the phenomenon cannot be par exited. Io this proceaa radicxs givea o5T aa amount of taerry on parallel elsewhere, thoaaaoOa of times greater- than any chamU rml react ion, bat Iheire 1 aJ&joai ro dlmioolioo fa the sabsUaca iUtlf. Sir WiUlam Ramaar has abon time when ib4 lU.llhV,xUU,,riamrm,H ur ib vi raanni voa'd prooaoly cootlooe to aaaalfMt itlf tor a m. .rri ih.rv.tili.AlramnaIrn1 '- J wvb irwiU bsralba Vap.ed that TvaaL Mi..iaioDL Gnria. Ala. howber Ib qotity ft bama, LouisUna, aad the Carollats rrvtati T ik" i, J?. I - - r - i 4 1. iv.. . it. . . t 1 I II I 4 ,u iuau B4 Ittl loiiacr. ,uu ia found ta widely ...ita a. a a TlAnkl I aMBaS aaa sumption of work next an omn, at "" 1 . t CZ , .71 -Ited by the Ccatral Ctavnt.rt r aa. a.a iwwf BossiaaiKo vi iaeii.o. Its tZctr: Shetiff, lUxUier c( Dria, Trtaasrrr. Ccrotr. Sar. teyor, i Coaety CotatatucTa, 3 letatr ol DoaM f lldscatWa, Hrr.aior. Two MetaUra of ta LtsuUtors; ta eacn twaKi i w CowtiUf, afrd Jsilkncl lVare s follow: To&hi No i.e. X. 2,r. Xo. 3. I Xa. 4, 1: Xa. 5, l: Xo. , 2l Xo. 7, 1. Xa. s. li Xa 9. J; X IQ.7;9o.1!, a.l2.4;Xo U, liXo. 14, I. rVctloa 2. that aaU prtw1 prttaariea LaIl be cp ea!&a ouly frota S o'clock ia Its avot Its cttU ac4Mt. ttioo 3. TLt there shall be at each e. retina prrciat to pI holders and ee rrri!ar to I mills which have shut - f.na- m inadMnui inirDim.1 : . 1.1 tni. nlK aitmlnia. I " '- is ' W UU U F - - r li. .f. . a a, mm tratioo party; but bera the resolU M iwtl""79 "?t w I?, ilnfnt f Jla chUflr to Ma-a- ecnclaa.on 1 ap- mmmmm, arv w - - - . I Ft aa TmX 9 W chasetts, to whoae preaideotial i. A v. . 1 1 . f . aaso kai mm a'aa-a - - -i however. In whkh the promised Coaailte. rvrctioo 4. That th tVfiatfar hall keep a cvrrrt Htf rv! VoUr of hU piexiwt, h!l Ut hall -m rttarsol ta tt t eatraJ Hiecative Comt&iltrv o t L a t follow u tcxttwi wah all tru ct aad tha ca caaia c'.i It rote. inn rwwi nrwi .t . additional picspenty to the Sooth ibijW,0 faor of 0 boo ooo tio0 Itat tU rU UU,ra n U i1 rLsfraf ill o ft he earth's rnaasto c4 to tht "Tf the prolonged prosperity of the rft. If i tha Oatral Cotatstite. it. T . : M v I),. Mfin i r -T - .. ... w - - , . . . . ... . I omwii . ibii cva t45-. .ir t .A;"":n;:;rJ"a" that the taUraal hel money agitatlon.-X. T. Lvewog LO00cW mxh U U W I stttllrMl f IK aaHli tKam 1. .. sa vaai va w sasa aaw whiihS) determined by Lord Kelvin, may be extended indefinitely. Th.a TL pitl that wilt, will 6U the b:L Without a srr. To cleaoae tb liwr without a quiver Tae ooa at atcht. DeWitt's UttJe Early Riers sre roll, eay to last, eaay aaJ reod luetlici, etthy axe oceito la reaatta thai do who oe thaa ta diaappototed. Yo oakk rtltat from txlioutocaa aick headtche. torpid liver, iaaodice. dxxxiaeas aad all troohUa arlaisK from aa ioaciivs, atiUttih liver. KtHr-KI equalled. SoU by V. XL M"air. would accord with the views of many geologist who are i wilted tn tha nniniAd that avA tK ni. imon of 100.000,00 yeam Ulor,OCB Z01" a shall hays tte riit to driat in antler oaa cur wto &r iw toala wiinia tha pclLtaT Uoth cf aich prrd&ct aad cay upt tie ro&dact of j 1 e:ectio8, tat atai! ia ao w ia tttrfcra with tVe aak. Swrtloo T. That tha vclra a tall be coctlM la the t c of A T PDrn t.i PTTT T "RV ! and others and also some mem tlAjIiVLllI UUJJIJJJ . ih. Mnselev Commission. BARRER. TARBORO. N. C. ft. LFRED CULLEY. A BARBER, TARBORO, N. C. tRESH OYSTERS Every day at the O- K. res tiiurant, 35 cent quart. John H- Nci fleet, Frcn. Phidias. "Isn't it hotl" said Praxiteles. "Yes.' responded Phidias: "let ns cool ourselvf s by the frieze of Parthenon. Now," he added, as they arrived there and were gaz ing at it, "don't von feel bcttert" 'Ybo anisirul l'lii.llao thin is a great relief.' This shows that eventhe Greeks knew the art of the double en tend re. Tfm Pity Shawa. For years fate was after me con. tinuoosly' writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena.