V. r - . i Ys?Yxrr m aw i r . i . BE STJRK YOU Aiifc: RIGHT; THEN GO AttHlAJb.-JD Crockett. 1 XmThiiYSrJI fill HnilTrTiYrSr ni'm 111 fvi VV mVAVA . A YrrT 1 i r , v ui 1 1 . n I, ; v " 'i . "" "' , 1 1 i . 1 1 I, i i - - - ' ... VOI- 84. NO. 34. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, AUQUST 23. 1906. tISlAI!USIi!; IS". H OLD ADAGE '' AYS- a. " A lisht purse is a heavy curse" 5ickncss makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. e! 9 nil no go te the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely ,' rstwre the action of the ! LIVER to normal condition. $ tone to the system and ;d flesh to the body. le No Substitute. V Ail. !, K A XD UXDEIl- ;.ki:u. LF ! .. v fledges' Stables ; vo. X. C. :i (.TLLEY. BARBER, TARBORO. N. G h.C.A. WHITEHEAD, 4 Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. ours w to i ana z to & bet fc.D0- WILLIAMS, eon Dentist. ilr us Oxide and Oxyeu Gas -: i ia the extraction of teeth R30:-:O .N. C. Yi. XOR FLEET Attorney at Law -:-. Xorfleet Bldg, W. St. i!ue Street, Tarboro, X. C. TNS. F. 8. SPRUILL, J. P. BCVV Mi. i Louisbnre Fockvilt. BUXN.SPRUILL.& BUNN, s-at La-.v, Rocky Mount, N. C priC-ice hereafter in all the tozns - t fJirecombe countv. Contractor and Builder. k act! Heavy Work Solicited. Iimates Promptly Furnished. LTD. JESKTSti Ptvsician and Surgeon, boro, N. C. 'Phone No. 166. .THAN WILLIAMS, lon-onal Artist and Hir sui Decorator. door? from Bank o' Tarboio li. JAMES, Cottmctor and Builder lyrboro, X. C. ir.'l specifications carefulli 'promptly prepared WIN 1-'. FEXXER, YIUAX AXD SERGEOX u I'lAhtly occupied by R. G. Alisbrook, Esq. iTP.KiJcS.i VtrS !f4iR3ANKSj MX Dor ttwLy, On July 11th began what is called dog days. Tradition and superstition has it that if it rains on the first doe day it will rain every day for forty days as long as dog days last. It rained the first dog day and it has rained nearly every day sicce. The last dog day is August 20th, so we rnay expect a shower every day till that time. Dog days are so called for the dog star Sirius and their duration continues during the forty days wnen that star is above the hori xon with the uru The Vision: of tbe star is supposed to be the per iod of most intense " heat of the season and during the continua tion of doe davs diseases and wounds are supposed to be more dainful. We are told that during thin period snakes go blind and become more vicious and that the dog's bite is more severe. j.ne ancient astronomers re cord their dog days twenty before the rising of the star and twenty afterwards. It is claimed that it is by accident that the dog days coincide with tbe hottest ee&soD of the year. It is claimed by scien tists that dog days come later and later each year and that in time they will come in the dead of winter. -Ex. Regulating Railroads., The Canadians have gone along way ahead of this country in regulating railroads, the Canadian Commission having been granted all the power necessary to pre vent nnjust discrimination or ex - htortionate rates. One of the great retorms the' Canadians have ar concplished is the prevention of stock watering, so that, the people shall not be made to pt.y tribute on bogus stock as the people of the United States are compelled to do. Our Harriraans, and Hor gans, and Vanderbilts, and 3as 8atts and the other manipula.loi! that have issued fictitious stcclc from their Wall Street dens mi-st be made to disgorge. The rai ' road question like the Trust anl Tariff issue will never be t Jd. until justice is done and w tidy jujJt tmexed the oxuiug wedge on regulating the great highways of the nation. As Caod m Aesop's Fables. Here is a -paragraph