MM ) A jY -A .ft . v i i i ' m I BE STTBE UTOXJ AEE RIGHT ; THEN GO.AHEAD.-D Orockbtx rrr A 1 y ii i i i n i i it VSSX A .11 R1 hi ' , .1W I I ! j P - "ssaBsgs F " - TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, AUQUST 16, 1906. s Pi lis Thi.- ' pular remedy never fails to spcp-i". Constipation, Sick ,a(jdlhe, Biliousness Anj U ! IMSEASES arising from a (I - - ! fOlGLr, v .aiiu uuu uigcauuu The n;iurai result is Stood appetite nd , ijj flesh. Dose small; elegant- No Substitute. - i. si on' ie Wavll w as safe in that city .;!. i uplands. E. w. w ii resides on Dutton m w '. iex.. neeas no sea i!etv. He writes:" "T i Dr. King's New Dis- . . . 1 " . M , verv i i 1 oi.umyuon me past e vritr- a:ul it keeps mo well and :fe. 15t-:''! e that time I bad a v. S.u-h for years had been or. thi O'li ' .in kve u-i- I.i:nl i1 School to Open. C M. I'avis announces i arb v graded schools - ; 10th. So chil iving a good time. rse. Now it's gone? Expreea Compa.nlee-a.a4 Ttallroade There will hare to be a shake np in the management of Express Compauies under the' new law. As it is now the officials of railroads are officials of.Express companies atd vice versa, which , would in dicale a conspiracy in. restraint of trade, especially as there is no competition between express com panies at jointpointe. What the people are bound to have before they get done legislating abo.ut corporations is competition, or where competition is not possible such Just rates as the situation demands. If the new law is found not sufficient to insure that, the law will be further amended by Congress. Congress hereafter will be in the hands of the people in stead of being . as heretofore a corporation annex.,- . Caata of ! Summer Time. Man and his coat in these sum mer da j s combine cone too har moniously and what fashion hus joined together the heat puts asun der when it gets the chance. A ud curiously enough, it gets the chance on Sunday more commonly than at other times. The Sunday trolley cars abound in shirtwais; m " uoopng cougn and tevet.'t- i aeumoma. rieasant to e. Etnv bottle guarateed at bton .v .oeiier's drug store ce ' ;uxl si. Trial bottles free Irfsdsi nic Coughs, La Grippe, ( men, while wt-ek days care go jacketed. Uce might fancy it would be the other way round. Ongbtn't we to make ourselves the most comfortable when we're compelled to work? Instead we quite generally reserve comfort tor the period of relaxation. Off with your coat, man! What if it's a week day and you're riding to your office You owe it to jour self and your job to eonBerve nhut energies these detestable days have lft m you. If you're bound to make yourself wretched do it on the seventh day, when you don't haye to work, not on tbe six melting days when you've got to! Boston Transcript. NO. HYATT, Fl'I : N : T l" RE A ND . UNDER- " TAKER, 1 'My & Hedges' Stables Turboro," N. C. LFKKH CULLEY. BARBER, TARB0R0tN.C IK.C. A. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. tics -.ours to 1 ana Z to 6 R.DO-N WILLIAMS, Dentist. Oxide and Oxygen Gas 1 in tbe extraction of teeth o N C M. - UR FLEET A itoi ney at Law fm ... -Nm-lleet Bldg, V. St. IJaiue Street. Tarboro. N. C. fAR'JO D. V, r. NEK, C'..iura-tor and Builder. ;ek au'i Heavy Work Solicited. isuDiiites Promptly Furnished. IFF D. JENKINS PL' .ician and Surgeon, -Loro. X C 'Phone No. 166. AlhAN WlLLlAMb, 1 .InL-orial Artist and Hir st: it L'fccorator. Fo i!...n-. from Bank, o' Tarnort M i: TO CREDITORS. u ;t:;ililie(l as administra- Ll! (ii ;i or in lat. . M. ii -t;ite Ol UaviU V . U t cui l. "notice is hereby ! i holding claims ;mi estate to present them ' :t mi acceptance by me i' i- Hie li'th day of July, Mi i notice will be plead Mdjvery. Those owing will please makeimme- H;i:fllt. . ' '- 7. 1'tOG. . 