- '- I y .! 1 .III' . . - 1 ;Mri . m mm i j -aa. , a. m i t i i . w t t II i 1 aw V1. . II ' ill. 1 a 1 111' M i II NO. 36. 7' that word Is i: i-i- j ' r fins and GAS HEALTH . - - - - Ar'iii constipated? - .'Mo J with indigestion? . headache? . I . 1 .! I so.- US? iiii o symptoms and many other lion of the LlFBr oti Need S Take Substitute, CASTORIA Tor Iritants and Children. - The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the i V. ... HYATT, Tl'lIK AXD UNDER TAKER. y & Hedgea' Stables Tarboro, X. C. - ft1 ;i L'ULLEY. . BARBER, TARBORO. N.C ,,K.C. A. WHITEHEAD, S.irr:ecn Dentist, TARBORO. N. O. mcf .ours 9 to 1 and 2 to 6 DOS WILLIAMS, V Dentist kN'r-::- Oxide and Oxygen Gas ;;y t-'-re 1 in the extraction of teeth TARriORO. .N. C. BAM V. a M . XORFLEET AUurnev at Law ". Xorileet Bldg, W. St. Jaiu..- street, Tarboro, N. C. "VS. F. S. SPRl'ILL, J. P. BUNS, Rocky Mt. Lonisburs- UL... rFKUlLL & BUNN, iitvi-ut-Law, Rocky Mount. N. C tVhi rr.Luce herearter in all the urt s cf Edgecombe county. !H A. ZOKLLEK. i 'G a. line and Steam Engine .xpcrt. Adjusting of Uasolme Ed- JAMES, rhetor and Builder T;irboro, X. C. - IPlins :.: '. sT-ecifi cations carefulh romptly prepared' I'WIN F. FEXXER, 1 1 V : ' I A N AND SURGEON . i-vi n ti y occupied by R. G. Ailabrook, Esq. - D. WaGNEK, IWrar tor and Buildf r. Sriek Hi: : Heavy Work Solicited EsuiLuu-s Promptly Furnished. ftt.our Ja.-k of All Trades pump 7 i aUT. av. win id. ont feed and do . - - to""-' '"froniji. I.!.fiipp9mlnfnr vnn. A CltUi.v i r the asking. I sell athinerv for cash or credit R. A. ZOELLER. : ? 1 1 it Carolina li 1-V Northbouna liineTuble let M No. 2. Class ClaM : tied Kan- 50 62 . I eb. 2S, '06 Mix. fur. -:ation: p.m. a. ir. Hu mville, Ar 6 40 1125 Toddy 5 25 11 15 i ountainR, 5 10 11 06 M lit siding, 4 45 10 56 i leHiie'd, 4 &5 10 45 i ii tlops, 4 15 1030 : uvinotwn. 8 50 10.2 I1;.-'. P 'i, liiliitiffH. 88 1010 Henrietta, 3 40 10 06 I unction. 8 30 65 ; larboro, Lv 8 25 i?85 ; run only on Tnaadaj, !tt urdav. - leave from St. Jame h-lcaii nf tH' Junction. "OtjiiH f, section b A.I. luiclitr "Mi I.ABK BRIDCERS THE COUCH feCURE the LUNGS with r. King's iscovery CRD r0NSMPT!0N Price I 'JUGHSand 60c $1.00 Free Trial. WOLDS Uuiclse8t Cure tor alt ls Lani1 LTJNO TBOUB- or Mfiuru -r . VOL. I?5 p P'J 7 .-CTH irom iavistown ana Iy come into the possession oi me students cf a well-known college. w.iHicpat nation at' Da. Louvre. The contents of three cf He chose a sermon from the "bar- them had been reduced to powder, rejt and without reading it went iJi'CvhhBdtodoT and could not, therefore, be id en- tothecollefie chaptL He got on ProtertiBf The Farmcri. The International Harvester Companythe agricultural ma chinery tnwt has just make a con tract with the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company for 25,000 tons of pig iron, the price beine about 913 a ton at Birmingham. That will mke h good many harvesters and other farm machines which will cost the farmers of the United Statts at least 20 per cent' more than it should through tariff pro tection of the trust. Parapraoh I40 f the tariff law provides that; "riowB, tooth and disk harrows barvestors, reapers, agricultural drills, and planters, mowers, horse rakes, cultivators, threshing ma chines and cotton gin f, twenty per centum ad valorem." This trust is said to be sailing its products cheaper 'abroad than here and our farmers have to pay high prices lot the benefit of the trust and the foreigners. Prklkll IUm.B0 n i Drr. " The Boston Transcript tells us that a reporter lor the Lewie ton Journal, a