worth, reading: "During the campaign in Iowa the railroads were so in temper ately eager to defeat Governor Cummins that they circulated the statement that the Governor had not increased their assessments us he had increased the assessments of farm property. It was the worst case of bitting oflf one's nose to spite ore's face that could be im agined. They did not beat the Governor, and now he and' the executive council have taken their own word lor it and added $4, 000,000 to their assessed valuation so that they will pay neatly ?150 000 a year for the idiocy of accus ing him of partiality to them selves." Is there anything better in' Aesop's stories than in this chap ter of Iowa politics? Louisville Courier- Journal . m D6 m SksrmCaTs) flsVttv lb6 i jii ill The larmeis can haidly approve the republican stand pat program, when they liud tbe price of wheat, oats, corn and cotton declaring and the cost of all they hny rap idly advancing. Where doe the boasted protection to agriculture come in under the pret-ent pro tective tariff and how are farmers protected, although the tariff law provides that 2 cents a busbd on -m IB wneat ana lo cents a bushel on oats be collected on miportsf The price of wheat i now lower than it has been for tea years or since the present tariff law was enacted in August 18U7. Those farmers, who are Repub lican?, should demand of their "ataLdpat leaders a fair deal, and if the Agricultural machinery trust, the barbed wire coml-ine, the lumber association and tbe clothing trusts, are to btill be protected by the tarifT in charg ing exorbitant prices for their products, that sum method of raising thn price of cereals and keeping them stable should oficet trust high price. . The faef i. however, that no tariff cat piotect the farmer on Lis prodwtr, of which tbe snr- pjns trust be sold abroad, as to piis.paid by t're foreigners for thai FSrpcs fixes the prie here. Tfi'ft oaly relief the farmer can "tix ivo ia to be able to buy in the fciiCipCist market and this he can nav&r db as long as the trust, that coLtrol all he buys, are pro tected by the tariff from couipeti tton. It i plain therefore that the farmer who votes for a repub lican congressman and for repub lieao candidates for tbe legisU ture, who in turn will elect repul- lican senators, is voting to con tinue the protection to the trusti and for high prices, with no pro tection to help the price of bis own products. The Valscsl lb Tsad. There comes to our table a val uable pamphlet bv A. II. Kirk land, M. 2S., Assistant Entomolo gist of our Mass. Gypsy Moth tunmittee, which for the Wnefit of farnKs ;ui'l nth?; tells how i he tiaa is;: wouderfully nsfi creator?, about "0 pt cent, of its food being of insects and other animals directly injurious to crops or in other ways obnoxious to man. - . e wrJl remember 'when in Paris nvaoy ears ago to have seen in shop windows collections of toads for sale, to le ued in house, kitchens and elsewhere for the destruction of insects. Our Da nil Animl. The Alga r the Cross l HmssIsw Tbe Russian is cjoing him self all day long. When he first comes forth iu the open air in tbe morning, if no church Ih in ighl from bin own door, he lit-t)S for thf first Muud of fume bell, then, tcruui! towMids it, ctokm- him self widi great fervor to ensure a blessing on tbe undertaking oi the day. He crosses himself ttefore and after each -taeal. Whu you Duke a bargain with hii he cro-.ise himself that it may proa per When the peasant who is to drive you takes tbe reins in hi hand, Lc crosMea himself tokep away accidents; and eveiy He pie he passes get the same mark of renpect. Sometimes th edifice thus saluted