' Y , Ii V II I I II II f H i If Kil j II ; . ll J l r 'vy vy 'r a mat .si a m aw a - a - a BE 8UEE;TOU.AElfi RIGHT;THBN GO a Frff,An--n Orockott 'vol.. 84. N0.3V. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1906. ESTABLISHED 1822. sift DO I I CIS--- :tve the dyspepi.Sc from many , sniscry . and cnaiHe him to eat i ; c r he wishes. . They prevent . fooJ to assimilate end nour Uty, give keen appetite, P FLESH 1 muscle. elegantly sugar substitute. Held that A vo-i's. In met , v ... tar ('oa;;'.i in it othc" t one v :ii . -Zlv . contu;' and x : ol'ti. Ilriirflductd. .. V aiwavs been conceded na llVld's "The Little : wa the most expensive comedy production in t, iu point of actual nothing has yet been done r passes it. This season, v Olga - von Ilatzfeldt 13 with the Held production . : " Presidential Electloaa. Onr manner of electing a presi dent readily lends 'itself to the choice of a minority candidate. Ik is an anomaly that 1,100 votes as in . New York in 1684 should swing teventy electoral votes, thirty-five from one candidate to another and thus decide -an election. By preserving the electoral vote system - as now, and giving the smaller states Btill the advantage. it ruight.yet be possible to divide the -. electoral i. vote of each at ate according to the popular vote for each, candidate, giving each his pro rata of : the electoral vote on that basis, the' odd eleotor bein apportioned to the candidate having the largest fraction, so that in New Yoik Mr. BUine would have had seventeen elec toral votes and Mr. Cleveland eighteen. Other states would have been more or less evently divided, bat tne resnlt vwoukt be that the choice of" president would no longer be resitrieted to two or tireat Cncrult I PravlSenCe The Republican National Com mittee did have the grace to srive P rovidence credit fr a few days of rain and suntbine when 1 they were figuring out the Mat of ra tional achievements that should be Bet down to the "credit of the republican party. Aside from this small concession to . Providence he republican text book for the comiDri congressional campaign is about the uio&t all embracing and selfishly egotistical volume that has ever been gotten out even-for campaign purposes. The Mana gers of Ithe republican campaign . This attraction will ap- i he opera house, October CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Signature of fidUi h is vty, aau if tho critics of e may be believed, i is 1 lie liveliest and girliest en in a number of years; v'nv numbers fiftv. and i-; array of youth, talent I tnree states as in our past history iv that would be hard to I nd is likely always to be the case as long as the whole electoral vote of two or three large pivotal states must swiD to oue side or the other ana determine the re sult. This change would avoid the present evil rof large sums of mniiav VaCai V or a rvant - 4l.H Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Load electoral vote of aiarge pivot a state, tor there would ceae to be pivotal states. At the same time it would avoid the open gulf into whieh a per capita rallot by tho wnoie union would lend na. By the .convention of 17S7 the term of the president was origin ally fixed at seven years and h was made ineligible for re flec tion. This was redueed to four years ' by a compromise that he could bo re-elected without Jimi tatiou. Washington imposed a Imiita tion by example, but it LwiU not always-be binding. An amesd- menc making tne term six yt-ara and the president meli-nbltf r re election has lo'jg ieen iva. re by a I '-'e"portion or h pu"!'' indeed, w.ieu the cousiuuttoun conveutioa of the union shall as- semble, as it must some day, to remodel our coustitution. k is more than probable that thn vj era of the executive will als Vx restricted. 