stanch Republican and Prohibition sheer, has recently viniied the Penobscot metropolis in Starch of the exact' facts, and he reports: 'J Bangor is neither wide open nor tight shut. Liquor can be Lad in nearly every street of the business section. In addi tion, it can be had .in very many streets of the residential section. There are about thirty places running, they are selling bard stuff, and most of them beer. The stranger has no difficulty in locat ing them. -No. one who enters them and has the piicerof his ted dy is refused.' '.The editor vouches personally for the exact truth of these statements. The-press dispatches say that Russia is threatened with a dicta torship. Has the Czar abdicited? The republicans would "rees tablish local self-government iu Edgecombe.'' Shades of Mabson and McCibe! Quay, Pl&tt and Ledge! As soon ph the Iloosev-lt fpTI ing is in lull effect Ex Suerirf Stallingsays that he will write his first name "rite." There are others who are studying phonetics. "Reestablishing local self gov ernment iu Edgecombe' is the expression in the call ior a repub lican mass meeting. Who ever wrote this must be possessed of a vast amount of humor. Much Little. England is today the virtual ruler of 3,300,000 t quare miles of African territory. The czar of Russia is paid $ 6,- 750,000 a year for his private use, while each grand duke receives 1 1,000,000 a year. ' February holds the record as the month in which most children are born; June as that in which there are fewest births. The alpha rays of radium have been found by Professor Ruther- ! ford to have one-eleventh as great I velocity as light. During the liletime of a healthy hen she will lay from 300 to 500 eggs. Her best laying capacity is durintr her second -.ear. - m v,iauue mperwuo j tr i 1.11 I is a vice admiral in tue uriosn Savy, has enlisted in the United ai-. " nr-: n ; 1 owt iixanu 'J"" r - aiai.uueu t mo iwuun ""J Yard. Eventually it may become practical to eliminate the equine I element from the New York horse show.'' Detroit News. 1 i.mRI. ' Because her stomach was so weakened Dy useless diugging tnai. Sne COUIU UUl cat. JUr. illrj I H. Walters, of St. Clair St.. Col- - . ' . i omDus, waa Jiteranv itarvm i i rf-v t i. 1 1 -. : I to death. Bhe writes: "Jiy stom- ach was " so weak from useless drugs that I could not ear, aLd my nerves so wrecsea wutouiu not sleep; and not before l was given up to die was I Induced to try Electric Bitters; with the won derful result that improvement began at once, and a complete., cure followed.'' Best health Tonic on earth. SOa: Guaranteed by Sta- ton & Zoeller, the druggists. PharatU'i Heart. Harataea It is reported that four ancient EervDtian vases containing tiie viscera of Rameses II have receLt - tified. The other contained a hard lab. Jjrencn - scienwsia uu n sawed into sections and examined . m m al- . Z . . V-J II thin shavings oi it unaer tue iui croscope. These horny fragments showed muscular uDers in m formation found only in the heart and tongue. Hence, the conclusion is drawn that this 3 by 1 x-3 mcu slab is nothing else than the heart of Barneses II, who died 1258 B C Becoids oi the Fast.