-..-..'?... 'Mi Stir WAV I BSTJRK YOU AB K RIGHT ; THEN GO A FCAJD.X Crockett I am , , aaaaaaaaa. l VOL. 3. NO. 42. j..- ":, -I . 1 ,. t . . -j. s ii ... , I i -r..ny. I T I'.l.; 1 ..1 M TARBOROj N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER IV, 1905. A FACT AB0UT THE "BLUES"; what is known as the "Blues i j5 seldom occasioned by actual exist ing externJ conditions, but In the real majority of cases by a disorder LIVER- j , ( THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of They control and regulate the LIVERi They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. j TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. ! Joe Mi-Daniels and Miss Susari jtawsiiii wt-ie, married uear Salis-I li;iry. Tlier emarkable feature of the luurnae was the fact that the .vivom is N aud the bride is 73 tears ajje ami both are inmates oi theli uiinty home. The consent of the l.'owau county commissioners bad to! l e secufcd before the couple loiilu many-. II io.veruor uietiu doss not stop tiilkri g prohibition to much' Le will have to go dry hiraeelf. i Bewtha f Ihg KM " Haw Always Boagh. of HI Century Sewing Ma chine the acme ofcon veuience. the Siuerei -t.iti. Just introduced, latest and .e-t. Built like a watch at the largest aii'i tt st m-oguized sewing machine factory in the world, This is thela-j tet result of 50 years' experience ini making sew ing machines for famiN 'use. No weary probes in parts askew; A lever makes vou able l lotoiow, 10 ready reach & action; 1 he bobbin to the table. L. S. IHQMPSON, AGENT 111 Eas PiH Street, !' Taro-.rc A. C R. C. A WHITEHEAD, Surjfeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. i inax hoars V to 1 and 2 to 5. JAMES M. NORFLEET Attorney at Law Iloom I 5, Norfleet Bid-, W. StL .lames Street, Tarboro, X C. K.H. iNS, F. S. SPJtril.L, J. P. BUHN Koky Mt. Loumbarg- RockyMt. BUNN. SPkfJILL & BUNN. Attvs-at Law, Rocky Mount, N. C. Wul rractice hereafter in all tht courts of Edgecombe county. rcritlai AriUliT. x iuu H iuue a'-ieer even nn der a Eepublicau I aviniinistmtiou', from which a good many qaeer Ihiua c.n he expected, to see a cabinet officer is. uin campaigu addieea from a deck in his dej partnieut. lt was j satd when Sec1 reiary j Bonaparte took the port folio of -the Navy, that Lewak out a machine politician and thi he was not at all in symptthl with campaigns carried on alnn oarty lines. Bnt accoiding to his letter issued from the department in connection with the Maryland tat,B election, it looks as though he not j only was! a pietty good pai ty man bnt that he knew the value of hid pition in a machine tinut. Of course a letter issued bv the Secxetaiy of :he Navy is going to attract a lot of attention not only in Maryland but throughout the rst of the country as welL Secretary Bonaparte knows that and be: prolably i thinks that he will kill s vera! birds with oi.e letter, n-aking his position on the uero questiou an issue in all ok the border line Btates. He will probably succi ed i though it maj ut.t I e in just t he way he would wish. He says that the people oil Maryland a e being appealed to oy the j Democratic party on the Heorw i t race pu juaice. Heuius the fact that there have been no large Lumltr of negro appoint!-lUeu-.s iuade by the Republican mayor of Baltimore as a ptoot that there would be none made i) 'i he liepublicau .party weie vicj- orious thronghaut the state. This is sophistry. Secretary Bou! parte knows it as well as do all residents ot Maryland aid other states that have a large .negro copulation atd where the Bepub ican party covets political power!. It is probably qoite true that .here would be l no attempt to force i egro teachers on whitl schools if the Republican party won the states. There are prubaj oly not many negro teachers who would want to try drawing a s-ilj ary on that sort of a j )o in Maryj land. At the same time people in Maryland and iu the other border tteare heartily" in favor ot tbf liofrahchiseuient ot '"illiter