7 V r , ? BE 8URE YOJ ARE BIGHT ; TBLKN" G-O AHEAD.-D Crockett TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1905.- ESTABLISHED 182?. 0lTo3. NO. 26. . the stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, reguUte the bowels, ami are u equalled as an ;:-r; ANTl-BiLIOUS MEDICINE, In material districts their vtrtnes are wUelv rccotnteed, as they possess peculiar properties la freeing- the rystem from that poison. Elegantly sugar twwu. jake No Substitute A. ZOELLEK, Expert, Adjusting of Gasoline Ka unas a specialty. -ehrtmf TO M RET KBIENIX From this i ala Day Hetlsen will cnarge z&c ronnd trl ,wr ail sasaeugers overooe lu mwt friends. This fnl will be aaoerea io. . uaj ildes 8fP p.D. WaUNKK, ; Contractor and Builder, i titivates promptly furnisher and work guaranteed. . i r t ifce Intel Tell. . 'v Let the label tell Ti.i. 1 . i r Dug slogan t raised soma sgo at the St. Pxil convention .,f the National Association of the State? Dairy and Food Depart ments, and the one that has been voiced ever since by all the food officials who are opposed to the misbranding of foods a heinous custom that pavea: the way for moat of t he other evils practiced by th. food adulterator. Let the label tell, and let it telUbe truth! Male it a' punishable offense for it noli to tell the truth, and when a product la labeled absolutely pure,Jet it be Vabsolute'y pure." ffVrhat ft blessing- this .would be to the : housewife. Anyhow, it would - be; a great convenience. Then, if i-he desired colorings and preservatives in her food, she could select thuee that, best agreed with her constitution. Maybe the would findarsenio healthful to hex and 'her family, while she would not care for wood alcohol, amuue ayes. Salicvlio aehl and Attorney and Counsellor at Law. L,v t .i.t 7 .? "n.n Attorney iiU Main St TarhoroJ N. C. Law, Upstairs J) Surjfeon Dentist I ! TAKbOKu, N. a Utnoi hours a to t and 2 tc 6. i I) R. DON WILLIAMS, burgeon Dentist Iffl-Niirous Oxide! and Oxygen Uas admiuistered in the extraction of teeth TARBORO.. ...N.O. I AT HAN WILLlAMh" f unsorial Artist ana Hit- i euitOecorHtoi. ' - i wo doors from Dank o Tarbbn LFEED CULLEY. BARBER, TARBORO, N. C .h. bcss. r. 8. spaniL, j. f. Bumt, Hockv Mt.' Loul.horir RorkrMt. tltJNN. SPRUILL 4 BTJNN, : Attvs-at Law, Kocky Muuut N. C.'; IV' ill Tactics hereafter in all the courts of Edgecombe county. : M; B. DAWSON; -i ! jej Cotton Bnyer, ! ! Tarboro and Cocetoe, -Most of time in Tarboro with J. M. Redmond las assistant. Mr. Shackelfords front room as office never fail to consult before selling. I N. B Dawsok. !.- jF.FFD.JENhvlH.-i Phvsieian and Rurpeon, Ta-boro, N C ! 'Phone So. 166 THE NORTH CARDURA COLLEGE OF RGRICULTURE ANB UECHAKIC ARTS f Offers practical industrial , tnlucation in AgricuUme, Engineering Industrial Chemistry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year. Board 8 a month. 120 A Scholarships. Address President Winston, "VTEtjT RALEIGH, N. C. "We Now Occupy the store next door the South erner office, and are ever r5adv to serve our 'pasrons. A full line of FruiU, Candy and Kiincy Groceries. Bstanrant in rear. Give us a call aud be coiivinced. ' - - ' i ' Allen & Home Bank of Tarboro. capital "": deposits, 17s.00o. 3u upluh, . juq J- rtUACKEL,KORl.Pre1Jnt. i t. HOWARD. Vtc Prlrtii. , .': JO. J. URKKN Ouihlcr. I- V. HART Assistant Iteabler. . . to be unhealthful in her Darticnlar case. Certainly it is but just to peimit her to discriminate between the ingredients. 