1. Si ajj.ings, Admr. i'. L'uuntain, Atty. 1 1., a.-i . Hi a 1 ki eH mm lh; ht ti. f list it, . JU.MIJt., Uin '., '-riL'i,. it, tj,. SHili V "l it, 'lu, Xht, 1 All Trades pump w " " i . ut feed and do ''it a good reliable - wie can do for you. A the asking. I sell -it hinery for cash or Ll. A. ZOELLEE. To right Oruin Lkr. The challenge issued by Sami.?l Gompers in his recent- announce ment from Washington that the American Federation of Labor is to become an organized politim! party and to take an active part in the coming national campaign and in his appeal for a $2,000,000 f and for the defeat of blacklisted Congressmen has been promptly accepted by the Citizens' Indus trial Association, the organization which is conducting the fight for the open shop. The citizens' asso ciation is equipped with a national organization, ami has affiliated bodies in practically every coo gress district. It proposes to join issue with the laborites all along the line. Wherever the labor unions make a fight against the re-election of a Congressman, as Mr. Gompers has announced that they will do in the case of Speak er Cannon, Congressmen Little field, of Maine; McCall, of Masea- cnusetts; Jenkin?, of Wisconsin; Baitholdt, of Missouri, and number of other leaders who have declined to support measures ad vocated bv the nnioDS, the citi zens' association will take part in the fight; The statement issued by the association through its president, C. W. Post, is addressed "to the 78,000,000 citizens not members of the labor unions,' and says that the labor union movement in .1 noli ties is one of "oposition to - candidates selected to repress the interests of the common peo nle.'' but opposed to the selfish interests of the labor trust. Just why a laboring man has no right to a preference as to the person to represent his district, we do not see. WTiy labor has not the same right to organize to elect a man that suits the views of labor on politico-economic questions.that the trusts, the tariff beneficiaries havewe do not com prehtnd and never expect to. . Some people imagine that it is all right for the dollars to organ ize to grind out more dollars from Uepnhllcaa Tributes lotbe Naatk. I The Post in a recent isone.took occasion to commrot on rome re marks anent "the old South" which it reproduced fiom an edi torial in Congressman Burleigh newspaper, the Kennebec Journal paper which duung caret ol it? more than eighty years of contin uous prosperity has been owned and controlled by statesmen. The most distinguished of all the Her II I. . Th fellow who climbed Ibe tree o place the rope, to banc the negnevat SalUbury )at ni?tt, struddled the limb, thro rolle 1. Ii', ami smoketl a rik-aielte. 'Iheic's; your lypictl lyrchei! No ju lga on the lnch, clothed with all the tatbclity of theltw ami performing nit h worn duty, ever piouoanrea a d-alh srnUote excrpt with the ureateit a4doe-, editors of the Journal was James I solemnity and regret for the fatal G, Blaine, Representative io Con- necessity. Yit jour ltncher, with srress, Senator, and Secretary of I mri?r in his. heart, t-onstitutea State. lie knew somcthine of "the Himself jadqe, jury an exreatiou old South," land his opinion does er, nd then whtle ri forming hit not coincide with that paper's cttulua! deed, imntiiv axnukra a present view of the Southern peo pie of eailter times. In hit "Twen ty years in Congress" Mr. BJaioe says: 4Tbrtiughoh the long per iod of their domination th South era leaders guarded the Treasury with ligid and increHsing vigil ance against every attempt at ex travagance and ever form tf cor ruption. ' The Maon Telegraph recall- art incident related by the tte Ur. J. L. M. Curry. Dr. Cur ry, while in Washington, in the fall of ISC 3, called uton E'ihu B Washburne, afterward Minister to France, and was cordially receiv ed. Says Dr. Curry: JIolding iny kand; he said, with warmth: 'I wish you fellows were back here again. 