r - I VN . 17 BE 8UEE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHE AD.-D Orockotx iiiiv 4lv Willi ass vo: 84. NO. 35. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, AUQUST 10. 1906. ESTABLISHED 1822. ,ti x. a WHITEHEAD, irpecm Dentist , TAKBORO, N. 0. . . i n - - fr R. P0 WILLIAMS, Snreeon roi? Take i ril) LIVER. ;;er deranges the whole .UiJ produces ' pcise. . Costivetiess,Rheu St.iiow Skin and Piles. is mi better remedy for these NO HYATT 0; and under-;hi;. Hedges' Stables , X. c. LLEY. BAKBER, TARBORO, N. 0' " Price of l'a.rni PrWucli Falllaa;. 1 The. farmer who rotes the re publican ticket is scratching his t head and tbinkirg - seriously that j something id wrong with the pro tective tariff. He finds the price of wheat ia the Chicago market has fallen Pi cents a bushel in less than six weeks, he also finds the price of cotton, corn and oats falling and that all he bays still fttntinnrs of tnt "IT U K.'ner rcnKayioriKMi w .v uo -una asts than DR. TLTT'S been tnlfi tha cS-t ers aid the publican newspapers uOObLUlC I that nrtaAtnlcm iw 1 of the farmer, because it increases the home market for his products and keeps np prices and therefore produces prosperity for the farm er as well as the protected trusts. As long as the wheat crop was only a moderately good one in the United States, with short crops abroad, protectionism seemed to work oat as the stand pattern said it would. But now conies-a bum per crop of wheat weighing over 60-poutids to the bushel and good prospects for crops abroad and down comes the price to the ex port basis that is the price the Liverpool market, where all coun tries compete, is willing to -pay and the beautiful theory of pro tectionism is found lacking. The farmer finds the tariff on wheat of 25 cents a bushel is a delusion and a snare, for of coarse no wheat is imported when we raise moie than can be consumed here aud have to hunt a foieign market for the surplus. It will be rather awkward for Speaker Cannon, and ihe other republican speakers, n the cam paign, to elect a congress, to ex plain to the farmers how the tariff protects them when they have to seir in the cheapest market and buy in the dtarest. There should be no such trouble in explaining why all the farmer buys has in creased on the average 48 per cent, because the republican speakers can point with pride to the prosperity of the trusts and combines who are protected by the tarift. It is evident that th se compar atively few piotected interests are of more consequence to the repub lican muuagtis, whs declaim they will stand pat on the tariff, than the great agricultural interests that are the chief basis ol all the wealth of the United States. laTNitr Oxide and Oxygen liaB imiuM - ! ia the extraction of teeth rAP.r;oRO. N. c. JAM!.'- :!. Xl) II FLEET Aiioniey at Law Kim.hi -Wtleet Bldg, W. St. .la - ;;t'ft, Tarboro, X. C. . IN V. FKXXER, & i'HYM'.'lAX AXD SURGEON 0 : :lv occupied by K. G. A..? brook, Esq.. D.D.auXEK, - it ' 'rai tor and Builder. Brick ; 1 Heavy Work Solicited. EstiiLiitt -s 1'romptly Furnished. F.FV K JENKINS t'l 1 Mcian uiid burgeon, jTarbcro, X C. 'Phone No. 166. CV: , F. S. SPKI ILL, J. P. BCKN, Knr R v. . LouiHburg. Rockv lit. BUN N. Sl'UUILL & BUNN, Attvi-.v L.,w, Rocky Mount, N. C Wil rr. : '-e hereatter in all the Cmi.'ii oi Edgecombe county. AT HAN WILLIAMS, i'uT.sorial Artist and Hir s".:t Decorator. j .1. i.s from Eank o Tarbori JACK I.fr 01; ai;y 'i!,i: all ki:. 'ack of AH Trades pump ;cv wood, cut feed and do thit a good reliable 1 I -tjiue can do for you. A !oi the asking. I sell - 'i machinery for cash or R.A. ZOELLEE. W A T E B II w lo Ke tb Wind. Take a polished metal surface of two feet or more and 'with a straight edge.'