- Ala. "I had a terrl- bers of the Mosejey think that our women are learning too much, and getting too ambi tious, and that therein lies a source a a of crave peril - to tne American race. Miss Thomas holds and, we think, richtlv. that one im portant reason for ounndnstnal success is that we educate our eirls tit least as well as Our boy American intelligence ana energy are at the bottom of American success, and of course, the intern- cafe 0f causing 24 tumors, gence of any people must be raised I ynen ftu failed Bucklen'a Arnica by educating us gins. i.ne ioepf galve cured me. Equally good for a, L. & J. E. SIMMONS, Funeral Directers and Eiabalmei Furniture. I Office No. 31. JPh01ie8 Residence No. 53. to which tne minds oi learnea i Germans are at present so hospi- j tal, that we are tending, bag-no-rlen. to extinction because we educate our girls too well, is one of the most amusing bturiiboos that learning ever disclosed. Yet ever i thinp- mav be overdone, and col Burns jinil all aches and pMCS Only 2.rc at Staton Ar. Zoeller'a. Tlie Italclsa Marnlnc Psal UriM Campaign. The present ier proniifea a series of intensely interesting pol itical developments. The reason has arrived for County, District Governor Cummins says: 'It justifies the Iowa idea. Gen. Grosvcnor says: 'It is astaudpat plank. Chdrmao Pay do says: 'it leaea the question open.' It was evidently not in tended as a plank, but a trap. "The piulfotui shjs: 'Our ad ministration of the great di pirt- luents'of the government has beeu ' honest' Th', io the face of the' notorious frauds discovered in the PoHtoflic Department; the scan dais in the Land and Indian Ku reaus, hich the Setretary of the Interior is concealing with so much difficulty, and the forced udjournient of Congress in order to prevent any investigation, mut le taken either as sarcasm or humor. "The negr ilank is the only Kill kf Llsaialaf A bolt of lightuiug lriday after tcrnoon from an almost clear sky ovcrhcal killetl a negro lal 12 ears-old, on C. W. Jeffrrja' farm aUut seven miica from here. The boy was at a spring for a bucket of water when the f!ab tame striking him on the head, and evidently producing instant death. At this place there were three severe crashea of thuadrr, and lightning struck the JefTrews ware houe at the west end of Pitt street. The Iwlt struck near the top of the front ripping off some of the weather buardiug and teariug it into small pieces. Some splint era were thrown far acrw street. The damage was not great It la reported to have struc house in the outskirts of the town. It is also believed that the light ning rod over the court honsa was struck. The cranh waa heard. Between here and Mildred and ra.nl of that place there was much wind. Cotton was blown down. tree nprtted and -many Umls Aa far as learned the taav cicaa b l.riaf m Tfimt In m... K I ail f DO. evolatloo of life oo the tlobe- s- TIaI 'lhf lU a. a m - M.iki. .t .r..ii I . K eicept the t-erioa t-tntr to tote, who shall vote with all con f e&it&t tfiapaUh. rWlko 9. All ballot ha!l U put into ote common box. Section 10. The pol ho! lert rerutrar otly sLall tare the HxM to faapti the ballot ef eb J rx- ihii .