rr 'mm BE SURE YOU ABE BIGHT ; TELE GO BLEDX Orockott VOL. 82. NO. 31. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1904. !ISTAUUSItnDl522. Don't try cheap cough medi cines. Get the bestjAyer's Cherry Pectoral, what a record it has, sixty years' of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if 'lie doesn't use it for coughs, colds, b-ronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. " I hire f onnd that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the best medicine I can prescribe (or bron chitis, uuluenza. cough,, and bard eotdv" M. Lodkmav. Max, Ithaca. N. T. Me.,. We., m.0. All drnirtrist,. for J. C A TIH OO., Lowell , Mats. Bronchitis AFTER KINDERGARTEN WHAT. Correct any tendency to constipa tion with small doses of Ayer's Pills. KENNETH BAYARD THIGPEN Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 2-iTiMainSt. Upstairs, C. TarboroJ X. B. H. BUNS, Kooky Mt. F. 8. SPRUIIX, Louisburg. J. P. BUNS, Uocky Jit. Dr. Colin A. Scott, of the Bos ton, Normal School, spoke on the education of that part of the child's life immediately following the kindergarten. Too frequently at present a real gap is to be ob served between the kindergarten and the primary grade- To sup pose that freedom is Dossible for a child of five and becomes Im possible at six is an idea that belongs to the submerged tenth of educational poverty. The gap is to oe accounted for by the different origins of the two systems. The grade Bystem is aristocratic in origin. One strand of its heredity is to be found in the cloistered education given years ago to the sons of the leisure class The education of a gentleman demand ed, as Spencer pointed out, a large proportion of virtually ornomen tal studies. This was part of a system which demands of the upper classes a conspicuous leisure, and has nothing to do with : productive industry. The other important strand is the fact that this aristocratic education had to be not adopted but admin istered to the children of plebe ians. Stripped of accessories this means a drill on what are called rudiments, but they are not so much the rudiments of life as of the ancient education which was formerly built upon them. At present such a Bystem is an BUNN, SPRUILL & BUNN, Attys-at-Law, Rocky Mount, N. C. Will practice hereafter in all the I atavistic or degenerate survival of courts of Edgecombe county. fR. DON WILLIAMS, Surgeon Dentist.' TARBORO, . .... .N. C. 13. W. BROWIN UEJTTAli STTXaO-EOlT : Office on East Pitt St., next door to J. K. Simmons' former undertaking establish meat. dtf-wlj R. C. A. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. (jefick hours y to 1 and 2 to 5. EI.P.A.NS Tabulea Doctors find ' A good prescription For mankind - The 5-c t packet is enough for usual occa Nions. 1 . family bottle (oO cents) contains a supply ur a year. .A.H drnggistr sell hem. past times. The kindergarten began as a democratic social renaissance. It inherits from Rousseau, through festalozzi and Froebel. The circle and the group are simplified social organizations betokening not so much the present national entity as. a more perfect democratic etate to come. With this as the germi nating idea of Froebel;sm. Dr. bcott began in Chicago work in the primary grades which should carry out this conception. It was found that an essential feature here was the making of the group an organ of the- ideas of the child. ln group must yMd in its con stitution