. -- ?t-; - . - - ! " - ' --r -v .' . - -i "sa- -- " firms' BE SURE YOtr'ABlS THEN;GO- JSAJDi 1 Crockett N0.3I. TARBORO,'. N. C. THURSDAY; ;AlJp0St. ESTABLISHED 1822. VOL. 83. NO.t. So Tir0d It mav be trow overwork, bat the chances are Its from an In active i iwb With a well conducted ; LIVER one can do mountains oil labor without tatigue.' It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. . . It can be kept In healthful actios Dy, ana oniy dj w b If III TAKE NO SU3STITUTE. Woonsocket had for a tone time a c hie' of police, ouej Alt Church, noted forhis blnntiiew and straight forwardness. Uoe dy gn-wr went to Alf for ii.formanon about a certain Joe Wbite.jwho had ap plied loi credit and a book at bis stoie, and Hie following dialogue e usced j ,' "Good moruin", Mr. Church.' I "Moniiu' " I "Do you know Joe White? 'y8." i - "What kind of a feller is he?'. "Putty fait." - . ldha hnnrntt" J : "Honest? I should say so. Been arrested twice frr. stealing and ie q uit ted both ti mes.f S e w YoTk 'lribune. ! "Hut why do yon live in town if you don't like it!' asked Capt hail. i-::-- j "I have to live in! town," said I'onUneo, "to make enough mon ey to keep up my cOantry place.' J-ew lorker. ...i-- D'A-.io ' ""V, Burglar liet'a to de shore au' ron de guests at om Summer hotel.' His Pal "Aw. what's de use? Jjet'a wait' till September an' rob de proprietor, --fuclt. Uraparaamma Men your graudpnpa was courting me he always kissed me upon the brow.' ! (irandoauehtr mn kiss ed me up'u tue tno,J'd just call lli iK downa little bit," Smart bet. j Gray TemUe ' storm Nwe had last evening, wasn't it? Thunder ed loud enough to wake the dead: Smith So? I didn't hear it. Gray Didn't hear it! Why, in an , where w e you? - . - Smith At " home. An oTd schoolmate of my J wife that she hadn't seen for years speat the evening at our hojise, Chicago News. iE-'i' :i o Beirtth Bigoitme of WrHUn F. r Tb Soatbcrav. - ' BY ; T efore toochin on : the subject promised in a former communica tion, I ak pei mission from the editor: to indulge me in a few personslitiea. I must say somethine about i'The laiboro Southernet' and here it is: " i . ... ; " - Many - newspapers come to our house, but not one that xcel the Southerner. And it - ouehk to be - -'- - - . .if - . most handsomely patronized by the citizens of Edgecombe.' 1 read ttMill eyery week. I get many good things from it I enjoynhe stronfr', spitfy editorials; but do not like to see them sandwiched in , between advertisements, ot thatl object to the "ads," but to their location. There should be more of them in fact, so many that Editor Powell would be, forced to; print an eight page weekly paper instead of four. Every business, in ' everj ctunty sho old. become known to every citizen. And, when 'this is dove, the citizens would be more patrio tic, more loyal, and there wonld be less . emigration from the old county. - - . ' "j;--' ;. '" To go back to the subject matter of th paper. There is very great variety thus : some information, precisely suited to every class of readers, would be more gratifying. Again, we find in the columns news from every part of the world some very interesting . articles, some instructive, some intertainlng, dome amusing. vAnd . the sharp. spicy four Jine little editorials give a nice flavoring and, perhaps, makes the adjacent ads,' exploit- ing the wonderful' properties of some medicine (who' cares if it is "patent'') taste better. Jiltf AUGUST AT C01TOS 8 MEtT- 15G-H0U8K. ' In he flush times of the fifties ol the last century, the second Sunday in August wes a red letter day . to the young gen- - A !f Yhmt 6nw - I honor ot ber Gcaadmi Wriin, LW named tWebmhyCatheHoa., At two h we so we af Drettr We called the Imle darlio ICttly. eirht fcbs showed such1 rWulf wit Tbik wi beaa w cad her Kit" ,;. "- Ai .1 Irtrea ibe grw tallaod weighty, Aud iip, koiueno4r.ealled her ELaly. AtaiKteeo vhe was more tdl, Ann iht-n, id eoorMi, eatlnd her sU. At eigbteeo now wh tilu her ohWr And sin ns her "M me as Ktbtal " . " . . w r1 lCr lis las twain town Bagk -w mm BaDk ul I arDoro. CAI-tTAti ' ' j -','IMOB ? DEPOSITS. V I7M88.: I iUEPLUS, - 1 ' SJOB. J i. UOWABO. Vlw rrwrtdvak . Jo. J. RKrM CaAtar. - , i L V. BART AwlatSBt:CMblOT.