-n ii ) vtf ij mrmws that aald o;r ia!y c-aat oo vote for rach t Cm Srctioo II. That it aha!l t th da'.y of the Central Coisaiiti to Lave pri&levl a ta&cirat nasalr of tickets for each ra&4idat Lo hall male tn candidacy kaowa to said Cot&ntlUa aad a siet camber of said tide's rUcrl ia laf I suir. Itevenue cTicIala are said to be much intemled in the news ef the going "dry of Charlotte aad Xev Bern. Thej expect other places to do the aame thifif. Tter arw tn ditliUrr.nt at Xrw Uc;u tr Char lotte. Ia Wilmington thtre are to, both small one, with a capacity of about thirty gallons a day each. These are called ef mediota capacity. me majority t Uuiuimca were a great deal t mailer than this op to a year ago. "-'- w an a. rm Kodol DljcraU STaat Yoo tat a'" r aw I ft. IhIm ta - to partiijrta'ra ta il tritaarr oert!y ct!:;1! tiwf oppoft iLm a&$wcj tla rrl pftcjary. Tlat ayra24Sda!e rectcr a tijontl c Hate oatiaaai4 reteat r ataJl !!. rUte4ly lLaCttal Cavmw tha conic ct tha lwarali 1-aMy Ur a-4 avd ta Ua evttl ay ca cf the ea.iiat U aay of .! e4Lcra stall fa l U rv-ca i x m a taaaeity cf tae vcUa ao raat, ltn aa4 la thai rvrst aa ftttr rnsaarr atall ba t:d !cr tb cotaiealioa of tla r fLcmr c. dr tba ra'a aboia laid Aomm ttait.1 bee ILm c1y rwadi. l.!f t at all l al U will tte tirtrt tM cf v-num for .as 1 t-doa Tata pttary will ta r;:l Itt tU Calial Li:it VtstsUte t W tell va a tr trr Itrta a; ywttt-d al cf Ua f aKioalioa wTJ W cuae. Ia tW ttetl c! a cks1 J f .sary tta e tf-a ol a.u4 pejtaary tall tt pail evjTtally ty Urn caiaJra lfrre Titrf ptitaary ctcr tLaa hsftayor ai4 Oc ror. rv .on 1 tat evrrr ratii- dais ti act rtitxarr tettva prol aail t'm with ti Ctair- baa f tte Iw?xTa:s KtecaUva CVtats it I e.f r!icta?t c&sty awtttten ol4:rato ttal tea ill ali'eia rl faj!h lt ctccaat t !.! Itat tws f lp a lca i . tval4 at4 dcvlarad by Its t Vatral C. a.:: la t tbe Irsrraae ticket fc l!xrcear eoctty. U. U.T.rat-vt4twt Ca'x.a. LVza. Ls. lu. Ia fact a great many only made I its taadji ef the poll ht44rr as4 11 and 13 galloca. The largest ia operat onis at Milton, making 320 gallon. It has a forvejed capacity j three tiroes aa great, hot so far hat only aaed 110 bashcU of corn. Steam plant, oaing the ael math reglatrart of the aevrral pmtwta oa or tefora th mortice cj it primary; that ttr tkktta stall be ot uaifurm w, rcKt atd character, a&d aLall la la all rrw pecta UcclicaX Whi' It de al red and arjrrd ttal t ticket -1 irocei, ar required to make 3 131 other than ttoe ao pna'ed atJIltetca with aail the I iA ts.i,n.i..i ivi iv.- r.t dlatnbaUd trtteCetiral Co.fta tr ttrih i ....,.t IO. MHWH - .... , , . . ft . dUtiller hs said be coalJ, b, aaitg .Tl J" L. -TT.Zrl i a the beat method, make 4 14 gallons At Elrj ilz a tC I'. 211 v honest pi ink in IIih platform, aud it is infamoii. Mclvi.lcv'a noble I wj,lej 0y, Uiieraucea aimve Hnnieru Kravea, i . i bis openly recognized iolicy of a W"PofthU storm wat cirrum- white rule for Southern States scrilied hud ik great doruage doue. was thougut by patriotic men to .A terrible raiu stoma vUited eignal the death of sectionalism. 4 EFF D. JENKINS , 8Jr ti n Vnr A inpriin Virls taa arrived for County, instnci 6ignal the deatn ol sectionalism. I KaleiKb same afternoon. The light lege education foi American j?irls nd Sute conventions. In County, Roosevelt's nezro policy joined to , . , . . . , h may be now some what overdone. and Nation both sides are Luge's force bill will revive it h.R ! . . J . Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro, N. C. 