fiiilM ir.M4viT?&,:4 v . : , m " t- SB SXJRIfi YOU ABE EIGHT; YJBLKN G-O A.HKA.D.-I Crockett III I , i 11, lit i.JiU u-.Br 1 , VOL. " TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2. 1906. BSTABLISlllID 1522. jjvlceto the Aged. -Ah I" "c :r.nnniTics, sucn as slug- wcaK kidneys and blad ID LIVER. Kffk a B H b Hidw life d have 3 mi uiiK urguu, triT.uJii'-; the bowels, causing them rVner irm tlicir natural functions as II ui.-i in u Ibi.v ar; VIGOR bladder and LIVER. pted to old and young. ' 1 scrap of History. following extract from the ,vt jtiinaoipa county bas 1 .... ., i Kt. I . rr Velie:i'i- !; wil1 doubtless prove torestiDs: many: . tate el Tth Carolina. :;:. County. 'At a ("in fy court of pleas and iirter stifus hegun and held t- a ... l the county, 01 uanaoipn at tne urt how-.' ui Landolph on the en Cieillns: Hid of IMralra. A reader who arrived at Hong Kong from Wuchow informs us that on Sunday, when he left Wuchow; there was a greav Gaug ing of gongs and blowing of whist les. The people M ere in a most excited state of mind and crowded the streets and housetop?. Inquiry as to this unuiual state of affairs elicited the information that seventeen of the most nototi ous robbers of the district, men who had kept the inhabitants in terror for a long time pas, had paid the penalty of their misdeeds, itj being impossible for . the au thorities to effect their arrest in the ordinary , way, the taotai"of the district enticed the robbers to his yaraen by making an oflef of a free pardon and other induce ments to abandon r their nefarious practices. . . No fewer than seventeen of the ruffians swallowed the bait. Six teen. entered the yamen and were promptly surrounded by troops and made prisoners. One man escaped ffpni the compound into the street, and ran for dear life. Another the seventeenth man nj i7 in the 12th year of the .Ji.k 'ii. require, produced .1 II V . i r : t he SuDerior Court of ru a "ap ana iook io his r i ... "ii i I heel witVirmt OTiforincr tVio nfllmnl Kraiui HjGii autuonzine nim 10 l V, rt 7 r Ue a- -j attorney in the sev- ret,uence. jiieanwniro tne iroops I por.L t v . ourts. Took the oath I 1D unuu"us "'tcu cap- ., i' . .. J-J i I tlVftS VPTV IViQ in ; ci r Comr , ; tins: on the extract Col. rUKa aao w?re smppea ana cut relit;.'! -:ihl: -Spru.-e McCoy, of Salisbury, th whui;) Andrew Jackson read w;i the first connty attorney iiiiiHioiiiii. Ai us nr8C session ec-.nii:v co an appoint-a jurors attei.ii tie Superior Court at There were but few r( i:r;s then held in the ate. iu i he rest oi tne counties ere wi s. oa.y county courts," e (mi -..sboro Telegram. uves verv tentlv. Tuev wt-re promptly disarmed and without much ado were stnppt i into a thousand pieces Ihe enraged populace were not long in securing the twe runaways who met their end in the same manner in ihe streets. There was 1 great rejoicing afterward nd it is hoped .that this lesson will have a deteirent effect on others whose haunts may "be in the ceighbor hood. South China Pot. 0. !'. HYATT, Tbe Shape ol Tbe Sun. Professor C. L. Poor as the re sult of careful study of helionieter measurements confirmed by that of solar photograghs makes tbe remarkable suggestion that the R KNI U KK AND UNDERTAKER, ; . : ! ny & Hedges' Stables I sun periodically changes its figure Jukilre Ilrcwcr'a Opinion. 