8hould Bbe iu her home be foiced to e.it olive oil en her salad when she desired mayonnaise ilressingf Should she be forced to eat tobasco sauce when she desiredVWorcestershire sauce? Ctrtainly not- Then why should she be . forced to imbibe arsenic when perchance she mav want strychnine or aniline dye or formatdehydt It is an unjust and rui rary authority tn food mtn- ufacturer exercises. A pexsoi migl t ne d mucilage nu gelatine sometimes, but when it comes to- buying mucilage and eel a tine with a label calling it jelly, the j consumer .has a well- grounded protest; the same as he has when he buys bone dnst for flour glucose for syrup or honey, r colored; mineral acids for soda water beverages. The purchaser has a righ t to know what he is buying. I Than truthful labeling there cu.d be no other single provision 'f greater Service in t ernring pur foods for the people of America. This provision, however, is the one above all others that stirs the food manufacturer ire to a fren zy when it is mentioned. To keep hidden the contents of his food containers j is the one liberty he elines to most tenaciously; , He has enme openly, out in print, and said that a law to "Let the label 11' would be equivalent to mak iog him place the word'-poison on many of his food packages. The manufiicturer, in so ; say Ingr, ; un ouvciausly makes a confesjinn that ought to be more convincing than th strongest artmment ret nut forth- by the pure food advo cate. But la the food law that is to govern oor nation the use of all harmfnl prcKervstivra and color ing should be prohibited entirely and the label should tell exactly hat kind of preservatives are contained in the food Public Opinion. AMI trars Someday you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis Hafety lies in Di. King's New lAio Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel nd stomach diseases, wnch aa headache, biliousness; costive- ness, etc. Una ran teed at Nuton & Zoeller's drug store," only 25c. Try them. ''Cl KaVMB! SMla. ProfltaSI In the Philippines, as in all its other land deals, t he United States made a good hare in. The census of the , Philippines. , inst published, showMhat . the forests tn the islands, in ; which there are 747 varieties of woods, are worth about 13,000,000.000. or double those of the States of Oregep and Washington, which am especially st rone in that paiticular asset. Then' l he re are preat deposits ot coat, iron and Uad, and them are many irdicaUona f pold and sil ver, all of which reDiesent a wealth of several billions more. The Philippines eost us 20,O00.- 000 in tte lump sum which we paid to Spain. Possibly the mili tary and naval expenditions on account of the , islands cost ns $400,000,000 or $500,000,000. But even if these fiemes wete Quad rupled we would still be rainnn in that speculatioi', in a monetary sense. ' - Tt e Louisiana ' region, extend ing from the Mississippi to the Rocky mountains and the Sabine nvr, cost ut $15,000,000, which we paid to France. We gave $5, 000.000 to Spain for Florida, which ctmprised not only the present Utate of that name, bnt the lower ends of Alabama and Mississippi, ana most of the east em projection of Louisiana. Texas came to us without cost, and so did the Oregon country, comprs ing the present States of cregon, Washington and Idaho, and par a of , Montana - and Wyomine. Through conquest aod the pay ment of $1?,250,000 to Mexico, we obtained the present Prates of California, Nevada, Utah, the territory of Arizona except le iow the Gila river ana parts oi New Mexico, . Colorado and Wy oming, For the region south of he Gila we paid $10,000,000 to Mexico. For Alaska we paid $7, 200.000 to Russia. .The gold alone we got from Alaska in 1904, not counting the coahhsb, fur, lumber and other things, amounted to over $10,000,f 00. In its products Alaska has paid for itself thirty times over since we bought it. Leslie's Weekly. Paaalr Atsal Vaae.. Japan has turned -the tables for the moment. Absorbing the civ ilization of Eorope at least on the material st"e, it has turned the capons of the masteilog. races atrainst tneiuselvas, and has con-qut-rvd thn race of is.urop most nam to the Asiatics, bnt the na tion whoe presence, - on the fron tier the Geimao powyr'his been constantly on guard. What is to follow? Is there any effect to be felt by Vllllalaa rchna far Silas. Sorghum will make a verv fine quaiiiy oi suage it properly man kd. Une oi the best varieties to giowistbe Redhead, becanaeof the stout, stiff nature of the stalk. It stands up mock better than the i Amber and some other sinularlv