mr f IP mm WWW by T -l IV il B BT VI I I 1 1 H. B I I 1. 1 I Bv a. T . . I HI I J V : J ' ; (I J3IE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett j I i i iii X 1 1 i I I I 1 I 1 III II II K y a JAM' ., ( .:. It VOL 84. NO. 38. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1906. A HAPPY !5 c::e where health abounds. impure blood there cannot tv uCrod health. ' M a disordered LIVER there be good blood. t h e t orpld LIVER and restore Its i'CtlOn. ttrrf a :!.'"s::iy uvtK means pure hi re I-od means health. means happiness, iioititute. All Druggists CASTOR I A To: Infants and Children. Ba Kind Ycu Have Always Bought i Y ATT, "lit" AND UXDER TAKEU. ;y A Hedges Stables :t ;- !.), X. C. v"" II l'f SHE A D , ; Dentist, FALHORO. N. v, ' r i and to 5 V o - j ' n jo anu vixygeu vjthb ;e extraction of teeth N. C. . NO H FLEET iU'i'iu-v at Law ::..r,k-et Bid-, AY. St. ;t: ett, Tarboro, X. C. -7 -. - r T t-t , t'tV. Ice Eis- d6twtf u '.; of All Trades pump - wood, cut feed and do e th'it a good reliable " K'igine can do for you. A for the asking. 1 sell '- ! UKU-hicerv for cash or it. A . ZOELLEK. ! ..': :itf Attorney. ;i the Court House. Cal.1,1 UieJI,,.rr. On a rugged peak in Southern Italy there is an old Ureuline con veni. fco famous is it that instead rf calling it the Monastery of OiUi, the little mountain village itself is known as Calai of the Monastery. Tbe little town seemed as if it must have dropped down, ready made, from heaven, so impossible did it seem, as our mules climbed the rugged ascent, that theso 6tone 'buildings should actually havo been erecled there, what portions of them had not fceen cut oufc of the solid rock. A flight of 700 steps leada the pedestrian almost perpendicularly up tha hill to the convent gnte, whereas a serpentine path, jnst wide enough for mule and coach, 1 aves the ordinary traveler there after a solid hall hour of climb ing. All along our way we were greeted by dreamy ejed peasant a iris, gathering ilowers for tbe feast of the Assumption nd when we reached the old stoiie gate of the city, the men came out, and, putting their shoulders to the wheels, literally pushed us np tbe last acclivity, and rolkd u to the convent portal. ilaesive in structure, irregular in shape, tbe monastery runs np and down the rock, whose. highest point it crowns turrets, foof-s cloister, enough to satisfy tbe wildest faucy for the pic turesque. It seem to have giveu shelter to saints in the olden days r in the vault where inauy hoiy Ursuliucs lie, six stand erect agaiust the wall iu perfect preser vatiou, their hands joined, their veils lowered over their dear fa es. 1 nai seen St. Catharine of Bol ogna sitting- in herahbatia! chair. I had Hssed her hands and feet, I had laid my bead in her lap, and told her the needs of uiy son'; I had seen ijt.Angela, at. Catharine of Geno i, JSanta Clara of Monte filco, St. Paul of the Cros-, ad others, lying, as it were, untouch ed by the corrupting hand of death, and vet I confer to a tense of awn at sein six of n; w nw:i 5?iitei!5. ta;iit. lity uhu der habit, sanctified by my own clear rule, standing agaiust thee old stone walls awaiting the summon ing blast to Jehosaphat. llosary Magazine. Tk Parcels Pat. From the inception of the move ment lor the establishment of the parcels-rnst system in tbe United States, The Pst has been its firm, consistent, aud petMtiit oppo nent, because Tho Post is opposed to any needless extension of pa ternalism in our government. There is