'That is a singular wfob, 1 responded, 'after the lat four years'experience.' 'Yes, he said. you gave us a great deal of trou ble: but the fact i, you wouldn't eal ' Some fitteen yearS ago Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, paid a tribute to Southern charac ter to the men of the old as well as the net South, for time has not changed the character of the South era people, and tbe young men of that section still delight to honor theex-Conf derate etatesnien and soldier. Senator Hoar said: They have some qualities which I cannot claim ia an equal degree for the people among whom 1 my selr dwell- They have an aptness for command, which makes the Southern gentlemen, wherever he goes, not a peer only, but a prince. They have a lov for home; they have, the Wst of them and the luo ii i! eui. lbberiU-u Iom tte great race from which they . a ie the tense of duty and the instinct 6l honor, as no other people on the face of the earth. They have cigarette and blowg i t smoke to Ueaveb mingled with the shrieks of his victim. . Good citizen, bah! Lst tb- slander on good citiz-na ceaa.! The cigarette blower, th'.bUkey guzzler, acd tbe moral degeoerat is jour lyncher! Moti roe Journal. KIh( at -King. Veibaps the n o-t interesting of reignintr Kinga if Mm.elik, of Abysainia. He was torn In 1842 and claims to lo the descendant of the )aeen of Kheba, whoee owq son, of ibe same, was reput ed to be the son of Solomon. Tbe imperial palace occupies thecMsttifa hill and domitates the whole city. Staoding ingai den grounds incloned by a thatch ed stone wall, it computes a num ber of building, to which acceas is obtaioel by traversing several courtyard. and a fpacioua campus, where are atationtd the only bod of regularly Karopeao tta oed soldiers in the Ethiopian art y. A wide doorway of Italian -sign admits the iecmerto the audience hill, a large half chaico like Mructnie, with a roofaup ported by timber bih'ie work, at the far end of which stint the throne. The floor is c ye td with Oriental ruga, mixed w h certain products of trench a u German looms. Back of the lice forn ed by -the pillars are massed on o re mon'ul occa.ions, in e'thr aile, buudielsof the che" people f lecipitil, drestd i i many ol-crt-d laicjeut. The throne ilself isamrtof diTan, and occupies a plttform surmounted by a gilded canopy. the cilt or t ranee. At recmtioua above all, and giving value to all, each side of it is defended by two tnat supieme ana supjro eonivounff princes with runs, while stancy which, whithout regard to personal 'ambition, and without ! yielding to the temptation of wealth, without getting tired, and without getting diverted, can pur sue a great object, iiiMuti ouf, year after year, and geutrauon generation."' Elihu B. W ashburne, James G. Blaine, and George FiisbeeHoar were in Congress during our only great war. They knew the South, ; as it was represented by its public men, before, and during, and after that tremendous conflict. Wash ingtou Post. wikerw Kalitlag Milla. TLe'ettablithmeot of cotton hosiery and underwear knitting mills throughout tbe Sou h ha beenstealy doriog Ibe pat sev eral yers, od tber are bow 1M. Most of them are small, and many dipose of their output through local store aod uerchanUof their section. Yet there are a oomSer which market their output through comralMloo bouses ia New York and olberdtiet. In a number of Instance tbe plaoii have New Yerk ofSc and are largely owned or controlled br exr.'eaced kclt-goods oaawfac to rem and mercbaoU of the North and East. Investigation showa that all of tbe 154 mills are io operation and 103 or tbera dye and otherwise Gnlh their maoufartarew ready for tie market. Tbm total Uves!et capital U $7,112. ICO; tbe Dumber of knitting machine nneratsJ. 