'His powers are now great than those of any sovereign of Europe except Russia, and the real restrictions npon him at pres ent are not corfHtntiocal, bn4he senate and tcejidiciary. ilm. Walter Clark, iu the Independent. si Or HYATT, IT HE AND UNDER TAKER. nay' & f I edges' Stables T.irbora, N. C. :P. C A WHITEHEAD, Dentist, TAB BO RO. N. O. o ir? to 1 and 2 to 6 N WILLIAMS, i Aw QUI? r?v-' i Oxide and Oxygen Ga in the extraction of teeth mo.. N. c JAMtVM. NORFLEET Attorney at Law Nor fleet Bldg,-W. St. Street, Tarboro, N. C. 1M , ZOELLER, 1 iasoline and rSieain Hnginf :. Adjusting of Gasoline En- LV,. 5?b-s u speci.a.ty. : , T Cure av rta " ' says Sum Kendall, of Thill ipabutjr, Kan., jant cover it with Cuckten't Arnica Halve and tbe Salve will do the rest.' Quickest cora for Vile, I-urn. Iloila. Sora, Scalds, i$of Feet, Wound; Eczema, Chapped Hand. Bait Kbeara and Fore Eyes. Only 2fc at Htaton & Zoel ler'a drug store. Guaranteed. A summarj of the farm reports of the Labor Bureau of this State shows labor scarce in all the counties except one.Un which there were determined that tbey would are no negroes, this being Mitchell everything ic county. The tendency ii for araait take credit for i a. raa. a . . . signt. iney eviaenjiy stood in considerable awe of the labor movement inaugurated against them in several states and were caroful to enumerate the various methods by which they had sought but 57 favor it. far main 03 counties. Negro labor is declared by the people in tight counties in be unreliable. Thirty seven counties oppose immigration Jtr. BrrU Ttlti .m Dr. clw The 'following la the tribute paid by Mr. Bryan to Dr. Melvrf Greensboro: on political subjtcta a!Ur tbt tad incIdeDt.' aaid Mr. Brvaa. I have been brought to realize what a, terrible thing la death. I moat lurreoder to my personal feelings to-night I have traveled omealoce Uat Iwm here. I came back to America think Idic more of my country than ever before. There is more aJtroiim here thae o any other country. Wherever joa go you find Americana hold nf bp American pt loci plea. I tound in vxf joarneja people with muaiont, dGtytt Brlllab an American Packers. William Haydon and Gnrney i.Ct I ( ' .Tack of All Trades pump y wood, cut feed and do vise that a good reliable Knfrine can do for you. A if for the askings I sell !' machinery for cash or B. A. ZQELLEI1. a :ic." TA I P.s HOWARD, - County Attorney. . in the Court House. ; A XT ED 10,000 lbs of bees-, '"ol, aud feathers. J. Zan- 15tl 1-4 i' D. JEXKINS i: sician and Surgeon, ' . X 0. 'Phone No. 156 .THAN WILLIAMS, L'ii.4orial Artist and Hir tj'iit Decorator. t . 1-ors from Bank of Tarboio Bandall, accredited delegates from the Loudon meat trade guild to the recent convention of retail butchers at Milwaukee, who were also delegated to make u tborougb inspection of American packing houses, sailed from New York 00 the Celtic for home yesterday. They said that though they had react a'.t of jhe attacks upon American packinghouse methods, they had come to this country wit n open minds, determined to se as much as possible and to report to the English authorities Alter merougniy inspecii ng a larze number ot plants, they are unqualifiedly: of the opinion that our inspection service -is an ab solute safeguard against diseased meat, either fresh or prepared, and that our canned meats are