- , . nacKar't J,c""""'"' r-. ii ttoqaTim TTpnralria. - . . :iv.i. t. etc. Does noc, aepreBs we uou. The Howard County Real Es tate Company ot Nashville in looking up the titles to timber lands which they have purchased for the new railroad and lumber plant, discovered that one tract of eighty acres of land, situated on the Saline - River, in Howard county, was vested ip a Spaniard by the Spanish government piior to the time that portion of the country has transferred to the United States as a Te.i!t of iu Louisana purchase, and probably at the time or shortly after De Soto explored that section, ou which trip he discovered the fam ous Hot Springs of which he be lieved to be the spring? of perpet ual youth of which he heard in the Indian legends. Alkansas Gazette. A RtMMkaklcMUir. Oustave Becker,, the chef of the Holland House in New i'ork, re cently brought an apartment hone worth 300,000. In a discusbion of this purchase Mr. Becker said: "I am one of the owners of the Hoi bind House, and for a nnmber of years I have been interest t-d io real estate. Chefs in America get, I am happy to say, good sularie but to state th.it they get salaries big enough to allow them, every little while, to invest their sur plus in $300,000 apartment houses well," that is an -xaggeratioo, like the pie story of the Bietoo farmer. Th re was a farmer io Brittany who wished to tell a visitor how his farm had been overrun with pies. Pies, you know, are large birds, black and white, with long tails a kind of crow. "The farmer said the piea de vastated his fields horribly. If be put up Bcarecrowp, the birds tore them down. One day his youog son ran into the granite farm house and shouted: "Oh. father, hundred and hundreds of bird! The wheat i being all eaten up!' ' "The " farmer loaded his gun. But wher was the i-hci? It could fit" b f im d. 11a put ioftftw haudiuij ut ta.ks instead. Then he ran out. "The wheat field was black and white, like a checker board, with pies. The farmer gave aloud 3 ell, and the birds Ml flew up into a tall poplar. He fired, and lo, every bird was nailed fast to the tree. "They were nailed fast. Their flapping wings filled the air with a loud whirr. The farmer, amazed, stood watchinr them. Then n atixuge thlug Lapptljfd. The biids, with one giand, united effort, pulled up the Luge tree and away with it." Jlr. bladtloue ai4 Lrd U. liana lllB. Mr. Gladstone hated any ap pearance of idleness' and m this connection tbe Manchester Guird iannlaUsa characleritk ftory. Years ago he met the then Duch ess of Atenorn in a conntry house. She ai accompanied by her son. Lord George Ilnuiilror, at that time a school boy. Not many mornings had elapsed be fore Mr. Gladstone said to her. "Duchess, don't . yon think it a pity that your son should pend bis holidays in entire idleneer? I should be happy to give him an 1 no lira r i nm or pro rtr " J " Homer every morning. ' The offer was accepted, ai d the fnjul:ftn nf th HcW. i;r. nnir hniiltv tn h nigral itpr " " ' - was i-ecurely laid. London Even in Standard. Bioks I believe that Mary does not love me any longer. Jinks Did she say as much? Bioks No, but sne let ter lit tle sister Mt in the parlor with us Iast. eveniog. Womau's Home Companion. "Mathilda, throw that poor beg- a9 nmvn " . k m he looks verv nc - jc-i, hannv ' j i Not on that account, but the jjeyers are watching us from their win(jow opposite." Wiener Salonwitzablatt, "Soak ski takes more interest In bis business than any one 1 know." What's his rusine;7 ' "He renB a pawn shop.' Cleveland Leader. v A hundred years ago the popu lation of London was iust one fi'th what it is now. The 6,500. 000 people in Greater London live in 928,000 houses. a clersvuan was unexpectedly 1 called upon to preach before the 8DieI1iidIy until near tbe close, I .- . . 1 il . 1 1 wnen ce amsxea me ooya wnu ujb J peroration beginning: "And now, 1 . a . 1 a word in conclusion 10 you a uu ttie mothers.' N. Y. Tribuce. . -: . Tiri.i. m ft Brown, the'popular pen 8jon attorney, 01. riusneia. tajg.