14,920; the number of apiodl-e operate!, 131.404. and the sumbcr of operative, 1S.CC0. indications are tnat the indus try will contu u to advaoc aod keep p ce with In pioteatof Sonthetn ottou-pnnlLC and wtavtug auJ the general dcTslop- j ment of other manofactariog. Tb prodactof the mills Include all kind of hosiery, ribbed veaUoJ other garments of uoderwearfar womeo, fiecce-lioed ncderwear. and various other articles of wear ing apparel In tbe same eh as. -Boiton Transcript. a aMtrr Mlt "How to keep off period io at tacks of bilioosoeaa and habitual constipation waa a mystery that Dr. Kinr'a New Lite t'HU aolred for me,w wrltea John N. newaant, of Magnolia, Iod. Tbe only pills that are guaiaoteed to rive per fect satiafaction toeTerybody or monev tefandeJ. Only 2Jc at Staton 4; Zoellor'e drug store. tlSTACLISHCD !3?. The mt b VrH of troubles thai robbed E. 11. Wolfeof Bear Grove, Ia., of all u-efnlnes, came when be beau taking Electric Bitteis. He writes: 'Two years ago Kikney trouble caused me great suffering,, which I would never have survived hud I notlaken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of General Debili ty.' Sure cure for al! Slonacb, Liver and Kidney ' complaint, Blood diseases, Headache, Diz ziness and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by Staton & Zoeller. Ealrbl Utf at Trhr. The Daughters of the Confeder acy of the Rocky Mount Chapter who accepted the iuvitation of the Tatboro Daughters and Veterans'1 to their reuniou exercises on Aug 2nd, report a most enjoyable day, and wish to scud them a hearty vote of thanks for same. The-pro- gramme consisted of prayer by Bishop Cheshire, music by ladies, an account of his trip to the Re uniou of Confederate Veterans of New Orleans by Mr. Davis, short reminisceues of the war by Messrs. Ricks, Brake and 2s ash and music again. Then all adjourned to the warehouse, where a most ciegint barbecue dinner 'was served and by of DISSOLUTION. " i' notily,au personal i'itrtuership heretofore "tween-P. A. Lewis and !'titi, whereby a liquor ;is conducted in the j nljoio. N. C. under the firm name of Carr & 1 -tidL. E. Fountain 1 ' lit partner therein, (he 1 iurchase acquired the ' 'rest of Howard Carr) iy by mutual consent of h been dissolved. The Lewis assumes all debts 'Hies of the former part I is now the sole owner "priftrr of the business 1 will continue at same i'ilh day of July 1906. L. E. Fountain, Howard Carr, P. A. Lewis. hifrhlv enioved bv all thoe the people, Dut ail wrong ior me present. to organize, to protect each otner. The visiting Daughters were W hplifiTe the dav of placing the taken to the home of i tie President, dollar ahead of the man is draw ing to a close. - The Drotectionists deny that trust products can o pougnt Mrs. L. L. btaton, where a recen tion was tendered them. Then the regular meeting of the William D. Pender Chapter U. 1. C. was new. at which Rockv Mount Chapter was allowed to look on and many behind and around are group, d the ministers, judges, and officers of tbe court. The first impression made by tbe Emperor l a distinctly pies ing ore. Hi face i full f ii.trlli- geuco and Li luaniit r are thoe l a gentleman no less than of a king. He htU in Orieiital fashion, his legs crossed aod hit arms sus tained by two cubinn. He wears as outergarment a red velvet mantle, which affords glimpses of a snowy white under clothing, and about his head is wound a white handkerchief. Dia mond eardrops, hang at either check', and both hands are adorn ed with rings. To converse with the stranger he makes use of his private secre tary, who isalfchis interpieter, since he speaks no other langua ges