--':-.v.-. THE NORTH CARQUXA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AKD MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial ed ucation in A gricnl toi e,7 Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, andf the Textile Art. Tuition f 30 a year. Board S8 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address . President jWinstoa, WEST KAjLeIGH, N, C. tlemen and- shall I say it? to the young ladies who lived within a radius of twenty miles from the famous meeting: house. By x the way, Mr.- Editor, I like the old fashioned word, meeting honse." The word "church' which, liter- -tlly, means a body of believers, is a misnomer. At any 1 ate, at the time of which I wrote, the congre gation was composeti, by a very large majority, of unbelievers. It the reader does not believe this Statement, let him or her ask. Ed FoxhalL. Georpev Wimbeilry :or JSqnire Lewis or iny other old timer. : .- :-". Fragrant is the memory of Mr. John Lawrence, inconnection with the Big August.r He lived but a short-distance from the church building on the road from Tarboro to Enfield. He was an ideattost and his good'', wife was a perfect model of a hostess.! Bis daughters l hope I may be pardoned for Haying it, if any are now living) weie so beautiful, eracioua aud - eiSH Avlaacli.IIaritt . When Gov. Mickey, of Nebras ka,' told Tom Lavsou to sell what he has and - give to the poor, vr. to be more literal, advUed him to give away a large a percentage of hia personal fortune as BockefeL ler is giving, be may rave spoken words of a greater import than he knew; For Mr. Lawsou U giving evidence of having taken the case under advisement. Mr. Las-nan is reported .to have;, said m an ad dress at at banquet gitca-by the Commercial Clnb of Minneapolis: "I haye several - millions my self, and wronged the American people la getting lL,Hut I did not know it at the ; time.. When the time comes I will give the money bck to them.", : This, of course.-' is rather, inde- fisite. It leaves too much option in the hands of " Lawsoo as to de termining when the time cornea. uot. Mickey might again quote Scripture to Lawson and advise that "now is the accepted time:" out the .governor may congratu late himself upon being - the first to wring 1 a pnblie avowal from Lawsoo that he considers, it ne cessary to trump the Rockefeller ' trick of ! eiviojr away monev. There- are manv ruen of laree wealth . ia the country who are joining in the hue and cry against lvockefeiJer who have never given the least evidence of his desire to make restitution If they .wage any war. with the money lust; it is the Inst which is always victor, since they never give the le evidence of having prevailed. Mr. Lawson is one of this class, tie has for many years been accumu lating wealth in speculations, his lines being sometimes those of the Btandard Oil Company and some times opposite ones, but always and every wbeie parallel with the interest of Lawson and expressing the idea of the . pablio be damned." - - i Oor. Mickey may have provok ed a golden avalanche, but there are as yet no signs of t durational or eleemosynary iistiiutions get ting iedy to stand from under, --bt. Louis Qlobe Democrat. , ikUCtlllMMlltk, : Corn-fed pork furnishes our tables with millions of hams and sausages, besides bacon and lard. Corn produces the best of