. A large handsaw will enswer the purpose. Yake a windy day on which to mate the experiment, paying no attention to atmospheric conditions, for such an experiment can be aa successfully cade on a clear day as it can on a cloudy one, and the results will be equally good in summer ana winter, ine only thing you' need to look out for is that you do not . attempt to "see the. .wind" on a rainy cr murky day, as conditions are then very unfavorable. When everything is in readiness, hold the metallic surface at right angles to the di rection of the wiud l. e., if the wind is in the north hold the nittal east and west, but instead of holding it vertical incline it about 42 degrees to the horizon. When this has been done sight carefully along the edge ol a sharply defined object for some moments and you will seethe wind pouting over in graceful curves almost like water. AXD Wanted Bad ALL KINDS OF Oak Timber no hairier, prices paid. Highest S. F. DUNN, Scotland Neck, N. C. in mvm JiK'i uar limier the present ! : :" a i!i open the 1st Tuesday ".NM. i'.Mu;. Courses of study: i . Classical, Mathematical, "V t: Business, Elementary . and also a practical course ' is. Board can bo had l:i : 12 a mouth. Write in. in Customer I want a piece of meat without fat, bone or gristle, Cierk You'd better have an egg, ma'am. New York Mail. Laird Well, Sandy, you are getting very bent. Why don't you stand straight np like me, man? Bndy Eb, moD.'do you see that field o' corn over therel "I do." Weel, ye'll notice that the full helds hang dowD, and tne empty ones stand up." Glasgow News. The Stranger in Maryland What's that crowd fcampermg down the highway toir Ls it a foot race? . . The Native Foot race? No That's one of our sheriffs on his way to find a quiet place to hang a man. Those other fellows are lynchers. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I want half a pound of water crackers," said Mrs. Newcome. .The Tariff mm Ct mt I.ItI. It is impossible' for the Repub licans to discraise' the fact that the "trust era'' is synchronous with the present tariff law, which so lavishly protects those special interests at the expense of the American people. No one ever heard of our manufacturers sell ing their products abroad cheaper tnan at home until! the tariff was incaeased beyond the Ligh rates of the McKinly bill, to purposely protect the manufacturers from foreign competition. There were some trusts before 1897, but they were feeble infanta compared to those vast combines that cow control our markets. There -are now 168 tiusU that enjoy direct tariff benefit and there' are I8 other trusts thai benefit to some extent. To these giant corpora tions must be attributed the enor mous increase in prices, through the protection granted them in the tariff law, so that the cost of living, according to Dunn's Index figures, which are published in the United States Statistical Ab sti act 1895, page '541 snows that in July, 1897 the necessary arti cles consumed on the average by each individual cost $72.45, whereas un Jtiuuary 1, 1905 those figures had increased to $104.46 and are now $106 or 47 percent, higher than In 1S97. Thus it now takes $1.47 to buy w hat cost $1 id 1897. And yet President velt and the Republican stand pat and propose if they baye a majority of the next Congress to continue to "stand pat.' A B-pukllcaa "Itu. The Washington Post declares that the German Ambassador has delivered an ultimatam to the State Department on the tariff issne and threatens if Germans are not given reciprocal tariff privileges and annul tbe "favored nation" tariff treatment to this country. Tht would place ex ports from thel United States on the maximum bais which is vir tually probibitire and would but out our products from the Ger man market. 