Hi IP .... . .. v .. . : Ml r Lit II ill J 7-.' 1 1 BE 8URB j YOU. AB tfl RIgThT ; TELEN 4b fiLBLliJAJoi-r Drbckett i ill i v J n ii, L .i rii i it i .ii Tfi iii i .i 14 vw x vr w 83. NO. "39. TARBORO, N; C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905. Mfsfi! stimulate the TORPID LIVER. stecnjrthen tne digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are na 4.u:lcU as aa ANTl-BiLIOUS MEDICINE, In'tnalarlal districts their Virtues are sUcly recognized, aa they possess i-uliar properties In freeing the svstem from that poisoa. Elegantly siiir coated. JaUc Will t'fj Till ' j.ontii I ey. vi 'in . I lit" t : - -at oil "il. NO.! No Substitute NO ICE pT qualified as f xecntnr ? f tbe Mr M. E. Pttman, l.te ot t; N. C, all persons having against her rstatn ar- h-reby 1 to present same to my attor 1'hos.- H. raftle, of Rocky N. C , befo e Aug 2 1st, H.6, notice will 1p plead iu bar of Boll Worm Probably. Mr W. E. Jeffries hs diseovere,! th t hia. cottou crop is eeiion ly affw teJ with a Very strange di- r inseet or eomethinir that has done it preat dmajte. In fa. t about a third of his cotton crop ig cut off thereby. . The bolls art affected At glance they appear perfectfnlly sound, but on "close inspection a small speck can be ob served and when cut open the boll is totally rotten on he inside. Mr Jeff iea haa ineneotria nnmKa t other crops and fiflcTs them in th same condition, bntnone las badly affected as his own. A stalk of tlv diseased cotton has been seut to the btate entomologist to learn tl e trouble .Rocky Mount Record." P'O v j'.v. All persons indebted to ;ite will please maice pavmeoy to ruy said atturnty. , Anc 21st, 1905 F. B. IA Y. Executor Of Will of M K PiUuiaOj dee'd. Tt H. IJattle. Any. ;U . Rocky Ml. N U. k i:. K LECTION TEACHERS Tin' js-hool (mnvitteeof Township - No. h. will met't at LiegSetta, on niinfUu. Ot t6ler 5, 1905, at 10 a Hi. j uuvjie imriivse ui eiet'une tt a !ih the w hite and colored m TIm of said township; all schools h ol4ii November 1st. Applicants in;i-t have certificates coxeiing V. Bakxes, Sec'y. Schl. Com. No. 5. Ue-recatmea-. Primlatr Offiee ' ' -. data. , . . The action -of the President wriiea Uaarle - A. Edwards. Hontherner correspondent -in to ng out .Public Printer Pal has brought to a crisis the trou m the great printery. Mr. iiaa Oeterminea t ask fur gressioual investigation whe Congress meeU in December a air the whole thi&c. If ha eta the iuVentiHtion it is going to make trouble for a whole lot of people here who will ."be brought into the thins-, who ' ot hfera is nv.r would be known in it. Itia N A'i H Art W I lilt I A Mb, r'bsorirtl'Arttpt and Hir suit Oecorator. - " liioors f loni Bank o Tarbon JENKiK 'hysician and f nrffeoTj.- Ta-horo. X . C P.0!ie No. lfifi. p ililill !. ' I -. - -For The Following:, D.-tiiiij' Machines. Bay Presses, A bO Mowers, n Iiuil;ers aod Sbreddeis, Corn Binders, 1 - . " . " - fbr the International Harvester Co. of America for la 1 a pne Gasoline Engines, Hay Presses, ISpiing Tooth Harrow, etc & H of man :ents tor Bickford I Grain Drills rd fxamine n a Lines and get les i before, buying. It wtll save! you m-'nv- gtirg to involve Bnatora audi lit-presntatives and bi neaspa- per proprietors all oyer the oonn-1 try who aie the holders of stock iu tne Metcentbtler LinotDH ui; chinas It is going to show up how the Mergenthaler peopl fiiet !ot the pern.i8sion of Congress to ask tbe Public Printer to nse his own discretion to place in the Government Printing Office tbe linotype machines and put hand wotkers out c.f a job. It is goiug to show how the thing waj doje and the commission paid To a lob by ist to get the thing-done. I do not know that any man connected with the Govirn uent work got a copper cent for plaeing; in either the Mergentl ale? or the Lanston machines in the Government PrLitery, but I do know that a whole lot of people herd and mix ed us here own stock in both com pauies and that they did -t pay very much for the stock. It is a ntsty mefs and part of the game of some of the Republican stand patters is