quite enough, indeed, too "much, of that already in our pos tal service, and is is high tinr for the eliiaintiliou of hooie of it by reform of abuses of the franking privilege. Tho Providence Jour nal notes the' formation of an as sociation called the Merchant' League of America, whot-e object is to oppose the parcels-post scheme. The Jourcal eays tbe lejfgue assumes to represent the "small" merchant, jjbber, aud manufacturer, aud 'its promoter st-e in prcf Is-prst legislation such encouragement to the ruail-iirdet business as would threaten to ex terminate their interests. The mil order LU"ine?, if fav orcd by Congress with the hssU tance askod fr, will iumi the cjnutry merchant as effect aally a the drpirtmeui stores h-ve al redy wiped out thousands f re tail merchants in cities. It in vnin to object or argue against th de partment store. It is a logical de velopment of the concentration that chtuacterues mo!eru busi ness. It is in fall accord with economic law. And economic lw is not violative oi nainntl or di vine Ihw. True, it spreads dec deuce broadcast tbroughont th retail trade section of many cilies and renders the problem of mak ing cities beautiful extremtly dif t'cult. Tint, for all that, it is bound to stAy and to grow. Yet we see ro reason wuy Congress 6hould tax the people to ex'.cnd that con ditioa to ti e retail dealers in the country. There is solemn tmth in the assertion of this new league that the parcels-post proposition means the "clo-ing up" of frbons throwing employes out of work, cutting do u the business of local banks, depreciating property val ues, and biiuging diiatter to t hou:v; 1s of nniU'unitiea. The 'anhipeton Post. E! 10,000. lbs of bees !. and leathers. J. Zan- iftf rs :md Builders. i .5 i Jiirtsee us. When we Ut;tp s any, and giye -. , JMans and speciriua f ilter Sts. d w rhone 120 .if L'ULLEY. . BARBER, TARBOblO, N.C : JAMES, - 'tor and Unilder i ri'oro, N. C. specifications carefall ! :i!iptly prepared ' - ! K. FEXXEll, I AX AXD SURGEON ' Mtv occupied bv R. G A i'sbrook, Esq. J NEK, 'r;ctor and Builder. ! fienvy Work Solicited rrnmptly turrlished. The Rin in Paris. The sole effect rain seems to have on French spirit is to bring out its brightness by contrast ("Ah. it rains!' ) And inouc-ieur J dressed with scrupulous care, ready to sally forth, does not btop for an umbrella, probably but steps out isuntily into the stret and makes no more ua friendly comment on the weather than, "11 db fair pas beau ce marin." ("It is not fine this morning.") This is the Trench point cf view. iMscomton oi any son is for thcru on?y thn negative of something desirable, and so they keep their minds on what is pleas ant, naming it to df fine the ab sence of it. La petite Ileleuc and her little brother Henri, who go to jschool in the neighborhood, trot along in the rain, the bonne at their heeU carrying their school bags. Henri wears a capnehoo a eape with the hood drawn up over his head, Ilelene holds oyer Ler head a minascule umbrella which she tilts in such fashion as to make the most of the rain. Utre- baked by any threat of something awful to result if a drop ot water falls on tbem, both children da'.ce along in the wet, letting the drops fall on their upturnca laces ana laughing in glee as if the ram were another playfellow. Even his royal highness the does not miss his accustomed outing on c count of the weather. Nnnu, the nurse, will shorten the great rib bon streamers of the white cap she wears, and she pins