'Undine pat" ami 'Ieaving well i ! aloue'? evidently Lai its drawbacks, yet the Republican leaders aud President Roosevelt have decided to "stand pat." The 1 news of that Oyster Bay confer ence has evidently aroused (he German government to retaliate. Who wiUJ back; down, Emperor Bill or President Teddy? , . If mm cc II ia lb npm It nl ft. If North Carolina continues to seuu Jvr.eheis io prison ar..: r in it National Guard lor riot ser vice, it will fill up so faat with immigrants that all other South f-rn States will be distanced. N. Y. 8un. That is to say, inferentially, that North Carolina and other Southern States have, not "filled up with immigrants" because of the prevalence within their bor ders of lyncbiDgs, mob violence and riotB a gross libel upon tbe whole South. That acts ol law lessness do occur in the South all too frtquently there is no gain savin?, but they also occur iu other sectioas of tbe country North, East and West. Even New York, tbe metropolis of the nation and the home of the Sun, is not entirely free from them. Until those responsible for the outrage ous - exhibition of lawlessness which occurred there last Sunday have been bi ought to justice, tbe Sun can better employ its time than in prating about themcts- sity of trainiug the National Guard to suppress riots in tLe South. Norfolk Virginian Pilot. Ckaafti In . The transforation that has taken place in Cuba since she emerge! from the centuries of Spaninh opi-resico and became an independent rr public is a so In ject of comment to Americara who, familiar with the conditions ou the island furor fire yeais ago, have visited it again this year. Before .the war and' the American occupation of the is land, Cuba held the palm as tbe most primitive country in every detail that could be found this sid? of the Atlantic. Barbarism and UwlenenefB held sway, and a sublime ignorance, together with native indolence, characterized tie peeple. There are still primi tivUm and Igtorance. but tte'e are-beginning Jo stand in sharp contrast to the modernism which has ben introduced. The Ameri can influence and that of the Americanized Cutwna are making themselves felt, and the Urge in vestments of American money are gradually changing tbe character of the island without, however, having much effcet upon the peo pie or their mode of living, Joy. outness seems to be a natural characteristic of tbe Cubans, and there is no indication that Ameri canism has sobered their tempera ment iu any way, except that many of tbem labor with more legnlari tyand riouces than they hate Boose-1 evrr done before. Harriet Ouin- leaders by, in Leslie Weekly. Dralk Valley. The bodies of two young pros pectors have jnst been found in the famous Death Valley of south ern California. Lost in this Lot tent and dryesl area known, they had perisbed of thirst. In tbe old gold keeking daya tbe valley claimed many a virlia from the foitune hunters who cro-d the country. Leti was know u about it then than now, not only because it had not been so thoroughly explored, but also btr cause means of circul ating geographical knowledge aiuocf tbe people were lackmg. Each new body of Carolina bound travi-lfr9 I. ml to dioov- tie ler tora tbemstlye. Death Valley covers an area of about five hundred square miles. It is a deep cut in the plains. At the bottom of it is a salt fUt, strong Io salt and alkaline com- p JULds. This murderous reign demand ed its first recorded Lrruan toll in 184.& .when sixty wight out of sevtnfy Mormon emigrants, who wardered iMo tha trp, rave np Ui"r liv. Ii.ki r ft H-i-ii feniiVrioc" H too horrible to repeat. 