v BJB SXTRE YOU ARE RIGHT j'THEN GO A FTEAD.-P Orockott iii i i i ) Tired TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1906. fflJv be from overwork, but ke chances 3re us irorn an in- UiveUVEK . kith a e" conducted UVER L can do mountains 01 labor itbout iatiguc. .. 1(i1lsahundred per cent t Ls earning capacity. at be kert in healthful action - ShaJIew va. Tteep CulllYattvn. - The Progressive Farmer gives the following summary obtained from experiment stations on shal low and deep'cultivation: Illinois Station, An average of five years showed a pain fer shal low over: deep cultivation ef 5.9 bushels. . ' . . - - ;- . - Indisna 1 Station .Cultivatin g from - one to "one and one half inches gave the best lesults and "The Maui Wi.h A Diary. I CciirreM the treiat. President -Roosevelt will here In dbcussingthe bill to pay the after be more cautious about rush expenses of the President aud bis wg into a controversy with a man Mends wLie traveling Seoatw who keeps a diary. Bailey said he had heaid that Lx-benator Chandler carries his there bad b en an lucrease of passion for-precision almost to tbe $100,000 in expeusta duriog the point of fussloess. He keeps a mcumbeufy of the preset I'reai diary. He jots down name?, dates dent. ,"I don't know how that and doings. Ho is adding new mav be." he said ."and ail that iquipment to His arsenal every have to say is that if it iy. xie in an me ume iorging he haacost more and ia worth I.. weapons which may come in than anv President w hav OlK'lTi....n edidr0t Ter8?. he was intended that the rtesVl E NO SUBSTITUTE. ,A. No!M i.KET Attonii' at Law -: : -5t XortU-i-t Bldg, AV. St. eg Street, Tarboro, N. C. 7. WHITEHEAD, g3 Urp'eon Dentist, 1 AKBU.KU, JM. u. hoars H to 1 ana 3 to 5 D0 WILLIAMS, Dentis ras 0 -'o and Oxygen Gas j erei ia the extraction of teeth 30RO. ..N. C. Ohio Station. Testa -between cnltivatingoae and one half inches and four inches deep, continued for nine years, gayea gain in fav or of the shallow culture - of four bushels peT acre. Pennsylvania Station. Com cultivated two inches deep gave fifty eight bushels per acre, while that cultivated four inches deep gave fifty nine bushels. . Missouri Btation. The tests for two years showed a grain by shal low cultivation tf 25 J2 per cent, Kanss Station. Tests during two years showed the largest yield from shallow cultivation. . Oklahoma Station. With drill ed corn deep cultivation gaye the better results, while with listed co rni shallow cultivation proved superior. ' 1 . Utah Station. Tests extending over five years showed the best results for a modium depth of culture. ' . .'' -" Nebraska - Station, Results from cultivating three inches deep iijhq wnoiiteepB aaiary nss an im- shonld ttan the anprowiatloo mi i xuense advantatre over the man I frri who df pemis on a treacherous and lu from one paca lo an. adjustable memorv. ' orhpr tn kHlnnnt Hnt. -Mr. Ghaudler'd faculty for diar-1 h n want tt nnf KmV . Ik. ies anu uetaiis suDPiieii uim with tnr tn ih. n- n-..v. xr rutciiye 100 is in md Douc wun iur. xkoobeveu. ine ATesment s mem- I nmv i,t.-,r. A tr.rir,cir t-.-.r.l r. ... 1 - . ... 1 j - M ury, maicpea against me cnanaier ronean vstems. nermittinir a re. diary made a wretched lowing, tinue. H said wa micht p11 lnnk rka ihmi...l. 1 Fiveycra ago amsnseeo read iugn tryaprt of which very few were then publiJbrd in the w bole empirr, waa ildieoVl as a fotlojiej of ih foreign devila. Almost the only papr pnblUhotl in the capital w 1 je IVkio Q Xitte, coatainlDg the decree and duiug of Ihecuutt. is truei sow there r tea dily ppcr pauitnel la 1 ekio, aaioog tnta oae of the few woaeo'a dailiee in the world ThU paper ls Interest ing aa tviog largely . edited by omen, axV-UcjcJat now .w lib