and workings lo th impress not only of the teacher but also of the children. Here he" must get the experience to insti- tutionalixe his ideas. He must learn to be master and leader him self. He must learn what it means to look after others who look to him for initative. He must learn in a word to be resource ful and executive. In this experi ment for the first ear more than reaatala What Daee Cfaalrsaaat OTaaa) The f ees required under the " pri mary rules and the following let ter or one of similar import have been handed to Chairman Fountain: "Dear Sir: While I am not a can didate lor the position, vet if my name is submitted to the voters of the county in the Democratic prima ries to be held on the 4th ot August. for the position of a - member of the county Board of Education, I will ac cept the position and discbarge its duties. "Of course; I will abide the result ot said primary and support the nom- uees thereof. "Yours very truly," Mr. Fountain informs the South erner that this letter or pledco of loyalty to the party is nut sufficient and unless it is changed he will not consider the writer or signers to such as a candidate, nor will he have printed and distributed his tickets. . . The objection that could be geth- ered from him seems to be the open THE WORD. SHERIFF." Editor Soctucbxer: A paragraph in year worthy pspr some weeks ago aptly ex- a . a . . presvea toe situation when you remarked that it would be la or der, or words to that effect, for a political speaker during, the present campaign to begin hit speech," "Ladies, gentlemen, and candidates for the offic of sheriff." ladvaccir- civilization and ask youraclTcs whetotr job would like to chang place with tin men whose -principal object' appears to liars been one of Idleac ami ease! Oastos Ijcnrtxrrctjr. Oeeaa View, Vs. Two physicians had a 'nog aod stubborn fight with aa abort on my rirbt loo" writ J. P. U light t. ot DuPoet, Q a. "sod Judging from the many cards of Tf. Everybody thought announcement to thi.effect.the of- ri:7nVxu.!, 0 -tvLL " c . , .. ' , tnl Dt. King Nsw Discovery fice is very much sought after and, for Consumption. Tb Usee fit 1 although absent from the county,I received was sticking and I was can picture the'isteresting contest, oamy feet in a few data. Now the vari6u rivals presenting their Vrely regained xny health," claim, in a spirit of cmmndabl ESfJ&L. " - j, s w " v wave aoteaiy oiaioa ZocJIer. lric fellowship, the lack of oratory contributing to the "bomelike- nesn ' of the several gatherings. Apropos of (he shove situation it occurred to me that the fact! I 50c, and IL00. Trial bottle free. CONFEDERATES' REUNION. Headquarter N. CL Iif Uioo, Uiu4 CoaffdrraU Veteraav, Darhaas, X. t Joly 6, mi. Ueaeral Orders No. IX rrgTph 1. The XIajar (!rr. al Comiaasdiar brby aaaoQiK that the at&t aj8Ql rratino of the North Carolina Dit Uioo 4 It UoiUd CoofrdrraU Ye Uras wi'.l UkalJ atJUhsvUU oath 30th axtd Slst days of Ab-1 lt. I'armrsph 2. All vttrmaa will ba ntrt Uttl fr by ihm Ixvtpt table citlxeos of AhrrilU. TLls Ladodrt firt meal. Uioclcx with opper oa the 30th. aad kxJricr for two air.hU. Vttras are r auest4 to arrirt at AslstUlt oa j aftsmc-oa trains oa the 301 h, al which tlta ts rtrpUoo cota n;t!e will b si U dpu tw parpoa of , rvcltirrisg. fan log badgvs aad s tract ear at4 pn-t t,m i I i,'iti te lists Sm t('t Ultpw ua, Tl&.Ur -, i. arO naV tJ U l l . ai ttv it t w wu4 l-r-t i;rP iu ; . ttira t t(r i L Ulii' I If a 1. t-. iw a -J Uittt s-lC. lf-- r t -a oSt, til M rta b at is ! t: f. m 1, t. I Sour StomacH m'- m tftj: mim al ttf aa C jUt a-M t'-ar-tj tta V tMua rmtf at . -tHa f i.M.t. : a w , Mr. tU"J. Iaata!fy tCa r. Here Is a story thai illustrate- lJTV" u4!!U",.lbGr.BA1, UraamaU ri-Ur UUx kiting place oo Qerkrut aa a food Li.vi .i ing sUtement, that it negatives the gleaned from a limited perusal of P1- A German was pklng Far seraph 3. The railroads hays candidacy. themasaof details in Vol. IV. of "It" "if. , . " ,g. pn? . al a taiK iortl-li: :v: J.l. ttcstia to l- oa aal oo tbs and Soth, sod rood antil the rVptrsabrr iaclostta. In- nllrtnllha lrwil ,mI II. m In approaching this subject, I 'rr . .1 1 of ticket from axr sUUoo. Ttt the reader is asked to Uke down his Chaucer and memaugi ueiaus in toi.Ai.oi ivT f n i il 7 us is probably not the Colonial Records, shortly be- -1011. ,. g-V to the chairman, fore my departure Irom Ktehmond, said; me nod m tif putanp air, jrd Vff xratic party of were timely "finds, so to speak, seven, eight barrel of saner kraal qnlraoft Just how it does clear to any one sav Surely the Democ Edgecombe never intended to say that an office should never seek the man. rl . a a me purpose oi the primary rule, tion of the Canterbury Tale whicb section 20: un, nri iv.i .nrUrt '-"That every candidate before any 0fHcer of the law in ilerrr Kne. r 1 ....... I r primary nerein proposcu Shall hie land wun me unairman ox oi the l'eino- rev uTmKaouageueycoiiooinnca.''lnrt.r. t . f?r: d'. J00' Cn,r b,w" V.- Uoa bM Ins DU. fcr . .tiiul va, jr two or tree barrel just to Lai in Ua house la cam of icknesa.' Argonaut. cratic Executive Committee EJge-1 combe county a written obligation that he will abide in good faith the choice of said primary and loyally support the ticket that may. be so nominated and declared bv the Central Committee to be the Dem ocratic ticket for Fdgecombe coun ty," was merely to insure the loyal ty of the candidate to the ticket chosen. Let the candidacy, willing. ness to accept if chosen, be couched in whatever terms it may, so the pledge of the loyalty to the ticket is sufficient tho ralo is observed both in spirit and letter. The positions of school director and county commissioner are places of honor, trust ani great responsibility; but the emolu ment arising from them are not even designed to recompense lor the time and attention bestowed. A small number of authorities claim that the word "sheriff originated from the Arabic lan guage because a wotd therein of similar sound signifies, the keeper of prisoners, but I am inclined to thii.k that the view held by MeicUejobo is the correct one. The gismmarian, just referred to, prepared an excellent work in which he devoted considerable space to the analysis of Aoglo 3t m words and, memories of "Old Frank and the classroom arise aa I recall "sheriff minua. shire pins reere,' a ddriTatlon that made a lasting imprtesion oa me. In KnglajJ, therefore, the reeve ot a shire, corresponding to an CaiNRktaaailna aa4 CatarvSw M4lia a at rr4 Snd no money simply writ and try liotaoki Blrod lUlm at oar expense. lloUnic Blood IlsJm (11. II. 11.) kills or destroys the poison in the blood which raoses the aaf al aches in back and shoulder ILadrs, shifting paint, difficulty in tooting fingers, tor or les, ton pains. swollen nutclcs an4 joints oi then malum, or th fool breath, hawk ing