'lLe valley is a storehouse of wealth gold acd other valuable metals and minerals. There are beds of borax, niter, soda ai d salt. It ia a t tea u re-box. but death holds tbe key. In its precintts more persous have perished than iu any similar area, aaTe that of tbe great battle fields. Tbmt is ot the only 'daogei; deadly vapors and poisonous dusts arie to suffocate tLe unwary. Yet into this pltce of death two ptople otce went io search of life. A bu&baLd aud wife both threat ened with consumption and in search of a dry climate, wandered into tne valley, r tnUing a spring io a little canon, they put up a cabin and lived lor seven years in the very midst of the shunned spot. Then the wife died, and the husband went a ad of grief and loneliness. Youth's Companion. Health aa ricaa irt. If there Is one lesson which the medical knowledre of the Ul quarter century baa made plain. It is tne value of rleaolioeea. The p3slbUlti of aseptic ur- gtry, tbe successful treatment of consumption, the conauerioir of aa - jenow feter and malaria and fa !, iauaa. Oar eit j fathers, aa the L'omac would call tbem attaching a mean tag to the term, are so farqaite and incxconbly ncrjirjtbt with. the praNlioo. Tfc idtttj fornitore are in a most dlapidaie4 condition, so 14 that were lb cholera and Ihebuboolo plagoe, opera boo mo by an indiiklaal. all are results of what, broadly U n . . . Some of the meat frequently heard criticiiing the plajt have Ua hsriuf, hate be a oar alJenusm. Tbiijrear Manaxtr M'cdJ:i has mcceeded in gelling thit tovn en a circsit that will gift at at leaal fourteen finl t!u performaac. dirty streets and ITd In tbe plats are hifb hereverlhey exlit, I pied people and will cot pot np with aoch accomodation a w ran now ffr. The cper Loom part, so there it yo etcnae for ragged, worn ot scenery and curUita. There U nu co-ery that health la cleanliness tor one form of cleanliaeM is the purging of the place ia which pestilential insects breed. One of the-Utest indications that the public it hegionig to ap preciate tbe Importance of this knowledge U the growing dlaaat- wattion uh littered yards and a growiog tendency to clean luem, Denver is miking capital an l honest capital it is from the ex cellence of Its street cleaning de partment, and the hearty cooper ation which the citizens give it. etcnt for cuddy bole a drr!tg American visitors to Pana, and to many other European eitiee. nota bly those of Germany and Switz erland, are impressed by the rare and thoroughness with which the streets are cleaned. Some Ameri cans, Indeed, have had the im pression "borne io upon them' by policemen who had seem tbem drop torn paper to tLe street, and compelled tbeta to gather the pieces np attain. 1 bat, after all, la tbe nab of tbe matter. It is not alone that mnni. cipal street cleaning depart meola areofleo ine fiicient;littered streets ate frequently dne to lack of pub lic Interest and cooperation. Only carelessness or ignorance would permit the pedestrian to thro the empty paper bag or tbe bana na peel ioto the nearest gutter, or rooms, hole wbicb ill barely ht.li a lady and her mi4 with notraaVa. Tocontins to attract nt cUa plays we moil hate our tue p purtenanca eqoal to deaaaaJt. We doubt If there is a town of 1 JkK) inhabitants with sorb dLa gTareful scenery ami prorty crTvtt a this town. Tbe blame belong to the town commiwdooers. G rati era en, jou can remedy thU. Will ja! If j do 'not jou will send the thratrkal troapeaawny giving the Uwo as had a name do the drammtr a!outonr hotel. Let the ereoery be rvtooched where profitable, and new l pur chased. Hare drtMiag rooms that allow tbe toueemsid to sweep into dwtnl I! l ashamed of the afreet the dust and litter which oJ nn tarn rvar3 lo- she gathers from the front rooms and tbe hall