- "Next to a pension, the best thing to get Is Dr. King's 4 New Life ruu." Ate www they keep my famuy in spienaiu . Iheslth.'' Qnick. cuie tor xaenu- .ho Contti nation and liilious- os, (inftiftiiie(l at Staton . - .rm . . n . ii .1 aaaaaaaaaat aaaaaa mc TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1906. You think that perhaps so much talking about Niagara has kind of dulled the eugo of your appiecla- lonofit, 1 uon t believe 11. Th man nrfti it said: 'Yiat to bindei?'' and didn't state . t very long. Nothing to eat ther. jed n looked epook y, and as t Low standing where it was so uimp would probably give him rheuma tism. It tells iu the guide Lcok Low a uiau io the rally daja-weet to aee the ple, but it waa a very cold night, and the tavern wa comfortable,' so he sent a boy to see if it was worth while. The boy came bark and said It vuo t much; just a Lt of water fallinz. and it wm colder than all get out, and he wouldn't ad rise It-Eugene Wood, in McClure's ila va line. Unskilled labor is daily be cooi ng of leas worth to society. The man who naa totninjc but tu muscles to eff.-r to society lo ie- uiu for bread now find that so ciety dH not think the baieaiu good enough. The stiot g arm and diet loot were enough, perbapa, to maka a candidate lor kineabip "oug ago; they ate cro(lfaufn cient today even for the making of a stevedore. 1 he high prints of muscle aud their fanatical aap- porters are more utterly out of date than the worshipers of any Alticin leticn. iLe stiuegle for existence is not, as formerly, ao m mediate struggle of man with nature with the recalcitrant soil and the uncertain tea. The ar rangement now U social, not in dividual.- You may live If you ar worth enough to society. If, how ever, you Late only m cades to offer, society will point you to ita machinery, which your xnotcieN are powerless to emulate. La t are the iegs of uan" compared with au internal combuit ion en gine? The jiridsha runcer and be motor car are types oi the contrast. What Is the bicets of he blacksmith coo pared with the steam Lament In abort. modern society i surb ti at, other thina beiug eq 't', ibe eductetl mind will beat tue educated mus cle every time. If, then, we are to remedy pov erty and unemployment, we must set to it that in our training of the joone wa pay attention lolDa factors that increasingly count in the struggle for existence today. The parent who exploits hi child at the earliest ace, depriving him of any chance ofinakiog the men- ti.l ani'.irr nrct tat ti c rtv St I iiiiu: io pay lor tdy, la tkieg bii best to add to the ranks of tho uneaplojed of tomorrow. Society is in lets seed than ever hereto fore of beers of wood and draw ers of water. Pall Mall OazMte llmia Hrtn C'ral Carlalalf. W. F. 7 home brings us a talk of broom corn which he pulled in i nntAfMi I fr waa is vrkl ti rt t aaa r stalk. Henry Diake who lives near here, has some that hecultitaled, which is said to be liner than the stalk brought u. Be that as it may this volunteer on Walter lea'oiih' grout d ban that buhy art two feet long. If that is no: good for brooms, what ist August Weather. After all, the weather for August was not an up favorable as we imagined. ihe greatest de parture from i tbe normal was the temperature- Iu August last year, the temperature aversged 79.4 while this year .it wa 92.1 with i normal oi .4. In lyot It was S.G. The uoimal rain i G 7G while last month Col. Zoeller'. rain guage only registered 6.09 inrhea. The number f of rainy days ttrt 18 against 10 in 1005 .nd 