going- to be to keep tbe Congress engaged " in investiga tions all during tbe session so it can't get busy with the tariff, railroad rate ! legislation or any thing; else. The whole "thing will be - rich, i- rare and lacy when it comes and I mm going -to tell the whole tiuth about it all. and I care not whether it hits Demo crats or Republicans. Lets clean out the whole jotten; outfit and give the people a cfb tnce. Will the people take a chance when it is offered to tLem? . A A Good Law. Bvmistake,' probably Mitchell county hm a most excellent law, euacted by !the recent General As sembly This law reads as follows: Section ll That it shall be un lawful for any person or firm or a dog known to bLf dangerous or vicious to run at large: Provid ed, however, this section shall not be construed ; t prevent any per sons f rom turning such dogs loose from eight p. m.ito six a. m. ,J.j3ection 2. -That any person, vio lating this aci shall be guilty of a misdemeanor v X -r -- 'Tia indeett a"p(that this law does not apply to the entire State, and impose the "same penalty upon the dog that it does on the person. ' President Roosevelt before - he has the federal government to take over the control of insurance com panies might have Congress to en act this law. ; It would keep John D. Rockefeller at home, also Mor gan, Ryan and many others. . xv J Ctr-It PabltcaarTABlal Widely ja the people of the United States may dift r aa to the "public ownership oi public utili ties," it is lecomiug wore and more apparent that tbere is a tie finite purpote to amert tbe princi ple of (publicownetship of public srvauta7 lhe peopld aid no longer indif fereut to tbe abuses of tue pom era placed by them in the bauds of official; they are becoming keen ly alive to the fact that the use of publio position s a means of f tt tening private put poses is alto gether too prevalent and grafter, or more properly put, thieves in positions of pub'.io trut-re finding their pathways strewn with morns in the shape of in dictments, prosecutions, and jail sentenct 8. - And the most encouraging feat ure of this newly awakened sduii- ment appears to be the widesp acclaim with which is hai'ed tbe eiTorts of piosecutorii, judges, and j tties to lay punaitve bands upon the rascals in high places. There is hopefulness in this attitude. Punishment of small-fry offenders never haa more than local deter rent effect, but when i the arm of the law is reached out and laid heavily upon the "big flab,' fear is put into the hearts of the grat ters everywhere. - ' The idea that the people own their servants, in the sense of having the right to txact honest and tfficient seivice froui'tbem, is eouiiug to have a fixed place in tbe vopular mind, and public pilfeitrs of bitch and ; low Uegrj-a will do wel to keep the fact iu tuiud. Diumoiond Mont , CaX A Fln Orcbard.2. ;;s I HandjVme Qaartir.' l - . . . .1 -. "tl 7!. fU ... J 1 4 . The finest ahd largest apple ' or- W. L. and J. BBiinmoDs hare chard in the State is that jot, A. A. fitted np' : th-1 store -- recently Boggs, of Waynesv111e,rovering occupied by E. Miller, for their 70 acres, the trees being"about 20 casket and emljalmlhg f parlors, years old and embraclng;29 varie- They are making no 'display of tbe ties. Mr. Boggs sella hia ffriit fn Interior fronx thei street. , lland the South, in car-load lots, and is some laoe eortaina. cat off the view, now getting from $3 to 14 for it. from the wiadows and the doors His trees are in first-class conditio are kept closed.' But the interior and are loaded with fruity in 'fact, is fitted n$ In an np-tb-date ' style, the limbs of many nearly reaching Well balanced ,cases , hold costly the breaking point. Ilia crops will caskets thit can be palled " down probably reach 3, 000 barrela.Trof. tot Inspectioa and -with equally as Hume says that section and the l&W effort they -a be returned Bmshy mountain section in North to their places. All the paraphef Carolina ' have no superiorfbr nalia incident tb thfr. undertaking apple growing, and that after business is there ktoted away ; awhile this will be a most .noted la assembling their, coffiina etc. apple region in the country; . in this store . they' obtained in- - . . I ESTABLISHED 182?. 