up her dreis to escape the muddy street.8; Ie bebe himeelf is resplendent in the laces and feathers which are an inseparable feature of the magnificent devotion winch the French te&tow upon an infant; be is snugly tucked in his go cart, the hood is raised if it is a neavy anvthine less IS vsv f tt - - thought to be good for him and off be goes. Harper's Bazar. ESTABLISHED 1822. yimmt lUfta wrU avf. Admiral Evan's re mirk at tbe naval rerljw that he whbed tbe United bUites could put twice ai many waisbips on parade, shove at leist that he in tot fia'd to voice hi convictions. There is not much pirtis-iLsh-p in tbe deaiatid lor a Urger navy. Other powers 4 re already far ahead ua in tea per and it is only through sta-power that wo'c-io t-ither be toucbed by a rortign enemy or can defend our prreit pokbm iors. Whether it wee ie for o In the first place to cournulat tf rritory ouUide tbe continental limits of the United States may be left out of tbe qnettioa. Whether it was wise or not. we now have the insular possessions and there is no question alnjut our ho'.Jiog on to tbem. To defend tbem we need a navy and while we have one now tLat is a good .a the bett so lar as it goes, we are anil certainly third and probably fourth iu ILe lit cf naval powers. With Great I'.ritaiu it is uot likely that we shall ever catch up. bbe has eainbli-dej the 'lo poer st'iud&rd" and it is tiot likely that be will ever let any two power with whom (Le may be at war accumulate a navy that co paper if stronger than her single fleet. Dotweao nerd a uy tbut sin gle handed is capable of dealing with any o-se poer a 11 oat. Poi tly we have it cow. Oruinlj slip f.r ship we are ahead of tbe best naval powers. But no long ae the improvement of the battle hlps cuiitmses, we will have to follow whether we like it or not, and this country is rich enough to afford the luxury of beii'g second best, as it were, acd cf knowing that its territory is measurably safe fiom usult. We are not bant ing trouble In any quitter of tbe world. Uut a few millions spent in battle ships is an excellent iu surance ogtinst any poaer bunt lug trouble with us. And Admira Evans' lameut is one that tbe ooautry would do well to bed at the next session of I'ongreM when the naval appropriation bill comes up for discussion. Itrr:p ler m If.-ppp t-r. The folloning "Ilecie for a Hapny Life" is tbe composition of Margaret of Naaire in 1500: Thiee ounces arentceary first of Then of repose and peace of conscience a pound is cecdrol. Ofrastimea of all sorts, too, hould be gathered as much ae tbe hand can hold. Of pleasant memory and of hope tine- L't-.'i niiin.-- 'J lure must l e at It a't, I n; thry should moiteued tn With a liquor made from trne pIeaures which ri-joice tbe heart. Then el love's magic drops a few But use them sparingly, for they may briDg a tUme. Which caught bat tears can drown. PiCbbvlnian Standard. t rf Mealiav. FniTo SotTutaxn: It is enacknowlcslj-edand alarm- io; fact, that tabrmiloaia U rapid ly Jncreiaios la this county, and Oll!i Tl5 Kiir.ji Ai? WciicstJ Ij Om-WctL II a-l to I c-mw4 tiMt especially so among tbe roloml hUkt ,r t w people., Tbe latter are so Irnortot I Prr ou improTiuenc tbaltheydo doI'ivv know the Importance of nourUhiog foo to repair tbe daily waste of tbe boly, by tbe dally progrc c f thi disease. They do not even know thf value of fresh air. Nature's fire gift to the poor, eboceing tather .to shut It out, and to rat and aletn with the aU-k in 111. ventilated