clean, wholesome, and palatable. They laid particular emphasis upon their opinion that our pack ing houses are in a sanitary con dition, and that the British public ned have' ro hesitation about to aid the cause of labor. '1 he 8-hour labor law, the Chinese Ex clusion Act, the Safety Appliance jjaw, ana all of the other laws which might be supposed to in teres the working man had been drawn 00 to swell the total of presumably republican Achieve ments. The compilers of the cam paign boot veiy carefully forgot to remember that the moat of tbia legislation a passed by the aid of Democratic votes and would" not have been pasted at all had it not been for I be knowledge that if tne republican uaitv failed to pas it, the Democrats would f-oon be given a chance aud would assuredly take advantage of it. lhe one absorbing topio on which the voters of the country would like a little enlightenment has been parsed over at scantilv as might be. Thequestiou of tariff j revislou 19 confined almost wholly to a summary of tariff history and triff laws with all the tariff plaaiis of the - republican and Deuioeratie'parties. In this con nection also, the large growth of American trade and manufacture is dwelt upon with an effort to prove that they are entirely the result of republican policy. In this Fkme connection the Bureau f l!ir Ja tcen r!ran urn t Suuw that whiii-it is true tLi ice price of rommiidities has increas ed in the past ytar, the price of wages has liseu more thin pro portionately. - This is about the most transparently partisan claim that is made in the whole Look, aud when oue sees the way in which it is sandwiched in, with the excuses rgainst revising the tariff, it is easy to understand why the Coiurisioner of Iibor wj movea toiMaueiiii very rusikt ble report juot iu time for it to get into the hands ot the cam piigu text book editor. Altogeth er it is a beautiful partipao vol ume, as iodred one might expect 6uch a book to be, but it trots beyond even the usual lengths of partisanship in claiming every tung on the horizon for the re publican party, it is remarable that -the editors made even the col cession to Providence here n before noted in virtue of which Tncre ib au increase in the coat ofliiine all et er the State and wages have increased daring the year about 75 cents per month,. Cotton ia produced at 133 a bale of 500 pounds and tobavco at 7 1 2 rents per pound. Omm Caeara Caaap. 1 The archeologist's pick ia eon tinually maktog its way into the p&t, and brinsing to light the woms and waja of the ancients. The latest point of attack ia Ale- eia, the uallio stronghold where Vercingvtorix made hia last auui against Julius Caexar. The woik. arduout aud extensive, is under taken by a t reoco. tit orical a ciatioo. An account of the place and ita pro.-pecU ia prinlei In the Uoaton lraoscript. For many centuries the site of AlrHta Nraa uncertain. All ques tions in legard to its locality, however, were set at rest by m poleon III, who made excavations in a plain just beneath the plat eau of Mont-Auxois, not fat from Dijon. lUlyiogon an old mnkbh narrative and the Coiumotariee of Caesar, Napoleon aatcbed for traces of Caesar's aiege wotka.and found tuem just wbie the recur Ja said they were, and iojotttbe form describe.!. He aim ftiod the plaot-a where CavSar had a tabled his horse, close to the river. Even in their smallcat detail the re mains tallied h exactly with the record that tter could no looger bo a shadow of doubt aa to the eitnation of A!esia. Though Napoleon Illuneatthed Caesar's camp in the plain, be le the