spiting, droppings in throat, bad hearing, I pecks Cyinj before th eye, al! played out fee!ing of cat arrh. iKtUnic uiooa luim has com) hundreds of caae of 30 or 40 years staod in? after doctors, hot fprinri and patent medicine had all failed. Most of thM 'cortd patient had taken Blood Balm a a last rtaorV. It is especially adtisrd for chronic, deep sealed ca. InposaiU for any on to suffer th sronie or rheumatism or catarrh while sr after taking Blood Balm. It make the irata so laav tMosvoro at a a. ta. oa th 30 Lh, and arnr al Aah- TUl al 5 p. m. iaragrsph 4. This rvuoUo will b hooored with th mocwof ts LacoUnsal General lotasAaod tog thi Iepaxtmcct, Ufoetal lT V. 1 1 r x a4 4- r$ r Is ftf ill. Ut a saf ttfolUriU O ttt, m -a a ca. dlt tr f :tr tew-(. sr c r. IUlf. DaimsTiti;twf. Wia tei rlt4r !UI lo 1 tt a t'tit sf tit. Urn ttm iv.i'i) WUrt II : as tat.4tsf IV. wai Ufua tW trl : is i ceiJ Ut ct. tf ss I W. s 4 4 tlra Is ft1 f 0 fi1$ut WiU Iis.l iae. Cur to t'a sf taatf fai'a to t t Mai aw IU ililV TV a lF V asi tr-i vr. Yaw La. t nt titm ulna f mmmm mm aaaS 'W v t. ,miL a o attt a ua. cjMtcMX. by W. II. )aar. Oai tL !.! 4 4 Auu!. : I. ia lively 4el, a . -t.i. 1 1 lrvioa Walker, of rVooih Carolia,! X f .Minri: to cnrnm-jA. lfatse; rjk: ! Skti'.tjasra . i t r4J.tr. lakr. ml;UUit jtl..'f Ori' ax a k !. etata r-aiti4 law ul rU'l M pii a ankttn t ara rflf ay ei l3, tf I jfw w-;J ta -vl is lf cf IWJf fnrw-arj; ajt4 all fvt, it,,;, VM j4 a t'-l txak tii-! f.j titl a . i t-.s Js r?. n i. IL a rj ur. A !r. cf J. W tllake. dv'4 T.T.T AUy. 1Y1Y TERMS: t - ttrt l ium t la t ti f l.i'-. tv a.vt tra 4 ali4rfJ Ji'uhkh i:"a ." :n f i aj tti.tr.. S. 11. ALLEY, men and tine accept for the pub- half the children occupied at one time or other the bosition or lead- ALFRED .-I CULLED I er The detailed at lenglh Ho good and not for their Individ tne experience oi uv ual gain; as a duly a good citizen their successes in dealing with real ., J . situations, and concerning resis- owe9 lhe community, tance to their ideas both within A more modest way of announc- the group in the shape of discip- ing a candidacy than in the letter line and without it, in obtaining I nnblished above w kar n-ck. m. t p t m armnrvxTa I.. . . I ... aj; xj. a, u. jn. oxiiiiutxo, I tne means ior carrying out ineir Tf work. If any education is to be found which is really democratic and really subservient to the princi ples for which America stands, it is the social idea which lies at the heart of the kindergarten which must prevail against the blighting aristocracy of tho usual grade system. Boston Evening Tran script. BARKER.. TAKBOKO. N. C. T, J T?. STMMCWS. FuneraLDirecters and Eubalmeie Furniture. American ccunty, wad.grutd lU ,7. Cariar in later time by U- abvrUr ap- 1 and ool a pacing a pellation of sheriff anl at a still Hold at drnr atAma. tl tr lar These are position which good hAler ,,rrj0dthe abbrefiatd form IbotU. 5atut.ot Blood lUJm sui wvi brought to this country by frr and rrmid, 1 ircil med- the Lnglish sctUera of the Colo- lrooUe j wming Blood Balm Co. nics. Atlanta, Ur. A personal trial cf An act vii passed. In 1733, by Wood Balm is belur than thousand w . . ..... . .. tirinled Uatiroonlais. so rit stone me wttwnaonuwi B,Tirlet, by' dn,rfiMfc tx rll1 mnntiac ahA artiwintin? The Southerner hopes that Mr. Ku-Pifra in th t,1araftf tha marshal Fountain will see his error nd i v, HUM HIS UVJIUUIM UW tip V Call or write. Blood Balm lent by e I press. ho will deiivtr aa addrra tot th porpoaao' raisisg fa ad to rtct lb propoaoi Btooaseal to th Women oi tho Confederacy. 