rooms, in an atmospbere laden with Impurities, even tke germs of this dreaded disease. They know nothing of disinfect ing; and we have many iruUare ctce 4om i!kt ke tbetr Urtaauef im iWr iluMkt e4 telbmf weak. TW-TTcrr. tW)l kUwut or oat (4 oetW-r. a tmm nl'ceI W TKitf yeta UJf U aetl 4 rtry arva tntum la UJ tooiu 4tv. 1 yn tKli O - !rl Wtly." Ui Uktatf llx ftXAt iMvrf rraaedr. It. KiSmrt" herip-r:'w4. twraeee M JMit i!nei ate tl Ut -nil b ? l I'm rtbrr orsrsiM to aeUa A tfnU M cvMtiace tsnnf. If )pa at wa )tm esq anakf of houses MnZ impregnated J&VXUZZ with tuberrulous germs, that dif t. KUwi Swaoie-Kooc, ih ttt icreut mcmim or the Urn Mrs tlM hifst tu, u mitui rtr finally sure nmb fatally. Tbee 5 , b- caera, aa4 h04 colore,! people need the svmpdby toUii- auu ucip oi ute more eniinieoeu I ' ' v-rw l'hj-stcians, Health Board and I hf '' ltrr r"i -t t.c jm town onicials abonld enact rdi IbUdlrr tro,. uLZJ XI nances and provide other means I "ba itr. Kilwt At C, kc- to prevent tbe spreading of tbls u.t rrrV(r the s..-aliI disia. Rules should be formn-1 ' 5?-r?4. a IU and our pbysiciaos might carry! ! Ma aii4a !. thee cards of.rules io their medi-j On tbe farm of Ueorre Wek, cine cases, leaving one with tbeirj,n5 towtubtp lite a colorvd first and first prescription for I omn r.mmie Pitlmaa. bbe hat a person affected with tubcrculosU. hva fr. Wii terctj Thise are merely auggeatiotu. Is infr Jr- - tarsday, she gate a it not our duty to pause la tbU Tie lUmti ef PaV: VTki Tbrlj ettnlag a&4 1 1 tk t4 cei!rt tp It t !- f rush of life, and consider this question for tbe health of tie community? Health. The Ural I wl . Sellers. In the opening chapter of Lis "autobiography," printed in the first fortuightly number of the North American lleview, Mark Twain tells thus of the origical Col. Sellers: Many persons recarJed "Col. Sellers'' as a fiction, an invention, an extravagant impossibility, and t;.d ie. I Lv i.'otO' U i-a'i 1 iui ereitH i tuitLey were rais J tuken. 1. iiieiely put biru on paptr as ha was; be was not a pjrnou who couhl be txagyeiated. The incidents which looked mont ex travagant, both iu the Ixx.k and on the stage, were not inventions of miLe but facts of his life; and I was pret-ent when they were de veloped. John T. Baymoud'a audiences usd to come near to dying with laughter over the turuip eating sctne, but, extravagant as the scene wai, it was faithful to the facts in all its al eured details. Tue thing happened iu Lamptoii's own, ami 1 whs preceut. In fact I was myself the guest who ate the turnips. In the bauds of a great actor that piteous scene would have dimmed any manly Sfettitor's eyes with tears and racked bis rilM apart with laugh ter at the -auie time. But II iv- mond was tjreat in humofoi.s portrayal only. In tht he was superb, be was womicr'ui in a uuw i3 a permi t state oi prcser word; gret; in air thm-s else he vation. in the accounts of the Mrrled. Wedncfilay afternoon in the Prcsbyteriao cbnreh at Leggelt. a very pretty marriage ceremony k4 was performed by Rev. R. C Craven, uniting Miss All ie Mayer and Xeb V. I xrg in tbe bo'y bonds of matrimony. m .a ainner ana naa a lamuy rtanica. She had had twenty children, eleven of whom are lit nr. ni&cly ose grard chiUrco, forty .nine bring, forty-two dead, aixteeo great gra&d children, thirteen luin. Mr. Weckidoes not know Itt ae. tot thinks ibe U Utvn 4eaeei !. President E. L. laughttidge railed tbe meeting tft onler, and The maid of bonorwai Miss Cora xid he