aes If this! means that there will be uo more negroes than whites dis franchised, then it is only proof that the bulk of the undesirable voting element is in the ranks of the Republican party. The Re publicans would never Btand a chance: to win the state without the aid of the negro vote, and as Maryland is by tradition a white man's state it is only natural that the clean citizens want to keep it so. Secretary Bonaparte's letter will do good work in calling at- ention to the light that is going n and perhaps it is just aB well that be bad a chnc to Lsue it from the cabinet room. j Few of u- realize the irrport ance of the commerce of our Grnai Lake system; yet udoh the traffii of this long chaiu of inland watej ways measurably depends tht pr.peiisy of out North Centra) State. The Fittsburg Steamship Company, which is described as the laVe representative of th trusr, hns ordered two steamer which, when they are finished next year, will be exidd in ength and capacity by not more han twenty shins anvwhem in the world; yet the announcement of their construction will hardlv reach -.thtra of the dwellers along the AHantio coast. , J hy are to be 600 feet Inn and have a capacity of over 3,000 tons, thus xceeding in length and tonnace the very great majority of ocean going vessel. They doubtless oreshadow the conotructien ol arger inland ships in the near future, for the tendency toward bigger vessel has been constant ou i he ocean line, ard there is water enough in the lakes to float greater craft than these. Provi dence Journal. New Vmrm tmr Cacr All surface cancers are now kuown to be curable, by bucklen's ArniCH salve. Jas. Walteis, ol DuflSeld, Va., writefe: "I bad a cancer on my hp' for yan, tba seemed incurable, till Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and now it is perfectly well.' (iuaiauteed cure for cuts cd tmrna. 25c at Statou & Zoeller's drug stee f- A. ZOELLER, 0 Gasoline and Stpam Engine hsuert, Adjusting of Gasoline En Lt-s a speoi-ty. - dotwtl i i ' . 1 I'. UjAibAN WIL1.1AM, f. i pusorial Artie-t and Hir- ; suit Decorator. Two doors hoin Bank o TarboM D. D. WaONEK, Contractor and Builder. Lstiojate ororuptlv furnist-ei and work giaaianteed. LFUKD CULLEY. ! BAltBER, TARBOIIO, N. C 0 i a. i R. DOS WILLIAMS, burgeon. Dentist. KS't'ron Oxtde and Oxygen Gat aa::i',ui-t..rf.) iu tbe extraction of teeth - lit?-,mn .N. C. Keep Crprallo Oat ml Plilie. In the TJi.i'cd States the govj ernment is intended to be a gov. ernmeLt of men says the Nashville American. A' corporation is not a .-.itiy-rn with a nzht to vote or ake a baud otherwise in politics Jt is an artificial creation, brought ntn txisteiice bv favor of the state sole! v to perforu. the func tions allowed by its c harter. In erference by it with tbe state aud attempts by it to exercise rights of citizeusbip are fundamedta ly a perversion of its powei. Us stock nnlrlnn. no matter bow wise or iow rich, should she forced to ex ercise their political lnflaence as individnils ou an i Quality wun That is the basic principle of democracy, and for etiuiness of it is responsii.e tor many corporation abuses and lor much j of the popular prejudice against incorporated wealth. L. tj corp ratu-us keep out t; .... ir l- n.M rilit I tiiiiif to A. C. L A Foreign Cnrhnmllnn I - r The following special from New Bern to the Raleigh Time will be read with interest here: In order to avoid suits in State courts the Atlantic CoaotLine Bail- way Company has declared itself to be a foreign corporation and, there fora, amenable to Federal courts nly. The company had not found this necessary, until the great num ber of law suit arising from th Bruce Creek disaster of August 27 practically compelled them to do so. Their object H doing this, it is -relieved.. is to put the rase m the jurisdiction of United States courts ind wear the plaintiff out by con tinuance and other technicalities. In view of this step Editor C. L. Stevens, who, a few days ago began asuitagainct the