is so far off that tbe stranger wondeis at lheriuickne ebowu lu ucoverm it, and is olteu at a Iohh to decern ti.e di- taut hamlet - where it staud. In like manner, the person o.ttiug beside you in any public convey ance cio--ses himself evtry lime you start with new hones. If von give h child a piece of money, its little hand is up in a moment to make the Siira of the Cross, bv way of Mesiii'g and thanking jou. o ltussian ever pkch a church without pausing wLeo heccmes opposite its centre to make thf oigu of the Cress. It it not alone the grave and the Kg- d who pans at these place, but nI.o tbe giJdy und young. You have just seen some gray haired general do it but wait one minute; a laughta? hand of youngsters are coming up. .Now they are opposite the church or tbe shrine their mirth and their talk have ceased curb cros ses himself devoutly utters prayer or two you tee tbe lips moymg then pass irravely on. the laugh and the iet bring rr sumed only when they are some way ou- far is this crossing custom cirrieu, mat wnen a Kubsian en ters your room he cannot say "Good tnoraiuc' till h has crow ed himself ut the Savior's picture-. A man in any public way, such as au innkeeper, must alwas have a picture h'jog in his owu tartmL inaUiitioii to that in th pii'-lie room, to wu'.cu earn ikUMian turns before he hits down to est. Bremner's 'Excursions in the Interior of Kussia.' rw.Taekof All Trades pump -ha wood, cut feed and do n '' th'it a ;ood reliable uiif Knijie can do for you. A the. askini. I seU u''!i machiuerv fof cash or rl B. A. ZOELLER. I Carolina Ry. Northbouna . , ' i hup Table lBt 1st Class Class . ' Kil-ci Sun- 50 52 ' , i. -". Mix. Pass. a. m. : .oris: v 1 1 if, p. I". Ar 540 5 25 5 10 , 4 45 4 35 4 15 A 50 3 48 3 40 H AO Lv 3 25 11 25 11 15 11 05 10 56 10 45 1030 10 12 10 10 10 06 55 935 ' -''Mil Hi k only on Tuesday, ive from St. James i r K. C. Junction. tit of No. 1 Section - iroin Uavtstown and -'op at station at Da. . r. i,. No. 48 connc ' hen iciiuested to do N I ARK RH I DORRS THE NORTH CAROLINA , OF AGRICULTURE AND MEGHAN ARTS. r ''lc; , ''ilun ' eilucation in Agri- Hiigineering,Iudns i'Tiiistry, and tbe Ait. H-SS PRESIDENT WINSTON, ir aAi.Kiuir, n. Hall, no doubt was not the only lyncher at Salisbury, but he was the only one who had too muchi month. His punishment is ther fore just. With a moderate' tariff, tlhe Canadian foreign trade has in creased $82,000,000 during the. past year over the year previous-. How do our high protectionist account for it? The Bugar Trust has been caugit ' rebatin ' in league with the raoT- roads and the general auditor e-f the tiust has Wen compelled W the court to produce certain book.- and documents, which he had de clined to furnish to the ;rrand jury. But under the iiikms anti- rebate law, the railroad officials will escape imprisonment, if con victed. If these reports , from, the Isle of Pines of persecution x( Ameri can citizens by the Cuban officials are one half true, there is good reason for shaking the "big stick" in that direction and if the Administration refuses to protect Americans from abuse, for rea sons of state ' the American peo 4 , Ml ' . , . I pie win soon wane to Know tne reason why. . The people, of course are anx ious for the regulating ot rail road and express rates to begin, but there can be no objection to the decision of the interstate Commerce Commission to give the corporations reasonable time to prepare their schedule of rates. It's a big job, no doubt, and upon those schedules - all future work will be predicated so a little delay may make greater hsste here after. ' In Self Defense Major Hamm editor andpaftfager of the Constitutionalist, Efrpf e, Ky., when he was fiercelyattaitfrd four yers ago, by Piles, houghfLa box of Bucklen's ArniaKal.' fit' which he says: "It lured niVinl ten days and no trofble' iidce.'' Quickest healer of Bnrns.f Sores, Cuts and Wounds 2$a at Statont I Zoeller's drng store.V . .."" New Cook Madame, I se you paint. I'll teach you cocking if jou will teach me to paint, Lus tigeWelt. Howell You shouldn't run for a -street car; it's bad for yocr be&rt. JPowell Worse than that; it's bad for my fountain pen. Wo dk&k's Home Compauion. 