'Phone No. 166. j ...... l. ouie uiu nai. , By no means au mongnuui warm and fierce COQ are as sure as ftliss inomas is ui . . - t to lhe ,1 JS . r. . Vi A hAQI I 1 n ... TheCrnmpacker reaolation, die-L.;7gn 1 V, . DnV tocta ftnrl a 1 s tms ooint to lhe parrfed bv lleuuhl cane oi Horse I nauirr ijur, a. uauuojnu . Mn,T.rrr in th I 1 U.naU nt.ho h.o lnr,1 I W hO had SOUght SheltCT iUVai fcw. - X O I w m . .f - " DaDkF.S'S HAIR. BALSA rV! Cleasica "i possible thing for all guls who can ,.f , cf tho pre8ent generation, by the President upon his party, tree, were killed. The bolt have it. The impression that it To tti(1 the peopie of North Car- itwill prove the worst mistake struck the tree, splintering it, impairs eminimty does exist, keeping posted, the Ra among many. Every patriotic Jumped to the bojs, but lefl under a first and left no ' and bexuuTic tte hJUE. I whether it is reasonable or not p?moei a iof B-, ,i .Hamcr s V-6etiy. Hair to its Youthful Color. I cSS dias jta?. Sa JOc, and j l.ouat Protgut X0T1CE It) MERCHANTS. to ths botheL At about li petals ia this district there are now duul Itrs, 11 oilman trading with 5. Ham let has a plant about the alia of that at Milton, above referred to. but this is operated only about one third its capacity. , Stall t s4f S.ata ! The Corporation Com to ir ion has inad its annual report ef the con diliou of state, private and savings banks in North Carolina, which will prove of great icUratt, not only to financiers, bat to all who have ths ma'erial prraperity of tte state at heart. Ths aamtuary show that tbt banks are ia ctceUent coa diliou and that they art filling the place which they matt tevdi do to beat tens the people. Glancing at 'loans and diacoonU," "onJiiilcd Section 12. Ttal en tba day after said prt ovary al 12 oclxk the Centra, -tii Ccts;ttw , shall meet at Tartoeo to cCcai:r caavawa aad declarw tte inclt c! aahl primary. Scctioa 13. Ttat each to:J- er and retatrar cf it catij Wood's Seeds. Crimson Clover Sown at the last working nf the Corn or Cotton Crop, Ka T,ir.M under toe louowing ' a 4 a rtlant tfrt Apm or juaj in wiuo w f Aa-sA w rtsa i.i i n boiuv a - Crimson Clover prevents i winter nvnf tne SOU. IB wuw" of stable manure and will wonder fully increase Umj yieia anu u ity of corn or other crops which follow it. It also mabea splendid winter and sprmz sml' L. early green leea, or jtruw crop". Evenif 'the P" the action oi tne room f , , improve the land to a marked de- f.W.Wood & Sons, Sesdsinsn, RICHMOND. . VIRBIIIA. u niniin Pall Cataloc , ready and vegetaoie nw - i . inV. alaiWlraaoartswt- - 'and horlltr eret anv sleep. I had consumption so bad that li x want ed a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, out, wnen all other medicines failed, three 1.00 bottles of Dr. lung-a .new T: vhnllv cured me and I rair,d 58 pounds.' It s absolute- & . i "Vn rrho I., rrn a ran teeu iu tuio w . Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and n Thmut; n.nd Lnne TrouDies. Price 60c and lu- inaiwau rroa af. Staton .oeiier a uru. a a v w store: u Prettv nar time to amend Ex . na 7 oo as to require .li heneficiaries to record f oratitnde at the tneir ocuo -- iia Rftltimoro Sun. T:."MV naraeragh merely aai,! that vou arrived pTompUy j ;.it tit nHent's pulse. auu icii r' . . r uotfl M D Yes. but your foo priiUr put it "puW'-Chicago ?rh Morninr Post is malting a citizen, anxious for his count it al"'" ... r" . ... . - . most liberal campaign ouers aa i luture, wisning io sea prerveu follows: the purity of the Anglo Baoo no rintlar arill r v fr.r tufi I mm uml imrriran inatitntions. IB I e.. .1 tk. l it.. uud . 