talked varieties, and vet is noil to coarse but that it is readilv etea by livestock. Plant the aorg nam m rows about three feet apart, using about twelve pounds i seed per acre. Cultivate as an I GHAIIBBR OFCOUUEEOE. ni Iviim Un if Ttmn Vl!! Fit A!f AlSriClelS MKINMiaci. Brldgers, John A. Weddell, Paul Jones, C. A. Johnson, George Howard, W. M. Arahtim, J. M Dixon, II II. Teel, R. II. Dent, o, A.M. Vandergrift, Jo J. Cm o, II. T.Dsy, It. O. AlUbrouk, U.A. Holdern European and American occu- J ordinary corn crop pants of Urtental territory? Js Asia tube fought for by A Biatics, aa Europe was fought for by"Eoropeans? . , , Is tnere again to be a division of the earth so that the brown aod ent when .a a a . rcaoy ior tne suo wun the corn harvester. Do not ent for silage, however, until the beads are maw ttd sod the re.d la virtoUly npe. Most persons who attempt iu umv avrKUum .oi ai la cui ia ioo green ana mate a serious That was a happy thugbt which orbane and clever Henry Gilliam conceived and put into practice, of haTiogJihs boaineai men to meet and diacsas the need of concert oi action, a need, all admitted, tal to get the meeting, was the proU-Um- Mr. Giliiimlhocrjit of a din ner. Then on the Jlit the initial steps were taken, and Friday men shall have their emDirea and the white men their kingdoms and I mistake by so doing. Sorv.hu m ening,notwithiUndiog the storm, their republiol - , Is the Asiatic ideal to be ad- vouced under the guardianship of holds its juices with remarkable tenacity, and owing to the consid erable amount of saccharine mat- Japan! These questions makes the coming peace momentous and the answer to them will be looked for with the keenest interest by dip lomatists, by all statesmen and by those who have faith 5n all races to work out their destines uader the law of their own natures. Boston Herald. ter contained makes an unusually fine quality of allege. You may plant sorghum a iy where from the first of May to the first of June. Fairly early planting Is advisable. salt gives the plant longer to mature. It is claimed by many, as you doubtleas know, that aorg hnu. is nara on tne land, but in pro- more than three fourth cf the! Qbacribers to membership, aaae ta bled in the major's office and effect ed a permanent organisation. ' The best of order prevailed, there was not a discordant note, all were for the industrial advancement uf the community. ' Those present knew that a suffi cient number had pledged them 4il4 llellasa. Since 1806 th- pmdurt Tks Crawa !.. For the first time since CToIooel YounghuHbaud'a expedition of last j ear to LasaObe forbidden city of Tibet, the outaide world has gaiued through pen. pencil and camera some adequate idea of the great Pot dt, the lamasery of the Grand Lams, certainly one of the most wonderful buildings in the world. -Lifted high on its great cliff, with walls . the vast buttresses and foundations cf which seem as mighty as the rock itseir, its msssiveness suggests the architecture of ancient Egypt; but its coloring and detail suggest nothing but Itself. "Sheer bulk and magnificent audacity could .do no more in architecture than they have done in thin bag tlac4-temple of the Grand Lama." says Mr. Peicevsl Loudon ui Li rec-ent book, "The Opeulig of Tibet," 'Simplicity has wrought a marvel in stone, nine hundred feet in length and towering seventy feet higher than the golden cross ot St. Paul's Cathedral. The Potala would dominate London. Lassa it sim ply eclipse i i "The vivid white stretches of the buttressing curtains of stone, each a wildmes of clos ranked a ijki a, strike a c!eno an h ir- utooi'tua nnu 11 thn Sao; gieeo whb-hv ashes up to ihtir ba e Ot.ce a ear toe walls of the Pota la are washed with white abdnoue can gainsay the effect: bnt there ia yet the full chord of color to be aonnded. The ceutral building of the palace, the Pnodang Marpo, the private borne of the Grand Lama himself, aiandsout four- tqare upon and betmeen the wide portion to the yield obtained it is t joo. b7 were in ai. sppreciaure