aach topics as popular aAtroootay, (teograpny, pbyaical geogrmpby. the rare of iDf4.ta, aod the Into in of chiWftu. TL- teneral tJw. papers ate rrnd by ait c !, an i ate csonataotlr tucteaninir tLeir The diary was a sling with which the Aew Hampshire David worst ed the White House Goliath. : The la caution to beware of a man of one book might properly be supplemented with the iojunc tiou to beware of a man who keepd a diary and who also enjoys a ht- -e have known Mr. Chandler since he was a young man. Some forty years ago, when first assis tant secietary of the treaiurv, te ! gave us a letter to all of the officers of the treasury in the southern states, which aidtduaiu getting a vast amount of information we . .1 a . . . . wuitu 10 ouaiD. out we never I zo::i.i.Kit, G.i5iiue aud Steam Engine AJja-ting of Gasoline En- specia-ty. dbtwtl were much better than from culti- J knew that he kept a diary, bnt we 'iftAnEs mm . i Jack of All Trades numo X A. w wood, cut feed and do tni-i' ti,it a ffood reliabip p Engine can do for you. A ie H'i- the - asking. I sell is 01 niavhiuery for cash or 11. A. ZOELLEE. "YOTJE CREDIT IS 'ALWAYS GOOD." STRENGTH IS XECESSAET M a k-auty. Our iiii'N. (iicIk s. t-tc, make !r'ii.ir seats in 't- i!"u't hav'f to -'Tatft '., I:;ii'k s,.;lt."" They're 'H ti ilit- front in every -in-' that Hue, durable iiutiii-ohoiild be. The 'v thiiiir al'out our fnr- tme that has ''Gone ay Hack ami Sat ou" is the PRICE it i'U won't be sorry rthat. JSo Have a Seat. Chaii-. vating six inches deep North Dakota Station. The re suits were in favor of shallow cul tivation, taken as a whole. Iowa Station. Results frm two years' work showed a yield of 71 9 bushels from deep cultivation aud 82.4 bushels from shallow cultiva tion, or a gain of 10.5 bushels per acie in favor of shallow cultiva tion. ; New Hampshire Station. Five shallow cultivations eave a vield I of 69.1 while five deep-cultivations gave 59 7, or a gain for shallow cultivation of 9 4 bushels. . Georgia Station. Sha'lov cnl HVHliou bhewtu au aveiae ol 2.4 bushels of sLtlied corn per acre more thau caltiyation. . These lead Dr. Tait Butler to believe that in this State cue mil lion bushels of corn . are lost by too deep plowing. Deep plowing cuts the roots and - therefore re tards the gsowth. This holds good for other crops too. "We have heard a dozen or moie faruer& say this year that in-cotton where the : plowing has been deep the color is readily noticeable . A Ila.rd l.t of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awaken them to thf ir .-proper action with Dr. Kiiig's Kew Life Bilbj the pleas an test and most eflective cure for Constipation. They prevent 'Ap pendicitis and tone up the sys tem. 25c at btaton &r Zoeller'a durg store. v The L.e(iialiT Bumper; ourself have teot a diarv for nearly sixty jeara and can tell where we were and -what we were doing about everyday from its beginning "to the present time, aud we" have found these diaries to bt of great value. Geo.T. Angell. 'I ! llclr EcclcsiMtcl. forward to the time when there would be. chamberlains, keepers of this thing and that. He also objected to the provision on con stitutional grounds, daimirg that the proposed appropriation cornea within the inhibition against emoluments and inciee in salary and supported this point by say ing that "to sate is to gain, and that gain is an emolument." Th appropriation would save money to the President and would thus prove an emolument. Senator McLaurin objected lo taxing th people tq make a clans distinction that a tnnn in' a high position is better than a man 10 a low post tjou. It u iuMiutsible, Le raid, to tell where such a clsa movement would end. The man next in line would want the Fame allowance, and bo ou down