and step." Yet both ot these thlogs can be seen hund reds of times a day in every Urge ! city. What is moat needed i greater care on the part of the individual, lie thoqld hate civic pride eoooeb to tefiaiu from throwing ntwapa- pers or oth-r rubbiah isto the street or leaving it where it will be blown about. Wbtn he sweeps his sidewalk he must rtmere or destroy tbe dirt, not merely brush it oat of his own way. ia other words, he should carry some of his indoor manners with him when he goes ontdoors-Yonth'a Com pan ion. SkM t-aa Valat. What a narrow, shallow viei It "All fired sorry, ma am," re died the country storekeeper, "but I ain't eot but two dozen of em in the place. 7 'Well. I'll take them.'' "Jest wait ten or twentj min utes. H. Peters an' Josh Slocum has been usin' 'em fer checkers an they're playing the decidin' game now." From Major Mul- ford's Bill of Fare. The Amende Honorable. Iu its bsne of Sunday, Ju y 1st. Tbe Post printed a syndicate arti cle jocwS" describicg an exciting poker game betwt-en the late hen ators Vance and IUnsom, of North Carolina. The writrr ol tbe article employed all the latitude usually allowed in stories of poktr gamea, and as it was impossible, natural ly to verily the statements made, tLe article was publiabed in the confidence that readers would ap ply their own limitations as to us credibility. I be Post Is now in formed by Mrs. Z. B Vance, widow of the honored b'enatcr of that name, that he never belong id to any club, and never played coker io bis life, nd never had poker game at his home during his taeuty ears of mat icd life It is with pleasure that The Post contradicts tha statenentain th? Short Seatracia In ravar. 'The Engibh sentence grows shorter ad shelter;" said an essayist. "Spenser, Mr Thomas Moore, Lyly and Sydney U9ed sentences of the average length of fifty five words. Nowadays tbe sentences of tbe average journal ist are only fifteen words long. llacon introduced tbe short sen tence. At a time when everybody else was usiog fifty words he took to twenty two. Praise be to Bacon. Macaulay used a very short sen tence. It avtrage length was twentv three words. Pickens average was twenty eigLL Thack eray's was thirty one. Matthew Arnold's sentences are long, dh beautifully balanced. Tbey are thirty sevenera. Henry James are j imaginative article in question, a longer aud though intricate, grace I the same time expreiog regret ful and well worm puzmng oui, i mat its puoucstion paiuea ine for in each of them a wondenuu relatives and friends ortheuis- inA&niuir is concesled. Tbey aro I tiicuiehed Senator from North thirty oners. Kipling's sentences I Carolina Washington Post: are twenty jners. Philadelphia Bulletin. . A J (! raaaaa Jaaraa. L-t Pieaaa.the famu u. wM4- per of liuenoe Ajrra, baa a build- iog surmounted by a goidm statoe f a yoncg woman. It also has a 5.00U horse poer stream siren. When there is big news an appall ing disaster, whoop! goes tbe siren. "A ueuee of a row,' writes a correspondent. "up and down the scale, a decant ahruk. furr ing groan, for a varying period, according to the importance of tbe event, tbe horrid din resound throughout tbe city. The local government exacts a.fioe for this periormaoee $100 a minute. 