mood, llenry Gilliam, when be entered the room, wa greeted with a hearty round of ap planes. As Ctpt. Powell arose to make his report, he was warm!) greeted, ss was also at the con da sioa o! the report. uot harder than other crops. orghum has some manifested vsntsges over corn, ss It will grow belter on thisner laSd, as it Is hardier and moie vigorous and therefore withstands drought bet ter, and as a rule it will ootyield corn. In other words, where tea tons of corn aie put Jn the silo per acre, yoa can count on from thir teen tons cf sorghum. Sorghum can be handled aa easily as corn, and will keep Just as lung If not put up too green. It placed in a rotation as to come on the land once in five years it will not injure the ground. It would be a mistake to attempt to grow sorghum year after year on the same land, un less it were possible to plow under some crop like crimson clover, and apply heavy amounts of phos phates and potaah each - year. Dy utilizing sorghum for silage on many Southern farms and gtowinj: some peaa for hay, the crop can be fed as grain and the shredded stover and pea hay used as dry roughness sud a much larger number of' animals maintained Lian is the general practice at the present lime, Professor Soule. ' Ilirak. ' It was a huge task, to under take the cure of such a laid caeol kid dU ase, aa tiit ot . I Collier, of Cherokt. la., but Electrid Hitters did it. He writes: My kifoey were so fsr gone, I could not sit rn a chair without a cusbioo, and suffered from dread ful backache, headache, and de pression. In Electric Bitteis however, I found a cur, and by them was restored to perfect beslth. I recommend this great tonio medicine to alt with weak k'.dnett, liver or stomach. Guar anteed by Staton & Zoeller, the dmggist; price 60c , SPECIAL DATES VIA ATLAN TIC COAST LINE. BaJtimcre, lid , $10 for. the round trip ser-uat Internationa Convention, Uotted Christian En deavor Society, July S to 10. Tickets on sale July lf, 3 l, 3rd ami 4th. Tkleis moat 1 U foul ed wlih'JoItrAtfeat-LaltluMre, Id, immediately apon etriTaJ and will le good to leoe JJalti more not laer than Jaly 13th. Extension of the nJ limit to Aoguvl 31st may le uUaibe-l by payment of fee of $1.00 on each ticket to Joint Afbt. Torn n to, Oat., nJ le sro f i6 -60, Intrri.aitct.al Sunday bhooi A asocial lor, Toronto, OnL, Jon 20 to 17: Tickets ua sale Jone 18 20 21. Sand S3, nstricsed to coottttuoot pAaage ia each di lection with nasi limit l leave lo.-ono o; later than Aagnat 2Sth. may be obtained by dept of ticket with Joint Agtat, be tareenJose 2uh aaJ JeueSOtb, and pajmentvf fee vf $1. at time of d. posit. ; Buffalo, N. 1 sn l retura M2o, Atinaal meeting Graol Lode D P. O. K BoffaJo, N. Y. Joly 11 to 13, 190.1 lekeU on aale July Mb. Tickets will be icatrictcd to ouo tiouous paaaage in eactk direction. Exteuaieo of fiual limit to Aug ust 4th may be obtained by de posit of ticket with Special Atect and payment ot fee) of SI Ptop over at Waahirgtoa, Baltimore and Philadelphia on ticket read ing through tloe poitiU will be allowed un going trip within usnait limit, and oo telurn trip within final limit, July ISth. If tickets have beo exteoded, stop can ba taken not to exce d ten dajs, licit Istr thaji Auuat 4lh. Am v y Pik, X. J , smI -rriure 17.63, allobal LuucatioM. Aa aociatioo, Aibnry Patk. N. J-, Joly 3 to 7th. Tickets on . sale June 29tb to July 2nd locloslte, final limit Joly 10th. Ticket restricted to continuous paaaage in each direction. Extension of the final limit may be obtained to August Slt, by deposit of ticket Fertlllxlsia Orcntavsla! WOOD'S Seed Potatoes IN COLD STORAGE For Late Planting. Plants tn Inne and July, these yield large crops of fine potatoes roi.r AXtwtAna nt before cowl wuur .v. O . . . -. waathor mmwi on. ' carrying throueh the winter In first-claas onnitinn ttxr nlther bXHne USe OT market. By our methods of carry -sn. th. S mm OaeA Potatoes in enabled to annnlw ihom nnmrontfid tWO. IU fixstW sound condition, Just whon fh.v am reamrea iw ua. PrifiM