12 in 1M. There were 10 cloudy days: 15 io 1903 an t 12 in 1901. ;Last month we had 9 clear days, io 1903, 12, and in 1004, 15. Partly cloudy davs were 12. this year, 4 io 1903 and 7 in 1904. How's This? We effer One Hundred Dollars Kewaidforany cne of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure. F. J. CltKXKY cvCO., ToleJo, Ohio. We, The undrnigred, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and lielitebim perfect le honorable in all business trans actions aud tina-callv able to carry out any obligations made by his linn. - . Waldino Kixxix & Mahvix, Wholesale DrngKiata. Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure is tiken In- ternallv. actinir di recti v uron the blood and mucous surfaces of the syttetn. Testimonials snt free. Pr'ce 75o per botUe. fold by all D--uggis8. lake iiaira.Hamtlj IHU for1 ne was a lawyer, ao 1 wss; vT--. Oole !rt at vuton & To I. -, - , OASToniA. T Raw Dlarvaaastlaai I've tried to read my gentle Will Io pelii&ff slm pi I fled, I'vi. glanced at good old Bobby Burns And Mil ton I have tried. . I've tnroed arlde frou Tet njtoo, l'boiictically done: la fact, they all appear to ha' Tbe Gaelic on ibe ran. So in thrvi govern mental day, When chacgw U waxior fat. I want to readjust one l hi og more u lore I bey monkey that. Ill lid farewell to every fear And Bit Sticks fall of pt If I can read my till clear To aiactions io ibe ski. McLaodborgh Wllaou. Io tbe iew ioik ouo. A Queer Case In Court. BT AAaCBaX. After reaigniog my eouoilsatoD In the OnUderate army, tbe te igeation being caused by too continued illoeat and threatened with bliadoas (which dete?oped tspidly and became in two or three months almost total), I movtd to Taxboro. I had sot b-en a cit'teo cf Itat always delightful place more than a few weeks, before the qneer cae ia enort came op. 1 bail sever bad icim befwr and bare sever bad one since. It had never occurred tome to settle oj disagreement between me and ray neighbor by a recourse to thji kind ot a tribunal. I had a revcr eotial awe of a judge there waa " divinity about him that hedged him f rora common lolka. And 1 1 tolawyeit,! thooibt that either they knew Uo much or too little, I could sot determine which. One day, while walkiesopMalo street, I beard some one on the opposite aldewala. call my nam My name u cot Bob, rerer was and sever will be: but I shall so call myaelf io this article, not wanting any of tbe readers of the Southerner to know what my real came is" Well, some ooe raid: "Bob, stop there a minute I waot to spemk to you And, I was jot fol ecouh to think thai I waa th only Bob in tows and that 1 was the particular, one seeded. So, I Stopped and direalad Mfrta towards toe. quarjer rroxa we ten the - nad come. I saw tome one, who seemed to be enveloped in a decae baiy fog. At that ilacf of tb dues a, partial amaorosis, a cuuiu mi otsiiDguua a mas Iron, a boy or a woman from a girl nor a black person from ! ite one, unless a ULi. a a o! five or six feet. "ftbUdoyou watt.' said I. rv. . 1 1 .. I . showed the nnmiatakaKIa mlr l I vui win, uu a 11 ici JOB.' I Frank FnvbalL .ha.lfT f .k county. Frank was a eke. Inri. mate friend and one lor whom 1 always had the warmest regard I anuwnose companioniLip was a source oi pieir ana uei.ght iiat se was ote I tbe -bov:M I and the bj,' ooe and all, ei- ceot Wi ism llennr Johntnn bn scorned such wsya. bad a war ot tormenting, teaaiog and plsylog I pranks on one anotner, at all lieaea and pUcvs-and Frwok was the K n SrrtAal fal I f eaw m V a Ut I waiioei acesvw a ae a4JO lw Of course,. I thoagbt