1 believe, with a. minimum of 3C0, and if tbe fine is sot paid oo tbe nail the charge is double, so wbea one man it sect to operate the screecher another it sent with a $200 bill to the courts. The next operation it to drape the young lady's statue with red velvet io case of a catastrophe with crape in the event of a death. All this causes the most extiaordinarr ten sation. It is. of eoane, only on great occasions that thU takes place. I heard the siren go the other alter noon for the first time, when the news came through from Ban Francisco. Within a tew mm ntee the Aveuida, In the neighbor hood of the Press ifhce, aad even tie Plaza Mayo, wj packed with an excited trow J, awaiting tbe circulation of the news. The evening pa pert followed suit, lo feeble style, by letting off bomb, and for the rest ot the afternoon the town was a perfect pande monium.' New Orleas Pica U to preteod that any city makee her own value a! I am hat 1 an. becaas of mt relation to all other men and all other thiog. flow nan yon dis connect cue flow tbe y a lota la which I live and move and have my being? The city U bet a groop of ladl Ideal; you cannot conwder it a a thing apart, any more than yon can consider aa individual of the jroop a a thing apart. The city is what it It brraoe of it rela tion to all other cities and all other things. What made Chicago! lh aVa iu i4 the ftf lila -llb Urbllat ... VY bat made San Pracrico ori gloallyt The gold mine ot tbe lntertof aod tae waterway to the onter WOt Id. What made New York! Thoae aatoral advantage whWb were worthies to the aVoriginea but which, grappled by the whit man, eoatled htm to ulbo lire ootatde world for bis bnt. Pittsburg make the valoe of that city lot which Brother De 1 v selects for illotratiott 'The city made the vlor Bosh! The city itself was made by ten thousand foreign tnfioeocrs cooperating with lUovn energie and capacities. It ISrother Bigtlow icalatt apoo conrUcatlsg the land valoe which the Indivtdoal owter did not pet Into the lot, then his proce of distribution will be eotaplieafed. Take this land value away from the individual owner and civ it bark ! those who put It Into the lot. and von taual yield a part of it to the railroad, a part to the steamboats, a part to Ihe ota of coal and iron mince, a pari to the farmre of the boo in and the Weet, a part to tbe heir at Uw ot a thousand iaveutors, a part to the authorities of the state, and a part to Loci Sam. Nor moat yoa forgvt the tariff. If ever there was a town which illustrate how the Uw, grsatiag Special PmvIWf to the few, can robauailon to build a city, it is Pittsburg. The tort not of Carte- gi teats oo Privilege. Tbe Tariff con 0 scaled apart of the wealth Cotton Growers Mestioj. Tbemeetiors rolled for rottoo grower hoold tw Utfmtj atUedrd. J The farmers raw male tH meetiag very proltsble to them. U the! rt plerw It U of timt Itspoet sore th st armrate rooditW f therrvp should 1 tad. .a" tVcrvlary Tarier truly . aa' inaomrave report U mm than none at all. aa it U raUIradicg. What U drsiml La the tmlc roa ditioa. All peroc UUrvati In the welfare of the aw vat Ut of wf the roe Us bed amraol lb eottoo fanners cr the Socth arxl Ur! proapertty of tttU aertiow are la-1 vitcd to attend aad wv their la- flaeoceto make theva the mot ocrrwifal yet held. Talc tht rotUo .farmers get Uvthrr at-df may be eipertrd. Oae rnt a puodorTmcM toitC.rxj V the Suath and the farmera aay they are prrpsrvd to Hud thU toma wiUlogly. iKtihr cruhaat think the South can stand acbi laMt lKth tbannfactarvf think they woe Id da tstof bnti&a tth this saoeat wiibdrnwa from rit caUtioat Only thm who ar -lllicf to sell their rottoQ for eichl and aloe rvttU- a poa&d hoald rvf to attend Ihr tcrti. tag. Taps For W. M. Cdmoodaoo. 'tne vital tnarhtarry t( f. Edxotdon reaped to ran Wed tirdy evrotex. Art TJ, at this plare, at the raaidtocw of Lk daughter, Mr. II. T. Itbasa. after it had beeo te active opera tioo for 7i )tr. Mr. l!sofdoa w a lf ev'e man. -What little he had ar. moUlrd before the civil sr te Cu all gt.