'vii. "... r J i . - - - ivuii vi i uv uvtvw.vi v. .u lat the Southern States It har. fal!eo into the error ot thiok. wninif.iorj mm vo a anv leiral expedient I inr the mast mke retmos of the r I time saCcienlly imbued with ths ervicjj ahall trle 1 tJ a day. and one . mem Wr frota each pi e tiocl lartta? ttsefkial retatM on ths day follow tc; tte prlatrj to the nestitir ot tLa Cet.tr aJ Ccmmiltea atail rtlva fl w a day and 5 eta. t&lc to and frota hit home; that I La above iptv tall be aaeavl and pai4 tot m foilows: Each candidate tor tte occa above tvatxd ah all ta ar aed and py, lfra L- ticketa hall b datnbttted or te be tec ocnired as a !-al candklate ty tte Central Oeiailtee.sa follow NOTICE. Dy tittse 4 tte power met ala ed ta a dcrr c4 tte JprcT Cocit of liljwnla Cotiy ia aa ai t;a eautie.l IL C. Warrsn Ai f ... ft V. Jrt . llir uatf. t !, I r.l M'rtay JtJy I, l4. eja at Ie tor ati at Cowrt Io dor ia Tatbrft", X. C-, tte fvVw ;tx fstrtrtl ia trajtr, to wt: A oee.le&lb atdiitSsv t:;tf, title and ia'ervt la an4 to ttw foIViaitg lan!a, aiiae4 ta and arocs.4 CwtVe. X. C. aad betsg; ' ail that rat of tta lata Jm&ttiim Vaira lanl etpU-4 ia a dre4 frota O. Warn a tt al to C U Warns, ttoofdrd ia bock IK j4 ifv-pte4 Lan4 tar dewrr.b e a foftlowa: Iitnu:t; at a rr4 lf-'r Kr Cte Od UiZK ccatty read tu to tta la. WaJTva'a anea !?v) ea. tbra.ari UWla tbw (c.! Ms. Coa, lt-e, t!ortsrly Kaxc-.l hfcai ttww aknr ai4 L t to tha lrgiaaig, also tba tee dU:tr as4 ctl too and rrdra bsWeetax to tte Jatatb Wartrn faro, bHsg all tha Juu'.u Wartra land an- 4sr-M of y tf heirs at law; aaid la-iacvatlalittf eatlrwJy a4 tta lota cf tVa-atc. N. eirent rtrttaia Ia a:4 cf ly tte ttira al law of said Jaf-ret ! Warns, anl lrteg tta lota t2.powe4 tL Jans mi. L i Waaat3.Adr. and Ca. W. u. Howard. Ally. ig-ht Waa Her Terrar. - aa a "I would cough nearly all nignt ., . - ... n tbeNntional .iliincx tl.at ong," writes Mrs. Chas Apple- J . . j , Two Dollars Uhall lulopt eate, oi Aioxanun. -ill oav for it until alter tne . -aa a I nail " Sr J election in November. Anv persons sending us a cioo of six names for either of the above neriods. tosrether with the money paying for said subscriptions, n.av profit Jone will see that, while LAX 1 1 AX D Tl M It 131 f OHHALG US) 2 h arrr wtxJ wad tistar lan-l aar t aUlia; r J.C fevt Ciitm tis.r tvr IUiiUtcen, with vveraf tendml ceda ef can w-rl oo aata land; 1 taill a.to For HtetiSL Tte sparer and I ati r actra land t-ar IUWtca; Ur ot Deeds, llliO; fr Srnabr 1 rw.tMJ f ptaa and cypeaa bx- andMeoUrof LctaUtare. $l0;Ur a Swift Crrwk. for CAttifitT LWsUiidtrr and I W. l. 'UCATX. Mmter Board of l!sca:toe. I l-at!jto, X. C. each. that will save that fair land from the control of an ignorant and debased suffrage, ' ;sal C'eww :allsaat. Every oce who remembers the croes sales at tow tod or eaca an moo tha. Sec 67 of the rvrou act saya: "Every veodftf of or dealer of rood a. ware, mercbiodie, coaioioUiUea or effect of whatsoever or ealurt, etiher .m. r,r tradea aa ar. .reial! tnen. a10 bant; grand total, tT), pirit of prof Tva. The total reswore ar f Jl.ocj, C04 for the state, f r.J.tal for pri vate banks, and '.,loo,s;2 for have one copy for the same length political excitement over the I tiooed br same la other sac, i too a of 1 416,5-). of time free. wheat crop prospects In the au-1 this schedule, sod alien na a nitil The capital stork of all the la- aw iit: t Mmtrra n i . m . . a a a r a i&aa...i laaaa r.,a i.a nsaAs. s i - Ail suoBcripuuna auu mmn oi iyo, and tne rapia nw ..v.w ... ....v. .,,. i -.i.