1 i According to Justice Lrewer, ' Washington id the grea lobbj camp of the world. Mora legisla tion has been thrust upon Con gress tbnn it can attend to, and' the consequence is that the Gov emmtnt ija bee me 'a gentral dispensary. "The tederal Govern ment is tfneient,' he Bt; "but there ae things greater thau mere efficiency, namely, tbe protection of the individual and tbe t pbuild ing of his sense of individual res ponsibility.' These greatec things are laeking under our present system "It is not how much the individual will willingly, give to the country, Imt how ntm-h tlie natien could take from him.'' Th Uboutioh tiol IIm Trml. Of all the trusts the ghouls of the coffin trust are the most des picable. They prey upon the poor m the hour ot their grief when the savings have been depleted by the enforced nonearning power of the bread wiuntr. The cheap box called a eoflin, with its tawdry trappings that cost but a trifle is sold lor a sum that lepte&ents weeks of labor. This coffin trut is protected by the republicans from competition by an impoit duty of lib per cent., uuder the paragiaph in tne tariff law of manufactures of wood not .specially provided lor. Thus the - republiciu stand patters have made tbe government the partner ami protector of this ghoulish trust which adds to the misery of the bereaved onts by tbe imposition of a tax upon a necea fcity when lenst able to bear it. One of ine first duties of a Democratic Congress will be to MiueLd the tariff law by putting coffins and caskets upon the free list. T.irboro. X. C :.Sh L. JEXiilJsb Khv.-ician aud Surgwm, Vloro", N. C. 'Phone No. 166. being sometimes an oblatA sphe roid, like the earth, with its pquatorial diameter exceeding the polar and Fcnitn;ps a prrlfe ?phtiOidy La tug ii ,rtai.i puiur than equatorial diamettr. liis Pijr 'no True. One of the leading journals of the country says: "Tbe highest financial rewards of politics are no longer officers, but contracts, franchises aud special privileges.' Another great journal sajs: uThe cheap rewards of political p'ace count for little now in poll t'.cal mipoeuvre-. The 4loss' is no loiter tlio v ..o !i3:ribnt? i.t locate, it-e ital n is the rbihojul man, the tiaction man leer Tfpo Polrr T ko ler ltel lrelnrllM The Iowa Station ha recently repotted lie irsnlts ff year's ferdirii test to rietrrmiue Pe rela tive ecnoiny'for lr f pioVictioit of the leelaid diary .tyjy-s of ciittle, a quet'on which is ryir lpg much attention at the prent time. 1 lie rn-u'.ts attained ar Burmariz"'d as fo.low: Jj.itry type Meets show a con siderably hither pet cer.t a;:o if offl and a lower dressing percent ag. Diary type steers carry liltrher percentage of fat on internal 'or gan, thereby increasicg th total w i 'ht of cheap ri'ts. - , Beef type f teers carry higher percentage of valuable cuts. U-eftfpo steers famish heav ier, thicker cute; they ate mire evenly and neatly covered with outside fat, show tuperior marb ling io rlb. are of a clearer wbito color in fat, and a brighter rd in the lean; but there is little differ ence in hornets of grain. The low price paid for dairy s.'eers may te due partially to prejudice, and to the greater ex pense of carrying and selling tbo lower grade carcasre; but it i- chieily due to an inleriority m the sarraes. It i neither profitable mr de sirable to feed fteers of dairy typo for beef purpose. They are on- satisfactory to the consumer t - cause they do not furnis-h tliirk and well marbled ccts; they are unsatUfct ry to the. butcher be cause they furnish low grade car- caMti which ate difficult lodU- pose'ot, and they are dectdrdly UDatinfactory to the feeder, U. cum. they yield him little or no profit, bd lioth brt eler aud feed er waste their time io producing such a type of