1i is said that John D. Rceke r eller would give much for a few I tiod'ords from a fellow-citizen." Would he, indeed? Well, now, how much? Louisville Courier JourmaL "Say, r.-aw," queried little Tom my Toddles, "who are tho city authorities.? 'Thecit' authoritiee, my son," replied Tod. les, Sr., "are oCiciaU who claim t o have no autbortly when the dea.p public wants some thing done."- -Chicago Jsews. Husband (w 'o makes a .ste-ial ty of roanuiain uring excusei.) ee vou. mv ItA'-e. truth is bound to leak out HOinetime. Wife Yes. and I am inclined to think it .VaXed out of you long ago Pele lt le. De style Has any of your fim ilv eoue avrav for tht Summer? Gnn'.instii Onlv the cook. Wom m's Home CorrpaDlon for August. T fpel that things in this country te not right." i'Forge-t it. That's pessimism "Bnt T Tronose to prove it.'' "Horrors, man, that's muck liladelphia Bulletin. . dam A Harltrlar An old frieid writes: "Adam was no bachelor. Adam was i twiu. In the first chapter of Gen w eis read: 'iiod created man in his own image, in the image o God created be him; male n1 Iruinte tri-.tted l-c tm-tu. A God blesved I hem. and God suUt unto them. Be tbe evening and tbe multiply. And tho evening and tbe morning were the sixth day. Of course whtt appear in tbe Loit chapter is another story." New York Press. UtS'lWllSt, A recent nnmbr of Medical IV k haa an article on tbaaril physical fTecia of 'whlDlBif. Coniplaluta, sat the vnUr, r nnaily maiie Q the minor ker. This uoauiooy riaps tbe voci cnnls, taxea naval retve and musoles that bboulJ not hm r.jogbt Into play at all in speak ing, abd tends to shallow; uoevro breathing. The wbiner, too, is al most without exception a mote or ess mie, ir person Tbe habit of whloiog itself Uods to sap ini- tiatire impaieanu iocreae pbir roatic teudeociea. Ilabttnsl wblo- ug, not healthy, vigorous fault finding where fault really exist, but the helplesa, futde romplaia- ing or a tiow nature too indo. Int to make any effort to right the causes of complaint, has a detioite deleterious physical effect on the whole cocatitotioo. Add to this tbe fact that eteroal fsult finding i more than likely to wear out tbe ftUubcbet friendship, and lake the light rora the loveliest countenance, and the fall effect of this insidious and ptevaleot habit will l better aopreciated., "Get tbe whine out of yoor voice or it will stop tbe develop ment and growth oryoart-odi. It will narrow snd ahriak yoor mind. It will drive away your friend; it will make jou unpopu lar, tjmt yoor whirling; brae op; go to work; be aometblof; stand for something; fill yoor place In the universe. Instead of wblnloe around, exciting only plfr and contempt, face about aod make sornetbingof yourself. Beach op to the stature of a strong, ennobl ing manhood, to tbe beauty aod strength of a superb womanhood. There is no bice tbe matter with you. Just quit your whining and go to worn. ASystem for Keeping Young. valient in a sMtntuary" writrai Harriet Martin io tho New JJr Woman taxa.ib( fvtik-ptrtolr, j 'of a number of rult- that ro Mr I A F-smhfMl tf, It is related by Professor Bell that, when