auoted on reqoesfc Wm in hMdanarters for Cow JPeaa, boat Seeds tor Bummer biaUmI on reaoeat. If one is willing to fertilize the soil in his orchard he - should be willing to apply such fertilizers at the proper time. v hue the usual fertilizug of trees with commer cial fertilizers has no objection, the same cannot be said of the ue of stable mannre under some con ditions, I which is the- fertilizer generally at the command of the farme. It ia generally understood that severe pruniug in tie spring caubea heavy wood growth of the tree and heavy fertiliz Dg with stable mannre in the beginning nt the ptowicg srascn has a like eff ct. I . ; L ine orchard is not growing rapiuly euough by all menus ferti lize, so as to get the nec- ssiary wood eroAth. but if the trees are all light in this rwpect, but are uot fruiting properlv, it is eyioeut that they are making woovi growtn at the i expense of fruit ; buds. ibviously, the rmedy is to ferti- tixA Rfter the crrowinir season for the wood growth is practice uv over. DaU manuring in any cou- aiderable quantity is bot advisa ble, for it excites a growtn oi wood which is not desirable st a time when the trees are preparing to restJ Indianapolis News. I of the world's go.d mints bas ainonnted to $2,f26,000. 00. In that time thrte great wara have ben fought that . sftVe United States with Spain, that of Gi eat Britain' with the TrsLSvaal repubiica, and the third that of Russia with Japan. The veers of the Boer war ruateri allv reduce! the output of gold oy I suppotting bulks of masonry, a cloeing tLe lTauvaal mtues, the rich red crimson, and, most per- chief source of the world's supply, feet tonch ot all, over it agaibst All three are invo'vi? g so msny the sky the glittering golden roof international possibilities of grave a note of glory added with the moment, have r-salted in much infinite taste and the sparing hand noaidmg of gold by banks. of the old illuminator recompose Of the f2,.26,0i.0,)0 of gold the color scheme from end to end, cr daced iu the orld since 1896, 1 . sequence of green in three about $9C0,0U0,0 O have goje 'n to the vaults of the principal hanks of Euiope, while at out $200,000,000 have gii e into the reserves of the national iianici-i the Uiii'ed ritatea, making a total of $1,160,000,000. which Is repres ented by the ibcreaeed holdings of the piinc'pal b nks of Europe ..nil. a IlnitMl 8 tat en. It mav be estimated that $757,000,000 was I oiler temple of the city, cue roof I especially to toVxcco. In ased iu the ar'S and scienceo, this I of which is said to be of plates of I Knight's leighborhood all being as. u upon all al.owano oi i solid gold (4nd be ta luclined to 30 per cent, oi the arm prviao- believe the elau-tn. nt;, hot oi tiou, though perhaps er cent, which the rest wete of the nsoal would be a closer estimate. This Tllelau make; tht Ik, of pore leaves about $600 000,000 unac gold coated heavily upon copper counted for. A part of this has alter the copier has Iten em bo is - gobe into ioh vault nt bitnsa otnur i ed. or otet, or bammered to suit than nttioDHl in tne uuiiaotie, i me srmi. : Tbe-e golden roots are unques tionably," he oucluds, "the taial stuking ornsniente of Lassa One cau ace them lor miles, fof iu thia light, clean air no distance will diui the buriiiog tongue of white flame that staU like a bell as reaervtsl griph from ih upper line of a far ea. ahade, of white, of maroon, of gold aod of pale blue. 