poultiy and eggs, of which alone we; as a nation, consume more (when meas ured by dollars) than we do of wheat. Of corn starch we use about $7,000,000 worth per year, to say nothing of the enormous consumption of glue, ombs, and J other products made fiom tbe horus, hoofs, , and hir oftlxw-e curn Ird aniuial. To all thfM we mot add a pnduct f corn oil (maximum, (16 OiKJ.iaih), largely uaed lu paiutf ; and the by pro ducts of corn oil, slarck, glucose. whisky, - and aiuohuL dried and told in cuke, lor animal food. amounting to millions of dollars per year. Nor is that all that corn accomplishes. Besides giving food and clothing hi the form of animal aid vegetable products, as indi The W1ywIiidtt'o l I 4 of llias arbcn,ic!iij4ttA tllZsSt I '-!. Clara's for Aura. It builds-a Sow I ' S , lf-f . " the. tocadailoas lakl la tbw .ni I , . . 1 AJ c Uood ia ywWr r?t paper c:ear aoa laursauc; csu ..-. : . . maUef Ujs coat flaiacaf pstv T)bert ; .Wiogaie, t white, Is la tonality ia eaatasporsryraaira. JaHfor aUemptlAg, .like a foul EiaiaeJiUj 'ealut, , civistjr Mar uxorer, to hears the owner oat of !hrrrllU?!?SLr rSlS throne. Twas no fault of Uaa real i Bof4e;HliTr t adgfd . tj . . . y . . v : k AAm Am .mhImY i mm MM. 1 that tat gorred hswkr was pared . with' .tie umaa 'Joh.. tt tww ws prey. Coeaefallarltta tiia poUie e ia tha Eaadsy achooUia philaa tbtppy.aad ia bnalaesa activity. lilt character U- , bared af all its Over AVork Weakens Your Kidnes. 4- mm J , ecwllar Sisrr. J. D. Runyan, 6i Bo tier villa, O. laid 4 he peculiar disappearssos of hjis painfoLsyaptomtr. of indlges tion and biUosinesa, to Dr. Kloj's The strength rser sidacys mc rvwv iJt nioaes. . TfcS kSdam mf TW3S whi fin or ImtwSiM ti tSc Uood. tT art ticker cut 9ttt wort. Btmimn cm fron . Uood. dm 13 M(c:ad pretense, tst .the lesaoa his 1U vr t it. run. xtl m. taAZ-hea mir b risln.- are a perfect remedy lor dizziness. sour stomach, headache, consti pa- tioo. etc' Guaranteed , at tnatoa & Zdeller'e drug ktore, price t5e? - i mm' . .-1 The'MlsheM MtvlSsw Wevt4 Ia many ways tbe Victoria Falls bridge, over the Zambesi gorge ia Ceutral Africa, is an .interesting piece of engineering, work.. In the first place, the structure can claim the distinction'. ot being the high-, est bridge . in the ;- world. Agsia, the wateis of the gorge which it sparui have never been fathomed,' and no one knows their : depth. But the feat is deservUg of mors than ordinary notice, not so much on account j of its engineering difficulties, - but rather because the wot k. baa bet n carried out In the very jeart) of ,tbe Dark Con tinent. It was only fi'ty years ago that the gorge and the ' famous falls at their head i gijm . of vbrtoe, wifehood aad and -asethsraood tood the avead at bay. . v. - .4 - - - ; . ; XVIsgala cams here a few days I tar ki hn troui. Uam xt bmnm 4 Jllinr msrTw nbtnM fertb TTTV?C .? t k-ixrr- ft a4 Is bseetwoct eck sr taMij Sgv seUisg sewing machines for the Bocky . liount Be p ply Co. Ilej carrisd a axachloe to the home of i Joseph Knight, who lives on East 8r; James street.' The next day! la the Taars stadr of Ctirard Oil' the baa acquired - aoiaaW- kowie3ge,of John. D. Eokefe2tr'd . business career which gfyeshcr Cxtt a4vsa tage as his biogrspharbu It is through her marvslkmaly rare trralatUpolalaaJer eJucwted lady, to purchase, he traiaJetr aaa-biaaaraJtAX ikial . . . ' chaiacur skatch become, a gttal and iaxtisg work; -The mtooal VmU which she lndignaatly reseated per leaves 'Both! a to be saidioX and, ordered . hiaa to leave the John D. Rockefeller. It places kooae taking, hia machine with I him. ' He left, but did not take ZriZ J . v ' iZi I" Us machine. frwttea U U tnemi la kkcyx Sw sow rttdars seieacs prort Oaji tetr a eoaitUeesl &wmtt ksvs Cbc rz- mmAm. Sab kiJ. - - a ft ywi ars sick jm caa mks a fnlak he retarned, and la urgiag Mrs. If1 &t yw ka.