steer foi beef. tot rltal(, Krosene is one of tb creatmt aids io craning tbat ran be found, among the bouebuM ooppl.ea Boi'td tine under tove or On kitchen tah?e, gtiray galvaniznl ware, gummy twttli tubn aod wh bnl3, idl giTC Op tbeir objetloo able collevtiau beo rubbed with a cloth dipped io kerone.. Ater thelomentng tth the ketcMaoe all tkat i needed to complete' tbe jcbU to wili tie mixture ith j twtrune ud and can cluth. For alicg witdows pot a little keioero io clear water and oe m Jcth as when wanhiug with sopt 1st do cot pot aoy oap in the vii . A few 0puoi.afil .( krro se Ina boiler ol clothe will make tb ditt come out much eaUr,td the odor of Ihe keniene is cot noic-ab'.e when tbe clolbehe drid. A chth dipped to kerot.e ll take oust aud siecka frim Iothed fctmitore and 4cave it looting much Utter tb4o bm wafer U ud. A vtrr little kero sene oo a newppfr male a guod p)ieber lor tin. XI Ihe seeing Hid.iue get lUmmed and mo hH all the art a good "llitg will kerrwene, theo roo it a while to (ire the kerosene a rhsuce to rrndi every pUce, repeat lie oil log r.d lonniog, ihen wipe etrry part Irre from the loornl dirt aodgtvea thorough oiling with rutciune oil. To remote rot fton meul. atarte with keroeete end lettt kr a day or two, tbeo acoor with whatever tnbotaxce i suita ble lor the article to l cleaned. TLimiay be whittox or oneetserr po4rr for steel ornaments, but and or sctubbitg l rnh for Ur4 iroa articles. I revbftcrUn btao dard. UATUAN WILLIAMS, P .. Z - 1 A i 1 J TT iousoriai iiriis6 ana xiir s nit Decorator. . wo ilnnrs from Bank o' Tarborc Lr i:hi t'ULLEY. BARBER, TARBORO, N. C . HiTEULAD, idea is that the solar globe is to J the insurance man, the man who be regarded as a vibrating body, I is willing to distribute enormous haying an equatorial diameter on Hums to tbe campaign fund, if the average slightly in excess of j only his own interests be loft safe the polar, but changing at certain or his new projects be aided.' times so that the latio cf ihe v. - "Prelection,' wucb mn fav- j diameters is temporarily reversed, oritiam, is tuo jirice rid by offi- The period of variability he thinks cials, high and law, in tcturn for is the same as the sun spot period J contributions. The corporations The cbargrs of Crure. if tboy I riv tiibn'e jC th rartv in p?r-e; it-, u )v eon enizsz TAHBORO, N. i i . J t c c. An, kR. DO-N WILLIAMS, really occur, are so small thut on ly tbe most delicate observations can make them manifest, but af fecting a body of such supreme importance as the sun, they must posses much scientific interest. Sur?e-"r: Dentist. tr Oxide and Oxygen GitE -!.tii! in the pttraction of teeth rAP.MORo .....N.a A M!..- M. NOR FLEET Attorney at Law ::a :.. Xui lleet Bldg, AV. St. .lann - Siieet, Tarboro, N. C C utriictor and Builder.. i Heavy Work Solicited. LVau.-.ttes Promptly Furnished. Curioua Fear of Irtth Air. People who were born and bred ! in the country and who still live there are as a rulecunously afraid of fresh - air. From the living rooms, especially the '-parlor,' they jigidly exclude every ap proach ot outdoor air except at housecleaning time and they are more cautious still as to sleeping aud the party iu jxwtr give the corporations thr privileire ot plundering the people with im punity. Protection," in the form of high tariff?, frauciuset, filte certificates like those given lo the beef trust, and immunity from punishment for crimes, is the policy now. Ural Trml Hatilnl. After thinking over the reput lican attempts at" trust busting mostly stage plays, can you point to one trust that has i educed the price of its products iu conse quence of rei ublican activity 1 Results are whut tbe tariff taxed VafiaaHa IhlttUf. These frequent burglaries and sneak .thieving are not only an- nojwg Lut dsogerous. A thief upon being discovered i just a liable &s any way to stta' k a lone person aud do violent in'mon! injury. Thecflicersof tbe law can not xeic.e ! much viplncrn in watcblbg eu.