than those of Aby?inia. Some acraps of French he can, upon occasion, employ apropos, and to an EnglifchspeakiLg person be will as a compliment, eay a "bowdo.' The Emperor's thirst for infor mation is phenomenal, and hia knowledge of other countries ia more considerable than one might Imagine from tbe meager sources at his disposal. He can diecoure ud the United States' recent war with Spain, and more umtuari'y on tbe war of independence with Great Britain. The Empress Tattu rarely or cever assists at the reception of visitors, unless a Hue publin cere mony is involved absolutely re quiring her presence. She is said to be a woman of great force of character, and to have been in her vouth ol rtriking beauty. 45he is now foity-seven years of age. and is thu daughter ol former lias of God Jar and one of th legend-try princesses of the absorbed Kingdom of fi;emeo,the inhabitants of which aro reputed for their whiuskinp. Several times married previously, she became tna wife of Menelik in 1SS3. They have no children. Menelik calls bimseli "The Lion of the Tribe of Jndab. the Chosen of the Lord. Kiog of' Kings of Ethiopia.' Independent Co toTb State Fair. The Virsioia Slate fair A'P at ion wbbbwaaorgmnlmHa Kirb- uootl aUMit ajcwr a-o. w bold iu tirst annua! atat fair lloniog O toWr!, thedslra Wt the 9, to, II, r- and l.l. Ihiritig the mrhu of the fair the Ricb&ood llor- Hhuw will be io full awf tig, pt. wing virtuaily a rminival wek. i'rvparaUon for this taunrot ous rvrnt are procrJog with rapidity and t borough oce whf;h ill mark it as the BtH-t and mo-it thorough eblbiU6o of Ibe kind ever attempt! wilhta tie etate of Virginia. The lVard 4 Managers and various eomnittas are working to tbe rod thai lb highest state of rxctTleor will pnrYail dorlng the fair. The work of LuHdlng the track. expition bulldint, anl bewutity- iK the grounds U prgTrlog rap idly. The DrrtarUnewt of PoUini haa au extensive adtrrUaUg tin feign well under way and Uut will U pa.hrd until the opeoing of the fair. It la now time for the etbiUtor to brllr tltnrlf and arrange fcf r pace for the prvrr ettdotiatloo of hK warr-4. Itearrar of prpei- tty now gmerwi tbrougboot the country !Uts with aagtarwUd force in the UU a of Vlrgla a aod North Carolina m toiiie aor an e that large and reprrtativt crowds will ttit Richmond dor ins the fair and horn show ek. As ao itrtn of adrertiAing it UccrUia that lhoe who are fortaaatc eoough to acrare spare ajd ribib- itat tbe fair will rrrrive bac2U there from which will prove laal log. The people f Virginia want to know what tbe people ran do and It la time of all lime to Uod shoulder to shoulder and by a de termined effort ahow to the world at large w hat gold mine lie Io the resource of tbe Old Iomlnkw. - As a general live stock, exhibit. w bleb include cattle, sheep, aod wine, poultry, .plgro, etc., la die' artistic needle work and art id U the be the bt exhibition ever at tempted In Virginia. Thirty-five thousand dollar U no small aunt tf more) ; and to oi ler to rive away such aa amount Io premiums is a little bit astoun ding. Neverthelew that amount will be distributed to winners of rwarda, rarea. etc Thla large aum ol mopey and the Urge prealatt aaare the lCia every depart meat, and on the race coare will I seen the crack racer from the bet stable io the I Ait, trotter. runner, steeple cbaorr. ThU w another guaraiteef !rge attend a ore. What Virginian, or what luau ol aoy atale lur thai matter. does not feel but Uowf tingle to aer the bunch to the stretch, or watch them flaxh under the wire neck tod neck at the crack of the pU tol. tr.OOQ.tM) will bedUtrtbuted among the winner of the turf event alone. . Tbe special feature, uftdoor attraction, etc., w ill be of the get nine Old Mrgiola variety. There will 1 do lack of amnemet. To the fun of the rld time fair will be added the newer feature of mod ern exposition fuo and lots of it for every ene. The exhibitors who have decid ed and thoe who coo tetn plate tending exhibits of any kind U the fair should communicate with the avucia tion at once. The time U shorl and the demand for spare heavy. A Ud retail communication re lating to exhibit, or Ur informa tion cf sty kind to the- Virginia State Fair 'Avocialioo. tloc) Kicbmoud, vs. . .rCf .