that he bad concocted some diviea bt bicb to have, some foo oot ol me, k sowing that t was a credo .vw - iwiwu uao, onld bit a at an nail. Tktrtrnr. I I walked on to aileoca. He walkra mi .lui Knl kai 1 1 1.... . r..h..i . . . ww, ww, uw iiKnuii ivi kept calllogme. And this was continued until he had reached Mr. Austin's corner, and I wa Joat opiosite. There he stopped end said: 4Meetmein th middle of tbe streeL" Ibis was etkeo in a tone ot voice so tery difftreot from any toat l bad ever known Ltm to saw befoie, that i met him as desired. forthwith b drew a paper from his Docket sod. lookinr at It. said I hereby tan; moo you to appear ' - before a court martial to be held io the court houae to-morrow at I ,or plaintiff U entirely ia er P o'clock a, m Iror does sot know wbatbete Laorbiog, 1 said: uWell. Frank, ibal'a a rood one! .-it .i r 1 .k '11 be there promptly io horn and at tried- to continue my walk. Before I could take two step, he cra-ped me by the cUlsr of my coat and said: "lam not ioklog.ihU time Bob. 1 you must eo. sure enoucb. Yoo arecnarged wits cootinued ablnt'ureman sad toiriin touu sence froui roll call of the militia, who are drilling every day, pre paratory for a draft of ooe bond red men, to go to New Berne aid - ' 'Oht tbe Yankee." - 1 I promised to go to the court 'martial, I weot. The preeldeot t I tbe court asked for my reasoo for not ooej log ine orders iroo fieaj quarter. I replied by drswiog a psper Irom my pockat and reav- tog it out aloud, statit f that I waa honorably - discharged from any military duty eirned by tbe burgeon io charge of the district That settled U, and th president apologixei for having iassed the aurnmon. x na so "sra leeiiogs- xowaru blm for the so cxnom, by asking wa a aa ea a . a ' in the sperox cenrt, to cease cSt vat 4 (.at The time, money and 1 bor ikat were expended io tie cotntrcclsoo of tbe bock, Ijrtcs, aiete st.d iro doction of ibe new matte coaaWt "Violelte," io wbicil Con an. Krsneea appears at tie opera hi a torn morrow tttnug may be Uktt a iimiiiikiVB Wfitl u to for every matr ebo dantrva lo bait aore cf a aaccratfsl pro- Jocuoo, etpec tally of a new me teal comedy. Wtea Mattr Coertaty ueiermmea laat )tar to star W ranees io taoalcal rotsedy ihit seaaoo.fce tock t:weiy tbe fora loek andcaalaboat fdr the ribl aolbora to 'nrntab took, tjrics, mx. ojoaic He waa parlictLih aniieus to kate a pby that oLi be a erc and at tbe sr&e lima woald Dtio a Kb the pecatiarli aeraalile cpabibli of bis aU ho waa tbco flat ic "Phjllla" in "Wteo We Were Twenty Ote. Amenf tbe many aelbort whom be conaolltd be E tally bit ota VTo. Losrie and Jerome Cibtr a ko wrote tie ti hbobert loeoraa -Tbt 6io of tb boa- aad Arrow." IU bad tie yoacg authors join bia company at once and krt U rto aJong from town to un forervtraj weeks, aiiUf io tbe aeJiesre eeb night sod aiodjinx Mis Fraocee. her persooalily and Tco Uariurr. By day they all held lotg confer encea at which every pjiol waa Carefully diaesaaed ana conv!rrrd. When tbe anthers, thert fores tier took tbe atoal work ef riling tbe ptsj tkey were able to procead io. etligenlly and to tbe beat ad faotage, As tbe eriUcg prererd frrqstat trips wtre utt to Nw York for conaslution, with Mr. Courtney aid Miae France. be came over from bar New Jervrv home for tbe rnirpoae. As the socg e a tiber a were coopleud tbey were lnd oot oe by ooe and were re ld and ibr.jed aiti ibe g:uUi art, while tbe book itaclf line bj Hot and act by act was gona brae after Ume. As Uh Saax&ax wore eo tbe sew ptay took shape and pollah a&4 aj ready for re hearts! sotve