road for $10,000 damages for detention while en route from Norfolk to Goldsboro, bus entered a plea of non suit and will again begin an action against the road for 12,000, the latter so m being the limit for which they can be ued iu the! State court. The eo.it will be interesting and the plaintiff's lawye.s will make a hard fi'ut for him1. Un account-of these proceedings the case will not be heard until the November term of court. j hr r U. JtvNlxiNS RhvHiotan and Snrgon, Tn-Kf,ro. N i) 'Phone N . Ift6. polliia-. it i" riji"" f" a., Ami it is cheaper atd beitir for everybody in tne ena. FntMre. Mar' JlcClell" With a bint that -Myor k Mo IwtititiiHtrwar The delegates Horn bweden and Norway, who were in confeieuce or several weeks at Karlsid, ar ranging terms for the dissolution ot the un on tetween the tao kingdoms, reached an agreement September 23rd upon a treaty which will beoouie effective when ratifi. d by the two parliaments. Tbe chief ob-ti.cle o an agree uoent, the Swedish demand for the demolition of tbe Norwegian lcri-res-ws on the frontier, was remov ed by a compromise, under wh.th certain fortresses will remaii , but will not be used fortifications. The wnrnnntrieft wree to submit soy lidWeO'-ea which may arie te- tween them, which do not involve the jn'egrity, independence or vital interests of either, to arbit ration through the tiibunal cf Tbe Hague. They agree also to submit to arbitration the question whether any given dispute is a proper subject for aibitraflpn. Ihe conditions of interstate traffic and the common use of waterways are defined, and it is provided that after tbe ratincttiou of tbe treaty Sweden shall tecoguize Norway as an independent country .and tberr after each country shall be relieved of responsibility tor the acts of the other. ' iceih Clrlllsalla. Some notable thoughts concern ng teeth and their relation to civilization were recently publish ed by Dr. Eugene L. Talbot, to tbe scaudal nud great lodiuatioo of many excellent dentists Tbe general sense of Dr. Talbot's le- marks, as summa-ized in tbe Scientific American, was that tbe current methods of tiukenog teeth are in tbe highest degree injur! uo!: that ill-titting crowns and cnreIeoly ins rted biidges are respojjsib e for a great dal of diseMse, aud "mat wuiKlen deutu- tr is d lo moie to injurs t-eth aud the alimentary cauat than any one thing." But that was not all. Having tbn-t made Hgbt of the dentist, h went on to co-udder the general question ot teeth and tl er purp-e, antl, far from sug gtstin any improemeu:s iu tbe lractice ol aeniistry, ni-reu iuai it unghtiouveniently be ab-i'isbed altogether. "Me bds ot prepar in f-K)d todav," he sai l, 'Mo not .2 i a. u . . . , rtquiie Uiasticaii u, uu tuejwe vho iu the evo.ut.on ol man a fihortenioe up. decay and iMof the teetb due to disease, and as ' e olution advano -s it will be seen that mau can get along without t eth. L iSS of ti e 'eeth due to m- tua ked A rrtclllTtr Baiikrr. Mr. E. B. Page, president of the First : National Bank of North la- kota, who is at tbe Arlington, is doubtless one of the few national bankers, who suoorted William J. Bryan in both of his Presidential campaigns and who would probably do so again were Mr. Bryan a candidate. "We are getting on grandly in this country," said Mr. Page, "and the financial theories of Mr. Bryan have apparently been disproved. This, however, is more apparent than real, for the bimetallic policy s as sound today as it ever was. "There was no fallacy in the 1C to I doctrine, and it was only the accident of the discovery of great' bodies of gold ore in Alaska and other regions and the improvement in the methods' of mining it that rendered the application of Mr. Bryan's ideas unnecessary. It Is highly probable that this country will vet come to realize that what Mr. Bryan taogbt in $9; and 1900 waa emiuently correct." Washing ton Post. Clr Alllac Hrtlikf Thursday tbe County Alliance met at Old Sparta as tbe guests of the Alliance