1 ararrapa a. Tva aaeaai erc tloa of Diruion aad Bnrd CVxo maoders will Ui be id oa th 3Ut of August ia the forwowoa, as4 la th aiiemooa the graad parad will tak rlc. ComsAaodcr of Camp aro nrtad totarty a sua-sy men a poawib!, aad lha tlp to ask this th graodeal raootoa Tr held la this stale. By order ot Major General J. U. CAfta. It. .V.Lortojf, Adj L Geo. aad Chief of U1 Tb far froos Tar bo ro will I fT.C) fcr rooad trip. aa - A : rLBFECT lAI.NLHS3 TILL Is th oo Ikstal cWssih ? tats, set lb lirtf la ada. tewxn tba tUa. (Wir lha coaatMesaaa. -vr laa lacb, aa - a f laat- t tb saovila. IV ho tiUU I a f- doteaT sveh o tita-ar r aa4 ef ectoay ar tWiit a Utia frtf Ibsats. Dob Moot. c lA.'7tU, lad. sats: -AJJ atsar tUa 1 lata aa. ed gnpa aa4 aactea, sihiia V Will's LiltlaLattr sUaersara siwptf r led. H4 by W. It. taa. rtls&l cf ta-l j t ta al Aral al , . I- lis tal l..Jl. 11 v-w.;.fcl- a 4 Cvsl af tl.i . m t',Uz . 'tl rn.t:txiii-ui:v. a2 kfW -4 J.k.l ".i'j . Ieh i r.f.vl a m I ta te pxk!,la. t t it it M:t nt. Srk- Xk, N. I". Th . sUrtlier tttst that a ffes.tia of akwakad bW diacVf frd Will laltt taasy. A fa doaa jtts. t Cae-predrcy tt sjd'y rnt saicvlc tti acaatait Laa lt ftd thai Wi'd rteiett W coo dilsoa whWh avskea t4 bka-s. At Ik trl Ikcrkt ot flttf-tr-brtfea lk Itte Ti'.Ur ll ... . . ... . l.i !" 1. !.; lf t.a l-.t:4 tf tt- ). U'a a! a CTal hUw I ir aa! K dy malsto. Otty iv. S!frlU gttsr aaUed ly htal. f AlMUMsTUATn J: Null C )- t . r t I aa . -i !. ".. K. IfV rta. ti-s ta t s. a-3 ca.a I g a I lii kt W-f la f--t '.it .n. t e-.. i t " sate-a ) ef IJir 1 ( : k. .e Jt !i I W'j, e tl-4 t.Uw a ..J la iiJ ta a.1 ,lUa a ..I )-.' tuaie tu ttw.a-'t rrf e I I k.. it, t. . rt? at. T.T. TV ??, Ai't. , fe4Ktar. Phones J-SesidenceNo.53. iATHAN WILLIAMS, Tonsonal Artist and Hir suit Decorator. Two doors from Bank of Tarboro not be such a strict constiuetion it at one time and so liberal at others aa to necessitate criticism. The Southerner does not be lieve that the voters of kulgecombe will relish his denying to them the right to vote for such citizens time administered in similar capa city the affairs of justice through, out the i'rovince. On March the Ctb, 1729, pur- suant to the above Law, Thomas Kearney became the first aberiffof Kdgeconibe county. The Council D.D.WAGNER, Contractor and Builder. Estimates promptly furnished and work guaranteed. , 4 EFF D. JENKINS Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro. N. C. 'Phone No. 166. ,R. I. P. BATTLE, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGE0X." Office West 116 St. James St. (for merly Dr. Bass's office.) 110 RESH OYSTERS Every day at the O. K. res taurant, 35 cent quart. JchnE. XTcrfleet, Frcn. A LFRED CULLEY. k BARBER, " TARBORO, N. 0. Wood's Seeds. Crimson GMer Sown at the last working of the Corn or Cotton Crop, can be plowed under the following April or May in time to plant corn or other crops me same season. Urunson uiovex prevents winier leachinz of the soil, is equal in fer tilizing value to a good appucauon i of Htahle manure ana win wonuer- fully increase the yield and qual itv nf r.nrn or other crons which follow it. It also makes splendid winter and spring grazing, fine early green feed, or a good nay crop. Even if the crop is cut off, the action of the roots