-7 ts ruii Kaighi, who U a refined and well Sa'oXuVrJ.t! tha saector-Dl Ue, btandard Nou as I Op per baa ' depieCad in tha Xew York Amencaa. t . SlwWlasi Stasv4v is often- caused by sorsa, alosri and cancers, tha teat, away yoac skin. Wn. BexisIL of Flat Bock; Mfch.. aaTS! -I-hare used Back- ed by David Livingsoue. Now it ia not only possible to reach tha falls by rail, but to cross the Zambesi by the .iron road,i and prooeedJ northward for auother .hund.ed miles by .the ; same 'train. The completion of Jhe bridge means that another, link and tha most important,' iprobablj has been forged - id the great1, scheme pro posed am) started by .Cecil Hbodes namely the Cjpe-tc-Olro rail road. The total -dutance by rail road from Cape Town to-ihe Fails ia 1.631 miles. Un's Arnica Balva, tor tUeart. Bores and Caaeers. U is the best1 healing dreasiag I aver found.'1 8oothes and heals sots, bams and scalda. lie at fitatoa 2t . ZoaUar'a drag store; gosrantasd.; . .: . - . The last- aaishlng .Wtehet. are being pat to the crops, .the .last plowing is beifcgdoas, tbe fhazuuM sre goiog over the peaaat patches theline their v transport stian was a'inatter of months wis. rsttioroat for the hot time tbs Travelera . fiom lS. preparatory ' to rtUjiaf b" ljeitaoo are nowi eaaled righv up I i Thare wH be a brief furceasa from to tbe Jraila ui twentyoce days, 1 labor, and thn palling I odder aaUI whereas prior to the ; opening ol 1 the -King- speaks thmihths pods in-thscottoo field, . Da nag the 8 pring, the scarcity . cf labor, was most acute, as much so, that mors acres, were given .over .to : "King Qreeq than was Assigned, when sowing tims was hers. , The next problem to confront the farmer will be the .harrestb.ef hit e ttou. The same laUr.thai csl b rated It. caiinsi begin toffber it, but for the women and .ebildren. AK ZSSMt.ttV Piesidebt lloosevelt differs frass all of his predecessors ia' regard ing hia high office as no bar to tbe use of that perfect freedom vt speech' which as a private indi vidual ?ie would claim a right t o mskcix, even st aom l isk. 'ine "mesaagea and papers' of the 3'residents - msy ' probably 1 be srchtd1n vain for such sad so many aocuments as velt hss officially .penned thia latter When Mr. Knight went ; home thai evening he was told of the In sult offered her. lie was very angry, but thlakiag the matter over, and dreading the nototlety lfhKtedhe concluded that the matter would end there, the ma ehiae be sent for, and that would be the' last of it.'' . w . - But he was mistaken. , Tbs next day, Friday, . between ft and C o'clock la the afternoon; Win gate walked, without knocking, Into the- hoose. . The moment Mrs. Kaight saw him, she arose and ordered him tokare. Borne wcrda, and then ha. laid this hands on her and attempted te throw her down and smother her screams with hia hand: . .With t a strength hojn of 'desperation, she escaped his eluteh and ran oat the back Way. The man before leaving made mora Improper proposals. Whan ha had gone, the poor lady was almost fut a collapae, but she called a boy and sent him hurry ing for the polka.. Chief Pulley was there ia a few minutes. 8he inform ed him of tha indignities offered apd the eetrage .attempted a poo her. lie ht no time iu arrtaUagtheaaaa. sen hm - . ' a . i new exsx xaxen into cusxoay rtskxsd. It siAA4a ths l.:rx4 tar weoaarrui cms M IM most Ctazuwi sad U soU m tu nrtu by sadmfTWUIsL'ry- .V east sa4 aa-datlar Hi- sanraie banla kr trv3 was. tw panptJct icUUsc yo how t Ltd at If yoa bava kktaty oc UadW troOM. ManQaa no paper aa wrmaf Dr" IUsmt k Cw Cairkacuoe, K. Y. Doa faaaa ary fnaaaka. Kt rmrmrr.bcr aaia. Svajme-ftooi Dr. KJrwi 9wamp-fUeC aa4 iha til 'iaai. f-c, Vy. M. Y ea erary bectia. SPECIAL BATES VIA ATLAS. TIC COAST USE. - n rl M Boobs0 ithsa ga Into the Fhtf log hepwed he was not the msa, but "id olttt very much ol the coU when he was taken before his. In- tr to Attor- ton would remain upgathersd.'