of, that place, and there was a large .and representative attendance of delegates from the various sub-alliances. r 1 1 . m Aiocn interest was maniiasted in the proceedi ag toe ioiiowmg. resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That it is t'e sense of Edgecombe Countv Alliance that all farmers should refuse to sell their cotton for less than 11 cent per pound, and tbat we urge the cooperation not only of tbe farmers, out. likewise, pi an ou tineas men who ntn or control cotton. Resolved further. That this Alliance request the different sob alliances to cot tribute the sum of three cents for, every bale of cottou made by each of its members to be paid over to tbe Secretary of tbe State Alliance, with the request that raid amo'int be rent to tbe secretary of the Southern Cotton Growers' Association, to aid in tbe support f the organization Resolved, iThat Femeis, Get Ready i ; 'he time to prepare- for jovr i'j j rop of Clover, Vetcb, AlMfa, etc. We Lave a iaige variety Oar tUaial rallact There is an argument against political xpaosion in tbe com parative hUtory of the tropical countries annexed to tbe United States and those brought under its commercial and iodustrial.domin- ion, while left to govern them selves. ! There is no more striking con trast than that between tbe pros perity of Cuba and the distress of Porto Rico, between tbe nourish .... a a log Industries ana commeiee oi Mexico and .the stagnation) and famine of tbe Philippines. ie have eiven tbe Philippine, a mild sod stabla government iaatead of revolutionary anarchy like that with which Mexico struggled lor half a c ntury. But few hope tbst our govtromeot will ever be able to give tbe fhiuppuiea aucu prosperity as independent Ameri- . a W K.!aa ! I.aa can capital ano, euieiiJiw given to Mexico under the stable government finally worked out by tbe efforts of her own peop'. . A far larger proportion or American' capital is invested in Mexico than in any tiopicai American possession. Nesrly 60 tr cent, of Mexico s trade is outs and tbe proportion has more tbsn doubled in ten years. Undet : the stimulus of the gld sUndaid Mexico's trade is rapidly Increas ing, and nearly all the increment COmeS to US. AOTHM vapiiai prefers Mexico to the Philippines bessnse it is free there from res triction 1m nosed by ill advised Ttata. hun mam .. - l i . Whenwue coLSiders tbe situs fe-Jiog tbe ansootdaa. I Hon and the functions of tbs too- In short, fbera are gorl reasons ' gue, bow exposed it is to injuries for believing that the NoaL u-1 by tbe teeth and to the actioo of slated mainly aid exelosivlv on I all degrees pf temperature, from fisb, eggs, and canned f mt ' tbat or toe to that or almost boiling IU eve I aud Plain Dealer. tea and conee, tbe wonder is tbat It suffers so seldom from diieise. It is often the sea of ITtile ul cers or xcoriations of the mtou membrane, located on the edge or under surface These may resole from tbe irritation of a toughened tooth or from a bite of tbe ton- Mrrr Trtak't It is a ba I habit to lorrow uy thing, tut tbe woot ibiig you can possibly tiorrow, tioure. When sick, ore, Leavy, m-ry an i worn oat br tbe i-ains and ivuiu vi nuui a uub vi iuo vou- . , - , , , , gue; but more frequently, like the gr X"- a i iT P W,.'ott;D?- similar "canker .ores' at tbe Jl iV5- ' V' "lX? 10 jsnction of the guos and Hps, they d,JJrU doo I a,t down i.i.. ' sod br -.aj over your stmotoms. come without anv spraraicauf, being probably the reauli of some change tbe in seen t ions of the mouth. Very comoly tbe suf lerer will fiud, on maklcgs review of bis dietary sins, tbst h-t has been indulging in too mny sweets. Frequent nosing of the mouth with tici.ed Inke warm va r, to wbirh a little borax or chlorate of potassium maybe added, is the best treatment. Tbe nse of chlor ate of potassium lozenges f r sore month or sore throat ofaoykind is not' sdvisable, except voder the doctoi's orders, for if swallowed in too great qusmity their sub stance is a