wi-J 'Vf ITlMifl IS. m www BE 8TJEE YOU ARE R1G-BLT ; THAIS' Q-Q AHEAD.-D Crockett. j 1 WrnC i ill I IK , U II J I 111 I III II II U ill II I! II I I I I WW - is VOL. 84. NO. 37 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1906. ESTABLISHED IS22. stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, i-c"i'ie the bowels, and are un- ccu..icd as aa ANTI-B2LI0US MEDICINE, in malarial districts their virtues at whi.H- recognized, as they possess P-.v'Jiiar properties In freeing the . - r f.. . i socialism a lamealur. The Right Reverend Bishop McFaul, of Trenton, N. J speak ing bofore the fifth annual con vention of the American Federa tion of Catholic Societies recent ly, in , mentioning the splendid stand taken against Socialism by Thomas Dixon, Jr., in his new play The.One Woman said: The man who begins to delve into the tenets of Socialism beenmea red.4113 Pison Esantiy ceeding broai not only along poli- Take 0 5iiOSttUte.- He invariably mistakes libertv for license. I weald TtnE sot? t Vi a Ik. The coroner cannot .hold an I liberalist and th in,liU.t un! ss an affidavit in writ- hand in hand but it is amazing inri,o liia.ie by some responsible the number of men who discover person, iltrlanng that a crime may they are mismated after they take up with socialism. The stability of this nation rests on the American home. Socialism would stretch out her foul hands upon the property of the people. Look at Maxim Gorky, the Rus sian Socialist, coming to this country to solicit aid for the Rus sian Socialists. See him living with a woman who cannot be rec ognized as his wife. See Lis own wife off in Russia in want. This villain and scoundrel and polluter of womanhood would preach to us the gospel of human li! erty.- Thomas Dixon's play may be called radical but he is presenting a play with a great moral lesson. He may have used the tricks of the dramatist in painting his pic ture large but lawyers always paint their side large and my friend Dixon was once a lawyer. Cases without number of broken homes come to my mind as I look over the wreck path of Socialism. Three notable ones that attracted international attention were the cases of Prof, George D. Herron. Jack London, the novelist, and Elbert Hubbard, head of the Roy croffc shop and editor of The Philistine." have lt i'n conimittea. -That Fanniville excursion that r: J .r- wa to conn.- up r nuny was a nasco. Then- "tie scarcely a baker's dozen'" i excursionists. CASTOR 1 A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST? SZ$7- V Signature ot tUtyJ J-CUCUtt 0. I1.. HYATT, FU K'pr liMTt'ItE AND UNDERTAKER, it j Iay & Hedges' Stables Tarboro, X. C. !l LFRED CULLEY. BARBER, TAKBUISO. JN. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. : hour? y to 1 and 2 to 5 0 R.DON. WILLIAMS, surgeon Dentist. Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Gas rn'i.i-rr-rp J ia the extraction of teeth . ..N. C. Attorney at Law loom. , -Norueet iug, . at. James Street, Tarboro,. C. .H. HfXS, F. B. SPKl'ILL, J. P. BURN, Uoctey Mt. Looisburg. Rocky lit. liUNX, SPRUILL & BUNN, Attys at-Law, Rocky Mount, N. C practice hereatter. in all the courts of Edgecombe county. J H A. ZOELLER, i GaGlii,e and Steam Engine Expert, Adjusting of Gasoline En ijnes a sneciultv. d6twtf Bryam Ahwin Cotaeee f.ettere. "William J. Bryan has written a little book which has been pub U&hep by McClure. Phillips & Co., entitled "Letters' of a Chin ese Ufficial." It is a reply to "Letters from a Chinese Official," wnich was widely commented up on in America aud Gieat Britain when published three jearsayo "Letters from a Cbineae Offi cial was a sovere contrast of let our Jack of All Trades pump w. a wooa, cutleed and do toysmii-e that a good reliable Sllli'lf- l-rrrT.n .. ,1 tata.o-ue lor the asking. I sell KAMI'S HOWARD, County Attorney.. ,J m the Court II ouse. A N'TKD 10.000 lbs of bees- '.Tai, W ( o 1 a ti 1 ' fuo f Vi nro T 7. 