7! cft I Inaa-aatd iaTatlff Senator Dolliver does not look for any tinkering with the tariff at the coming session of Conrreas. .r l.viv msro.suDsmuiz A Cream of Tartar Powder, .r from alum or ph-. 'ptiatltfacfd OVAL SAJUMO POWDCR CO MCW ' Tarboro Horse and MuN Market. j Thoe who ma? reed a hone or a ! mule. live thev far"-r mr. nrJ adrised to try this maiket Xfvir before hare thtro lr n many head, hones and male, and net er before has tbere been och cniie tition A greater number of per nt will offer for sale thesoaitimals. and each one will hate a larger number to select from. - Tarbon is going, to be a horse and mule mar ket this-Wiuter. creased space for the display and storing of their furniture." Without reflecting on anyone we believe that we can safely state but he does look for LtaLHv. that they have thelarrest, mcfct legulating raiiroad ratea ob lines leomplete and handsomest stock of I commission, for it lecoramendedbv President Booae- Ur fnmitnr. VM VtiVJ- t.M laaiy itnetandlng Thesis vounr men are doinp v e 1 and the Southerner heartily rould be their t.ia ri.di. a....,.' Finding beltl. is like finding money- so think thoH who are sick. When vrm ' hv a cough, cold, sore lbrot, -r t-hest iiriu tn, better et pionp'ly lik ". tl Uarber. of Sandy Lvel, Va. tie sayrt "I Lad a ten ill- cheat trueb'c, caused by mka and foal dust on my lang; I ut, after fiixt ingnoyelief in other 'remedies. I was cure by Dr. King a Now uiscovery . lor Lniiniption, velt, and this not thete are a great many " BepuUi cans in Iowa who believe tne pres ent tariff schedules do more injury to the great common people, every twenty four hours, than the rail roads can possibly inflict on them in twenty iour days. oty to create a bureaucracy that Coughs and CoMs."Grete.t L rP2i A3L.rr ouidhelp the dominant party. Many cough or lung m.iiri.e in , taC aabouT h. iSi vary practical politician adrits thewoild. At bUton & Z trlkr s I thcuuads cf tcsttnon Evory con- tnia to be a fact and ou can, not raK tore; 50c andll.uO; guaran- grmtnlahBa them, because they de-1 ret away from it. - ... I toa l rui tiott es Uvn. serve it. J : . ,- f ) If Oongreae will - simDlv ' I Strengthen the hands of tb C.r,m. I 1 Worta latlar.ac. .1 l.,tfc be said to me,' "and I have coma I misaioa iu their fifht to abrliahi 1 Revie wing America' part i I to ths conclusion that if the States rtbatec, to do away with discrial recent world politic, th City of a.Aw a- AA-f KaIm AS SWa . I I I . i: . m ll " 1 m mm a w Um.1.I . Tbe cost f tt viae is sdrancin? eTe . . e Jiejp. fl tbe ran-1 inatioos of all kinds far all cautco ueraia wiys tbsl "great . .i . . ' . 1 Mini In I hair lnnnitriil notwithstanding the present har v-st is the most bountiful in a doubl decade. The salaried man and tha wagt" earner, week by week, and day by day, find the struggle harder to-make their in comes meet thaTeosl of living. Eyen the Labor Bureau, now thai no political ' exigency is at hand to juggle with its statistics, admits that the coat of living is constant ly increasing. There are manv millions of salaried f men and wo men, and develop ment it is right ,n6w. Railway ex-: tensions, double tracking of exist ing : lins . and imrrortouents . in a & k . I trans po rtaxioo are astea lor an through .those sswtions of tbe cuuntry." Tba 8tatea: need . them more than the railroads aeed the extensions, tor it it a fact that the railroads are having about all the business they can attsnd to at the present time and with their pres ent Xacuiuee, While -certain new in all sections of the country, and '1 dramatic act ion a alaats ar let tbe regulation of rates alone, rest the attention .fthe word. they will satisfy the business men and rereot American bintory ba t-f the United btates and they can 1mwd fall f them. Tbe wor.d iu satisfy them in no other way. floence ot the United btatea be- it was a pretty good Una of talk I g0 w