and stubble improve the land to a marked de gree. Writ for prica aad special do calar telling about acedias ate. T. W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, IICHIOID, VIRBIMIA. Wood's Descriptive Pall Catatof, ready about August ui, teiia an idoui i arm ana vegetaDie oeeoa ior iui plant ing. Hailed free on reannat. Tbe Pealh Peaaltv. A little thing sometimes results I forsooth they will not enter into in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty, it is . . wise to nave ijucnien-s .arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best Salve on earth and will prevent fa tality, when Burns, Sores, Ulcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c, at Staton & Zoeller's Drug Store. " T ! 1 I W t aa vicvigtrxj. imocriey, x. -t the aama meeting named the Walston and J. C. Powell, because followilIg KecUf men Ja,ticoa of .laa lit a ? I the Peace: Iirn McKlnlev Ia . a scramble for office, but will take Edward Buxton, Jo John Alston, andserye if their fellow citizen John Hpeir, Sam William, Jeph SO Wish. rttfin .lStx Pnru. llvl,l Pnl. "The letter published is a copy, trane WilUam Person, Jame word for word of one, signed by n;r Thmti Trtrr. al John I'aattSraaa la aba Ale Of course. It go without say ing that If the Democrats wla th Presidency, they will alo wla th House, bcraoa oo Prradjol was ever eleeted who did not carry th House with him. Specifically, tb IemocraU are cconling vpoa gales in th next Hons ia Wiscocaia, Michigan, IlliooU, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Weal Vlrgioia, Mary- Th Tarboro boys cnnlUw with lb Grecavill basoUll Utaxa La Orscavill, Wfdody taal, and wet delaaUdby a aco of IS lo 6. The fratarew of la gas l.s t t. a tut . nam 1 . ffviaJe Cu, i i ai H-.V Towe, a?! ta lut'J ; .". i(' tt - 4 tl t " I l t U V. ta - ' ..!; as w r TaaaaMlS ala T taaraia. Tb ptv-aetl jraf a aatiea cl It'ef ! jstS 4 It wai data lot . a. 1 ha ftttlft tj!t. f.?n aad Bcala I l.tlf. I &! atl S!s ai4a at Ualeg p for w taa a4 tttr r-m tea U, aad all aifta rtl la l!va i wer Da.aoa a hilling aad Towas u.Umm f4 tUt etr lag and hlttlcg of Zaoo lirown for o:i& ia l;tr raaie ti 1U GraTUle. Itfh Vttf at u uiV.:;s AliaAB,kTaJfJoea.aa4eWd mX 'lt1 Csp' " ta Doy s say uy aaa a a am usaa A C. uit'i, Jt to X ta3at 4is . UnUicrIly North Canollrva l t Ufc.:V-f ani tt .t a ... VCt.t -m a4 Dti-i !ir .W tMt t'ft. .:. fit tt t.i.t. t n.. I C& lV4!sr will rl Ut laad, Pennsyhaola, New Jersey. " loyally atoiaJoexj iy IVily rl ail nr H ai-l aad poaalbly ConnecUcut and th OmavUi boya. Oati-- is Jtlf. T'i lvr.,r Khod Island. Ia tha Weat, Uey Baalor rooataia aa4 Um V"J";1'1 '' U will probably elect heUConrm. -Kldlcal foraUhti amaaaoeal Ll!;, .cUs lb .:.tx . tw. 1 Tt-r i'a-l Tt V-.t,a ;4. l. i. A !. J. C. Powell andtiated July 27. Those by Mr. Wimlerley and Mr. Walston are practically tho same. All announces their willingness to serve and their loyally to the ticket, although not seeking the How to Hcarlt a Declalaa. If indecision runs in the blood you inherit arouse yourself and cf-rantrln rhia lnAlriifYna TnA trt -ann r I . . r :.r i .:rr : omce. acnievemeiia ueiore it saps your i , . , energy and ruins your life chance The Southerner does not be- Do not wait until tomorrow, but e mat air. l ouniain wouia ie begin today. Compel yourself to I knowingly unfair, but a man can a a . a . a a I aeveiop me opposue quamy py w, unfair and not know it with Hardy. Previous to tho dale, jecently mentioned, I find evidence ot th existence of Justices of the Peace but no complete record appear to the sources until the list lo th Ust paragraph wsa discovered, together with those appointed for ... . I r.