a friend of his was traveling abroad, be one morning took out his purse to pee if it con tained sufficient change fvr a day's jaunt he intended making. He departed from his lodgings, leav ing a trusted dog behind. When he dined, he took out hU purse to pay, and found he had lost a gold coin from it. Oa returning horne i-j tbe evening, his servant in formed him that ihe dog seemed -to be very ill as they couiu not :inducehim toat anytnmg. ne went at once to bis favorite, and :as soon as he entered the room, the faithful creature ran to hiiu, deposited the goM coin at his -ess, devoured-the food placed prevailioi dircv for htm. The trntk lm that l lion of the uintljl as reported by -FtZ hIS 1 Col Zoeller, was Fonlh. inn muruiui;' mu-c ICsissIn .It lslf. Observers of tbe West were somewhat surprised tht the dis solution of the Douma was not im mediately followed ly a populr upripiog or an immediate panic in Russian securities. They forgot that BuiUau agricultural con tinent rtbir than a kicgdom; that its capi'.al is fettered in bond of steel, that its swiltest means of internal communication are in tbe bands of tbe government aloue. and that, with its Douma op pressed, its ieopIe, tbe peasantry ehpccially, have no organ through which their united will can be expressed From the moment of tbeconvo tiou of tbe Sub s-Geueral the peo ple of France were never without mouth, and until the "brocze artilleiy filieer" ahotdoyu the "sectious," they wtre never with out an "army nl revolution.' The Ilnssiin nation moves heavily aod may tke eais before its general will is ttlective, its inoveiwent being that of the glacier ratber than tbe avalaLCbe. Still, it is moving. Jnlf Utsihrr . The raiufall for July, according to tbe State Weather Unieau was very unevculy distributed. Xear Battleboto on the 'ool Spring farm, the precipitation was 8..VJ inches; here it was 6.f:t or qtiarterof an inch more thau the average, The rainfall at the following llaccs vtoa exceptionally heavy as will le readily perceived, rhcn it is lemembered that the average for the State is almut six inches: jEdenton, 16. IS; Goldsboro, 12.67; Greenville, 16.:iJ; New IW-rn, 11.- D0; Snow Hill, 11 "6; Washington, 14.."4;SeIma, 17. 15. The temperature was a degree and a half U-low the normal for the State. fere it was Ix'low. The warmest day here was !. on Jul) 1st; tbe lowest was 61 on Mb. The mean temierature here for llr ( Hair. I)on"t use a comb to spread th pompadour by pulling tbe hair forward over the forehead. Don't comb tbe hair from the forehead over backward when arranging to brush it. If the hair b Ion tr and heavy tbe Strslo eou.f on fbe front hair ltb each stroke ot the broh. If tbey do not fracture and fall out at once, tbey become loosened io tbe follicle, kiok op, aod drop oot Uter. Avoid vigorous brushlor; bear in mind that one hair oo the head is worth two io the brush. Don't ue curlers or kids daricg sleeping hours. Dou't grasp the front hair by t r"m or eons and ronjh tin rd from Points to root. -rourl. ai it in order to ttakeafull. roiod pompadour. This nee'Irts abase destioys life and lost re. tract a res tbe hair abaft, renders it anotty, aod produces a fronipy. aged appearance. Doo t nte face bleach without first ptotcctlog tbe hair lioe by saturating tbe short hair with sweet almond or conooot oil. Dou't scrub tbe Lair lioe with a facial brash; pio a small lowel over tbe hair before yoo com me nee operaliots with a facial brash. Don't rob facial cream ioto tl hair lioe when osiog it oo tbe face, as it fills the follicles with fattj substance and prevents pro per ifiowth. I'ou t use strong alkalies to lighten tbe color, or shampoo