until eventually the workingman would bear all this accumulated, burden. - The bill bad parsed tbe House of, Kepresentativen by a trict party vote, the dsy before. It 11 a distinctly liepnb'ican measure There is a certain bishop whose and io kPDS ih tbe tbeorie ui iuu rijr. ik is au autmyi 10 plunder the treasury by an uncon stitutional law; to create claaa dis tinctions and privilege?; lo euabte the President to exert au uudue intlireuce ortr tht pres l y iutit iuf his press aeuti to travel with him at public expenst ; and to en able him also to go into doubtful States and work Jor party candi dates at labile expense. It U a fact that the President and W hite ' lloue maintenance costs nsover tjuo.uou. ibis touching rcyatly ood no mistake. Hot t republican Congressmen eonnder their greatest achievj- lucuta of the lectltt mioj to be tbe "puie pork bill'' which makes pome republican constttnenciea believe they .are "doing things." The Deiuot rais t-oint with pride that they lorccd the repoMican raaiaiity to vote for a rate bill, a pure food bid, and other remedial legislation that have for years been tbe principal planks in lem ocratic platform. sense of smell is extremely acute, and who, an is usual in such eases dislikes extremely any odor what ever. It happens that bis son. a yding college mm, has what his iiahe! j-parri:j. :iu xtrercely vulgar liking fur extracts and been led ooapt), and not long ago there waa a little tilt between them upon the subject. The yonng man appeared plowing healthy from a bath, but with an unmis takable scent of violets hanging about him.: - I see you hare been indulging in your taste for penume, Harold' the bishop remarked coldly. "Ob, r.o. tbarVody fcoap." the young fellow rep.iett easilj; and yen know- cleanliness is Lext to godliness. ' . - Possibly,' the bishop replied, "but you isay be 6ure that eceut ed soap is a long way from the odor- of sanctity.'' Harper's Weekly. Said tke New York Sun on Sat uiday: - " . JThe Sun craves permission to present its humble service to the 1 Prof. Istfkicg. direHr fth Art loeun, JJerlin, ta a a toil r ioo hU return Irora Alt-U Chappelle, whither ke to attend the opealogof ibe aarro pbagus of ChailetMcae yettdy decTtbM io greater detail than was given io yesterday's duptch- e tbe two counort In wbieh Ih body of tbe gTeat JCo.p-ror bad beea wrapped. Itoth are of woven silk.' One t byuntiue work f the tlb on tory. TLeotbrr U ticillii work aaa wa probabty woven at lMr intb- twrirthor tbirWoib ceotary. The former cocits of a vile of richly orcsmental ca- rvntne circlet, in the retire of which h aaprbly opnoeed -iriuHi, bimi 11 cvwtatlM. WOVe4 ctrrnlatioa. They coouia lleuters iuto it io Utr tirecUo character. i6iegram nes 01 ine couowy j tat cam il It srtWt. hn date f and eity, and articles of conidtt- txtto. The aemod able leorih and acumen on live I lifelike, beantifni r-rrm4u-4inrt.t.r topics. Soote are pledged to the! birds and animals revemblisr correction ot old etabiibed cua- toms, and tbe Contorts are ex treiarly interesting, wcttLy of separate article. Uy way ut advertiaemect, or more hkvly because of the seal ot reformers who are reroaib.e for the Lewspapcra, coplea are pneted n blank walls and on boards set up for the purpose, so that their content may be perotrd by those hare. AU the menbers of the com mis aion appoint d to attend the opo icg of the tairopbas na were Hturk by tbe master iirwblrhtbe cxJora are retailed. Tltir vtvtdt U dvnblleaa doe to j he fart that tbe bocea and coverings were en'Ixl In a kermctlcal.'y ea!d cakr. The covering, by prtniaion of uardioal r.ber. Atchblahoo of who would not buy. la addition, Cologne, will t broagbt to Ikrllo w.U I plaj la a remarkable plan to secure the attention of