-x vbio that r h. tUX eaaever. tie rt vel thrah out the war, UrU ia lb Ivttrl K-Timent aod thea to tarS.tr tS falvary. Cap 1. Pitt Cva(aay, I. Upon bis fv'.aro home he hvl ootblng, bet a Ur?t alork v( e trv Urn trtmmo&ct and a wH. leg pair ef hand. It U capital thaa maay had, lx wLen the inveotoj wa taVrn he Iththe fjfc;C!t. He had s cumulated by hard. rt.ttit, hooel work, aa e-Ute t4 over hartal btaeaili Utt;x!rt,.Miti bias, o do nv laBgtter a4 ae son. t . t JERfilSFBGE vgAasiruec i hie ki:: fci czoxui -. i tm v. . M -s v f m MOKItiAtii: lALt Llr aa-J ty virtte cf tU power eotlaited in a r rSaa taHtt raedeed esen-aud hf U4t It. Andre aad IV La D. Aadra, hi wtfeto It t;!x!e lea. I Jk Irsaa Ariatw j Sd day ef Jct. l. . daly r-r---nrI t P tk i. jHkf 1?. Kire. cotaW P.vfry, tta aCr a;rrl Hi er lor It LfL! Uddar for rah. at p-iUx- ace IWa, at tbe fH lto,e .c' is Tar t"r.r-. on M.f!t, Str-L Ht, l s at llo'.Ut yt,, it fc4Jo. Utf dMnt.d pd;tty : Ttat extata tract or t evl of Ubd lytac la it ioa: Taft bd tiir f-art cf 14 Ncr. Z i tb pio t ai I tac. tviatifcr tltw .. e txt of M a C. ttea aith Pitt K. etaart!y tly etiir-, iLn a lue ppt.4K9ar to ttt jm. aUat ooe hotred avd t!ly to baa cj M N- S, ttew wt a lit of lot N. t to lit ct I 4 Xa. tb viife tie hue ef loJa fC a,4 AT to the U nitt.g. Y-AcCitl tUoeatead A IaS AcvaUaa by M. A. Cftta, Skc'I. A Trva. ;l.taaa A titJ.sie. All . RODERT SHIELDS Cuto Ppicco Ctlsatitif litiatrit. A we ar lV4r. Mclr Weak Thaa liver Iwtotv. " ACctd lot ! Star Attraction. Maagvr Wed JU w.U c t . tt-e tbeatr fwt psblp am tr rlaa altracUofe thu eaet pat.eg lib MVk4etU,"hKh it will U rotn this tifwrpt uVea tna tit Ukhaxod TiBve ll.patiehrtU be lh epeaieg play ef Ihe'AraJeaat in tha Vtrgiai capital: mi Concte i'raafea, ho a proooenced lait eraoo the e;rt r4 moat wiaaotae I'ijiria" CaJ r plated that altrst4 part t -when u erTetatt,o&. aibbieg teo rrvater tr-a ia h ew tart af Volel t" ia the w tVr tasttcal exxae-le arreat- VtolellV io whKh ate ul ppa tve'e atarvay anatiew aw SI at Ue Acadrtay. The t piaj rej'itnl evtrjatere j4 capacity bet.tea. M tie alar. pUy, cotepaay mu4 pfos,Vasi rcitg aqaalij bib pr&a iri all tniic. -'MtUr'" m ac af moat prooAoeced rvecinhMi af tt teaaoe. aa4 ewr ILealre r- ar U be rcbgra'aUred oath epptsa.iv tbey ar lo baivef araieg it. JtU ftd a&d Pre!. iii.t Jvtbl .Vht Srt!-J. j I a. . - ?Vifi Ir-!. j :.; .llita Pfwl. J44 a. !: La tatlcf aod f t Robert Shields, Mcrchontrrr4ior. t. touurtT t AT ONE TIME Pelt MlUra UA.e4 c ;- a a lt&ry. NOW THE TIME haa et-me a Ua 1 1 v ait4 ! apo4 a aa a! r.ei tf tm teal twm'i. t have Ike arti U tta !, lK- :-it ti." tvetate xtkt --9r ia arraaxtag weakly e-sth? pvaxr'a la a a ay thit aid pro a fal awvvK.fe-: ! to the pnt.aef. a Belt Zkafaaaa Major Hamm editor aod manager I of every cltueo la this Utioa and of the CbnatitutloaallsL Kmioenor. I rave II te t arrecte. Ky when he was fiercely attached The million tl lieory rrtck foor yr ago, by lilea, bought a rest o poo Privilege, Bo do those box of Uucklen'a Arnica Halve, of ot Corey and all tbe real it the which he aajrt "It cored main Protected CpitliUt Ptttaborg, Aa Official Ulxkhta. IHE NORTH CAROLINA OF AGRICULTURE AND V.ECHANB ARTS. irpr ' education in Agri 'if, Engineering, Indus- ' ln'inistry, and the ! Art. 'i'lies.s. PRESIDENT WINSTON, WIIST RALEIGH, C. TTnw to keep off periodic at tacks of biliousness and habitual onatinatinn was a mvstery that K ",,11, , 3 Dr. Kine's New Lille fins soiveo for me," writes John N. Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give per- (exft aaf irtfAPtion to evervbody or mnnpr rAfnnded. Only 25c at Staton k Zoellor's drugstore. Saarath fiifaatai af -: .aponiA. . Tbt Kiad Yos Kais alears BocS fialeeataa'a Mca Wall makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodlo, who resides on uution St., in Waco, Tex needs no sea wall for sarety. ue wnies: -i have used Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption the past live years and it fceeps me weu anu afe. Before that time I bad a cough" which for years had been growing worse, jnuw ii-sgone Cures chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Crouo. whooping cougn ana prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. - x.very ooiuo kuovw an Jt ZoelUr's drog store. 