-.--V v' ' 1 C HCX MMfliKl'rt-M'taeatif, p'oaala ! fM r-. Whether tnc weather It ckar ce dwiuff. t cv he ce cmu. u t a-4 ta t C LuA; i abased x5 Lucas Paints TWyr hmm4 . T?1 '' fMM a4 aa aifa ta ( WMa 4 Oca. ?ha fuacas A Cm rwAaaVaO 4 Ixtllt'irvf ie t 4 f !. t t -: r rr d w ;l a .1 I f m , UftH. y,m V ' k m" u t M aa-f mm ,!. CsJ sraa r-f-- wring j M. Ao ! - ! tw etttt l Stealing -e lava mI.i dvv ipt r-t w (W ttk p't! !. wLWw r-M :6t i.i-.T k- ii 1 e-NN-a'r , .e , g,.f , r'fl. lb m ,i -a -l.r-e.f ! nf ll-. ,( tMi ; !! k i.l I a ll Xali ! , ' TteCluiloileObseiver TUU'iii'lti Ini;r;t? It f. C iz aocial- rv.llllral aemt. r,n drCfipUoo. IhU V f - " - - - ai -www mv w vie none of them will prove taore dif ficult of solution than that of lalmr. What need to be done is to ui-t'.e labor honorable whete it hs been htld in disrepute. This is to overcame ingrained prrja dices a task for a Heresies. Mr. Fowles' recent book, "Down ia Porto ltlco pictures the condi tion of jabor a it Is ia the island today. ' To cany a package on the street is indicative either of poverty or 01 lack: 01 breeding. A family must be very poor if lut-y cioot auoiii eeral M-r- juta. To do any kud of bu woik cannot be considered t-y tbe "lady uf tbe house.11 hhe sits Io the l-arlor, dressed io loose gar menU, and spends unch of tie day io idly rocking to soJ fro Io a rocking rhsir. Wbeo she goes out shopping, either she la so- c?mpnied by a servant wbo car rlrs her small purchases, or she hires a loy to carry thm far her. If she is so poor that she mu-t do some klbd of work, tbe fact most be carefully concealed from her neighbor. Among the men there is tbe same contempt for manual lalor. Tbe merchants must of iwcesalty !e buie men, bat they are very careful not to degrade themselves by dolog any kind of common labor. They object to performing work that can be done by so em ploye. Business men do not carry bundles home si night. They se! dom lend a hand when some little mishap occurs, or when repairs are needed. They are gentlemen, and menial tasks are lor common t. The same spirit 1. shown ooCf fmctUatthlU hore how week, lha nts.avSsiektsi U Ksfi a mlflHilMiV I ... . w YS vwasvaw we ay a is sent for, ae uua'Iv eome st tended bv bis man. Ills business 1 to tell H e man what to do. white be htmU s'sods by sod wstches him. Tbe farmer doesn't go out to work upon his farm, lie mounts a hore and rides ruund, telling his laborers what wotk must be done. Ask a common laborer to carry your haud-luggsge to tbe boat or to the statioo, aod very likely he will come at the appointed hour with a colored bov. whom he orders to take up the load and carry it, while he himself receives the money an j wa'k by tbe side of the boj. Youth s Companion JU tU Scania tf th mi tt . of Ike baltt brrHav-a lliar.i problem for raotket tn avilte. Too many yotU fl n.i'l to give ad v ire bius iLi Ktef abd tta doS tacr Iro race" 1 advice ssarty liii! tcwettsar laid away in gtstr. we - - wu ihtrtkre tuA. torIv, veutere wpo och dargvnwa CTwaad, but we wil, oavr? oba lithe alitect who b,t ave4 Ibe live of Ijlk Ub.r io siegle etty. coctro;'4arv tell u that lb Ktrt of health of llocheater, N. Y ha mtAm a remarabla rtrord. I'l&ta IM4Ia lX. l.WJ habits Btder rLa vrar rM Ud la iLxktster drlt He OO tta of Jalr ax.d A r -e.t Tn th tsm rontL liAtm ti.T i i ! Vtt cn - a'rr TV 0wve f-t -'It a J te ft J It m4 r 1 t2 1 .. m lt. It It ; anrae mi-, t. t, w t , , a ik-aa t : - . mi. hlx:t otrj;vi;u wt(aM4 ewe .,.1 k.imCl act! M U a't t "-, tin; 1 vi u i ki. tSiz t vm tl lKii. ei Jf rtr )r. it U'c i rr l u av lii ea-at. re-- vt l I '0 t ?. 