-j.K-ious pel mils who appear la the Community. Auoth er way to t revLt thieving is to break up tdlenf m. There are many peop'e iu New Rem who never work but loaf around and gamble, in a scall way throw "crars" maybe, and these people u e to cat and ticthiu mt witbstaodicg they earn nothing It follows that loalers must sponge on some for a living or tl iu 1 it (Ices iit u;a- pi..clr. to learn tht in to Me-!. , iliuijc toe Kud other towns ate viorouvy etforcicg the vagrant law; and hence they scatter to other plan s and commit depredations. The vagrant law cu be enforced bete just the same as anywhere ele, aud if it is not flone the city i'l shortly le overccme with the ref ugees and e may expect aa epidemic of houcbrc.ikiog and other thieviag. ew Hern Jour nal. Tbe II. Charity and Children aavs: "A The Largest Watcrmsloo. f)fronre there will !? ltrr water ruelon rar! in thUeooaty, a a .a aoi e io not eiatm last oori friend, M. II. WelU, cf Old Hjmrta, wtH rain he Urj;rt; Iml Monday be polled a W ponodtr. We doubt If socb a larre oe ha brra pulled this rally in the sa sjn. iznl mrnt and 144c k revl. loaeroaeo triaaait Aalli. louraure lomraUsioner Yonoj I has rallnl m ronfvrrorw ot the North Carolina twuir holder io tbe Mutual Life Inuroc Com- t,y , of Xoe Yik, a ltd tbe Xr Vnrk Life Inoraoe C'oapany to meet in lUlrifb SrpUmUr 12th, for roniderit a pUo of action in tbe enulnjele tioo of dirrrtor. IVrrtnUr XSth, lo New Yolk. FBEVS lit .- in n -. H . mm mmm0 mmtm M tmmnt - I, ' .1 in kl m m 4 rtYm vt-attruec a rat TOirs rci tzitun at. 33, t:i Kin Cii:.iu emm cf in mm: j ti'lsir. b;.urtf,iisM trill IW:rci. ml lh Teiu Art. nn:-n rm:, b l V tl I ilH III isra . rooms, ine iarmerg, iu apue oi i ... f it, their outdoor employment, suffer P "! "Vv Vi"' r : . . ti recuni u"an iun B liC i 3 ii .1 A M K.S t jntfuctor and Builder Tarboro, N. C. Tit:-: -.rid specification a carefull; f i promptly prepared not a little from consumptions It seems a pity when these couutry dwellers might have their lungs filled with pure, fiesh air day and night, sleeping or waking, that the poisoned air they breathe at night should be allowed to offset the 'ood effects obtained through the day's work in the field. If the livicg is now 48 per cent, higher than it was before th present re publican tanff law W4S enacted. The lact is that not only tuut the laws against trusts be enforced, but their monopoly and special advantaees tiut-t be destroyed. It is absnrd that such a tiust as the ITnitpd Steel corporation, that i'llV: . 1 ..FEN NEK, H I AX AND SURGEON ; eiiilv occupied by E. G. AUsbrook Esq. ! TRADES j enlightened visitors paying guests . -- products of the couutry and that has been proved to be t'e.'Ung it products cheaper abroad ban here, sboTild --e continued in lis monopoly by the tariff Uw. That gigantio corj-'Cration, by fir great er than anv of Its sister xrusis, cannot take refus-e as an "infant iudnstrv' that needs prcitectiog It may not be policy to take the disturbing rje sreei and summer boarders who have learned that one's manner of lite than one's place ot living may be depended upon to prevent con sumption would but circulate the- knowledge in a practical way in couutry places their vaca tions would accomplish something besides a refreshing of their own health. Boston Transcript. , . F!' faf t IM aWXXSf a clmnrca of ' I. l a ..u.i;ui,u all ..:i .