'Price fiOoaod $1. Trial boUlea free as "It is customary here, tbe same 'tis io most rural communities." pessimistically said tbe landlord of tbe .Prontjtown tavern, "to elect the biggot Uckhead in tie regioncocstable; but I estimate tbat we broke all records when we e'evated Bill Slackputter to tbat position. Mby, day before vesteiday. when a life insurance agent and a picture enlarger rtif iuto a fight, down in front of the postoffice, and bid fair to pretty nearly kill each other, what did that dod blittered booby do but wade right In and part 'em'." Watson's Magazine. Try Hosier's Beer. ten days aod no trouble sioce.' I wbo-e Intervals are so ktealy walcnea lo (Jonrr vj sues men as John Ds'zail. Yes, PitUburf U a Tarlff-boUt town, to a vary larg ezUat, Therefore when IWolber Bigslow rraolve back; into Its orlgioal ()alcket healer of Barns, Sot, CuU and Wounds 23o at Blatoa A Zoeller's drug store. Tbey never rack, gel hard. What? Why Mattress, of conne. K. Simmons. Inmpy or I our r t L.A J.I e-emeots the valoe of that lot w hich seems to rankle la his mlad. he mol lay aaide a rodly per tioo aa the share of Ueele Ham snd hwble4Tsiifll taWst too io his Maraxlo. Tba Ka al Ik VKaetS of trouble tbat robbed K. JJ. Wolfe, of Dear Grove, U, of all u-efolneas came when he begao takinj; Electric Bitter. He write: Too say yoa area woman hat two year ago runner irouuie gr. ire DeSaaltbr caused me great suffering, which I "Decidedly so." he itolied. M?a I would never have survived had I mj youlhfal dy a woman made I not Wken K ectrio Bitter. Tbey mofouade.1 foot of o-" also cured me of General Debill I Voo aever got over It, X ooder ty.-'bure cure tor at: oroTiacn, aUad. Mr. DaSmitb. Mda-aa- Liver and Kidney complaint, Blood diseases. Headache, Dix sines and Weakness or bodily ddine. Price fiOc Guar an tred tj 8taloa & Zoellcr, kee bebtio!. ronZAi i r taa talx fcrv tag A Broom Cow Cosnty J. W. Day ab to kaow i broooi cr cn be aaoreatfa!!? grewn hete, tbaraaae if it caa o, he ha a frits4 i Ktaky, a brooa esasfactsrtr, ehe fvUitj wtl com bar a. J pat tp a ftry I ncr to, dsntg it e.u war, aad a ftw.jtart afur, try fare greitea brooea r. TWf ar many pruc lit iag. U tv raemter aawtsg a be trooaa cor grvviag la thl ea:y aa aay her. The writer haa an aa S rreeibg at hs fathar'a, a aa bea ia Soatham Uliaaia. Oar Chamber ef Caee ralght proStaUy tike hU f 1-h 14 e ef a hrooos factory, &1 iai' Mr. Da) frired to locate tefv. Ui cocna bat I.lUa tftxca mt a a a i pi bt ru. l.terya4 gc4 l th tlaf fwe ki W ;. bat it can be. aal if a ttU u started beta, are tbaoUuJy cajtai tiat Ihafamrrt anil plant aear o tea to sfp'y the f-brj. lWxoa cr U now faUhieg vety tmrra, More seav eaa Mi f&a e f i on a 9 acre ia it lh 1 rxta. a a a a a a t a Ur ;rart oi4 bi m tit. lioo pttVf aa4 lb awcay ear peer' pay fr tnita vnU 1 krpt at hoaaa ard attach t brocfhthtr. JELJJL'L Per it are IWUra, YmfrC. trefrr a4 KaWMt. Trt PfVea V ' sj T at l::xht l:iht Y- U iU rte tiU aavv deai'l frt It jyj II. JAM 1, Co-ilraibef el I't-lr TrW, N. C riaA 4 aiifcaoa ca tZj rta . ..... .. i" flat-ia . , . . .. ..!S t tft" , . 73-ie J. r. SVatk f-J. P-s v-. J T. Il-ifd. V Pr. J J. Crw, Ca a. I. V. If art, . Caaft.it, Ue t " rat KILL-rng COUCH m CURE thc LUNC8 wrrs Cr. King's How Discovery iw aa C'ae niaoat L?xa zq gxs, Kcarr taxr aaaaaaaaa aa-a.