me uirtn oitienp io- that he i-ut up at all evenU. I deal I tout to you just as tbe cards come, so that yon may look over hia hand and see if he doea sot hilds pretty strong hand to stand pat oo. . The chances are that the coming wage-earners in this I building that m sJosoJotely tmper- Uongreaa has len framed up by country, who would not rive a I ,H',U P" w wooa so oe tne itepubucan leaaers so tbat it snao of the finnr for all tha rati- . pitsl u fighUug, shy of ex will be practically a do nothing road legislation Senator Dolliver nsions solely on aoooant ! their Congreaa, and if anybody thinks can imagine tbe eat or his natnr. f ofi?tU . ""f101,, let lh w and added preatige at life. Tbev want cheaper food tloa wnich wlU riwJ ia" of lh President is going to move cheaper ful, ehesrer nJeess,ries Vlmenl ort dsngsrous than the sta-.d patters Iu the Rei ob i pf all sorts, - add the time m not "T- Un 5 P.' 1,0 cu PiJr on lne riff qe.Uuu to distant when tbev will beooma r,rr"'w F"'J r aiw i oo aayinmg loosing towara tarin lie, Thea tbe outflung cballengv of t he Dt el station of ludependeLce stirred deply tbe heaits of all lovers of freedom in the Old World. Ibe American Reyoloiru wss a great chapter iu the histori cal eyolution of mankind. Later opmelhe chastisement of tLe Bar bary pirates, au exercise of power retnoU from the shores of the United 8ute, and, still Ister, ai American commodore battered dawn tbe doors of Jspaoete ex clttivenew surely the act of a ualiou cubwoivua of slteugth lU illiog to exert its force for great Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. lnrr rnifcle preys a;oa the mind, dls couraf and leaaefts smbiUm: beauty, nL-or t c-icerruinest sooa deacpsr when the kid-' tr ea of order er T'nyij - dney rrmfcle has yu n u not oncomrtoa for a chili t be Vara sTHicted tta weak kid- - neys. If the ehOd uria- als IrM IS L BTtoa. ssalda the" Cash or U. wSen the child -iF ma mzc -nen n should be sole to control the pass re. It ts yet aintctcd with teo-wevan-. depend tpen ft. the cause of l?Yv! ,r the Cm step should be towards treatment of bwe Important orj-rj. ThU unpteat trouble Is due to s c.-ed condlUoa of tha Uoxieys sad bladcer and not to a htHt as most people suypoce. Wcmea u t0 u men are made ml. " at?l h ki-; e' WadJer trouble, and both need the same freat remedy The rsHd and the tmmediaie effect of &wamp.Root U roon realized. It Is sold 7 crurj-a. In rj"y- cent an -a one collar i siiei. Yon may have s i ieu- riin t i iocludinr many "cf the testimonial IntM .. from sufleren cured. la vrftlne Dr. Kilmer at Co BinChamton. N. be sura sod mention tMs paper. Dont make sny mistake, bet remembar fhe name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and t.e address. Bicchamton. N. YM oo every bottle. 0 !a Kictir DnUu. Judge Wt-bb seut many to the roaLj, and Iu numerous other cases at justice and mercy sag grsted, suspended judgment on payment of cotrt. Hon. C. .C." Iaiiiels Solicitor, lived up to hia high reputation in the court jut pi.vHil. It is recognized generally that the 4th District has the mot capable Solicitor in North Carolina srAl one among the must honest and popular. Rocky Mount Echo" c!amoroua, and if that c shall be hiard is the laaLone year fiom -now. the Sixtieth Cbn greas wUlbe Desocsrratio In the House of Representatives, sod the tariff will be as paramount as an issue in 1908 as it was in 1892. . ion until some thing definite devei ops. ss to the tamper ro! tb people fhesnseltes toward the railroads. rk believe is proper govemmen , tal regulation of the railroads-and ; belkve that -svsry ; bsahxas' nea the temper, of the aforesaid Be- publican stand patters. The patronage tor the new ad-, ministration has about all been parceled out and many of the load era. of .the Republican party fore, the United State has been a world force, in that it haa pro foundly influenced ihe ex mm on lot of bnmjvnkind. Each step lor- ward in the bioardening' of Amer ican influence has been part ot a And evervbodvknewa what thai does. I hay ysl to Cad isiiread oo iwt es rsp what the li logical etolutionot power, and Situjition vV anted A man t tx- perieut-e wnt6 a position s overeer uli !..rke farm, I ha t-uaall family can tive LmiocJ reference Apply to tb (.""ice Jnr iianiy aod address. SOilOiS 'SALE OF VALUACLE . E6 CATE. REAL ft irnalah Safferlaa; is often caused by sores, ulcers nJ cancers, that eat away your skin. Wm. Belell,"of Plat Rock, Mich., says: M have used Buck len's Arnica I Salva, lor Ulcers, 3oreaaod Cancers. It is tbe best healing dressing I ever found.' Soothes end heals cuts, burns and scalds. 