dangerous heart pois on Of course sweets must be re no meed for a time. A more serious sod less com mon s fleet ten is inflsmmataoD of tbe tongue, or glossitis. Tbe too- American laws. Had the Filipinos gue is painfol and swollen, some- been left to establish a republic, times to such an extent a to it is probable that it would have make closfng the teeth impossi been more hospitable to American 1.1, and of a shining red color. investments than the governmsui 1 1 hirst is xces-ie, and there is tie rave them has been. often more or less fever. - n . . bat fit for telief to E ect.ie Pa ters, tie re you will find aral permanent forget loin-a t.f U your trouble, ami jonr liy not be burdened by a lJ of debt dUease. At Siatnu Jk Zdler's drugstore. Price 50c. a Aran ted. "Cbildreo," ..id tie teaVber, Isstruoiitif the cla tn rompo1. tioo, "you abould ut a'tetupt asy flights of faney; nimplv be yourselves and write bt is in you. Do net imitate ary other psrsoas writing or draw inspi a tloa from outside sources." Asa mult of this advice. Tom my Wise turned nit tha follow iog com posit ior: "We should tot sttemptsny flip hts of Niry, Wut writs what is in ot Io me there ia my stummlci, luogs, Lsrt, lner, two spples, eoo piece of pie, ote slick of Ismoo catdy snd tuy din ner." Tbe Independent. ESTABLISHED 1822. Be Sure fo Use Only Cream of Tartar Baking, Powder Food made with alum baking powder carries alum to ihraomach unchanged. Sdenti&s have poathely demonaralcd this and that such food is partly mdj geilihle and tmhealthfuL. Vavasal Tbs last formal act in tbe ratiS cation of peace between Rrusia and Tbe case Is even plainer in Cuba Ta treatment consists In tbe JP took placs today. '1 akahira. and Porto Rico. Tbe marvelous I use ol a mouth wash of warm boil-1 Japanese ii muter, notified the prosperity of Cuban industry and led water or camomile tea (if one State Department that bis Emperor trade is due directly ro American can siaua me laatej, me applies- Da4 t;et,ed tbe treatv. The Sut capnai ana rniiii"iBri,. , ,,uu V4 lu u iam yiutai ui iuvua and encouraged by .the govera- to tbe throat, and tbe admit Mrs meat of the lepublic The distress tion of a laxative. In very tevsre and depreaioo ot Porto Rico are cases surgical measures n sy be fust ss plainly cue to scia oi i c uiea ior. American Ugislation that have ''Smoker's iaUh' is a name reDelted American capital and en- given to a patch of whitish cor terpriseand left the unfortunate I grayish color and of bard, dry ikland without railroads or tusnu- ruriac-. which may .occupy a eon- fact uris. ecei ret io agricultuif, or I Kid. table txttnt or tbe ton toe. It employment for its people. is not alwajs, ii indeed often, Clearly the American govern- icauseu oy me contact oi not smcae mnt does not know much about from a pipe, but may be excited md mi nUtarin v colonial dependen-1 bv an v repeated irritation, such cies. For anr credit' and their las pungent condiments, hot tea or I la'Laola. ZLu r . .11 tts.f Tin I oFTo an1thallVa Thia initinri I C'aaaly a a lla Wwaa. a4 Ibat mm rvmiuri lh ia " cii mm --i - i araa l aa iba aaaa a aa Maaarwa Depart man t j then notified tbe Roasian g'lvernmcnL That govern ment notified tbe French Foreign Office through its Amlauaador io Paris that the Rossi to Emperor had signed his copy of the treaty. The French Foreign OfTci then noliSed its minister: in Tokio and he informed tbe Jjar,e Foreign OfuCe, and this i teardid a a formal exchaugt of tbe ratifications. SUai of Oalo. Citf of ToMao, l I tMM taaacr. Vraak J . Vb-k-r aakr talk that ba la aaler aartaa allaaara mtr. J.l'kntr caaotaa aaiaaa ia iaa iit o ' more of them. Minces polls Tri- bnne. riaaiU Vft Blh are often frustrated bv sudden breakdown, due to dppuor constipation. Brae up and take Dr. KiDg'a Xew Life Pills. They tskeouttbe mateiials which are clogging ycur energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and d'rzioesa too At St at on A Zoel!ers drug stor; 25c, guaran teed. MarelaS " On Wednesday, Oct. 4th, 1903. in the Baptist church at Dawson Miss AUean Quincy was married to Mr. G. R. Gammon, of Leggettw. Tbe church was beautifully dec orated in white, and the following composed the bridal party: Ushers, Robert Quiucy and Albion Twis- dale. The bridesmaids and grooms men were: Miss Annie Mitchell with Staton Weeks, Miss Daisy Johnson with Arnold Weeks, 3iiss Julia Quincy with Curtis Benton, lara for aaca a-d rrtry raw of Catarrh laa raaaoC a rr4 by b aw of Haifa latarra C-ara. t KASKi. t Tt t av. Mrnrt ta aaaxa raa aad aabatrlaad la at 7 raxa.lBM ata oaj w iae. a. i". a. w. rj fa Mia aaal. harse at f. Mrct.t. per annum an 1 Tl.e a-f iatloo is a home builJer. Tboae who woold-1 ate more homes io Tarboro aid vic.nitv, will aid by suUcriLir.g stock io the fcew series. . Nearly eerv seat io tbe opera boose was uken Friday night to witness Ceo. II. Adams ilomptf Damply. UM persona took their little clid Jren to see the Ion, and they all saw it aud eu joyed it, Mr. Adams is a clown inimitable, with wotderfal facial ezpreaeivo. Utber features of the evening were above tbe average, ard taking the performance all in all, it was the met amusing and en jot able of any that has bees presented here in quite a while. Hairatarra-ara la la I-!! It d . i .im- i ib aM4 al iMMwaa Mlbowltlt)tM HrJ for Uailmoat- la. fra. r.J llOMt Ol.TBll,l. rol4 br all dragf. T. ltk liall'a am II rU la tor coaallpailoa. calls for prompt and careful treat ment, for it is believed by many physicians tbat if allowed to go uncared for the patch may be re placed by a cancerous growth. rvmr-er of tV.e"ocgu Ir fortun ately a tare eoi.diiiou, and ro to be the result of some vty loig continued irritation. Tbe carious condition called "geographical tongue' consists in the sppesrance of reddish patches of irregular sod varying outline, which look something like the figures on a did. Tl is occurs chiefly in chi'.dreo, atd is of no I open, and by the time Mr! Curtis, serious moment. loutus Lorn-1 the courteous secretaty clones his llala S DallS If aaara. Three weeks from todsy tbe 17th a .a a a a serus in the Lugecombe Home I stead snd Loan AMoriatioo will p anion. Tba ftaaalaa Diet A correepoodeut waau 10 know if Noah and his family while eo- joing their memorable voyage weie vegetanaos. There seems to be noibiog to show that they were, and jet there can be no doubt that they either were or were cot. It is true that there was plenty of animal food at hsnd, but for cbvioos reasoos it was not available for books for tbst evening, we shall have some idea whether the people of this vicinity have lost their in terest io an institution that has been , of more bene it than any other in tbe history of tbe town. As hi s already tweo stated, it is I have tbe test Why safTer with tiredness, mea-, com Veling, no strength, no appetite? llolliUr' Rocky Moont in Tea ail! make Tki r-U and keep i-U aril. Zj Cei.U, Tta r Tbleta. Suton i Zociler. A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- Oo Mocdsy. November CLh, 1905, bstweeo one and two o'clock p. m., we will offer for ssle st the court bcuse door io Tarboro the tract of land adjoining the lands of the heirs ot Hlrai ehh at a . a a a II it to irurou, au i aiffawo the Uyrum traci, ntaitiing iGl acres, mi-re or lea, mt eiug tbe J tract r nicbaaed by V. a. Sharp , from Uoo, Georgo Howard, and thereafter conveyed by II. G. Connor, Commissioner, to Donnell Gilliam, Trotee, by deed dated lltb.day of Ms v. 1697, sni re ccrded in Bo k b9 pag 1 10. Thia land i leased for tba pres ent year and for tbe erl906to R il Watston, of ft, Lewis, for an annual -ntal of pounds of gtu1 mid Ping lint r.tton. to be delivered uu tbe fiiat dsys of Nowmbtr of each ear Tbe po chsser io Uke pos-eaaion ol the a a w . a. . a a . 