top of ilont-Auxoia untouch ed, and it ia there the tSemur Arch eologicl Hociety will carry out ita wot. lUy vutt.v putraa coveted witu ccra filda aud po tato patents. Btfueath,' to be re vealed, one may picture a Gallo Roman oppidum, with its temples ita theateif, ita palacea' its amphi theater and its forum. Tberw are enough evidences to prove that the dream of the arch eologist in founded ou fact. Heaps of com, gold, silver and copper, have ben accidentally-unearthed on top of Mont-Auxoia. Jewel, weapon, bronzes, slfinihcanc iu MIC 44ti CI . The cilirroa f Tmrtoro a ad Edgecombe county were til made ! glad by the arriral of Cole Broth ers big eirrua. The arrival f a rircoe Is alwava an latrmtlez: prodipg and this tiaeaaaoo excrplioa. Before the sua trade bis appearance hundreds had a embled a Wilaoti itrret and Albemarle avenue to witnema the unloadicg. It la truly tBtertatleg to otsterve with what ytrm and celerity all the cirroa parapherea 11a an taken from the cars and trainfe rr4 to the commoea and to what an incredibly short time a A HATTER GF HEALTH men and women who sacrifice all to carry out an ideal. I Hty of tent gem op. What I liked about Ottr daadl The aLrwt ttarm,! vtiLr-K t..t friend was that be lived for what Li.M m m h .t. ... be pot in the world, not what he 1 ,7 U 7 " V took out .-fit. Dr. Mclter had mmU- made bis Impreaa on North Cro nii .Wooded was out of the tnot Una. lie enlarged your edocatlon. pleaalog alghta we hart seen in Ills love for humanity male him I an v tra J. w hi! nara.ra tat aa truggla. He gave hia .life Wa bia L .hoi ia th. tt a wotk. lie baa built a great loati-l I tutloo here. Dr. Mclter could wiy w lt jwace. bare been happier at home when loaodj w0 followed them to be wa away speaklog, but he had Ithe show grouoda witacd the won to ao. u paid hie tribute greatest free txhlWtioa ever tern to womaoDooa by tryiog to do aomAthinc trt maka iht homa han. pier, In your hearta he will lire D z,, Prfome lie on. Dr. Mclver has reared a moo-1 rvmaikaUe faalof daahiaf down an ument to himself that will tire llnclincJ r!oon a tkvele. tttt frver. He baa shown ua what lavcr a atrial Af iUUkt. iog ou a platform aal cooUaaief edded to the ideals that ah.pe ,wrT" .oui a yrar the iudiviJual than to political f m m cf the featarva I parties. Parenta, give your child I circa tea an4 wa girva aadtr ren a conceMion or Iita that ia I - mil. 1 nrn i 1 f Absolutely Pure A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phot phntlc acid HAS HO SUBSTITUTE ma high aod noble. I believe that Dr. Helper was a Christian. My trip around the world baa eoovinced me of tb priceleaa value of CbrUtJaoify.. At the age of 14 years a teat ia the United States benate was the otitct f my ambitions. I did cot want to eo to Coogreae or to be PrratJent. The Senate was the place. I haye changed now. X do not care to hold oCiee. I want to do all the good that 1 can. I am triviog to leave the world ame tMug. I had rather, a tboutaod times, leave the world what Dr. Mcteer halft it than to leave John D, Rockefeller's mllllona, larvias Watte. Because bet atomach was ao weakened by .naeleas drugzlog that ahe could not eat, Mrs. Mar; U. Walters, of St.Ualr St., Col umbos, O., was literally ttarvlog to death. Bha writes: 'My stom arh waa so weL fioui um- dn:ga that I rxuld not ri( atd my neiyes ao wreck d that 1 could not sleep; and tot befote X waa given up to die waa I lodoeed to try Eltcttlc Bitter; with the woo- deilul result that Improvement bgaa at cnci and a complete core followed. Beat health Tonie oa earth. 