farmers of the Ixng, sister of the groom and the unty were ce'Ulolj deeply la beat man Richard Fonntala, uftt,J lo obtaining fsrl'er price The following were the coo plea in for their rottoo. He hoped that attendance: whatever action was taken It would Misses Mary Lancaster, ofI2m redoond totbegoodof tbefanrrrs. City, Vernon Fountalo, Mary ,0 tb WX promoting higher Fcnntsin. Nannie ITerr-r, of rrice for cotU. Whitakcrs aud Pearl WesAs, ofl J- A. I4i thought wbatevtr Hu City, and Thomas Lawrence. Ptir M aduptrd al wbkb toaell James Harper, Lee Hargrnve, Sol omon Mitchell and Cba. Knight, ot Ijiarence. The church was laotlfully and ifntil)rrt la .lsltr. One of the. small glaciers in Montana i ot especial interest ou ucconnt of the fact that in tbe mass of ice there are imbedded two strata of grasshoppers, each about a foot thick. 1 here are lit erally tons of grasshoppers in the ion, and the question naturally arises as to where tbeyc ime from, The mot obvious explanation is that centuries ago twotnormcus arnift in course of migration were caught in a snowstorm, chilled,"! d buried in tbe mow, where th-v bve remained till was a pigmy of the pign;i-. The real Cot. belters, a- I kpew ;m iu James Lampton,' was a Pathetic and beautiful spirit, a manly nao, a straight asd buor ,i'..le m-iu, a iuhu with a big, fo 1 isi), unselfish heart in his bjm.m, man born to be loved; aul he loved by all his friends, and by his family worshipped. It is ilia right word. To them he was bat little less than a god. The real Cd. Sellers was never on tie stage. Ouly half of him wa there. Raymond could not play tn other hrtlf of him; it was above his lev- I. There was only one man who ii i ' i .i t. . i . . r conui navo piayeii iue nuumui C 1. Sellers, and that was irauk Mavo, James Lampton lloated all his " " . f. days in a tinted mist of magnifi- An old negro preacher, after mJ aied at JaHt wth. esrly Wtteru explorers a few in- staiices ar relstr d of meeting larte swarms of lxfcuts ou the mountain tops in tbe Rockies. It i a veiy fortunate circurosUticc that the great ex:cca:on of sgri culture iu the Wist has broken up the breeding grounds of tbee iusccts. Country Life in America. Ta (are a Frlea' mys Sam Kendall, of Phillipsborg, Kan. ."jt cover it with Rucklen's Amira Salve and tbeSalve will do tbe reM.'' Quickest cure for Tiles Burns. P-oils, Sores, Scalds, bote Feet, Wounds, Eczema, Chapped Ibmda. Salt i:heum and bore Eyes. Oaly 25c at Staton & Zoel let's drug store, uuatantet-a. Hi YOUR FAMILIES WITH ' cxhortiDff his listeners to align themselves on the side oi ngnt and righteousness, went about through hiscot gregation, putting tha invitation to eacn one 10 V f!rmft iine de army ob de Lord "I se done jmea. respomieu one old . was m. out seeing one of tbem realized. I saw him last in 18Stf .when it had leen twentysix years since I ate tbe basfu o! raw turnips and washed them down with a bucket of water in his bouse, lie wmh become oil and white headed. cotton it should t t rm I y adhered to that there should be hearty co operation among all farmers. A. L. Manning thought farmers UMily decorated. The wedding I01'1 raUiake in seiliog their march was beaatifullr rendered kotton in advance ia a future y Miss Dicey Howell. The hri4ewaa handaomelr attiied Pheltan moved that tbe n white a!.k. The ring ceremony I miolmum price of ten cent a pound was very imprertire indeed. Iforcotton as adopted by tbe Na- After the ceremony was performed Itional Cotton Assortalioo, Wen