15tf rj 11, JAMES, ai ontmctor and Builder Tarboro, N. C. -'"''I s.ecifications carefnll j romptly prepared says Sam Kendall, of Phillipsbuig, ivan "jasi coyer it with iSncklen s Arnica Salve and the Salve will do the lest.'' Quickest cure for Piles, Burns, Boils, Sores, Scalds, Sore Feet, Wounds, EcEeoia, Gbsppt tl 1 l .a. mm Eyes. Only 25c at Staton & Zoel- ler's drug store. Guaranteed. A Fl and HI yimnmr- The credulity of a multitude of more or less thrifty people, who, in their -mania for money, are ready to believe that they can amass fortunes overnight, makes them the easy prey of a swarm of parasites who infest the financial parasites scour the country parasites, who build air castle for their victims and real castles for themselves, is terse: I. "A fool is born everv min ute." II. "A fool and his money are soon parted.'' PoBing as bankers and brokers. the financial parasites scour the country for the fools and then ex ercise their nimble wits. in devis ing schemes to accomplish the partition. How many millions of dollars are parted from the fools every year may be conjectured from the millions of dollars spent by the pseudo-fieauciers in adver tising. The bulk of the financial advertising in the leading news papers of the country is intended for the fools. Another index of the harvest of parting money from the fools is the occasional expos ure of some particularly glaring and bungled imposture, when the calculable "swag" runs into the hundreds of thousands, if not in to the millions. But these frauds are seldom exposed, for the vic tims are usually as anxious as the victimizes to escape the limelight of publicity. Most men prefer to lose their money rather than have their neighbors- quote from the parasites' gospel, "A fool and his money are soon parted.'' Frank Fayant in ' Success Magazine." Chinese civilization with that of Eogland, And in an introduction the author applied to America everything that he said about Eogland. It was surmised at the time that the letters were not those of an Oriental, and Mr. Bryan in a postscript to his intro duction eajs lie has learned they were written by au Englishman from material furnished by a Coinese. Mr. Bryan has divided his book into eight letters. The first deaU with the assertion made in the earlier boolr that China'a civiliza tion is nperior to that of the United States". "The picture that yon draw is not irus to life; you hold up the beet that you can find in your country (or eyen better than you can find) and, comparing it with the worst that you can find in Christian countries, you boast, in a holier than thou spirit of super iority. It would not be fair to judge China by her coolie clssr, although that clans constitute large element of her populati- n neither is it fair to judee her i her refined and polished diplomats wbo, while sneering at we tern civilization, hae liberally bor rowod from it; we must judge bv the average man which Chinese environment baa produced, and this average man does not ap proach in mental strength, moral stamina or high conception of life the product of Christian civiliza tion." "You have condemned, I think justly,' Mr. Bryan says in anoth er place, "the opium war waged against you by England, but your protest would have more weight if you did not devote so mnoh of he soil f Cain to the t oltivttinri ul the poppy auJ if your country men did not carry the vice into every country into which they go." Answering an argument against labor saving machinery, which, it was asserted, wa an incentive to a