tbe maea has bceo follow. ed., Io difftfreat plaeee io city and submb have been fitted op readitg halls, with bencLea aud table, where tea is eetved free, and io the evening capable men are engaged to read arid ex plain th papera. Theae men are said to be volunteer, and tbe 1 . . w oouniitM ih Art Mnxtita The last time the rr pharos wasoeneU was In 1CI for tbe porposai of ueaaarioar the booaa of Charlerasbe, when It was dla covered that he had been a tan or cxtrajrdioaiy atatore. Tb caksl did not eontaia tbe head. which is eocir.sed io the head ol m halls, ver twenty in number, are I bust of Cosrlemsro lo the Atx llrslnalaa mt ! apla Xach bed should have for Its supreme powers at Oyster Bay, to outfit three pairs of pl!owa cases MrsHrs. ' tt and IJprw. to ILeilor HH etioare puiowau iu new and anKtere hierarchy of I pairs ofhe's, which measure Sited up sod supported by volun tary contributions. There seems to be entire free dom of the prtM, no cetairvhip being exercised. Ihe papers are decent sheet, with nomerous ad Vditloea.entu, but as yet poor It printed, for the moat part with movablevleadtypea, which rapid!) deteriorate, making rvadiog by a foreigner very difficult, even of thue hrvia which are published in current MatcLo, the langOAge of tbe msases. Tbe newspipers keep before our attention one of the taot remarkable movttcnts ihe world has ever aceo. lUch dsy Is pob lithed m long list of names of persons, including women, who sre sntwcrihlng to food for wiping out tbe indemnity which the empire is paying for tbe Bos- t-r upriMc. All classes are givtci liberally, 1 a proportion to tLeu means. A'l kinds of aorietiea, ChtUtiao charches, and evto primary achoola, baye beeo offer ing the cootribullocs of tbeir memlra. Hecettly wa pnUibed a lil of blind story teller, whoa living is earned by going from bone to noose w ti bacjo. tng ing nd telling lomsnres. Where wilt it end? Thia wave of ralr.ot- im has swept ijver the country. Everywhere the asms feeling is hon. There is no doubt that tbete gif's evidence poinritl ta the Chinese nature ot which tbe o'ld has never dreamed. With l-Chpi:ealhedrl NewYoik Suo. 1 Urn t.a.4l.ar rhe action of the orth Caro lina republicans t&askiss aa ex lecaion of tbe-grandfstberrlacW autTrsge proviaioo ontll 1902 Is as IbdafecsiUe ss It is ooeipected. It remove, a a matter of fact, the t.!y argotrebt ot any fortw that ha to made fvr tt fuTra of race diaerUnioatiuo. ILia waa ihat no states Impoalcg an edsrs- tiooai nnaiiScstioo bad ever act aslly dpriTed sdnlt illtUrat of tee nat to tote ajrsdr eer cUed. North Carolina and Louis iana coa'.d say with Nsa tmlb tballsy were following the ex ample or ilaMUchuaetla, wtkb aula, when prectibicr aa edsr- Uocal teat, prov Ided that It hc old njt ap; j rrglVeiol. VERMIFUGE W . . I W . ..t i. it 9 . -4, p i a - kA e !' 04 rmtY vuttitruoc t mt - - 1 I 1 H m av 33, ct 13. rrudy Samtf twie. MA. 4 a Uut ra W v rera eseodoralle r!e. if myspieewrre sloclr UklCtf; Ibeo it stopped ai I hit uibizg. Thoaxbta rd tlrecjh tat head like hftUisr. thosh! i the patf preanrat ad fot&re. I te member trying la vaio totsovea band a Cagrt. I was perteily tootiotU. My cUatea:J ot be t&Saie!. and the dawowaH pre. sre ha4 forcJ the sir net el j lectv I coaM move say chsa4 epeo aod shst mj eyta. I trie t9 keep my aantb c!om4 Io ft veat Its tlg filled, bal it liU lively opeted aet thw sarts fP ia. Thsa lheaaerar f airme. liog raaie to B3, tl I did -cot ueeh care. ItwMjast silly sroe!. the orveyer said, Ulote Lbe bea reached tae, aod 1 feH IU tarth wove slightly. A ahotrt strock ny scalp sad cot sse. It Mtbk rad het Ires. WLeo say head waa uooovered, the- preaaare eo say Udyvaaso great the blad waa forced te toy bead Ccld ssy tea core feared say vitss wmld VrL I otearved every tkisc. tot reeU bot move. The prtaj prmJfia iaate several days. 1 have aevei whol'y recove r4 trots tie 3cU of tty ad vector. 