25c at St at on & Zoeller's drug store; guaranteed. means. It means fat-fry Insr. and things like thst it mean day of Iribula ion for the Republican party, and a peiiod of hope for the Democratic party. the American , people, whe tbey make up their minds, can tn n ronnd on the 'political stars as rap'dly as a French dancing ballroom They know who objects to av reasocabls I dent thinks of them or their atti- reculation one' that will effec tually alps out tbd "a'ma.s, tbe payment ot rsbatao, whether di rect or throuf h tbemeans of ter- ; minal railroads or switching roads or any xx&et scnemsTTbey tail me I the wiping out of these abuaea will be dinrctly beneficial to the road themselves, and that any legiala- tude. They are going to refuse to aske a rivet abl Urbr I id si d many other big appropri ttlon bills Is the hope that it will belp to eat down tbe deficit in the f reas ury, thereby hurting the internal Improvements of the. country seeded to facilitate the commerce of tbe country, instead of making Tup-uant tb a jedement render- f.l llv'1 the I Superior Court ol LtltcecoHihe iCcunty, at the M 1 ti iij 1105, U- His lloi.or, W B uiiit-il, Judge pr sidingl in that ct' tain. Hctiou there pending wLe tin Theo Edwards,-- Adm r t-tc. 1of Mabata T. Edaards de- (ttnfcdj is tt e plaintiff- and C C. Ianie1s, Adm'r, of Frank ebb,; (ietveafednd oiheTS are tbe de-; iet (llaLt&f the ncdersigntd Com- iinsSToijer, duly appointed inlaid jiKlBjent to make taleot tbe lands unrein after , described, will on Motj.lay October 2nd 19U5 I twt eu the hours ot IU in. and 1 p. m. at the Court Mouse Door in Thi ttie li owing dsciibtdreal estate, to wit el ( ai tno X'lO, i liljeBt C. ffer for s-le to bidder : for Cash, tbe that ce i tal u troct or parcel laud' lying and being in the uty of Edgeconitwv North teliDa, toutaining lou acre e.br .less and beiug tne idea uca!l lands which were convey e to ihiniu Vtbbby Patrick Bynum wile, by deed recotdea in bk Mo. 32 at page 164 in the of the Register of Deeds ol feoAinbe Couuty and Jul ly de? bed iti a deed from M. TB; ;iuson and wife, Annie Atkiu- s q to F. B. Webb, the said land t; tjtng described in the deed 'from I'alnck Bynum and wife to Hiram Wef)b as follows: One certain tract .ft i;iul lyin ai d teiug on the s tii it side of Town Creek in tbt v.ouiiiy of Edgecouibe, lofinded - lollows: BegiiLuing in th roaa in tding from tHelate residence ot WjMfs AtkiuM.u to Bnum's CrO Kvi.i'ls iu haid Atkiuoou's line, t tifcncb along lb ruad is. 88 dgrceif Kj 115, degree b. 2 Utgiees W J 't-ip poles to pine, tueuve N. 87 .'f.-;iees VV. Hz puie- to a pine, thciic to i he beiu ilu, contain 160 ai-rt-s, mure or it liin i tie "iiact'of 1 nd that fll l'i Marv I K hridcr mu ol the lijirs ui tb late Thorn Btrron tne iL-viiau of tLe u u-.s of tie BdLil lhotniui barroit s real irtate 11 his blot day of August 11)05. II. G. Connob. Jit., Com Keep Ik Tarkfi brawlat It is now about two months un til Thanksgiving and there is no tiroO to be loat if -we, expect to have our. turkeys, in prime condi tion tor the market. Of course they must not be confined, but on ibe contrary iney snotiu-uave iu rat geof the field", where grass hoppers and bug are plenlitul. If tbere is ! Iresb water, either a stream or spring, near by, so much the better. If not, tben we must see that tbey are provided with water m rnmg, notrn. nd oigut. When thy reiuxu iu the even lug, tney snouia nave an me whole com or wheat that they will eat and then mut not be disturb ed by dogs or children. I