'A brown yak-bu curtain. eighty feet high and twenty fire I feet across, hangs like a tress of I hair down the very center of the central sanctuary bidix the central recess. Such is the Pobda" Later Mr. Landon was sole to examine dore! the roofs of an and other thau the chief govern ment banks in "Europe. But these holdings wouldS alter all, ivpie- ent only a part of tb $600,000, COO. Where the remainder i is " mystery. It is, however, quite provable that immense nii are ?a & A..nbaM aa hia in private storea Mall SMtSsihl South of here there wa Saturday night -a severe storm of wind, hsil and rain, doing great dsmsge cn a few farms, Sheriff Knight, Wm. Abrams, Levi Denton, Dr. If. B Pitt; also in the neighborhood of Coakley bridge near McKendree. Near the latter place the greatest damage was done by the heavy downfall of water, but wherever the hail fell there was some dsmsge snd Sheriff vegeU- lion was limbed, and to a large ex tent ruined s far as cas be Irarnd. Very few cairied aby hail insurance protection. The lews is impossible to approximate, but it mutt run up well into the thousands aud quits a u amber of tem. . The center of the norm seems to have been along a line moving from Mckeudree to Lam Lawrence, a distance ot five or six miles. John F. Shackelford, as temporary 9tb snd 10th. fioal limit Joly 15 chairman, called the meeting to order. Capt. W. 1L PowelL as chairman of the committee ou members, announced that the com mittee has secured the required number ot names, 40, and had fas a ranees that there would be more. All the committees had perfors.ed the duties assigned to them, oran it tiou and by-laws, and repot ted to havs their reports approved. These reports tell what was done: The name of the organisation shall be "Tlie t'haiuoercf Commeic of Tarboro, its objects being to encosrage and forward the estab lishment of industries In and near the town. Tho membership annu a! dues U fixed st $100. Tho offirers shall consist of a president, three vice-presidents, and a secretary and treasurer, who are to constitute with six other members to be chosen by tho Ch mbcr, the exmtive COluUtlt.. t ln.U Vun of a t So Oumpeusaliwa is tube paid an) officer. The executive cou.i iitet is to havs sulhority to uw ai) money of the organisation ss mi) seem advisable, subject to uttGca tion ot the Chamber. Any c. risen or corporation ia eligible to tuember ship. The officers chosen are as folrows: President, George Howard; vice preaidenta, John F. Shackelford, llenry Qa k Bridgers, Gustav Zander; secretary and treasurer, John A. WeddeE; executite com mute. W. 8. Clark. O. A. Holder nesa, Jobb Cobb. W. IT. rowell. The following was offered by Geo. A. Holdemesa and adopted with applauding: - VhereaMbe organization cf the Chamber of Commerce) has been perfected largely through the efforts of Mr Henry A. Gilliam, especially infringing together the business men of Tarboro at a din ner given Jane 21st, when a tsmp- oiary organization was formed Be it resolved, That the hearty thanks and appreciation of this body Is extended to Mr. Gilliam. On motion of Mr. Gilliam, the editor of this pap1" WM xn4e hooery number, Mr. Gilliam pre- wiih S pee id Agent snd paymext f fee of tO rests at time of de p't. riiop over at New Vork ca r irn trip tuy I obtaited pro- d tivlei ha-a tea validated J j'lnt eg-nt airy Park aved I .etwa.l wlih Jiwrt Afeat New Yok set laiet tkai .t,e day rter validalKHi at Aabay Pet atxl npoei payment of lm t H ml HToeot deposit, lot in ro r.M uilatop over at New Yokex. ital beyoaj Auut list hU.p mere, Waablagtoo, iUltiwore snd Philadetphi will W permitted the g iog trip wittUi roicr limit otthe ticket M tex.ed Joly 3rd sod on lb reu r tria. tiitna final Itmiloriirkef. Ifllekeis Lai wen xted etji 9 tT" Xmy t- asm lor 1 ei vl tea dajs tA ' to exceed Aci,ot 3Ut. Nlrca, ra It. N. Y- and re- ara 2a. Atvcieal Araixe Ord. r , of mj ti Stiit Imtnal Cotn- etl. .Ntagra Falta, K. Y. JoaeSQ TicSeia cneale Jan 17.18 atd 19, final limit Jete 21. Lx te baton if Co! limit to Jcly 14 may be obtained by tLtoaitof lct with Joint Arett not later lho Jci 24 end rwitrect of Aa of fifty rta. hUp overs will be flowed st Uesbtnxicm. lUMI. more aod lll'adelptu o tic tele roofed throgb lie points wl th ia tie guioz, limit Jabs 19 and lasnra limit Jyr 14. t fa el a to be - deported with Ticket Ageat step bwr po'.tt lamdtateiy ua arrival. II i;ce'a have tn extewded. arp) may be taken fT period not exrre-Ueg ten rUys, bnt nvt later than July 14 h. A Georgia teu whiaaiog fr a dirorre from bis wife ata that te has kept a diary and firxU that they had qoarreUd Jtal 9.110 tlttr, and