-ii iw.Ti; r.. r,n I Dustiness UV at ouce huuiisuwh It! IirUULiUU. I'U i,. a half of its tariff proUctioo will Le one of the. first proposition;' of a Democratic House of lleprcsonta- tivs. That would be a start at real tru?t butting. 'Does woe betide! Your thoughts abide on suicide! You need a pill! - Now for prose and facts DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most pleasant and reliable pills known today. They never gripe, bold by li. E. L. Cook." 'ii-. ; ; Hi! ! ;;, Jack of All Trades pump -aw wood, cut feed and do ice that a good reliable ( Engine can do for you. A o lor the asking. I sell ' U of machinery for cash or Ii. A. ZOELLfc.K. Try a little Kodol Por Dyspep sia after vour meals. Many stom achs are overworked to tbe joint where thev refuse to go further Kodol digests jour food and gives vour stomach the rests it needs while its reconstructive properties get the stomach lack into working order. Kodol relieves flatulence, sour stomach, r ilriUition of the heart, belching, -tc. Sold by I L.Oook. . A Brief Banishment. Il-ifas Rufty, a well known WiDcKowan fanner, who ouJuly 21st made a personal attack upon the Ttev. Dr. J. C Rowe, pastor of n, Pirst Methodist church of Un (n Uon .fT npriodie at-IBalisburv. nas reeu oani.sueu jiuiu tacks of biliousness and habitual J the city for a terra of 00 days by mnaiinafinn wa a mvstfirv that l Mayor : A. u. iojaeu, U V ur Tv -s-ii t....m tnrteUnHM I r-. -rr- . -.-r -r i itin . 1 .3 I a 1 l in harA thA mini! rv ; , ,,. ,i,lrw .ccnracY ndimpUcitT. I ' Tv., "v pUooani I Tn-ntifLcd mraiust drunken visitors. Ir .. , At 3 .1 "wniie unaer tne inuufue lady living iu South Carolina, but who hailed from tbe ortbrcam down to teach the southern peo ple bow to treat the i.egro. A lut fill brute living on the pUce whom she declared was a 'perfect gen tleman took advantage of the fact tbat she was alone and belplr and " committed an a4ult upon her. We hope this 'gentlmab will not be lynched. We have entertained the same boicH and aro reminded of au in cident in Mia of our southern hotels. TLeie were seTerul Lorth- ern fellows there io a party aud had teeti there for some (lavs. They hid been liberal with their i oh tolbe ucgio wallers in an effort to cet good service. A south em guest wanted something dote and used sme pretty stitT laogu- agn in i.uiiig his order lo tbe waiter. Iu every instance tue neuro'a reeponse waa electrical. The northern fellows, the Erst op portunity, vnted to know of the waiter why it whs mat mey nau - . a eiven him money ana treaiea mm like a gentleman and Lo had cot bustled around for them like be did for the southerner who bd leen roucb. TLe negro'a rerly was: 'Dss, hc'salricbt; loader- etanJs him. ' Tbe Lobetouun. Cra, llallelaf l a4a Wef. At this ttrae there are under construction in Maahatteo gmt I'liiUius costing any here from l,lH.OO0 to $10,000.1X0. The ex- pre company, of which Senator 1 bouas C. Platt'is prrnident. Is buihirg giant boinea block Jut backol Trinity Church. Then- presa company could have erected that liuildiog three years aso for proiiii-lv 10 perceot lea than it l ow n rttn theo, and i'i rr rruLIot tLai i: proljably won I cost them It they waited two or three years. Ikt Senator Piatt and hi rem pany are not exceptioasl. Tbe Aton are I uildicg