sordid struggle for money, Mr. Bryan says: "You complain that the spirit has been lost in an unseemly scramble for wealth. In this I am copstraised to rwliev yon pripv-oat-ly err I would .:ny it i as serted of soy of the European nationo, but I niottt earoestly dis pute it in regard to my own coun try. At no time during a century have moral forces been more po tent than they are in America to day; at no time has the conscience been more sensitive; at no time has a larger percentage of the peo ple been engaged in altruistic war." Again Mr. Bryan observes: "No more accurate distinction can be drawn between China and the Western World than when jou suggest that our nations conceive that they have a mission tore deem and civilize the world, while your nation has no mission and is satisfied to solve its own problems without bordeciog itselt ith the problems of other people. Better,' he holds, "is the nstion that goes forward in civiHzing work than a nation which, 'wrap ped in the contemplation of its own immaculafency, sleeps the preoious years away, indinetent to the world's welfare and un mindful of misery that might be relieved..New York Herald. HvM Ik ! There has b e a good deal of coutroveisy as to whtbr the present AdminiatraU n leaders arc bogus, or real rel mi . The suspicion that Mr. R.uelt baa beeu playing reformer, while cTt irg nothing to really control the trust jd corporations, rests oa evidence that is quite atroc fuougn 10 rauxe a grand jury to bring in a true hill. Reformers, (Ike other people, must be judged by what they do, rather than by what tbey say or write. Up to the preset.! time the re forms attt-topt-.-d by Ur. Rooee velt are all "up in the air," they may materialize in the future, if he sticks to tbem mabfullv and d jea not back down when con fronted with obstacle, as he has done in the tariff revision reform, tie start new political it frms constantly, but when the old par ty bosses show him that to carry these reforms out would aplii or disintegrate the G. O. P , Mr. Rooavt-lt gHs discouraged aud back m ater. But as a reformer jf oth r tkao Republican politics Mr. Itoe velt is more stable, be haajut oroered the introduction of spell ing reform iu his drpartmeot ol the goveruuent and aa there will be no reason for the Republican politicians to object o that re form, for most of tbAare quite likfrly to spell in tbe pbotittic way as by tbe rules ot the dictmoary, tbey wilt be glad to see Mr. Roos te't an. use himself in that way icstead of other reforms that are more dangerous to' the party. For instance, a sentence of the President's message to l'ongrs this Fall may contain this: The bra z jo standpatters are compreat nd Lusht and should be tupprsst for their wilful ardor for tbe frenzied fantasy of protection. I recemmuid that every dasht schedule be stript of its woful and lachrimal injustice. It this accurst tariff it not diecut and lopt off at this Kesaioo, tbe dasbt Democrats will have you wbipt to a frazzle in the next CoogTrs Now that is somethiiig like le'orm. Tht Hsviai ml I.U. It's a significant fact (list the strongest animal of its size, tbe gorilla, also haa tbe largest longs. Powerful lungs meaas poweriol creatures. How to keptbe breath ing organs right should be man's cbiefest study. Like thousands of others. Mrs. 0a A. Stephens, of Port Williams. O., has learned Lo tctlcthK J-'cvrllc-: "T ie? butties of Dr. King'a New Dis covery stopped my cough of two years aud cured lueofwhatmy friends thought consumption O, it's grand for throat and lung troubles,'' Guaranteed by Stat u & Zoeller the dinggistr. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A4rw JMkMi( a aliiag- Mr faraa, Ooe of rresideot Ilootevth'e famous predecessor in tbe While Uouse wasao independent spell er. Tradition asserts that the capaJutlc 0. K." which Is afiU ed it proof sheets ia prl Bees to signify tlat the have been eliminated origin to i'retidtnt Aodrew Jsck son's habit of markirg with those letters the drafts of paUio docu ments of which he approved. lea asked .what the letters stood for he reolied. "Oil kor. reel " Jacksoo was a forcible and popular President, tot the Ao.r: icao people never thought of lak ing his nagfs io ipelliog ss guide for their own. Evening Wisconsin. U::u:ii Hits Ei::y asj K:tw Sw;ct 1 Brw Ta TlaS Oat. Fill a Ul W or cum a. urn rUa 4t ran IT a 11 let It atatal lrtt loa, boa,; ICQ is SlilX I . eja-atat j rlnttogof. ACmc u.-xi-j.s1 the 1 7aatara Ntatln, Cures all Headaches, Neuralgia, etc. Does not deprt as the heart. 8old by all druggists " only The Soslbarnsr bss so far two ginning upon which to an ttumaUi as to tbe cotton jielJ, not enough to make a foreoasl from, yet if tbe difference is split between tbe two, the percenug Llwrn sel aad lint will he about the aterage and tbe predicted or fas red heavy seeds od correspondingly low lint yield will aot be ezperiaced. Mr.Tsylor'a grade is disappointing while Price's yield is not. Cradra at this seaaoo range wtll, much better than tbe yield. )wr it e-rt.lear a lA to fmm U raa tm IW Safk to sliormrfaoase rt lhl Um aaW aaj hUSUt ara oat 4 rlr. WUl T Da. Titer Uma4i k ie Saoa I- ao ftXrm etteMl. tUl Ir. kiiani hmttop-IUmA. Xhm trrl Vataey rrawit. f a ! u ! '. a erery aih la caHar iWui m. jaia la tbe Ul, ki4acr. Ut, tNWkUt aitat etery ft at thm anaarv tr It rorrcta nUMT to boI trt an4 araVhac psa faw, it, ca taJ Sect o!Vt m 4 Ijaor. a w aai enrrrntnea I3.t aatx raau t aav rrwir ix eawra-;l to r 4ann( tbe iUt, aal la rt ap a Uwmlanut tb atfU. Tba MuVJ aa4 tbetrar4aaryerrt ol 5aaaatts4 l rati realul. It ttaa.U tb InfVni foe lit awoJtfl mf c4 b earn ! a. trrua( ck If ym aaat a aa:xia ia C.riTnt at ooeu;U aiwr. a wr bate a n:i l4:a tal a twit Uut trits a:i almt it. Iwtb et f rre A Question of Prejudice When the Taird Iitflrt art railed U Ike Fsprre IVert fr arrsaaet aa artal. t ialfc!s lc rau vs. i!Ua 5:ua.friaa lr, la waka the tot! (fQtatios) t4 the e!ltl.4l. Pf a mtttUr ol sa AtU Um Uge to sit aa Jot or U the UiaJ ef m sosj charred wiU rrtsUlas titter withoail tiewts mlU U sa H. The ptaJatlff scosjvUt4 Wet Jd4t Loeg ssd UxKd ?e file moults Icapriauoaitat, Tte tnal Jige rft4 : U Ibli i ! faa atrti rs fra tie are. aJ tie !'a.4i ec haatt4 his fttmj ut sl.:fe on acecaUrs c4 t.e Umj; a4 9L.I others r lefu Tie tutt i that lie taoa aUft are a&Jaly j?rjl,ta4 i(i.ul ! fm4st chsrrd witi s'ai f the tsor la. "lot at cat rir ta itSltf (Wa.to. V tiL AJ.Ue tir. Kilmer &. Co.. fjaj. kamtoa, N. V. Wbca fUinx tortiiiao ibu torar aa.1 Aomt tale aav tnie. bat rrtnemlv tbe m. tr. KuoK-t ' 5n RouC, aa4 U ailrtM, tUsjbaastoa. S. Y. Xatlo. Oo the eveaiogof Aug. 2lb, the God of all mercies saw fit In bU all wia Provldeec send the angel of death to our rata - sairtwjMtMs home, aod take from u our darliar During the young manhood of laej mother, Martha Cobb, who Andrew Jsck son. when he rode tbe circuit io Tennessee, knowiog more lew than meat of his breth ren at tbe bar, afraid of nothing on earth, ready to challenge to a duel some trained lawyer from the older settlement wheo tbat law jer trespassed upon his own pre serves an4 make Ion of his igoor aoce as Waightstill Avery did this holdiog his ground against all mrnt-r, partly by brute frc' and p-tly L rtalal sopeiiurlty, ha was protaM nearer to hap piness than he ever was afterward. From court lo court he rode his race bor. pistols ia holsters, carrying his gnu and his pack of bounds, ready for the court-hoose read for the