statea tLe reaaon for each aerap. klcch oi the trouble came Irvm bit carrlea-nea in trackteg mod oq the kitcheu floor; me of it from her ref oval to took dumplings with the tLlrlen. std 22 i cftte ecrapa an ae when he asked tr money, whi l.t3of them were due to late meals. weee a ws It. a It in a eecrst, Uit U r Cuts, Bams, L'lrera, Fever Some, fcW Kyts, DolU, etc , nothing is so effective as Bocklea's Arc lea Salve. "It didn't take Ictg to cure a bad sore I had, sxd it is all O. K. far sore eyes," wntse D. L. Gregory, of Hope. In. lie at St too A Zoeller's drug store. r, Vniiir mimrsv,- rvtiSJoitR.y--J Paint costs money, bat jjood paint pi)-t more than it costs. Lucas Paints 4 ray best of a3 became Cvey coeer xtl look lz; aikd wsr beL TeLd r that, Cispike iskrw. m If you wni U mts money, isit en your psaitcr tilaj JLusst Jia. Tc3 iia to ak hit deskt. Joha l.nrrt is. Co PhUsdal nbla rt' liardware lis , W. S. Clark, u. A. Holder I . . R7 1 Tt 2 " B.B.reUra7aA.JohnHB gilV TilCTC, II CI C J I 111, ia a mod nlrhfa sleep worth, aod what Is it worth to U healthy aod feel gcod ; and have a bright eye and clear mlodl Weil, my buy. 1 don't think I could valne heclth ia doJUrs and "... . . . I- ..l.4 cents. Why. my tnr, mere ts rot eoougu mwrj ia - v. .s. bur mr health. I woold rather be strong like God Intended metobv ih&n to hsve a billion dollars, and not be sUe to eejoy myself. My U.y, there are several people In Tarboro U-lsy, who are tx eojoyieg the health they should. by some of them d t't evia feel hscgry when they go for their meala. The troub'e with them, my boy, la that they doo't take enoojb exerciae on their wheels. If too have no wbeel. laen it is up to yoo. 10 inrrclrs-rri, ti:t l, t3. sad 40. All hl;b grade, with clinch tires, scamlcwt tnblsg. fully guaranteed; no wekllog--flO to IS down, tvalancefl or 1 13 prr week. TiapT wbeela cfderfd. If yoa w ant them -1 15 to fTi, ail rash. Come on. aod Vet revlej aH yoa i vr.ii ill ree a a.iaare teat. snd the price, wl.Ni.sruly is, in its Driac f rajst j torments, like dymg ot cdnsnmption. Tbe progress oi cot sumption, from t'ue beginning to the very end. is a long tenure, both to victim ai d friends. "When I" ha1 i eusumpiion - in i stngp1 writes Wm. Myera, oi Md. ."alter trying differ- nt mslicinea and a good aoceor, in vain. I at last took Dr. JUDg-a New Discovery, wbirti quicaiy anri nrfectlv cured me." Prompt r . - . v relief and sure cure ior cougu, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Pnaitividv aurevents pnenmonta Gnaranteed at SUton & Zoeller s drug store, price 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle iree. of iudependent baukes. lumeaauriig the effect of the gold supply upon prices ofcoui miditi asnd rates of interest, iu will be necessary to . calculate first, whether the increase oi near- v ll,200.000,roo- in tne g ia re- serves oi tne leaamg Europe and tbe TJulted btte has been folly iepresentd by a cor responding increase in credi'a, aud seoond, whether. the secret reserve of private baukrm may not He -brought iuto a more ntl- o Bears tas tipataia ef i - seaTSaT" Iha gina Y Bra wwan Batgi A misty outline of p dace or temple, and there i no doubt that the lat and ft rest est impression of Lst, sti.l vivid when uea-ly all else has bein" forgotten with age. will be of that first sight of Uhe Golden Uoofs if Botala.1 All that that romantio phrae suggested beiorehand was realized to tbe lull, adjust as to the imsglns tion of le Qilncey tbe wcrds 'Coo-ul Ilomanun suiumel op tbe gra d ur of Item , o these five urda will longest recall to those mate reUtioo with InternatiooaiLcha saw them the image of that credits as soou as all doubt' cieat ed by war have beeu removed by the establishment of a world peacd. W.sU Street Journal, i Governor Glenn has received from ex Captain E. F. Bata, U. A, Detroit, Mich , a North Colma H-g. which it is stated lathe letter waa taken near Fort Fisher at the time of the capture. This fits is to be sent to the Governor, and details of its csp- ture