too frequently to keep the hair floffr. Don't linger on tbe beach alter bathing and allow the salt to dry io tbe hair. Don't take everybody's advice and do all sorts of tbioga to yoor hair and scalp Juliet Marion Lcinibe September Delioeator, kerp the boiot, the mut lsrauli ful, tbe plaitwM, the eVterrM, j the stopidrol woman ng all her life: Llavc acunriou deter ro (nation to. Vni rrt mentally; deU-rmioation t u- our trains, ( f-wor many atbeae may be, to devtlop them in eery jihle way, io order that )oar incrramg raenUlity aa the tars pavm may show lo yoor countenance; have a determination, hating drtcloprd yoor brains, so to them that yonr words a ad actions may br sensible ami therefore suitaUe to your that. of life, and that )oor drvxa may evidence a finer cf UU lo krrping with wur groeral gtod 'jndeot. . Hating tbn attendeil to tbe oalr part of your life over which oo really have the rwimn-ibillty, await evrot. orrer attempt to hurry them, re member lag that -thy fate Uborry- ingafUr tbef. The reasoo that o ruany ji&kea are made about wotuao's ace lie mainly io her strong dcTm!ert on her looks. Men. vaio as thrv are. are vain more of their atrength than anything tl. Strength does not fade as do womao's charms snrh s delicate Iauty and alcodernr of form. Sj the men getting oo io years ' hate the adrsntaset Ju,iaaMrf.aa wpmert io their looks fav-c aod figure and drev learn how to become rnurv, ratber tbao 1cm, attrartnr. the joking will ceae." Palnts. For inside and out Hctlrr far ev ry uv. Lufa-i Putmij s..rcaJ easier ant! go farther. They lock Utter anj trcarlon-cr. For thess reasons thej arc more exer.om ical ar4 far more satlv faaory than any other paint you can Luy. Ak-your dealer. John Lucas Cm uontt;t;r. t.v. tUt s-v t 1 tiitt. cf tt '" ! ry ... I . t.- I -t f..... -.e. ii i i'. I ti :, - ...,4Ma., a.-4 t J ,t. it ..f tr ,. I... . ", . . r C-.eo t , , - mt. Lt .. i:l Sj i, -!! . Mst. t!!r rr .. . j...,.r '". t t f .1 . ;a i" . ' 2 . 1 it m 1 1.' t . I "tt r! t. V f-'f4 et J.SB.1 Ij t j- ll .. e! 1st J t. Jf t . 4 Nr. Hi j j IW fJt 4 I t..e"a. t:t&t.iK Jsi lt. r -r- M ,Ni K, lb-t A Lynchlog Kolght E-raot . That tbe mob which lynched Xease Gillespie. John Gtllople and Jack Tjillinsbani at SalUlMiry was led by drtrrratnid tneo from count io other tbao lion an 1 be coming more apparent each day as all the facts are I ing brought to light. It is said that at sunrise, lour boors after the (inching, a a Urge gathering of riltnn, lo elodlug many ladies, had as-rra. bled at the scene and were' diro.s sing tbe incident, when good t . . a looiir.g iraigvr n i;j agnyiuas j Uschr aunvin--l lu the crowd: '-You ladles should cotne up and shale hands with us and thank oa for what we hate done fur j cur country. We came a long ditane to show oor determination to pro tect the fair ladic of the Und, aod vou are tbe rru!i of oor work.' When akol hU name tbe stranger rrtlied: ! Latent name.' Asked to where he kss was front he said: "I ara from everywhere, sod cameberv to right a wrong, and am goto g back.' No one will swear acslnt roe, he said, when Earned that he might be arrested for his sprwh. The 4ranrvr carried a large grip aod had a large follow log iu the crowd st that hour. Before lest tog the scene, the mjsterioot a'.rar-ger annotoced thai if ter errded again oo4er simkUr circamtlanccs he oo4l f U4ly come to Salisbury. With Ibis he walked tH and haa not been mxn since. Comic Opera. The SalUo ofSaltt." Ibro-mr opera that had rrl a s,n run on Itrnday. New Yolk. lt eaoo, i to 1 the icrtog at Ibe Optra ho, Sept. lab. Ii i famous for its prrtly grU. u rbtlhmlr masic sod I la row), and rvmrs hrraldrtl as