deer chase, ready f r the shooting match, re jy for the horse race, ready for the house raising and log rolling", ready to go out himself and drag i-t tlv curt house the !erpr- do wiinu the aheiiff ItaieU to arrtat. llough-aod-tomble ttraesthtse ava Haaisfhaidi F.rfecta my Birr Inf Than. The knowledge tbat has come to people ol the possib lity of sav ing household effects through burial during cycloces was put to Daavtb-Deavltaa; Traee ml Traalea. An observsLt American wbo s;ent saversl years on tbe Isth mus of Panama io the eighties waa speaking of the influence upon human and animal life of a certain tree. "A man of the name of James Linn," he said, "lay down under a tree to rest and fell asleep. On waking be found that his limbs snd body were fright fully swollen aod he was in in tense pain. Death soon followed. Cattle avo:d ruminating under this tree, snd I was told thst birds would not fly near it. The tree seems to generate quantities ot car.Kcio acid gas and every living creature tbat breathes it dies." I should like to he.tr tbe fote gomg statement verified. For ages it was believed that a tree grew in the ast Indus which shed a poisoning, blighting, dead ly intlaeoce upon all animals tbat came near it. Thn theie was tbe upas tree, tbe poiaon tree of Ma cassar, told of by a Dutch travel- HWLN F. FENNER, .I'HYMciax AXD SURGEON ,Ur'- ''(ijfly nponrjprJ-hvB G- AiisurooK, .Esq. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANB ARTS. I'!u ti ai education in Agri 'iiii is i c. Engineering, Indus tiii! ("heinistry, and the Art. PRESIDENT WINSTON, ! V EST R ALEIG H, N . C. Piralaaa Chlaiea. A member of the Chinese Lega tion, clad in splendid pale bued silks, stood before the- Casino at "Pins.' he said, "cause untidy habits. We have no pins in China. The right way to fasten things is with buttons and butttonholes or :tVi Innni ini 1 frotra. To fasten -a u -a - - -- a a. a . nx.ier iu iioo, iutt iiurr was mat eChQ. use uurmg me Dieun. iuo . . - K.V nra r.f KnlaUtl Hill TfKl I r- ' . " dents were freelv ued aa burial grounds for all kinds of house hold good, even costly vaes, planted In boles 'dug lor M pur pose. . , The chief clerk of the Ieterna- Hotel. who lived in we on the northetft streets, of the na tional house TJriCrodyedthe larger part oft idiur ku ---- f . floors in this way r--- the rear or ms re?iaeucr, T-?. have no oin. ia China, was made ten feet square and nto , , w - - l . . l aa1 trnn at a K sflllll LlkT anutacturers tnxs wero p ---- in anH honeehoia enccw m j wasboro Jaaoary 3oth. mak ing her slay io this alnfol wortl. '4 5 ears 6 months and 23 data. 8 he had been la feeble health for several weeks, tho oever glv. log up and taking to her bd, but few dsjs before her blrnned spirit was taken to the home of praise and glory, there to meet the bleared loetl oueM gone (nlj -w muwtoa beurv. Abd oh! to tbev that she la gone, aod go forever, ever, never to hear her klad, ympathelic words of lore aod ad. vice, Is Indeed aahearahle. Bhe was always a dutiful, faithful. loving wife, sod as a mother, she had bosaperior. Wemlashersh! we mKs her, and her place caa oever be filled, but c bU aad Laetb) evnleticj I al vat lm la her rlci ual gaiu. hbe waa kind ai4 patient w tMaiMUiMa Sa. The KdgtcAtaW C4t AarU fiat, wi TharaJay ia iU eait boi with a sesall ;alUt,aA. P'taftst DaagkUvfge sJ h rvgrvtud the Iskewsrs eras aavoc r tk faftaert; ttey shU iuM . to gather. lie ikosght tier wvt a great cvk lo be dwe W1 sa (achctlsi as pca.U akeU U ItfttS tie ea7kL W. A Thlrpeo sail h a lowap U rgsAiied. wuJ, goKj. l8UaU rata Ura. Ue was Ltarulv m fstsr 1 tl fga,iistw mA Mtl U to it sscaaod. It was derided I meet her agalaoorihlay.hwpt. Itth, al 12 o'clock to d Ureas aad lake atko la referrerw to the prW ef un. sad it U to U, hc-prd tlsl all far aoersaad t uaiaeao aro viUarUe J. LOW PRICES AND HIGH STANDARD or. QCJ-ALITY tKfttr mm4 petnrail at er tf. WwMtaai ara rax$t to wit a JKI with Sltit . taJ. tse(t'ia,;Tts'tl,4 w I"'- d p(tti.aatWrM im all IL1J L mm Ksrtirrrr I v:ra, reJ m m . a at - a . If wpVa)oo.:: jf t4 i'tts. I. lata! Stcla'.ro. era yv-mt the lit-. raa li Wea V t ,j Tr-al U.NK OKTAUI.OJ.O. Xaff rw au . v . i ai ,o .. . J I. I.