- The traded victim, ha 'weakened and draw the young fellow there agsin I and agkit.1 y a cord too strong to CASH OR ! CREDIT." broken. Iu lact, the F-oglwh - - - i - - - i . . . language is not .copious enouga haraitr rtf ney General Moody, .ex pressing need of labor f or picking the. eottna m msdi -so norf Uvhlalf. hia opinion tttat the man Uolmea ' crop is goingteJbe fall ia silsaeuoni Jsstlce of the peace, ,T, U. Pender ro far untried and ccnjlcted -ia Md ft that prices paU "for tie feeaed the wsrraat for hist,' and ifillweU,S.: Jl ffl't-pl will prices.!. p ior h assisted by Bq.lre D. E. Cobb r2l pWdngwanhec.figares.lf, H?d th. preliminary exa-lnatioa Tt.i.n...tyithinli lndinf what wUl the fATsser.: say? Where slnK4-' Immedtatelr aflsr the cated. it gives life and streegth to the mstter; stiD. U the PxseidsBtlwiU be attempt tolersU ihsWsnlgrreatMrt. Kalght saying that miuioi'S oi norves, muies, anu i ujiudc uu uunwnw .o-wi . luwainuiiwwiu gnw wished ue trial to taxe piece. himself publicly ana f on the scanty cXUbor : Ajd be ajui her haabaod had not manner more befitting hia oface . , i v v-;lli -1 . . JtJ i ..... ia "siw "'imurieainm wtvwi. sua uhj IU UlftUUtI kJT I Mil CTIVIIiWIM V I . ....... . . 1 ' carry the weight which a more be soagnt in nringing asore laoor sober dlgnity.of expresaion ahwe to thtaiieetiosv. ' ' - -can givtl Mr. Hoose velt ass some BhooM net tha -fxrsaers grapple timc been, likened to Andrew with this problem now instead ef Jackaon.f They do resemble earn I waiting lill the labor sitaatloa be otberin oeing men of strong Jm-I comes mora newts and faney pri- pulsea svod elemental passions, quick to take .and tesent aa of. fnse,aad possessing sn -instinct for tUM jugular, wluch is a phrse minngly spplied by Mr. uooae- vetls biatself to Jackst o. Bat Jack- a mi viewed the ofice of President oxea that till our fields and heel our multitude of farm produvts to tbe thoupssda upon thousands of cvuarry tuarkeW iroiu Msine to California, and from the Dakota a to Florida rnd lexaa. oar per a Weekly; - STraclilBcaiair is the ssvinz from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. I j'er,' Cum berland.lld. tie write:. AX the ace of IP montha, : or little girl accomplished that to bea visitor I was ia deeliniug health, with serf- a Vine noose once was. euougu tu in the eootest ' for labor sre I paid, to ths ' most ' erdrnxry- fxrm hand I. . --i.;c ,v - - m llttl BEST ni a - W S I - W . m, ou8 inroat jiono-e, aou- iwu physicians gtve her up." e were almost nf esnr, abeti we resol ved to fry v Dr. Kings rvew Dis-coVv-ry fr Cotnmption, Coughs Knd Cold. The 0t -bottle esve I . a . Mm I ill - 1 a a . . m a.AtHaafA asm ta anew iiinw wi t i aaaa ana Or has it an - aojective Poperiy c,, -c, lld falii com belled to employ w caas a,affsu awaa aw w j- - -v - A g a. l health Never- fa la to rel evel "are sou iraipwaiBuiw ZK-" and ''eureka cough or 'cold; At Staton & Zoeller s ding store; 50c snd il' guaranteed. Trial . bottle tree.' . ":r-' ' - iaslmnosinz nDOn strain's which ebaled him exceed iogly. He Van ootspol en as ever in pnvato. conversation among hia friends, butoffirially and pub- iraiba.M Tha, puUio -is sruased' h-a e of President knowlrdge bl tha eumUT wetift him great re- 0f that treat laedirlsat; tools. Eleetrie BUUrt, roe sick stomach; liver and kidnrySJ Usrf IT-- VTal hotaariva until the man had been committed. " " .Wingate, represented by Ueas. Gilliam & Gilliam, offered no tes timony Bail was fixed at $1,000, which not befog furnished, the man waa committed to jail. As the crime