ane of the mt enUrtainin- of the cirreM muicalrvmrlir. Msrtiue. Harriet Shrtdoo.AlUrt Si krs atd sod others of note w ill be ia Ihr company cvKoiog to the op-? hoft. all aAMrUtrl with the bit. iriui ni ii fi"ii t'be A?ricliT.rJ & t Coi-r aJsd dccrir.g it lo TW r.s)4 ml lk Trl4 of troubles that robbrd 11 Ii Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Is., of all u-efolnes. came wbeo be legao uking Llet tric Btttets. He writes: Two years ago Kikoey trouble caused me great "offering, which I would never have survived had I not takeo Klectrie Bitters. Tbey also cured me of General Debili ty.' Sore core for si! StoTiacb, Liver and Kidney complaint, Blood diseases. Headache, Dis zinesa and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Goaractted by Staton & Zoeller. :in pro- and kept it ia his - fc. t, rA.n'nr ven to eat lest he If the cotton yield is lu I- T . .'. nrnnrtT nortioti to the size of the weed . i.Mi ii incn ii i?s iiiantci w ii vk- j "L.2 tnnitv -waa afford- there will be a record" crop. But himto restore it.-Chambers big weeds and big crops -do not L TAnnol a W a awati vw-s v. Uss)rat4 ssua Crsait. The Foltoo Fire Co., colored, of thi place, returned Friday from Winston Salem, where they at tended tbe State Annual tourna ment 'sod convention. Fort man Lucas reports that all his members behaved themselves, sod the Winston papers commend the delegates from all parts of the State for their ordrrline aod excellent behavior. The Tarboro company ronld take no part in tbe contest for prices, having no truck. . a Jirssr !. "How to keep off periodio at ttcks of biliousness aod habitotl cooatipatioo was a mystery that Dr. King Xe Ll KIP Ald for me," writes John N. I'leaaaor, of Magnolia, Iod The only pills that are guaranteed to fire per fect satisfaction to evert body or money refunded. Oolj 25o at b talon k Zoellor'a drng stors. Farmers Alliaoce T twttit.ctb anasal rtrr! Fmcr ft- .-. snslcd on li:h Th ct:cf..icv Mm good, a cscoWr of rt,siu being rrprrwtal'l. Wr.:.iw ,. ftwKn ri led. tl? .- If, I'm r!OX rrcr4;r.g iwrrtury. Tie SnstKia! rvfrt short a t;ut tt diuon than in -ral j(. ui The elcctknt f cf.'-crs was 111 and George I. rrtttr, Ijrttt r in ! IC a f!oMta prrsdnt; X A. MA5 i'tr, . prrjjnt, tbe other o5tt l;tg r-lrctcd, iccUd.fJg T. It. P?"cr, crury sad irnrr: Jrhn t.rs ham, m t t r cf the rtoiiir m nine; t'Untct II. W. M,.f,.r rtUrt; 11. M. Cat-, iUi' , The mcMt j-oi t r.t tiAl.'-u a!cptol crratrd srnittt'l! IMU. It. Tt'r. John Gfs. ttsra and E. 11. Spsnrhl. i ,r"i na ir the leritlsier V 1,-.1 riD itle rf rm;6il rhtt t orgsmt tthr a raral r.-ih fUJ or afrKclloral hi;! kooJ l 11 tatstioo. tlw unothti ri-l t hm tQaId bt h:ie app.pk t na. the lie tieg l" b n-Kr t.i t htrh arboola with an ;fw-li- 'tor, or l hats- & of ra4 from tweh oir,", x-l !. tricL .nothrr rroa'o(. c Jn tl tsm of aav rt of lb fertd-itr tx for rvai psirT' r bar ws a t if f t tbe frtir for tL tdaatsok cj x hilars ia aty .:lr l.t tb.o thr ancnttorai. C bsat I si ! Swi . A foftatr rti Jeot of tho -! rrt stairs. rtorleg !unlif years to the orliiy of hts rirUet bntn, DOtrd tie follow ig dif eocr Fiat. The locality, frai tif cooiparatitflf toor arlcoliorai diMtirt with little of lh rutaf.ut ot lifr, had brrome a ptoaocTotr iodotrtal arcitoa lo which Ike laterd'pe&drbfw Krtsrera) fsrtaicg and maoofactortcg h d toa a source of tan teal proaprrtiy rWr-cd Whsrta fortaerty il i a ditLroIt coatUr to bofn mrey lor tM la Uraaiar. nsott- factoritgsod tcercLan-ln cr. ttr th orgaoitioo cf tals I Uc a4 assail towns h4 rrtifl Jo locreaslag the Uatkisg rcxe to sack aa tx'rat aa a r'l trtctf-rm the whole tnoeetsry rb ra-ir of it eotoaoMtt. Third. Farts Ug had c hatred from a credit bostcra to m naah bos osa with a ao-p'cs of rah deposited by the frtsr ( l be basts. 