-at'J. V N.Vat. J I C, t.aV U V. Hart. t , itVf llkl. ,0 t i0. 8,356 Traaf tWsrfexf( tCWw f the (WnihW I fct. cf IW were in bscswoous lenoessce. aoJ tore bei aasertnrs with L'brva : 1 1. - l 1 - i i I . . .... uu iuu auu taaicaa tkhiiui, I UaA IorlilOJ. bt,r - - boiling aod bubblier io thst ine vitable period 4 unrest aod strop r!e which prevails io border set tlemeats before tbe coumaoity tskes form, snd everybody smog y congratulates evervbudj ! on tbe "reign of law and order.' Iojoat such a state of society jruDg Jackson was peculiarly Ct' ted to lead, dominate aud . rue per. Had he goae eastward Instead of westward, had he cast lo bis ot with the lawyers that wr striving for advancement io tht cities of the original thirteen sea board state, nothing is more eer taia than tbat the world would oever have beard of him. Ills lack ot knowledge of the Uw would hare ma4e him easy prey to those who were maaUrs of this profession; his hery tamper would bare kept him eoosLantly io battle array, ana lo Dgoiiag those lawyers wb got the belter of him in the citation of legal authorities he would lo the natuie of things, have met tbe wrong mao, soooer or later, Tom Wat son, in bis Magazine for Septem ber. Hartain foreign HO -a ! IVawi - Via shippea millions - ; T7nn The building WS8 We Ed BoWef o;Them. We were compteteW -.-J-. i '.THnivdance Journal, a cinder binglcft of the wooa and vet when tw aooua p . (" ,tr;ictor and Builder, i' k ;,u i fieavy Work Solicited tiiaies Promptly Furnished. Subjects far Keriewe Ceeier As the weather cools, we should f i. iit for further consideration "r co.bool houses ana iaijJiv and whatever the vapor touches dies. Not another tree, nor blade of grass, could grow In the onoiiiulinfr rmlu.ra gr quinnllina in the vioioity. "One night lt 0 refugees encsmped witbiu fourteen miles of it, and all but 300 died within two months.' This fairy tale was commonly believed unti Bennett exploded it. There is a tree in certain parts south which tbe natives know by the najie ol "slioking heaven.'' It is a larje tree of tbe locust family, somtti.-nes called mimosa, The lea vis are very beautiful, resembling a spray, but tbey outstink all cieatioo. Pol bly "stinking heaven" is a cousin of tbe upss tree. But I do not recollect tbat any beast, bird. reotile or bnmsn being waseter DeWitt's Little Early Riser. PTessant little pills tbat do not grine or sicken. Sold by IL E. L. Cook. Weaaea'e aae Tiro's A p I r igure to yoorseii a dost mao ternoon. lie has on his bee a raortnsneg. bat alwajs having a kind word for everyone. Uex death was a severe shock to the fsmily, we knew she was very sisk. bat the sodden!?, a change fir taking pi sea io a 'moment's line. from which she never recovered focscioetceta. Ob! what is boats wiiheet a mother snd father, sad oh! caej we all walk in the foopnou ef their lots, asd live ss they lived, aa oprgbl, boo est hoaerahU Me of peace aod lore, and wheo the lot lug Savior calls oa to oor last lone reeting plec. he prepared V snest them io the Ueaaed Lome. txt made by baud, eternal ia the ifee tec a. I we dsatbtars sod ooe soa are left to meurn tbeir loss. Tbe fuorral seniles wers ct ducted by Elder M. T. Levrvacw, . . . . . . alter woico ner remains were isseo to the family