4 f-"ala a 4 lU aaa tt Ibe - ir . 9leie. g'aa.kI. aal !o. if. AJ!-e. Tin: obsi.uvi:i: uk Chrir.N.t. AiUKP.AliE AL11 ftlcr at! Iy vtrtfce cf tie fatr ro&Ulfcct ia a eita aa vt Cacedrao eterwfM bf U 4e If . Ac !(: IjfcaD. ACw. i t'e. I t lle K rmm. , 11-,., I . . , . - t . , . ,m 34 tly rl Jat.e. 1j-C, JIr r -e-tered i IV-rk -A, page 1?. Klre cce&W Igt:rr, la. asCr ag4 wtd trf lor atW la Urn highrat b24er for rath, at pw a ac tio, at the Crt IIoxe Lor ia TarVir oa Motltv, SrjL !0:h, 15 -C. at 12o'cJk a .liefvLow. iZ deamla4 p J, ! . Ttal earlaia Ut cr r-arr of Isai ijiag la I Li ioti Tro -. i. '-ft r- , .;, ... . I ike- I I ,tn m. , I . . . .(1,1 ljS ovlt TCI Ul .t Ibe p potalKM) at IL ltt da v lU. 1. .. Dr. Geo, W. Ck4rr. IU II Era. ter health cflorr, llerfore l lecnaof the few ii-Ltfa:ir qualified to give s.tloe aa t&a care of a baby. And here it : -Give it rare a'r. dav a&J tight. ' "Givaltuo txxltnt ta-lLf'a milk, milk from tal dirertrd by tlerhjaicas. -Whever it rti cr is fr4ft I W i f'l 1 k I t-ite, it tie. Be Sar lh.t ll rU tLi.g ! . wiw uf ui ; 1 , gjli :-w w t mm w - , , ly, txtA hrt e-K I w"ty fet Crft-rieg. Ib-ai 0 II. i Ualbe tl io a labeteir dtjr. Dot La&d'e i: te e It II oc h baa Weodate lo Iwl eUr lathe war of e:Uikii:? per milk atatiot sod Itvpect'Cg aed rrgwlalisg rvv iltblet. Dal Dr. OoJerctWflv attribatrw Ice redact loo la the death ra'e to Ike fadlhal tteae aiarle valaa have b-eo teaaetraaly dir. D 4 lh" the rare tf Ilotbrater lAuthti. lie aphis New SrimlUr. lUk trfutdifatr la t il etul ot kawtrnj atl f lie .i ! uf M Nu, 9 I! . ltd rflM .Nj. 'j it iM X. . ttea wl'h ti . I lota M aaa hi tx the EdgeeoatW H'Gied Jk Laaw AtiUa by JJ. a. CrtM, S!. & Trtaa. G.IUaO A UiHUta. Alt. snd the Klcbmood Horse Show I unquestionably tbe great ct aocial event of the sevm beside being upon a scale ef arbitocrsUc ele gaoce that compare favorably 1th the big New York Horse Show. Ia the hore show alone. hlch will be the gTtxt night at traction, the fine 1 show boraee. bsrnexs and saddle and the finest equipment of vehicle and a ties have already been entered for the fmoul!icb mood Horse Show. Ia the seaAOo pt, the Rich mood Horse chow ban rapped the plans cle of sncrcwe sod tl will be betler than ever this year. cheaper abroad than at home, but points ero gained whereby we will they can't deny that Uncle Sam has try to profit. V e wish" to heartily hniKrht, 20.000 barrels of cement kR7 PAnt a barrel cheaper abroad than here The nephews of Uncle Samara forced by the tariff to buv American cement at the price the trust charges, or pay W per cent tariff tax to protect the trust. - -o Beantba Bigaatinw Ittt Hind Yoa Ha Always Boctfl thank them all for so enjoyable a day. L. M, B. in Rocky Mount Recoid. Try a little Kodol For Dyspep sia after your meals. Many stom achs are overworked to the point where they refuse to go further. Kodol digests your food and gives vour stomach the rests it needs, while its reconstructive properties la Meir Dafaaaa Major Hamm editor aod manager of the Cous-tituliOiialict, Emioence, Ky., when be was fiercely attached foar yeira ago. by Pilea, bought box of uucltlen a Arnica oaive, oi which be sayc: "It cored me io ten days and no trouble since.' Q lickest healer of Burns, Soie-, Cuts and Wounds 2."o at Staton & Zoeller's drug stoie. Does evil still, your wbolelife fill! loes woe betide! Yonr thoughts abide on suiddet rkaaital Slaaaa aggeate. Editor South tax er: I would like to suggest through vour columus the deairabdity of hangiog the name of oar itaid o!l Tarboro to some more uphonou, mtra sppropriate and more modrrn name. 