50c Guaranteed by bta- ton & Zoeller, the drug giata. raaaaaala aa'a. TheSoalbevaer haa aet er tica well to the peopodiioa that tism eottoo farmers hoo!4 ibale thm iftdvca a boldlac trmf. bt it baa alw.,,1, aacaaad atofU.-. period arsvd the faresfra ta r The attendant this af wrtooa 1 1 xalie aod have a thorough c a- ia Urge and aolhotiaauc. Ualioo. HotdUg eolo U a tatr larideat la what lhe farmer by here tkrow ia t cf U fmzat. Ta fotloa crv cf tb raty aed ;t axocry H.V Ls4 te a ie4nr-at U ttitg nf j o:ira rautt tt-xra-ar Ur tetlitaf tttr ltl' Hat o-akl arw (tutm c;ri , Caiaaaa ra4 a4. Jim Le. who ran the Ckloe"IIfa t eaa anrf-tuh. laundry here waa found drad la hia room Fri. morning. Ft toe days he had been aatferiog with atomach trouble and wat bcieg treat d by Dr. Jnktaa, This morning he told a negro As aa ImUmh wt0te a street ramor: Ik prt bmj era cjfevttoa hare divided IkU trriUwy ao a not to cwafiictor enhance prtevm. We are in no rciiioct to aebalaa tiate thb, ' bet are anaarv aa.. . . m ... a .a boy wboait hia to go and iron n 109 w f a aome collars and then he rooid to WMLa thaa thtt. Hrry. tk.rr U Mrlhe!ihow. ouUide of the mill res aad a When the buy, Ialy Farmer, rwiltr r tto.wwuU. had dose a directed he returned W tkal theia U ml Uf to the room and found Jim dmd, eri fof twoprtI boaaa. ith htm rt mnA ar ! Vthil thU .the fneft tie t:ni m:iu c:oiu tt iitzatm m imii nit XVartirwl vdaoaljoai la rti- twtlfv. tCS'lfcrr.ajf,I4 trial "tetsttr'( a4 U T: Art. A$4rvw fia::uT:iiT:i, up as if he ta-1 suffered agony. , It la probable that ir. Thlgi en, the coroner, when hebetates from the couatry, will make an aatorwy if he docs not bold an inquest. Jim Iee live! a1n. A country nan friend ho Uvea la Wbioif. tou came up I hia morn tog at Jie riqocst. but he arrited after the man waa dead. Jim has a coulo who Uvea la Wi!on. who haa beo communi retrd with, and who will piob- ably look afler the remains. onr remarkably successful crops I actiptiens one in pure Latin, dat- were able to come to maturity. Well Worth Xrylur. "W. H. Brown, the populat pen sion attorney, of Pittsneld, Vt., tays: ''Next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr. King's ing from the brat century bave been discovered. Last September a congress cf archeologiata and historians aa , em bled at Alise. To impress tbetu with the importance of the forth. coming excavation, the auperin tendeut of Napoleon a operationa ftat II t:iaer. Onr good friand and Utter citi- w W-a . n. ixau u. ivurgui urop 6g organs light aboold ba man's the flice and aaja ioat aay, and put cbtefeat study. Like thouaanda ol into the Weekly ;too, that MX will J others. Mrs. Ora A, Htepheaa. ol not accept the nomination that the repotlicana made me. Dear gentlemen of Booker Wash ington aod Collector I rum, that . aw i .ita 1'iiia na . ru a-u i " . a :u"-.r"::v;if.r7:; pnneipit t whn joo nirrh T nhVTuVrfo Wd: !? at the corn fields. KVttled opoQ wbich ,on Uud . r- rr. iiiiia hi inAftA irct'nfa iaia nir i HCn, . VAJUdUpHilOU MUU D1I1UU9- ness. 25:. Guaranteed it S.taton patibg our these two tueac men protlucts. At- & Zoellsr's drug store. .Argatneal far Black l.liC KniTOit Souiuerseu: , I wts greatly impressed with the statement in our paper of a fei 0. D. "VaGNEB, ... ... tfraotor and Builder. ni Heavy Work Solicited utes Promptly Furnished. BARBER, TARBORO. N:C YOUR FAMILIES WITH 'Ur XV. If alaushtering live stock and sell ing it at wholesale and retail, be ing therefore actual competitors of American packers, their state ments must be taken at fnli value. National Provisioned