Wo ml ground, at tbe home of her childaood, aad placed beside the loved eoos goes before. llerlovieg dsoghUr, L. aaa Mara . Tbe e.Ico tf roe- f I . , , . ia KigrcoxW homkidee as thcoe a! A. P. llystaa ol the two rasa kiUed txt the rail roads reeootly art lava-igud. Dr. TV. J. Thijrpaa. who , hoi , that CZc aats thai he is aol U blaaa. He can da oothiisg ttUm wrilUQ osspUi&i is bvUi aad ikis was aol deee in euher ittUsct. -- o.a4e aa tta.O hrti.er ir. Ilyavaa was kufJ ota-eauj t Jeblorale'j. Io the caoe of the two tarn kt'.kd on II. e rsuroad. iaeraia 1W2U he held lo aooenaia if tk rtoii re gsllty tf tegt-xtaew. If iU eerineers dJ their fall dstv. li..t tod some I rhoalJ be eto&raUJ, if O-ey d4 tbe or I eat iK osl! tc!.t UA ivt peoithraeot be meted eat. Sioeetof So Saoia. Becsrose bar stotasea wa so weakened by useless droggisg that abe could not eas, Ura. Mary H. Walter, of Rt. Clair St.. Col- womid. ocewntes: -My atom ach waa so weak from e4ess stilt linen collar, on his back a hu'tocelup shirt, on his shoulder drugs that I cuold not e.f. atdlu fa xer, lawyer, donor, Usher. 1 1"1 Staotlos rt K. I- Ibaogbtrtdge, Prwaldrat of Udgeoombe (Vtloa AstorlaSioo 4e atrwa a gmarsJ g at h trie; cf all l Ureated la rutios) nest I'rtdsy. Itj thst Uaae the crop by the tattoo Atsociatioo will hav Urea rU tn l ted aod II will have lwa- d- cidrd what actioa to rrroaeseod to the farmers as to h4ditg aad aa to price to be deeaaaded. Mr. Dsoshtridx veer Uttlr sale la hi head 141U: The prraeot low prx.s fr c t too male ll absolutely sxceoiary Ihsl tftere he'd t osity of ae Iioo a moor all farmer aad basi oom r&ea la order to taai&laiw a Jaal aad rraacmsKe pricw for the Booth's moat valuable staple prod act. '"Caa the farmer make a dtvwe.1 living for hlauelf aod fatally a&d pay hi debts with the pervailiag coftcera every saao, whether he D.i tltrreisa, ft sUttsrUey et. Wnr u, Ur tkliti!;, el, it la tooaj aaate to e;;ar IU"itr rt Niwaa1 ia -f Mi ItrlVatlt l.l I. fabfof North Cariiia.e, taorta. tit with a'2 U freiaaoaf to 1:1" f tte Itiul Kate. rvttireO to t ct;:o4 with beictw a- SvowMriatkei stall t atlroetred lo roat3Mrr (o Usiarais cf btakie ; Now Ucrvforr. 1, Tlc-aat V. Kaa, !epe,ty ad Artist C-atp-trt4!er of tie Cwrvrwcy. t aetrlT '.:.:., ti-. Tlt J lfefT MTlH i.t. la the Tow a e-f Tattvro. la ti- Cooat j 4 'Jxeewa!o, a- of North ( attbCiaa, U aatitol to ttBttettrthe bo.MaM cf toalit g aaprovMrl in hectioo r.Ht ooe bwwtrvd aad aittt aia 4 tfeo lvtar ?!UUs of tbe I's-iird Ma tew. tn totticsoer whrrwf i'.mm say bead t rval t4 &v ths C day of JWpi., T P. KAN II tVpwlT a Br. I Artiag oot4r:r of the Co rt etcj . cis t street paving, extension of T-aoas-sso ''ANOLA DAIRY I'a re Milk and Cream I'at.r.)!i3 will phone their n'ri to phone Ao. 243si: i i sites water -t,a ;ta imnrovement. Each and every one' of these need a Rnpedv solution, but never will be until our citizens give them g3rious thought and demand that the improvements be made, ,lte Una Yoi Han imjiimp rrr Ir mvim, J were dug up tne manrepsea iuu similar inflammable belongings were free sven irom toe iuJured by mting anier its shsde. c. a tnnk nt earth over tne i A nro- inaiauapoiia ot buriea gou r :. . tection for tbe most destructible .nit and thousands of dollsrs .nrih nf famliv Dogseiu WVl aa, vo or a - aved in this way . n r rancia Chronicle. oo opaque and airproof coat aod on his face ao ocean of perspira tioa and a world of woo. lie meets a woman. Her shirtwaist la ot tbe flimsiest material tbe loom can weave nay, tortbermore. its warp and woof are iotsriapted ever ana anon by noiee tnrouzn which cleaas the cool and venti lated epidermis. Ibe sleetc thereof terminate at the elbows, the cotlor of It is noosxistent. Why are