1 rstt-ot suv mve ar stssd tsar a batk rt earth wiUoot IsrrtU aetaattcea. tr ttev .l.i al.y A'4U3 ttii uJrvllLr prefrreitlial uvatOirbt Ute-eatsl of alt waie, toclod.os It &r&to regioicat sent to th bpat.ih war. vane tirgiou eirmpted oely Lotledera'e Teterant aod lbt on. Hut allared la giving tttIat, tWrd, who waa U.t; M m ax m Ccrra s'd llrdsrhc, Xr;;ra etc. IKhs not drpna He tttX, Hold by all druciata. Tbe river to stiU fa'Ultg ad thU fa I dprott all tca 4 tsralt raiaa. CefU-o !oral:tVa may I I da&afxd by titru raoiUere, bet lie fart that tie alrraots do n4 fttaala aecUo asd &ftea oo sot fll a-r!iv axiv ftaioa that U pet la fveteo scb raia aa a xtt ;-Tfi;c.tka. Sf Sl4. dlvia aa nj f a! W bory was fooled in tu dttrrvatta I loo to lynch Job lUack, allaa V CSTAULISimD 1822. lWf-re lit tw wtJUweee rxt' ewVd Hk the poasj. ike atatsjtt di2sl!y waa eperetreJ sippl the tow wf. waier. Tkepvj3pavfra day aal ilt, aar ttey have W na t'y 9 re 19 botr a Jay. "Ik fael ka tw rtJnr4 e-irrv. If m ttste lOpefvvat. Thoeaew mtV aea '0 reran! tsU the fact. Iks! Tar Uxw t:m tr1vr r-aakate aa aWa:e f veej aaaay )tar, rrw if ita gtvwth at it tt f t rale. No it at an l;t;!t s ; !y la arvd, theUard el p!4c wiks fcfMckl kavetae 4wd rda" ! di.ty tf arry. Taia ul d asj with the e&4!tfatcfT waitv til fva'.Iy iarr te aaaa- brr cf oaere, pevdajcirg a fveiaee far greater Ik sa Ike lnm I etl of pettier Uvassa 0 f!alir v. It la peeUe tkal if the cJJ eelia are tvplacwd wiia Urr plprs a4 0t apprwv e4 atraJaet s the pei ir- lira ra I rv!e4 st:sl .cmt a-l tie toe a s'U have iwJ.fwat water ta tlrw a half a do-rn r avtea atrv2a tm a Hre alt at Hate. Thevw la sare tVartb la this rtio cf the eatry tbaa all titter dieae Kt b-Vrtkrr. aal MlltSeUlfew jeiara waa aep pomil to le l&re rstCe. rc a gtvwt l&aay jeats dMrVa pr&s it a Wal dtwe aa-J prrM-Ttli lyrl retaeda, Srd t j ccVaA'Jy fai'.it x tons re w r.h Waral Uvwlaetal, rvtKKssel It laewra!e. rV-ov ksa trvvca caiarth ta t a roa t:UUottel dlar-awe a&4 tkervfcee rIrra eoeMt.Iata irealet. Hair. TaUfTh Ce. ssasLatsr. rd by r. J. I1et & Co.. TcCo. OkUi, ta He c-!y-rut;ULsJ rsre m He market. It U take iatr:ty laffiiaee frtca 19 dr? I0 a trwpcKfat. tl acta dirwCy 00 He tyl a a-4 bsrM srlar oflle lrtt. 7Vy a.r ee -eli'J mr f jy eae tl fa-l ta tale. f4 U Uat a-J brvtiSMMklala. 1. J. Cmuist ACVt, Tie4,Okia. t-r Iwaxru. 'u. Take II all a Taawlv I.t It Tilf be , interesting to see I Odell -and associates, to one Frank full yard more than the length of j our knowledge of the systematic Ham mock? JJ. L Settees, etc 1 tine Or- I'-;ilfis, Funeral Di and Embalmers. ave don't forget it you an- .in!t 0f vim . - ' t-ia n is dim, you v.a;.t u, get in trim,. . !):ink cents1. Carbon- ittil in i,.,nles and at all M"'a founts. - what measure the next sessiou of the Congress - will pick out to serve as a bumper against urgent lsgislalion. The bill granting Statehood to Oklahoma; and New Mexico has served this purpose for years. It has always been one of the first measures introduced and has, . almost without excep tion, been one -of the ciBt nieas-; uies to be reported- to the Bouse and Senate f rem the committees. Then it has been ued as a patlia mentary football, always demand ing attention when the country was clamoring for consideration ol" some important matter. The cost ofprinting the public speeches and documents on the subject of Statehood would probably pay the expense of anordiuary session of the Congress. Now 'that the tbe the xn&ttreu. to icure undisturb ed aLd protected covers; to white spreads, of a quality e.sily laundered and light io