became known, the Indignation U the people rose, and before the man was taken to jail deep muttering, demand ing tsm- Baltlmnrr. Md $10 for th roned tnp account Internat ooa Coareution, Uoltrd Christ is o En deavor bueiHy, Joly 5 to 10. TickeU on sale July lit, lnd, 3rd and ftth. llckels mestlo drpoait ed wiih Joint Agent Baltimore. Md. iasmedately opoo arrival and will te rood to leve Bslti more not lser thao July 13th. Extenloa of the final 1'mit to Apot Slat may t-e nbtaiced by payment cf f. eof $1.00 oa each Ueket to Joint Afct. Torunto, Got., an t return 2$ 69, Jbtt rsiksl Mm dy buoi As twit- T-'ft'i--, atv. J tO In 27: Tl kl ou aalc J uue is. T) 11, 22 and -13, mtrtcted to eoetlonous pases ce In each di rection' with final limit to Irsre Toronto o later tHao Acgost ISth. msy be obtained by deitf t ef ticket with Joint Ageot. be tween Jsee 10th sad JaoeSOtb, and payment of fee of $1. at time of deposit. Buffalo, S. T., and return $20, np 3",:-r Cra'd T o-e B P O K. Li IT .N. Y. July J I to 15, lu3 TKkt t on ale Jnly 8th, Stlj and 10th. fioal limit Jnly IS. rirkerawillbe realrided to roo. tloaoua paMar iu each direction.. ExretiStoo eifibsl lio-it to Aug. est 4th may bi obiu-il by de posit of ticket lth Hprtal Arret and paymact ci fee of SI M"p ever at. Wasb'u gtos, lUliimore ad PhlladalDbi oikket read tog through -(bows' prlstswUl be allowed i-a'goTac tilp wlthia uaasit limit, and on return tnp within final limit, July lS:h. If twkelshavt been exUsded. stp can be taken not to eireU ten dajf, notlster than Aoguat Jib. Aahu-y Park. N il rnnrn 117 Ci. Natiooai Edu'StlonaJ A social i. Aabo'v Pais. N. J Jsly 3 to 7th1 Tlt fo rale Jot-e 29th to Jely ?od iocloaire fioal limit Jaly luth. Ticket restricted to coatibuou puwr ia each dlrrd ioa. Eitnkn r the final limit may be oWalo.d to J Aautt Jlit, by depoait of !ilet lib rprnal Agest and pstmtai ffero'SO ret. is at time f lr r"oH. ft c orr at Sew Yotk rn r tern iHp may br cU aired pm- M.d lrkrt bateei validatrd ty jvln srmt satmiy Iark aad i deposited wjifa Joint Aatut -New Yotk sot lattr tasT. fce day sfier valiJsrion al Ast-ury piuk bd upoa tvsymni of f. vf 11 at ID o drpoei. but lam r tall stop m r at w Yrk ex. tend beyt.bd Aegust Slat, fclep nets, Vabioirt, iUItiavore aiU Philadelphia will be permitted en ' I be goieg ttip witUn .goirg limit eftbe ticket tot tuexed Joly 3rd sod oe'ihe'rHu a tria wlibia . deal limit tr tit kM. Ifitek sve benXirtdd 4 p rr mat m . 'akn li r letiod vftes di)iM -orxcved Augul 3lt. Nirra. Fa la. N Y-, ar-1 rr ttrn t-'O Acimt AraVe Ordrr d m)iie hto.u IcDperial Cost -;il, .Num Falls, N. Y. Joae SO 23 lickeie roul Jos- 17, IS tod 19, fiaal limit Jue 31. Lx wclfi ff.nl ltait to Jely 14 u7 l otnt ty d'iatt uf lh0 JttW ti mtfl pa) Ukt t( rl 4 fily rrm. htop oeia eillbe Uosed at WaLli.jtta, Ui. SiOre aid ll.lSdclpbta tirkrts routed tLntigh iLm pitiis with iu the gMu limit Jets l acxl idO'O limit Jove 14. ll keta t lepoited wubTieaet Areot stop om potbt iatmtdute'y ou arrival. If tickets hate Tm x'eeHe3, stop tusy be takn for rerud not exreeltog ten da) a, bat nut later ibaa Joly 14h. - -. - J A M Air Architect it's to your interest to specify 'Lucas " Paints (Tat4Cio) They nuke the best kind cf a job at tbe least eipenae cost lets fim and Ust. i J Fint becauae tHry e-rrr as iho.oot'y ait r i fax. (i Lat becjrate tie wer so wcllasd hoU tScrlaoks so lot g. Ask your deiVrr. John Lucas dt Co PaSe4s!ale ,Tatro Hardware Co. NOtUE. -Ou ToMklsr July '5 h, JP0X. al 12 noon, 1 aillrfiVr f tr sale tte pmprty Vaan a Ike 6t Crek O.I Mills, n mpriligr pirt- r'ttng ai oil muioQi&t ed Ibier arre f la ml; sale to be Lrinotlie imiry, snd ietis to lo meU lt-wa -n day -f sle. oeoi:gi;hoam). Tarboro, S C. w-aaaavBBaaaBaaawaaWjaftaaaaaaaaaaawAaK,, aBawaaaamaBwaaaaaaaaw Fr