these thing thus? Why ia it decreed more modest for the more modest tax to wear tbe more 'ininodesV the more comforta ble clothes? ClertUod Leader. NUTICKTO OiKWTOfc. list tsg r,aJ!i-r. aa s4c&iaWlr-' tor ow thw ela:a o tatl V. f!s!?4ck. drcrrsond, Sot ire; ! lfrir given a.1 perne hodiag c'aisbe ai6.f al4 eat! to prearebl tbeta foe raj tor tit or accy-tiirw ty saw oo or be for the Ink day of Jy. l?J.,cr ta;Wjn srl to t-Zrml ia tar of rvteaj. n, ! a id lalr w i'.I pVaao sowlo itaso- Thta. Jaty T. H . C htiUJt., Ad or. O. M. T. rt,Uis. Attv. inCCCUrORV NOtttT. The &4riro4 oavttg tiu CoJ artewtore of lb- eaui w4 tbe late W'.M. i:tacd-.a, i:.o , ketebf giro 004MO t all Cotoooa who have a cUisaa jaxtt I wo eaUie, b iroetl 1 1 s (- sott!et&ra!t or this sw4 Ice w iU lo? I-Ua4 la tor of eaiiloeatti a rt t a. J o tse eats oro a-ammi to make pfet. "iaic& a -4 ay to tl4 wtihosr sjj 11 X! Bmrithm .1 Signtaxs A, ..o w i.e. Tom Piatt is isiatlaea wun Lis political career. That naxes u unanimous. unicagw w. Chillaria is positively guaran teed to break: chills. or saie cy - w,u nrtis TtrUc. W. II, Brown, the popular pen sion attornev, of IitUHeld. Vt., tas: "Next to a pension, the Vest thing to get Is Dr. King's New Life Pills." He writes 'they keep my fsmily in splendid health.' tiuick cuie lor lieaa ache, Constipation and Bilious ness. 25s. Guaranteed ot BLaton It Zoellsr'f drug store. my nerves so wrecked thsl I could Dot sleep; and cot be fote I waa given op lo die was I indsoed to try Kit ct tic Hitter; with tbe woo detfol moll thst Improvement I bgQ at toce, aod a complete core followed.' iWat health Toeie oa earth.' &o. Ooaraatewd by b la- ton & Zceuer, tbe dreggtsla. In these days of rush sod horrv cocrtesj is often forgotten. ltv tte msd. pell nsll rush oi our life little things are done to offend that we ra'.ber remained onJon. A hastily eaten meal and its rssollaot bdiche mar cause os lociai or finoscial loss. The wise man or worran is th one who relieves littl ills st this sort by a little dose ot Kodol for Djspepeia. It digest what vco sat, hold by 1L K. L. Coot eaahe lo CaSSae. A tpeciaj to th News Se Obaerver from Kif uo, aays thai the cook ofT. It. Crawford lo pre pari to cook a cat bag fr dinner, wheo ah cot i'., col a soaa in two, Ik soak being in th heart ot tt cabbag. Thcsnak waover ii ioche long and probably crawled op into th leave ot th cabbag before it headed aod elated there aod fed oo th cabbag for a month r so. est reheat, or wgw earner. Mew of every profaawioa ad ewlliag are urgrolly iovibrd to attead a meet log of th KJeeotab a aaoeia'ioo. ia Tarboro, X. C, oa frdsy. Bepletabrr 14th al 12 o'clock for the porpco of dism4ag aad taking actioa with rewpwet la the cyltoa situs Uoo. Urtstmlet thsl this meeting Is of rlul In pot tsar aod should b aUeoded by every buiotws mao farmer la . th oooty., atioTor. Ti Aogwa tt'h t"6 II It. ante, W. II. Taaj, W.H.I rwwtv.s JltecxUta. JottIC M Bt'tlltA. Ait. 0 Oa TOXV.X A. i b Las T tjm i.wri s4 The eolire aophocoor tla of the Agrtroltarsl & Mechawlcal Ccdlrxw have met aod onaaimoctiy der-tded toeipel any member who blarard or olherwtao maJtrrsied frvahaea. Of cworao the focal I y would eipwl from the col.rxw aay cadet thus ex pell woca tie cUs. ADMtSHIUAToa'i NU7ICC tlavisg this ftr csIioi aa sdailbUtrator the eatal cf A. t 11 j a a. Uio of KJrecmwb Ousy, North Corolla a. Noco u hereby g tea a-1 pofooo ,avitg tlalras geiasl s4 eJat to poo smittVeaaU trpatly veS-t for p aartt oa or bwfo I ba Into tryot hepUvaber or Hi t ico t.iU t pt-o4e1 ia Uf f their rcoey Too w ir d ewtal are M-oid t al l- SBMiiiaW po-oat. Tais5ar,-'- 9yC- J. M. Ht A'a. tl. M.T. lrTi. AHf. ) ta las ta Saw awrw fcg JUL ;a Las l are s-a-a U9 iV,JI.MACD-ir.