weicht, and two paiia of large all wool blankets, o! whrch one pair should be boutd heparatcly the?e coo- nila man or tbe vetcraa one am pie opportoelty to tegiatsr anl vote, and, if be di.l sot Uka I tat, applying the stme Ira's to hiss a tjthe negro. The stsodfalher cliuae wa lb os a festora of oaly (he brapwrary pUa of saSrae atnl baa already espirr4 every here tot io NortA Car4i&a, ahertll has two years ucra U roo. Ihe rermbhean polltuissa to Ktlry Um Tr&sa( trre he w as arTrCeI aa ll aap.hrd mordevtr of CWlKtcr W-ita ia that city la ArnJ. He sab was icfxwteI that the jccf waa bcteg coaveve! cm )tnr irsia N. . a4 aaet tw at lUrUf's, II Ssi-tw rt cf S:.a bory, wbere it was ffrroae4 te Wavland Higeins, rhe putative governor of the State of New York, and to all the eoberuiioded and t-elf-rtispecting- Bepublicana to whose confidence .it cau appeal and with all deferenca and respect snhmit: ' "The next governor of the State atitnte 1 h t o!e eif n'ia'.a. To ill ho r. Democrat, them inav ! added a home made "Tbe next governor of theState Iqailt and com fr table. r -v..- Va,v- o the next I The table liueu tuul incluue TrAint of the United fttalc." the best cloth for special rn-caa t tt,inninrtn of the World.thisliobs. three xeally good o tea for intrpRrin nrohecv ens in t general nse, and two dtzennap- im porta ut particular!. No Demcrat will le elected governor of New Yolk thia vvur. The next President of the Unit ed States will not be a Democrat New York World. First Fish A fisberman caught me a while ago and landed me in the bottom . of a boat. It was like -i! Soda irer "Waters and Gin- Ale. ; - ouestion is out of the way, Ooncreasional leaders will proba bly look to the steering committee 1 being in jau. to select a new bumper. Harper's I Seeoad Fish JIow Weekly. -. ' 'OL.V 1 1 A T R V I'iltro; pjiik-rs ti ik and Cream vill phone their.", : phone No. 243a. ceeaaa i i J tai. prifs. tia ' 1. H v. :: ( ljiisiie; I- lit', OK T A It BO 110. ; 25,000 140,000 7.500 ktiford. President, Ard, V-President, ' ' tn, Cashier, ; rt, Ass' t Cashier. r- s or rent. -i' norroN seed. ! :i: rroved Culpeppei 11 I'm r-eea. 1 114 roved King Cot on Seed. 'tuts a bushel. ; E. LILESI Oh, Alfred 1 "Do you think I look well in this dress!'' she asked. . "Urn,'' her rhuaband replied; who made it?". - - did, but I'm afraid " . "My dear, I never saw you bave on a more becomijg gown than that one is. By Jove yon look so slim and graceful and young that I can hardly realize , that we've been married teven years" "Ob. Alfred, do you reslly mean thai I believe I'll make all my clothes after this.'7 . As soon ss he eould decently and did you manatre to escape? First Fish The boat began, to leak 'and some one bailed me out, Detroit Jfree Press. Teachfr You should always aim high! . Tommy "What if you re shoot in at snake? Montgomery Ad vistiser. Cinched "Senator, what do you think your prospects are Jor being re-elected!"- "Fine,', replied Senator Badger. "They've got to do it or I'll tell how they elected me the first time.' ililwatfkee Sentinel kina that will - cot shed linL Ol towels there is theoretically no limit to the Ltcded variety PracUcallv. however, there ate only -a few dozen hemstitched hnck for bedroom ue, one dozen checked linen for china, and one dozen crash for the kitchen, all made In vsrd length?. liJes three roller towel, to and h lf Tarda long, will easily supply the ordinary demand under the rouditioLS imposed. Of courre. sicknesa, layUh borpitality. or even a delayed weekly washday would necessitate a larger supply in each cae. A maxim profitably observed by a successful house- keeper is worth paaaiog on for conaideration in this connection, Kxpeuse for essentials only, plaa remunerative labor, equals! hi