Turkeys are by nature very timid, and auy sudden scare wi.l do great ii jury to them. ! Keep them growing and at tne same time reonably.ft, s i that vrhen the reid -fattening time ar rives they will require onlye hnisbing process to make then. lit and fine. kx. Itltavl t.ariaatln. The very-fact that a corporation is making a cobtributun to a po litical committee, hides the ex penditure by a false entry oo its books, or reports to otLer ways of concealing tl e transaction is proof of its scandalous nature. Men are not ashamed of their good deeds. A corporation would not hide a f-ontribution to a fund fori he re lief of sufferers by fire or flood or fever. Bat it conceals its contri bution to a political committee becsns the t rant action is essen tially corrupt. I Tbere ia no -Reason why our presidential campaigns should cost the larpe sums of mot ey that are expended on them by bt th parties. The- legitimate expenses of cnduetiug a cauipafgu unht not to be so great that they cor Id not I e detiayed by moderate con tributions by individuals. Con tributions for r 1 a corporation are, iu tbe nature f bribtry. Tbey are made, not for semiuieiit or patriotism or partisan zeal, but for 4,bu8ie8s.,, Tbey are intended either W protect the cotporatiou ngaiuft or to make legislai ion that may be oppot-ed to the public interest. A law providing fr compre het.sive publicity of all campaign contributions aod expenses is not unlikely to be one ot the results of the lending investigation. Wall Street Journal.! i msota as as there is something wrong wfth K00 K"d lU P0"' J sppropriationa and th tailrT th. Vn K. .f.t f enectuaiiy wui oesor pvt. cutting down Ue ..Una duties oo -tf. 1 Z. . i. r i I ed by them and I talieys they wU I rnsnT-artlcl a thereby letting in m if uupjijij a a,uu i more imponsuousiHi rctiing sue necessary revenue to fill tne hole it, and let ns hope they shall have choose, and U relief does not come. JZ71 the people, as in 1892, will rise np t ral refer m are need andsmishthe thing snd rebuild fd, to spp ' to the looa of become more skillM in the busi ness than tbey were a dozen years sgo. waihington Post. An Eaklaa 41irta Boll When an' Eskimo young lady ahe is a gorgeous r goes to a ball sight to gaze upon; . traveler re ports just how a belie was dressed I lation in the hands of a political the great masses .oi consumers who are scarcely at all interested and who know absolutely nothing of this trans pot tiOiou questions - 'Both ss a manulacturer, producer snd as consumer of ' raw material I believe that ; one of the most serious Injur has that could I o done to business todsy would I e the placing ot railroad rate regu- in thelreasury. It looks as though they are also going to stick an other tax on beer and coffee to help In the filling process. That looks now to be the reactionary snd stand pat programme of the Republican leaders. Teddy is go ing to have his hands full. Cbas A. Edwards. ; rare well to Biyava. body centered at Washington. I have traveled ' something,, like 10000 niilesV; met a ; hundred or mors' solid .business' men, snd hsve fafled to find one that does not agiee with' me in this position. We know the saakior. whether in Attacked Hr av 31 a J and beaten, in a labor riot, until cjvered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied B'icklen's Arnica Halve, aui a as soon sound and well. "I uw it in my family .7 writes G J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Bimply great for cuts and burns. Only 25c at titaton & Zoeller. j J A Wide Programme One of the most distinguishing features of Lyman H. Howe's ; al ways popular moving pictures which will be seen in the opera house Friday, September 29th, is their comprehensiveness. Mr. Howe does not confine himself to U-Those who intend to build or , any one ci ass oi pictures, jiis repair old buildings should read . scope is world-wide and he gathers the advertisement of Fire Chief his scenes ffom the uttermost parts tt T Dav! who is ex officio build- of the globe, and depicts incidents ing inspector. I - i , of the mighty ones of the world in luop a way impresses all so indeh- -Z3 ATOl.Xa.