'Tarboro would imrly. that this was a place in which tar was leading a article ef eomovrc. Such is not the case, and has not been for the past fifty or seTeoty fivs jesrs. Would not s change of name to something ioJicative of our efforts io manofactariog be an incentive to increased efforts in io that line? Woald it not hslp to infnie new life into the "old town" 1 hope yoa will invite aa itha llgsataia ,J3T You need a pill! fret the stomach back into working Now for prose and facts DeWitt's order. Kodol relieves flatulence, j Little Early Risers are the most .expression of opinion aloog this annr stomach, rilpitation of the pleasant and reliable pills known 'line. fht Kind Yna Hay Always EXfM I v.t - Iwal.liinrr ff!. Sold IV li. tm fcfMlaV. ThCV neVCT CTine. bold I ClTIZZir. . mr 1 unu l . . 1 j v o 1 1 . . m m friS Jj. Cook. - liy E L 9k; . Soexestiorij are la ordsrEd.) will tsfi Us Democrscj er jtztt- Tt Utrt I 1. With thl year CapL Ja. B. Llotd will leave u and make his hmeli Lincoln. llUooia, where he will engage la joiraaliamt aa Iatloa for which he 1 well fitted sod lo wbirh hedrlijthta. He ha parcbasrd a half Interest ia the Tlmcf'tAmrier, a daily asd aeml weekly paper with a large cUcnl. Hon. I'spt. Lloyd will about January 10th astarue editorial charge of the pat-er. The presaot editor who sell hi interest, re tire txraus of hi health. . Ths Southerner. hil eincerelt rerrtttiog the loas wb;ch this rox munttv and thu editor w i.l stlaio by CspL Llvjd departere, mFi heartily wUha him every soccer and corgratnlatc tt people cf Lincoln apra the raUtiioa ef clever a gentleman as there U oo th foot Cool. The Tlmaa-Coariar i a Demo cratic paper and the Democrats cf Lor a and orroondieg coca tie ete)l tmmm" rf - JThelao rty citfo Tharlay evening ,by the Daaghtrr cf the Coafederary fr the beaefit 4 the tnnd, waaagrtat ur.-rw aate la one rtl;cuur. the rvfrrhmetta did not maal the t!ctua.t I. H.k- orM and a ararvily cf oV a racd aotnewbat cf a shortage. !tt the dtma?d waa ftroesgrr thaa tro IhU. The I". D. C. fx caacb gratliWd at the malt. bwlwUhthal con ditions had tero acch thai rare money could hate Ura torted over to tteir fneo!. the bavad. With the drawback, however. there were some 1 40 arrataolated daring the evening, fW which tie bead boj are more thaa rr!e-fuL Cot Lett. tttroa ftcTiia: 1 Doilce yea gite Cgarr of d - pcutary vote la vvhitaaet ca fcto lnt. They tto not give to ce to the true aenttreeot of Ihe legal voters ef the Iowa. That ertoa was coadaetrt oa tartia llo lipenary had no tr-rrettUUt st the pou. iau nh'p ttia rid (a I'sroadaf. The axlrvo tilompht, butwasevia Ularaph to feel proud cf. It dot not aegor well fur Whluket'a faUre. M. J. iUrrttc WhlUke, Aag. ?lh Pie Sowtheroer pr 7c r ita coo doleoce to friend lU:t over the refoaal of two third of tte uc4.n to pcrtait him U leexiciea JUat stockholder ia a barroom. tot a mtprr t iLvit trjp.' AT QUE TIME a lt Mx!irt wa kltd upMi as a totart. NOW . THE TIME ha fce w bra Ihry feh k nl apott aaa umtAnlr rr. ty l 4 ructftirft. e have the avtsry Ut I rt &lc. 11 KW Itgtit tan W r tale grvat pwre iw aragJ,ssg weekly t-e rut'y patavrafaia way lb l .l tfvt a ri r.vct.w::i to the parvhar. 1.L8J.1 Kara ite IVa!er. la era! IH reefer aad lallara. rf I'rwe-a tTr ll Tv-t lUght I:.!it ym nbi n r'.a U aare forrrt It Yorit I AMILII.H wmi TOllI.. lit iRt laiUlw son itasccxlj dr4c4 zi pc.iUd oat. AllUTt'o I kk Spisg W!ee ',U Ul ihlTul and a ktdwei care. FSI-Clfl-BOnUHG WDRIS l'M-fM' I l'. V.zZ.Ia Lie frtg fUgr Ate ipac Ihe ip-rttd. Try It. I PA XI N0L. IA!E Psr 34k al Create I'Uv4 w CI i kece ilair ov!rs la ihoce No. XH. t I 9 I i