i't. With this in toind, ooe can eajily determine bow muct can or must be added to th supply on hand in tbA spring, when the thoughts nf thrifty housewives turn toward the linen closet. Usually cne pair economy ot the Lhiaeae tnae. the se!Cibi.eas. the aordtd parsi mony or indivldoale; with our ideas ot their lark of public spirit. uch phenomena raopot be recoo- cued' Cen.torr Msgaxae. Oalf J Te4aa all. "lam ooly 82 years old aad don't expect even when I get to be real old to feel that was aa ccg Iran get DecUes Bitter." says Mrs. 11 II. Urn aeon, ol Dob lie, lit. barely there s r.otbirg ele keeps tbe old as yoooe aod make the weak as trei? as this crard toi.ie medicine. Dyapejaia, torpid liver, lotlamrd ktdLCvs or chronic constipation areunkuowo after tsking Electric Hitters a reasonable time. Goaratteed by Staton A Zoeller droggista. Price 50c. Ta Meaita tealaa lal lie . ... . . . aiiO navtoppoaei ids leelve year take r4ak sad aeltg hlta frea a exUD.ion say that maay whdt The Uala aaa Utdr4. Wl aoteia r their party la tbe taoau- . ,. ... taindiairicts cvold a( ta.et the ll lhatUe edora'ioosl teL Kol they hate pHer waaut the Seat devvr f Hill two yrsra to get their cs to a Wlxins. Tledua; p4:ed cvo4 tionU ameodat&t in tkeir fator I ik- -v oifov Alfred went" out r... i.j -ifiV.-it t.i ..t (.Ka I nAonle who sent you cago llecord-Herald. ofaheets ai d two pairs of pillow I ..-! . . t . I "You must remember that the cases are r- XT TwcDtr lfer. Uatlle. "I was a loser in a twenty year battle with chronic piles and mal ignant sores, until 1 tried puck len's Arnica Salve; wbichjurmd the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains,, writes a.- ju. Bruce, of Farmyille, Ya. liest for old Ulcer4 I , Guts, Burns and Wounds. 25c at Staton & teller s and tmiited YOU. "No, they didn't" answered Sea ator Sorghum; "they did itmeiely because they didn't like the man who was agai?ist me.'' Waahing- tou Star. rifv. lan (cajpioely) Whew, but it's hot! lam told that the freauentlr - stands at 110 in the, shade here. v Parmer Summertoard (cheer ;,ia11. von loa't have to one dozen nSpl ins, aud one third the towel list added each year will ent-nre ample comfort under ordinary conditiota. Urrpera Bazar. CA-OTOTlv. tetataa yalaUilwE; tto fcfaataie , la li n low lain would I farrial aa tl a oaioal. Tb proptAal falls qaeerty eaotifh Joat a!ler tertary Taffs a-14rvs ' to tbe repibJicao coovettioa la North I arollna, to which he plsioly lr.tio.ated thai t thoskt the "crandfalter r!aoa'toib aa- Jot and r.lsL New York Even leg ft. S S m Ua4 I4a The v let 1 roa of tie recent Ff etch mine dlaxaitr suffered toerdata ot sgooy, waitteg for re arcs In their living tomba. The adtsctors of a coottibotor to BcUace taated bat a raicute, but it cade as is lotetsiiy of terror w hat it larked todsratioo of time. The writer tells his e wo story: Io la, while I waa eskieg rttarcLes ia an exravatioo aesr Fraokfvtr, Ohio, the eeetie wall ol tbe mound aa ocdrralDxl bj tba workmen, aad 1 wa atrark br hich aiates' thst foor lirr.es a a cas uf lallicr -arlb. Khal isal a a a .a I . k m . . . captlal tartMl to Tesseaare oa tl. tie tett Thst mere money Is being taken to the South for investment I o fac tories than to the New Kr.jlaod Sutee ia ahown in a startl:r.g com parison jott made by the Depart ment of Commerce and I-abor, A Va Sta. A wsLebaea's series pre.ll tJ teak ia the cl Noelhadjke alck a cllld'e ttct cwUkare Upp3. to bejoe a , ria-.-xa brsal, devaatalirg as esiir rr vltr ol Ilo.lad. Ia ilava.aev Kaaaeta Metvsr, cf Yaabo, Ma , -TTSilUi Utile ci4 ta r o&ac4k4 aatil a tracks S waa oalf availed hj Dr. Ktg New I axo very. He anua. Tlri doctors ;ae tse p lo d.e of Utf tafastbalioa. eat red by a lWd cohJ; bal lr. Ku'i New Diacovery aavrd say lJav" tisar at teed beet text a-d e.