enormously nppareptly not earic wbetbe they could have built cheaper ; fe-vTX: Moor could Ibd'ttt iaucu lea cot il they aitel three years. These eapitattMs, Lt many believe lo I the in eviistae reaction and Lat mat te a very violeut reuctb.o. Soieofcar niot rccerTatir me i who are cot sUrmUta are l giunir.g to think thai either just before or duritg the next presi dential election we ibsll have a easou of reaction en ale r lho any that lns occurred sices 101, atxl espUitid in jieat part by this oter peculation io reil property. It h net c o fired to New York, although much the gret r speru Uttou of tbat kicd, o faraa aoj os,e in tbe tocioiontty is ixi&oeio- ed, is now under wy here. Io 16 cities in tbe United Htatea ia tbe j car neil, SliO.COO.OoO was ex lwncci ia cw boildiog. and ia nni of these c It ir, noisi ly St. Loui.tbe exisditore Is relative- Iv errater thao to Nee York, al though far lrs absolutely. Pro to a New lotk LetUr. tasaets laattiale Sfaaa The ful'oa ing U tbe procramtae for tbe rtraer lrUtutetbtt UI ? held at tbe MtrTrt Parra. Wednesday, AegTjt lt: Morning Mrioj mill open at 10 oar.urk shsrp, and alter noon we- sion at 1 Z'K Coru C'i'.tnre, b) t. M. Cbaaor, Plotida Ksprrrr.ent r:stioo. Tbe iTobubte Uc of l ettilltrr. by M. J. lUltle. IbMet IV t, by Prankl'a Wttt man, Jr., hUte lU)torokit. Peanut Culture, by T. K. lUoeo Hertford County. The Relation of Par to M rh faery t tLe Ijaboe Prol.Um, by Ce4 Jwho I.ItidreTS. The Pre-llftaT and Care of Para Work stork, by Ir. . A. XloUtU A.vtista&t State Velet inariaa. rcrtrrt. I'-crd e i iJ I -. lie f 'vwl reaseaaa H..M.Mit. V l!I W- t T Some ds3s ;s ib saskia a n.Ik.,.kt r;ttKo from tmttu::H;s of jlYsrt:! i4. ufy lie i attvrsiiy t lr;ui, uxwur. t: ,J feet's lUrwrrrst.4 tietrx.b of i's fatf-eitt f ad e rrs&arkl sotseebil la a spinlof ee frar that irol boa itr the '! that NiXtb Carolina ro4 a&sle iatilar live twpef l of Ite reitetsily Is dewr lo lb ffce-wl l every NottJi I fwi.i nMrt j lie tatae. Tbe aUbty f It c:i xA tbe grade of exk 11 ! air kro tl aod ttri4 rtety e btr, readies to lb ftsi.Urs a 1 vMilaetb lbtitalac. t?l be ft tl i t-pvaff fuf lie res.U'.i-a It U aaLle ta Svske itir. lie frs fw.f-a 1X. ali! lio, are frxaaa atte'K ; TkMIf Mailleebia- If Ji arr hr tf llj J -r ls-b U dt. Ab ) ws-.l t rt ia It'.o. IisV Ii tV i re 5. 9tt-m ffI l4Ia 4 tut a tt. f AW. Ibroc:e frosn ei.ri Total iarosse. 3.CJ ll'i.i The publication of tbe "While I ,mJ,jrl,Ut i2 fc.j formation couceroin tbe resin rrofosscr In IS-) bnmrvl festuns of tbe larce llorUvb I tseo'V. Nittret ksie la Mrv ba'.tlchli, lnednashl, ba jai iXspsl It ill ml te- i::..:b. J caotol sc:e it u.ios iuhwi i Tbi etbdtl i a swiprt? a-4 a i i! naval office n, bo I the facts raadi IdeUrbt. .We the jrvti!i tl public were alrtady kooen b I ioetein six jrars: Iesse, t'; tbe ofacert of tbe.natrbbo art leialt.ttt. 9i; stodewls, M; fr loterestM in naval arrhiiertare. I uliv. 110. Tie 6rrr tii There U no crrst rtUjotbas among tea ay of the nst si ier ir rrsr 1 to tr l orirr of ship which billraaiVbe iHvad naught a a em fabling rrsrbioe tl i I llrl t Cl 1.4. I'h I iiIk A Tie Game. Rain forced the game Friday with Elm Elm City to be called at the end of the fifth inning, when the score stood 1 to 1. It was au interesting, snappy contest aslocg as it lasted. The home battery was Warren and Rowe; visitors Leake and Mills. The boys left at noon to play Elm City this afternoon. le Sell teleae Major Hiram editor aod manager f the ConttttotioiialUt. Eminence, My., when be was fisrrcly attached Jour ye r ago. by 1'ilc a. bombt a ox of Usckleu'a Arnica Sslve, of which be sajrr -tl i t red tne in ten data and o trouble i- liickit hralir of Uurns, Fotes, Cuts an t Wnucds 20 at bta.oa A Zoellc r'a drug stoie. tf. grow lb ftftbe 1'bltt f:y cf North Carolicals jropci jTeatrr thai th.. of Vt.'iitU, A I ..Ll ...'