lUnt Ifrwellitij: iu rear of water tank, ou Ft Andrew. t. Apply to Mr. Orren Willlama. ftdlll constructed to describe, modify or limit" the charming qualities (if I may be permitted ' to quota the English Grammar) of these young ladies. . r ; : - 1 remember well, that a certain '" ' mm ' 1 J young physician, who uoarueu with- 8quire Lewi?,- in the years 1850-155 (I . km not tie one re- t erred to) nsed tor have an unlim- itd number ofL patients on. the road that led by Mr. John Law . ta.'a . a. rence's tstrict- uquiry as w iu character of the epidemic(?) which had called for the services oCtbst nhvsicisn in the: seel ion mention- CurUiRS KoCSWULlltt SUtCk r I Pll. ed;deyeloped the fact, that not one person black or white, msle 1 or female between the Squire's and The Only Rod Left Fully Exposed I Mr.Lawrence'awasBick.Thenwby to View when the Curtain is AiA hA j-; ve nhCfinest horse and teva,MSei.t,"laiAvpolanr 'TT, ban; O.tsJxxltnl,,rF0 -iaereral "malned' Irfetrr month, X Was given up to die. I fned the crowd ih vtov- -r I UM , vvt au. fwit-in as i tm , Ciirlain Mods in Place. Simple, Dura- We . and . Ornamental WE HAVE TH,EM FOB SALE ASJi TO SEE THEM I.LSJ.L MB. Funeral Directors and Etalatlmtr d.-ess up so . elegantly when he 4 ravelled that- road? Let echo Did I say . that 4Le meetiog s a a a house was , always run cn tnat famous second Sunday in Augusit Not'at aU but the- shsdy grove around the house was siwsys IrlL In fsct every fehicle had one vf two couples in it Even a bache lor sulky would often have s lady and gentleman lifting in te nir-. row seal 1 And, t.om the number of dainty, , little white envelopes that burdened the mails a few months after the meeting, it was evident that those vehicles could tell of many a loft speech deliver ed and many a low whispered re ply in tbe affirmative returned. And tbe dinner at Mr, Law- . a a a rence'a tbst asy wui never or forgottenjthongh . the guest may live to be an -"octogenarium,'i as Mrs. Partington used to call it. Gone now. those glorious days- gone the actors in those dramas composed by Cupid gone, even the old meeting, hoast and only a white headed man here and there and a grandmothely woman remain to tell the story. bich Calhoun erable r ward," in privatos talk with frieiida, but there hia laeaas of redresa ended. -I am helpless gentlemen," he raos remarked when Calhoun had - rarticularly ioceoted jum: -"a President eannol chastise ' a Beuator," and ; hit friends ,agried 1 that so v It was. Again,' when Clay had dona some thing to anger him, and he waa -. - .i . i t always aoing sons aoaaaa ww Oh. that I had off these robes of useltsi llsctmsJiidrfcjw, the l"cxmLi..noK-est ioevfrsr ,ba ginnla g toi take Elect do Bitter. I obtalned'tfikf. and li a tZcn tia.e Lwas antirsiy cuiscL" Guar intend a Catton i ZosUar'i drag stoie; prkst tfzs'X : ! Wsg. .-to-."-. - .The fifth, 6undsy ia Jsly ; d the : Friday,: and . . Saturday ."fire. ; mary pa a lah meat, could te heard Ih every direction The cenduct of Chief Pulley was admirable. Tie cool, - and that the man was la his Chsrre. and he should the attitude did much to bold In theek '.the cooler minded. fl Bui' until ' laid nlght aquada and groups of rat a cosd bq seeoo the street corners talking earnestly about the rase. Tha evidence and r the elrcum- .5. iPcelti Bias Full' ;of- New aiul Wants to a Blouse IBicyclits Borrow -0GP or .SIMfc e be Is would offloe3,, But with the robes loa be I cedtar. are , dsya : la which - the recof wd thst duels, - street trmitiyn Bspjist, ef the neighbor biawb, ajd laahings by tongue I j - y jbe. meet with their iiai IV (TIN W Utuiri mia mtm of Senators or teiaons ofno con m a a seqneooe.