The Siaulh's imperial tM. p A, Over $2,000,000,000 is invested in conon muia m lauiuo u America dependent -npou the .ontb for their raw material. It is estimated that 10,000,000 people i in Great Britiau alone live on the i notion industry of that country. The balance of trade in tavor ot the United States depends upon I our cotton exports, which now an nuallv reach $400,000,000. or more . -a a a J3 ai ! than the world's goia ,rouucuoi. Of this roval crop, imperial m n.agnitude and in domininon oi the world's financial and manu- fotTirinc intetests, the oouui i holds a world-monopoly. Its abil- pioauction svua ao -a i . are engaged iu I days ago saying that the secretary f the Merchants lAsaociatiou had m issued a new Black Lit" contain ing more than four hundred uaiuec. furthermore I am sure that if tbe merchants of Tarboro aould come to the capport of the Associa tion and rid their book of all names that show no iuciiuation, when able, ot paying tneir accounu theie wouid Le more than eight hundred bainea on this list. These eight huudrvd . names would doubtless represent dearly aa inany families, arid if each faiult) cousiblfcf five ptiaous, there would be I our thouaaud pertous, who are 1 . 1 . I ii aram u iu lueruiiauio, wu the porch of a Unman theater. A shallow ditch, nowhere moiethan a yard deep, waa made clear across the plateau. This brought to light wall, well, payments, to say nothing of medallion, pottery and fragments of statuary. 1 1 is not merely, to recover loat vestiges of Roman Gaul that Mont Auxoia is French archpoiogiats look for remnants of a pie Roman Aleaia. A legend makes Ueicules the found r of the ancient city. Slu dents cootiect it with Pheulciao settlrro, one thousand years before the Christian era. Older still, the name ia traced to an Iberian source. Yonth'a Companion. yonr elaim for good company eeema be fading away. caa andentaad. There will bw oo com petition prkt. If the farmer d orraai thoroughly they wld iep thia, o raatt Uileg and t;Ir- they could atop the graditg by aa ia trmUd (fader. CvOota la acid by is a grade. 7h farmers ahou'.d. If wie, rxtalia and employ aa txpet I gra4r, aiJ then aay to & cotioa people hrr la cotot aad iu grad, boy it If joa want tt. No rvtctlofi ta I a tradrd to h taale atrooceal animal of its ait, the V1 " hotBa " J gotiUa, also haa tb largest losr. I be a eats to bay aa cheap as he fowerfcl lungs means powerf all can and the famer a iou to 11 at rreatntea. How to kep tne breala y M he ran. The boter cf et ton ia rgaalred, In acl'rr U not and la therefor at the tnr f Port Williams. O , baa learned Hn man who la bay lag. how todothia.bhe writ: Three The rtdy la raabaUoa. a tears and cured me of what mf when cotton laUa;ttia, it eaa friends thought eonsunpUoa O, I graded by so Indrpendret ti ll grand for throat and long I pert and then lb farr.tr caa iay. IroubU Guaranteed bt Butawant thUai trict'raid tw hf . . . I a u r m:I2 i 1 1 r in 1 1. trt it i . The rrtrlip htr5if! . es ttting ecdrr tie Cm aasa awd tylt:a,tltra BrUifrs kaatlia day tm dctjtd t-y rnataal reat, V. !. Casasatagt rvSirltg. The waa gnwrvry Ute twad ac ted by J. B. ttemlca A mm ho w ill acttl all blUa aad col'-wt all eUlsia. J. B. IV Matau, V.H.C to. la rv.''rf f ti-. "i ! CarsMikt r l:rMfcr I to t yrrmmj Ihanla f..r bt- at rotate tatow rd and lt$e, tor By -iwrrianr a ttiett&ft f the aa&. W. 8. ttWWtY. ThU. fr- . 