the invited goesta repaired to tbe I dorsed by tbU association. home of the grcim, where elegant collation was servod so aiarvias teaa. Frank Tbigen waa heartily la favor of anything looking to the establishment of higher prim for cotton. Mr. Fbclton'a motion to adopt Because her stomach waa so 1 10 tents as tbe minimum prte far weakened by useless drugging I cotton was unanimously adopted. that she could, not eat, Mrs. Mary On motion J. W. Hyde, tbe bale ti. t alters, oi bl.llair 61., Cot-1 levy .was nteu at live cents per ombns, U. waa literally rtarviar I e. to death. She writes: "My atom- I Jas l. Lloyd tendered bis resjg' aeh was so weak from nselesa I nation as secretary and trraurr. a . . . I " UriTgs that I con Id not eat, atd I ml aarae was acctpted. eae h a a a a a - ruy ncryesso wrectcu tnat I coma I ine louowmg rroiuiiom were not sleep: and not before I was I adopted unanimously: given np to die was liodnoedtol That the thanks of tbls aAda try Eltcttic Bitters; with the woo- tioo W extended to Mr. J. B derful result that Improvement I Lloyd for his efftdeut servlcea as Iwgan at nce, and a complete iMtetary, and w bile we regret to cure followed.'' Beat health Tonie I lose bira, we can but wish that In on earth. 50c. Guaranteed by SU ton & Zoeller, tbe drnggiata. I making a distant Mate bis fatare home that prosperity may crown hU efforts, and that he may be fortunate In all hl future walks tbronsbout tbls life. F. B. IJoyd was then e'er ted secretary and treasurer of tbe a- I social ion. A committee consisting of J. A Iri J. W. Ilsda an.l It. V Pay (ill J a rare. Now that a crand iarv has asked r ' e , e for iccreufcd pay, it is qnitc prob able teat the commirioncrs will mke the increase. Two dollars a day ii imall encngh. This was whut was r&id l ricr to lb.?, when V m. 'ii') Lick Spring "Water lUful and a kidnev core. JdaSi CI but - entered to me , in , the some j the connly out of tl e heaTJ deh,. ago-jined de B-iptists. ' lil "thB vit-not a ' -omeO.WO, into which rcpub .can ."Why, brudder," reiuraea in n,inv the banov lieht in extravagance ha.1 sunt, it Trior preacher,' "youVe am t jmed de - the aboundinsr ho,o in 1 to that time, any old male thing on rmy at al -jou ce belongs to thj 3sive tOPrne, two kg., ct-nld serve m jnror w I I II R IDirUUlC Uicruil'k imatiuu iv-i . , ,, -..!. :t- ii .. .i Kfrwra T :fioncrs nave an.iuany reviseti iiiu well worth rryiaa. mey wr mrf - 1Ub,. throwinir out all names m n r i. nn ennld turn arouna ne was pout- ' . . vv . n, niuw, FUl..u. : ... , ion;n mid i wnose owners in ineir opinion . - t -rnitBAr.A VT I innr nn hlfl Aladdin S ISmD BUH . . . . sion attorney, vi iHi. r- rr .7 r thai wonld not mate gooa jurors, ine "Neat to a pension, tbe nssning iu r uU fa u scarcely a worm oeiore uie. i , t Klv k wv, - ILBstlA All lU V J Ul J Ja uv a iivm well worth UJ any day. savs , J ... . rr; i - best thing to get is H Vaw Life Pills." lie writes: BOTTLIKG WORKS JsstrRJHLfcfSi jfr r UCOVU a " V Constipation ana unions- Tlac-B-alne. xuone t ache, i-ICK rnrinur CI i n for Ala! nno 25 s. Guaranteed t Staton JlMKar' Cures all Healaches, Neuralgia, i .1 - etc. JJOes not ueprrea uic uaukj MntU yell lli fa Hi Lrm lst rlTe ....rli... atWerh. This week in No. 3 township five generations were picking cot ton. Four, mother, grand daugh ter, great grand daughter, great rrrcat rrrant daurhter were rtirkin? nn it v rk.ww. f., .K.lFjigle was appointed to prraent I. v.....: MV James B. Lloyd with a suitable uaugmer on me aojoioiog iarm. pwrot for hU t0 M ine momer, oia as she u, picks socuaUon ir artlog as secrttary. about 100 pounds a dav. one dav I Meeting adjourned to met! she pic ked 110 pounds. Monday In ovctnbejv ritor statistics it towxtntrs, . 