- I on the mind of every spectator Bouftss Are Yon FuiaffdJ - vEogiaged peopl sbtuld reroeu"- ber.. that, after marriage, many quarrelr. can pe avoided, by keep- tug tbelr digstions in goou iuu dition with Electric Bitters. S. A Brown, of benuettsville, o. C., ..art -v: - i fA a Tasp says: tJ? or years, mj niicouu- ed intensely jrom dyspepsia, coui- plicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength aud vigor, and became "ameie wreck or ner former self Tben. she tried tu ec- tru.. Tiiiteral which h Iped ber at nncn An d finatlv made ber entire- I v! well. 8he is now s-rong ana J . m rr I itii hea'thy. ptatou & net druggist, i aell snd guarantee them, at 50c a tottle. on such an occasion; Her drMt w'aamade of the in testines of a sealsplit snd sewed together. This makes a traaspar ent garment aod the girl trimmed it with elaUrate embroidery of col oied worrd8 and fringed it with strings of beads. - Her trousers were whitend made of Siberian reinder skin embroidered with strips of wolf km. Ber hair was braided on each id e with strips of wolf skn snd strips of bead. Heavy necklaces and pendants of beads and ' teeth of animals hung around her neck ! and over her shoulder. Unow white gloves made of fawn skin were On her haodal Those fitted perfectly and were I jatioos to our ' btiseaa..Thee U ornamented with strips of skin 1 not a aectioe of the, country but from some animal perhaps the I what has benefited within the last seal. To complete this elaborate j tea years; from I vols at ary reduo outfit this Eskimo belle carried 1 UouS In rates 'or concessions of long eagle feathers, one in each i Some sort-voiantarily made by tbe band, which she waved as she I railroads to help, open new mark- wherever he goes he will surely find prerogative sitting io the rorker. He will fiod tbe classes lording it over the masses without any saving clauwe, sueh ssour more elastic svstem gives na. He will find conditions so totally at m a .a .It the hands of RepubJicaaaor Dem- lamerent irom anytnai ocrats, and between you and me I M w maao it. don't care a continent aV for ths remedies proposed there can have political sid. of it: W know that nV.lonai aPph".ti0?-,herH! ibi railroads sre always ready to wl"aH nd social philosophers meet the manufacturer or the pro- "Tf d simple duoer Ins frieodlrvsplrlt. snd aschildrMtourgehimonthe wsy whtre reason- instead ol passion of rainbow chasrng. But he wlU rolM it la the easiest iMnr In the aaa noiumg to ciear up .uo my. lUries of the Uriff. Where we csn show'the tsllroads PpUcetion of the trusts, or to K.t lk aia' utirMinnaMa fiT tn-1 SHOW on the whole the great cause of human freedem, of ordeied liber- ), b a Ue.i Itb.nted. ricmite Declaration of lndpen3ence to the peace confeieuce at Ports mouth tbe United States has ex- eTcied an influence upon the course of human destiny." iosetr caao. He may aell .think, he has got off cheap, who, after having con tracted constipation ortndiges tior, is still 'able to perfectly re store his health, nothing a ill do this but Dr. King's Xew Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, ajd cer tain cure for headache, constipa tion, etc. 25a at St ton &. Zoeller's drug store; guaranteed. aaaSsSS p esBaWsaaaaii m It is Feldom that sny one can say ought sbont tbe management of tbe cases ; in con tt by Messrs. Gillnm & Gilliam, bnt they sure ly wete Lot UD-to-date when hey failed to get tcme doctors from Raleigh to prove that old man Bolin Yarn ell die) from heart filnre and not fiotn any blow inflicted byJ.H Philips, their client. i i The Wake County authorities i seem to have greater egard for tbe opinion of certain pbyicians than tbey do tor the verdict of a coroner s jury. McCall ss "I thank Ootl I had a share io de'eating Bryan!'