1?. KILLtmiCOUCH wCU R E Jz JL jJ IN ca -Dr. King's New Discovery wcauwrntl fMra FyH I &-X.af aa i3ailJa Lklt fft tL & Zoeller lb dioggiala. Price 5e aod S 10. Trial bottle frre- Ta r4 in llaatrv. A pig which J. T. Saeil wss fat tening In a pen near tbedegot was stolen Thursday night-also a half a dozen of b la chickens. Chickens to be. explore!. The I were stolen from oue or more of his neighbors. All these will probably be eaten todsy. iUa Taa rati. When as sUtad that the Yt4 knitting mill would b called tb Peanut Stocking Co . that was tree I ct out the payer locally aad hip lm freight ilf not the cvUoo eaa be shipped, for It t kaowa twfoe tt start cm itsjoar&ey, Jl what 11 Si aad what ahocld tm ti 4irw. If aarraaary th farater ran e eo to pay their ulTalo Lick Spring Water j lightful and a kidney cure. 1.L n itv to ncrsase wwu F.vwv...v,-. ,,.,,;,. would be compelled i ust debts. It has been eslimatea mat iue merchauU of Tarboio have lcat ly making bui accounts rn the pai live ars no leas thau twtnty thousaud doiiara. Dtean'c thia iudicate that thsy A Theatrical Kveat. One of the moat important o.'.tbc ommg altraciiona a( ti.e opera house ia the Counter Uiga ven llalZlciat IU tut ijhus vuvuras, with Anna Held' magniGcctt production intact. The original book by llAiry Be Smith, haa been rewritten to 'suit the pcrtonality of the Cou ntcaa, while many num ber that will appeal to the popu lar taste have been added to legi nald De Koveu'a beautiful ecot. ct. Mary'a School, Raleigh, openetl with 135 boarding student. all it can at present accommodate. Only two arrests were made a circua day, one lor picking a pocket aod the the- for being drunk. The crvwd in town waa very Urge, hut it waa quite orderly. but. there is an It. It will called tbia if turn a mill la ran, JbiI now as w are informed the projectors of th mill are serious ly aod to our mind too Kmui!. tbtaki&c of taking th machinery bought with th tptctalion cf 'a- suiting iu this bi:d jg sad Uklcg direct. ThU wad ac4 UmI4. for it would make ur t&i'l mea ClUi 1.5 Kii::ji ki Ieai:::i Ij Oin-Wtrt Ca3c23iy fJiarys Uxtt tarars Mead. It ' aanl ft cwMl IM eT to Baowymed and tUr paraueg I aruaary aa4 Ua4Jk icmUn - mm . ... , , , I tmmm tTCW4 tO t-i it. If ao it wdl le: as ia BimWrl eir-r-i vTl J5 mrm on mill lesa to braf oter and yet 15 reaalu the ame. so far aa labor t output iiconcwrned. Jtit why this cbang w t not u alara. mm aa4 Wtaat Care tor mi Tlt&OAT a4 LVXO TX0C- ixa. e xosrr ztacx. HANKOIIAUIULU. Ca. tal .... j.Cf'H twsawia... 1 Sae s..- -................ fJU J. F. ?ick;fo.Pr'. J. T. lUaard. V lN-air,a, J J. Crrea. Catr. l V. Hart. At Caal-r, Uur Wa Ut ; real. PANOLA DAIUV Par If wk asi Crvwta Ptrj wul lt lUir rr t rbc Na. til. i i The Oue Woman" Is one of fall sdfiaed, bat no dosht, will U the attractions which Manager Mater. and u ability to develop cotton I , fap.tnrin commensurate wi'h m-m. BOTTLING WORK iap.tjsa i are nmiiea vuiy --"T , r oly. Economic forces win ci ue-L;.ii;-hriii? about - a great iu- A Merchant. Phone'140. ! i 'iu Lick Spring Ginger Ale j i uscs the imported. Try it. . - w.jiiatdid Tea Nuggets - Mediciiie fit i!iJ Faopla. luea Hsaith lad lieaawed Vlgw. ? ir Cons; ipatloo, InrtlSiastfon, Ufa ' y Troubles. Pi'rpi..'8. Kc'iemj, Impl - i-Breath. FNitrtrish Bowels, Heaiacbe ;' !: he if n.iclcy Uountain Tea in tab 4 .r'.,. a", hum a box. Genuine-made br Ji''L:.isriiu Dhco Ooxpadt. Madison, Wla. -., " : CN NUGGETS T8B SALLOW PEOPLE .ocaitir hrinir ;acous in rwrnnlation and thus ticaoo r tr nrenare the wav for a vast expan i j - ,onnfotnrinir and in n.nMinn" a the price and de- m, intifv. The Souta wauu mjj - produces 80 per cent ris not "Merchant" makirg delinquents too high, especially ss to