0S1 C Ma ( porr hasirg tnpplirs no ti&t froa Ibr erre'vaot at ftlc le. to lo loo rrcrtt. Libr. h t booht loreaobaa-I th etthar.t Coraprl"! rctily fo1 hl I tad. I north. TW tssorwc ifo ore of i It j r or racre hte XmKiii MmsIs. I rrsw"l m iu otr i,",fl c-i a Cores all Headache, NeoraJgls, I isTs Uf of lacal iyaac etc. IKxs not deprsm the heart. . , ' tif m L, ik- rn ersi pnocipU cf evmarsgtOaT h t ... Sst !( i tin, ar i. tin j -t Lsc DnJ t!f f.rf , l.tji.- ..f 1 .. i-h jbtr 'l-l N- -.. i-. . fT4 tacw i"S iw i.aM i f l-" 7 l lb- r .it;. 1'." .o' II'K ir-a.J . s rls bf M A. llt. 5kci. A Tca. . I 1st. A t:.! i. At.t'a. tt n m tit I lllll wm,U. AT ONE TIME a IV. I Mas It- was i. lri w;o a a (atari. NOW THE TIME has roa t rtt Ihrj atrt k cl u a ma aim '. ate t-t- ty la leal s-iN;.d (-o.vt. Ur hate Ike act-- Ut thr ma'.e. l"f - n-l.l U Ur lair gttat plaarr a ataiir wrvk'y or acx.thly at mrti ia a way list wj.J prote rtal amkx!t2M lothr porThar. Fari..iorr Iina:t, l'attal. I ttsfoTSS-tl la.!a!t(f. rtrms lrt- W';lTiv-al Uixht luihl Yw Uiili The t-Uu sjtr tl.-.' frxvf tt. Sialvt aiaat'a arst Stall make Ills now ss safe lo that city aaoo tbt higher episode. E. . Goodlor, wboteaides uo lottoo 8L, Io Waco, Tex tie-!s no sew wall for ssfet. tie writes: I bars used Dr. King's w Di. covery for Coosomptioa the past five years aod it keeps m well aod safe. Before that time I had a coo 2b which for5rs had bees crowing worse. Now it's gote.' Cores chronic Coogb,L Grippe, Croup, hooping congo aod preeot I'ctomoota. Ileaaaot to tain, t-tery bottle gnaratrevl at Ptatoo Ai ZorlJtr a drug store. rrico 50c s&d 1 1. Trial botUea frew Mr. Walstoo Appototed Clerk Jodge y. M. Cook has accept e the rrslgnstioo of iFl Ieoologtoa ss clerk of the Superior roart aod oppointed A. T. Walatoo, Dtrao- rrstie nominee for that poltioo. Judge Cook In hU It f.er, trans roltting tbe acceptatire of the re I gnat ion aad thr appointoieot wrote could lb for the public good thai It tnlsbt hate ecrotdt with yoor io.enrt that jouaboold conlioue io o.T.cr. As U b I wish oo well lo your t poit!oo The county roamiooers wil meet Monday torrcrite Mr. Wal stoo's official lnd ami Indoct him ioto oClce. 110 B WM The iib jr Bir tftH at I- -:.- - " liNt, l'1 I v. 't. U oa rasl.fa lVriiu-. UsL-.art cicar. H) t r at-ol rt.;(M W Irs.teis. taid ct t- Lai f.oai f to 12 rblh. U r,i W ratai-rwr. iiiinm Sold by all druggists. OA 0 T O XX X -A., yalallttJwtTntaJ etUrpris at tLrtpct of fr eira compaoics whoar a fa! cat trrs wrrw oetaide cf the suit Wail Etml JocnuJ. I Ylt 12 l AVllLll.t WITH 1 lUsiTaia l.t WVir- drlixhtfal tl IkIw) twrr. FESKGUi eanuKG we?is Itvr 1 to. I.?!a!4 Uk J'piit - Git z i As surpatM-a Ihr laj rlu. its It. MiTirr.iii I'lainrTsMi-. list lg V! as alaksatla. lor o tLr U'.r Il V. HuKinrk. !nrael, r-lks t lets-i-y gttm all (r-tir kcditg !.ti.a agitot s.x.J eatatr ta ?rwxt tlea Kr ) fatal or ar latr ls tar oa or Ufore ihr inh t of jt'j. 15JT. or this srscw awl ! Vl la lr of frrsteirj. 1Vh- isi aid tstatr w i'l p!-ar aaaXr tb. dislr t)t&eI. Tits. Ja!) 7. U . I.. !T t Ji.... Ada-r. G. M.T. Fountain. .Vllv. FANtiLA I.'AIUY Far 4..4 ail Cr-si Ia:-4 dft la :i ti r i .i ROOEKT hHlCLDr Cutn ?ricco CiInJr5ijf-ctif;t. As srr I tos X w Thau Ktr iWf-HTe. ar a Aftd t t 11 .. ii:s lrr!, -w Kail Jjnrl a-I 11!, IV a ! Jv'twl 41. t S . Haljta Kra.rl, t4ia, IV; -k.rlsVf-,d. .Vtd. ft ikilU I'fr-awd. -VI. HiUls lr.!, t-ai . YwtslW UUrt s4slJt w,l. Robert Slziclds, Merchant TaUor. i t r . . . i

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