.fl'..M.t t HI I "... v. . -m . - oel sit vers ts kilrq s tUe i-l r.i l tx',y i - I Malt no Ls uo!r rvnlra(loo I la botd for. tl t crstitiic- b f wosbips. the I;rbiirsn and Hooth I oed exps-asioe.. l.ksW)Ie . 'I .1 t. I . i 'lot a tltMT is wuuu: STRENGTH H NI'At:Y t hit t t, V, .. J e fTi.!. t!fie art'. -I f sl. ti"l Late la T1 lUft Jsial Trj btllW lie fre- lb etrty. Ifsx l-l f crslve f t 3esV' la. Tx-e I.x sJsl oar fr S '( l bSS I'.a'k st-l jal i.: r r. . , , i I t 'L... 1 I". t s ? .1- 1 rradoaiihl In brtxlide ba'.lerj. I Thrc two sbiiaa fcre ei;bt 12 nrhguoson either ride aod thai a' I that ran ta done by lb I'rradoaufckl. Tbe latter however could fire i VI ineh raas dead ahead whereas tbe Mirbkaa aod Houto Carolina roo Id fire bol for. It is pointed out, however, thai trry little firbUag ts done bead ca and that etTstite firhlieg of a tallleblp U her toi.le. An other di.Terecrw' t-rtweeo the lalrsl tj pes of the Atornoan aod i!bUb ttlrshlps U thai io broadside action all of the 11 locfa gabt of tbe American sbipa ran I utllUed while two oftheti: inrb gns c4 the lji;jjh ship most t Insctite. Tbe adt aalsgtra of tbe Vx.flUb skip i io greater speed bol she baa a dUadva-tage In a Urrr Urrvt sorfarr. Naval o.Trers fettllj -rT to think that there Is very ti'tle ditTrteiKW to Ibe Trei tveteaa of the Drradosorbl and tbe Mukl gatt and the Soath Caro.'taa. server. 1Sls4IUbMi4 of tract Ibsl vVW I". II. Wo'.fe.ot Ir.Urt., ltt(:i Uefslte, cc T.t Ukis I2erll It. tie i . :wr lee: Two jeer aT9 KlT lal U raet te rtl I'ntr, sld I weald fcever bste ssimtcl tvl I col tskso !rv lniiets. Tl) sls.t rated e elOssaft I'1 I jr. bate cr If el! ow.sai, Ltvvr ard Kdy tzp:xi, llUw dM4ie, !leJab. lt Utesa a&'l V.skt f K-I Iy d.ettba ftice f Oe. Usuitfd ty Ftaloo & 7y'Ml. rfs O s t. lSJtl, 11X.V, II. L U L SUSS rer-fciUre Isrr, I'atrtsl H TYe tCm la st r-ikVl tWvt II. Iltsisl Pealb t eller n. A rrr sal treat . rlhtr. than nv other Ladi' HapiM. OM 3 centa. Krtrr ullil McCll ttr L4 Subaofba today. io" mil r uim tin i gaatoonw einluaa or for me." writes John N. Pleasant, ia Tnrl Tl,P rmlv ril), I RllftV. .. --- " i-- , V. t, that are guaianteed to give per- lot wnisey, l"c ' , . ' feet satisfaction to eyerj body or I because tne lau-er mu, . mf-Ani riniir "nt I for cursing. Staton k Zoellor'fl dine store, 1 Piobably Kufus wdS welljiamed. NPa(tWaltl The hands of Hope MilU No. 2, of the Hope Mills manufacturing Comiouv. went out on strike at a a l'ayetteville, .followetl b the o- eralives of three other milla of the system. All four fact or ien wercshnt down. The grievance of tbe force is that Italians were brought there , by the company ti work on the I looms. On the art of the toui I pany it is urgetl that it was las nossible to procure labor at home, ' the. machinery often lying idle, and that the imiortatiou 01 Iht-ic workmen vw a necessity. The operatois gave iu and that car load of Dagoes was sent lack North. Chance For m Barbeue, I Jim Dawwon sajs tbat J. Death Valley i a veiiUUe belllsuten I aoilous lo risk a barbe- holeal tbit lime oo account o'raebai the trl erp ta the coea- Ihe etrcealta Leak Id aplte of tbe . nn L Mak Jeaklbs' r-Uce. ill advlMrd slatcments printed I from time lo time that the vaRey l vooe. and