- It ' waa hard - lor nua, but he bad bo and did submit. - ., There is a lesson for Mr. Boose- to . . a, . i . -a I .v t- TmrumJL Tv-L 1 draw me ClsUncuoo, Deiore giv-. In U well inded. one of the 1 g kway to their Indignant feel- lar li ve-rs here: . .Elder MJloga.' Mrs Knight T: TavTfDt aTandaon ef that Circwin r.ance wiuca ' The me etirg house is not gone. velt in the coauuet oi nis preur- viatiat divine, and trrosnd- cessor, whom he to much admired; ' V' T--r I taken into consideration in forming Uamongxhe mlaUters at tending, la Jsdgment, aa to whst mighthare wlDjf w - - - la at... V.t . a . I atlxens of the town sd surrouad: aappeoeuuaaw noa lng hWmade preparatloas to mjr Bat ss we said Ufore; he eattrtain visitors, and can't - have la gufliiy .Thes j lo j f hU hands cessor, wnom aeso nncBsujninw. i- ,v.(1i t.vt Let not' the righteous impuUabe .t.Oospel, , Joanna Uwmm, smothered - MBtirejy, but let it respect those "robes o!f3ee. Bpringleld I&epabllcan. bet he la not going to sell blcj xlea at cost to gtt-the mooe-, as selling them so dose now, were he to mark tbem at oat. there rvnt Ymn d rTerenee enooirh to cau e aoyextra aairs. ITe sells t oloafuUs, lUfaJlng etandard, Ardot res, Vkiory . Aemea, Ortwrente, and others. Get hta ticrr al-o prkv of o'bir deal"js is S. t:.. sod he will wstr a Columbia tbat his ftlcr are 'way below the other mnn. The other, may s! far proCt; we are selllng'to sdvettivr. - . ' - , . J.8. and J: B.Teile have visitea the ueajers is .. c, a., jiu.. av - I . m.m, A-.U It - a 1 to- t a. S -,S k A.-aa V SS m a sUncea-TOTounding this crime, a. wf w.r'.irr" . . -.v. i-r,r..l.r,,1 ,w.4 ,w or main wtj ioo i iuj M,r..w. r- - !.Aa. "P00 H than inyooeeleeia the bn.lu.aa. ' man did not intend to accomplish . ADOtner tig load of bicycles Jut dumped oal at our door, and his purpose at all haxards. Le- more on the way. Look fur ii.ua tomotrow. Ibg routtaru wuai be rsllr. he iiruiltr of the site aimed carried out c we go brokers e are already on the wsirr wagsm. Bi- amanlt.' but we Wish the nubile to "-i ui,owu v.i rf ... r r imui, umiaMuiHi,w i swi M snmi V.m-t ikbrt lima. C nrr mit. with B. Si L- stock -for security, or we will give H per test, without ovUaieral. ho will come to our aid, and beip to grt t a out of tke hole, thettby crawling la themael vest You will hsve to horTy if you wanltoeatra tbe ahoofly" t mean if you want to get a bike at 'way down, tfowe, dow prices; as tbe sales department tato be transferred to bu later, 8. C: tondocted by John K. Prete. VAura ffw rood health, bticht CTC. fiUUk stU. rood will sod neither by him a should be J. S Perfect womanhood depends on oerfect health. Nature's rarest flrirt of Dhvsicai aeautv comes vo au too maay and the sons and-daughters otvhouse HoUister's Bocky Mount those who. gathered under the I am Tea. ' Bright shady trees a half a century or more ago, will bw found there aexx August and the ;f am'e whole-soy.l boipiUtiijr.diapenied. Ed.v ; '-.--'-' ' i-i- - cheeks follow tu 2 snd cents. red 2antka I'xaaUza (llalaitalrttT-ifcCa A -IPsU light In thk ejs, UnUths eheek with kiutf$ tlooai; loosens the teesieh eC llta.'srssbes the ee- wvUfxtualtbs brais, that's whst UoUisura iiuczy- Aiounism ias will do. . 33 ceuU, Tea or TatlctA, SUtoa & loclkr. . . e ber made out the case against i hlnfor the crime hsd been he mor ally cwmmiUed already. r' Vto r!r it U said, is wall con. nscied, comes front Ajdtn. Pitt couatr. and hAja;if and foe r P EEL-Er 6c - Joe, John, Waller, C ft. CO., nU Wheeler Wilcov. Author. "rw Yotk Citr-1 he bcyrle has done more for the health of women tbsa all ibe dtor."" Hon. C. A. Woods, Justice Soprrme Coutt, South faro'.iDS "The birvcle baa rootributed mueh to mv I Ira ore and good health J. D. Ilsmmond, M. D pecialut, Throat and Lac-. CfcUwc "I an r!ad tn rwramaod the bievde. aa iU Ue hlA been Cf XTTXt be&et lit saj nrxius aim ut hm o uj j wwuw. !