1. Condition of cotton as com pared with but j ear. Same. ' 5. Acreage im ai.laat yar. Condition tsJ. 3. 1 acreage of 5 per teit la ac react. Condition ?0. 4. Increase of acnage 5 er eeaL Condition .j. - ft. Decrease cf acreage i per cent. Condition 7a. 6. No report. ?. Increased acreage 10 per cent. Condition 8. Increal acreage 10 per rent. Condition 70. 9. Aereage same. Condiliosj T3. 10. No rrimrt. 11. No iacrea-e In acreage. Con dition 7i- 12. Increased acreage 10 per cent. toodition vu. 1Z. iincreaaea acreage, 10 pat cent, tndiuoa nj. Ihe stUr UUa fl v. mtmt at aoce, asvl lit lut tm. TU aerrvtary m t,irzul la oisla pticee fr pr i-x. iv. It Is rli&V.rvl tbi tl r orctioc can le? t&ade lt ait J.OVO, wtich ran l r t c-t f . tbe tut Teat receipt tf It y j o la a I tbere will t t-a U ! Uaoe. It was also deridrd la etUrJ a 1 maia to Al!a;! at raw ( IL J convtabrece of tbe -w kaiUitr! mUl at the rwat frvteey. if tic' mill pwpU sakaJa If. aava- Tete latasMsit, f enUttf the Iaibw tblWCib'WBt this stioe, pftsrUsw tl fact tbI j the world faotd CcCe Brtbcr I eitrd Mosimt IoIki bevel cet Friday. Alrradi tie .... . y axa bn eiders are ta aattrifsktieg the caiax of lk; aigbly Uatnl aa cr-3:at rtktrf prise and iu count wocdrr or tbU Mia te(: Iv4br etUrged tbeir bo U rtrry de partmtnt and tbetf giratly ac; raentrd list cf perfoit&tin, 't acta aad metaeTie cb;lsU it ierrsry la add avrta! aaorv railroad car. Today tire ;rval trmitti are irtolrvd to lrart tbe huge tetU, rdrrfi ar-s. emcee, dens, chariot, uUewa car. elepbaata, rarer! bo-vrs. xi;a. men and women. la tbe triple nogVal rvrdct, combined under ooe rat spread cf canvas, are to be loa&d tbe til tleg speciraees 4 tare. trae and curious an i avals frm tittt r luarter of tbe .lobe. Iroaibrat a tbts rotlrrtioo is a full groaa yellow OillsasMoM-batas. titr the noly pte ever wo t. r-aa implored north t-f t;rvat -ate keat aUirude al. it waa oaly by trrtudog the grtwtrst dir -Vxar v that Co!e BrctbrV agvc'ji were ettaUed ta gtt tbe asiaal oat cf the country. Coveml with a betvy coat of pure gulden yellow ta;r. the taiast waa regard! as oirt y tbe catltrs bot te of Loq rn1d l-e Jr.deret t lid it lis tore. There are ctier etb;l(U ef aai mal Lfe equally at rare, afe.Vieg a tisit to Cole trcttetV ttc t;j;r ms of far greater e4ca:oc.U t de than will eter be girted by ti deepest study of all lit .l at band !n the 5bt cf r-a:arJ bUtory. ImiJe tie vati cats at aaipbilbeaira are tirve gnat r.tgt and aa many e!ttatd atgs en circled by a taotuur taclcin k jjo- droce track. Ottrcar-tHCg all is a veritable mare of trapere a4 Lcri teetal bar, tntr ritr. rrr". wirvs atd etber aerial rrc-sg r oca the Wg.a&i&g to tbe ct-4 of tbe prfora&aL, tutdrvdt cf Kwr. woman and aa.rusJ perfoxn covtr the groend aad CIJ tb air ta the rendition of a tt jramrae. ttr bke and eqeal ef wKkb bat rtr t;cre Uceo aeeru Tlrs era fflr oraciowra ex-i tetrrittrct ra:r laprtme. 1M Meaa at t - It's a igti6caftl frt Ibst tlr strongest animal of t: aie, lie gotUla. alto has the Urge! !aer. t'owerfel locg arts roerlcl creatotea. How to keptta trvalb log organs rtbt Loo Id bm nu a cbiefeat study. Like thousand of others. Mrs. Ora A. btepbtae, ol Port Williams. O , ha leaned how to do lb ia. Sbe write: "Three bottle of Dr. King New D.a eoeery ttopped tay eoefb of two years and cured ice of what ray friends thought eonaacapllon O, It's grand for tbmat and lecg Irooble,' Guaranteed br Stat-o A Z.:it lhdicririL. Prioe i-c and$l-0X Trial bo! tie f;ee. la lte ?! ; t i J K :t e-t fife i efLi-. f,,.