- it. .u t ...... t v..t.fni men or a majority oi item, in i -' "u,u Colorado also their IUrrrwoU-l beblrg Ut th JJatifcctioa tive ia Montana aod Idaho, poa-batlcg a ciliiea who caa Imtib sibly W torn ing and poaalbly mska taor soft driak Uaa any maa ia rains in California. Tt.r U m pt1-.tH.-Peader. poaslbllity f t a r. of the IIous going j Democtatle with a lUpabUca victory for PrrsideoL. Bat tl 1 not probable, insotaach a all precedent la saintt It. Th IU-1 Intentions of the very best. each county, making a complete I oUinaadmlt IhUouleUv.Thrf list for the entire Colony. . ,l tv.i tha rbaoeea of Under royal authority the I Judge Parker's election ar grow. power of tbe people was abridged, t-- rrnU, cerr day. Thrr U KUg Whtu Laalet Jame Blow Anderson Brown Lipscomb Hbelbart ot sis -:" f-ti'Weof la!n tMviode. fr-llr with I taorey rvstttr for saj I ei'.tacf it ;. tvar ; tuatra roy ff lla a of :ava ff. All salartl iMtmi'.iii rc slooU tt tc ll3:fcui PcaU IU!a?rh, N. C. V t te t. ': 1 1, tif-j I'. i. . C ItLliiriil EfilCclr.L Folio i eg was thsllao-ep: Grrenvilie. TuWo catch TajW, K. viuh Morris, Tu. 1st. baa Iaarl hrp lt a liikj? g ef 2nd. baa Foartaia I psUitjr np a aateaty alcry IcvU abort tt-aa acoultria w lrea. a. m. coLxr.cn. Pate aa Ea ta It All. the constant practice of firm de cision. io matter how simple the thing you are . called upon to de cide, be it the cLoice of a hat or the color oi style of a garment, do I A grievous wail oltimes comes not vacillate. Throw all the light I as a result of unbearable pain possible on whatever you have in I from over taxed organs. Dizziness. 1 popular excitement, attendant I prlaclpls instead of trust! bits,? rrora, uauu lurueuisiuu, ticigu ouu luu- i4vtuc, xiitcc vuuiaiut nlm I upon th InuOCtiOQ Oi ioOtDU Bluer 11 lruiu every jmmt tu veiw, voneuipauon. jjui luintt iu x;r, call your common sense and best 3rd. baa Hvrtu, II left field Towt ca. Taylor, J. . rirht Xisth! rvwder b Ikt iet iatckl? fLarp Tt latxhtf fy. Chios r wa mostcffiabeingreolvedthroogU really aodoU of Jodg Parker IUdaJs sub " J'r lv,llvnT1u.,,.rnH.M. ..uimtrf Ana Mn aji'v i.t a . .v Saool S. Clark, Chpfj LAN D AN D T I m r-i II TO I.AA I.l. appointment, and one can easily rjeu. If tbe.DcmocraU of lh GrraovuCa. 2Z rat. II iotj-artva ac.i .s4 t,l.. imagine the comparative lack ol country, who Ullrr io Demo- hltt 8 errom Tarburo. rata.ll lar4 snrar CjIU: 2 f.t ttt.tf tr t4 X tirttrioU. yiUtK;i44Ka a . . t. .- . . . it..i.st. ::-a VuSttit. IttUmut. 7 w i a t-rtf. l.trj f. a t?al 173 I judgment to your aid before I reaching a conclusion, ana men. when- you have once made your I decision, let it be final. Let there be no going back, no reconsider ing, ana no opening me mailer up lor lurther discussion. Be firm I and positiye. Declare the pons closed Sucess. A Mexican maid named Cholula Iu bravado attempted lo fool a Traveling man - By the name of McCann. Now she's Mrs. McCann Poor Cholula! Puck. he pro- andWalskey Batltt enrea at nome win out pain Book of ticulara sent Ft I DB. B. M. WOOL LEI u 1 1 . - J V -a- of par "Now, Emily, hasn't ! posed marriage yet?" "No. indeed 1 He vows eternal love and fidelity '"Tit-Bits. J3 O TL H a. . 