the sarroundiDg de.ert are! Tbe attention or ir. iioiorrbesa cot dangerous to 1vil he sded and others U rcsr-rctfallj solicit- meo, ljs comes ln.that prospec r tors are b coming lost and tbat , seasoted mlLers aod tbeir animals . an are djlng from brat aod thirst. taake lite now aa safe la thsl eiiy IaAmargoaa Caooa wot k has M 0 the blrbar vpls&ds. 11 V. alnost beco utpeodesl oo tbU;vlloe. iU teidreo Dultoo Tonopah and Tidewater Htlway. jrji.. to Waco. Tex , aeeda ao sea A laigo nomber ol workmen navel wj f0f laJ, dlil irom tbe terrtno temperstore I bare used and tbe other tneo - employed by the company bavo abandoned countrr. Tbe crews have bero Hai lsr tiwU5l as dwv;stl tor oa tbe esiaie of Istj s. I! allot k.deeeed, t-Jx ts btl J etien swl rr i.U4it els.-s r-sia! said esXate U ptr Iteas for rait&etstor breetas-nr tt s loo or Ufote Ibe inb !sj of Ja'j. lir, or ibisiykw wi:i la vi lobar of rerovrey. TV-aai osts -said rttale t;t fJcw asake laaaw d;sie 4ret. r. h.HitinM,.Jr. (5. M.T. TosaUia. Ally. . ROOCRT SHIELDS Cut o Pricco tt Izziil U l i t tnttilit. ,s we se lc4:i Ke Wk Ne Tlsb l.'tt aji AfedlalVt l .. rtf.l. Mlllt Jff K-ieJ, Js-s, ?t$l I"ia"l, VJ, ;.e lie tl TV tl :? t vara f4 t'.Uf fie wsek. KOTtCt: Ui IiIbiOLVitON. Ihla U le asiff a:l trca Ibsl Ibe rraft&erbip ttstftfofe etutler tlae V. A, Iwts eJ L. Il istUi&. wUrsW a Isobar bttsioa. waa Cc vJ s-r1 e 1 la it loan of Taiboso, N- C esm'er ita stjle s&d Ite tataa al Catr A LtsU. Ui sa-J I- V- I'o.sta a Robert Shields, Merchant TnUor, If IMS tltMflf'..lf IC a4 wit it iMirtlt we t Si IX-e (u.Wt. pvew xa ilk s.ata-J fta-1 fa: U-e iff i!s t ifctaBf t 4 ,-: 'felt Ita TiiteTr UUg a silrt.1 r'lV.r tl-ie I W lr. Kiegb New IHa-1 to:.,.ir,iii lie I i . il..i '''" . ' - ' . Skstasl eosesst af era uajilt'O. lit is iMt&es sll dtU - : i - -. . . I i . ... . j i - . . ... wihsandand w itbonl a slV of 'U l U". .vT" t.t U.U'lOea o lU ttber I Hi with Mod and wltLoot a sign of cro-icg worse No il a roo, , j, Mv ft veg.tatloo. With no fiber water Core ebrroir l!tigbf lyaClnpp. Zl rt?wUT rt it burning desert la latge ts&ks, Ibe) preveu's l'b oo-o4s. 1 Jeaaaat lo a.b a . t jka wsa absr sw IO WtlbsUod C0& !! I f are cmble tiooa. Word come from Kalzrant Sprloga that Iwo pnajpeciora, ooe named Nelon, employed by Jobo Y. McKane, bate becotte lost. They started out with water enough to last a day and have not bbocd up tincc rVarrblo par t.reten' tale llvety lotUe guafaaieed at Msloo k Z.wllera drf atoie, Trice ZOe semi ft Trial Ul free. OAflTOIlIA. Saustl 11 UJ H iija Lvn SifsstVS af If Ihe loin bssao ordibarce reqolrieg all rw baUdioirslo l nuir.!.nl. it 1 ml fofoerrd. If there is no orh orttibaece, Ibere should ooe. heseral irars TaisU.b Cay tt Jalr KC IL I "Sfrisi, Hoe r -I Caff, IA-Iats. ties are nut. Many home aod Ihe ln paid t. bate all llu.bxs burros are djiog from the heal J numbered. Kideaa there la aotb and the scarcity of water. Hhy- an ordinance a&d tl U eafgrred, olite Corrsepondeoea gacrameoto! the bomUriowaa a uscUwa waite Bee. - . jef raoocy. PAXK OFTAUlir.u. Cral. Vtxs U le-rc- Sartias..... ..... .. ... ' J T. lliasrd, V.lreaieat, J I. Crrea, C, ' U V. tlsrt, Ass'l Caaf. Salsty leak bira real. 1i;!b. J!) 72. t.i5 J"j z i. I i-t;. J: 7. I 4 u Js.!t -31 . 3s"-!fi. A;v' I. W?., Art 2. ts. Vb:ukfs, Aexbl r.i--r a rw i y, l . t 'ssk!ey, ,t;4 It. T-t'-.Aa;-llM IT, I, el tl4l 1st r sr. rait . .. tv.Mi:. flKN, lvv s f lrjba. e " a -r ' - -?'ie, - a."." - - - .. - fit.., SmU In. ' - MllMMA I " i--' ; .. a - S " - aVaS twi -a. . . e iun a vuxi nzrjL 4i