-.i, mrrmlm si tri Toi . .L-u i.- .'-1 i ThaMftrn nc ! s :n ik.i V. ,t I shall rav aoaaaUv oa tba ahola I ulu,on 3Trgat e,..l,.o, CCS BDOUIU oo bcui v " o i m uiiw. a lit a'jiuik luak Post, Raleigh, N. C. IT. II. MAC I It ei,o tii readers of this paper who are suffering with indigestion or ayspepaia to call on him at once ana ei a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If jou knew the value of tbis remedy as we know It, vou would not suffer an other day. Kodol Dyspepsi Cure is a tboroURb diueatant and tissue-build-ioR tooic as well. It is endorsed per sonally by hundreds of-people whom it has cured of indigestion, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia and stomach troubles generally. Kol Dyspepsta Cure digeats what you eat It is pteasaot, palatable and srrengtheuin. harvest developments have some bearing on a Presidential contest. Their sirniflcance. however. i not al- wavs the same. Io the majority ci caS'S abundant crops are a help to the canvass of the party already Io office this on the general princi ple that all pleasant occurrences will be more less blindly associat ed with the ruling poweis. Bot the "wheat boom" of 1S06 was not . . .a . m this catagory; tne oppoauiooi SUte Aad i tor Ditoe says a at S3 claimed it aa an argument for their I banks naa failed to report to him. oimnil rrn Ami tha emdlta lit. I and Ihil a la'ira tnnter al atkae Bryan, it will ba recalled, threw ' corporatioos have also failed, the de oat dark hints that Wall Street Uy canalogaoUiilasBaoysaca. annual license fee levied opoa them. hall rav soneaUr oa tha who volorae of gross sales, according tol surplus 6IT,34., undivided, pebfila the foilowior schedule, eu.' It will be seen from this section that tLa mercbaets srs to oaks re turns of thair troaa sales only .ooce every year, and sot at ths end ot eacr la mooiba. Special atleotioa la called to this act, as than seems to ba a mtsuoder- standing auoo aom of ths march- sola. rat i. Jos ta. June 17, '04. Co. Atty. rO-4.200, time drj-U t2,(&?,", drpiaiU subject to cheek 17,OM,-205. Farmers sow atpf es a feat ttal cot tow may grow troe la ww4 at th ttpas J frail, bat ths oatlock La stil favneabl tor a bwaper Ctcp la tha cooaiv as well aa throsMhowt tt cotton I at. OTOnXA. la tat la tswawfs Imgt Baction 14. That axr zrv rsmsiaicg frota aaid aj.saeat afbrr psytcg th irn nf aai l primary stall 1 tell ty tl Chairmaa of ths Cmttal Commu te to ba caed aa campaign f aad la ths eutaricg lectioo. fWtioa IS. hhontd there 1 a deficit la ths siaonat o af4 then the nomiawea of U primary tall pay the asm eja;.y wiib it Stceptica of tte Harvey or aad Coroner. Sfclioo 16 That every a tite&an ia Edgecombe Conaty wto will l a properly qualified tlUT ia tt Xot ember auction stall b call! led to ce vc.la tt prrruet tet te iwld for aay caaliwat for each ok. Section 17. That a fails re ta pay ths poll las by th ttal dayu aay. aaau ao o a CUoaaii lion to aaj elector ta this taary University .North Carolina Ac a! fa,- I W-a?.ts.a.t, I-aw, Me4i. est. l'.aro-are. Vtt latt-4. ta Untt-r -tl tt.t l ft vti. a-hUrti; ta.a for It tdy MVI1.XT. 47IN??TUtCTtin.f. Xw 1 116. CiatM-ta, H.ut U4l, Cttral Urtl.re. J tta. Ihv l'all Tetwa Vpu IlU i, 15 -4- Al-Ka laawtaP. Vtassat. rrvsat. Ci-t-i i i.i. x. C. MY TERMS: Ttr-t cela Viet wbrs lbs tte fc 11 . b w tea wtak at&.td. Natr Hs naUes x t-l I is ft-isaacaj Jim ALLEY. r S. PUOIUUTArilEl- oacua 18. Thai tysrj tUxU ivj aa,w. r I i Times