-.. !. fil atxll tt-ta ett - 1 1 . t a5 ' r , t aJit.J IXit f rl'f eiu-laSS i'is ! tw'tlu..! I ta:. ; i.e s..4y aoo-a at t - tis ; t t --"t 1 1 -l f" l'j il t'.a au ? a ... r It e l J- L. tu i;in cnr.iu CeUiu cf i:t:ar;u ai l.fltsl itTI r"artia! m, is . I--; t e t .e . t;- tilt' 1 j at-l TevtiV Aft. Ad!if fia.niu i;::t. " t ij..:;, , BANK UPTAUIOU. ........ ZX-Jt Ut i . ..... J' w f$. ....... .. . Sj e J. I. Wwb iceJ.Preet. J. T. l-oel, V F-ict. J 2. G. CVoe. I. . Ift. Ah Cja' . sa rt!. r esses en PANI.. I.i:;V Pare U. at! t" ttxm i .?-. Will I i."- lim .f er :m to I L Xil. i 'Torn osrrr t LOW PRICES AND HIGH STANDARD QUALITY prttajj at oar tvre. Wr bstr a ms ear p ol sty a!taf ite I'cf ti-.ttr r are tsadt U Mtif yoa silljitjt t; yoa eJ. V!riiet t.t. It ti.n ca&'v f f!re- r ,.f i t. if tie ! , ILH't leri:cre Iwa!r'. Fstctal IH iwtm aid l'utiWu-e?'. If wp:raeyui. tr:rLrr: tf Kl, UU C. litetal SfM. ttwtak' tbe a yos;r kk tt.. t.r Ilbt I.sbl the t lx to at TVV ;! Treat Vw Bkl "I tWrvt tu PA I.TN Kl 1 1 1 P I I - X !.t T ION. lb tiartrbip beftU'cfe. r. Utlrg ntdrt tb f.ra at ar-l tySt!sitr Brvtler b a tli !J lea d;r.trJ ly eevtral rue.!, W. ?.tK;itrrvt.ritr. Tbr -r ;rvry ai.I le? esdso trl by J. II. I'aataisrs A S9, m bo a IH settle all !.". J. 1 c4"et all c'-aav. J. It. tt W W W.M.Ct In rvtiritg fia tl f-rsi c f rocitg P.r"tr I do-r ta t - prv y ibatA fc tbe IltaraJ Iatrvt;e t;ocd asl Iotjk far ny n,u.4 a tcr !-.. of tbe xue. W. B. Cl a!i.-a. Tbl f ept- t IW. DICYwLC STOLEN. MallSlaa tssa "leeta. a The stockholders of the Edge combe Homestead Si Ixan Associa tion succeeded in mustering up a quorum. This done, tbe proceed Ings passed smoothly. The number of shares which one person could hold was increased from 100 to 500. To facilitate future meetings the president was instructed to appolot a committee of three to solicit proxies. The same board of directors without change was unanimously re-elected. BesntW e 1M Ls TM Lr Lrzn lx$ TarWoro; til A03. 13, 1906.I 1 1 Hessaea Vae ttmm a ttve ae l.ltk ea. tMHf a.taa tef ae J. a, rl e Vmsm. W. lWrlnUoo of Bicycle: (?tyle Gcets), 23 Fram. Bcavl lLarrr. mayleby IUdicg standard CyrU Mfg. o.,co-or lUack Frame wttb Blue Head. Gear about 2 1 and ,l TlreaG. & J. 1 1 Z2s, irvdal bur) Handle Bar Forward 1- lension. aerl .o. IllO a or I4?3 a. I). AJ. traak Haartr Cn-la Blrycle aallat.kie. tAsy to rmtue, 14ue ia frvct, m. - m . a a rvsi or irame uiacK. I will ineres reward lo t. providiug tbeooe Ibal find the mbeel gets the man that did tbt stealing. kill couch w CURE thi LUNC9 Dr. King's New Discovery rVit ISeStt CO I ee lea. kwMl e-a laaaeet C re $3 a-l Tltr-OJLT ass LCXO T&OCB acoairg SACXL r 8 st.tu a e I aVi v w 1 urn WMmm Htw V ia ait C Ov' I t. WAXTBO rgirl aud toy to workin a new knitting mill ia lartjoro. irood wacw. Apply U S S'. f '! SW JJ"4 fS tttJtti - a et.m rmm -v- ! t.-a B4 a tfwt Tm tin. tM'4 Xmmmn. Wr M twSyU t t- tt ta m lm. mt ss. i in "ee f m ai a I ' iari i, rfli- -1 .t 1 r v. 1 . " . " - . t 11 lf f a It V W ' - 4 " ' . s-3'-e ..... . t a 1 . r-j r4! . I est a C. W. JtHrrys, Tarboro, N. C. dw the imported. Try it. k 55oellar, drng store. ... 0 r- - a SJ afa,v.. UVtH Bold by all druggists