6aUtf domination aod th rtiga ot aa 1 - 1 t A .IT . Ua..... It I . .... .. . King's New Life Tills they put an . . . "t " anatocraiio ticatt. lata, is iea- end to it all. They aie geutle but m w injustice io our erf cf party Uliva will Lappao thoiough. Try them. Only 25c. ancestor that lotereM in meiria.od they ar far mor eoeorad Guarantee! by Staton & Zocller. rights never abated, but gradually I than they haye beoa inc lb3i inrreMMl in intenaltr. Until th Ted -What became of his Sum- oppression of the English Gov-I "i.wi wi urn a bv tl. aaa StataS place was so unhealthy! Ked Ub. he s running it now as a sanitarium." Judge. Belle Why. I thought you were In Venice. What brings jou back so soon! Bert When I arrived there I glowidg spark of indignation Into I t0ogh the flame of Revolution. In those early day when "a horse and plow served a whole neighborhood' there waa aa "absence of wrangling over early h ws a man of moth aaa a To Ts Ctm or ttaroast: Uf Xamg tisa aad lalisal ft wad. J. W. C isll. Kiq.. btisf a casi- dst (q r c(loa ss Coasly Tta orer, d feetsclhts so? caadUacy foe a paoa oo la tvsrj of E-IlaB sakl Isjstrs kts caadtdacy, X beta by (eafi lisr tf lal:.a;t Wltb srteraj aesrvJ o-tC H ea vol oat ua U4; 1 a.i'4 a.l alarra 14 ttf It:!le; ?;0,Cal fet rnaaaStd pfli UroabwUitk. W. 1. t. lJf . Uau ::, N,C. laamiog. II always ra to U I dcla aad errva r rfnrMOa .a-i abaorbed lo tboofht." I to boa ra44ai U t a'ata. aaj Yes: L uae tkourht to coo-1 ailtdrs. Siacaralf dastcg ivst oeal bU laDgua." Chicago j a t of saU U'4 ! ssy ycmXtim Tribune. Rvst Carolina Railway Ctasgcf Scbda e.tkS. I, VS si Rr.vnoN. to I tl D ta a ta t ra a r Z C 41 iv J a:.t t..c dt "J 1 1 - nii::uT i ::t, r ?c . c t.f-4leaJ U 4 tfci In,, Tawrt. a I !aVa !. C; j 11. a V. C 4 !.. I as 4 f firV. V.Wai C Jf i Vf Jo. t a 1 4 J. 11 Kmt. found the doocid placo flooded; orlalaririmarT.no canvassinr of I Pi, cotlce, aad cooveraaUoa people obliged to get about in lLe UwoaWpa, aad, i aTe boats, and -all that tort of thing, , , , , , , '.. re ,6e l6r logleoU uai don'tcherknow. Tit-Bits. P"np. m't owed to say (t, goo4 !toor.- don'tcherknow, Tit-Bits. . Doctor Your wife is unable to talk. Husband Cure her otherwise. Leave that one infirmity and you cau name yiur own price. De troit Free Preaa. thai the early settlers were not I "And lb rrcatest of the Is I burdened with the latter day poll-1 eonteraatioof'' eomoteotsd a com- tical jewelry, such as "ringa," panioa-nicago aoaraai. gold -bug." otc. ' I YLlm Hilda Allabrook. ot Sot- wsy sSecl U UUsi of tat Ircal. I wlXcflf rvtlta. , laa.IL Uaatitl. Ja'y aoth, Ut. GstkTa dat.ayaa Udaa t fatslsteat circaaaio al rwaaoee tial Mr. UaH bi 1 eat art r sad itt. ; Caatdl bsc bock-kstfarr sad si. 1 so cbarmaa af lbs boar J ot adacalic lltOTtu- 1T - Wall I I j;iO 7 la' V-t'i - It, 11 cl 'a- i iiso-iaer.t.;d-tkie4i ;rTJT it? SI lt:i io?'! - UitlYEBSITI COllEt OF WEOICIHE,;!rfc-ar:. aititisi-ttttiiift-etitwi aitaa iiitna Atuurwa. ttt -vv- Twentieth cenlory citizen of I ij Neck, is visititr her saat kfrt, Ithsi fait. Gaa441 u ao- latai. Edgecombe, Uholdth jraulU ofi Johnll. Ujstt. I Ot coa tl- aad s3 twek w.tust lfOIJ)"l,tM,es" I'oioi: I iS88" lrt-H HO 10 l 1 10 S W JatxWa 3 IO 3 U lIMsrTi'oitl-S Jl TraltaSOa&d II ai'y atp Haa4y. Trtk- 14 al 52 &.'y VffdtewdsT aid P,Usrdav. assJavv tusa mtaa.cava. I. .1rr , I, m- .IMM.- rRANK V.CLCCO aat'sl s UruJ.l !1 a I AUaata,.aa.Offioa, 1 Sena fifQt fc 1