. We oeriously doubt if God accepts thanks f.jr a result acoomplihel through felony. elucidate I - I a Iwtln, Ecerjlr-sdy ttuts you and you 'xpc'.d totrn-t everjholv. ' Y'u r t l iil evrry the -hotel, 'lh.s permits you to ooirett any mistakes-at-once. Womenshineyour eLoes( shsye you, cutour hair and eten gtjs you a batla unless you rebeL Policemen salute the street car condnc.ors and are saluted by them. . A servant whobrinrsynn some tningsays -so good." Ion say Tack' (thanks). Y..-ii Ikc iffy. nr htt lien y a ntcrn rhup ojiI ituru the sb.p maa'a low bow. Although drinking is common one teldotu sees a drunken man. Tips are everywhere giyen, but they are small. Ten ore (2 1-2 cent) is tbe ordinary tip to a cabman or porter. . A lady always wails for a gen tleman to speak, instead of.ths iev rse as in Araerira. The comedians crack jokes oo the rich . bwedieh-American wt o Las come heme to spend bts Mrs. R. H. Parker is much im- -proved. Xathan Porter left today for New York. J. S. Smith and wife, of Farm ville, are here. Xorman Cordon and wfe, of Washington, are here. v - The Cbamlicr of Commeice failed to find the hlroofly commit tee. The sales of both rural and urbau propel ty are sure indicia of general prosperity throughout the county. s-tk. tana IUi'wn Bag ow, him, or us, bow to make O Tl J St-A-Tr government better Md purer. fM M MI 1 I 1 II f-4v I I M V V Ourier-Journal will bold the fort, j . : -- danced. Washington 8tar. Uallirar Use Xakia. Washington, D. C. Sept. 22. While io New York the other day I met aod talked with a man whose in vestiments in xaanniac tariog and the jobbing trade are sufficiently large to entitle him to ba clashed with the millionaires. I he ani ouBceniect had just been made that Benttor El kin's Com mittee on Interstate commerce was. to meet text November to ets or to sssist t producers to meet competing markets or to help ag gressive or progressive, communi ties who went to snet markets. -: "A. Government railroad com mission never I could and never ould help the manufacturer, the with Courier-Journal Faithful among the faithless, it will preach Democracy, nnterti fiedand uodfiled, ai he has just preached it at Chicago; though with some omissions suggested by recent experience, some restore tlona out of. bygone, history- home rule, rerenuo reform, and the regulation of tbe corporation in tha foreground awi. wnen na o o a , a S 1 grain grower, the stock raiser, the Jjr. J.T miner or any other producer aa Ollls snd TfnlupM get Jeetiier :i a. u i. fw. ..e snd maks it all right for nineteen thev.ra doin averr Vear. It eight. aud after.-Lt.uiaVilie Cour- ia pure selfnhness on their ptrt of conra. hut the fet-rmnaFna that whn Wihitittrma "neadlte be f-Ue "I " TmrtOKsible for me tO say Mr. died as carr rst tie temedy.Ue j Editor. I hsve offered all kind of ier-Journal. i lis Kind 108 Haw wwjt cwj .that. th nrommme is as educa- prepaie their bill which is tbe easily by 'talking with1 the men I inducements to help him en.io.v outcome of the bearing in this who manage the - railroads dieect. I health; J. 8. Bicycle Peele. Tl eo city in tbe early summer. .My We do not have to put up the plea I dore Wright, EdiUr, 'PhilaiH- friend Is not s railroad man nor l that, tats wi -teip-or sun saeipuia necoru:", "xiie unu in tyiupathy with railroad men. I Republican or this Democratici round, snd the sun, and tne stars. He is a eelf-made iuices 'man eommuniiy, and -tne worsiog wny not tne rest oi mi whse eye leelh Lsye beeu cut uaoagsmsnt of railroads now has . -jt.v-s-m r.i charlotte, sftershsrp contact with the world as f.Uieto doandcares s-i little -r. W. H. V and wLo has fought bU way to the for politics ss the producers them Pnd,- OcU 6th. for ooe fortune be posses t. . j selves. That could not be so u I. , HU tjractlce is limited to "i nave just itiunuw irou i tne rate maains; powar wanam zr, Nose and inxoat, u trip through the South sod West" 1 Lands of a political rate msking nttiog Gissses. snniffiQDHMeal. i A penny for a dough nut A Bead. Standard bi cycle ibr good health. Hon. a A. Woods, J .istio Snpremo Court: S. r.-Tto bicyc.e has coutiibuted much to n.y pleasure and health. S. PEELC x - I fj(5u ' tioDaX 08 " diverting. Wilsoii, H.C sf t. v tJ

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