-d cnr albJatea 4 TmlUt s drwr stte. S0 a4 L Trial UuU fie. r sukf. J. I. II vlS, wha eiinM le Ue-i. V.. 11 C x, i.a ri!j r-J ia 1134 lLl to a-a l Mett t4 frr.VUaotry a4 !siaf. A vae-aa, Kra. Muj tVUil, k kal tma wetkUf (W lias U.I aa4 vrl lo k lo&Uev, Jlrw Jca, tUtt ml Wra. IWjk.a Ivaraat IVKta'i atoee, foor sailca fieaa Weve. A few (daya, lli:ideve splo 3-1 r. 1 a, a4 de-aa4rd Usl lfia. CVlft tv?rw wUk k'.ta. Hf. Jtt tl awak. at d We Uxiv k-Mi s. Mr. llcf a tel t.aa a.?. U::2a.X ket Ux;e t1 ta ka tttt'J, tte ail ts4, w '.ar ItS llU ke ka-1 a wansalf. Ut sad tkal tf ale d4 s4 fwi llaa the f ale ae4 t4, te e'4 pit ttf ia JsJ ike LTvUx Xi' lay. 1111 s'.m raCarsl 1 tla t-w aa4 14 aae tmi r tlo Jho aup aa4ea ta tie ar,aba te aa ta! ly Mrs. t'-ra , wta tal au4 Ur al4 (sa sv4 asa4 t! If ke a txe a aU aarvs ska wc.i4 lii J re- lvalei sfaia tokakofXJ. Ug v varvsxe. lira. lVees tie Um. fi aaI l It enl le If id. Ma aa wrlo vtar--a4 aa4 Ie af a JtfWM ai4. 11. U dra ana Hal ta- aaUl t k a4 a w sirs l af -tkn! l-y Mt4.3 luMa. 71 al a I at le .f aay waa. llat aaa leaataS, li W4 pi much camlal was iavested ia the Southern States since 1900 than in New England. Io North Carolina, here G$,0O0,0CO was iovrated io 1(00, there is now engaged in man ufactorirtg iodaitricsover the State the torn of 1 131,000,000 io fits years, showing aa Increae of ICj der cent, figures given for Con necticut show that her incrr-ue, in cipltal inTtatsd it or.lj tl per ten. New Hampahire shos only IS per cont. increajc. Alabama, on the Other hand, ahow her cariul to have increased "i percent V I rein ia, though below her eclghbon among the cothern Sute,ahaea aa increaae cf CO per eeuL boaith Carolina ahows an ircrcase ot rO per ceut. ; OBOHSZtZJa. 3oaiW I 1x1 ua ut twja stooped 10 examine a small te blt'j had beeo oeroveted. wkeo earth tolho aaoscl ot several rart loafa, dropped ea tae. Ne one slae as to the e tea vat wo lie rnro havicg gone to tbe top of Iks mouod. Tbefalllxf taaa knocked ne backward, ao-l 1 Ull wiin sat bead and sbotttdets oa assrsU heapof earth. Tbe fallieg wall U earth lotkt4 Uarkto a, aai I we'd isccexbsr tLe loah cf slai II brought. At first I felt Utile pain. lf isUoaa prreeore, wbkh fere I Ike ballo&sof my coats we partly la side my CfSl. 3Jy WaUh waa prmd llhl aaicet c il'i which were brakea. Tie' skia aa my torebead re) to?, tot It was tbe preaaore; of my hat. It itg the rUe baeea the straw. The kelfeia my poekel seetaed baroleg hoi Jcjt oader He isaall of my bck was a Urys clod wUch aa I mm ea4 Tl txrt ir. lt cll:ea 4 tl la f t al pfivut aertlrwaW ItoaaoXaxf e Haao fativi;, vtllUUVca tf caraaa p a as ti" f! lamrva Is Uattsf iW-.r a-cowt t-kUit L. laara, deeeaad. laie mi la tke abrt aak'.UleJ. lxb a exievl mt tad lakra ia NOTlCKTl) iTaJitTTi!:. ltavitx qa-.fed avtify all perwoa latir 4 c'aijaa) arirri tbe raUUcf sail 6nrw.l lo exhibit tleca ta He aar-xl daly vetlledoo ar Uf;re U l dav of Jote, cr Ilia tebtv 111 lo ple4 ia bar af Heir fww try. All prfwvaa tatdatia! lo eVt tn'jate will peaa CLske lnaiu: pstal. Tlit, III a!sy of Jse. o;. Jutt T. 1'pwttr-, KteeaUf. Jaa II, nsallll. Alt. t'OttfULK-ravCc Veeal 3.'el add Ha'la. al ear s&ria al M.UA. Tar lU.tr Od Co., U.- V. . i-t . Her aod Tra. . d f FJTD. JHflON4 Thy ticlaa aid Esrrwra. rarbcro, 5. U "Ftc-ia Na. It. tU ffao a laaa- drewa. ekkf'-a, tt Heraaaeaf a.aa4 la a;o re. - swj u taao4 laU traatU abret.llerw a wleei af IH. lUVtr'a ss.1 varca wee eirexl ss4 He aSe rtax. Tie tlaila aa4 wmt a leal f lie leg gj wr levle. t Lt'EXX CVLLKY. v - m v e a TACtoio. c i). Dm WaOXLU, Coxtrwbct a1 Bsiiier. DrUl arl Iisvy tTck rvrvU.1. Lt.'.aiUa 1'a.a.rVy 1 1 stay in ice siutur mjuv- - - . .... v . -. ''.i