too too a. In tba meanUme, Mr. Coertaey sn4 bU force ot suit tan u bad Ua boar ith tbe coatomes. scenery, scctHfa a-d r in,.:-. ifr- baJ ieo ut nu a latta'i Laui a id . ana wear? dais ax.d b-.faia ul iMfitui t,r.! w-AlLr.n alUtUd boa . .... .. I tar a&4 Mloor,.Ma ' w ssbi.it "ea. ine reatit wa- ioitiie t will be product! kert U an or n .venin. And that it i. pafitr allconcernrd fortb... " . . , : . ,u mni moa ro,to eJ i ue sect t,r'wber' lht ftnros that ate coming iathr?f.h tbe box (!k, -iollU Lm tarned oot to be nee of tbe v.rj . b:gt aacceaae of tie jar. If every man who rarriea plated were seel to Jail, woold tbe KaIiiM Iwrvi.t In fltktln f . f . .1 uxjng raabloaSUeT w cvilou 3 tu it. r. 11. ueru;cr ana wj r. t l ff f t . . I haie Mia rued from Waa'a is ton. I " . - j - I n a ek. He took tbe eaa clad 'y. Bo t. Ibe text day. Leewo-eto I me and said that, sswtuio.lt I I d placed bita lo a dilemma: for 00 examlnioa: tbepspors lo rav I case, be fossd that he was tbe I piaiatia. 1 vtz tbe oaieodeot I ud be was the oaly Iswyer !eA io town. "Ao ' be weotootoaay. "shall I plead for the other aoan S tmt a'. I Brit tses toro arousd and say I yowt Iswyer tbst tbe rou&sal I U'kiag a boot, and haaa't brocrkt forth a aicgle argument of soy I .im .t.a al I lei him worry over It for I wLlle end then showed him that I tbe man from whom I boocht the I furniture bad it ia poeatoe I that It bad bea la ItU wartboua I for several mootbe tt batltf I beeo takes back f reel it The for- hi agent oul it, ms be bia- -( had enlisted to tbe army and rote U Virgibi The lawyer ld tb cae to the J odge and the rase w a strick eo fioa tbe docket. This wa my first tad oely I caae atd may it aleajs msaia ineiaar. Ta t ara a V ' aajtBaw KatUH of rsttllptbwtr, Kao "joat cover it with Cock'ea Arnica rAalv-aod l-eftal will do tb teat. Quickest core for Pt'f. Fee, Wooai, Kcxiee, Cl spied Hand. Malt Ubeom and rW w - , aa w O -XX. X . M0a ,M to la Ij in bal 1 '""'aaaaaaBBBBBaaBBBBnBBBBaBBBaaaBa - i. " ' T ' 7T aaaaaa e a a.. usioifis Notberaod Died.' ThelUIelxhlfietii lube the follow b floldsboro: A trc- brctoabo gate t,:a , a i:arani here tbw Crain-. ,V fV oaeU Wfoi he w a txXrd .J be pr be- edtb be wowbt wr ia Btsebrrka. He M lr.t fce beo wcrkloiforlbe l!w La. bcrl'ocapaay at Kiui aad tba". aabo.t while a be Ulta.! to get msrrI ad r.-te t. tb o!d mother ioVirUtratt, a aa" rra!jied aaked her laal tim fr.rO. I.'rrH jer tbe Onarj -. ' IT lArcwi toaatore toUy atbirt to wbWbiU ' Ja. to be -SvarHrd. b be trkkeo with ara'itt lie r- rovenrdfroaa the abcrV at J r. iw tnj, wnrresewrwf io to a r ataaraal aM Utaa.J ft- WbUa be afc :ia- a a ne tola bit ta!e av ! aal.l iLat I be waa r!er la kit. f trvke of par a?iU av'l oo arr-3 al of Ubltg bi oUl B Lr a I lew taioou a .'(re be mm tinVt .1 1 1 . ia aabott wbl. It u i u: tory, Uil it U to-arbrd foe hy t liaue re--Ta. V trraa t ! If a aire i c t frf iK.i ii atrof gat aisal ef :a aire, lie fortHa. a!ao baa lh lar?! Ut towtrfcl Urra fceaa tttfa1 ereaiuie. Itew to keptt Uewib tf tM lit Loold ba taaVa tbtafeat stody. Uke tkoat4a of atf. Vre-O.-a A. Hriiti ol fort WiUiarsa. O. baa lareJ bow lodothta. hbaaritt. -Ttrtt botUee of Df. Klejc'a NawlKa. cotery stopped my eoccb of fan fesre s&4 rcre1 tseefbtt3) trieoda Ibocfbt e tart.o O. its rraM forlbrnal aui U trobl.M Ceara&Ieed IrKiitva A Zaellar Ibe tlicrfi.ia, Vnr td TlUt UHlle frte. Utaa IUtu. U J a.J la Im loclei ia fail L g,t U.. vt a f .l w.o: m i;t a j ktax. n;t t s Utt i to lb Ceu&ty Ute.bf aW wiii rvaaia caul al can b ra.iaa itJ sto tbe mi Is in. Vr.J l Kb. wi.'a at I tVA Jno rctard Fniae fsr atra! aaoetta 1I to r:i:tc tr lh aocd, Va. Tbay bow axapy tlat -an-1ore r.aw un Yti )U ilij iSjt.f baa HUn rxo a il to hatvM.. Ya - a Weldoo. Tax Detlou'at). 