families! Aodoubtmosionne black list are young men probable without families. Ed-3 Subscripfionsto ah4.es in tie new building and loan association are null in order. . : Mr. Brian U not In favor of government ownership of railroad! if covcrnment regulation will d. He doubts if anvthinz shoit of ownership wilt accoapllh t- is but ii willing tbatr- governmeut control be first given a fair trial. Tue farmers can more readily or canize to protect themtelree ag untt the peanut trust than they can to maintain a minimum -'price for cotton. Perfect organisation could accomplish for both. but the greater a j. a a awl . . . I f the nomoer, tee more uinicuit ia aa euective orgaouation. ....... m of the cot-1 0f the limitless pcssibillties lor . m onn ninlp o? in thia iiidustrv aloue tOnlOr tne .l,w-w,vyv " iZZ. t r'B" ,tKa fntnrn I TI,, ltn rrn.r. fif rUHfal in tbft world, but has ies mau when you are aiuujiifi I , V ,w 7 ar "7 l" 1 J.-ai - ifoif Think r snnth I bave decUrcd for ten cent cotton. lUfUVU,ovV upAiuca v- vt ; . Weddeli has bonked for this season. Cotton is yielding so we gstb. er from the fsrmera, from 30 to 31 percent, of lint. The greener the plant the smaller the yield seems to be the yield M. Heitbroner it back from New York and ao U aome esquiaite jewe!- 'J The Mariin Club waa band' toa.eii entertained Thorvday afur noon by Mr. Harry amtth. , Miasca Mary and Ltl Whitehead. ot Scotland Neck are viaiUog the r aunt, Mrs. M. J. Cobb. The many friecda of Be v. B. W Aleiauder are glad to rce him at home, after lateral aeka isvaie illneas, much improved. Friends her regret to learn of the illneaa of Mrs. Frank Iarker at her home la Enfield. Contractors and BallJer. rrn ri " ' r , x , r ' Any iW Jsttaca as. Whau wa are a cbP as any, and rite guarantee. Plana and prttica tWea foriUha " dw Main and Water Ett. Thoo 120. FOB SALE- Straw berry plant. I bsvee larr lot I js proved ldy ariaw early -I tare lk ttt ta i .rarrr I Urew aasa ta"j-ruat TV tila7 f "t aal fwarvTy the Uat fcalS wa, " or oat 4 or4rr. ca aakiiI le skVI yoaf ta,ar Ulf l aSartal a. aww mry orjaa mm 14 tm i oa ate akk or - feat WaSr ." W4 Uit lit gtT klay wa If. I iU5aeIUc. twnaaae a ae f aw a atorra ant wait Ihre S-T rn.ll Um oeiare ee r3- la icak. A ti mx'A reaiutt tttui. If ar M.aw el watt a W tna Armt vt alair rts aaiVl at f1 ratiii'y r 4 im ilif-a Sw-ttS. Ii. C kUawy rrmmlf, ta anaw t'L ti f tb aaa lUrtrraaag . w mi na wsmnm hf aU lrarjrAal SJ:wa ca-iar eaiaij; ; , SBira. pe vmmr klft a rata;' W!t b taj (raa. aJaoa asft hoar Uia4 oat if J lt UaVUr inau. zmnm ?ae Thomnao strawberry PlaaiVrady tulf.i:af h c.r-t for tranaplanUeg which X r at M marwW ti aa. ar7-a. t3c per 100 or tl per 1,000. It. O. Hart, HarUcase, si, U. Dr. lUl-mf SaaacSw. aa4 a 4- d X5t a 2 txwa, Itiajratoa, X . rwaryaaai-a. TiVitnTinn Ncif brrvtT IQltt l.M Sw tfcat tia.fr--I f A llU I lUL ty drpi) I w id atutd tb fHowteg . t-larva ta Lb arttval towfeahipaott Htm day Iaikmlr4 br!w for the purpoaeof tv-atltitg sad c:irrtlnjr latra fey IS: Tahl 2, CV, rulsfday, Oct. 6. No. J. ?pd. Tsea.!ay, Ort. 9. No. 2, Coat lay , Wednesday, Oct. l. No. 4, IwryoT.Thravlsy,trt- tl. Na. i, Ijrcmi, Frtday. Orl. 12. JfS u kiUtrta, Sat. IVt. II- N-. T. F.u'l. Sat. Cat, so. Na. t).d Kj.rt.Toa.rt.tC. No 9. Mardy, Sat. Orl. 2t. No. 10, PtttatS Wr-lradiy. Ckl. I?. No. 11, Hartarey Taaralay, Oct. IS. No. 12,. lif XU FU (H. 2T. No. 13, W. J. Ija 'etfuer, FrUtT.tht.lt. No." It, sarti'g, dat. IT. tw. I avll.a Sry4. a4 N-y. X wi1 la r ly Cryiif t at eay 3w la 7rta, da.y, fir th aa-Jte put?. H. F. DAWKJN. f Iff Xlstx.U V. .