101 on jasuaiy ist, i.sj,, ana io irom aia lana ior believed, that a numb.r of pemns tbe j ear 190G. will seek through the assr.iation lMi.i,! "j?1 : . ...i. ev .w 'ri under iG.rOo.i-O, an to build homes. They most have tffn,0 u 0 lne j gastroo'-mio experiments. On th Miss Mary Fountain with Tomrole I other band, the preservstioo of Tj. wren re. Miss Lizzie Iitt man fresh vegetables ci unng the r.ny with Dr. Smith, Miss Mattje Brinkley with Robert Kimball, Miss Lena Cuthrell with Horton Kimball Miss Lillie Savage with Folomon Mitchell. . Muss Margaret Quincy was maid of honor and Rurio Gammon was best man MLss Ida Messenger pres ued at dsys of the outiog would bate NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thst pur suant to tbe provisions of the 31a- chierv Act. Sec. 80. tbe under help. For an asoriat.oo to te successful there should I an equal number of lenders and borrowers. If one need money, he asocia lion should l-e io a po-iOm to leod it, and to this end il offers to lend ers, a sife and aJequaU retoro for their money. A single ti cent signed, in pism or by deputy, I piece deposited weeklj for a little will beat the following places, io I Bl0re than sit jearv, means 1100 to tbe dejositor. In tbe ame w(y, flUU borrowed tobelpboild a bom, liolian iiihv be a. tT.eily" wearing terstitiai gingiv n ia a a man of destiny" tag, the St. iilus'r stion of the faoKJbat tLe Louis Gloie Pemociat sajs that tietri are pans.ng - ai i...u what tbe Democrats want for the j evidence of 'the unresnces I Kre-idontial catdidacy is a mau teeth beqmaeu tne i'hs oi va - W. U. HACNAIR V i-t Iteceived Car 'Indian Ter i liwl Rust Pioof Seed Oat.' ; and exai'uine for yourselves.f It. Ii. PETERS (JRU. W,, N. C. who tits other at McClellan will have at least two victeriea to hia-credit, throne" he won in 1903, when he was eleed majors lor two j years, aajj flat whu h he U ce tain to a in a lew weeks hence when he is chor-en for four jears. It will be well for the Republic ns ofNewYorkto raM ih fact that McClellau, as the candidate for governor nxt yearj would be a bard man totteat. Newlfoik.is an uncertain State, despite its ree nt Keoubiicu ninrWitiew OdeU's lead for gov Lor in 1902 was only 8,0u ?ut of a' aggregate vote of about 1, 4.00.000. With bis personal popu larity and his prestige in winnme two victories in New Yoik, hmurh thnt city br- nturau Democratic, McClelhu. will I le able; te put up a barti hht. New Vri' nnnc majo in a Very a vi o " interesting personality Hash it at the t atom oi iu A. auits than any other i in- ail-kiiiflHnr' rr.oi.n: t a rl.A world. NeWlora uiovuiut;! v ivi uidu ix uuruw . . the several town hips of the coun ty, on tbe dates named, for the the organ, and Rev. N. L. Gaskins P"P ZiL IV!. 1 1 1 I IU1II.1UIU 11V. , VVUVW, .- Ibis Alliance i rformed the ceremony. Ii.v (Vi has heard with profound Borrow The bride and her maids! were No. 3, Coakley. Monday, Oct. 9. of the death of Bro. S. T. Cherry, oli .rr.-i i white, and iha rfride No. 3. 8peed. Tuemlsy. Oct. 10. of Cocoa Alliance, who was a-"-M carried white roses. ' No. 4, Lawrence, Thursday, Oct. No. 5, Leggetts, Saturday, Oct. 14. No. 6, O. L. Pittmao's store, cati be paid bck in tbe same t:n e, by ping the small weekly interest oed or snd the hibeat tid-er at cr alove eaid amount of ri,w0.0O, for oteihird 1 S cash, the balance in one, two, three, and four years, aerund by purchase money mrtrag. UlLLlA" ii GILLIAM. Attorneys. Oelt'T lh. 1905. (as Sarsa, aua I sra. Sla tUssases, :OLVTtLY CURfO. Ht:iMIT SALVE, ss sa ctNva a sea. lalrf iirnrrMt. Taaaaa UUl'tarif RrarSrS earnest, wormy ana tu to ed mem- After the marriage the wed- ber of our order, ana a patriotic, ,uMr ronairwl to the home leeiu uo uwiw - - - - ... t, . s . ... I rf won Bometnii g or n -, uu ueiaiup, uv . ... . . , - v nu.utvi . some time or anuher. barn' gnms tor the space of fifty or I wa si noble lifajs worthy of em- 0f the grooinf-at Leggets, where a Friday, Oct. 6. sxtvyeara-t " . " v uliion. We exUnd t the 'family most elegant reception was ten- ,Xo- 6 WhiUk We command his rem-rfca to of t4ie deceased our heartfelt sym- i Oct. . the kindconsiderationof Dr. aQder these resolutions