10 a few tla) a tb Nxa.ber rcU to Lay tWot f-arta abowicr a t r)orocy ia IkalicxtSVU taal ibe ra L hc r t tie roobtyarwto t brij ti.r eo ery. ot a pma:i) b Uw mpewanj. .q rvrry trfow wLo haeaked that ha be a.ljanl to Ut bis property wagtaaU4 xr- tniaaioo to do ao. iJite; lb tar per aJty ot 7- frU, a bub c lo lb Haciater of 1W1 aad taA IbeUt lute abwb be U lei - to mat col all tbea&cre tiirull aot tola;. hitww tbe firt Moolav la tbi torttn So Inaa laa .V) -rcabatv Did a ta'j ilattd aUteaarwt of tbif laiaUca. Tbra '.jir iU;r pa. rvwaorw will DO, 1! 00 14 l ktodTaitb I bat 2 ceo ta which tcr t.v4 my lb rvgutrrtoeoUr,fa!coU act property eotjpUe. Ibe roittt rtct-.it j-im" - ieo.as.Ur tbal tia UL a lUi.., 4 bcieg too fwJ. t-d tLat It tcepoaicg sa ptealUca en 4bi qcaia a rramisra m erx US l:x6X. ROBERT 8HICLOS Cuio PrlcoD Ci UavA d Ij taitlit. As we are Dotes More Week Now Tbo Ever Ifre. we t aa A Cord to Cut Iricv- 8 oiti rreac4t KelU Hpottrd and lYrnl, faitv fVnibbed, Skirt Scrubbed, plain. a a ll.ta urn l.C Skirt Scrubbed, pleated. SktrtalYeaaed, p'ra:!, Hkirta rteiaed, ptaio, 4'- a a aa 1 van I. k tier ati cr-r pet wcrt. .1 Robert Shields. Merchant Tailor. UATUAi WILLIA!.v r.fiaoriaJ AnUl ad Hir . sail Decora! or. Twh dociew frcus I ask ' Tart mmm faav a t a a t n 'f w m mm j. avt ittiti rtec a an aowarrajc e. m mm Hrfjt a e ESTABLISHED i8? tberaod Died, q ewinxT.me.pab.jD i K O N G la; tjvUl fra I ,a . it ot Ur fare C'' af TCa, xlj fv "4 "' LJ Jl-ti V?1- j tfaaaa , Ji at ii n f. tieg r- K I V ' nt VI1 17 r-T If ,:Jfl.! WJZz ' avw rjfmUaiftf,flfll, ! rnr l ; tac.w;at u T1 a-aai I Kodol For Dyspepsia i vraVVa ta af M taat-ett aX a.t.i-u i . .. ... - - , r irtt r,rai,a. t. ...... r - - - ' arf ri-v t-, m 4j Ditfcsts Wlita You Eat if i:,r. t. i .k. aiuuitiAtn: xuk Va4af aa-J ly t)(!s f tta far tala4 im a ettal a.tt raa;aa4 eiaretaj t y U a4 II. Atfaaaa-.d lnj). Aa-?rea, bit w fa. I... il m li'ai, H. tJ A Iraa Aeria.'Wai r tta 3rd day of Jtaa. 1, 4Uy tra tre.J ia lk Ji. fm, rob lUc tairy, it ,ar ti will tZrttot aaJatotU liCirt U Utr Ut ch, al pUV asc ta.stlbe Oart II ot. or ia Tr!cri oa Vlotrtar, ha el. !f b t.' IJVla y ..t, fa! c. J -a 4 I, j,. ji " ltt ef fatcalof Urvll,t,cia u iosf Tarttrw - J la mi rt.ji ta tba t4aa of aad toS. UC.ttitf mXihm a. 1 er4r of M Na. , lie with f;u fcL raMesrly Ttaly fret ccriarlfi'. tbs m l;b tfp.ti.a ir lo f ut IM. mloai eta t.sSrvd vlf!lyfrt la baa cf M Nu. lMla wi s ht tl'l X. I tarftr . - a C jala I . a 1 0- 1 AMrjlt.4,. Lf J4, A. lailia. txl A Tie.. t!Uet A Ui.S a. AtlaV. soaip a ten 11 a ) r aa-!r ll-a rit.t Prr.t-al i w.H.e ;,j rrf'Ui). Ta.ic. Jllr afwai, Fital I'.i..t.. )!tafT H er. a4 " pra l-ral ria .' fraif Var4 raa la, til r e j ta t2 a txw:b. l fa e lai" v . S1IHI.PSISC1I m 1:1:1 tuna c:uni cf m::auu iu iizmt xnx. Irwrtl vl --: a u Artl' v:ire. hiiUtrrla-jw trial I'j-tt5iiij. at-J tia lex!i Ail. niacin tuiirt; t't a ca t trr t JaLw At a arafit LOW PRICES AND HIGH STANDARD mi c T QUALITY I r.i at ocr !oa. "rf hair m a:iita ew aar-t !r e tmtr fart,tiorva- are ra4 laaatae Wtlb W3Jtbt ) U'aaliiteta xaftt Ika rr-aJ aaacw of pa?roaa;r o a.i It ! lclaf a!hfata la "1 or tJc.l.o;. I L I ,l. L tar!a I WaT. FatftaJ IH r;6al rsataawtm. ff wepaia.tilc,.b'a; if a- la.' b. ta-ar lt al . ex ' mtr )at A tbe :.. frtrva lrir It : Trt I UtU X III," 1 rbat'-fcte to Mir- Lzt jx. eoldbyaU drnt. : , , I r , erH ' , . -