will be sent witn it. it wut oe placed In the Hall of History. ancient .and msterioas faith which baa found in tallest ex- preiutiou beneath the gtdden cano pies or -Laos." Youth's companion. Tie good tff-c's of the same tas are apparent to all who drive ebon thecoaotry. The very air is music with the. whistle of Bob White. The partndr.es are almost a numerocs now as tbey were In former days. Charlotte Chronloia. Tsm waltaa's MatasUs Vatislf A tail pate photnrspb of the editor .t his desk is tbe frootisptece ot Tom Watson's Jdaxt'ioe for July. Ola editorial are aaananpaoied by car toons, aod the aaae mstbod ef tllos- iratioo is used in tbe other rsffes of the number. W. T. Snead coo tributes a akctcb oi Winston Churchill, M. P , as Eogland Corolog Mo. This Brit sbststesmsoof half A mericso decent peaks for himself io a rmcicg article called V hy I belieee Io Free Trde., Joseph Dap&woborv shows nna dark enruers of Msrtisnd po'itiea ia -Gor mso, ot MarTlaod." Oiee aJtxIes are 'Monarchy Within the KepcbWc. ' be Foataioe i. ros; -b im- Ssw i! or tan Thinks," snd tbe ecu duditc ppef ot Albert Griffin's "A Phase of tbe Mooey Ptobfam." Be Ula the rrcolar departmeota, there ts abnodsae of good Q:tioo by Har riet Preacott Bfford, G. Brosson Howard. Msrie C OemJer snd WCl N. Har'ben, and some lood verse I J R. W. Ksuffnaft and It. U. Tttoer- iogton, Z facin; hLs re marks with the state meut of his belief, that the organi zation and the community woold be benefitted more by the support and encouragement of the paper than by any one's one hundred dollars. boll or boxor. The following Is a list of these aignlog as members of theCbsmUr of Commerce. It is now a roll of hosor, and can be made to so In crease that these mm will lire long and prominently in tbe his tory of the commuuit : feel IU dow n and 1 1 per week ta not eoocgh to coe J wo to loan any sleep. What due a few doilaia n mount to, anyway f We are only camping out here a few short years; aod then we are railed away. V a can't tae any coin with un, so when we gvt a ehaoce to gtt clear f a few dollars to sdrsotae, let us do n. lt try to sew rtJ7 how msoy dollars aod cruUyou can ac-umulatU fore your lat breath goes out;foritwnidoyua norood,andm!ghtcaneyoutodiea year or two - k . ijV mm ! mm w rn lit. Some say thst life U not notth living, that they have nothing to be thankful for, aod that their lot la harder than others.They are tbe ck, who stsy under the tent. They know nothing aboct bow the rtwtxf tbe world Is living, nor of the stug that some are having to keep n-lti. m ii ..Unntrmmint m. hirrte. acd take a little ramble away from. home, and see how some others ere lit log, they would come home and get opou their knee and inaaa uou ijt uegg o r-i GOOD A3 A TtlXIC. Body and Mlod Benefitted byOot- . a,aae. a . duur Ltte wiia toe srr cine of llidiog. l4,Nan;htlikethe wheel can make iea feel Thst Nature snd you sre st one. Undoubtedly Zadei Barren Gca- tafaoo, antboc sad lertnrrr, real- Ued the fall Import of a deJirfcUsl ;ln on a bicycle, not ia GcVs roan try. usLampered by pe'jy traffic, w ben he wrote these lines. Wm. A. Hart, S. N.Hsrrell, . I Wort'a wtnninr uudev the sun! e a: . If It Trl :e. J. W. I tr .rrT v joh v w U - p )L Shackelford, Wm. 8. Clark, W. H. . . n a Toor i-htet aln; Powell. W. Blame Howard, Jno. I white uooe. of auto o horse can COatos, Jobb Cobb, Jos. Zander, nay rru, v. ii Varrmr. I This roarer U surely mine.'' D LlchUnstein Co, ltoberaou-Ula a wheel frco reele, aod gvt cut In the air. and My cur luxgs Kewton 2 Co.. JuliauM. Baker.r so strong that o. .cd never f.w..a.ruon , M. Kaufman, Jme render, TrPLTT TT7 TT Tt?1K ftte V H U B. Peters, Don Williams. E. MIL Vj. j A ?A 9 JLJM "" lcr, U. A.GUllam Jlenry Carkl , Mary W. Whitney, A. Pro- feseor of Astrcoomy and Direetoc of Oheertatofy, swwax College, Poogkeepsie, X. Y.: "I Ulieve bicycling U oe of the most help- fal forms of exercise. In my own ex peri ace, I hsve ft nod oo exfcer whUhso rmdUy restores tnct-ul ;nip, aftrra petkal of fntail worry." , V