d--- ' L ai boro. ' mvK ot uU Trades rump ""w wood, i tit fe d and Jdo i-vice 'that a j;cod itliable 'iu- Engine van tht for vou! A Htitl(J!MU. tV.r tVn na-inir t Cull - v-. KUV CiCAlU 4a. a a I ' I ll f ii t-r Alice Johnston, tbe medical ofh cer of certaiu prtsh scb4s iu London, who, we are tdo, on a recent outbreak of tonsilltte, bad tbe tonsils removed from all tbe tirls undr her charge io prevent ..... a m . A-y iha Dossibtlitv ol intnctiou. Dome surgeons have stoutly maintained , that evervoue snouiu nave iua paiu,, Uuv,ur. - I All who were present greatly Friday, Oct. 20. be spread upon our minutes, anu a en?oved th. occasiou and all jouied No. 7. Battletioro. a . . .a 4m . . I af a T - I copy or same oe sent to tne ssoutn- in cootl wLshes for a long life aud Oct. 21. erner with the request for publica- much happiness for the bride and N0.-8, Old 8 parts. groom. Scotland. 2eca tommon- KXt- 1. wealth era, baturuay, Lawrence's store, Saturday, j Tuesday, tion. After the business was transact ed the Alliancemen were invited to partake of an elegant dinner, V 1 I V LI- 1 1 IT. " ir...-..- o.-t t wnicu wa ) vuorouguiy vujoeu. 8pPeou.a ,";V 1 . Ti7. A Tote of thanks was tendered to pimni appeuu u u, , Sparta Alliance for tbe excel tisU, tetwrn them have proves Jeut qJ whijh the CiUC.USlveiy iui uu ",,.,..11,rt.!1Ll. S VIV uevtannv i aj The rext meeting will be held on xl 1 rrl. .1 T . ... . ..H .11 fwvrl thM " I " Hie - " : with lYwHUl problem of living has teen enorm- ' wu- vcoa onaly simplified. It wmains fnr j roiue pbysiciau to elimiuate hu.-' An lusuranue company may ger. And theo for the millennuim! 5 Ho McCardy sas it should be. ew York iuveuiuif ouu. not a money suak'ng in-tdu!ion no rooa is u m . ' . . . 1 1 i to eat. Ana so wiiu iue ao i- imn if taeib. touails. a tHriii'U of m m aw w w Alliance. rail at Traale Hiaalac are these lines from "J . U. Sim mon, of Xjasey, la. Think, wha misht ha.e resu.ied fiOiobutri- guests rib1e eon h if bad n t .ksi Ibe medioiu- ah ut which writes: "1 bad a fearful cogh that distnrbd my night' rest. I tried eerytbing, but ntMng would relieve i, until I to k Dr King's New Discovery for Con- anmpiiou, Coughs ard which comp'wlelv oirHi No. 9. Crisp, Fridav, Oct. 13. No.9, MaccleiaeJd, Satunbiy, Oct. 14. No. 10, 8U Lewis, Friday, Oct. 20 No. 10, Plnetop. Haturday, Oct. 21. No. 11, Hartscac, Wsdnesday, Oct. 13. No. 12, Rocky il- nut.Fatuiday, Oct. 7. No. 12, Ktnpboio ThutsUy, Oct. 12. No 13, W. J. Ltncister's store, Insiantlv relieves auderm The b inkers have been dealing for policyholders but a charitable My cores all throat an.ilangdis- in watered stock to such a degree organization, but tbe republican I eaes; prevents grip and pnea- ,a th -v shiiI the irovernment to xammlvi nmmiLrja shnnld not mooia. At otaion c eiier p ! Colds. Saturday, o. t. 2S. 1 BD No 13, Wotbl -lanent- rw.t or ui ant ship subsidies 1 tttir sailing. to facilHata u u, .lfll(mer. tbe druggisU;gusraowed; 60c apd $1.00. Trial bottle free, i 'oatble's store. Frl- dsv. Oct. 27. No. 14, Sharpsburg, nuay, Oct. 20. B. F. DAWSON, SberilT. Sept. 21, 1903. Blind Headache About a year ago," writes Mrs: Mattie Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried OA Y1HE OF" Woman's Relief RDM v Know 11 win V Cudui is vegetal nunc lema WawOl ful 1 and r , 1 rtaia adsasl 1 beafUU. feat r: LaJic A4- N 1 Immediately commenced to Improve, and now I feel like a new woman, ana wisn io recommend it to all sick women, lor l WlM'I't' X Know U wm uuciiiuii.aiiuiuinv.. tjs Cudui is pure, medicinal extract of , Nfcv vrvetable herbs, which relie es .IrntrA.v female rains, rubtes female Zaa avavaaaa T a WawCSarf a S w . ywr w win functions.tor.csuptheorpans alalX to a proper state of health. cwrskva). Dal Wuu, feat NS. Jry it for VOUr tfOOble. wrttatoJaT. Ailreia: UaJ' J- ve. mdJtsf ftrlla ft Aidren: LaJars A5- vtfcxy Df.. TM Chstunooca MaO- das Co., OuUtaoooca, Tsoa. H 1 t !! ! .- I" II i f 1' f -1 J t'l(llt R. A. ZOELLLR. press.